Nanoengineering: Global Approaches to Health and ...

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Global Approaches to Health and Safety Issues Edited by

PATRICIA I. DOLEZ CTT Group, St-Hyacinthe, QC, Canada

Amsterdam • Boston • Heidelberg • London • New York • Oxford Paris • San Diego • San Francisco • Singapore • Sydney • Tokyo

Elsevier Radarweg 29, PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, UK 225 Wyman Street, Waltham, MA 02451, USA Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Details on how to seek permission, further information about the Publisher’s permissions policies and our arrangements with organizations such as the Copyright Clearance Center and the Copyright Licensing Agency, can be found at our website: permissions. This book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may be noted herein). Notices Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary. Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein. In using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility. To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein. ISBN: 978-0-444-62747-6 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress For Information on all Elsevier publications visit our website at


List of Contributors Preface

xxi xxv

Section 1 Introduction/General Points


1.1 Nanomaterials Definitions, Classifications, and Applications


Patricia I. Dolez 1. Definitions 2. Classifications of Nanomaterials 2.1 Classification of Nanomaterials According to Origin 2.2 Classification of Nanomaterials According to Dimensionality 2.3 Classification of Nanomaterials According to Chemical Composition 2.4 Classification of Nanomaterials According to Potential Toxicity 3. Properties of Nanomaterials 4. Fabrication Methods 5. Applications 6. Conclusions 7. Sources of Further Information References

1.2 Routes of Exposure to Nanoparticles: Hazard Tests Related to Portal Entries

3 5 5 6 8 10 11 15 18 33 33 33


David B. Warheit, Christie M. Sayes 1. Introduction 2. Possible Routes of Exposure to NanoparticlesdA Brief Review 2.1 Inhalation Exposures 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5

Dermal Exposures Oral or Ingestion Exposures Ocular or Eye Exposures Intravenous/Intramuscular Exposures (Which Occur Almost Exclusively in Nanomedicine or in Biomedical Settings) 3. Nano Risk Framework or Nanoparticle Risk ManagementdDevelopment of Base Set Toxicity Tests as Related to Potential Routes of NP ExposuresdAs Related to Portals of Entry 3.1 Pulmonary Toxicity Study in Rats with Nanoscale TiO2 Particles 3.2 Acute Dermal Irritation Study in Rabbits

41 41 42 43 44 45 45

46 47 48




3.3 Dermal Sensitization Test: Local Lymph Node Assay in Mice 3.4 Acute Oral Toxicity Study in RatsdUp and Down Procedure 3.5 Acute Ocular Irritation Study in Rabbits 3.6 Base Set Toxicity ResultsdNanoscale Titanium Dioxide 4. Sources of Further Information References Additional References

1.3 Methods of Detection and Characterization

48 48 49 49 50 52 54


François Gensdarmes 1. Introduction 2. Concepts of Airborne Particle Behavior 2.1 Molecular, Transient and Continuum Flow Regimes

55 56 56

2.2 Particle Sedimentation: The Aerodynamic Equivalent Diameter 2.3 Brownian Diffusion: The Thermodynamic Equivalent Diameter 2.4 Action of an Electrical Field: The Electrical Mobility Diameter 3. Concepts of Particle Morphology 4. Methods for Detection and Chemical Characterization of Particles Dispersed in the Air

58 61 62 65

4.1 Measurement of Number Concentration 4.2 Measurement of Surface Concentration 4.3 Measuring Mass Concentration 4.3.1 Filter Sampling 4.3.2 Beta Gauge 4.3.3 Piezoelectric Quartz Crystal Microbalance 4.3.4 Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance 4.4 Measuring Mass Concentration Specific to a Chemical Compound 5. Methods for Size Distribution Characterization of Particles Dispersed in the Air 5.1 Measuring Aerodynamic Diameter Distribution 5.2 Measuring Distribution Using Electrical Mobility Diameter 5.3 Measuring Distribution in Diffusional or Thermodynamic Diameter 6. Conclusion References

1.4 Nanotoxicology: Determining Nano-Bio Interactions and Evaluating Toxicity Using In vitro Models

69 69 70 73 73 73 73 74 74 75 75 77 79 80 81


Christie M. Sayes, Jessica R. Child 1. Introduction 2. Summary of the Field 2.1 Exposure to Nanomaterials 2.2 Mechanisms of Nanomaterial Toxicity In vitro

85 87 88 93


2.3 Caspase-8/t-Bid-Independent Apoptosis 2.4 JNK/P53-Induced Apoptosis 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8

AP-1-Induced Pro-Inflammatory and Cytotoxic Genes NFκB-Induced Pro-Inflammatory Response MAPK-Induced NFκB Pathway ATF-2-Induced Inflammation

2.9 NRF2-Induced-Antioxidant Response 2.10 G2/M DNA Damage Checkpoint-Induced Response 3. Making Nanotoxicology Experimental Design Relevant to Real-Life Exposure Scenarios 4. Promises and Risks 5. Current Status of Initiatives 6. Conclusions References

1.5 Fire and Explosion of Nanopowders

98 99 100 100 101 102 102 103 104 105 105 107 107


Jacques Xavier Bouillard 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Introduction Where Do Explosions Usually Occur? What is an Explosion of Nanopowder? Detonation/Deflagration: Explosion Regimes Main Necessary Conditions Triggering Fires and Explosions 5.1 Necessary Conditions for Fires: The Fire Triangle

5.2 Necessary Conditions for Explosionsdthe Explosion Hexagon 6. What is the Difference Between a Fire and an Explosion? 7. Classical Nanopowder Explosivity Laboratory Tests 8. Typical Safety Parameters for Microsized Combustible Powders and Their Trends with the Powder Particle Size: What Effects to Expect for Nanopowders? 9. Experimental Explosion Safety Parameters for a Few Nanopowders 10. Influence of the Particle Size on the MIE 11. Turbulence and Scaling Effects on Explosion Characteristics 12. Reliability of the Extrapolation Scaling Laws on Explosion Parameters 13. Relationship Between the Explosion Severity and the Flame Velocity 13.1 A Two Compartment Progressive Pressure Wave Model 13.2 Typical Flame Velocities for Gases 13.3 Typical Results for Aluminum Nanomaterials 13.4 Evaluation of the Explosion Severity from Combustion Kinetic Data 14. Intrinsic Limitations of Previously Described Experimental Methods

111 112 113 114 115 115 116 117 118

120 120 125 126 127 129 129 132 133 135 137




15. How to Secure Nanopowder Production Facilities? 15.1 Nanopowder Explosion Prevention Measures 15.1.1 Making a Nanoparticle-free Atmosphere or Reducing Their Concentration 15.1.2 Elimination of Ignition Sources 15.2 Nanopowder Explosion Protection Measures 15.2.1 Explosion Containment 15.2.2 Explosion Isolation 15.2.3 Explosion Suppression 15.2.4 Explosion Venting Systems 15.2.5 Blowdown/Catch Tank Systems 16. Worldwide Initiatives 17. Future Trends 18. Conclusions References

139 140 140 140 140 140 140 141 142 145 145 146 147 147

Section 2 Consumer/General Public


2.1 Public’s Understanding, Perceptions, and Acceptance of Nanotechnology through the Lens of Consumer Products


Todd Kuiken, Marina E. Quadros, Sean McGinnis, Mathew Hull 1. Background/History of the Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies Consumer Products Inventory 2. Public Understanding of Nanotechnology in the US Has Not Changed 3. Methodology behind the CPI 3.1 Product Categories 3.2 How Much We Know 4. Pitfalls of the Inventory 5. A Need for LCA of Nano-Enabled Consumer Products 6. NanosilverdExcerpt from “Release of Silver from Nanotechnology Consumer Products and Potential for Human Exposure” 7. US Regulatory System 7.1 FDA’s New Nano Approach 8. European Regulatory System 9. Public Engagement with Insufficient and Complicated Data 9.1 Nano-Labels 10. Looking Forward References

151 152 154 155 155 156 157

159 161 161 163 167 168 169 169


2.2 The Application of Nanotechnology to Drug Delivery in Medicine


Tom O. McDonald, Marco Siccardi, Darren Moss, Neill Liptrott, Marco Giardiello, Steve Rannard, Andrew Owen 1. Introduction


1.1 Key Factors Affecting the Growth of Nanomedicine 2. Types of Nanomaterials Used as Nanomedicines 2.1 Solid Drug Nanoparticles 2.1.1 Designing SDNs

174 175 176 178

2.1.2 Synthesis of SDNs 2.2 Polymer Therapeutics 2.2.1 Designing Polymer Therapeutics 2.2.2 Synthesis of Polymer Therapeutics

178 179 180 181

2.3 Nanocarriers 2.3.1 Self-Assembled Structures 2.3.2 Solid Lipid Nanoparticles 2.3.3 Polymer Nanoparticles

181 182 184 185

2.3.4 Metal Nanoparticles 2.4 Other Nanomaterial Classes 3. How Nanomaterials Address Biological Problems in Medicine 3.1 ADME Processes

187 189 190 190

3.1.1 Routes of Administration of Nanomedicines 3.2 Targeted Delivery of Nanomedicines 4. Where We Stand: Current Clinically Used Nanomedicines

191 193 195

4.1 Types 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3

of Nanomedicines in Clinical Use Solid Drug Nanoparticles Polymer Therapeutics Polymer Nanoparticles

196 199 199 200

4.1.4 Liposomes 4.1.5 Nanoemulsions 4.1.6 Metal Nanoparticles 4.1.7 Virosomes 4.1.8 Dendrimers 5. Promises/Risks: Existing and Potential Risks of Nanomedicines 5.1 Considerations of the Quality and Reproducibility of Nanomaterial Samples 5.2 Interaction of Nanoparticles with Components of the Immune System

200 201 201 201 202 202 203 203

5.2.1 Immune Stimulation 5.2.2 Immune Suppression 5.2.3 Further Analysis of Nanoparticle Compatibility with the Immune System 6. Current Status, Future Direction, and Global Initiatives

203 205 207 208




7. What is Expected for the Future: Current Therapies in Clinical Trials, Future Nanomaterial Design for Improving Treatments 7.1 Nanomedicines under Clinical Evaluation 7.1.1 Nanomedicines in Phase III Clinical Trials 7.1.2 Nanomedicines in Phase II Clinical Trials

211 211 211 212

7.1.3 Nanomedicines in Phase I Clinical Trials 7.2 Future Directions in Nanomedicine Research 8. Sources of Further Information References

212 213 214 214

2.3 Life Cycle Assessment and Risk Assessment of Manufactured Nanomaterials


Rickard Arvidsson 1. Introduction


1.1 1.2 1.3 2. Life 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

Environmental Assessment Methods Challenge I: Environmental Fate of MNMs Challenge II: Immature Products and Processes Cycle Assessment of MNMS The Life Cycle Assessment Framework Life Cycle Assessment Case Studies on MNMs Implications of Immaturity Characterization Factors for MNM Emissions

226 228 230 230 231 233 235 237

2.5 Recommendations for Life Cycle Assessment of MNMs 3. Risk Assessment of MNMS 3.1 The Risk Assessment Framework

239 240 240

3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5

Risk Assessment Case Studies of MNMs Risk or No Risk? Emissions and Traceability in Product Life Cycles Simplified Risk Assessment Methods

242 245 247 249

3.6 Recommendations for Risk Assessment of MNMs 4. Concluding Remarks 5. Sources of Further Information References

250 251 252 252

2.4 Environmental Perspectives


Heather V.A. McShane, Geoffrey I. Sunahara 1. Introduction 2. Use of ENMs that Could Improve Environmental Health 2.1 Introduction

257 258 258

2.2 Reducing Incidental Exposure to Agrochemicals 2.3 Environmental Remediation

258 260


2.4 Reducing Fossil Fuel Consumption 2.5 Summary 3. Effects of Incidental ENMs 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Interactions, and Transformations of Incidental ENMs in the Environment

262 262 263 263 265

3.3 Evidence for Adverse Effects of ENMs on Environmental Receptors 3.4 Considerations for Environmental Nanotoxicity Tests 3.5 Summary 4. Considerations for Environmental Risk and Hazard Assessment 5. Chapter Summary and Ways Forward 6. Sources of Further Information Acknowledgments References

268 270 272 272 273 274 275 275

2.5 Risk Management and Surveillance of Nanomaterials for Public Health


Michael G. Tyshenko 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Introduction Knowledge Gaps for Nanomaterial Toxicity and Surveillance Systems Regulatory Gaps for Nanomaterials and Surveillance Systems Risk Management Approaches for Nanomaterials and Surveillance Public Health Surveillance Tools and Databases 5.1 Meta-Analysis 5.2 Traditional Toxicity Screening Methods 5.3 Cost-Effectiveness (CE) Studies

285 287 288 289 290 290 290 290

5.4 Public Health Surveillance Databases 5.5 Expert Panels and Expert Opinion 6. Overcoming Knowledge Gaps and Improving Public Health Surveillance

290 292 292

6.1 Alternative In Vitro and High-Throughput Testing Methods to Determine Biologically Relevant Endpoints for Nanomaterials 6.2 Possible Creation of a Nanomaterials Priority List: Nanoparticle Substances List 6.3 Further Development of Databases and Harmonized Standards for Nanomaterials through International Cooperation 6.4 Developing Nanomaterial Specific Human Biomonitoring Databases 6.5 Improving Medical Screening and Determining Exposure Limits for Nanomaterials 6.6 Longitudinal and Epidemiological Studies to Monitor Public Exposures to Nanomaterials 7. Conclusion 8. Sources of Further Information References

292 293 293 294 295 296 297 299 299




2.6 Nanoengineering: Ethical Issues and Social Governance


Johane Patenaude, Danielle Tapin, Georges A. Legault 1. Introduction 2. Identifying Ethical Issues: A Cultural-, Social-, and Disciplinary-Context-Based Approach 3. Where We Stand: The Complexity of Identifying Ethical Issues in Nanoengineering 3.1 Ethical, Legal, and Social/Societal and Environmental, Health, and Safety versus E3LS/NE3LS 3.2 Ethical Issues Related to EHS 3.3 Ethical Issues Related to ELS 3.4 The NE3LS Perspective 4. Public Communication: Promises and Risks 5. Current Status of World Initiatives 5.1 Canadian and American Initiatives

305 306 309

5.2 The European Union and France: The Precautionary Principle 5.3 International Initiatives 6. What Is Expected for the Future/What Should Be Done Acknowledgments References

327 330 332 334 334

2.7 The EU Regulation of Nanomaterials: Smoother or Harder? The Precautionary Tool Chest as the Basis for Better Regulating Nanomaterials

309 311 315 318 320 323 324


Raphaël Gellert, Eugenio Mantovani, Paul De Hert 1. The EU Policy Framework for Nanomaterials 1.1 General

339 339

1.2 1.3 1.4 2. The 2.1

339 340 342 344

The 2008 Communication on Regulatory Aspects of Nanomaterials The 2012 Communication on Regulatory Aspects of Nanomaterials Sorting Out the Knowledge Gaps: JRC, SCENIHR, and the Nanomaterials Registry EU Legislative Framework for Nanomaterials: Recent Developments Legislation on Chemical Products (REACH) and the Role of CASG, ECHA-NMWG and GAARN


2.2 Legislation on Classification, Packaging, and Labeling of Nanomaterials 2.2.1 General 2.2.2 The Framework of the Classification, Labeling, and Packaging Regulation 2.2.3 The CLP Framework for the Classification and Labeling of Nanomaterials 2.3 Legislation on Chemical (Biocidal) Products

347 347 347 348 349

2.4 Legislation on Cosmetics



2.5 Legislation on Food Labeling 2.6 Legislation on (Novel) Food

353 353

2.7 Legislation on Environmental Issues 2.7.1 General 2.7.2 The Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC 2.7.3 The Urban Waste Water Directive 91/271/EEC

354 354 354 356

2.7.4 2.7.5 2.7.6 2.7.7

The Sewage Sludge Directive 86/278/EEC The Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC The Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC The Air Quality Directive 2008/50/EC

2.7.8 The Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU 3. “Hard” Regulation of Nanotechnologies: Conceptualizing Precaution with the Help of the Precautionary Toolbox? 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4

The Precautionary Toolbox and Its Drawers How Much Harm Can We Avoid and What Values Are at Stake? (Drawer 1) Precautionary Policy Tools (Drawer 2) Mitigating Risk (Drawer 3)

3.5 Applying the Toolbox to the EU Legal Framework on Nanomaterials 3.5.1 General 3.5.2 Harm Avoidance and Value Identification (Drawer 1) 3.5.3 Precautionary Tools (Drawer 2): Burden of Proof, Authorization, Labeling, Collecting Information 3.5.4 Mitigating Risk (Drawer 3) 4. Nanomaterials and Precaution: Lessons Learned 5. Sources for Further Information Acknowledgments References

2.8 A Case Study: Nano-sized Titanium Dioxide in Sunscreens

356 356 357 357 358 358 358 360 362 362 363 363 363 364 367 368 371 371 371


T. Smijs, S. Pavel 1. Introduction 1.1 Sunlight and Ultraviolet Radiation 1.2 Risks of Solar UV Exposure 1.3 Sun Protection and Sunscreens

375 375 376 378

1.4 TiO2 in Sunscreens 1.4.1 Conventional TiO2 1.4.2 Nano-sized TiO2 2. The Life Cycle of Nano-sized TiO2 as Sunscreen Ingredient

379 379 380 382

2.1 Manufacturing 2.2 Utilization 2.3 Disposal

383 385 386




2.4 Transport Mechanisms 2.4.1 Surface Water

387 387

2.4.2 Groundwater 2.4.3 Soil 2.4.4 Air 3. Characterization of Human Exposure to Nano-sized Sunscreen TiO2 3.1 Dose, Dose Metrics, and Response Metrics 3.1.1 Definitions 3.1.2 Surface Area 3.1.3 Particle Sizes, Agglomeration/Aggregation State and Surface Coatings

388 388 389 389 390 390 390 392

3.2 Routes of Exposure 3.2.1 Skin 3.2.2 Ingestion 3.2.3 Respiratory Tract and BBB 4. Characterization of Health Effects of Nano-sized TiO2 in Sunscreens 4.1 Noncarcinogenic Effects 4.1.1 Evaluation

392 392 395 399 401 404 406

4.2 Carcinogenic Effects 4.2.1 Evaluation 5. Conclusion

407 410 411

5.1 Effectiveness versus Safety of Sunscreens with Nano-sized TiO2 5.2 Implications and Assessment of Future Studies References

411 413 415

Section 3 Occupational Settings


3.1 Overview of Workplace Exposure to Nanomaterials


Patricia I. Dolez, Maximilien Debia 1. Introduction 2. Situations of Exposure 2.1 Incidental Nanomaterials 2.2 Engineered Nanomaterials 2.3 Situations of Exposure to Nanomaterials throughout Their Lifecycle 2.3.1 Occupational Exposure to Engineered Nanomaterials during Production 2.3.2 Occupational Exposure to Engineered Nanomaterials during Downstream Manipulation 2.3.3 Occupational Exposure to Engineered Nanomaterials during Use as Input Material in Industrial Processes

427 429 429 430 431 433 434 435


2.3.4 Occupational Exposure to Engineered Nanomaterials during Maintenance and End-of-Life Operations 2.3.5 Industrial versus Research Exposure Situations 2.4 Factors Affecting Occupational Exposure to Nanomaterials 3. Exposure Study Methodologies 3.1 Exposure Measurements at the Workplace 3.2 Laboratory Simulations of Workplace Exposures 3.3 Numerical Simulations of Workplace Exposures 4. Exposure Study Tools and Strategies 4.1 Metrics for Health Risk Assessment 4.2 Exposure Measurement Devices 4.3 Workplace Exposure Assessment Strategies

435 436 436 437 437 439 439 440 440 441 444

4.4 Exposure Limits 5. Results on Workplace Exposure 5.1 Results on Occupational Exposure to Engineered Nanomaterials during Production

445 447 447

5.2 Results on Occupational Exposure to Engineered Nanomaterials during Downstream Manipulation 5.3 Results on Occupational Exposure to Engineered Nanomaterials during Use as Input Material or Tool for Further Processes 5.4 Results on Occupational Exposure to Engineered Nanomaterials during Maintenance, Cleaning and End-of-life Operations 5.5 Results on Occupational Exposure to Incidental Nanomaterials 5.6 Results on Efficiency of Control Measures 5.7 General Comments Regarding Results of Occupational Exposure Measurements to Nanomaterials 6. New Strategies and Tools 6.1 Control Banding Approaches 6.2 Templates and Databases of Situation and Exposure Scenarios 7. Challenges 8. International Initiatives 9. Future Trends 10. Conclusions 11. Sources of Further Information Acknowledgments References

3.2 Addressing the Challenges to the Risk Assessment of Nanomaterials

456 458 461 461 464 464 465 465 466 467 470 473 474 474 475 475


Jutta Jahnel 1. Introduction 2. Current Practices for Risk Assessment in the EU

485 486




3. Challenges to Nanospecific Risk Assessment 3.1 Characterization of Uncertainty, Variability, Evidence, and Data Quality 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5

488 489

Physicochemical Characterization Exposure Assessment Hazard Assessment Aspects of Risk Management: Definition, Precautionary Principle, REACH, Occupational Risk Management 4. Strategies for Improving the Risk Assessment of NMS 4.1 Technical and Complementary Science-Based Tools and Methods

495 498 498

4.1.1 Combining Life Cycle Methodology with the Risk Assessment Procedure 4.1.2 Alternative Testing Strategies

498 500

4.1.3 Grouping and Ranking of NMs 4.1.4 Classification, Categorization, and Prioritization Heuristics for Risk Management and Control Purposes 4.2 Alternative Risk Assessment Frameworks and Options about a Future Change in the Procedure 4.2.1 International Risk Governance Council: The Role of the Social Context 4.2.2 NRC: Risk-Based Decision-Making Framework 4.2.3 European Scientific Committees: A Vision for Future Risk Assessment in Europe 5. Discussion and Future Prospects for Nanospecific Risk Assessment and Risk Governance 6. Sources of Further Information Acknowledgments References

3.3 Exposure Measurement at Workplaces

492 493 494

502 504 507 508 509 511 513 515 516 516


Christof Asbach 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Introduction Exposure Assessment Strategy Exposure Metrics Instrument Classification Stationary Equipment 5.1 Instruments for Measuring Number Concentrations 5.2 Instruments for Measuring Surface Area Concentrations

523 524 525 528 529 529 531

5.3 Instruments for Measuring Number Size Distributions 5.3.1 Electrical Mobility Analysis 5.3.2 Aerodynamic Particle Sizer 5.3.3 Optical Particle Counter

532 534 538 540

5.3.4 Electrical Low Pressure Impactor



5.4 Particle Samplers for Consecutive Analysis 5.4.1 Electrostatic Precipitator

542 542

5.4.2 Filtration Sampler 5.4.3 Cascade Impactor 6. Portable Equipment

543 544 544

6.1 Instruments for Measuring Number and Surface Area Concentration 6.1.1 Handheld CPC 6.1.2 Diffusion Charger-Based Instruments 6.2 Instruments for Measuring Number Size Distribution 7. Personal Equipment 7.1 Personal Samplers 7.2 Personal Monitors 8. Conclusions 9. Sources of Further Information References

545 545 545 546 548 548 549 550 551 552

3.4 Nanoengineering: A Toolbox of Standards for Health and Safety


Brian Haydon 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Why Standards for Nanotechnologies Matter ISO/TC229 and IEC/TC113 The Role of Standards in Regulations The ISO and IEC Standards Process ISO and IEC Standards for NanotechnologiesdToolbox Specifics for Health and Safety 5.1 Standards for Terminology and Nomenclature 5.2 Standards for Measurement and Characterization 5.3 Standards for Health, Safety and Environmental Aspects of Nanotechnologies

5.4 Standards for Material Specifications 5.5 Standards for Performance Assessment and ReliabilitydIEC/TC113 6. What Is Expected for the Future? 7. Sources for Further Information NanoengineeringdA Recommended Toolbox of Standards for Health and Safety References

3.5 Risk Management and Good Practices Guidelines

558 559 561 562 564 564 569 570 576 576 577 578 578 579


Maximilien Debia, Claude Ostiguy 1. Context 2. Risk Management 3. Design Stage

581 582 583




4. Risk Assessment 4.1 Hazard Identification and Information Gathering

584 584

4.2 Exposure Assessment 4.3 Control Banding 5. The Hierarchy of Controls for ENMS Exposures

586 588 588

5.1 Intrinsic Safety 5.2 Engineering Controls 5.2.1 Isolation/Closed Process 5.2.2 General and Local Exhaust Ventilation 5.3 Administrative Controls 5.4 Personal Protective Equipment 6. Evaluation of Controls 7. Periodic Reevaluation Process 8. Managing the Safety of ENMS 9. Challenges for Risk Management: What is Expected for the Future? 10. Sources of Further Information 11. Conclusion References

3.6 Progress in Personal Protective Equipment for Nanomaterials

589 590 590 592 594 595 597 598 599 599 600 600 601


Patricia I. Dolez 1. Introduction 2. Current State of Knowledge 2.1 Respiratory Protection

607 608 608

2.2 Skin Protection 2.3 PPE Selection 3. Remaining Questions 4. Current Status of World Initiatives 5. Future Trends 6. Conclusions 7. Sources of Further Information Acknowledgments References

614 623 624 625 627 628 629 629 630

3.7 Occupational Regulations


June Freeland 1. Introduction 2. Lessons Learned from the Past

637 639


3. The Worldwide Community 3.1 European Union 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4

European Agency for Safety and Health at Work EU Collaborations New EU Legislation EU Member States

640 640 642 642 642 644

3.1.5 Other Countries Out with the European Union 3.2 United States of America (USA) and Canada 3.2.1 United States of America 3.2.2 Canada

649 650 650 656

3.3 Asia Region 3.3.1 Australia 3.3.2 China 3.3.3 Japan 3.3.4 Korea

657 657 660 661 662

3.3.5 Singapore 4. Global Efforts 4.1 Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development

663 664 664

4.2 International Standards Organisation 4.3 World Health Organisation 5. Conclusion References

665 666 667 668

3.8 CNTs in Composites: A Case Study


Mariko Ono-Ogasawara 1. Introduction 2. Case Studies 2.1 Exposure Assessment in Workplaces 2.2 Simulation of Particle Release from CNT Composites by Mechanical Processes

673 675 675


2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4

Epoxy-Baytubes/Disk Sander Epoxy-Baytubes/Taber Abraser Cement-NC7000/Disk Sander Cement-NC7000/Taber Abraser

682 682 683 683

2.2.5 2.2.6 2.2.7 2.2.8

TPU or POM-NC7000/Disk Sander POM-NC7000/Taber Abraser TPU-NC7000/Taber Abraser Polystyrene-SWCNT/Grinder

683 683 683 684




2.3 Incineration 2.4 Summary of Particle Release from CNT Composites 3. Issues Regarding Exposure Assessment During Handling of CNT Composites 3.1 Detection of Free CNTs 3.2 Exposure Assessment of Submicron to Micron-size Particles 4. Recommendations for Handling CNT Composites in the Workplace Abbreviations References Index

684 685 686 686 687 688 689 689 693

LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS Rickard Arvidsson Division of Environmental Systems Analysis, Department of Energy and Environment, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden Christof Asbach Institut f€ ur Energie- und Umwelttechnik e.V. (IUTA), Air Quality & Filtration Department, Duisburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany Jacques Xavier Bouillard INERIS, Verneuil-en-Halatte, France Jessica R. Child RTI International, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA Maximilien Debia Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, School of Public Health, Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Paul De Hert Law, Science, Technology & Society Studies (LSTS) Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium Patricia I. Dolez CTT Group, St-Hyacinthe, QC, Canada June Freeland Department of Safety Services and Occupational Health, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK Raphaël Gellert Law, Science, Technology & Society Studies (LSTS) Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium François Gensdarmes Institut de Radioprotection et de S^ urete Nucleaire (IRSN), PSN-RES, SCA, Aerosol Physics and Metrology Laboratory, Gif-sur-Yvette, France Marco Giardiello Department of Chemistry, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK Brian Haydon CSA Group, Toronto, ON, Canada Mathew Hull Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC, USA Jutta Jahnel Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS), Karlstrasse, Germany Todd Kuiken Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC, USA



List of Contributors

Georges A. Legault Faculty of Law, Institut interdisciplinaire d’innovation technologique, Universite de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada Neill Liptrott Department of Molecular and Clinical, Pharmacology, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK Eugenio Mantovani Law, Science, Technology & Society Studies (LSTS) Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium Tom O. McDonald Department of Chemistry, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK Sean McGinnis Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC, USA Heather V.A. McShane Department of Natural Resource Sciences, McGill University, Quebec, Canada Darren Moss Department of Molecular and Clinical, Pharmacology, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK Mariko Ono-Ogasawara Work Environment Research Group, Japan National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Tama-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan Claude Ostiguy Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, School of Public Health, Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; Institut de recherche Robert-Sauve en sante et en securite du travail, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Andrew Owen Department of Molecular and Clinical, Pharmacology, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK Johane Patenaude Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Institut interdisciplinaire d’innovation technologique, Universite de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada S. Pavel Department of Dermatology, Charles University, Pilsen, Czech Republic Marina E. Quadros Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC, USA Steve Rannard Department of Chemistry, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK Christie M. Sayes RTI International, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA Marco Siccardi Department of Molecular and Clinical, Pharmacology, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK T. Smijs Centre for Optical Diagnostics and Therapy, Department of Radiotherapy, Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

List of Contributors

Geoffrey I. Sunahara Department of Natural Resource Sciences, McGill University, Quebec, Canada Danielle Tapin Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Institut interdisciplinaire d’innovation technologique, Universite de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada Michael G. Tyshenko Institute of Population Health, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada David B. Warheit DuPont Haskell Laboratory, Newark, DE, USA


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Nanotechnology has emerged as the forefront of science with its multidisciplinary and diverse scope of research and applications. Nanoengineering materials such as carbon nanotubes and fullerenes with their novel and extraordinary properties have captured a great deal of public interest and imagination over the past 20 years. Dated back in 1986, Eric Drexler popularized an idea that “the coming era of nanotechnology” would radically change our world. The U.S. National Science and Technology Council in 2000 indicated that “The effect of nanotechnology on the health, wealth, and lives of people could be at least as significant as the combined influences of microelectronics, medical imaging, computer-aided engineering, and man-made polymers developed in this century.” However, some visionaries warned that with its omni power nanotechnology could pose a great risk and danger to humanity and the environment at large. At the 2nd International Congress of Nanotechnology (ICNT) in 2005, I had the privilege of chairing the first Symposium on the Environmental Health and Safety Impact of Nanotechnology (“nanoEHS”). The conference was a tribute to Prof. Richard Smalley, a Nobel laureate for the discovery of fullerenes, who passed away at the age of 62 due to leukemia. Prof. Smalley left a remarkable legacy through his devotion to science even when it put his own health at risk with constant exposure to fullerenes in his laboratory without adequate protection. Over the past 10 years, it has been a controversial topic to discuss nanoEHS. While a majority of researchers favored an increased funding for nanoEHS, some expressed concern that the study on the environmental and health and safety impact would impede the momentum of the research and commercial applications of nanotechnology. Thanks to consensus among researchers that requested more funding for nanoEHS, the U. S. National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) research dedicated to nanoEHS grew substantially from $25 million in FY 2005 to an estimated $121.1 million requested for FY 2014. Between FY 2005 and FY 2014 the National Nanotechnology Initiative will have invested $750 million in research with the primary function of understanding EHS issues. Since its founding in 2003, the International Association of Nanotechnology has recognized the important role of environmental, health and safety practices as a foundation for a safe and beneficial Nanotechnology. The novel physicochemical and biological properties that can make nanotechnology applications so exciting, also require extensive studies on any effects on product safety, effectiveness, or other attributes.




This book is a timely review on the global effort on the health and safety issues of nanoengineering materials, devices, and structures. The book brings together nanotechnology researchers from around the world to discuss a wide spectrum of topics under three major sections: Section 1 starts with a general introduction on natural and engineered nanomaterials with various definitions, classifications, and synthesis routes and applications. Routes of exposure to nanomaterials throughout their entire life cycle are described, in addition to metrology and methods of detection and characterization from the perspective of industrial processes and hygiene evaluation. As engineered nanomaterials have gained a strong foothold in a large number of consumer products, humans have been exposed to nanomaterials through intentional intake such as food and medicines, and unintentional such as inhalation of nanoparticles in workplace settings. As a result, it is important to assess the long-term exposure and to evaluate the toxicological and biological impact of nanomaterials and their safety. Nano-bio interactions and nanotoxicity in in vitro models is described and discussed. As a case study, combustible nanopowders which have a high likelihood of explosion because of their high specific surface and their low threshold limits of ignition energy conditions are described. It is interesting to observe that the explosion severity of combustible nanopowders is governed by their primary particle size and their tendency to agglomerate/coagulate, which significantly differs from the behavior of micropowders. Section 2 focuses on nanomedicine and consumer products. According to the Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, consumer products containing nanomaterials have grown from 54 in 2005 to well over 1500 products in 2013. This first-of-its-kind consumer products inventory is one of the most widely cited inventories of nanotechnology consumer products. However, it has been rightfully criticized due to its lack of scientific data, which should have been based on exposure, toxicity, and life cycle implications of nanomaterials. The NNI framework for nanoEHS research strategy integrates several important conceptsdrisk assessment and product life cycle stagesdinto the basic and applied research to understand the EHS impacts of nanomaterials. In this book, life cycle assessment and risk assessment of manufactured nanomaterials, environmental perspectives, and risk management and surveillance of nanomaterials are discussed. Risk assessment takes into account the life cycle of nanomaterials, which once released into the environment may undergo transformation by environmental conditions such as temperature and salinity, and the presence of co-contaminants. These transformations may alter the form of the nanomaterials to which humans and ecosystems are exposed and which are transported through the environment. The ethical issues of nanoengineering are a scientific quest for studying the long-term impact of nanomaterials on the economic development, the “have and the have-not” and societal implications.


The EU regulation of nanotechnology, which is based on the precautionary approach, serves as a starting point toward regulating nanomaterials in the industrial applications. A case study involving nano-sized titanium dioxide in sunscreens is highlighted as an example to frame the discussion on the impact of the environmental, health and safety of a new nanomaterial product in the marketplace. Section 3 is devoted to occupational aspects with the potential workplace exposure to manufactured and nonmanufactured nanomaterials in the research laboratories and manufacturing industrial settings. While risk assessment is a primarily evidence-based process to evaluate public health and environmental issues of concern, it has become a dominant policy tool for informing regulatory and technological decisions and setting priorities for research and funding. However, risk assessment is not always universally accepted, as it depends on the sociocultural and regulatory contexts of the issues. As a result, a resource tool box and a set of good practices are presented as practical guidelines which include intrinsic safety, engineering controls, administrative procedures, and personal protective equipment (PPE). Workforce training safety awareness among nanotechnology workers and good emergency plans are essential constituents of the prevention program. Even where engineering controls and safety systems of work are applied, some hazards might remain. In that context, PPE plays an important role in the risk management toolbox under the precautionary principle adopted by several H&S agencies worldwide. While progress has been made in understanding biological responses to engineered nanomaterials, the full consequences of occupational exposure are unknown. To address this, national and international efforts have been made to provide guidance using both new and existing regulations to support research and development to limit and prevent worker exposure. Lastly, a case study involving carbon nanotubes compares different aspects covered by these section chapters, in particular their potential interaction with workers during their entire life cycle. This book presents a review of the global effort in studying EHS, which is a complex and an unchartered territory. After all, one of the hallmarks of science is to study and explore the unknown. Exploring the unknown furthers our understanding of the wonders of materials science, enabling us to make the best use of nanoengineering products for the benefits of our society at large. I congratulate the authors, editor, and publishers for their hard work in enlightening the readers with the latest development in global approaches to health and safety issues of nanotechnology. Lloyd L. Tran International Association of Nanotechnology, Mountain View, California, USA


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Introduction/General Points

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Nanomaterials Definitions, Classifications, and Applications Patricia I. Dolez CTT Group, St-Hyacinthe, QC, Canada

1. DEFINITIONS According to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the prefix nano refers to a size ranging approximately from 1 to 100 nm [1]. As a comparison, the diameter of a carbon atom is about 0.25 nm, and the distance between carbon atoms is 0.15 nm. Nanomaterials are thus larger than single atoms or even small groups of atoms. Nature’s examples of nano-sized objects include DNA molecules, which have a diameter of 25 nm, viruses, with the smallest identified one, parvovirus, being 25 nm wide, and proteins that are typically 10 nm long. The use of nanotechnology is far from being new. For example, it was used around 2600 BC in dyes to impart color to fibers and fabrics [2]. Another example can be found in Middle Age churches, where stained glass artisans utilized nanoscopic scale (or nanoscale) gold and silver particles to impart ruby red and deep yellow color to window panels [3]. Another example is the Damascus steel produced by the twelfth to the eighteenth century Middle Eastern metalsmiths, which includes cementite nanowires inside carbon nanotubes [4]. At that time, they had no way to observe the nanostructures they created. More recently, carbon black has been employed since 1910 to reinforce tires, without knowing that it was the interaction between rubber and the nanoscale carbon black particles that imparted the tires with increased hardness, strength, abrasion, and tear resistance [5]. The first scientist to raise attention on nanotechnologies, even if the word was not coined yet, was Richard Feynman. In a talk he gave in 1959 at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society entitled “There’s plenty of room at the bottomdAn invitation to enter a new field of physics,” he challenged his fellow physicists to write the entire 24 volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica on the head of a pin [6]. He also offered a $1000 price to the first person who would build a 1/64-cubic inch working electrical motor. It must be mentioned that this price was claimed not long afterward by a student, William McLellan, who constructed such a motor using the conventional, watch-making design [7]. The word nanotechnology was used for the first time in 1974 by Norio Taniguchi in reference to machining and finishing dimensional tolerances for semiconductor Nanoengineering ISBN 978-0-444-62747-6,

© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.




processes [8]. It is derived from the Greek word for dwarf and means a billionth of a unit. However, it was only after the development of the scanning tunneling microscope in 1981 by IBM researchers Gerd Binning and Heinrich Rohrer [9] that progress really kicked off; it was now possible to observe matter at the nanoscale. They were awarded a Nobel Prize in physics in 1986 for this discovery, which takes advantage of the quantum phenomenon exhibited by conductor and semiconductor materials at the nanoscale. Then, fullerenes were discovered in 1985 by Harold Kroto, Robert Curl, and Richard Smalley [10], who won a Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1996 for this achievement. The first controlled growth of carbon nanotubes is attributed to Sumio Lijima and his colleagues in 1991 [11]. Since that time, the use of nanoscale materials and structures in commercial products has largely increased. The worldwide market for nano-enabled products was valued at US$22.9 billion in 2013 [12]. It is expected to reach US$64.2 billion by 2019, with a compound annual growth rate of 19.8% between 2014 and 2019. The last update in 2013 of the Nanotechnology Consumer Products Inventory of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars has identified 1628 commercial nanoproducts, including 440 on the European market [13]. As knowledge about the potential dangers of nanomaterials as well as the need for standardization in this new field have increased too, efforts have been devoted to defining the terminology used, even if differences exist between countries. For example, according to ISO, nanomaterials are defined as materials with any external dimension in the nanoscale or having an internal structure or surface structure in the nanoscale [14], the nanoscale referring to a size ranging approximately from 1 to 100 nm [1]. On the other hand, the European Commission’s recommendation on the definition of nanomaterial released in 2011 is “a natural, incidental or manufactured material containing particles, in an unbound state or as an aggregate or as an agglomerate and where, for 50% or more of the particles in the number size distribution, one or more external dimensions is in the size range 1e100 nm” [15]. They provide for exceptions for specific cases when concerns exist for environment, health, safety, or competitiveness, in which case the concentration threshold is reduced below 50%, and for fullerenes, graphene flakes and single wall carbon nanotubes with one or more external dimensions below 1 nm, which are considered nanomaterials regardless of concentration. Canada has also established its own working definition of nanomaterials, which are “any manufactured substance or product and any component material, ingredient, device, or structure [.] if it is at or within the nanoscale in at least one external dimension, or has internal or surface structure at the nanoscale, or it is smaller or larger than the nanoscale in all dimensions and exhibits one or more nanoscale properties/phenomena” [16]. This last definition allows considering materials that are larger or smaller than the nanoscale range if they exhibit the properties or phenomena that are characteristic of the nanoscale dimension.

Nanomaterials Definitions, Classifications, and Applications

2. CLASSIFICATIONS OF NANOMATERIALS Whatever the exact definition they are given, nanomaterials can be classified according to their source, their dimensions, and their constitutive materials. A classification has also been established according to their potential toxicity level [17].

2.1 Classification of Nanomaterials According to Origin First, nanomaterials can be differentiated according to their origin: natural or anthropogenic. This last category can be divided into incidental and engineered nanomaterials, depending on whether their formation is intentional or not. Nanoparticles that have a natural and incidental origin are generally referred to as ultrafine particles. Natural sources of inorganic nanomaterials include, for example, erupting volcanoes, breaking sea waves, forest fires, sand storms, as well as soils [18]. For example, certain forms of clay are constituted of 1-nm-thick by 70- to 150-nm-wide stacked nanoplates. Some nanomaterials are also naturally found in living organisms, for example, biogenic magnetite, a ferromagnetic crystalline structure associated with magnetoreception in some animals, ferritin, an iron storage protein, and calcium hydroxyapatite, the hard nanocrystalline constituent of bones [19]. Fullerenes have even been recently discovered in space [20]. Nanomaterials can also be found as unintentional by-products of human activity. This includes, for example, internal combustion engines, power plants, incinerators, jet engines, metal fumes (smelting, welding, etc.), polymer fumes, heated surfaces, food transformation processes (baking, frying, broiling, grilling, etc.), and electric motors [21]. If the exposure resulting from motor vehicle emissions started to be documented at the end of the 1990s [22], only recently was the large prevalence of nanoparticle release by kitchen appliances [23] and laser printers [24] evidenced. The presence of potentially toxic nanoparticles in cigarette smoke was also lately demonstrated [25]. In terms of occupational exposure, arc welding and aluminum smelting have been shown to generate large amounts of airborne nanoparticles [26]. Conditions favoring the emission of incidental nanomaterials include the presence of vaporizable materials, a sufficiently high temperature to support vapor generation, and processes involving rapid cooling and a large temperature gradient [27]. Finally, nanomaterials are now manufactured using a large diversity of chemical constituents, for example, metals, semiconductors, metal oxides, carbon, and polymers. They are designed for specific functionalities and can be surface treated or coated. They come in a large variety of forms: spheres, wires, fibers, needles, rods, tubes, shells, rings, plates, coatings, etc., as well as in more exotic flower-like designs. Compared to natural and incidental nanomaterials, manufactured nanomaterials are characterized by their controlled dimension, shape, and composition [21].




2.2 Classification of Nanomaterials According to Dimensionality A second categorization of nanomaterials is based on their dimensionality (Figure 1) [28]. Nanomaterials with all external dimensions at the nanoscale, that is, between 1 and 100 nm, may be classified as zero-dimensional (0D). This includes quantum dots, which are semiconductor nanocrystals with dimensions 100 years as a mechanical reinforcement, UV absorber, heat and electricity conductor, and antistatic agent [67]. It is made of amorphous carbon particles produced by the incomplete combustion of heavy oil products. Polymers are the last category of nanomaterials. At the nanoscale, their optical, mechanical, thermal, electrical, and magnetic properties differ from the bulk [68]. All three types of polymers, that is, thermoplastics, thermosets, and elastomers, can be used to make nano-objects including nanospheres, nanofibers, and nanoporous membranes. Their applications comprise reinforcement for structural composite parts, filtration membranes,




barrier membranes, membranes for fuel cells, fire-resistant and antibacterial textiles, optical components, and flexible electrical elements. Micelles are also a special type of nanostructured materials made of copolymers with alternating hydrophobic and hydrophilic blocks [69]. They can be used as chemical sensors, filtration membranes, drug carriers, support for tissue regeneration, and artificial muscles, for example. Finally, cellulose is a natural pseudopolymer composed of nanofibrils or nanocrystals [70]. With their low cost, low density, very high mechanical resistance, ease of functionalization, electrical conduction, biodegradability, low abrasion during processing, gas impermeability for the crystalline part, they may be used as mechanical, thermal, and barrier reinforcement for composites and in flexible displays. In terms of produced quantities of these different types of nanomaterials, information is still difficult to obtain. Some data are starting to become available as a result of the now mandatory declaration of produced and imported manufactured nanomaterials in France (according to the European definition of a nanomaterial) [71]. Among the 500,000 tons of produced and imported manufactured nanomaterials declared in 2014, carbon black and silicon dioxide come ahead with >100,000 tons each. Calcium carbonate and titanium dioxide are reported at 10,000e100,000 tons/year each. Declarations for aluminum oxide, aluminum oxide hydroxide (boehmite), cerium dioxideezirconium dioxide mix, polyvinyl chloride, and silicic acid magnesium salt totalize between 1000 and 10,000 tons/year each. Kaolin is listed at 100e1000 tons, zinc oxide and cerium dioxide at 10e100 tons, carbon nanotubes at 1e10 tons, and silver at 0.1e1 kg. Large quantities of various types of pigments were also declared. Discrepancies in the relative importance of the different nanomaterials may be noted, for example, with the 2013 update of Nanotechnology Consumer Products Inventory in which 51% of the listed products contain nanosilver [13]. Differences exist also with a study published in 2011, which reports that nanoclay is one of the three nanomaterials used in most significant quantities in Denmark [72].

2.4 Classification of Nanomaterials According to Potential Toxicity The potential risk for health related to nanomaterials was first evidenced in the 1990 [73]. Pioneering work had previously revealed the association between acute respiratory problems and zinc smelting and fumed silica, but without attributing the effects to the size of the particles. Since that time, efforts have been dedicated to getting a better knowledge about the potential toxicity of nanomaterials (Chapter 1.4). Even if gaps still exist, workplace exposure limits have been proposed by several groups in different countries [17]. For that purpose, nanoparticles have been grouped into categories corresponding to their potential toxicity level. The first category corresponds to fiber-like nanoparticles. This includes rigid, biopersistent carbon nanotubes, fiber-like metal oxides, and carbon nanotubes without

Nanomaterials Definitions, Classifications, and Applications

asbestos-like effects [17]. The first two categories of nanomaterials have the lowest proposed exposure limits (104e105 fibers/m3 or 0.007e0.03 mg/m3 depending on the group) while the proposed value for carbon nanotubes without asbestos-like effects is 4  107 fibers/m3. The second category regroups biopersistent granular nanoparticles with a density 6000 kg/m3 like gold, silver, cobalt, lanthanum, lead, iron, iron oxide, cerium oxide, antimony oxide, and tin oxide, the proposed exposure limits are 2  107 particles/m3, 0.066  WEL of the corresponding coarse material, and 0.03 Australian inhalable or 0.1 Australian respirable WEL. A value of 0.3 mg/m3 has been proposed for insoluble nanoparticles for which no WEL is available. Another category corresponds to CMAR (Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, Asthmagenic, Reproductive toxin) nanoparticles, that is, with carcinogenic, mutagenic, asthmagenic, or reproductive toxin-proven effects in their larger size form [17]. It comprises nickel, cadmium-containing quantum dots, chromium VI, beryllium, arsenic, and zinc chromate. Proposed exposure limits are 2e4  107 particles/m3, 0.1  WEL of the corresponding coarse material, and 0.3 and 3.5 mg/m3. A value of 0.003 mg/m3 has been proposed for insoluble nanoparticles for which no WEL is available. Finally, in the case of liquid and soluble nanoparticles like fat, hydrocarbons, siloxane, and sodium chloride, it has been proposed to use the same WEL as for the coarse material or half its value [17]. For soluble nanoparticles for which no WEL is available, the proposed value is 1.5 mg/m3.

3. PROPERTIES OF NANOMATERIALS Since the first application of nanomaterials as pigments, some of their other unique properties were progressively uncovered as well as the reasons for such exceptional characteristics. These can be attributed to their very small size and very large surface area [74]. Indeed, when an object dimension is smaller than the characteristic length of carriers like electrons and photons so that they become confined, the laws of quantum mechanics apply: energy levels are discretized and waves reveal their corpuscular nature. In addition, at the nanoscale, the surface to volume ratio of objects is very high, and their behavior becomes controlled by surface properties, which are close to that of free atoms, rather than by volume properties. In particular, the effects of gravity and inertia become negligible compared to that of Van der Waals and electromagnetic forces. The consequences of the nanoscale size and surface effects can be observed on the optical, electrical,




mechanical, chemical, physicochemical, thermal, and magnetic properties of nanomaterials, for example. The unique optical properties of nanomaterials were the first to be exploited by our ancestors who used them as dyes for textiles as well as pigments for stained glass windows, glassware, and wall painting [75]. When at the nanoscale, matter may change color; for example, gold nanospheres turn blue or red depending on their diameter and wall thickness. Opaque substances such as titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, and copper may also become transparent. Phenomena involved in these effects are surface plasmon resonance, that is, a coherent excitation of free electrons by light, and electron confinement, resulting from the nano-object dimensions being smaller than the electron coherence length and the light wavelength. Applications taking advantage of these unique properties include nanowire and nanotube electrodes for lightweight and flexible displays; nanoparticle targeting and contrast agents for medical imaging; low cost, more efficient solar cells with low temperature manufacturing processes and reduced light reflection; and cosmetics with transparent UV absorbers like titanium dioxide and zinc oxide nanoparticles. In the case of metals and semiconductors, electrical properties at the nanoscale are dictated by the fact that the object dimensions are smaller than the electron free mean path [45]. Collisions with the nano-object surface increase the material resistivity. In addition, the confinement of the energy levels can make metals like bismuth become semiconductors, and semiconductors like silicon become insulators. This offers large opportunities for smaller, lightweight, flexible, and energy-efficient electronic components, integrated circuits and electronic devices. When two conductors are positioned on each side of a nanoscale insulator, their electron wave functions may superimpose leading to tunnel conduction. This phenomenon is the basis of the scanning tunneling microscope and can be used for manufacturing high-efficiency magnetoresistive random access memory (MRAM). Replacing the two conducting materials with superconductors leads to the main constituent of the SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device) high-performance magnetic field detector as well as to one of the most efficient photon detectors [76]. Carbon nanotubes and wire-shaped nanomaterials also display a very interesting electrical property called ballistic conduction [77]. Resistivity due to scattering is reduced to a negligible level, which allows carrying very high currents without burning the conductor. Due to electron confinement, the nanowire resistivity does not change with its length. In addition, the electrical properties can be adjusted by controlling the nanotube geometry. Applications include electrical connections for metals, electronic connections for semiconductors, and flat screen for nanotubes. With regard to mechanical properties, nanomaterials and nanostructured materials show a reduced modulus due to more slippage at grain boundaries because of smaller size grains [78]. Their strength, hardness, and abrasion resistance increase because dislocations are blocked at the more numerous grain boundaries. The very high strength of

Nanomaterials Definitions, Classifications, and Applications

carbon nanotubes, filamentary crystalline whiskers, and nanocrystalline materials is caused by the fact that they contain no dislocations. Nanomaterials generally show a reduction in ductility and tenacity because their large grain boundary surface area restricts dislocation movement. The exceptions are ceramic materials that may become ductile at the nanoscale and be formed at lower temperatures. Applications include, for example, metallurgical processes following the traces of Damascus steel metalsmiths, cables and textiles made of nanofiber and nanotube yarns, and wear-resistant ceramic coatings for machinery parts, motors, aeronautics, and biomaterials. In the case of nanocomposites, strength generally increases also as well as creep resistance because of the impact of the nanofillerematrix interface area [79]. However, modulus increases too, and deformation at break decreases, which may be an issue for some applications. Another concern with nanocomposites is that not much is known yet about fracture mechanics. A challenge with polymerematrix nanocomposites is to obtain a good dispersion of the nanofillers and a good adhesion with the matrix. Mechanical applications of nanocomposites include sport equipment, household items, windmill blades, and construction materials like concrete and asphalt. Another item of interest regarding the mechanical performance of nanomaterials is related to nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS). They are miniature mechanical structures with sensor and/or actuator functions [80]. NEMS provide extremely high sensitivity mass sensors with a much lower power consumption than their microscale microelectromechanical system (MEMS) counterparts. However, the range of application of these systems is limited by the impact of surface mechanisms like friction and surface tension. The large chemical reactivity of nanomaterials is attributed to their large surface area as well as to the presence of more edges, angles, and crystal defects. As an illustration, a 1-cm3 cube has a surface area of 6 cm2 and 12 edges. The same volume of matter split into 1-nm3 cubes has a surface area of 60,000,000 cm2 and 12.1021 edges. This larger chemical reactivity makes nanomaterials ideal candidates for application as catalysts [81]. For instance, a large reduction in cost can be obtained by using nanoscale alternatives of the traditional expensive catalyst metals like platinum. It is also possible to employ nanoscale versions of less expensive materials like metal oxides. An additional benefit of nanoscale catalysts is that they form stable suspensions and have a much wider range of operating temperatures. Another type of application taking advantage of the large chemical reactivity of nanomaterials is sensors [82]. For example, carbon nanotubes and metal nanoparticles can detect various gas and solvent molecules as a result of a modification in their electrical conductivity or light absorption spectrum. In addition, the use of nanomaterials allows the miniaturization of these sensing devices. Nanomaterials can also be applied as antibacterial agents [83]. For example, silver nanocrystals create structural changes in cell walls and protein nucleus membranes, and prevent the replication of microorganisms. Several metal oxides such as titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, magnesium oxide, and copper oxide also have a decontaminating action against toxic gases like saran,




mustard, and pesticides. In the case of titanium dioxide, the reaction proceeds through photocatalytic oxidation. The large surface area of nanomaterials promotes also their use as a support for functionalization. Another category of chemical applications of nanomaterials is related to their barrier properties. Nanoporous membranes can be used for water filtration by nanofiltration or inverse osmosis, decontamination of polluted waters with zero-valent iron coated membranes, and air filtration with nonwovens [84]. On the other hand, nanoparticles dispersed in composite membranes increase their barrier performance against gases and aerosols thanks to the tortuous path effect [85]. For example, large aspect ratio nanoparticles like nanoclay are largely used in the food packaging industry to reduce carbon dioxide leakage out of carbonated beverage bottles, and control oxygen and moisture flow through fresh food packaging. Nanomaterials also display some interesting physicochemical properties, namely, superhydrophobicity. Indeed, nanoscale surface features allow one to obtain a contact angle >150 that prevents water from sticking to the surface, leading to the so-called lotus effect [86]. Two criteria must be validated to achieve the Cassie state: the contact force must be higher than gravity and the nanostructures must be tall enough to prevent water from touching their bases. In addition, the hydrophobicity can be made stable with a hierarchical structure, that is, with nanostructures decorating microstructures. Applications of nanomaterials with superhydrophobic properties include textiles with stainresistant, rapid drying, easy decontamination, and more hydrodynamic performance; fog-free and self-cleaning glasses, windows and screens; easy to clean and decontaminate walls, floors, and counters; and more hydrodynamic and fuel efficient boats. The thermal properties of nanomaterials involve a reduction of the characteristic temperatures, including melting, glass transition, degradation, evaporation, and sintering temperatures, which results from the larger number of free-like surface atoms [87]. In addition, an insulating layer can be created using aerogels made of silica, alumina, or polymer nanoporous materials. Some nanomaterials also display a fire-resistant performance [88]. This includes inherent fire-resistant materials such as zinc oxide, aluminum trihydrate, and magnesium hydroxide nanoparticles. They convey their fire-protective characteristic to the matrix polymer they are dispersed in. Nanoparticles also prevent the violent formation of bubbles during combustion and limit the diffusion of gases including oxygen thanks to the tortuous path effect. Finally, some nanomaterials like clay nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes favor the formation of a protective carbonaceous residual layer upon combustion. Applications taking advantage of the thermal and fire-resistant properties of nanomaterials comprise fire-protective clothing, interiors of air and ground transportation vehicles, and thermoelectric systems where a combination of maximal electrical conductivity and minimum thermal conductivity is needed. The last category of unique behavior displayed by nanomaterials is related to their magnetic properties. For example, transition metals and their alloys display superparamagnetism when at the nanoscale, that is, large magnetization under an applied magnetic

Nanomaterials Definitions, Classifications, and Applications

field without remnant magnetization [89]. This characteristic is very interesting for biomedical applications when nanomaterials can be used as contrasting agents, separation agents, and drug carriers with a limited risk of thrombosis. Applications of superparamagnetic nanomaterials can also be found in electronics, for example, as liquid gaskets in hard drives, heat carriers in speakers, high sensitivity sensors, and in data recording systems. Nanocomposite permanent magnets can be produced by coupling ferromagnetic and superparamagnetic phases. Magnetic interactions with other particles may also lead to interesting applications for nanomaterials, for example, for water decontamination of arsenic and carbon tetrachloride with rust nanoparticles [90]. Finally, magnetostriction, that is, deformation under an applied magnetic field, is also observed in some nanomaterials [91]. It has applications as driving element for microactuators, resonators with magnetically adjustable frequency, and stress-controlled inductance.

4. FABRICATION METHODS Engineered nanomaterials are generally produced by a “top-down” or a “bottom-up” process (Figure 2) [92]: According to the “top-down” approach, larger scale, bulk matter is reduced to nanoscale objects by mechanical, chemical, or physical methods. With the “bottom-up” strategy, atomic or molecular components are assembled through chemical reactions or physical processes to produce nanoscale structures. Scientists are also exploring the concept of mechanosynthetic chemistry or molecular manufacturing that could allow atoms to self-assemble into nanoscale structures through what is called the “bottom-to-bottom” approach [7]. The bottom-up process is currently the most common synthesis route for industrial production of nanomaterials [93]. Nanoparticles can be produced using top-down, bottom-up, and bottom-to-bottom approaches [7]. Top-down approaches include crushing and grinding of bulk materials. Liquid nitrogen is used for soft materials. This technique has the advantages of being easy

Figure 2 Schematic representation of “top-down,” “bottom-up,” and “bottom-to-bottom” approaches for the fabrication of nanomaterials.




to implement, cheap, and universal. However, the produced particles are polydispersed, their size is generally >800 nm, and they contain a large number of defects. A new topdown technique is based on the electroerosion of granulated metals into nanopowder produced by high voltage electric discharges. The bottom-up process consists of nucleation and growth of atoms from a stable dispersion into nanoparticles by changing external parameters to favor the bulk phase. At first, fluctuations in the metastable phase lead to the appearance of small quantities of the new phase, which may eventually reach the nucleus critical size. At that point, growth proceeds to lower the system free energy. This method generally allows the production of nanoparticles with a well-controlled size distribution. The bottom-to-bottom approach involves moving each atom one by one to its predefined position using, for example, a scanning tunneling microscope. This method is still limited to some well-equipped research laboratories. Nanofibers and other 1D nanomaterials may also be produced by nucleation and growth [7]. The nucleation can be homogeneous for materials like polyaniline that naturally grows as needles. For others like carbon nanotubes, heterogeneous nucleation takes place by vapor condensation at the solid/gas interface of a little cluster of catalyst material, for example, ironenickel alloy in the case of carbon nanotubes. Growth proceeds perpendicularly to the catalyst surface. Another strategy is based on the use of nanoporous molds. Uniform nanopores are produced by laser drilling or autoassembly. A thin layer of matter can be deposited on the surface of the pores, leading to the formation of nanotubes, or the pores can be entirely filled to produce nanowires. The mold is finally dissolved. Nanofibers can also be produced by electrospinning of viscoelastic liquids [94]. This method is often used with polymers. An electrical field is applied to a drop of liquid, which becomes instable, leading to the ejection of filaments. According to the capillary version of this technique, a charged liquid is fed into a capillary set at a high voltage. The ejected filament is attracted by a collector electrode. The capillary method is controlled by the applied voltage and leads to low output rates for nanofibers. An increase in nanofiber production rate can be obtained with the charge injection method. A nonconducting liquid is charged by being forced at a high pressure between two high voltage electrodes. It is then attracted by the third collector electrode. Electrospun nanofibers can be produced from a solution or a melt system. The polymer can be dissolved in a solvent for the electrospinning process. After spinning, the solvent is evaporated. Thermoplastic polymers may also be melted for spinning and then cooled down. Because of the high viscosity of polymers, fibers produced using melt spinning are not in the nanoscale range. Solutions to circumvent this problem are the use of a heated chamber or hot air blowing for capillary electrospinning, and of a very high mechanical pressure for charge injection electrospinning. Nanocoatings may be produced by physical or chemical vapor deposition, liquid processes, or chemical grafting. Physical vapor deposition techniques include direct current (DC) sputtering, molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), and atomic layer epitaxy [7]. DC

Nanomaterials Definitions, Classifications, and Applications

sputtering consists of condensing on a substrate atoms ejected from a negatively charged target acting as a source. This process can be used for metals as well as for ceramics if a reactive species such as oxygen or nitrogen is introduced in the chamber. The coating produced is generally thicker than 100 nm. A much more precisely controlled deposition is obtained through MBE. Source materials in evaporation cells are used to send molecular jets toward a heated substrate so that epitaxial growth takes place. This process, which is conducted at a very low pressure to limit scattering and prevent contamination, allows one to produce very thin coatings of a few square centimeters at a rate of one atomic monolayer per second. In atomic layer epitaxy, atomic monolayers of different materials are deposited alternatively on the substrate. Chemical vapor deposition is simpler to implement than physical vapor deposition and allows a better control of the stoichiometry [95]. The substrate is exposed to one or more gas-phase precursor, which chemically reacts or decomposes on the substrate surface to create the coating. It is thus possible to handle 3D structures and produce very thin coatings. The technique is very versatile both in terms of nanocoating material and structure, and type of substrate. The disadvantages of this technique include exposure of the substrate to high temperatures, production of toxic secondary products, and the high cost of the reactive chemicals. Liquid deposition processes comprise LangmuireBlodgett films and self-assembled monolayers [7]. They proceed by emersion of a solid substrate from a liquid at the surface of which lie the molecules of interest. These molecules hold one hydrophilic and one hydrophobic group in the case of LangmuireBlodgett films and are subsequently immobilized by polymerization. For self-assembled monolayers, one extremity of the molecules has a strong affinity for the substrate material and will establish chemical or hydrogen bonding with it. The other extremity is slightly solvated by the liquid so that the molecule only unfolds while out of the liquid. The last method developed to produce nanocoatings is chemical grafting [96]. Molecules are chemically bonded to a macromolecule and form lateral groups of a different nature or configuration, called brushes. This technique, which applies to polymers, is easy to implement and allows one to produce very stable chemical patterns with a wide variety of polymers. The type of process used to produce nanocomposite materials depends on whether the matrix is organic or inorganic. In the case of polymerematrix nanocomposites, they include in situ polymerization, nanofillers/matrix blending, and nanofiller in situ synthesis [97]. In situ polymerization was the first method developed. The monomer is used as a medium for nanofiller dispersion. Polymerization may be initiated by heat, radiation, or diffusion of an initiator grafted or fixed on the nanofiller prior to mixing with the monomer. This technique is quite complex to implement. The most frequently used technique consists of dispersing the nanofillers in the polymer matrix. This can be done by melt intercalation with the application of high shear stress in the case of thermoplastic polymers, by solution dispersion in the case of soluble polymers, and by high-energy ball milling. When possible, melt intercalation is preferred over




solution dispersion to limit the use of expensive and toxic solvents. Dispersing nanofillers in the polymer matrix can be aided by applying an organic surface treatment to the nanofillers and by the use of a compatibilizing agent. A last technique for polymerematrix nanocomposites is in situ nanoparticle synthesis. The nanoparticle generation within the monomer prior to polymerization allows a good nanofiller distribution in the matrix. However, nanoparticle synthesis residues may be left in the final nanocomposite. In the case of inorganic matrix nanocomposites, that is, ceramics and metals, it is important that the matrix and nanofiller materials do not react together, even at high temperatures. Processes for metal matrix include stir casting with nanofillers in suspension in the molten metal and liquid metal infiltration of a ceramic fiber mat [98]. In the case of ceramic matrices, powder metallurgical routes have to be employed. This comprises conventional sintering, hot pressing, spark plasma sintering, deformation processing, and hot extrusion [99]. The last series of fabrication methods relates to nanostructured materials. In the case of nanostructured coatings, techniques include dip pen lithography where the tip of an atomic force microscope is dipped in a fluid and used to produce a nanostructured pattern on a surface like one writes on a piece of paper, and nanoimprint lithography where a punch decorated with the nanopattern is applied on a soft film that is then hardened by heat or UV radiation [100]. In the roll-to-roll process, a metal or polymer film is deformed between two rotating rolls carved with the nanoscale pattern [101]. Three-dimensional nanostructures can be obtained by self-assembly where elemental components are prepared so that their shape and/or properties will lead to their spontaneous assembly into the structure designed [102]. Nanofoams may be produced by phase inversion with a solvent swelling the polymer, by physical swelling by a blowing agent like carbon dioxide at high pressure, and by the use of block copolymers and chemical dissolution of one of the components [103]. In the case of aerogels, the liquid component of a gel is replaced by a gas. Aerogels can be made of silica [104], polymer [105], or cellulose [106], for example. Finally, nanostructured metals and metal alloys may be produced by severe plastic deformation, mechanical attrition, and electrodeposition [107].

5. APPLICATIONS Manufactured nanomaterials have found applications in a large number of sectors and many others are planned. This includes [92,108e110] • Aerospace • Automobile • Chemicals • Construction • Cosmetics

Nanomaterials Definitions, Classifications, and Applications

• • • • • • • • • • •

Electronics Energy Engineering Environment Food Household Medicine Military Security Sports Textiles Figure 3 provides the distribution of nano-enabled products by sector based on the 2013 update of the inventory of commercially products claiming to contain nanoscale materials carried out through the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars’ Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies (Figure 3(a)) as well as on the 2014 compilation of the mandatory declaration of produced and imported manufactured nanomaterials in France (Figure 3(b)). Even if the comparison is not easy because of differences in sector categories as well as in the position of the recorded products in the value chain, some similarities can be noted, in particular the large prevalence of cosmetics and healthrelated nano-enabled products. Most importantly, these data show that nanotechnologies have entered all sectors of application. The three major concerns for aerospace systems are weight, functionality/performance, and durability [111]. For example, nanotechnology can help provide solutions for advanced sensors with transition metal silicide nanowires used for hightemperature physical parameter monitoring; palladium nanoshells, ultrathin films, and nanowires for hydrogen leak detection; semiconductor metal oxide nanostructures for monitoring emissions, fire, and environmental conditions; and modified zinc oxide nanomaterials for detection of UV radiation [112]. Autonomous chemicalebiological sensor platforms based on carbon nanotubes and nanofibers are currently developed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for the monitoring of biomarkers for astronaut health management, for the detection of ammonia and other trace contaminants in Environmental Control and Life Support Systems, and for planetary exploration [111]. Atmosphere revitalization in closed systems can also take advantage of nanotechnology with nanoporous materials made of zeolite, amine-based and metal organic adsorbents, for example [112]. Energy generation, storage, and distribution are also looked at by scientists. Advanced lithium-ion rechargeable batteries could include anodes made of carbon nanostructures; silicon nanoparticles, nanowires, nanorods, nanowhiskers, and nanofilms; silicon/carbon composite nanostructures; and tin and transition metal oxide nanomaterials, as well as LiCoO2, LiMn2O4, LiFePO4, LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2, and Li2MnO3 nanostructured cathodes. Regenerative fuel cells




Figure 3 Distribution of nano-enabled products by sector based (a) on the 2013 update of the inventory of commercially products claiming to contain nanoscale materials [13] and (b) on the 2014 compilation of the mandatory declaration of produced and imported manufactured nanomaterials in France [71].

can use nanoscale platinum as catalyst for maximum efficiency. For power and data cables, carbon nanotube-based wires and yarns with halogen intercalation for a higher electrical conductivity could be combined with polyimide aerogel insulation, for example [111]. Nanoelectronics offer large opportunities for sensing, communication, and control, with logic devices, field-effect transistors (FETs), nanocircuits, nanoantennas, nanovalves, and nanoionic devices [112]. Proof of concept has already been made with carbon nanotube, graphene, and polymer nanowire prototypes. Progress toward

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ultralightweight structural materials was achieved by incorporating coalesced and functionalized carbon nanotubes into polymerematrix composite reinforcement [111]. Boron nitride nanotubes also seem to be very promising materials and can be used either as a spun yarn or as fuzzy fibers decorating ceramic fibers for the reinforcement of polymers and ceramics. Carbon nanotube-reinforced epoxy nanocomposites have also demonstrated their potential as a coating for electromagnetic interference shielding [112]. It must be noted that nanotechnology has already made it into space with, for example, carbon nanotube sheets added to Juno spacecraft composite components to provide protection against electrostatic discharge, and silica aerogels used as thermal insulation in Mars Exploration Rovers and Stardust Spacecraft [111]. Nanotechnologies were introduced a long time ago in the automobile industry. A nylon-6-clay hybrid nanocomposite was developed in 1986 in Toyota Central Research and Development Laboratories and used in 1990 to produce timing belt covers [113]. With 5 wt% clay, 25% weight reduction was obtained compared to glass fiberreinforced nylon. In addition, tensile strength was increased by 40%, tensile modulus by 60% and flexion modulus by 126%. Even more importantly, the addition of nanoclay to nylon provided an increase in the thermal distortion temperature from 65 to 152  C. Then, the first commercial application of nanocomposites for automobile exterior parts was achieved in 2002 by General Motors with the nanoclay/thermoplastic olefin running board of its GMC Safari and Chevrolet Astro vans [114]. The part was stiffer, less brittle at cold temperature, much lighter, and more scratch resistant. Applications of clay nanocomposites now include side molding, doors, engine cover, seat backs, console, as well as cargo bed bridge, panels, and trim. On the other hand, the addition of carbon nanotubes in composite exterior body panels allows using the existing electrostatic paint lines. In addition, carbon nanotubes can also be found in the fuel system of most cars since the late 1990 where they are typically blended with nylon to prevent static charge build-up [28]. Another even earlier application of nanotechnologies in the automobile industry concerns tires. Precipitated amorphous silica and carbon black with a particle size between 70 and 500 nm have been used for decades as fillers for the rubber compound [115]. More recent developments include the utilization of rubber nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, and nanoclay among others to improve rolling resistance, durability, and wet grip. Nanotechnologies have also found applications in paints and finishes. In particular, ceramic nanoparticles are used in paints to increase their scratch resistance and maintain their original gloss for longer periods of time [114]. Self-cleaning interior and exterior paints as well as antifog windshield and mirror finishes help make surfaces superhydrophobic and oleophobic by creating hierarchical nanoscale roughness. Nanoscale ceramics can also be found in motors and transmissions where they provide better heat and wear resistance [28]. For example, nanostructured and nanocomposite ceramics based on zirconium and alumina are used as liners for cylinders, and silicon nitride and silicon carbide nanocrystals can be found in ball bearings and valve springs. Another area where




nanotechnologies make a large difference is the exhaust. Catalytic converters use platinum, rhodium, and palladium, which are expensive metals. Replacing the catalyst particles by nanoparticles allows a reduction in the amount of material needed to provide the same surface area, thus a large cost saving [28]. Nanoscale catalysts can also operate efficiently at lower temperatures. However, the precious metal nanoparticles have to be firmly fixed on the surface of their ceramic support so that they do not migrate and agglomerate under the effect of heat [116]. Other or future applications of nanotechnologies to the automotive industry include sensors and switches, fuel cells, batteries, hydrogen storage, fire-retardant interiors, LED lighting as well as miniaturized systems based on NEMS [28,114]. Chemicals have largely benefited from nanotechnologies. In paints and other coatings, the use of nanoparticles as fillers as compared to microfillers improves their scratch, abrasion, heat, radiation, swelling, and environmental aging resistance [117]. It also increases their modulus and hardness, and decreases their gas, water, and water vapor permeability. In addition, the incorporation of nanoparticles in the solution reduces the formation of cracks and voids during the evaporation phase of the traditional sole gel coating preparation method. This offers better corrosion protection performance and allows one to prepare thicker coatings by the solegel technique. Nanofillers also provide more environment-friendly antifouling, self-cleaning and anticondensation solutions thanks to the superhydrophobic effect they can create. Besides, some nanofillers can lead to antibacterial, antistatic, flame retardant, and transparent UV protective coatings. Examples of nanofillers used in paints and other coatings include nanoclay, titanium dioxide, silver, silica, zinc oxide, alumina, calcium carbonate, organic metal polyaniline, and zirconia. The use of nanofillers in polymer composites has also led to improved performance. Depending on the property, different effects can be observed if the polymer is amorphous or crystalline and if there is a good or poor adhesion between the filler and the matrix [118]. In the case of the elastic modulus, the trend generally observed, independently of the nature of the matrix or the interaction with the filler, is an increase with the volume fraction of nanofillers, in some instances up to a limit value above which nanofiller aggregation causes the modulus to decrease. A decrease in nanofiller size generally produces an increase in modulus, too. Yield and failure stresses both increase with decreasing particle size if the nanofillerematrix interaction is good, and decrease if the interaction is poor. On average, about one-tenth of nanofiller is required to produce the same improvement in mechanical performance that would be observed with conventional composites. In the case of viscoelastic properties, the storage modulus for nanofillerematrix systems with good interaction generally increases with increasing nanofiller volume fraction and decreasing size. Regarding the glass transition of amorphous polymer matrix, it increases with decreasing nanofiller size for good nanofillerematrix interaction, and decreases in the case of poor interaction. For semicrystalline polymers, the glass transition temperature decreases with

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increasing nanofiller concentration. Novel behavior may also be provided to the polymer matrix, for example, flame resistance, electrical conductivity or barrier properties, while preserving the polymer matrix transparency. Another example of unique performance brought by nanofillers to polymer matrices is the resistance to heat distortion; no other method could as easily allow the improvement in heat distortion temperature observed with the addition of nanoclay. The last example of opportunity for chemicals brought by nanotechnologies is the ideal support for functionalization they provide thanks to their very large surface area and high reactivity. Conjugation strategies include covalent chemistry, noncovalent attachment, and encapsulation [119]. In terms of nanoparticles targeted for these applications, they comprise noble metals, semiconductors, metal oxides, transition and posttransition metals, zirconium, rare earths, alkaline earth metals, carbon allotropes, and polymers. The construction sector has also already seen the arrival of nanomaterials, even though cost is a limiting factor. They can be found in nearly every part of a house or building and are associated with three major types of products: concrete, coatings and paints, and insulation [120]. The addition of nanoparticles, namely, titanium dioxide and fume silica, to concrete allows a better regularity of its porosity and leads to more resistant and durable materials. Titanium dioxide nanoparticles have also been shown to generate the decomposition of air pollutants from vehicle exhaust through photocatalysis, leading to self-cleaning functionality. Nano-enabled coatings and paints are used on all types of surfaces, walls and floors, wood, glass, and pavements. They combine an improved durability, transparency, and new characteristics such as self-cleaning and antibacterial properties, UV resistance, IR absorption or reflection, electric conductivity, and fire resistance. The types of nanoparticles used in coatings and paints for construction applications include titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, silver, silica, and alumina. Thermal and acoustical insulation is generally provided by nanoporous structures, which can be 2e8 times more efficient than traditional insulation materials. For example, aerogels can be made out of silica or carbon. Polymers like fluor polyurethane are also used. Other applications of nanotechnologies in building materials include the addition of nanoclay to polymers for flame resistance; of vanadium and molybdenum nanoparticles to steel for increased resistance to corrosion; and of magnesium and calcium nanoparticles to steel for increase the strength of welded areas [28]. Some even consider the possibility of spraying or painting nanosensors on the surface of a building or a structure to monitor its state of stress as well as the temperature or air quality. Most cosmetics manufacturers have now introduced nanotechnologies in their products [121]. This is even one of the most active sectors in terms of nanorelated patents. The advantages of the nano-enabled products include deeper skin penetration, transparency, better UV protection, long-lasting effects, and increased color and finish quality. Different types of nanomaterials are used [121,122]. Oil/water nanoemulsions are much more efficient compared to traditional emollients at allowing water-immiscible




active compounds like antioxidants, retinol, and lipids to penetrate deeply into the outer layers of the skin and hair. In addition, they are transparent and have a nongreasy texture. Liposomes, which are concentric lipid bilayered aqueous vesicles, nanocapsules, solid lipid nanoparticles, hydrogels, organogels, dendrimers, and cubosomes are other examples of efficient vehicles for the penetration of active ingredients in the skin. They allow a more occlusive coverage and a slow release of the active compounds, which limits skin irritation and improves tolerance. For their part, nano-sized titanium dioxide and zinc oxide provide transparent and nongreasy sunscreens, and allow a more even coating of the skin. The antibacterial power of nanosilver is exploited in underarm deodorants while that of nanogold is used in toothpaste. Finally, fullerenes have found their way in expensive face creams for their free radical scavenging capacity. In addition to emollients, sunscreens, deodorants, toothpaste, and antiaging creams, nanoparticles may also be used in shampoos and conditioners, lipsticks, eye shadows, after-shave products, and perfumes. Nanotechnologies seem to offer large opportunities to electronics too, even if large challenges exist to shift to nontraditional materials [123]. Applications concern three main areas [124]: displays, memory, and integrated circuits. Technologies looked at for displays include nanowires, carbon nanotubes, graphene, and quantum dots used in organic light-emitting diodes, organic light-emitting transistors, electrophoretic paper, and field emission display. The objective is to produce thinner and lighter devices that are easier to manufacture, consume less energy, and can be flexed without being damaged. In the case of memory chips, the trend is toward increasing the memory density while reducing power consumption. Solutions include nano-sized magnetic rings used to produce magnetoresistive random access memory (MRAM), fullerenes for organic nonvolatile memory devices, carbon nanotubes in nanotube-based nonvolatile random access memory, and ironenickel alloy nanowires used in race track memory. The race toward integrated circuit miniaturization following Moore’s law has taken advantage of nanotechnologies. The 14-nm semiconductor device fabrication node achieved in 2014 is using hardmask materials and multiple patterning to produce for example nonplanar multiple gate FETs. New developments may take advantage of graphene for forming p-n junctions, carbon nanotubes for manufacturing integrated circuits, gold nanoparticles combined with organic molecules to produce nanoparticle organic memory FETs, nanowires to create transistors without p-n junctions, and cadmium selenium nanocrystals and silver nanowires on or in polymers to fabricate flexible circuits. Semiconductor and electric conduction technologies may also be replaced, respectively, by magnetic quantum dot-based spintronic devices and silicon nanophotonics to produce a higher density and speed and lower power consumption integrated circuits. Energy is another area where nanotechnologies have a lot to offer. Applications can be found at all steps of the value chain [125]. At the energy source level, improvements can be brought to conventional energy sources with nanocoatings for wear and corrosion protection of oil and gas drilling equipment, and nanocomposites for radiation shielding

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in nuclear plants. Even more importantly, nanotechnologies can play a decisive role in the more intensified use of renewable energy sources. For example, in the case of solar energy, nano-enabled antireflective and self-cleaning coatings can increase the efficiency of conventional silicon solar cells while alternative cell types like copper/indium/selenium thin-layer solar cells, dye solar cells, and polymer solar cells may allow a reduction in material and process costs, and a more flexible design. In the long run, the use of quantum dots and nanowires may lead to cell efficiencies >60% compared to 14e19% for currently available commercial products. Some even think about producing solar cells by ink spraying car, bus, or house roofs [28]. Improvement in wind, geothermal, hydro, and tidal power energy sources may also be achieved with lighter and stronger nanocomposites, and wear and corrosion resistant nanocoatings for rotor blades, drilling equipment, and bearings [125]. In terms of energy conversion, nanotechnologies can allow higher operating temperature processes for gas turbines and combustion engines with heat-resistant nanocoatings and nanocomposites; higher fuel cell efficiency with nanostructured electrodes, catalyst materials and electrolyte membranes; high efficiency hydrogen production by photocatalytic nanoparticles like titanium dioxide; and even waste heat collection from automotive and body through improved thermoelectric energy conversion based on nanostructured semiconductors. Improved energy distribution can take advantage of nanocomposite insulators and magnetic nanomaterial-based transformers for high voltage transmission, carbon nanotubes and superconducting nanomaterials for lossless current transport, and ultimately wireless power transmission based on nanoscale electronic components. Regarding energy storage, nanotechnologies can provide ceramic-based, heat-resistant and flexible membranes, and high performance electrodes for higher capacity and safer lithium-ion batteries; nanostructured metal organic materials for safe hydrogen storage; and phase change and nanoporous materials for thermal energy storage. Finally, energy use can benefit from nanotechnology-based lightweight, tribological and heat and light-control materials, for example. Tribology is a major component of engineering that can gain from nanotechnology. Indeed, at the nanoscale, the continuum contact theory cannot be applied anymore to the solid contact. Sliding shifts from a perfectly linear motion to a cyclic approach and separation process between individual atoms of opposing surfaces [126]. In addition, because of the very small range of interatomic forces, all surfaces appear as functionally rough as any protuberance will bring the two surfaces out of their fuzzy zone. Tribological coatings include nanoscale multilayer coatings, nanocomposite coatings, and functionally graded coatings [127]. The high hardness and strength of nanoscale multilayer coatings can be attributed to the fact that very thin layers (10 nm) limit dislocation formation. In addition, if alternating layers of high and low elastic moduli are used, dislocation mobility is also restricted, which produces an increase in shear strength. Nanoscale multilayer coatings have been produced with metal/ceramic (e.g., Ti/TiN, Hf/HfN, W/WN) and ceramic/ceramic (e.g., TiN/VN, TiN/NbN, TiN/VxNb1xN)




systems. Hard nanocomposite coatings generally comprise at least two immiscible phases, which are either two nanocrystalline phases or an amorphous phase surrounding a secondary nanocrystalline phase. The nanocrystalline phases can use a variety of compounds including transition metal-nitrides, carbides, borides, oxides, and silicides. Amorphous matrices can be made of Si3N4, BN, or carbon, for example. The fracture toughness of nanoscale multilayer coatings and nanocomposite coatings can be improved by the use of graded interfaces between the coating and substrate, between the coating layers, and between the filler and matrix. This avoids sharp interfaces where stress concentration and crack initiation may take place. Low friction coefficient coatings may be obtained with nanocomposite coatings combining a hard and a lubricating phase. A monolayer thick, semipermanent lubricant film may also be formed on the sliding surfaces by selfassembled dual layers [126]. Applications include MEMS and NEMS. A durable monomolecular film can be produced with nonvolatile perfluoroethers and be used in magnetic recording media. Another tribological application of nanotechnology is the use of nanoparticles as additives for lubrication [128]. They can provide friction modifiers and antiwear additives for liquid and solid lubricants with low temperature activity, no nonactive transient period, and no generation of toxic gas emissions. Potential candidates include metals and metal oxides, onion-shaped carbon and metal disulfide-based giant fullerenes. In the latter case, it was proposed that lubrication proceeds through shearing and exfoliation of the fullerene layers followed by adhesion on the sliding surface asperities. Nanotechnologies are thought to offer large opportunities for the environment, even if they may also have some adverse effects on organisms and ecosystems (Chapter 2.4). The first aspect concerns the detection of pollutants [28]. For example, sensors based on tin dioxide nanofilms allow one to measure very low concentrations of NO2 and CO in air while being less expensive, easier to use, and having a faster response than the traditional gas chromatography or infrared adsorption techniques. Biochemical nanosensors can also detect small organic contaminants and toxins. The second aspect involves water and soil treatment for contaminant removal [129]. Two mechanisms of action can be used: adsorption for separation from water, and degradation through chemical or photochemical reaction. Sorbents comprise dendritic polymers that act as ligands for metal ions, radionuclides, and inorganic anions; unimolecular micelles that can remove organic solutes from water; zeolite and metal oxides like iron oxide, titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, cerium oxide, and silica used for metal contaminants including arsenic; and carbon-based nanoparticles offering a high selectivity for organic solutes in aqueous solutions and a good sorption capacity for metals. Metal and metal oxide nanoparticles may also lead to the degradation of the contaminant. For example, titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, magnesium oxide, and cuprous oxide are efficient biocides and may also generate the photocatalytic or electrocatalytic oxidation of organic compounds. For their part, zerovalent metal nanoparticles, for example, ion or bimetallic compounds including elemental ion and a metal catalyst, such as gold, nickel, palladium, and platinum, reduce

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numerous organic contaminants as well as chlorate solvents and heavy metals, which become less toxic and mobile. Water treatment may also be conducted by nanofiltration or reverse osmosis using nanostructured ceramic or polymer membranes [130]. They have demonstrated their efficiency in removing particles, bacteria/viruses, organic matter, hardness-inducing calcium- and magnesium-containing minerals, toxic metals, sulfates, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and other organic and inorganic substances. In particular, nanoporous membranes have been used for decades for drinking water production. If carbon nanotube efficiency for water filtration has been demonstrated for years, cost remains an issue [28]. New development may involve electrospun alumina nanofibers. The last aspect concerns air filtration. Nanofiber-based nonwoven filters can efficiently remove volatile organic compounds, nanoparticles, bacteria, and organic aerosols in the air [131]. Polymer nanofibers may be produced by electrospinning on a conventional nonwoven substrate. Nanotechnologies have also been introduced to the food sector. Applications can be grouped into four categories [132]: agricultural production, food processing, food packaging, and supplements. Nanopesticides, for example, allow improved leaf adhesion and dose transfer, catalytic destruction of residues, decreased impact on nontargeted plants and animals, and reduction of applied pesticide quantities [133]. They can be based on nanoscale active compounds and/or nanocarriers. These carriers include nanocapsules, nanoemulsions, spherical nanosupports, and micelles. Other uses of nanotechnologies in agricultural production comprise nanosensors for pathogen detection and soil condition monitoring; nanochips for identity preservation; and nanocapsules for vaccine, nutrients, and growth hormone controlled delivery [132]. In terms of food processing, nanotechnologies can be used as delivery systems for active ingredients like flavors, flavor enhancers, vitamins, minerals, antimicrobials, drugs, colorants, antioxidants, probiotics, enzymes, peptides, lipids, proteins, and nutrients [134]. These active ingredients are used, for example, to speed up the food processing rate, change its texture or flavor, or improve its nutritional quality. Nanocarriers allow a better distribution, controlled release, and absorption by the body of the active ingredients; protect them from heat, moisture, and chemical and biological degradation; and prevent the interaction with other food components; etc. Other advantages of these nanocarriers, which include nanoemulsions, multiple emulsions, cochleates, colloids, dendrimers, micelles, liposomes, are their nontoxicity and their capacity to accommodate a large variety of chemicals including polar, nonpolar, hydrophilic, hydrophobic, amphiphilic functional compounds. For example, an Australian bakery uses nanocapsules to contain fish oil, which is added as a source of omega-3 [28]. The nanocapsules only open up once in the consumers’ stomach, preventing them from tasting the fish flavor. Nanoparticles can also be used as additives to improve gelation and viscosity, and provide a better stability to the system [132]. Moreover, they can selectively bind and remove pathogens from the food, for example, with silver and titanium dioxide for bacteria [134]. Finally,




nanotechnologies can be applied to the food process itself, for example, with separation membranes, bioreactors, or molecular detection for analytical purposes. Another area where nanotechnologies can play a large role, and in fact already do so, is food packaging. For example, they can be used to detect chemicals like ethylene and pathogens, and monitor temperature, moisture, and time [132]. These sensors can be made biodegradable or even edible. Food packaging materials can also see their barrier and mechanical properties improved and weight reduced with nanoclay, nanocellulose, nanosilica, chitin and chitosan nanostructure, and carbon nanotube nanocomposites [135]. They may as well be provided with active functionalities, for example, antimicrobial and antifungal activities with silver, titanium dioxide, chitosan, and carbon nanotubes; oxygen scavenging action with titanium dioxide; enzyme immobilization with nanoclay, silica, and conductive polymers; timeetemperature monitoring with gold nanoparticles; food spoilage gas detection with metal oxides and conducting polymers; and oxygen detection with titanium dioxide or tin dioxide nanoparticle-based colorimetric indicators. Finally, nanotechnologies can also be applied to the active ingredient itself. Indeed, nanoscale nutrients are more stable and better absorbed in the body [136]. They also allow targeted delivery of these nutrients. It may be noted that the introduction of nanomaterials in food has raised some attention from regulators. Even if no food regulation specific to nanomaterials exists yet, some work is done to update the Codex Alimentarius to take into account the food applications of nanotechnologies [134]. In the European Union, no consensus has been reached yet to modify the 1997 Novel Foods Regulation to provide indications for nanotechnologies [137]. In the midtime, some guidance has been provided for assessing potential risks arising from food applications of nanotechnologies [138]. A large number of household items are among the 1628 commercial nanoproducts listed in the 2013 update of the Nanotechnology Consumer Products Inventory of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars [13]. For example, silver, titanium dioxide, and gold nanoparticles can be found in appliances like air purifiers, water ionizers, humidifiers, air conditioners, antibacterial deodorant sprays, freezers, refrigerators, washing machines, vacuum cleaners and irons, as well as in cleaning products for clothing, floors, carpets, kitchens, bathrooms, upholstery, to take advantage of their antibacterial properties. They are also used for the same purpose in towels, bed linens, pillows, and mattresses as well as applied as surface treatment on water tap and door knobs, and paint on walls, floors, and other surfaces. Some degreasing treatments are based on micelles while nanofillers such as silica are employed in surface treatments and paints to provide self-cleaning properties to interior and exterior walls, windows, camera lenses, countertops, flooring, ceramic tiles, sanitary ceramics, stone, glass and ceramic seals, chrome and stainless steel objects, wood, ovens, barbecues, boat hulls, and car exteriors. The inventory also contains nanobased antibacterial and dirt-repealing products for kids and pets as well as antibacterial and nonstick tableware, kitchenware, and bakeware. In addition, nanofillers bring increased hardness and strength to cookware,

Nanomaterials Definitions, Classifications, and Applications

repair mortar and plaster, adhesive for head gasket and engine block, multipurpose glue, etc. Some nanofiller-based dipping solutions and polymer coatings are used as well to provide fire protection to fabrics, cardboard, wood, steel, and concrete materials. Finally, nanotechnology is already present in home electronics including computers, television, audio systems, cameras, mobile communication devices, lighting, and batteries. The potential applications of nanotechnology in medicine are expected to give new meaning to health care [139]. All three sectors of medicine are concerned: prevention, diagnosis, and therapy. In the case of prevention, topical vaccine delivery using nanoscale liposomes or micelles, for example, can provide an easy and efficient way to generate a cell-mediated immune response [122]. In terms of diagnosis, nanoscale components like nanocantilevers, nanotubes, and nanowires can increase the sensitivity of detection devices so that they identify biomolecular signals at a very low concentration and uncover diseases at the earliest stage [139]. These nanocomponents can be part of gene-, protein-, or lab-on-a-chip devices for in vitro diagnosis, and permit, for example, the real-time sequencing of single molecules of DNA. Molecular imaging also benefits from nanotechnology. In fact, nanoscale contrast agents based on quantum dots are already on the market. The imaging enhancement provided by nanoparticles allows, for example, the detection of tumors when they are still at the early stage of development and can be more easily treated. Nanotechnologies can also be used to provide light-weight, flexible radiation shields for diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine to replace lead-based products [140]. Therapeutic applications of nanotechnologies include controlledrelease drug delivery systems, for example, with dendrimers, nanotubes, and nanoshells. A large advantage of nanoparticles as drug carrier is the possibility to cross the bloodebrain barrier. They can also be used as vectors for gene therapy. Another therapeutic application of nanoparticles is the selective destruction of cancer cells. Indeed, some nanoparticles like iron oxide, gold, and carbon nanotubes transform into heat the energy they receive when placed in a magnetic field or hit by an external laser beam, for example. Cancer cell targeting can be achieved by coupling nanoparticles to antibodies. The same principle can be used to deliver chemotherapy drugs directly to a tumor and activate them only when on site. Nanotechnologies can also be applied to biomaterials. For example, soft tissue engineering can make use of nanofibers, nanotubes, and peptide-based self-assembled nanostructures to form scaffolds promoting tissue growth [141]. Scaffolds and implants for bone and cartilage replacement in orthopedics and dentistry can include nanostructured materials, nanocomposites, and nanocoatings. In particular, hydroxyapatite coatings and nanoscale surface treatments may provide enhanced biocompatibility while nanoporosity allows vascularization and cell growth inside the biomaterial [139]. Vascular stents may also benefit from nanoscale biocompatible or drug-eluting coatings. Another sector where nanotechnologies have already made a difference concerns implantable devices like pacemakers and hearing aids with a smaller size and increased power provided by nanoscale electronics. Applications are also considered for bionic systems like knee




prosthetics and vision rehabilitation. Medical textiles, protective clothing, and wound dressings have already turned nano too with the use of antibacterial nanoparticles like silver nanocrystals. The last example of health care sector where nano-enabled products are now on the market is medical tools, with nanoscale diamond coatings on surgical blades, gold nanocoatings on surgical thread, and stainless steel nanoparticles in suture needles. Eventually, nanoneedles and nanoscissors may one day enable nanosurgery, which will provide a minimally invasive alternative to traditional surgery. However, the arrival of nanomaterials in medicine raises also some concerns as their small size and increased reactivity may have a negative impact on health and generate new problems [122]. Nanotechnologies have already found applications in the military and new ones are to come. Sectors of interest include clothing, robotics, detection, surveillance, communication, weapons, vehicles, and soldier health [142,143]. For example, polymer matrix nanocomposites, in particular carbon nanotube-based ones, have been identified as a candidate material for the next generation of soldier head protection systems, which will require the addition of blast protection/mitigation functions to the existing ballistic protection capability [144]. Carbon nanotube-based fabrics offer also large opportunities for light-weight bullet-proof vests and explosion-proof blankets [145]. Stealth can be provided to soldiers and vehicles with electrochromic camouflage based, for example, on nanostructured optical negative-index metamaterials for day light and conductive nanotube films for night concealment [142]. Detection and protection against chemical and biological weapons are also a major concern for the military. Nanotechnologies can greatly improve the sensitivity, selectivity, and response time of chemical and biological sensors as well as reduce their size, weight, and power requirement. Interesting results have been obtained with carbon nanotube-based polymer composite fibers, titanium dioxide nanostructured films, and gold nanoparticles [146]. Protective breathable membranes can be prepared with electrospun nanofibrous web or nanoporous butyl rubber. Selective permeability can be provided, for example, by grafting the nanoporous matrix with the appropriate chemical groups. In addition, destructive adsorption of warfare agents has been obtained with various nanoscale metal oxides, giving selfdecontamination capabilities to treated surfaces. Currently, nanosilver is used in socks and undergarments to make them remain bacteria and odor-freed for days for war situations [143]. Military vehicles can also benefit from nanotechnologies. In addition to the ballistic protection and stealth already discussed, improved energy distribution based on nanoelectronics will allow all-electric warships requiring reduced crews while Nano Air Vehicles will bring a new meaning to indoor and outdoor battlefield surveillance [142]. Large expectations also exist for weapons, with nonlethal, incapacitating poisons and projectiles, for example [143]. Finally, nanotechnologies can help save soldiers’ lives by continuously monitoring their vital signs and providing their location with sensors embedded in their undergarments, and stopping blood loss in the case of injury with nanofibers in the uniform fabric allowing it to constrict into a tourniquet [142].

Nanomaterials Definitions, Classifications, and Applications

Ultimately, they may also allow automatically dispensing drugs when needed or as remotely prescribed by a doctor based on vital signs. Security is another area where nanotechnologies are expected to make a difference. For example, CBRE (chemical, biological, radiological, and explosive) detection can benefit from the increased sensitivity, selectivity, collection capability, and remoteness provided by nano-sized gold clusters, nanostructured oxide films on MEMS platforms, and dendritic polymers [147]. For its part, CBRE protection can make use of Al2O3 and Al2O3/MgO nanocrystals for chemical and biological decontamination, and microfibrous entrapped nanostructures for filtration. Highly sensitive explosive detection systems, that is, down to parts-per-quadrillion concentrations, can be produced using nanowire FETs multiarrays [148]. Each FET nanodevice is individually modified by a unique binding agent. This technology allows one to detect a wide range of explosives including nitro and peroxide derivatives. Building and vehicle security can also utilize nanotechnologies for detection and reaction [149]. In addition to CBRE detection, sensors can be developed for intrusion monitoring. For example, a highly reliable, low cost, and low power chemical sensor has been developed to detect humans even in harsh environments such as cargo ships. Buildings and vehicles can also be made more resistant, for example, with carbon nanotube, polyester nanofiber, and carbon nanofiberreinforced glass and concrete for increased strength; clay, metal nanoparticle- and carbon nanotube-reinforced plastics for improved fire resistance; and even carbon nanotubes and polymer nanoparticle composite structures with self-healing capacity. They can also be made reactive with nanocoatings killing viruses and bacteria, nanofilters for air purification, and nanostructured membranes based on photocatalytic nanoparticles, dendrimers, and magnetic nanoparticles for water purification. Finally, forgery of documents like passports and birth certificates may be made impossible thanks to the use of a nanotechnology-based laser scanner to measure their nanoscale fingerprint [142]. Nanotechnologies have already been adopted in sports, for years [150]. In particular, sports equipment like tennis rackets, bicycle frames, baseball bats, and pole vaults has been made lighter and stronger tanks to the use of nanocomposites. Their air- or hydrodynamics, rolling resistance, elasticity, durability, etc. can also be improved with nanocoatings or nanofillers. In addition, these new materials allow a better adjustment to the athlete morphological and dynamic characteristics [151]. Nanotechnologies are also used in sports facility materials [150]. For example, tracks made of nanocomposite polyurethane display improved rebound and compression restauration, as well as wear, flame and mildew resistance. Superhydrophobic surface treatments on windows and walls limit water and dirt accumulation. Athletes’ clothing, shoes, and accessories have also benefited from nanotechnologies, with more hydrodynamic swimsuits, lighter and more breathable clothes, odor-less shoes, socks and undergarments, antifog googles, and more responsive soles [151]. Athlete health and performance monitoring is also largely making use of nanotechnology for collecting muscle-specific information, testing tissue proteins




for fatigue biomarkers, and transferring massive quantities of data, for example [150,151]. Treatment of injuries includes nanoscale drugs, nano-enabled targeted drug delivery, magnetic therapy, and ligament reconstruction. Some also take advantage of nanotechnologies for athlete selection by DNA sequencing and cell separation. However, the question is raised about the fact that performance in sports is no longer controlled by the athlete’s qualities but by its access to high-technology resources and equipment [151]. Finally, nanotechnologies offer great opportunities to the textile industry by providing ways to improve short-term performance and durability, and reduce the use of toxic chemicals, for example [152]. The objective can be to improve existing properties, introduce novel functionalities, or develop smart textiles [153]. The application of nanotechnology to textiles is carried out through three main approaches: production of nanofibers, surface modification of fibers and fabrics, and addition of nanofillers for the manufacture of nanocomposite fibers [2]. Nanofiber webs are generally produced by electrospinning on a standard nonwoven support. One of their most interesting applications is for filtration. Surface modification of fibers and fabrics may provide them with water and oil repellency, crease resistance, flame retardation, antibacterial function, electrical conductivity, etc. using techniques such as plasma treatment, atomic layer deposition, or polymer chain grafting. However, these coatings may become depleted as a result of abrasion or washing. It is thus important to obtain a strong bonding between the nanocoating and the fiber/textile. Nanocomposite fibers are produced by dispersing nanofillers in the polymer prior to extrusion into a fiber. This allows increasing their strength, their electrical and thermal conductivity, or their flame resistance, for example. The main challenge in that case is to obtain a good dispersion of the often hydrophilic nanofillers in the hydrophobic matrix. The main nanomaterials used in textile applications are [153]: carbon nanofibers for increased tensile strength, high chemical resistance, and electrical conductivity; carbon black nanoparticles for improved abrasion resistance, nanoscale roughness, high chemical resistance, and electrical conductivity; clay nanoparticles for electrical, heat and chemical resistance, UV light screening, flame retardancy, and corrosion protection; metal nanoparticles (gold, silver, and copper) for antibacterial and antiodor capacity; metal oxide nanoparticles (titanium dioxide, alumina, zinc oxide, and magnesium oxide) for photocatalytic and photoeoxidation activity, electric conductivity, UV absorption, and antibacterial function; carbon nanotubes for strength, and electrical and thermal conductivity; and chitin nanofibrils for tensile strength, hightemperature resistance, and drug delivery capability. Textile nanoproducts currently commercially available include antibacterial socks, undergarments, medical clothing, towels, bed linens, pillows, mattresses, air and water filters; antibacterial, antifungal, and moisture management wound dressings; antibacterial and antiodor shoe insoles; stain-resistant, crease-free, and fast drying dresses, shirts, pants, and suits; stain-resistant luggage; water resistant and antistatic fleece; water-resistant breathable rain coats, winter jackets, and sleeping bags; water repelling umbrellas; hydrodynamic swimsuits; moisture

Nanomaterials Definitions, Classifications, and Applications

wicking and UV screening sports and beach clothing; far-infrared emitting joint guards; radiation protection suit; ballistic vests, suits, and coats; aerogel-based thermal insulating winter clothing; intumescent treatments for fabrics; colorfast dyes; drug-releasing bandages; and health monitoring jerseys [13].

6. CONCLUSIONS Even though the presence of nanotechnologies in man-made products can be traced back at least to the beginning of the Bronze Age, progress and discoveries made over the last 40 years have shed more light on the particularities of matter at the nanoscale level. With external dimension, or internal or surface structure between 1 and 100 nm, nanomaterials can be of natural or anthropogenic origin, the latter category covering incidental and engineered formation. In terms of dimensionality, they can be 0D, for example, quantum dots and nanoparticles, 1D with nanotubes, nanofibers and nanowires, 2D with thin films, nanocoatings and nanoplates, and 3D with nanocomposite and nanostructured materials. They can be made of all sorts of materials, including metals and metal alloys, metal oxides, semiconductors, silicates, carbonates, nitrides, carbon and polymers, using various top-down, bottom-up or bottom-to-bottom techniques. Over the years, humans have progressively uncovered the exceptional properties of nanomaterials: optical, electrical, mechanical, chemical, physicochemical, thermal, and magnetic, as well as their potential toxicity. Nanomaterials are now used in a number of commercial products in a wide variety of sectors: aerospace, automobile, chemicals, construction, cosmetics, electronics, energy, engineering, environment, food, households, medicine, military, security, sports, and textiles. They can greatly improve existing properties or bring novel functionalities. Yet, all this development shall be conducted with great precaution because of the potential impact of health and the environment nanomaterials may have sooner or later.


The Project on Emerging NanotechnologiesdInventory of Consumer Products: The European Commission: The National Nanotechnology Initiative: The National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network:

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Routes of Exposure to Nanoparticles: Hazard Tests Related to Portal Entries David B. Warheit1, Christie M. Sayes2 1

DuPont Haskell Laboratory, Newark, DE, USA; 2RTI International, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA

1. INTRODUCTION A fundamental paradigm in toxicology is centered around the exposure - dose - response relationship. According to this basic tenet, external exposures provide opportunity for agents to enter the body (internally). As a consequence, it is widely considered that no toxicological responses can occur in the absence of exposure. The term “exposure” can be defined as an opportunity for an external environmental chemical or agent, such as a nanoparticle (NP), to enter the body. Moreover, the route of exposure becomes a determinant of potential toxicity. Therefore, inhalation exposures to NP aerosols may or (may not) have adverse impacts on the respiratory system. Similarly, dermal exposures to NPs may have consequences for the skin. This chapter is designed to provide a brief orientation regarding the potential routes of exposures to NPs, either in an occupational, consumer, or diagnostic/medical setting. It should be noted that the major concerns associated with possible adverse respiratory tract responses to inhaled NPs occur primarily under occupational or workplace conditions. Alternatively, most of the concerns regarding ingestion of NPs are likely to occur as a result of food ingestion or unintentional oral exposures when encountering consumer products. This chapter describes the various routes of exposures to NPs along with a description of the rationale and methodology of developing a Nano Risk Framework for product safety assessment. The framework is predicated on serving as a toxicity screening strategydand these strategies are related to the potential routes of NP exposures.

2. POSSIBLE ROUTES OF EXPOSURE TO NANOPARTICLESdA BRIEF REVIEW The potential routes of NP exposures may occur via the following portals of entry and are succinctly described below: 1. Inhalation exposures via the respiratory tract 2. Skin (dermal exposures) 3. Ingestion/oral exposures via the gastrointestinal tract Nanoengineering ISBN 978-0-444-62747-6,

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4. Ocular (eye) exposures 5. Intravenous/intramuscular exposures (which occur almost exclusively in nanomedicine or biomedical settings).

2.1 Inhalation Exposures Much of the exposure and toxicology research efforts and measurements with NPs thus far have focused on inhalation exposures which are known to occur primarily in workplace conditions. As a consequence, NPs (which rarely consist of monodispersed singlets but usually occur as particle aggregates and agglomerates) are inhaled into the respiratory tract wherein they deposit onto the surfaces of alveolar epithelial cells and subsequently, may or may not translocate from airspace regions to interstitium/pulmonary capillaries (where oxygen and carbon dioxide gas exchange occurs) (see Figure 1). It is conceivable that inhaled NPs could eventually reach the systemic circulation via this route, although the likelihood is considered to be rare or of rather low incidence [1]. Indeed, based upon animal studies, most of the deleterious effects of inhaled NPs or particulates impact the cellular components within the respiratory tract anatomical compartment, i.e., at the sites of portal entry [2]. Experimentation on inhalation exposures to NPs has thus far been the most studied route of exposure. As an example of some of the screening methods that have recently been developed, [3a] reported on a short-term inhalation toxicity assay to assess and rank the hazards of 13 different metal oxide nanomaterial-types. Accordingly, rats were exposed to aerosols of test materials ranging from concentrations of

Figure 1 Scanning electron micrograph of a rat lung section. Inhaled particles and nanoparticles travel through the airways and deposit preferentially on alveolar duct (AD) bifurcations (arrow) which intersect the junction between terminal bronchiole (TB) and ADs.

Routes of Exposure to Nanoparticles: Hazard Tests Related to Portal Entries

0.5e50 mg/m3 for five consecutive days. The recovery/observation period ranged from immediately following exposure to 14 or 21 days postexposure. The methods for evaluation included bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) analysis and histopathological assessments, concomitant with pulmonary deposition/clearance, and translocation of NPs into extrapulmonary organs. The investigators concluded that the study results served to facilitate an initial attempt at grouping assessments of nanomaterials for safety assessment considerations. In a 90-day, subchronic study, DeLorme et al. [2] investigated the inhalation toxicity of a vapor grown carbon nanofiber (CNF) in rats. The CNF test sample was composed of > 99.5% carbon structure, containing virtually no catalyst metals. The physicochemical characteristics of the test material were rigorously investigated and four groups each of male and female rats were exposed to a range of aerosol concentrations over a 90-day period and investigated 1 day later. Additional groups of rats exposed to the highest concentration (25 mg/m3) as well as air-exposed controls were also evaluated 3 months post 90 days exposure. Evaluations included clinical and histopathological methods, along with BAL fluid analysis; and cell proliferation assessments of the terminal bronchiole (TB), alveolar duct (AD), and subpleural regions of the respiratory tract. Pulmonary inflammation indices correlated with cell proliferation results and minimal histopathological effects in the respiratory tract at the highest exposure concentration (25 mg/m3) [2]. It is important to note that there were no extrapulmonary/systemic effects reported. Thus, all of the measured impacts were identified within the respiratory tract.

2.2 Dermal Exposures Based on investigations of penetration kinetics and penetration pathways of topically applied substances (e.g., titanium dioxide particles), Lademann and colleagues have concluded that there is a paucity of evidence demonstrating that particles within the size range 100 nm are able to penetrate into living tissue (i.e., dermal components of the skin) under normal ambient conditions (see Refs [3b,4]). Evaluating the penetration of commercial products of titanium dioxide particulates in the size range 100 nm, often used as a component in sunscreens, it was determined that following dermal exposures, these particles are located only on the skin surface or in the proximal (uppermost) layers of the stratum corneum. The stratum corneum represents the upper layer of the epidermal surface. Basically, the skin consists of a large surface area component and is comprised of two major sectionsda large component identified as the epidermis and a more distal dermal component, which lies below the epidermis and has a limited vascular supply. Lademann reported that no particles were observed in the deeper layers of the stratum corneum, even following long-term application. Following additional assessments using skin biopsies, it was reported that the NPs may also penetrate into the openings of the hair follicles. The significance of these findings




is that topically applied fine particles and NPs did not penetrate beyond the epidermal region into the dermal layers which contain a blood supply and therefore could not reach the systemic circulation. Therefore, in intact skin, it is unlikely that dermal exposures to NPs can penetrate the skin layers in order to reach the vascular component and provide a significant systemic exposure of the body to NPs. Of course, it remains to be determined whether dermal exposures to NPs can penetrate into deeper skin layers under conditions wherein the skin surface may be abraded or compromised (i.e., skin lesions such as psoriasis, eczema, cold sores, or severe sunburn) [3b].

2.3 Oral or Ingestion Exposures Oral ingestion is another portal entry route wherein ingested NPs can enter the body. Exposures through the gastrointestinal tract occur following food intake or following pulmonary clearance and swallowing of inhaled NPs (see below). More specifically, some of the ingested component sources include flavor enhancers, food pigments, or supplements; as well as the possibility of some unintended, nonedible remnants, such as nanosilver coated toothbrushes, and food and drink container components [5,6]. The frequency of occurrence is likely to be reduced in an occupational setting vs. in a consumer/ food consumption setting. The transit pathway for food-containing NP includes the following organs: esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. Digestion and absorption of foodstuffs and ingested NPs are likely to occur in the intestinal regions. However, there are conflicting reports regarding whether there is any significant uptake or absorption of NP from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood circulation. Indeed, it is likely that the criteria for absorption and uptake depend upon a variety of factors including the type of NPs, as well as important physicochemical characteristics such as size, dispersibility, and charge of the particle. Most of the ingested particles are not absorbed but excreted from the GI tract. As discussed earlier, another pathway for NPs to transit the GI tract may occur following inhalation exposured pulmonary clearance of particles via the mucociliary escalator (i.e., the airways) may ultimately result in the swallowing of the “cleared,” inhaled particles, which can then transit through the gastrointestinal tract. As mentioned above, the degree or likelihood of absorption of NPs transiting through the alimentary canal is particle- and property-specific. In this regard, some investigators have reported that oral exposures to NPs can result in absorption through the epithelial cells of the Peyer’s patches in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue [7]. In other studies [8], it was concluded that oral administration of NPs may be absorbed across the gastrointestinal tract via the lymph nodes, ultimately transmigrating to the liver and spleen. In contrast to these findings, high-dose, acute oral gavage exposures to pigment-grade or nano-sized titanium dioxide particles in rats did not result in uptake into the systemic circulation, as measured 48 h or 72 h postexposure [9].

Routes of Exposure to Nanoparticles: Hazard Tests Related to Portal Entries

2.4 Ocular or Eye Exposures Ocular or eye exposure is readily obvious; and can be mitigated in the workplace by the wearing of safety glasses. The frequency of such an event is relatively low in occupational settings and thus, this exposure route has not been extensively studied.

2.5 Intravenous/Intramuscular Exposures (Which Occur Almost Exclusively in Nanomedicine or in Biomedical Settings) Engineered NPs are presently being used globally for a wide range of biomedical applications. Two of these application areas are therapeutics and diagnostics. Most of these types of particles have unique physical and chemical properties that make them attractive candidates; some examples include gold colloids and shells used in cancer therapies [10], liposomes and polymeric particles used as drug delivery systems across the bloodebrain barrier [11], and dendrimers as treatment of neuroinflammatory disorders [12]. Furthermore, the most recent research on fullerene-based therapeutics involves their use as antioxidants for inflammatory diseases, their potential as antiviral/bacterial agents, and their utility as drug delivery systems [13]. Some carbon-based engineered nanostructures have been shown to recruit immune cells to targeted areas while controlling the release of inflammatory mediators (both pro- and anti-) making them highly studied materials for several diseases and conditions. Some of these conditions include tumors, allergic reactions, asthma, arthritis, and plaque formation. Specific to tumor targeting, NPs are often proposed as agents having surface molecular markers that can be used as docking sites to concentrate bionanoconjugates (BNCs) onto tumors and tumor cells [14]. Specific identifiers in tumor vasculature are ideal for targeting because the molecules at the surface of these blood vessels are easily accessible to circulating particles, drugs, and particles tethered to drugs. The underlying theory in the phenomenon of nano-sized particles as efficient cancer therapy is based on the idea that NPs can deliver an increased concentration of a drug to a targeted site of disease while eliminating the distribution of the same drug to nondiseased sites. NPs used as therapeutics: 1. As carriers for drug and gene delivery (e.g., tumors) 2. To cause inflammation (e.g., mast cell-driven allergies) 3. To inhibit inflammation (e.g., arthritis) 4. To dampen pathogenesis (e.g., asthma). NPs used as diagnostics: 1. To identify atherosclerotic plaque 2. To identify tumors 3. As sensors to characterize tumor vasculatures 4. As sensors to local circulating cancer cells.




Table 1 Examples of NP use in biomedical applications Particle-type Unique properties


Noble metal colloids, such as gold nanoparticles

Potential for cancer diagnosis and therapy due to their surface plasmon resonance enhanced light scattering and absorption


Magnetic nanoparticles, such as iron oxide (Fe3O4), magnetite

Show promise in vivo as site specific drug delivery agents due to magnetic association with biocontaminants and tumor sites


Polymeric microencapsulated CdSe/ ZnS-polyethyleneimine (PEI) quantum dots (QDs)

Provide a tool to retain particle luminescence for applications such as extracellular sensing and imaging


Chitin and chitosan nano-sized polymers

Biocompatible, biodegradable, and has applications in tissue engineering, wound healing, and excipients for drug delivery


Metal-based glyconanoparticles

Advantages include water solubility, biocompatibility, stability, and targeting; makes use of the “glycocode” to specifically target pathogens


Functionalized fullerenes, such as Paclitaxel-embedded buckysomes

Deliver an increased amount of paclitaxel, resulting in a greater anticancer efficacy


The use of nanomaterials in biomedical applications involves efficacy testing, toxicological evaluations, and physicochemical characterization. Most studies do not adequately report on all of these aspects in a single study. Understanding the entire functionalities of the particle or particle tethered to the drug is a necessary component in the successful development of sustainable and safe nanomedicines. Performance testing, thermal stability, dose metrics, and clearance mechanisms are all characteristics currently being studied (Table 1). NPs generate enthusiasm and still hold great promise for the areas of molecular biology, personalized medicine, and bioengineering due to their unique optical properties, modifiable surface chemistry, and appropriate size scale. Some examples are listed in Table 1.

3. NANO RISK FRAMEWORK OR NANOPARTICLE RISK MANAGEMENTdDEVELOPMENT OF BASE SET TOXICITY TESTS AS RELATED TO POTENTIAL ROUTES OF NP EXPOSURESdAS RELATED TO PORTALS OF ENTRY A base set of hazard/toxicity studies has been recommended to assess health impacts and to take into account the potential routes of exposure during the NP lifecycle. This

Routes of Exposure to Nanoparticles: Hazard Tests Related to Portal Entries

process is predicated upon the common belief that the potential likelihood for developing health risks is a function of both hazard and exposure to NPs. In essence, health risks cannot occur in the absence of individual exposures. Thus, within the realm of health risk managementdthe application of hazard data for informing potential risks presumes that exposure occurs at a relevant portal of entry (e.g., lungs, skin, gastrointestinal tract, eyes). Moreover, the minimum base set of hazard data should include the following considerations: attention to the application whereby exposure could occurdfollowed by robust particle characterization of the NP test substance, pulmonary toxicity studies (impacting the lungs), acute dermal toxicity and sensitization studies (skin), acute oral (ingestion), and ocular (eye) toxicity studies. In addition, we have also conducted short-term, screening type genotoxicity studies as an early indication of any potential carcinogenic effects (see Table 2). In the past, we have implemented this Nano Risk Framework system to gauge proactively the potential health risks related to the commercialization of newly developed, well-characterized nanoscale titanium dioxide particle-types. In the next several paragraphs, we briefly summarize the methodologies employed to implement the base set hazard studies as they relate to potential routes of exposures.

3.1 Pulmonary Toxicity Study in Rats with Nanoscale TiO2 Particles This study was designed to evaluate lung toxicity in rats of newly developed, wellcharacterized, nanoscale TiO2 particles and compare them to other TiO2 samples with Table 2 Base set hazard testsdas related to routes of exposure Nanomaterial physiochemical characterization

• Size and size distribution • Crystal structure • Chemical composition • Surface reactivity Mammalian hazard tests

• Pulmonary bioassay • Skin irritation • Skin sensitization • Acute oral toxicity • Eye irritation In vitro genotoxicity tests

• Bacterial reverse mutation • Chromosomal aberration Copied from Ref. [43].




different size ranges and surface modifications. Groups of rats were intratracheally instilled with different doses of each of the test particles including negative (pigment-grade) TiO2 and positive control samples (a-quartz particles). Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution instilled rats served as vehicle controls. Following exposures, the lungs of PBS and particle-exposed rats were measured for BAL fluid inflammatory markers, cell proliferation, and by morphological assessment of lung tissues at postexposure time periods of 24 h, 1 week, 1 month, and 3 months. The fundamental features of this pulmonary bioassay consist of dose-response evaluations and time-course assessments to determine the persistence of any measured adverse effect. Thus the major endpoints of this study include the following indices: 1) time course and dose/ response intensity of lung inflammation and cytotoxicity; (2) airway and lung parenchymal cell proliferation; and (3) morphological evaluation of lung tissue.

3.2 Acute Dermal Irritation Study in Rabbits Acute dermal irritation tests have been conducted according to US EPA 870.2500 (United States Environmental Protection Agency) and OECD 404 (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) guidelines [36e42]. Accordingly, the rabbits were exposed to the test substance for 4 h after which the test substance was removed. Test sites were evaluated for signs of dermal irritation approximately 60 min, and 24, 48, and 72 h after test substance removal.

3.3 Dermal Sensitization Test: Local Lymph Node Assay in Mice For the dermal sensitization component, responses in mice using the local lymph node assay (LLNA) have been implemented (OECD 429 Guideline). Repeated exposures to the skin can lead to an allergic contact dermatitis. This response is different from skin irritation. The objective of this study was to assess the potential of nanoscale TiO2 particles to produce a dermal sensitization response in mice using the LLNA. Groups of female mice were dosed for three consecutive days with 0% (vehicle control), 5%, 25%, 50%, or 100% nanoscale TiO2 particle-types on both ears. One group of five female mice was dosed for three consecutive days with 25% hexylcinnamaldehyde in 4:1 acetone: olive oil (AOO) as a positive control and one group of five female mice was dosed for three consecutive days with AOO as a positive control vehicle. On test day five of the assay, mice received 3 H-Thymidine by tail vein injection and were sacrificed approximately 5 h later. The cell proliferation impacts in the draining auricular lymph nodes of the ears from the test substance groups were then assessed and compared to the vehicle control group [43].

3.4 Acute Oral Toxicity Study in RatsdUp and Down Procedure The acute oral toxicity test up-and-down procedure was conducted according to US EPA 870.1100 and OECD 425 guidelines [44,45]. A single dose of nanoscale TiO2

Routes of Exposure to Nanoparticles: Hazard Tests Related to Portal Entries

particles suspended in deionized water was administered by oral gavage to fasted female rats at several doses. Rats were observed for mortality, body weight effects, and clinical signs for 14 days after dosing. Subsequently, all rats were necropsied to detect grossly observable evidence of organ or tissue damage or dysfunction.

3.5 Acute Ocular Irritation Study in Rabbits The acute eye irritation tests were conducted according to US EPA 870.2400 and OECD 405 guidelines [36e42]. Nanoscale TiO2 particles were evaluated for acute eye irritation potential in young adult New Zealand White rabbits. The study was conducted after confirming that the compound was not a severe irritant or corrosive to the skin.

3.6 Base Set Toxicity ResultsdNanoscale Titanium Dioxide In putting into practice this Nano Risk Framework, we have published the findings of a base set of hazard tests with a newly developed nanoscale TiO2 particle-type. As discussed in an earlier section, the hazard test designs correspond to the potential routes of exposure/portals of entry. Accordingly, in vivo pulmonary toxicity studies in rats demonstrated low inflammatory potential and lung tissue toxicity. This was evidenced by the lack of inflammatory cells in the BAL fluid recovered from nanoscale TiO2exposed rats (see Figure 2). Acute dermal irritation studies in rabbits and LLNA data generated in mice demonstrated that the newly nanoscale TiO2 test particle was not a skin irritant or dermal sensitizer. Acute oral toxicity study findings were consistent with very low toxicity and nanoscale TiO2 particles produced short-term and reversible

Figure 2 Cytocentrifuge preparation of cells recovered from a rat exposed to nanoscale TiO2 particles. Virtually all of the cells in this micrograph are identified as alveolar macrophages. The darkened cells represent macrophages which have phagocytized nanoscale TiO2 particles. Note the absence of neutrophils which represent inflammatory cell-types. (Copied from Ref. [49].)




ocular conjunctival redness in rabbits. Genotoxicity tests demonstrated that nanoscale TiO2 particles were negative in both the bacterial reverse mutation test and in an in vitro mammalian chromosome aberration test with Chinese hamster ovary cells [43,46,47]. To recap the toxicity results, it is clear that the data generated from virtually all of the base set hazard studies undertakendand related to the various portal exposure routes demonstrated low hazard potential in mammals for all routes of exposure. Thus, one could conclude that the nanoscale TiO2 particle-types tested result in very low health risks regardless of the exposure routes. Therefore, whether inhalation, dermal or ingestion exposure of this NP substance occurred, there appears to be a rather large margin of safety [48]. To summarize this concept, the intent of a nanoparticle risk management framework is to develop a consistent and repeatable procedure for proactively establishing environmental health and safety (EHS) risks affected by exposures to newly developed engineered nanomaterials. The development and future commercialization of many different engineered nanomaterial-types for uses in a variety of applications will present a challenge for companies and regulators to provide assurances for the safety of products for occupational workers and ultimately, consumers. Moreover, the advancement of effective and safe products containing NPs should be a requisite component of the product stewardship process. This is an integral aspect of the broad engagement process with stakeholders on EHS issues, contributing to the public understanding and confidence in products developed through nanoscale science and engineering. An EHS framework has been promoted to characterize the potential risks related to exposures to nanoscale particle-types. Of course, determination of risk is a product of both exposure and hazard assessments. And as discussed earlier, the potential exposures relate to portal of entry. However, in many cases the exposure potential cannot be specifically measured, due in large part, to the current limitations of technology to measure NP exposures in the workplace. Nonetheless, the risk management framework could include a minimum base set of toxicity (hazard) screening studies which provide a fundamental characterization of the potential hazards of the NPs being investigated for human health impacts. This base set hazard assessment process is modeled, in part, on the preparation of the SIDS (screening information data sets) used by OECD and US EPA for the investigation of high production volume chemicals.1

4. SOURCES OF FURTHER INFORMATION There are a few key groups working towards harmonizing the information known about the nanoebio interactions and toxicity of nanomaterials. These groups provide 1; pdf;

Routes of Exposure to Nanoparticles: Hazard Tests Related to Portal Entries

information through guidance documents, workshops, and summary reports. Some examples and their mission statements are included: • Bridging NanoEHS Research (USeEU) Bridging NanoEHS Research (USeEU) is a consortium of NanoEHS scientists from the US and EU who create platforms for scientists to develop a shared repertoire of protocols and methods to overcome research gaps and barriers and to enhance their professional relationships in an effort to address environmental, health, and safety questions about nanomaterials and to collaboratively advance the field. • IOMdInstitute of Occupational Medicine (Singapore) IOM is a leading international provider of health and safety solutions to industry, commerce, public sector, and professional bodies. SAFENANO is an IOM Centre of Excellence which hosts workshops for the NanoEHS community. • National Nanotechnology Initiative (US) The NNI is a US Government research and development (R&D) initiative involving the nanotechnology-related activities of 20 department and agency units whose goal is to work towards future applications of nanotechnology that may lead to a revolution in technology and industry that will benefit society. • European Chemicals Agency (EU) EU legislation governs the safe use and disposal of nanomaterials under REACH but is still under review. According to the agency, there are no explicit requirements for nanomaterials under REACH; nanomaterials meet the regulations’ substance definition. • PENdThe Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies (US) The Web site is the first publicly available online inventory of nanotechnologybased consumer products. When the PEN inventory was first released in March 2006, it listed 212 products, and three years later, the list skyrocketed to 1015 productsdan increase of almost 400%, indicating how rapidly this field is progressing. • The Nanomaterial Registry (US) The Nanomaterial Registry is an authoritative, fully curated resource that archives research data on nanomaterials and their biological and environmental implications. It offers data export, management, and minimal characterization information about nanomaterials.




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Routes of Exposure to Nanoparticles: Hazard Tests Related to Portal Entries

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[46] Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Guidel Test Chem 1998;473. [47] Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Guidel Test Chem 1998;471. [48] Warheit DB. How to measure hazards/risks following exposures to nanoscale or pigment-grade titanium dioxide particles. Toxicol Lett 2013;220:193e204. [49] Warheit DB, Webb TR, Sayes CM, Colvin VL, Reed KL. Pulmonary instillation studies with nanoscale TiO2 rods and dots in rats: toxicity is not dependent upon particle size and surface area. Toxicol Sci 2006;91:227e36.

ADDITIONAL REFERENCES • Lee Ji H, Ahn K, Kim SM, Jeon Ki S, Lee JS, Yu Il J. Continuous 3-day exposure assessment of workplace manufacturing silver nanoparticles. J Nanopart Res 2012; 14(9):1e10. • Zhang M, Jian Le, Bin P, Xing M, Lou J, Cong L. Workplace exposure to nanoparticles from gas metal arc welding process. J Nanopart Res 2013;15(11):1e14. • Meesters JAJ, Veltman K, Hendriks AJ, van de Meent D. Environmental exposure assessment of engineered nanoparticles: why REACH needs adjustment. Integr Environ Assess Manag 2013;9(3):e15e26. • Boldrin A, Hansen SF, Baun A, Hartmann NIB, Astrup TF. Environmental exposure assessment framework for nanoparticles in solid waste. J Nanopart Res 2014;16(6): 1e19.


Methods of Detection and Characterization François Gensdarmes Institut de Radioprotection et de S^ urete Nucleaire (IRSN), PSN-RES, SCA, Aerosol Physics and Metrology Laboratory, Gif-sur-Yvette, France

1. INTRODUCTION In general, airborne particles, compared with gaseous pollutants or vapors, present specific metrology problems due to the influence of a number of parameters that apply to them in particular, such as size, shape, electric charge, airborne concentration, etc. The behavior of particles changes dramatically in line with these factors, the most significant of which is size. For these reasons, it is more complicated to characterize airborne particles than gases or vapors. In particular, characterizing ultrafine particles requires fundamentally different metrology methods than those used for characterizing micron-size particles, and therefore than those which are normally used in occupational health and safety. As we will present, for several decades instruments have been used to measure ultrafine airborne particles. However, beyond purely metrological aspects, methods for evaluating occupational exposure to ultrafine particles are also specific and are at an early stage of development, particularly with regard to portable devices and those for individual monitoring of the exposure. The study of aerosols has made it possible to develop our understanding of the behavior, metrology, and impact of airborne particles. The term aerosol normally refers to a suspension of particles with size ranging from a few angstroms to 100 mm in a gas. The term ultrafine aerosol is generally used to refer to aerosols with particle sizes below 0.1 mm. In nanotechnologies, the term nanoparticle is preferred. However, depending on the processes used, agglomerates or aggregates with a size well over 100 nm but made up of primary structures smaller than 100 nm may occur. In this context, a focus on nanoparticles does not exclude studying particles, and in particular aggregates, with a size of over 100 nm. The development of our understanding of aerosols is closely tied to the history of atmospheric sciences. In 1847, H. Becquerel hypothesized that there are ultrafine particles in the air, today still referred to as condensation nuclei [1,2]. This was confirmed by the experiments of Coulier [3] on the adiabatic expansion of air. Using his expansion chamber, he observed that water vapor condensed more easily with unfiltered air than Nanoengineering ISBN 978-0-444-62747-6,

© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.




filtered air. We can therefore consider that this device was the first condensation nuclei detector, this method is still used to date to measure the concentration of ultrafine particles. At the same time, Aitken [4,5], was also working on detecting and characterizing ultrafine airborne particles. It should be noted that ultrafine particles or nanoparticles are present everywhere in the atmosphere. They are formed by nucleation through photochemical reactions in the atmosphere with gaseous precursors (sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds). These particles grow in size, particularly through condensation and coagulation. Concentrations vary between 103 and 106 particles per cm3 (p/cm3) depending on the environment (urban, continental, or maritime areas). For over 100 years, extensive research has been carried out into aerosols and particulate atmospheric pollution [6] with a particular focus on metrology [7] since the 1970s. It should also be noted that in the early stages of research into aerosols in the 1950s, nanoparticles were studied with the decay products of radon (222Rn and 220Rn), an alpha-emitting radioactive gas that is naturally present in the atmosphere. When radon decays, it produces other radioactive elements which are solid (particles) and forms clusters with sizes of between 0.5 and 5 nm [8,9] which can then attach themselves to the atmospheric aerosol or be deposited on available surfaces. This research began in order to explain the high cancer rates among uranium miners and continues today within the framework of public policies on the exposure of human populations to natural radioactivity.

2. CONCEPTS OF AIRBORNE PARTICLE BEHAVIOR 2.1 Molecular, Transient and Continuum Flow Regimes The spectrum of aerosol particle dimensions is very broad, and extends from a few tenths of a nanometer up to 100 mm. To determine the resistance of the gaseous medium to the movement of a particle, we have to consider the ratio between the mean free path of the molecules that make up the gas (lg) and the radius of the particles assumed to be spherical (rp). This ratio is a dimensionless number called the Knudsen number ðKn ¼ lg =rp Þ which can be used to characterize the continuity of the medium with regard to the particle. Therefore, if Kn  1, the medium is considered continuous and the resistance of the medium to the movement of a particle may be expressed as a function of the macroscopic parameters of the gas (density rg, dynamic viscosity h). However, if Kn [ 1, the medium is considered discontinuous, and we are dealing with the molecular flow regime. In this case, the movement of a particle is affected by individual collisions with the molecules that make up the surrounding gas. The particles are said to be subject to Brownian motion. The resistance of the medium to the movement of a particle is then a function of the thermal velocity, mass, and

Methods of Detection and Characterization

concentration of the gaseous molecules. When Kn z 1 (in practice 0.4 < Kn < 20, [10]), this is referred to as the transient flow regime. In practical terms, the mean free path of molecules composing air is equal to 0.066 mm at 101.3 kPa (1 atm) and 293 K (20  C). We may consider that we are no longer in the continuum flow regime when particle diameters are below 1 mm, and that the molecular flow regime begins once the diameter of particles is below 0.1 mm (100 nm). As a comparison, in air, the molecular diameter representing the distance between the centers of two molecules at the moment they collide is 0.37 nm. Table 1 shows the various characteristics at molecular scale for air at 101.3 kPa and 293 K [11]. In order to use a single formula for continuum, transient and molecular flow regimes to describe the resistance of the medium to the movement of a particle, we use the Cunningham slip correction factor. Under the molecular flow regime, this factor translates the relative nonzero velocity of the carrier gas molecules at the surface of the particles, which is often pictured as the slipping of molecules along the surface of the particles. This phenomenon explains the reduced force of the friction of the gas on a moving sphere as opposed to the force calculated in accordance with the continuum flow regime law, which is still referred to as Stokes’ law. The Cunningham coefficient has a value that is always greater than one and may be expressed empirically as follows:      C Cu dp ¼ 1 þ Kn$ A þ B$exp  ; (1) Kn where A, B, and C are experimentally determined constants. This relationship, known as the MillikaneCunningham formula, is widely used to determine the correction factor and has been subject to extensive experimental research to optimize the values of the constants. For air, the most recent literature [12] gives A ¼ 1.165; B ¼ 0.483; and C ¼ 0.997. For the strictly molecular flow regime, there is a simplified expression of the Cunningham correction factor Cu which facilitates analytical calculations [13]: Cu ðdp Þ ¼ Kn$ðA þ BÞ: For example, Table 2 presents Cunningham correction factor values calculated for P ¼ 101.3 kPa and T ¼ 293 K (lg ¼ 66 nm) and for various particle diameters. Table 1 Characteristics for air at molecular scale Characteristic value

Molecular diameter

0.37 nm

Mean free path

66 nm

Concentration of molecules

2.5  1019 cm3

Mean molecular thermal velocity

460 m/s




Table 2 Cunningham correction factor values for various particle diameters Diameter (mm) Cunningham correction factor













Theories for the physics of aerosols generally assume that particles are spherical, but in reality, they rarely are. As a result, in order to simply characterize particles with irregular shapes, we use the diameters of spherical particles with some equivalent properties (mass, volume, settling velocity, electrical mobility, Brownian diffusion, light scattering, etc.) For example, the aerodynamic behavior of a particle is represented by its aerodynamic diameter, while its diffusional behavior is represented by its thermodynamic or electrical mobility diameter. Generally, these diameters are measured by various instrument types and used to establish semiempirical laws and aerosol behavior models (for deposits on surfaces or respiratory tracts, electrical charge, filtration, coagulation, etc.) There are relationships between the various equivalent diameters as functions of other particle characteristics, such as density, dynamic shape factor, fractal dimension, and effective density for aggregates [14,15]. Note that the various equivalent diameters of a particle may show significant deviations depending on these parameters, which can present a problem for comparing the results from instruments that operate on different principles. As a result, it is important to have a good grasp of some concepts of the behavior of airborne particles in order to understand the precise meaning of the various equivalent diameters obtained by the instrument techniques presented in Section 5.

2.2 Particle Sedimentation: The Aerodynamic Equivalent Diameter Sedimentation of a particle is the result of the ratio between the gravity force exerted on the particle and the drag force that opposes the movement of the particle. Thus, in stable environmental conditions, the particle reaches a terminal sedimentation velocity. For a spherical particle of diameter dp and density rp, this velocity is expressed as follows:   rp $d2p $Cu dp $g ; (2) Vs ¼ 18$h

Methods of Detection and Characterization

where g is gravitational acceleration (m/s2). This relationship only applies when flow around the spherical particle is laminar, i.e., when the Reynolds number of the particle defined by Rep ¼ rg Vdp =h is below 0.1. More generally when particles are not spherical, sedimentation velocity is expressed as a function of the volume equivalent diameter by the following relationship: rp $d2ev $Cuðdev Þ$g ; (3) 18$h$c where dev is the diameter of a sphere with the same volume as the particle under consideration and c is the dynamic shape factor of the particle. The dynamic shape factor is a dimensionless parameter that is defined by the ratio between the drag force on the particle and the drag force on a sphere of the same volume as the particle. The dynamic shape factor for spherical particles is therefore equal to 1. In the metrology of aerosols, an equivalent diameter for particles called the aerodynamic diameter is widely used. The aerodynamic diameter of a particle (both spherical and nonspherical) is defined as the diameter of a sphere of density 1000 kg/m3 and same terminal sedimentation velocity as the particle. The sedimentation velocity of a given particle is thus simply expressed as a function of aerodynamic diameter da by the following relationship: Vs ¼

r0 $d2a $Cuðda Þ$g ; (4) 18$h where r0 is the reference density, equal to 1000 kg/m3. The sedimentation velocity of a particle Vs may be expressed even more simply by using its relaxation time sp: Vs ¼

Vs ¼ sp $g;

(5) r0 $d2a $Cuðda Þ 18$h

is a function of the where g is gravitational acceleration and sp ¼ aerodynamic diameter of the particle only. The relaxation time represents the characteristic time that the velocity vector of the particle takes to adapt to a variation in the velocity vector of the carrier fluid. This parameter can be used to connect the velocity of the particle to the velocity of the fluid in the general equation of motion. It can therefore be used to characterize not only sedimentation but also particle inertiadi.e., whether or not particles are going to follow the streamlines of the carrier fluid, particularly during a change in direction. We shall see that the aerodynamic diameter of particles is measured using instruments whose results depend on the relaxation time of particles. Note that in order to express sedimentation velocity, we can also use Stokes’ diameter, defined by the diameter of a sphere of the same density and terminal sedimentation velocity as the particle under consideration. The sedimentation velocity of a given




Figure 1 Descriptive diagram of various equivalent diameters.

particle is then expressed as a function of its density rp and its Stokes’ diameter ds by the following relationship: Vs ¼

rp $d2s $Cuðds Þ$g : 18$h


Figure 1 presents a diagram based on the work by Hinds [11]. It provides an example of the various equivalent diameters used to represent the sedimentation of a particle of given shape at T ¼ 293 K and P ¼ 1013 hPa. In general, sedimentation is considered to be an important mechanism for determining the development of micron-size aerosol. However, sedimentation is generally ignored for studying the behavior of a submicron aerosol. For example, Table 3 presents sedimentation velocity as a function of the aerodynamic diameter of particles at P ¼ 1013 hPa and T ¼ 293 K. Table 3 Sedimentation velocity for various particle aerodynamic diameters Aerodynamic diameter (mm) Sedimentation velocity (mm/s)


6.9  105


3.9  104


8.8  104


3.5  102



Methods of Detection and Characterization

2.3 Brownian Diffusion: The Thermodynamic Equivalent Diameter Brownian motion is the random motion of a particle as a result of collisions with surrounding gaseous molecules. Diffusiophoresis is the movement of a group of particles induced by a concentration gradient. This movement always flows from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration. Diffusiophoresis is generally characterized using Fick’s law, which can be used to express the flow of particles as a function of their diffusion coefficient and concentration. In the absence of external forces, it is expressed as follows: dC ; (7) dx where J is the flow of particles per surface unit (m2/s), D is the Brownian diffusion coefficient of the particles (m2/s), and C is the concentration of the particles along x axis (m3). For a spherical particle of diameter dp, its Brownian diffusion coefficient D is expressed by the StokeseEinstein relationship as follows:   k$T$Cu dp ; (8) D ¼ 3$p$h$dp J ¼ D$

where k is the Boltzmann constant (k ¼ 1.38  1023 J/K) and T is temperature (K). Equation (8) provides the thermodynamic equivalent diameter of a nonspherical particle if its diffusion coefficient is known. This relationship applies for diameters over 2 nm. Below this, it is no longer valid, because it does not agree with the kinetic theory of gases and needs to be corrected empirically [16]. Currently, such sub 2-nm particles are only studied for health issue dealing with radon daughters. If there is no particle concentration gradient, diffusiophoresis is zero, and there is no transfer of particulate mass in a specific direction. Nevertheless, particles do experience Brownian motion, characterized by the root mean square displacement of particles, xrms. This displacement corresponds to the mean total distance covered by the particle in a given direction over time t. It is expressed by the following relationship: pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (9) xrms ¼ 2$D$t: The previous relationship shows that the greater a particle’s diffusion coefficient and the smaller its diameter, the greater its Brownian motion. This movement therefore often predominates in the physical behavior of airborne nanoparticles. This is illustrated in Figure 2, which compares the root mean square displacement of a particle in 1 s and the distance traveled in the same time by sedimentation (corresponding to the settling velocity). The results presented are for spherical particles of density equal to 1000 kg/m3 at P ¼ 1013 hPa and T ¼ 293 K. Figure 2 clearly shows that for particles of diameter over 1 mm, sedimentation is responsible for the displacement of particles. However, when the diameter of particles




Figure 2 Comparison of the root mean square Brownian displacement of a particle and the distance traveled by sedimentation.

is less than 0.1 mm, Brownian motion comes into play. It also shows that Brownian motion takes place at a micrometer or millimeter level. Brownian diffusion is therefore an important phenomenon in situations where the distances involved are small and residence times are high. It is important to note that the Brownian displacement of ultrafine particles remains very low in comparison to their transport by turbulent air movements and convection. These movements may arise from temperature differences and wind in the atmosphere, or from ventilation systems, the movement of persons or objects in indoor environments. They induce transport and a dispersion of particles on a macroscopic scale, which is generally characterized by a turbulent diffusion coefficient of the order of 103 m2/s, thus much higher than the Brownian diffusion coefficient for a particle (see Table 4).

2.4 Action of an Electrical Field: The Electrical Mobility Diameter When an electrically charged particle is exposed to an external electrical field, it reaches a drift velocity in the field which is a function of the balance between the electrical and drag forces. The drift velocity of a charged particle is proportional to the electric field and is expressed as follows: V ¼ Z$E;


Methods of Detection and Characterization

Table 4 Brownian diffusion coefficient of a particle assumed to be spherical at P ¼ 1013 hPa and T ¼ 293 K Diameter (mm) Diffusion coefficient (m2 s1)


2.15  107


5.45  108


2.43  109


6.94  1010


2.74  1011


2.41  1012

where E is the electrical field strength (V/m) and Z is the electrical mobility of the particle (m2 V1/s). The electrical mobility of a particle is linked to its diffusion coefficient D by the following relationship: p$e Z ¼ $D; (11) k$T where p is the number of elementary charges on the particle, e is the elementary charge (e ¼ 1.6  1019 C), k the Boltzmann constant (k ¼ 1.38  1023 J/K), and T the temperature (K). Using the definition of the diffusion coefficient (StokeseEinstein equation), we can express the electrical mobility of a particle assumed to be spherical as a function of its diameter dp by the following relationship:   p$e$Cu dp : (12) Z ¼ 3$p$h$dp When the particle is not spherical, relationship 12 is used to calculate the equivalent electrical mobility diameter, from, for example, the electrical mobility measurement Z and knowledge of the number of elementary electric charges p. Relationship 12 shows that the smaller the particle, the higher the electrical mobility. As a result, electrically charged ultrafine particles behave very differently from neutral particles when they are exposed to an electrical field, even for weak field. Figure 3 illustrates this by comparing the root mean square displacement by Brownian diffusion and the distance traveled in 1 s (corresponding to the drift velocity) by a particle for two electrical field strength values. The particles are assumed to be spherical and to carry a single elementary electric charge. Calculations are for an electrical field E ¼ 100 V/m, which represents an atmospheric electrical field at ground level in fine weather conditions, and an electrical field E ¼ 10 kV/m, which represents stormy conditions [17,18].




Figure 3 Comparison of root mean square displacements and the drift distance in an electrical field at P ¼ 1013 hPa and T ¼ 293 K, for particles with a single charge.

Figure 3 clearly shows that the displacement of ultrafine electrically charged particles is significantly influenced by the electrical field. Electrical fields in the atmosphere are mainly the result of meteorological conditions in the troposphere and the electric conductivity of air due to the presence of small ions [17,19]. There are also intense electrical fields near high-voltage power lines. In indoor environments, electrical fields may be the result of friction or contact mechanisms. An electrical field may also be created by the occurrence of a space charge. This space charge may be the result of an overall electric charge of the aerosol that is other than zero, or of changes to the ions in the gas. In general, the mechanisms that produce aerosols often lead to the creation of electrically charged particles. This electrical charge goes on to change through collisions with small positive or negative ions in the gas. In the atmosphere, these small ions are primarily created through the decay of radon, a radioactive gas that is naturally present in the environment, and through the activity of cosmic rays [20]. In processes, small ions can be created by using radioactive sources, X-ray generators or corona discharges. When positive ion and negative ion concentrations and their electrical mobility values are equal, the mean electrical charge equilibrium of the particles making up the aerosol is equal to zero. The aerosol is said to be electrically neutral. However, particles are individually charged in accordance with a near-Gaussian distribution, called the Boltzmann equilibrium [21,22]. For ultrafine particles, when the diameter is less than 0.1 mm, the Boltzmann equilibrium underestimates the fraction of electrically charged particles. A number of authors have

Methods of Detection and Characterization

proposed theories [23,24] and empirical relationships [25] for understanding and describing the state of electrical charge of ultrafine particles in the presence of small positive and negative ions.

3. CONCEPTS OF PARTICLE MORPHOLOGY Equivalent diameters are not always sufficient for understanding the behavior of particles with irregular shapes, for example, in the case of the dynamics of agglomerates [26], electrical charging in the presence of small ions or filtration. It should be noted that any equivalent diameter measurement is typically affected by the particle shape either directly or indirectly when the particle takes a specific orientation in the measurement device. In order to understand these effects, which can be more or less significant, particle shapes need to be characterized using various parameters, such as, for example, the dynamic shape factor or the fractal dimension for aggregates. The particle shape is also a fundamental parameter used to link theoretically the different equivalent diameters of a nonspherical particle. Here we present just a few aspects associated with measuring the morphology of aggregates. The fractal dimension of aggregates can be used to characterize the shape of particles with complex structures, such as, for example, those arising from combustion phenomena. These particles are made up of groups of smaller, generally spherical, particles, referred to as primary particles. Primary particles have sizes typically between 1 and 100 nm and aggregates can have sizes over one micron. We generally refer to agglomerates when the primary particles are connected together by Van der Waals forces and surface tension; when connections between primary particles are stronger, we refer to aggregates. In this section, the term aggregate is used to cover both these concepts. The application of fractal theory to the characterization of aggregates with “quasifractal” shapes has shown that the number Np and the diameter dpp of an aggregate’s primary particles can be connected together in a scaling relationship [27]: D  Np ¼ k$ 2$Rg dpp f ;


where Df is the fractal dimension of the aggregate and Rg the radius of gyration that characterizes in a general way the position of the primary particles with regard to the aggregate’s center of gravity. Factor k is a dimensionless coefficient of proportionality, called a prefactor, which depends primarily on the aggregate growth process and the Knudsen number. This relationship translates an invariance in shape, represented by the fractal dimension, for aggregates of different sizes (with varying numbers of primary particles). Figure 4 presents photographs taken with a transmission electron microscope of particles produced by the combustion of propane in a mixture of air and nitrogen. The primary particles are spherical carbon particles with a mean diameter of 20 nm. Figure 5 [28], presents examples of aggregates with varying fractal dimensions.




Figure 4 Photographs of aggregates produced by the combustion of propane.

Figure 5 Example of aggregates of varying fractal dimensions [28].

There are basically three types of methods for measuring the fractal dimension of aggregates: • methods involving analysis of microscope images, • methods involving analysis of light scattering, • methods involving analysis of several equivalent diameters. Image analysis is the most widely used method for characterizing aggregate morphology and is often considered the reference method [29]. In order to use this method, a sample of particles has to be collected. These then have to be photographed with a transmission electron microscope. This type of microscope is more suitable than a scanning electron microscope because it has a high enough resolution for observing

Methods of Detection and Characterization

primary particles of just a few nanometers and it provides images with a consistent twodimensional projection of the aggregate. Image analysis easily provides the diameter and number of primary particles for each particle, and the radius of gyration in two dimensions. However, there are a number of different image processing techniques for obtaining this information [30]. The threedimensional radius of gyration is calculated from these data using correlations obtained by simulating the formation of aggregates and projecting them along various axes [31]. When a sufficient number of particles are analyzed, the fractal dimension of the aggregates is obtained by calculating the slope of the graphical representation of the logarithm for the number of primary particles as a function of the logarithm for the ratio between the radius of gyration and the radius of the primary particles. This technique was used, for example, for measuring the fractal dimension of aggregates in the atmospheric aerosol [32] or characterizing the aerosols released during a fire [28]. Note that the image analysis technique cannot be used to characterize all types of aggregates. The use of this technique should be restricted to characterizing aggregates with a fractal dimension below 2 (aggregates of noncompact shape) so that the twodimensional images contain little or no piling up of primary particles such that they cannot be distinguished. Analysis of light scattering by aggregates is another method for determining their size (radius of gyration) and fractal dimension. It does not require knowledge of the refractive index of particles and it can be performed in situ. This method was developed in particular by Sorensen [33,34] and is based on measuring the intensity of light scattered by an aggregate as a function of the scattering angle q with regard to incident light. The intensity is the result of the sum of the intensities scattered by each primary particle, and thus depends on their arrangement with regard to the center of the aggregate and the angle of observation. The RayleigheGanseDebye (RGD) theory describes the light scattering of an aggregate from the scattering of the primary particles using the characteristics of the aggregate (number and diameter of primary particles, radius of gyration, and fractal dimension). However, in order to apply the RGD theory, interactions between primary particles, and in particular multiple light scattering, have to be discounted. This approximation is justified for small aggregates containing up to a few hundred primary particles with a fractal dimension below 2. Simultaneous analysis of several equivalent diameters is the third method for determining the fractal dimension of aggregates. This method relies on: the relationship between the aggregate’s diameter of gyration and its equivalent electrical mobility diameter; and the relationship between the equivalent electrical mobility diameter and another equivalent diameter, such as, for example, the aerodynamic diameter or the equivalent mass diameter. Research [35,36] has shown that we may consider that the ratio between the radius of gyration 2.Rg of an aggregate and its equivalent electrical mobility diameter dm is constant in a define range. Relationship 12 therefore




means that we can write Np fðdm =dpp ÞDf : Based on this relationship, a number of authors [15,37] have shown that the equivalent electrical mobility diameter dm, the aerodynamic diameter da, and the fractal dimension Df are connected by the relationship Df a

da =dpp fðdm =dpp Þ 3a ; where a is a known coefficient resulting from the calculation of the Cunningham correction factor. This relationship applies in the transient flow regime and shows that it is possible to determine the fractal dimension of aggregates by measuring diameters dm and da for several categories of particle size. The fractal dimension is finally obtained by determining the slope of the representation of the logarithm for da as a function of the logarithm of dm. This technique was used to determine the fractal dimension of soot released by diesel engines [15,38] and to determine the fractal dimension of aggregates released during the combustion of various materials (acetylene, Poly Methyl Methacrylate (PMMA), toluene) [28]. Furthermore, other studies use equivalent electrical mobility diameter and mass measurements to determine the fractal dimension of aggregates [39,40], or even the aerodynamic diameter and mass combination [41]. Table 5 presents a summary of the advantages and disadvantages of the various techniques for measuring the fractal dimension of aggregates. Table 5 Summary of advantages and disadvantages of the various techniques for measuring the fractal dimension of aggregates Technique Advantages Disadvantages

Image analysis

Direct measurement of the diameter and number of primary particles.

Collection and preparation of samples for microscopy. Production of a large number of photographs, binarization. Assumptions for connecting the 2D analysis to the 3D characteristics. Method restricted to aggregates of Df < 2.

Light scattering

Measurement of airborne particles in situ. Measurement of radius of gyration. Measurement of the number of primary particles.

Assumption on multiple light scattering. Method restricted to small aggregates with a maximum of a few hundred primary particles and Df < 2.

Analysis of equivalent diameters

Measurement of airborne particles, but requires a sampling line. Can be used to measure fractal dimensions over 2.

Assumption on the relationship between the diameter of gyration and the equivalent electrical mobility diameter.

Methods of Detection and Characterization

4. METHODS FOR DETECTION AND CHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF PARTICLES DISPERSED IN THE AIR The quantity of an aerosol may be expressed using different metrics: number, mass, surface area, or radioactivity in the case of radioactive particles. For ultrafine aerosols, the most frequently used quantities are number and radioactivity concentration. Radioactivity concentration is used to detect and characterize natural radioactive aerosols produced by radon decay. Mass concentration is not a typical variable for nanoparticles since they represent only a very small mass fraction compared with micron particles. Nevertheless, measurements of mass concentration of ultrafine aerosols are used, for example, as part of studies of atmospheric aerosols and motor emissions. Currently, there is significant development of and plans for instruments and methods for measuring the surface area of ultrafine aerosols. In part, this development is the result of toxicological studies of ultrafine particles which show a correlation between inflammatory effects and particle surface area and that mass is not a single determining parameter, as is the case with larger particles [42]. In the case where detection of the aerosol in question is hindered by ambient background noise, which may be the result of the presence of atmospheric aerosols or other processes, it is necessary to use chemical analyses. These techniques are also in full development because they can be used to measure a quantity that is specific to one or more predefined chemical components.

4.1 Measurement of Number Concentration The condensation nuclei counter (CNC) is the most frequently used instrument for measuring number concentration of an ultrafine aerosol; they are also known as condensation particle counters (CPCs). They continuously measure number concentration of particles with a diameter larger than a minimum set between 2 and 20 nm depending on the equipment. This diameter corresponds generally to a detection efficiency of 50%. In CNCs, particles are enlarged by condensation of a vapor, usually butanol or water, so they can be detected by scattering light in an optical system. The final size of droplets is usually several micrometers; they depend primarily on the fluid and operating conditions (temperature, pressure, flow rate). The limit value of the detectable minimum diameter is due to the very high saturation ratios required to generate the condensation of vapor on the smallest particles (Kelvin effect), which may cause the formation of parasites by homogeneous nucleation. In the case of particles with diameter less than 10 nm, the final droplet size also depends on that of the initial nucleus; this observation is used to measure size distribution of particles between 2 and 10 nm [43,44]. The schematic diagram of a CNC and the various operating modes are covered in Chapter 3.3.




4.2 Measurement of Surface Concentration There are several methods for measuring the surface area of a particle sample. Measurement of specific surface area (expressed in m2/g) of a powder sample is currently performed using physical adsorption of a gas (BET method) and has become the reference for toxicology and powder characterization studies. Nevertheless, this method requires a relatively significant mass of matter, which is why it is not adapted to ultrafine aerosols and exposure measurements [45]. There is currently no technique to directly measure the geometric surface area of an aerosol for a given particle morphology. Nevertheless, there are indirect methods [46e48] based on integral concentration measurements in terms of number, mass, and electric charge, and the subsequent formulation of hypotheses regarding particle shape and size distribution. There are also techniques available to directly measure the active surface area of aerosols, referred to as the Fuchs surface area. The concept of active surface area is taken from the classic theory of aerosol coagulation [49]. Active surface area is defined as the fraction of the geometric surface area of the particle directly accessible to components (ions, molecules, atoms) found in the surrounding gas. The two main techniques currently available are based on determining the attachment of radioactive lead atoms or ions to the particle surface. In the case of spherical particles, active surface area can be expressed in terms of diameter by [13]:     S ¼ p$d2p $Cu dp Cu dp ; where dp represents the diameter, Cu the Cunningham correction factor, and Cu the simplified expression of the correction factor for the molecular regime. We recall that this factor expresses the reduction of the frictional force of the gas on a moving sphere in relation to the calculated force in accordance with Stokes’ law. The reduction in friction is often visualized by considering that molecules can “slip” on the particle surface. In a more general case, for nonspherical particles, the Fuchs surface area can be expressed dimensionlessly in terms of the electrical mobility diameter of particles by [13,50]:  xðdp Þ dp SFuchs ¼ p$ ; (14) d0 where dp represents the electrical mobility diameter of particles, d0 ¼ 1 mm, and x(dp) is a function between 1 and 2 which depends on the electrical mobility diameter and particle shape. Figure 6 represents change in the active surface area for spherical particles depending on diameter, as well as geometric surface area p$d2p . For dp < 50 nm, the active surface area of particles corresponds to geometric surface. In contrast, for dp > 50 nm, these two

Methods of Detection and Characterization

Figure 6 Change in active surface area for spherical particles (standard temperature and pressure conditions).

values differ: active surface area represents only a fraction of the geometric surface area and becomes proportional to dp. The first instrument developed for measuring active surface area of an aerosol is the epiphaniometer [51,52], its name from the Greek epiphania designating the visible (external) part of a body. The fractioning principle is based on fixing radioactive lead atoms (211Pb) to the particles, followed by measuring the radioactivity carried by particles after being collected on a filter. Even though it has a very low detection limit due to nuclear measurements, the instrument is rarely used due to the integration time required for measurements and use of a radioactive source of actinium 227 to produce lead atoms. Nevertheless, a recent development of the technique combines it with a cascade impactor to measure particle size distribution according to active surface area [53]. The advantage of the instrument is a detection limit that is lower than that of instruments using ion fixation. The second type of instrument that measures active surface area relies on fixation of small ions produced by a corona effect and on measuring the electric current corresponding to the charged particles. To this end, it is generally necessary to collect the electrically charged aerosol on a filter included in a Faraday cup and the measured current corresponds to the flow of charges induced on the cup around the filter. A schematic diagram is provided in Figure 7. This type of instrument is already available commercially (LQ1-DC, electric aerosol detector (EAD), nanoparticle surface area monitor (NSAM), AeroTrak 9000). Several researchers [13,54,55] have used




Figure 7 Schematic diagram of an electric aerosol detector.

experiments to study responses for various particle diameters. The results obtained with LQ1-DC agree fairly well with the theoretical radioactive surface area, in contrast to those from EAD and NSAM. The results obtained with NSAM agree well with the theoretical geometric surface areas of particles deposited in the tracheobronchial and alveolar region of the bronchial tree [55e57] in the size range 20e400 nm. These theoretical surface areas are calculated by assuming that the particles are spherical and by using the respiratory tract deposition model proposed by the ICRP (1994). Further details on the application of these systems are given in Chapter 3.3. Most existing experimental data for these instruments concern the case of monodisperse aerosols [54,55,58e60]. For polydisperse aerosols, there is very few data published in the literature. A recent study, using polydispersed aerosol generated in laboratory, shows that this type of instrument may underestimate surface concentration by 20e30% compared with that calculated from size distribution using electrical mobility diameter with a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) [61]. According to limitations of these instruments a part of the discrepancy is explained by the presence of particles larger than 400 nm in the size distribution of the polydispersed aerosols [62]. A very interesting alternative based on the principle of collecting charged particles on a filter consists of measuring the charge induced by the aerosol during its free passage through the Faraday cup. In order for this method to work, the system must be designed to achieve a difference in current carried by the aerosol between entering and exiting the Faraday cup. This technique was applied in the Pegasor Particle Sensor [63] where the Faraday cup includes the discharge for producing ions, aerosol charge zone, and ion trap. This practice was recently used with a Faraday cup limited to the zone of passage of the charged aerosol. In this case, to obtain a signal with this new instrument called the partector, the researchers use a pulsating electrical discharge [64].

Methods of Detection and Characterization

These new techniques are innovative because the electrical charge zone and ion trap are inside the Faraday cup, which is connected to the electrometer. As a result, the quantity of ions fixed on the particles can be measured without collecting the aerosol on a filter. In conventional systems (aerosol electrometer), after the particles have been electrically charged and ions have been trapped, the charge on the aerosol is determined by collecting the particles on a High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter in a separate Faraday cup.

4.3 Measuring Mass Concentration 4.3.1 Filter Sampling The simplest method for measuring aerosol mass concentration consists of taking a sample of the aerosol on a filter at a well-determined, set rate. By weighing the filter before and after sampling, the mass of filtered aerosol can be calculated, as well as mass concentration if the rate and sampling time are known. It is necessary to use a filtering medium that is adequate in terms of filtration efficiency, pressure drop, and composition. Special precautions are necessary to determine uncertainty for the mass of collected particles and take into account the presence of a volatile phase of particles or water vapor that may be adsorbed on the filter and particles. The method provides a measurement of average mass concentration for the aerosol over the sampling time. 4.3.2 Beta Gauge A beta gauge measures the attenuation of a b particles beam through a charged particle filter. b particles are produced by a radioactive source and an electron counter measures their flux. The number of electrons transmitted through the sample decreases as its surface density increases. Attenuation of the beam depends on the b particle energy, surface density of the sample, and the ratio of the atomic number and atomic mass of the species in the sample. This ratio is approximately constant for most elements, except for the heaviest. The method is limited by certain artifacts that may be caused by the lack of uniformity in the filtration support, the dependence with regard to the atomic number of collected species and the lack of uniformity in the surface density of the deposit. As long as there is sufficient integration time, it is possible to perform sequential measurements of concentration. 4.3.3 Piezoelectric Quartz Crystal Microbalance Some crystals, including quartz, vibrate when they are subject to an electrical field; vibration frequency depends in part on the mass of the crystal. It is then possible to measure the mass of an aerosol by collecting particles on the crystal and measuring frequency variation. Sensitivities of 103 Hz/mg may be obtained with stabilities of several Hertz for a natural crystal frequency of 10 MHz [7]. This entails collecting particles on the crystal with a well-determined efficiency (and rate) through impaction for particles with a sufficiently




high aerodynamic diameter or electrostatic precipitation. The limits of these systems are related to the collection efficiency for particles on the crystal, their adherence, crystal overload, and variations in temperature and humidity. The sensitivity of the method produces measurements in a relatively short integration time and thus to obtain measurements that are almost in real time. 4.3.4 Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance The principle is the same as for QCMs: variation in the frequency of an element caused by an increase in mass is measured. In TEOMs, the oscillating element is a cone-shaped glass tube put into harmonic oscillation by an electric field. A small filter is mounted on the thinnest edge of the tube to collect particles; the filtered gas then passes through the tube and rate is measured when it exits the system. When the filter is loaded with particles, the mass of the tube filter assembly increases; this variation in mass is related to the variation in system frequency, which is measured here in real time using an optical system. The data are then integrated over a certain time to eliminate statistical fluctuations. This technique can be used to measure mass concentrations with a sensitivity of approximately 5 mg/m3 for an integration time of 10 min and a sampling rate of 3 L/min. This system is limited by overloading and clogging of the sampling filter. The oscillating element must be kept at a constant temperature.

4.4 Measuring Mass Concentration Specific to a Chemical Compound Since the mid-1990s, studies have been performed to test the potential of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) to analyze the particular phase of heavy metals at emission: this technique of basic analysis consists of focusing a pulse laser beam on a sample whose composition is to be determined. With the resulting illumination (on the order of 1e10 GW/cm2), the sample can be ablated. The interaction of the laser beam with the ablated matter induces creation of plasma. Analysis of the spectral signature of the plasma with a spectrometer will determine the nature of elements found in the sample (using the position of atomic spectral lines) and their concentration (from the intensity of the lines). This analytical technique requires neither preparation of a sample nor special conditions for analysis (measurement is performed at ambient temperature and pressure). In just seconds, it also reveals the chemical composition of a sample in any physicochemical state (liquid, solid, gas). To analyze aerosols with LIBS, two approaches have been used. The first consists of focusing the laser directly on a volume of air where the aerosol to be analyzed passes. The second consists of taking samples of particles on a filter or another medium and then analyzing it with LIBS. For the first method, known as direct LIBS analysis, the numerous studies of Hahn [65] have laid the groundwork for aerosols and introduced the concepts of sampling volume, maximum size of complete particle

Methods of Detection and Characterization

vaporization, and “conditional analysis.” LIBS analysis is operational for detecting and quantifying micronic particles in the air and nanoparticles on filters [66,67]. For a quantitative analysis using LIBS, calibrations with standard samples in the same operating conditions are necessary. Up to now, commercial devices for aerosol measurements by LIBS are still under development and need to be stabilized.

5. METHODS FOR SIZE DISTRIBUTION CHARACTERIZATION OF PARTICLES DISPERSED IN THE AIR To measure size distribution of an ultrafine aerosol, the most frequently used methods rely on the principle of selecting particles according to a property (electrical mobility, Brownian diffusion, inertia), then detecting these particles. Passing through successive or parallel steps of selection, aerosol distribution is measured, for example, in terms of electrical mobility, diffusion coefficient, and relaxation time. In most cases, data inversion methods are used to calculate equivalent diameter distribution to take into account efficiencies of the selection and detection steps.

5.1 Measuring Aerodynamic Diameter Distribution The aerodynamic diameter of a particle can be used to characterize simply its sedimentation rate and inertia, or relaxation time. Relaxation time characterizes the time needed for a particle to adjust its velocity to a new force field or an acceleration of the carrier fluid, it is expressed directly as a function of the aerodynamic diameter (see Section 2.2). Sedimentation rate of a particle Vs is expressed based on its relaxation time sp using the relationship: Vs ¼ sp $g;


where g represents gravity acceleration. To measure their aerodynamic diameter, particles are generally subjected to a variation in the velocity vector of the carrier gas, linear acceleration, or a sudden variation in direction. In linear acceleration systems, a small nozzle is used to accelerate the flow. Particle velocity is measured when particles exit the nozzle using either the time-of-flight between two laser beams or residence time in the beam. The greater the particle inertia, the more the gap in velocity between the gas and particles becomes significant; this gap is mainly tied to particle aerodynamic diameter. Particle shape and density may play a nonnegligible role, depending on the type of flow induced during acceleration. There are several off-the-shelf systems (aerodynamic particle sizer, Aerosizer) for taking aerodynamic diameter measurements between 0.5 and 100 mm. Cascade impactors use a sudden variation in fluid direction to measure aerodynamic diameter. The aerosol is forced through impaction nozzles with a diameter dj to impose a




velocity U on the particles. Opposite to the impaction nozzle, a plate imposing a 90 deviation is positioned. Particles with sufficient inertia are impacted on the plate, while the others follow the gas flow (Figure 8). The Stokes number is used to predict impaction; the number depends on relaxation time, particle velocity, and impaction nozzle diameter: Stk ¼

2$sp $U : dj


If this number is greater than a value defined by the impactor geometry, the particle will be impacted. By placing several impaction stages in a series, with smaller and smaller impaction nozzle diameters, particles with smaller and smaller aerodynamic diameters can be collected. Nevertheless, the relaxation time for particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than 0.3 mm is too small for them to be impacted under ambient conditions. In this case, a reduction in pressure allows sufficiently decreasing the drag force exerted on the particles (which results in an increase of the Cunningham correction coefficient, see Section 2.1) and thus increasing the particle relaxation time to impact the particles. Commercial low-pressure impactors work at absolute pressures down to 100 hPa, which results in impacting particles with aerodynamic diameters of approximately 30 nm. Another way to collect nanoparticles by impaction is to decrease the impaction nozzle

Figure 8 Schematic diagram of a cascade impactor.

Methods of Detection and Characterization

diameter. Such devices, called micro-orifice impactors, allow to collect particles down to 50 nm staying close to atmospheric pressure and down to 10 nm when combining micro-orifice impaction nozzles and low pressure. The mass of particles collected at each stage is obtained by differential weighing of the impaction plate, which implies that a sufficient mass of aerosol be sampled depending on the balance used. The measurement gives an average value over the sampling time. Impactors that work at atmospheric pressure are used to measure size distribution for aerodynamic diameters between 20 and 0.3 mm. Low-pressure impactors measure size distribution for aerodynamic diameters generally between 10 and 0.03 mm, eventually down to 0.01 mm by combining micro-orifice impaction nozzles and low pressure. A lot of impactors design and flow rate exist in the literature and are commercially available [68]. To perform continuous measurements, a low-pressure impactor with electric detection has been suggested [69]. A charger by corona effect at the inlet of the impactor electrically charges the particles, which are then detected by electrometers. Since particle charge depends on geometric diameter and collection on an impaction stage depends on aerodynamic diameter, data analysis requires establishing relationships between these two diameters, especially by using particle density. Measurements can be performed almost in real time (1 s) with good sensitivity. A schematic diagram of the instrument and its application for exposure measurements are given in Chapter 3.3.

5.2 Measuring Distribution Using Electrical Mobility Diameter Measurement of the size distribution of an ultrafine aerosol is most frequently based on analysis of particle electrical mobility (see Section 2.4). Recall that electrical mobility of a charged particle corresponds to the ratio of its drift velocity and the value of the electrical field that initiates its movement. The aerosol is charged electrically to a well-defined state using small ions artificially created in the gas, by bipolar chargers (also known as neutralizers) using typically a radioactive source or an X-ray generator, or by unipolar chargers using corona effect. Electrical mobility analyzers select particles with well-defined electrical mobility, which are then detected by a CNC or an electrometer. Figure 9 provides the schematic diagram for a differential mobility analyzer [70,71]. By varying the electrical field in the analyzer, particles of different electrical mobility are selected, then detected, and counted, e.g., by a CNC. Likewise, particle electrical mobility distribution can be determined. By knowing the electrical charge law of particles and using the relationship defining electrical mobility of a spherical particle, the size distribution of the aerosol can be calculated with equivalent electrical mobility diameter [72e74]. The analyzers select the particles with a diameter between a few nanometers




Figure 9 Schematic diagram of a differential electrical mobility analyzer.

and 1 mm. When the detector is a CNC, the resulting distribution is by number of particles. Several types of analyzers have geometries and flows that are adapted to the selection of ultrafine particles (minimization of Brownian diffusion). Currently, the most frequently used system for measuring ultrafine aerosol size distribution is the SMPS [75]. This system charges particles with bipolar ions created with a radioactive source. The particles are selected in the analyzer by an electric field which varies monotonously and are detected by a CNC. The system has an excellent resolution; it may have up to 256 measurement channels over three decades of diameter. However, since it has only one detector, analysis requires an acquisition time of at least 30 s; the aerosol must remain stable during this time. In addition, this system is not adapted to measuring low concentrations of aerosols, especially for ultrafine particles. The particles detected are those that have acquired a defined electrical charge, and they represent only a small fraction of the population; for example, for 10 nm particles, the ratio of particles with a single electric charge is approximately 5%.

Methods of Detection and Characterization

Systems for measuring virtually in real time are now commercially available. They rely on the use of a battery of analyzers and detectors arranged in parallel [76] or a single analyzer equipped with several detectors operating in parallel [77]. These instruments are presented in Chapter 3.3.

5.3 Measuring Distribution in Diffusional or Thermodynamic Diameter Measurement of the thermodynamic diameter of a particle relies on determination of its diffusion coefficient and the StokeseEinstein relationship (see Section 2.3). Particles entering in contact with a surface adhere to it, in contrast with molecules. As a result, there is a concentration gradient, which induces a particle flux (Fick’s first law), which is a function of the Brownian diffusion coefficient. The smaller the particle diameter, the greater the diffusion coefficient, and the greater the flux to the surface and the deposit. This property is useful in the diffusion batteries for determining particle thermodynamic diameter using the measurement of their penetrating fraction; the latter can be deduced from the convectionediffusion equation which describes concentration profiles in various geometries and different flows. For example, for a cylindrical tube, the penetrating fraction (ratio of downstream and upstream concentration) is expressed on the basis of a parameter f defined by: p$D$L f ¼ ; (17) Q where L represents the length of the tube (m), D the diffusion coefficient (m2/s), and Q flow rate in the tube (m3/s). Particles exiting the tube have a diffusion coefficient that is less than a critical coefficient defined by the penetrating fraction equation. Thus, by forcing an aerosol through tubes of distinct lengths arranged in parallel, and measuring the penetrating fractions through each tube, a cumulative distribution of diffusion coefficients can be determined. Penetrating fractions are generally measured using a CNC. Thermodynamic diameter distribution can then be calculated from diffusion coefficient using StokeseEinstein relationship (see Section 2.3). More rigorously, it is necessary to consider the probability of penetration of particles through each tube rather than a single critical penetration diameter and then invert the data to reconstruct the size distribution of the aerosol. In the case of diffusion batteries, this step is difficult due the need to cross-check the probabilities of penetration of particles with the same diameter over various channels of a battery [78]. There are various geometries for diffusion batteries; they are based on cylindrical or rectangular tubes, annular channels, granular beds [79], or screens. The most common are screen-type batteries [80] (Figure 10). In this system, aerosol concentration is measured with a CNC successively in stages consisting of an increasing number of metallic screens. This measures size for thermodynamic diameters between 3 and 150 nm. Since




Figure 10 Schematic diagram of a measurement system using a screen-type diffusion battery and condensation nuclei counter.

measurements are performed successively on various channels, the aerosol must be stable during the measurement period to obtain representative information. A screen-type diffusion battery for real-time measurement has even been proposed [81]. For this, the aerosol is charged with unipolar ions by corona effect and the charged particles collected on the various screen assemblies are detected in real time using electrometers.

6. CONCLUSION Aerosols may contain particles with sizes distributed over several decades between 0.1 nm and 100 mm; the mechanisms that determine particle behavior differ depending on size. At atmospheric pressure, for particles with a size larger than 1 mm, sedimentation and inertia effects govern movement and particle deposit. In the case of particles with a size less than 0.1 mm, Brownian motion due to collisions between particles and gas molecules conditions local behavior. As a result, ultrafine aerosols change quickly through coagulation, atmospheric aerosol attachment, and surface deposition. Moving away from a local source of ultrafine particles thus diminishes the probability of encountering suspended particles with their original characteristics (size and concentration). For example, a pollutant carried by ultrafine particles will quickly attach itself to the atmospheric aerosol; at that point, the pollutant will follow the physical behavior of the atmospheric aerosol.

Methods of Detection and Characterization

In general, at the macroscopic level, particles transport is due to turbulent diffusion and convection movements rather than Brownian diffusion. In contrast, near a surface, Brownian diffusion conditions the deposit of ultrafine aerosols. For particles that are electrically charged and in the presence of an electrical field, electrical forces may be nonnegligible and even predominant. Depending on the production mechanism, particles may be strongly charged; after reaching equilibrium with bipolar ions, the ratio of charged particles depends on the diameter. In this case, for 10 nm particles, approximately 10% of particles carry a positive or negative electric charge. There are numerous instruments for measuring ultrafine aerosols, but CPCs developed since the 1970s remain the reference instruments for measuring numerical concentration. In the case of active surface area concentration, the instruments were developed and marketed more recently due in large part to the growing need of measurements of nanoparticle surfaces. The instruments are currently the subject of much research, development, and validation. To measure number size distribution of ultrafine aerosols and those up to 1 mm, the SMPS is the most commonly used instrument since aerosol surface distribution can be calculated by making assumptions about the particles. Diffusion batteries are particularly well adapted to ultrafine aerosols since they measure size distribution using thermodynamic diameter; nevertheless, they are rarely used mainly due to their reduced measurement range (1 mm) industrialized particles induce Th1 responses, whereas smaller ones (US $3.8 billion in nanotechnology means that new technologies will continue to progress closer to patient benefits [185]. The first clinically utilized medicine that was recognized as a nanomedicine was Doxil/Caelyx and in 1995, when it received FDA approval it was assessed as a reformulated product using conventional medicine processes [186]. In 2006, a committee of the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (UK) [187], the Commission on Human Medicines, reviewed the publicly available data relating to the toxicology of health care nanoparticles and concluded that although there was no evidence for the existence of any new hazard from nanomedicines, new hazards could not be ruled out in future [188]. 2006 also saw a reflection paper from the EMA [189] which also did not identify an immediate need for nanotechnology-specific regulation. As an active member of the EMA nanomedicine group, the MHRA are in regular dialogue and a constant review of emerging data is allowing decision making regarding the need to establish specific regulation. Currently, the MHRA has stated that the breadth and stringency of EU regulations for conventional medicine development cover the theoretical risks associated with nanotechnologies. The FDA have similarly concluded that all existing guideline documents for therapeutic development are applicable to new nanomedicines and the existing regulatory framework is sufficient and flexible enough to accommodate new opportunities [190]. Recently, the FDA has produced guidance for industry with regards to the safety of nanomaterials in cosmetic products. This 2014 document outlined the FDA’s current thinking on the topic and indicated while it is important that the unique properties and function of the nanomaterials are fully evaluated, the current framework for safety assessment of cosmetic products is robust enough to be appropriate for products containing nanomaterials also [191]. Over the last decade, a growing number of national societies and associations are also adding to the collective scientific and societal coordination of nanomedicine development such as the European Foundation for Clinical Nanomedicine [192], European Society for Nanomedicine [193], the British Society for Nanomedicine [194], the French

The Application of Nanotechnology to Drug Delivery in Medicine

Society for Nanomedicine [195], Nano-Med Czech Republic [196], Nanomed Spain [197], the American Society for Nanomedicine [198], the Indian society of Nanomedicine [199], the Norwegian NanoMedicine Network [200], and the Nanodermatology Society [201,202].

7. WHAT IS EXPECTED FOR THE FUTURE: CURRENT THERAPIES IN CLINICAL TRIALS, FUTURE NANOMATERIAL DESIGN FOR IMPROVING TREATMENTS All new medical treatments are evaluated through a process of clinical trials; experiments to evaluate the efficacy of a proposed therapy. Clinical trials are divided into three phases that are usually conducted sequentially but may overlap. Phase I trials are the first stage at which a new API is introduced to humans. Due to the unknown safety profile of the API, phase I trials are carried out on a relatively small number of healthy volunteers/patients (usually 20e100). The aim of these studies is to determine the metabolism and pharmacological properties of the drug in humans, along with providing data regarding the API’s pharmacokinetics in order to design the phase II studies. Phase II trials aim to evaluate the effectiveness of the API based on clinical endpoints for the chosen indication or disease. Additionally, during phase II the dosing ranges are determined and common side effects are observed. This stage of clinical trial usually involves several hundred, possibly up to several thousand, patients. Phase III studies are expanded trials that set out to gather more data about effectiveness and side effects in order to determine the overall riskebenefit relationship of the treatment [203]. After the data provided by these clinical trials have been assessed by the regulators the treatment may be approved for clinical use.

7.1 Nanomedicines under Clinical Evaluation Given the rapid growth in nanomedicine that has occurred in the last decade (described in the previous section), it is to be expected that many more nanomedicines will be available in the future. A recent review [81] has shown that there are currently over 110 nanomedicines in clinical trials (Phase I, II, and III). Within this section of the chapter, the trends in nanomedicines in clinical trials are reviewed through the use of approximate percentage breakdowns of the nanomedicine types and disease areas. Additionally, there is a brief discussion of the longer term developments that may arise from preclinical research. However, it should be noted that certain nanotechnologies may, in some instances, not require formal evaluation (e.g., reformulation of an existing drug) and may therefore be underrepresented for their clinical progression. 7.1.1 Nanomedicines in Phase III Clinical Trials As of 2012, 16 nanomedicines have been identified to be in phase III clinical trials. As with currently approved nanomedicines (Section 4), the majority (56.3%) of these are




for the treatment of cancer. Of the different nanomedicine categories, polymer therapeutics are 50.0% of the total therapies, 18.8% are liposomes/solid lipid nanoparticles, metal nanoparticles make up 18.8%, one nanomedicine based on polymer nanoparticles, and one based on dendrimers (6.2%). Opaxio is one of the polymer therapeutics currently in phase III trials, it is a polymeredrug conjugate comprising paclitaxel as the API and polyglutamate, it is being tested as a treatment for stage III/IV ovarian, peritoneal, or fallopian tube cancer [204]. Another polymer therapeutic currently undergoing trials is the polymereprotein conjugate Hemospan, this nanomedicine consists of hemoglobin as the API with PEG conjugated in a site-specific conjugation manner. The conjugated PEG produces prolonged intravascular retention time [205], the ongoing trials are assessing whether Hemospan is better than existing treatments at preventing hypotension during and immediately after surgery. 7.1.2 Nanomedicines in Phase II Clinical Trials There are 54 nanomedicine candidates in phase II clinical trials at the time of writing; 66.7% of which are being developed to treat cancer. Within phase II there are a broader range of nanomaterials, 37.0% are liposomes/solid lipid nanoparticles, 33.3% are polymer therapeutics, 9.3% are polymer nanoparticles, 9.3% are polymer micelles, 7.4% are metal nanoparticles, and 3.7% are SDNs. L-Annamycin is a liposomal nanomedicine currently in phase II trials, consisting of encapsulated annamycin with dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine and dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol as the phospholipids. L-Annamycin is being assessed for treatment against both doxorubicin-resistant breast cancer and acute lymphoblastic leukemia [206,207]. Semapimod is another example of one of the nanomedicines in phase II trials, it is an SDN in the form of a nanocrystal. The particle consists of the TNFa inhibitor guanylhydrazone, this nanomedicine is being investigated for the treatment of Crohn’s disease [208]. 7.1.3 Nanomedicines in Phase I Clinical Trials Over 40 readily recognizable candidate nanomedicines are reportedly in phase I clinical trials at the time of manuscript preparation, 65.1% of which have been designed to treat cancer. The breakdown of the different nanomaterial types is very similar to those in phase II trials, with 44.2% of the nanomedicine options being liposomes/solid lipid nanoparticles, 32.6% are polymer therapeutics, 9.3% are polymer micelles, 7.0% are metal nanoparticles, and 7.0% are SDNs. Uricase-PEG 20 is a polymer therapeutic (proteinepolymer) currently in phase I trials, it consists of uricase conjugated to a PEG (20 kDa). The conjugated PEG molecules are designed to increase the half-life and decrease the immunogenicity of uricase. The future indication that Uricase-PEG 20 is designed to treat is gout and hyperuricemia [209]. Nanoxel-PM is a polymer micelle nanocarrier in phase I trials. It is designed to deliver docetaxel for cancer therapy. This nanomedicine consists of > m.

output parameters varies, but normally the number of input parameters is much larger than the number of output parameters. Life cycle assessment and risk assessment are two of the most prominent environmental assessment methods, and are established in terms of having agreed-upon frameworks and models. These two environmental assessment methods are often recommended to be used to assess environmental impacts of MNMs. Regarding risk assessment, Colvin [4] stated that “[t]hough it is challenging to assess the risks of engineered nanomaterials before commercial products are well defined, proactive research is critical to ensuring a sustainable nanotechnology industry.” Along the same line, the Royal Society [5] stated that “[r]esearch into the hazards and exposure pathways of nanoparticles and nanotubes is required to reduce the many uncertainties related to their potential impacts on health, safety and the environment.” As will be explained in Section 3.1, investigating hazards and exposure are critical parts of a risk assessment. Klaine et al. [12] highlighted the importance of risk assessment for regulation by stating that “[w]ithout quantitative measures of both exposure and effects, ecological risk assessment cannot be conducted, and regulators will not have the tools to adequately manage [MNMs] in the environment.” The importance, but also challenges of assessing risks of MNMs, is further echoed in the title of the article by Lubick [13]: “Risks of nanotechnology remain uncertain.” He further indicates the challenge of assessing nanomaterial risks by stating that “.the scientific community has yet to determine which nanomaterials are hazardous to the environment or humans, because of a lack of methodology, metrology, and other basics..” Many other authors advocating risk assessment of MNMs while also pointing out numerous challenges can be found. The usefulness of life cycle assessment for assessing environmental impacts of MNMs has also been acknowledged, for example by the Royal Society [5]. They wanted to ensure that environmental gains from using MNMs are not exceeded by increased environmental impacts from the MNMs themselves: “We recommend that a series of life cycle assessments be undertaken for the applications and product groups arising from existing and expected developments in nanotechnologies, to ensure that savings in resource consumption during the use of the product are not offset by increased consumption during manufacture and disposal.” Similarly, Curran et al. [14] suggested that the




nanotechnology industry should “[u]se.[life cycle assessment] results to design improved products.” Life cycle assessment and risk assessment are mainly complementary, as environmental assessment methods often can be [15]. The two methods typically focus on different environmental impacts and assess impacts from different entities. In risk assessment, concentrations of potentially risky substances are estimated and compared to threshold values for toxicity. For the case of an MNM, the focus of a risk assessment would thus be on the environmental impacts of the MNM itself in the form of toxic effects on various organisms after the MNM becomes emitted in the environment. It is therefore extra relevant for assessing environmental impacts of MNMs that are emitted in the environment in significant amounts. In life cycle assessment, environmental impacts from products along their product life cycle are assessed. For an MNM, this includes its use in products but also “hidden” or “embedded” environmental impacts along the life cycle of the product, that is, impacts occurring during the raw material extraction, production, use, and subsequent waste handling. Such impacts may include toxic effects, both from the MNM itself and from other substances emitted, but also other impacts such as energy use, global warming, acidification, eutrophication, ozone depletion, and water use. For reasons discussed in Section 2.4, impacts from MNM emissions are difficult to quantify in life cycle assessment, and thus the focus of life cycle assessments of MNMs would more likely be on other environmental impacts for the time being. This is also the case for most conducted life cycle assessments of MNMs, as will be shown in Section 2.2. Comparing life cycle assessment and risk assessment using the terminology of Baumann and Cowell [15], a mainly complementary rather than overlapping relationship is present between these two environmental assessment methods. Before going deeper into how life cycle assessment and risk assessment can be, and has been, used to assess environmental impacts of MNMs, two major challenges in assessing environmental impacts of MNMs should be elaborated upon. These challenges, related to the environmental fate of MNMs and to their immature nature, apply to both life cycle assessment and risk assessment. They therefore require a common discussion here as they will echo throughout the rest of the chapter. Note that in addition to these two challenges, challenges related to exposure and toxicity of MNMs are also considerable and deserve further attention. For example, Dhawan et al. [16] describe the challenges for toxicology with great clarity.

1.2 Challenge I: Environmental Fate of MNMs The first challenge is the limited understanding of the fate of MNMs in the abiotic environment [17]. For “ordinary,” non-MNM chemical substances, a large body of general knowledge about their behavior in the environment has been acquired [18,19]. Fate processes such as volatilization, sedimentation, degradation, and advection are well

Life Cycle Assessment and Risk Assessment of Manufactured Nanomaterials

understood and can be quantified for the purpose of assessing the risk of chemical substances. However, this knowledge seems not to be directly transferable to MNMs. Important fate processes for chemicals, such as volatilization, degradation, solubilization, and adsorption are not the same for MNMs, although some may have analogs [20,21]. Particle-shaped MNMs are generally too large to volatize, but instead undergo the process of agglomeration where the particles merge continuously into larger agglomerates. Agglomeration is a complex process that is coupled with sedimentation, since the larger the agglomerate becomes, the faster it will sediment [12,22]. Agglomeration is also affected by the presence of other entities in water, such as ions, natural particles, and natural organic matter [17]. There are many experimental studies of agglomeration of MNMs in water and their interaction with these other entities, but unfortunately these have not yet resulted in much generalizable knowledge that can be used to establish models of environmental fate for risk assessment purposes [13]. So far, to the author’s knowledge, only the attempts by Arvidsson et al. [17] and Praetorius et al. [21] to mechanistically model agglomeration for risk assessment purposes exist. Although these attempts resulted in tentative model approaches, the modeling relied on numerous model assumptions and uncertainties in input parameters. MNMs may also dissolute into smaller molecules or ions, which can be seen as an analogue to the degradation of chemicals [20,21]. Similar to agglomeration, this is a complex process that varies between MNMs of different chemical composition [23]. A few experimental studies exist, for example on silver MNMs, which is known to undergo considerable dissolution [24]. Yet as for agglomeration, it is difficult to draw general knowledge that can be applied in risk assessments from these studies. No fate modeling of dissolution that is adapted to risk assessment exists. This constitutes a considerable challenge from an environmental assessment point of view. The part of the assessment model that describes the fate of the MNMs in the abiotic environment remains uncertain due to this limited understanding. In addition, many of the model input parameters that are related to the interaction between MNMs and the abiotic environment are unknown. This is mostly a problem for risk assessment, where the model is largely based on knowledge about fate processes of the substances assessed (Section 3.1). But it is also a problem for life cycle assessment. As will be described in further detail in Section 2.4, an important part of assessing environmental impacts using life cycle assessment is to apply the so-called characterization factors. Characterization factors tell the environmental impact per amount of emitted substance, and are crucial input parameters in the life cycle assessment model. Deriving characterization factors for chemicals involves detailed knowledge about the environmental fate of the chemicals, see for example Rosenbaum et al. [25] and Huijbregts et al. [26]. In order to derive characterization factors for emitted MNMs, similarly such knowledge may be required. The lack of an understanding of the environmental fate of MNMs thus hinders both risk assessment and life cycle assessment of MNMs.




1.3 Challenge II: Immature Products and Processes The second challenge is that most MNMs are in a very early state of technological development. Some MNMs have been used for very long, such as metal colloids used for dyeing glass in medieval churches [27]. Yet most MNMs have begun to be produced in the 2000s. Some MNMs that have been subject to environmental assessments have only been produced in laboratories and are far from large-scale products. In this early state, a number of important aspects about the MNM may still be unknown, for example: • Which raw materials will be used to produce the MNM. • The future production processes of the MNM. • In which products the MNM will be present. • The magnitude of future production rates of MNM products. • The release rate of MNMs from products containing them. • The future waste handling of the MNM products. Arvidsson et al. [28] refer to such MNMs, products containing such MNMs, and processes involving such MNMs, as being “immature.” This term was inspired by the technical change literature, where technologies are often referred to with regard to their level of maturity [29]. Similarly, Hetherington et al. [30] refer to immature MNMs, products and technologies as being “emerging.” This immature or emerging nature of many MNMs differentiates them from more mature substances and products (such as cement and cucumbers). Linking to Figure 1, one may say that many of the model input parameters that are related to the MNM and its raw material extraction, production, use, and waste handling are unknown and may change dramatically in the future. In order to assess the environmental impacts of immature MNMs, the assessor must make assumptions about the future, or rather some aspects of a number of possible futures. Although there exist a number of methods to do so [28], such assumptions cannot be verified in the present but can only be proven correct by time. This has implications for both life cycle assessment and risk assessment of MNMs. Life cycle assessment is largely based on input parameters related to the MNM or a product containing MNMs. If that MNM or product containing MNMs is immature, it creates considerable uncertainty in the model. The same is true for risk assessment, in which output result is based on input parameters describing in which products the MNMs are present, along with the MNM use rate and emissions from those products.

2. LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT OF MNMS The life cycle perspective, and along with that also life cycle assessment, has received much recognition and is now mainstream in product design at many of the world’s largest companies. The main concept behind this perspective is the product life cycle [31e34]. In the product life cycle, the material and energy flows related to a product are traced through main processes, often including extraction of raw materials required to produce

Life Cycle Assessment and Risk Assessment of Manufactured Nanomaterials

Figure 2 Generic illustration of a product life cycle model as commonly depicted in life cycle assessment. Arrows represent flows of materials and energy, and boxes represent processes where materials and/or energy is used or transformed. Sometimes, feedback loop arrows are present between the waste handling and use (reuse), and between the waste handling and production (recycling).

the product, production of the product from the raw materials, use of the product, subsequent waste handling, and transports between these processes (Figure 2) [33,34]. In a life cycle assessment, the environmental impacts and resource use along the life cycle are quantified and categorized into so-called impact categories [31e33], which correspond to the environmental indicators in Figure 1 for the case of life cycle assessment. Life cycle assessment thus reveals not only environmental impacts that occur during the use of a product, but also during other life cycle stages, that is, environmental impacts that are otherwise “hidden” to the user of the product.

2.1 The Life Cycle Assessment Framework The life cycle assessment framework contains three main steps [32e34]: • Goal and scope definition, • Inventory analysis, and • Impact assessment. Sometimes, a fourth step called “interpretation” is added, and this step is meant to occur iteratively throughout the whole assessment procedure [32,34]. In the goal and scope definition step, the assessment is described, in particular with regard to system boundaries and functional unit. The system boundaries detail the product and processes included in the study. For example, some products can be made using different raw




materials, and the system boundaries describe which raw material extractions are included. As another example, some assessments may not include the waste handling phase for some reasons, and this is also determined by the system boundaries. The functional unit describes the function of the product, and is the unit to which all environmental impacts are related. For example, when assessing car fuels in a life cycle assessment, possible functional units are 1 kg of fuel and 1 MJ of fuel energy content. When assessing different types of window glass, 1 m2 is a possible functional unit. Environmental impacts can then be quantified as, for example, the amount of carbon dioxide emissions per kg or m2 for the case of global warming. In the inventory analysis step, available information about included environmental impacts is gathered. This typically results in long lists of emissions and resource uses, corresponding to the values of the input parameters in Figure 1. The emissions are then related to the functional unit of the study, and summarized for all processes along the product life cycle. In the impact assessment step, these emissions and resource uses are attributed to impact categories. An example of an impact category is global warning potential, to which all greenhouse gas emissions are attributed. Other impact categories are acidification potential, eutrophication potential, ozone depletion potential, human toxicity potential, ecotoxicity potential, energy use, and water use. The impact categories thus roughly correspond to the environmental problems typically outlined in environmental science, such as global warming, acidification, eutrophication, ground-level ozone, chemical pollution, and various resource impacts. How much a certain substance emitted contributes to a certain impact category is determined by characterization factors. For example, the global warming potential characterization factor for carbon dioxide is 1 kg carbon dioxide equivalent, and about 25 kg carbon dioxide equivalent for methane. This indicates that methane is a stronger greenhouse gas per kg than is carbon dioxide, and thus contributes more to global warming. Characterization factors can thus be seen as measures of how “dangerous” an emission is, often per kg, with regard to an environmental problem, and are derived based on different types of models depending on the impact category [35]. In very simple terms, the impact assessment can be expressed mathematically as the environmental impact I being calculated by multiplying the total life cycle emissions E of a certain chemical i by a characterization factor CF: Ii ¼ Ei  CFi


For the case of resource use, the same Eqn (1) applies, but the emission E must instead be changed to the resource use R that is being assessed. Note that some emissions and some resources can be attributed to several impact categories. For example, nitrogen oxides contribute to both acidification and eutrophication, and thus have two characterization factors, one for each of these two impact categories. It should also be mentioned

Life Cycle Assessment and Risk Assessment of Manufactured Nanomaterials

that some environmental impacts are considered easier than others to assess using life cycle assessment. For some environmental impacts, such as biodiversity, deriving characterization factors has proven to be difficult [31]. However, work is continuously ongoing to provide characterization factors for such environmental impacts as well.

2.2 Life Cycle Assessment Case Studies on MNMs A number of life cycle assessment case studies have been conducted on MNMs. These studies have been reviewed by, for example, Gavankar et al. [36] (14 studies) and Hischier and Walser [37] (17 studies). The overview presented here is essentially an extraction from those reviews. One reason for the slight difference in the number of included studies in the two reviews is that it is not always obvious which studies are to be counted as life cycle assessment studies. For example, a number of studies have a life cycle perspective when considering MNM emissions, but are not typical life cycle assessment studies. Some examples of this are Kohler et al. [38] and Arvidsson et al. [39,40]. Although such studies provide valuable insights, they are not considered in this chapter. In Table 1, a number of life cycle assessments of MNMs are listed. As can be seen there, some studies assess the production of the MNMs only, whereas some assess products in which the MNMs are one of several constituents. Although the MNM studied varies, some are more frequently studied, such as titanium dioxide MNMs, carbon nanotubes, nanoclay, and silver MNMs. Some studies have chosen a limited number (1e3) of impact categories of presumably high relevance, whereas other studies have chosen to include a larger set (5) of impact categories. This varying number of included impact categories reflects life cycle assessment research in general, where both the more focused and the more inclusive variant can be found. Global warming potential and energy use are applied more frequently than the other impact categories, which is also usual in life cycle assessment studies in general. Already the Royal Society [5] suggested that life cycle assessment could also be used to assess environmental benefits in addition to environmental impacts. “Benefits” are here to be understood as decreases in environmental impact while still obtaining the same product function. A number of the studies in Table 1 have compared more traditional products to products containing MNMs in order to determine whether there is a net benefit. Indeed, some studies found clear benefits. Joshi [41] found that nanoclayenforced biopolymers had both lower energy use and greenhouse gas emissions than many common biopolymers and glass fibers. The study by Lloyd and Lave [42] showed lower environmental impacts when aluminum was replaced by nanoclay-polymer in automobiles. Roes et al. [43] compared composites with and without nanoclay, and the nanoclay composite generally had slightly lower environmental impacts. It is thus clear that MNMs can lower the environmental impact of products. However, other studies found the environmental impact of the MNM product and existing products


Table 1 List of a number of life cycle assessment studies of manufactured nanomaterials (MNMs) Study Product studied MNM studied EU WU GWP


Eckelman et al. [45]

Carbon nanotubes

Carbon nanotubes

Greijer et al. [46]

Dye-sensitized solar cells

Titanium dioxide MNMs

Grubb and Bakshi [47]

Titanium dioxide nanoparticles

Titanium dioxide MNMs

Grubb and Bakshi [48]

Titanium dioxide nanoparticles

Titanium dioxide MNMs



Healy et al. [49]





Joshi [41]





Khanna et al. [50]

Carbon nanofibers

Carbon nanofibers



Khanna and Bakshi [51]


Carbon nanofibers


Kushnir and Sanden [8]

Carbon nanotubes and fullerenes

Carbon nanotubes and fullerenes


Lloyd and Lave [42]





Lloyd et al. [52]

Automotive catalysts

Nanoscale platinumgroup metal



Meyer et al. [53]


Silver MNMs

Osterwalder et al. [54]

Titanium and zirconium dioxide nanoparticles

Titanium and zirconium dioxide MNMs



Roes et al. [43]





Roes et al. [55]


Nanoclay Carbon nanotubes



Seng€ ul and Theis [56]


Quantum dots



Singh et al. [57]

Carbon nanotubes

Carbon nanotubes


Walser et al. [44]


Silver MNMs






x x x
























x x






The product and MNMs studied are noted, as are most of the impact categories included. EU, energy use; WU, water use; GWP, global warming potential; AP, acidification potential; EP, eutrophication potential; POCP, photochemical ozone creation potential; HTU, human toxicity potential; ETP, ecotoxicity potential; ODP, ozone depletion potential.

Life Cycle Assessment and Risk Assessment of Manufactured Nanomaterials

to be similar. Greijer et al. [46] compared the global warming potential of MNM-containing, dye-sensitized solar cells to other photovoltaics, concluding that their environmental impacts were in the same range. Meyer et al. [53] compared socks treated with silver MNMs and ordinary socks, concluding that their environmental impacts were quite similar in magnitude. Yet other studies have shown that MNMs products can have higher environmental impacts than more traditional products. Walser et al. [44] studied both an ordinary T-shirt and one treated with silver MNMs. They found that the global warming potential was higher for the silver-treated T-shirt, and the ecotoxicity potential of the silver-treated T-shirt varied from equal to three times higher than that of the ordinary T-shirt. Kushnir and Sanden [8] compared the energy use of carbon nanotubes to that of aluminum, concluding that carbon nanotubes had an energy use 2e100 times higher. MNM products may thus increase the environmental impact, or result in similar environmental impact, as other products. The results of these studies point to the value of conducting life cycle assessments in order to ensure a reduction of environmental impact. Notably, few of these studies included emissions of MNMs among the environmental impacts. In the study by Walser et al. [44], emissions of silver MNMs were included. In the impact assessment step, the characterization factor of ordinary, non-MNM silver was applied to silver MNMs as well. In the study by Eckelman et al. [45], ecotoxicity impacts of carbon nanotubes was the only emission and impact category included. They developed MNM-specific characterization factors for the carbon nanotubes using the USEtox method, as will be further discussed in Section 2.4.

2.3 Implications of Immaturity As mentioned in Section 1.3, the immature nature of MNMs is a great challenge for life cycle assessment. This is evident from several of the life cycle assessment studies in Table 1, which show clear indications of having encountered immature products [28]. For example, Greijer et al. [46] had to make a number of assumptions regarding future electricity sources and future technology efficiency in their life cycle assessment of solar cells containing titanium dioxide MNMs. Both Kushnir and Sanden [8] and Healy et al. [49] made estimates of future efficiencies for carbon nanotube production based on, for example, lab-scale data. The life cycle assessment of carbon nanofiber production by Khanna et al. [50] also relied on lab-scale data. In the life cycle assessment of automotive catalysts by Lloyd et al. [52], they state that their data is based on current technology, and that this is an uncertainty in their study, implying that future technology may have a somewhat different environmental impact. Meyer et al. [53] used alternative data sources due to lack of actual production data for their study of silver MNMs. Roes et al. [43] state that their studied nanocomposite production process has not yet been operated on commercial scale. Walser et al. [44] assessed both lab-scale, pilot plant, and an assumed future




commercial state of technological development for silver MNM production. These examples illustrate how the immature nature of MNMs can cause considerable uncertainty in life cycle assessment studies. Considering these inherent uncertainties, the results of those studies in Table 1 should not be taken too literally, but rather be seen as indications and guidance for research and development. Small differences in environmental impact should not be made arguments for or against an MNM or specific production process. Yet considerable differences in environmental impact could provide important guidance toward environmental improvements at early stages in technology development. For example, Kushnir and Sanden [8] write that “carbon nanoparticles are found to be highly energy-intensive materials, on the order of 2 to 100 times more energy-intensive than aluminum, even with idealized production models.” Such presentations of results, with a focus on orders of magnitude rather than on details, are considered most appropriate in the light of the massive uncertainty that is inherent in immature MNM products and processes. In order to obtain data on immature MNMs, a number of different strategies were employed by several of the studies in Table 1. Reviewing these studies, Arvidsson et al. [28] outlined five general strategies that were used to obtain such data: • Likely values were assigned to the parameters describing the immature product studied based on technical or other considerations. • Extreme values were assigned to the parameters describing the immature product in order to illustrate highest or lowest potential environmental impact. • Values from mature, believed-to-be similar products were assigned to the parameters describing the immature product. This can be seen as a specific variant of the likely scenario strategy. • The immature parts of the studied system were excluded, meaning in practice that the environmental impact from those parts is set to zero. This can be seen as a variant of the extreme value strategy. • Departing from a likely value, a sensitivity analysis was performed by varying the values of the parameters describing the immature product within a certain range. Often, several of these strategies were used in the same study. Although it is difficult to make generalizations about which of these is most appropriate, the exclusion strategy seems unfortunate unless the environmental impact of the excluded parts of the system is very likely to be very low. Otherwise, there is an obvious risk that the environmental impact of the product is underestimated. For very immature products, that may not even exist on lab-scale yet, it is often difficult to assign likely values to parameters. In those cases, extreme values describing the potential of the product in terms of environmental performance can be both easier to apply and more relevant than very uncertain yet claimed-to-be likely values. A thorough motivation of the strategy chosen is in any case highly recommended, regardless of which strategy that is chosen.

Life Cycle Assessment and Risk Assessment of Manufactured Nanomaterials

2.4 Characterization Factors for MNM Emissions As can be seen in Eqn (1), characterization factors are crucial input parameters for assessing environmental impacts in life cycle assessment. It should be noted that characterization factors themselves are not physical properties that can be measured, but are derived from models that are based on measured input data. Characterization factors are thus derived from models that have the characterization factors as output parameters, but they also serve as input parameters to life cycle assessment models. Much effort has been put into developing models for deriving characterization factors for different emissions and resource uses, see for example Hauschild and Wenzel [35] and the Joint Research Center of the European Commission [58]. For most impact categories, there are consensus models that the vast majority of the life cycle assessment community uses. For most impact categories, there is even consensus regarding the exact numerical values of the characterization factors. For global warming, characterization factors of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane are estimated based on their lifetime in the atmosphere and their ability to absorb energy [35]. Similarly, characterization factors for human toxicity and ecotoxicity are estimated based on properties of the chemicals emitted. Such properties include their persistence, how hydrophilic they are, their toxicity to humans and organisms in the environment, and so on. In general terms, a characterization factor CF for an emission i is calculated as a function of some properties of the emission, as described below [35]:   CFi ¼ f p1 ; p2 ; .; pn (2) where p1, p2, ., pn are properties of the emitted substance i, and n is a natural number. Relating to Figure 1, the properties p1, p2, ., pn serve as input parameters to the model that determines the characterization factor as an output parameter. For some impact categories, the characterization factor depends on many properties, whereas for others, it is only dependent on a few. For the impact categories of human toxicity and ecotoxicity, characterization factors typically depend on quite many properties (>10). However, human toxicity and ecotoxicity belong to the impact categories for which there does not exist one but several different methods to derive characterization factors, and the exact number of properties used varies somewhat between the methods. Such methods include the Uniform System for the Evaluation of Substances adapted for Life Cycle Assessment purposes (USES-LCA) method described by Huijbregts et al. [26] and the more recent USEtox method described by Rosenbaum et al. [25]. As mentioned above, some impact categories, such as global warming, have models and characterization factors that almost everybody uses. Other impact categories, such as ecotoxicity, have some different models that can be selected, and they calculate different characterization factors for the same substance emitted. There also exist some impact categories where only early attempts to derive characterization factors have




commenced, and there is a considerable variation in the few methods available for deriving characterization factors. Biodiversity is such an impact category [31]. For MNM emissions, the situation is even worse from a life cycle assessment perspective, as there exists no method at all to derive characterization factors [14]. In order to derive characterization factors for MNM emissions in a similar manner as for other chemicals, the environmental fate of MNMs must be adequately understood [14]. As described in Section 1.2, this understanding is currently lacking. There does, however, exist some ecotoxicological data for MNMs, as shown in the review of half maximal effective concentration (EC50) values for a number of MNMs conducted by Kahru and Dubourguier [59]. EC50 values refer to the concentration of a chemical substance that induces a response halfway between the lowest and highest toxic response received after a specified exposure time, and is commonly used to indicate the toxic potency of chemicals. Such ecotoxicological data are important input parameters to estimations of characterization factors for chemicals, and would possibly also constitute important input parameters for determining characterization factors for MNMs. Models to derive characterization factors for chemicals typically rely heavily on both models of environmental fate and toxicological input data. The USEtox model is the most recent impact assessment method for chemicals, and has the benefit of allowing an analyst to estimate characterization factors from more basic input data, which is seldom possible with other impact assessment models for chemicals [25,60]. In USEtox, the characterization factor is estimated by multiplying three other aggregated parameters related to fate, exposure, and toxicity, respectively. These parameters are the fate factor (FF), the exposure factor (XF), and the effect factor (EF) of a specific chemical i: CFi ¼ FFi  XFi  EFi


The effect factor is derived according to the following equation: EF ¼ 10

1  n

0:5 P s

log EC50;s


where EC50,s is the EC50 value for the an aquatic organism s and ns is the number of organisms for which EC50 values have been found. As such data are available for a number of MNMs [59], effect factors are in principle possible to derive for MNMs as well as for chemicals. However, the fate and exposure factors in Eqn (3) are based on models for the fate and exposure of chemicals in the environment. As explained in Section 1.2, the lack of understanding of the fate of MNMs in the environment prevents the development of similar models for MNMs. Despite this, two attempts to estimate characterization factors for MNMs using the USEtox method have been conducted. Eckelman et al. [45] derived characterization factor for carbon nanotubes, and Salieri [61] derived characterization factors for titanium dioxide MNMs.

Life Cycle Assessment and Risk Assessment of Manufactured Nanomaterials

Although there is a clear need to develop characterization factors for MNMs, there is also a clear consensus that the fate of MNMs is different from that of ordinary chemicals [17,20,21]. Using the USEtox model, which fate model is adapted to non-MNM chemicals, to obtain characterization factors for MNMs, therefore seems questionable. Characterization factors are pure model outputs and cannot be verified by measurements, but rely completely on the quality of the model. Considering the limited knowledge of the fate of MNMs in the environment, such quality cannot be ensured at the moment.

2.5 Recommendations for Life Cycle Assessment of MNMs Based on the many examples presented in Table 1, life cycle assessment seems to have an important role to play in guiding technological development of MNM toward lower environmental impact. The studies in Table 1 provide environmentally relevant information about specific MNMs or products that contain MNMs. This information includes results regarding important environmental issues such as energy use, water use, global warming, acidification, eutrophication, photochemical ozone creation, ecotoxicity, human toxicity, and ozone depletion. The continued use of life cycle assessment to guide technological development, which has been recommended by others before [5,14], is therefore recommended here as well in light of the currently conducted case studies. After some time has passed, it would be interesting to study the actual effects that these studies have had on the development of MNMs, and whether actual environmental improvements have taken place. As MNMs are typically in an early stage of technological development, which creates an inherent kind of uncertainty, it is important that results of such assessments are presented with caution and that minor differences in environmental impacts are not overemphasized. The focus should instead be on considerable differences in environmental impacts that are likely to be present also in the future. The five strategies outlined by Arvidsson et al. [28] can serve as aid in assessing environmental impacts of immature products in general and MNMs in particular. It is recommended that immature processes are not excluded from the assessment but rather approached by some of the other outlined strategies, such as the extreme scenario and mature system strategies. In order to enable assessments of MNM emissions in life cycle assessments, characterization factors for such emissions should be developed. Considering the complexity and the currently limited understanding of MNM environmental fate, such characterization factors may initially need to be less detailed than those derived by impact assessment models for non-MNM chemical substances. Once the environmental fate and exposure of MNMs are better understood, models of those processes can be used to derive characterization factors for MNMs with scientific justification.




3. RISK ASSESSMENT OF MNMS Risk assessment is the main scientific and regulatory method used to assess the environmental impact of chemicals. There exist some different forms of risk assessment, such as environmental risk assessment [62], ecological risk assessment [63], and risk assessment of chemicals [64,65]. Although these share many common features and concept, this chapter is focused on the risk assessment of chemicals method. Risk assessment of chemicals is used both in scientific studies and in the risk assessments conducted within, for example, the European Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals (REACH) legislation [65]. The main idea behind the method is that a chemical substance does not pose a risk unless the concentration of the substance is high enough.

3.1 The Risk Assessment Framework The risk assessment framework comes in slightly different forms, but typically includes four steps [64,66]: • Hazard identification (sometimes called problem formulation). • Exposure assessment. • Effect assessment (sometimes called doseeresponse assessment or hazard assessment). • Risk characterization. Sometimes, a risk management or risk reduction step is added after these, but it is most often not regarded as a part of the risk assessment, but rather as the subsequent action taking place as a response to the risk assessment [64]. The hazard identification is about identifying potential hazards related to the chemical, such as whether the substance is toxic or bioaccumulating. Potential linkages between the sources of the substance and endpoints are also outlined, endpoints being potentially adversely affected organisms, including humans. Such linkages or causeeeffect chains can be called sourceefateeendpoint causeeeffect chains, and Figure 3 shows a schematic illustration of such a causeeeffect chain. There can be many sources, endpoints, and environmental fate processes included in the same risk assessment. In the exposure assessment, the concentration that the endpoint will be exposed to is estimated [19,66]. This is conducted through detailed modeling of the emissions and environmental fate of the chemical. Chemicals in the environment typically undergo a number of fate processes, such as volatilization, degradation, sedimentation, deposition, adsorption, bioaccumulation, and biomagnification [19,67]. The modeling is often conducted by dividing the environment into different compartments, often water, air, soil, and sediment [68,69]. Mass balance equations describing the fate processes and the transports between different compartments are then employed. The ultimate aim of an exposure assessment is to arrive at a predicted environmental concentration (PEC) for each compartment [19].

Life Cycle Assessment and Risk Assessment of Manufactured Nanomaterials

Figure 3 Generic illustration of a sourceefateeendpoint causeeeffect chain employed in risk assessment of chemicals.

In the effect assessment step, a threshold concentration, which is not to be exceeded unless adverse effects may arise, is estimated [64]. This threshold concentration is called a predicted no-effect concentration (PNEC). It is estimated based on toxicological and ecotoxicological studies, which typically deliver parameters such as EC50 values [70]. These parameters are used to derive PNECs, which are organism-specific, after the application of the so-called safety or assessment factors that compensate for incomprehensiveness in the toxicological data [70]. In the last step, called risk characterization, the PEC and PNEC are compared by division to estimate a risk quotient (RQ): PEC RQ ¼ (5) PNEC If the RQ is equal to or higher than one, it means that the concentration to which the endpoint is exposed is higher than the concentration at which no adverse effects are expected. This means that the risk is not controlled. If the quotient is lower than one, it means that the risk is controlled. Equation (5) is thus the equation that ultimately assesses the environmental impact of chemicals. It can be compared to Eqn (1), which assesses environmental impact in life cycle assessment. Relating again to Figure 1, the RQ is thus the main output parameter or environmental indicator received from a risk assessment. Here, a discrepancy between risk assessment and life cycle assessment can be noted. In risk assessment, the assessment gives a result that tells whether a chemical substance is environmentally “benign” (RQ < 1) or “adverse” (RQ  1). In life cycle assessment, however, the results cannot be used to tell whether a product is environmentally “benign” or “adverse” in itself. They can only be used to compare the environmental impact of one product to that of another product, revealing which of the products that has the highest environmental impact. This is sometimes expressed as risk assessment providing information about “absolute” environmental impact, whereas life cycle assessment only provides information about “relative” environmental impact.




3.2 Risk Assessment Case Studies of MNMs Reviewing the risk assessments conducted on MNMs in a similar manner as it was conducted by Arvidsson [71], a number of differences between the studies can be identified (Table 2). Some studies do not assess the risk of specific MNMs, but rather investigate how such assessments should or could be conducted. Some studies focus on one or a limited number of MNMs, whereas others assess a wider range of different MNMs. Titanium dioxide and silver MNMs are the two most frequently studied MNMs. Considering that silver is the most frequently found MNM in consumer products, and titanium the third most frequently found [72], this is not surprising. The number and types of endpoints also vary, from some studies that do not include the effect assessment step at all, to some that include a wide range of different endpoints. A slight tilt toward aquatic organisms can be identified. This tilt may be due to the focus on aquatic toxicity in ecotoxicology of MNMs [59]. The geographical scope of the studies varies from rivers (e.g., the Rhine river) to cities (Johannesburg, South Africa), and nations (e.g., Switzerland, Ireland, and the United States). Some studies are generic and thus do not have a specific geographical scope. Mass concentration is applied as metric to quantify the PEC in most of the studies, but the study by Arvidsson et al. [17] calculated particle number-based PEC instead, and the study by Praetorius et al. [21] calculated both mass concentration- and particle number-based PECs. Several of the studies also provide discussions about the merits and potential use of surface area concentration to quantify the PEC and PNEC. This discussion about the best metric to use when quantifying PEC and PNEC values in risk assessments of MNMs is now long-lasting and still ongoing [16,73]. Mass concentration is still the most frequently used, whereas particle number and surface area concentration have fewer but strong advocates. For example, particle number concentration has been advocated by some researchers focusing on exposure assessment of MNMs [17], whereas surface area concentration has been advocated by some researchers focusing on the ecotoxicology of MNMs [74]. Considering the challenge of modeling the environmental fate of MNMs in the environment described in Section 1.2, an especially interesting feature of the reviewed studies in Table 2 is the types of models that are employed to describe the fate of MNMs. In the study by Boxall et al. [75], MNM emissions from a number of sources were estimated, and distributed evenly in the environmental compartment to which they were emitted. No transport of MNMs between the compartments was included. This method is similar to the ones applied in the study by Musee [76] and O’Brien and Cummins [77]. In this type of model, the PEC of a specific compartment is calculated as PEC ¼



Table 2 List of a number of risk assessment studies of manufactured nanomaterials (MNMs) Study Fate model type MNMs assessed Endpoints considered

Risk metric

Geographical scope

Arvidsson et al. [17]




Particle number concentration

Not specified

Blaser et al. [81]

Flow model


3 water fleas

Mass concentration

Rhine river

Boxall et al. [75]

Flow model

Ag, Al2O3, Au, CeO2, fullerenes, hydroxyapatite, latex, organoSiO2, SiO2, TiO2, ZnO

Algae Fish Invertebrates Bacteria

Mass concentration

United Kingdom

Gottschalk et al. [78]

Flow model

Ag, CNT, fullerenes, TiO2, ZnO

12 different

Mass concentration

Switzerland United States Europe

Gottschalk et al. [80]

Flow model

Ag, TiO2, ZnO

12 different

Mass concentration


Johnson et al. [83]

Flow model


Bacteria Earthworms

Mass concentration

River Thames

Musee [76]

Flow model

Ag, TiO2

8 different

Mass concentration

South Africa

O’Brien and Cummins [77]

Flow model

Ag, CeO2, TiO2

Aquatic organisms Humans

Mass concentration


Praetorius et al. [21]




Mass concentration Particle number concentration

Rhine river

Quik et al. [20]


Not specified


Mass concentration

Not specified

TiO2, titanium dioxide; Al2O3, aluminum oxide; Au, gold; CeO2, cerium dioxide; SiO2, silica or silicon dioxide; Ag, silver; ZnO, zinc oxide; CNT, carbon nanotubes.



where E is the annual emissions of MNMs to the compartment and V is the volume of the compartment. In the study by Gottschalk et al. [78], which is a further development of the early model by Mueller and Nowack [79], transfer of MNMs between different compartments is included. In this model, the PEC of a compartment is thus calculated as PEC ¼



where R stands for the removal of MNMs from the compartment. Note that the removal in these models is a flow quantified specifically for each case, and not quantified from mechanistic equations describing the fate of MNMs. The models employed by Gottschalk et al. [80] and Blaser et al. [81] also follow Eqn (7), but have higher resolutions as the aquatic compartment studied is divided into many subcompartments. These types of models are here referred to as “flow models.” These models are not specific for MNMs though, but work equally well for other chemical substances. However, the numerical values of emissions and removal rates are of course specific for the MNMs that are assessed. The other type of model is here called “mechanistic models.” This type of model aims at estimating PECs for MNMs based on basic physiochemical parameters related to the MNM and the environment. Quik et al. [20] suggested a model based on the typical model used for calculating exposure of chemical substances to aquatic organisms, but adopted for MNMs. It includes three fate processes as indicated by this simplified model equation: E  Fadv  Fsed  Fdiss PEC ¼ (8) V where Fadv is advection, Fsed is sedimentation, and Fdiss is dissolution. Advection occurs when MNMs are transported away by a stream of water. Sedimentation occurs when MNMs leave the water body and enter the sediment. Dissolution means that the MNMs dissolve into ions or molecules. Agglomeration is not included as a separate process, but is included indirectly as it is a contributing factor to sedimentation. Contrary to the removal parameter in Eqns (6) and (7), which needs to be estimated specifically for each MNM, the fate parameters in Eqn (12) can ideally be estimated based on already known physiochemical properties of the MNM. Unfortunately, several of the fate parameters in Eqn (8) proved to be difficult to quantify [20]. Arvidsson et al. [17] developed a similar model for deriving PEC values in water based on colloid chemistry, which in a simplified manner can be written: PEC ¼

E  Fagg  Fsed V


where Fagg is agglomeration, meaning that the MNMs merge together to form larger units, the so-called agglomerates. As explained in Section 1.2, agglomeration and sedimentation are coupled processes that both depend on the concentration of MNMs in

Life Cycle Assessment and Risk Assessment of Manufactured Nanomaterials

the water. Although calculation of PECs using the model presented by Arvidsson et al. [17] was shown to be possible, the calculations were time-consuming and the variations of some input parameters were several orders of magnitude. In the study by Praetorius et al. [21], exposure of MNMs in water was also assessed by the development of a mechanistic model analogous to those used for chemical substances. In a similarly simplified manner as Eqns (8) and (9), their model equation can be written as: E  Fagg  Fsed  Fadv PEC ¼ (10) V Similar to the model by Arvidsson et al. [17], the model by Praetorius et al. [21] was shown to be able to be used for calculating PECs. However, again, the uncertainty of some input parameters was very high. Although these three mechanistic models have the benefit of generality, they suffer from difficulties in quantifying the included fate processes. Especially agglomeration and dissolution are difficult to quantify. And as agglomeration and sedimentation are coupled processes, they can be included as separate processes, as in the model equations by Arvidsson et al. [17] and Praetorius et al. [21], or as a joint “net sedimentation” parameter as in the model equation by Quik et al. [20]. If these mechanisms could be mechanistically understood, however, they would allow for models having the benefit of generating results in a more systematic manner than the flow models, where values on removal must be obtained through separate data gathering for each MNM and compartment. However, it is not certain that the results from mechanistic models are more accurate than those from flow models. As the input parameters in flow models are obtained specifically for the MNMs studied, they may provide more specific results compared to mechanistic models, although potentially at a higher input data gathering time requirement. Agglomeration of MNMs can occur in two ways. When two objects of the same chemical composition agglomerate, this is referred to as homoagglomeration. When two objects of different chemical composition agglomerate, it is called heteroagglomeration. As MNMs are likely to be in minority compared to the naturally occurring particles in water, heteroagglomeration is probably more relevant to include in mechanistic models than is homoagglomeration. In fact, Quik et al. [82] showed that heteroagglomeration is the dominating agglomeration process for MNMs in most types of natural waters. This is also reflected in the mechanistic fate models of MNMs developed by Quik et al. [20] and Praetorius et al. [21]. Those models omit homoagglomeration due to its probably lower importance in most natural waters.

3.3 Risk or No Risk? As mentioned in Section 1.2, the limited natural science understanding of the environmental fate of MNMs makes risk assessment difficult, and the modeling approaches differ




between conducted risk assessments of MNMs. Mainly, there is a difference between flow models and mechanistic models, as described in Section 3.2. There is also a difference in geographical scope, and a number of other model details. Still, despite these difficulties and differences, it is interesting to review and compare the numerical values of PECs, PNECs, and RQs to investigate whether they show some consistency. For this comparison, the two MNMs most studied in risk assessments were selected, that is titanium dioxide and silver MNMs. The freshwater compartment was chosen for the comparison, as this is the compartment that is most frequently included in the conducted risk assessments of MNMs. The PEC, PNEC, and RQ of titanium dioxide and silver MNMs for the freshwater compartment can be seen in Tables 3 and 4, respectively. The values of PEC and PNEC are presented as mass concentration, as this is the most frequently used metric. Note that some studies present their results as ranges rather than single numbers, and have then been presented as such here as well. As can be seen from Tables 3 and 4, the results vary considerable, both within and between studies. Some studies estimate PEC values of titanium dioxide MNMs to be in the order of 10 mg/L, whereas others estimate them to be almost as low as 0.00001 mg/L. For silver MNMs, the range is somewhat less wide, Table 3 Predicted environmental concentrations (PECs), predicted no-effect concentrations (PNECs), and risk quotients (RQs) from conducted risk assessments of titanium dioxide manufactured nanomaterials (MNMs) in the freshwater compartment Study PEC (mg/L) PNEC (mg/L) RQ

Boxall et al. [75]




Gottschalk et al. [78]




Johnson et al. [83]



in vitro). However, the general problem of the WoE approach is that it often results in an arbitrary selection of weight. In addition, the assumptions and options predominantly consider reducible epistemic uncertainty. The following recommendations for uncertainty and variability analysis in chemical risk assessment were proposed by the NRC [10]: • Risk assessment should provide a quantitative, or at least qualitative, description of uncertainty and variability consistent with the available data. • Attention should be directed to vulnerable individuals and subpopulations that may be particularly susceptible or more highly exposed. • The extent and detail of the uncertainty and variability analyses should be consistent with the importance and nature of the risk management decision. This may be best achieved by the early participation of assessors, managers, and stakeholders. • To maximize public understanding of and participation in risk-related decisionmaking, risk assessment should explain the results of the uncertainty analyses with sufficient clarity to be understood by the public and decision-makers. The detailed limitations, knowledge gaps, and methodological uncertainties will be described in the following sections for the different steps of the risk assessment procedure and for important regulatory aspects of the risk management step.

3.2 Physicochemical Characterization Physicochemical properties comprise the dynamic physical and chemical characteristics of NMs identified by analytical techniques for a specific stage of the life cycle. Descriptors are on the one hand key inherent characteristics of NMs and, on the other, their special activity that determines the interactions with the environment and biological systems [34]. Thereby, physicochemical characteristics are to a significant extent predictive of the more complex “behavior” or “fate” of a certain substance when exposed to individual organisms. The prerequisites for the physicochemical characterization are the available technical equipment, the optimization of existing methods, and the development of new tools. The methods should be quantitative, precise, and sensitive and enable NMs to be identified in complex media. Physicochemical parameters are perhaps best researched for aerosols and airborne NMs [40]. Investigations comprise general release and transport mechanisms as well as the changes in specific characteristics. Even so, the authors stated that at present “there is no robust set of devices which could be used for monitoring, measuring and characterizing NMs in workplace environments.” Most limitations in physicochemical characterization result from a lack of suitable technology and standardized methodologies for measuring the properties of NMs in complex matrices and discriminating between

Addressing the Challenges to the Risk Assessment of Nanomaterials

released and background NMs at various stages of their life cycle [16,26,34,40,41]. There is especially a need for methods which characterize agglomerations, aggregations and dispersions, coatings, charge, and dissolution. However, solubility kinetics, the behavior to predict transport, fate, and impact also play an important role [34]. Above all, the important question remains if the most appropriate parameters have already been identified and if additional specifically relevant endpoints such as catalytic activity have to be considered. Other critical obstructions are the lack of standard reference materials for NM and of relevant research to better understand the characteristics of NMs that best relate to their toxicity.

3.3 Exposure Assessment Exposure assessment critically links physicochemical properties, such as bioaccumulation or bioconcentration, or in situ properties such as aggregation to the hazard potential of NMs. The fundamental challenge for exposure assessment is the lack of an instrument and measurement strategy for identifying, monitoring, quantifying, and measuring concentrations at various stages of the life cycle. Furthermore, engineered NMs have to be discriminated from background NMs, natural and incidental NMs. Spatial and temporal variability are also important, especially for setting occupational exposure limits [42,43]. There is still no agreement about a concept for the dose, concentration, or metric of NMs in test systems in contrast to the finding that exposure should be based on a real dosimetry [4,16,26,40]. For airborne NMs there is a general trend away from techniques based on mass toward those based on number and/or surface area [44]. The benefit of detailed number size distribution data is that this information can be converted into other physical metrics [40]. It is common for assessors to pose exposure scenarios which define plausible pathways for human contact. Modeling is a practical way of obtaining predicted first-level concentrations by taking into account the lack of actually measured concentrations. This requires input parameters like partitioning coefficients and emission factors, which at present can only be based on crude assumptions. A minimum set of items that should be reported for exposure assessment studies was proposed [43]. In addition, there is a key gap in determining whether existing exposure assessment models for occupational or environmental exposure are appropriate for NMs [45]. For example, studies that attempt to calculate predicted environmental concentrations have employed exposure models based on a probabilistic material flow analysis from a life cycle perspective of NMs containing products. The environmental concentrations were calculated with probabilistic density functions [46]. But these exposure models depend on the limited information available at that time regarding the behavior of NMs in technical and natural systems [47]. There is also a need to better understand the emission and exposure routes and to develop an evidence base about the potential release from articles which contain or are coated with NMs.




In consequence, high-quality exposure data are largely missing. A few exposurerelated studies are published on occupational scenarios while many fewer studies are published on environmental and consumer exposure as well as about both acute and chronic exposures [18,45]. Strategies which encourage comparison between workplace air concentration and personal exposure are recommended. They must consider far-field and near-field exposure modeling, respectively [34]. The multitude of relevant metrics, the potential release mechanisms, and the poorly defined transport pathways require the definition of typical exposure scenarios as a crucial prerequisite for exposure assessment [40].

3.4 Hazard Assessment The hazard identification stage involves uncertainty about the existence of critical causee effect relationships that lead to categorically distinct classifications. This kind of uncertainty could lead to a misclassification of a substance. In general, a hazard to human health is classified by the main exposure routes (pulmonary, dermal, ingestion) and further broken down into local and systemic effects. There are far more publications related to the hazards of pulmonary exposure to NMs than for other exposure routes. Most research is addressing specific toxicity endpoints but there has been little research on exploring adverse outcomes and diseases. In the future, however, if nanotechnology applications are increasingly used in food, the significance of oral exposure and gastrointestinal absorption may considerably increase [40]. Most of the studies focus on “early-stage” effects such as cytotoxicity and inflammation, with few investigations of the long-term effects such as fibrosis or carcinogenicity. Recent reviews have concluded that information on the genotoxicity of NMs is still inadequate for us to draw general conclusions or to make a prediction of carcinogenicity [48,49]. Only a few studies deal with the systemic effects after distribution and translocation of NMs. There are findings that at least some types of NMs can enter the systemic blood circulation after inhalation. NMs in the blood stream could induce their effects in any organ in the body as shown by Kreyling et al. or Elder et al. [50,51]. Above all, the observation that NMs can reach the brain via the blood stream has evoked much concern. A detailed list describing the differentiated aspects of identified knowledge gaps is given in Annex II of Stone et al. [34]: • There is still a lack of understanding regarding how NMs interact with living systems, making it impossible to assess the relevant endpoints for toxicity. • There is still a need for standardized and validated in vivo and in vitro test systems as well as appropriate controls. Particularly validated methods for long-term or chronic effects as well as systemic effects are required. The appropriateness of existing toxicological methods should be proved. Detailed experimental factorsdsuch as surface functionalization, dispersing behavior in biological media, or the use of solvents in the case of nondispersing NMs (e.g., fullerenes) in aqueous mediadare not addressed sufficiently in many studies [18,34,40,45].

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The suitability of the existing in vitro methods must be determined to validate a prediction of in vivo toxicity. For example, there is a need to develop models for predicting the behavior of NMs (absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion). While some biomarkers of hazard exist, such as indicators of inflammation, oxidative stress, and cytotoxicity, the identification of a subgroup of the most reliable and relevant biomarkers is lacking. Strategies to reduce vertebrate testing are required and high-throughput/highcontent screening methods are of priority. In silico modeling tools (quantitative structureeactivity relationships (QSAR), quantitative nanostructureeactivity relationship (QNAR) tools) are not yet available, and the relationship between the physicochemical properties and toxicological effects of NMs has not yet been fully established. NMs may have modes of action that are beyond our current understanding. In vivo models of disease for NM-induced toxicity are required. For example, in vivo tests are preferred considering the possible mechanisms of NM genotoxicity [52]. Studies that show no significant (hazardous) effects are usually not published, even though they are crucial to removing from NMs the suspicion of being a hazard [28]. There is an ongoing debate on the significance of high-dose studies conducted so far and whether or not the methods are suitable for hazard characterization [53]. “Realistic” dosing for relevant real-life scenarios should be used in hazard studies. Our knowledge of the behavior of NMs when they are part of a matrix such as food or cosmetics is limited. For ecotoxicological studies, relevant biomarkers have to be identified. In addition, it is in general difficult to simulate real environmental scenarios [18,45]. More biologically relevant studies could be studied to better understand ecotoxicity. There is a lack of studies describing mechanistic effects following environmental exposure. For example, cytotoxicity, endocrine disruption, and genotoxicity are not well studied in this area of research.

3.5 Aspects of Risk Management: Definition, Precautionary Principle, REACH, Occupational Risk Management A specific definition of the term “nanomaterial” was included in the Recommendation EC/696/2011 [19] and several recent EU regulations such as the Cosmetics Regulation EC/1223/2009 [20], Novel Food Legislation EC/258/1997 [19], Food Information EC/1169/2011 [54], and Biocidal Products Regulation EU/528/2012 [21]. All current definitions are based on size and refer to a size range between 1 and 100 nm with the determination of surface area as an alternative option. The Commission solely intends to identify substances within this specific size range and explicitly does not aim to classify NMs as inherently hazardous. The Biocidal Products Regulation directly implemented the recent EC Recommendation on a definition and therefore covers “natural,




incidental, or manufactured” materials, while the Regulations for Cosmetic Products and for Food Information (EC/1169/2011) only refer to “intentionally manufactured (or produced) materials.” The Cosmetics Regulation further restricts the definition to “insoluble or biopersistent material.” Currently, the REACH does not include a definition of NMs [55]. Besides the lack of a consistent implementation of the regulatory definition, currently no single measurement method is available that is capable of determining whether a certain NM fulfills the EC’s recommended definition or not. An additional challenge is to discriminate between naturally contained, intentionally added, and/or engineered NMs and to distinguish them from background particles, especially within complex matrices. Due to this technical limitation, a combination of methods is recommended in a current Joint Research Centre report [56]. And beyond the regulatory framing, it has to be realized that nano-related risks are possible even if a material is not considered to be an NM according to the present definition [55]. In general, a preventive regulatory action in the absence of scientific certainty is recommended by the precautionary principle. This principle is embedded in EU law and applies especially within EU product authorization procedures. It runs through legislation, for example, in the “no data, no market” idea of REACH or the premarket authorization in special food regulations and allows governmental bodies to intervene with risk management decisions such as case-by-case decisions whenever necessary or to develop an early warning system. As stated by the Commission, “the precautionary principle must be applied in practice particularly in cases where, based on impartial scientific evaluation, there is cause for concern that the potential hazards for the environment and for the health of people, animals, or plants are not acceptable or could be irreconcilable with the high level of protection” [57]. This means that for the purpose of risk prevention it is legitimate for the state to take measures if there is merely an abstract possibility rather than some sufficient likelihood of harm occurring. If there will be a reasonable cause for concern, the responsibility for rebutting the presumption of hazardousness and disproving the “grounds for concern” falls to the originator of the risk. The German NanoKommission found that applying the precautionary principle is both necessary and justified in the context of regulating NMs, as there are scientific indications (i.e., grounds for concern) that the use of NMs may have adverse effects on human life and on the environment [58]. However, the concrete regulatory implementation of this principle remains an ongoing endeavor. The European REACH legislation is the current regulatory framework for chemical risk assessment, and it also applies to NMs. Even though REACH considers the physicochemical characteristics of NMs under substance definition, it does not possess a fully specified understanding of the true nature and correlation of characteristics and biological effects. For example, the word “nano” is not mentioned in this legislation, and the risk assessment procedure lags behind our current understanding of NMs. Some REACH

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guidance documents were updated in 2012 to include nanospecific provisions for information requirements and methodology [24]. Under the REACH regulation NMs can be considered either as separate substances independent of their bulk counterparts or as different forms of the same substance. This decision determines whether the submission of one dossier can cover different forms of a substance or whether separate dossiers and which information requirements have to be provided for each form. In contrast to REACH, sector-specific legislation such as the Cosmetics Regulation EC/1223/2009 [20] and Biocidal Products Regulation EU/528/2012 [21] requires separate risk assessment of NMs, and nanoforms are in principle considered not covered by dossiers for their bulk counterparts. According to the second regulatory review on NMs [59], substantial modifications of the risk assessment framework are not envisaged within the next few years. However, minor amendments to REACH annexes, additional guidance by ECHA, market surveillance on consumer products, and a Web platform for sharing information are expected. Several member states and NGOs consider the risk assessment procedure according to REACH to be insufficient and advocate the need for a more targeted legislative tool for closing existing gaps in information and knowledge [60]. NMs are increasingly produced, processed, and used as a component of products at industrial scale but also at research scale, which includes research and university laboratories. Employers must ensure that occupational exposure of NMs is either prevented or adequately controlled. Consequently, there is the need to provide concrete aids for handling in various work areas. Available handling guidelines describe possible risk management activities based on the precautionary principle to minimize exposure as far as possible [61]. The general requirements in relation to occupational safety and health of workers at workplaces are presented in the EU Directive 89/ 391/EEC [62]. The aim of this framework directive is to ensure a high level of protection of workers through the implementation of preventive measures and through provisions of information, consultation, balanced participation, and training of workers. Employers have the general duty to ensure this protection level by conducting risk assessments, which should also include possible risks from NMs. As a framework directive more stringent provisions should be enacted by adopting individual directives with particular aspects of workplace exposure. As an example, the Council Directive 98/ 24/EC considers risks related to chemical agents at work [63]. This directive includes employers’ obligations for the identification and assessment of risk from hazardous chemical agents, implementation of prevention measures, provision of information, and training of workers. There are also definitions of chemical agents and hazardous chemical agents, however, NMs are not mentioned specifically. Several preventive measures for occupational risk management are specified, e.g., substitution of agents or technical, organizational, and personal protection measures. Occupational exposure




limits are also among the recommended instruments, but critically depend on the availability of toxicological data, especially studies with repeated inhalation. Official occupational exposure limits for NMs have been set only for amorphous silicon [61]. A draft occupational exposure limit for nanoscale titanium dioxide is also available from the US-American National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Furthermore, the so-called “benchmark levels” that represent a pragmatic guidance level have been developed for four classes of NMs by the British Standard Institution [61]. The substatutory body of rules (e.g., technical guidance documents) do not currently address the specific problem posed by NMs. Thus, these rules need further development to support the responsible industry with the appropriate characterization and assessment of the NMs. Control banding methods are used to assess occupational exposure in the case of nonexistent occupational exposure limits or exposure measurements (see also Section 4.1.4) [61,64]. The most important protective measure remains engineering control. This comprises the containment at source through the use of closed systems and enclosed machines and processes. But also special filters for ventilation systems, personal respiratory protection, and protective clothing are applied against insoluble materials like dusts. Moreover, a good personal protective equipment program also includes an appropriate training. However, specific uncertainties remain regarding the efficacy of protective gloves and air filters [61,64].

4. STRATEGIES FOR IMPROVING THE RISK ASSESSMENT OF NMS 4.1 Technical and Complementary Science-Based Tools and Methods Numerous alternative approaches have been developed to improve and facilitate decision-making based upon predicted risk. These approaches support the traditional risk assessment framework and try to overcome the critical limitations and knowledge gaps by using nonconventional and complementary tools. Most of the tools are pragmatic concepts which give structure to the available knowledge and combine the results with recommendations for action and control. Some of these concepts propose strategies to reduce the testing effort on a case-by-case rationale. Algorithms in the form of decision trees, decision matrices, or scores assigned to parameters can lead to grouping, ranking, and prioritization procedures. 4.1.1 Combining Life Cycle Methodology with the Risk Assessment Procedure Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a systematic assessment of the potential environmental impact of a defined good or service throughout all the life cycle stages. Thus, LCA is investigating the life span of a product from its production, through the use to its disposal [65]. LCA is a highly developed and standardized methodology. The assessment typically covers a broad range of types of environmental impacts, such as climate change, resource

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depletion, and toxicity for humans caused by the release of chemical agents. In contrast to risk assessment, the results of LCA are normally presented on a relative or comparative basis, such as the comparison of two alternative solutions for product development, to provide a basis for informed decisions regarding the relative environmental sustainability of products. The LCA inventory is a mass-based accounting system that does not take into account spatial, temporal, doseeresponse, and threshold information. Hence, this assessment tool could be helpful to quantify the potential impact of nanoproducts across different life cycle stages. Going beyond the traditional chemical risk assessment, the manufacturing, consumption, and also disposal are addressed. However, nanospecific LCA has its own challenges and limitations. There is a lack of robust data regarding emissions and exposures related to the production, use, and disposal of NMs and products containing them. The unclear metrics used in these assessments, the inconsistencies in viable data sources, and the challenges posed by proper identification, characterization, and testing of NMs result in serious methodological uncertainties. Formulating strategies to use LCA and risk assessment together to assess chemicals has been pursued in a range of research efforts for more than a decade and remains a topic of ongoing work. Some proposed approaches range from the use of the same base data, the complementary use of the results to efforts to integrate these two tools into one [6]. The proposed integrative approaches could be allocated to a more traditional risk assessment approach applied in a life cycle perspective (“LCA-based risk assessment”) or to more conventional LCA supplemented by risk assessment in specific life cycle steps (“risk assessment-complemented LCA”) [6]. However, the full integration into one tool is considered neither desirable nor meaningful as the two tools answer different questions and have different system boundaries. For example, the two methods have different scopes, aims, and results: while LCA assesses a wide variety of forms of environmental impact of a product or system related to the functional unit, risk assessment deals with the health and environmental risks of a single substance at a particular point in a chemical’s life cycle. As these different systems assign their own meanings to key terms, it may be more beneficial to use these two technical tools in a complementary manner. The following three approaches have been proposed: • The performance of risk assessment at each or selected stages of a product’s life cycle. • The identification of potential health issues on a system-wide and hypothetical basis by LCA which is followed by a detailed risk assessment. • LCA as a strategic tool to prioritize data needed to complete by risk assessment. Obviously, both LCA and risk assessment methods require substantial amounts of technical data and strong expert knowledge. Both methods have been criticized for not being able to effectively handle uncertainty or the lack of data adequately [6]. Additional aspects are expected from the more strategic concept of value chain assessment, which considers broader sectoral changes on potential nano-enabled products that may reach consumers [66].




4.1.2 Alternative Testing Strategies Scientific discovery is now moving away from the traditional approaches of individual scientists conducting experiments in their laboratories to the pooling of data in publicly available databases and broad collaborative participation in problem solving [67,68]. Currently, a conceptual framework is being developed by the EU’s SEURAT-1 research strategy to combine information from new complementary theoretical, computational, and experimental tools to support a safety assessment process for chemicals [69]. Modeling approaches such as structureeactivity relationships (SARs) have been proposed to address the data gaps for physicochemical properties such as partition coefficients and environmental fate parameters including biodegradation, hydrolysis, bioaccumulation potential, and ecotoxicity endpoints. Since the physicochemical characterization of NMs at all stages of the life cycle may not be possible with regard to time and resource constraints, the application of QSAR approaches are indicated. Experience has been gained especially for regulatory purposes. In the REACH legislation, for example, in silico models should support a read-across to conventional chemicals in bulk forms. For mammalian and more complex endpoints, nontesting approaches have been less frequently applied because the mechanisms are not well understood and the underlying data are not available. The potential of QSAR approaches in these contexts could be characterized as information support for chemical modes of effects rather than a replacement for experimental testing of properties. While studies are ongoing to generate QSAR approaches for conventional chemicals, no such methodology is currently available and validated or scientifically justified for a broad array of NMs [34]. This may be due to a lack of a detailed understanding of the fundamental drivers of toxicity based on physicochemical properties. With regard to a QNAR, the first step should be the selection of a minimum set of parameters focusing on NMs. But it must be kept in mind that the absence of toxicological data poses a particular challenge to justify an assessment by QSAR, which goes beyond the classical category or analogue approaches outlined in the OECD and REACH guidance documents [70]. If nontesting approaches are not scientifically plausible, the traditional combination of in vitro and in vivo toxicity testing should be applied [71]. In human health risk assessment the use of laboratory inbred rat strains has been standardized by test guidelines and is part of the legislative requirements for the approval of various substances. Conservative standard default values were commonly used for the transformation of the test data to the characterization of human effects. There are both political and scientific reasons for this change in approach. There is a continuing pressure to replace animal testing with nontesting methods, such as grouping, readacross, and computational methods such as QSARs, in vitro tests, and optimized in vivo tests using, e.g., cell lines. Since most of such alternative methods cannot be used alone, it will be necessary to integrate them into a so-called integrated or intelligent testing strategy (ITS). A shift is foreseen toward using more and more human data

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in key toxicity pathways. This requires new in vitro methods and new sensitive endpoints and tools. Mode of action studies must also become the central plank of future risk assessment. The mode of action is important in classifying chemicals as it represents an intermediate level of complexity in between molecular mechanisms and physiological outcomes, especially when the exact molecular target has not yet been elucidated or is subject to debate. The combination of the ITS with a tier-based approach results in high-throughput systems employing new toxicity testing methods. This will probably be quicker, less expensive, and more directly relevant to human exposure. Some authors stated that there is an “urgent need for a ‘new’ toxicology,” also called “toxicology for the twenty-first century” [72]. In the strategic research agenda “Nanosafety in Europe 2015e2025” a proposal based on molecular and systems biology was put forward, which tries to introduce a strategic vision for future research on the safe use and safe applications of NMs [72]. The overall aim of this approach is “to promote a shift from toxicity testing primarily in animal models to in vitro assays and in vivo assays using lower model organisms, along with computational modeling, thus enabling the evolution of toxicology from being an observational science into a predictive science.” The central part of toxicology becomes the toxicity pathways which lead to an understanding of the molecular fundamentals of disease processes and of the relationships to environmental factors. The hope is to benefit from modern methods and technologies such as genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics, proteomics, and cell and systems biology, together with advanced analytical methods in biostatistics and bioinformatics [73]. Tiered intelligent testing of NMs should start with the physicochemical characterization and association of properties (such as surface area, activity, and heavy metal impurities) with biological effects. Toxicity testing would begin with acellular systems to explore effects at a subcellular level and then be followed by applying in vitro cellular models. In vitro testing methods should address the relevant endpoints, such as cytotoxicity, apoptosis, skin and ocular toxicity, genotoxicity, potential carcinogenicity, and the effects on the immunological system, neuronal cells, and vascular system. If the in vitro methods are validated, they would be useful for the prediction of in vivo methods in different target organs. Lai proposed a combination of short-term in vivo animal studies of reference materials in specific classes with high-throughput screenings and mechanism-based short-term in vitro assays [74]. The mechanistic data of reference materials can be used to benchmark the effects of a particular NM belonging to the same class by conducting only in vitro assays. Using this strategy, the hazard potential of NMs can be semiquantitatively evaluated. The data could be used to develop computer model systems based on propertyeactivity relationships. However, these methods have still not been validated or standardized for NMs. There are also general objections that in vitro test systems have only a limited usefulness for the hazard identification of NMs.




The so-called “NanoSafety Cluster” is an initiative to maximize the synergies between existing European projects on nanosafety. It aims at identifying key areas for further research on risk assessment procedures for NMs. The cluster presents a vision for a concern-driven integrated approach for the (eco-)toxicological testing and assessment of NMs. This approach is also based on a tiered concept, which starts out by determining concerns, i.e., the specific information needed for a given NM based on exposure scenarios. These concerns can be addressed in a set of tiers using standardized testing protocols. Tier 1 includes physicochemical properties, and Tier 2, a limited set of in vitro and in vivo tests that can indicate the need for further testing. The tiered approach makes it possible to accelerate the risk assessment process and reduce testing costs. The information resulting from combining material properties, exposure, biokinetics, and hazard data, can be used to the group of NMs by similar modes of action [75]. The EFSA has also developed a practical tiered approach for assessing the potential risks arising from applications of nanoscience and nanotechnologies in the food and feed chains [5]. Prior to a detailed risk assessment of the NMs, exposure scenarios from the proposed uses should be outlined. These exposure scenarios will contribute to decisions on the extent of the hazard characterization and will provide parameters for the exposure assessment. In the absence of exposure data and where it is not possible to determine the nanoform in the food/feed matrix, it should be assumed that any added NM is present, ingested, and absorbed in the nanoform. The guidance allows reduced testing when no exposure is verified. This is the case for data indicating no migration from food contact materials or when complete degradation/dissolution is demonstrated with no absorption of engineered NMs as such. EFSA has combined the tiered concept with a comparative procedure. The data of a relevant comparator, a nonnovel or bulk material could be used as a first preliminary step in the risk assessment procedure of food containing NMs [5,8]. Some uncertainty remains regarding the question of sameness between NMs and the corresponding “bulk” material. Some NMs may have fundamentally different modes of action from the bulk form, making a read-across from bulk- to nanoforms inappropriate. Further advances in methods and knowledge undoubtedly will occur in the near term. Logistical and methodological challenges to interpreting and using the data in risk assessment, however, remain significant. Hence, incorporating new information into risk assessment will continue to be an ongoing opportunity. 4.1.3 Grouping and Ranking of NMs Alternative testing strategies and modeling approaches for the reduction of costs and animal use are closely linked with a change from a “case-by-case” assessment to an approach based on grouping and ranking of NMs. In general, “grouping” means the arrangement of elements or substances into groups with common attributes relevant to a selected criteria or goal. While grouping is based on a relationship in a common attribute, ranking

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is defined as assigning a position in a scale, e.g., high to low hazard. Ranking does not necessarily imply any relationship between the elements on that scale. Consequently groups can be ranked, and ranking can occur within the groups. Different models for grouping and ranking of NMs have been proposed, and some applications have been successfully implemented. Attributes could be physicochemical parameters such as the chemical, structural, or compositional nature of NMs, the solubility properties, or the nature of absorbed molecules. There are also examples using biological parameters like bioavailability or bioaccumulation and toxicological parameters (e.g., cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, cancerogenicity, modes of action, and formation of reactive oxygen species). More general attributes for grouping of NMs are the nature of uncertainty or evidence of assessment data. Finally, some models focus on safety or risk management criteria, which enable a classification of different levels of concerns or level of actions for regulatory purposes. The selection of the attributes depends on the specific goals for grouping approaches and on the different perspectives of the stakeholders involved. The intended addressees also have a strong influence on the grouping design. Motivations and general goals for grouping and ranking approaches are mostly linked to the fact that the definition for NMs focuses solely on the size, disregarding that NMs are a very diverse group of materials with dynamic and varying properties. This also implies that a grouping of NMs must avoid misleading generalizations on the harmfulness of NMs as a single group of materials. Grouping efforts were established for the prioritization of toxicological research, for the identification of knowledge gaps, and for achieving a preferably comprehensive risk assessment. Despite advances in frameworks and assessment methodologies, characterization of the predictive properties for all NMs is far from complete. This also results in a preliminary relative risk ranking or risk grouping of NMs, which could be less costly and time consuming. But innovators also use grouping concepts for responsible innovation and use of NMs in specific product areas under precautionary and early warning aspects. Risk managers have recommended grouping systems for safety and voluntary regulatory purposes in order to facilitate decision-making. The ambition of grouping and ranking was outlined by Stone et al.: “. in the short term to prioritize NMs for hazard and risk assessment, and in the longer term to provide a framework for better focused physicochemical, exposure and hazard testing. The criteria applied to allow grouping and ranking will be tailored to the needs of specific stakeholders, thereby generating a selection of grouping or ranking models” [34]. Grouping NMs would also support a rapid tiered approach to safety assessment of NMs, enabling us to separate NMs of concern from those of less or no concern and thus to prioritize the necessary actions to protect workers and consumers from harmful exposure to and the effects of NMs. The principle of grouping and ranking chemicals is already foreseen by the chemical risk assessment procedures for regulatory purposes. For example, REACH guidance




documents provide an introduction to the grouping and read-across of chemicals. But its detailed application to NMs still has to be developed and specified [34]. In scientific research papers grouping and ranking is increasingly used for the further interpretations and judgments of purely toxicological data. Zuin et al. used physicochemical and toxicity data for a relative ranking of the hazard potential of quantum dots, fullerenes, singlewalled carbon nanotubes, and carbon black [76]. The proposed classification system of Olson and Gurian is based on the properties of persistence and toxicity [77]. They recommend that persistence should be characterized first because this determines the burden of proof for nontoxicity. Tervonen et al. describe a classification system for NMs based on a set of performance metrics that measure both toxicity and physicochemical characteristics as well as the expected environmental impact throughout the product life cycle [7]. The parameters included properties like agglomeration, aggregation, reactivity, charge, critical functional groups, size, bioavailability, bioaccumulation, and toxic potential. In addition, a relative ranking of the exposure potential of selected NMs was proposed using different transport and persistence properties in an aquatic environment [78]. Grouping and ranking could help to cluster the various NMs in different risk categories using the WoE method, formal decision analysis, or expert judgments. The purpose of the proposed classification and categorization systems is not to select a single option, but to preliminarily rank or group the alternatives by means of a structured process. The results would be important for prioritizing further studies or for the development of tiered toxicity testing strategies using all the necessary data, but avoiding unnecessary data by applying decision points [7,40,79]. The grouping and ranking of NMs are almost based on physicochemical properties, but a defined base set of characteristics and criteria related to risk have not yet been identified. In addition, the association between material characteristics and subsequent cellular events is not yet well understood. This hampers our understanding of the nanospecific mode of action. 4.1.4 Classification, Categorization, and Prioritization Heuristics for Risk Management and Control Purposes A prominent practical example for a classification system based on a heuristic logic was introduced by the German NanoKommission. This stakeholder commission on nanotechnologies was established by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and was a key dialogue panel within the German Federal Government’s Nano-Initiative. The proposed preliminary assessment tool structures NMs in three categories, referred to as the “levels of concerns,” and combines them with voluntary measures for risk management in the following way (Table 1) [58]. The criteria for the different categories are based on current studies and need to be refined if further specific assessments in the area of health and environmental protection become available [40].

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Table 1 Heuristic categorization of NMs according to the German NanoKommission [58] Probably hazardousdconcern level high


Exposure occurs; materials have high mobility, reactivity, persistence, or toxicity of the materials


A concept is required for measures to minimize exposure or to avoid certain applications

Possibly hazardousdconcern level medium


Exposure cannot be ruled out; materials have unknown agglomeration or deagglomeration behavior; too little is known about materials’ solubility and biodegradability; the possibilities for release of nanoparticles from matrices have not yet been explored


A concept is required for measures to reduce exposure of humans and the environment

Probably not hazardousdconcern level low


Exposure can largely be ruled out; materials are soluble or biodegradable; materials are bound in matrices; materials form stable aggregates or agglomerates


No measures in addition to those for “good work safety practice” (or “hygiene practice”) are required

Another heuristic classification system that was already implemented is the Swiss “precautionary matrix for synthetic nanomaterials.” This approach was introduced as a key element under the “Swiss action plan for synthetic nanomaterials” and was revised on the basis of users’ experience at the beginning of 2010. The precautionary matrix “provides a structured method to assess the ‘nano-specific precautionary need’ of workers, consumers and the environment arising from the production and use of synthetic nanomaterials.” Upon entering a limited selection of NM-specific and application-specific parameters into an electronic form (size of the particles, reactivity and stability, their release potential, the amount of particles), this system provides a simple classification about potential nanospecific risks: • Class A: risks specific to NMs are low, no further clarification necessary. • Class B: possible risks, further clarification and/or risk reduction needed. The precautionary matrix may be regarded as an instrument that supports companies. It is intended to be used in the context of the duty of care and industry self-supervision. The approach can be used simultaneously as a differentiation aid, a detector of gaps in knowledge, and an early warning system but should not in any way replace a quantitative




risk assessment process [80]. The Swiss “precautionary matrix” is a prominent example of a risk prioritization or control banding tool. Control banding has been developed as a pragmatic tool to manage the risk resulting from exposure to a wide variety of potentially hazardous substances in the absence of firm toxicological and exposure information. This concept was derived from work of the pharmaceutical industry and is currently applied to emerging risks such as may be posed by NMs. As a heuristic risk assessment approach in the context of uncertainty, it uses the accepted risk paradigm and grades both hazard and exposure into different levels, usually referred to as “bands.” The two sets of bands are combined, most often in a matrix, resulting in control or risk bands [81]. In summary, control banding tools designate risk levels associated with recommended levels of control. This preliminary assessment approach also shows that classical risk assessment and risk management are becoming more interlinked and the strict separation between ‘science’ and ‘decisions’ is blurring. For instance, the precautionary principle typically referred to as a risk management option also determines methods of the scientific assessment step. In addition, control banding strategies offer simplified and pragmatic solutions for controlling worker exposures beyond the traditional industrial hygiene (see also Section 3.5) [81]. Brouwer [82] compared the Swiss “precautionary matrix” with other recently developed control banding tools such as the French tool from the agency for food, environmental and occupational health and safety [83,84], the Dutch Stoffenmanager Nano [85], and the Danish NanoSafer tool [86]. The “precautionary matrix” is not based on independent ordinate scales for hazard and exposure as used in traditional matrix systems. It rather combines hazard and exposure potentials in a single score that is subdivided into two bands [82]. NanoSafer focuses on specific occupational powder-handling scenarios and provides “semiquantitative” risk evaluation. It distinguishes five risk levels, based on the combination of different exposure and hazard bands. The risk levels are also linked to control measures. In the French tool from ANSES, hazard and exposure bands are directly linked into five control bands. The hazard band dominates the risk classification because persistent fibers or lack of information achieves the highest control band independent of the exposure band. Stoffenmanager Nano creates three risk prioritization bands. The highest hazard band is also associated with the highest risk priority. Size and solubility are major hazard banding parameters, and biopersistency, shape, surface chemistry, redox potential, and reactivity are addressed by all the control banding approaches. The classification and toxicological profile of the bulk material contributes to hazard banding, except in the “precautionary matrix.” Brouwer states that a more thorough look at the various approaches yields more differences than a conclusive observation [82]. The tools varied in the required level of detailed information, prioritization strategies, involvement of experts, the users’ target groups, and application domains. The different ideas used to assign hazard bands can

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be distinguished: a scoring system, in which a score referred to a variety of hazard parameters and the hazard bands represent a range of scores, and a binary (yes/no) decision tree approach. The decision tree leads one to set up-front priorities for a high concern substance, e.g., a fiber, or by a single parameter like carcinogenicity, whereas the scoring system is more balanced. In addition, the uncertainty of the toxicology and exposure has been made operational in different way for different control banding tools. Hence, the results of control banding tools are strongly influenced by the data and prioritization methods employed and may lead to different interpretations of the risks [82]. This indicates the challenge to evaluate these heuristics. Advantages of control banding tools will mainly be obtained, if the chosen approach considers the specific goals of risk assessment and risk management at stake. In addition, the tools require frequent use, validation, and evaluation of recommended control effectiveness. Together with the realm of scientific information available these approaches will be improved and further refined [81]. In summary, nonconventional approaches should not be seen as a substitute for comprehensive risk assessment, particularly because these tools produce qualitative results for first-tier or preliminary assessments. Nevertheless, the development, modifications, and validation of control banding tools currently constitute a dynamic area of research. The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work recommended control banding risk management tools as workplace prevention measures, which could support companies with risk assessment procedures and guidance [61,64]. Besides industries, also researchers could benefit from the additional information of these approaches [87].

4.2 Alternative Risk Assessment Frameworks and Options about a Future Change in the Procedure The science of risk assessment is becoming increasingly complex: While improved analytic techniques and tools produce more data, questions have arisen as how to address issues of multiple exposures, multiple risks, life cycle factors, and susceptibility in populations. Moreover, the disconnects between the available data and the information needs of decision-makers have increased. This implies there is an urgent need for improving the utility and relevance of risk assessment. One important step will be to rethink how riskrelated problems are identified and formulated and how a broad set of options might be considered [10]. These new aspects lead to advances and modifications of the traditional paradigm, which began to erode the strict barrier between risk assessment and risk management. It is now generally accepted that the input and participation of risk managers is needed both in preparing an assessment procedure and throughout the whole process [11,12,14]. Advantages of this integration are the focus on the scope of the risk assessment process and the increase in the likelihood that the scientific findings will better agree with the final risk management option. In general, most of the existing frameworks for risk assessment address both human and environmental concerns with a focus on occupational settings. Their structure is




iterative and adaptive, but none of them specifically incorporate mechanisms for timely and informed decision-making. Most of the available nonconventional risk tools serve as preliminary hazard/risk screening or research prioritization tools that have not been tested in terms of functionality and limitations over a range of applications [34,83]. The development of more responsive risk governance frameworks with a real incorporation of stakeholder perspectives in the risk assessment process would be a substantially alternative approach. An “opening-up” appraisal was already proposed by Stirling to consider alternative questions, neglected issues, marginalized perspectives, ignored uncertainties, different possibilities, and new options [88]. This kind of “issue framing” and “concern assessment” could only be addressed within open and inclusive frameworks that also take into account the contextual knowledge of stakeholders and the general public [89].

4.2.1 International Risk Governance Council: The Role of the Social Context In order to consider the societal impact and societal needs for understanding risk in a broader sense than assessment experts, the classical toxicological-driven risk assessment paradigm should be widened for more plurality in actors and different kinds of knowledge. It is also important to consider the contextual information from the general public and civil society organizations. Classical risk assessment, however, overemphasizes the role of technical experts and scientific knowledge that can be measured and weighted. The IRGC (International Risk Governance Council) framework for the risk governance of nanotechnology [89] is an example for a model involving a multitude of different actors in a dynamic process with various iterations and feedbacks. The IRGC is an independent organization which developed a general concept and practice for the risk governance of NMs. The framework acknowledges that risk governance decisions have to be taken in instances of complexity, uncertainty, and ambiguity. It integrates a scientific riskebenefit assessment (including EHS and ethical, legal, and other social issues), with an assessment of risk perception and the societal context of risk, also called “concern assessment.” The framework proposed by the IRGC was designed as a cyclical process consisting of four phases: 1. Preassessment: trigger or initiator of the whole assessment and management process. 2. Risk appraisal: comprises two elements, risk assessment and concern assessment. 3. Tolerability and acceptability judgment: brings together classic risk characterization and risk evaluation as a new element. 4. Risk management: has to react not only to new scientific results regarding a hazard or an exposure to it. It also reacts to changing societal or cultural factors like altering expectations on risk reduction procedures, new judgments about the tolerability and acceptability of risks, developing value systems, or shifting risk perceptions of different actors.

Addressing the Challenges to the Risk Assessment of Nanomaterials

Some authors have criticized this framework because public participation is still perceived as a factual input within an expert-driven process, rather than a real empowerment of citizens. The risk appraisal stage is subdivided into traditional risk assessment and concern assessment without a concrete inclusive concept. This might only be tempting, “if not intended to fall into the trap of identifying the former as legitimate (i.e., scientific), while the latter could be viewed as ‘political’, hence of a different sort of legitimacy” [90]. In detail, Renn and Walker defined concern assessment as “a social science activity aimed at providing sound insights and a comprehensive diagnosis of concerns, expectations and perceptions that individuals, groups or different cultures may link to the hazard” [91]. The perception of technological risk depends on psychological factors such as perceived threat, familiarity, personal control options, and positive riskebenefit ratio. But also political and cultural factors such as perceived equity and justice, visions about future developments, and the effects on personal interests and values are important. A systematic assessment of the concerns and preferences of the various actor groups and the public at large as well as a systematic feedback of its results to the related regulatory and legislative processes are necessary prerequisites to improving our understanding of the likely societal responses to developments in nanotechnology. Key stakeholders include regulators, industry, various interests groups, representatives of the media, and also the public at large. While chemical risk assessment can build upon a long tradition of methodological development, concern assessment is still in its early stages. Among a set of wellestablished methods that social science uses to study perceptions of the benefits and risks of nanotechnology are quantitative and qualitative methods. Each of them has its own pros and cons. Quantitative methods and surveys are designed to ascertain large and therefore representative data sets. On the other hand, more experimental studies allow for testing and revising existing hypothesis, and making statements about defined groups of people. Typical examples for quantitative methods are large, standardized polls within a representative sample of a population. In contrast, qualitative methods are rather designed to gain insights into individual arguments, ideas, or values and to explore new aspects of an issue. Thus, they are designed rather in an open manner (not standardized) and able to capture unexpected facts. Beside in-depth interviews, focus groups are typical examples of qualitative methods. The results of focus group discussions can broaden the perspective of various actors involved in risk governance, but a simple interpretation of the participants’ positions voiced as stable attitudes would be misleading [41,92,93]. The “translation” of societal values, concerns, and perceptions into concrete measures for risk governance seems like bridging the gap between soft expressions and hard determinations and is still a recalcitrant subject of debate [93]. 4.2.2 NRC: Risk-Based Decision-Making Framework Addressing the growing challenges for the general assessment of chemicals, US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) asked the NRC to perform a study on the




evaluation and improvement of the traditional risk assessment approach in the Red Book [10]. The committee proposed a number of improvements dealing with the development and use of scientific knowledge to promote risk assessment but also improving the utility and relevance for risk management decisions: • Improving the design of the risk assessment process: Greater up-front planning, scoping, and problem formulation was proposed to encourage a wider range of decision options. In an early stage of the process risk managers, assessors, and stakeholders should be involved to determine the major factors and the right questions. According to the idea of responsible innovation risk and nonrisk information will be integrated through the participation of the business and epistemic community in the early stage of innovation [23]. • Addressing uncertainty and variability: It is important to address the required extent and nature of uncertainty in the scoping phases of risk assessment. Variability in human susceptibility through differences in metabolism or disease has not yet received sufficient or consistent attention. • Selection and use of defaults: Uncertainty is inherent in all stages of risk assessment. If data are not available the traditional risk assessment recommends assumptions, also called defaults, to ensure consistency and avoid manipulations. Established defaults need to be maintained. • Development of unified approach to doseeresponse assessment for cancer and noncancer effects. Noncancer effects do not necessarily have a threshold and the mode of action of carcinogens varies. • Considering cumulative risk assessment: There is a need to consider the combined risks posed by aggregate exposure to multiple agents or stressors including all routes, pathways, sources of exposure, nonchemical stressors, vulnerability, and background risk factors. • Improving the utility of risk assessment: The committee proposed a framework for risk-based decision-making. This framework consists of three phases: enhanced problem formulation (I), planning and assessment (II), risk management (III). This concept differs from the traditional risk assessment paradigm primarily in its initial and final steps. The framework begins with an enhanced problem formulation and scoping in phase I, in which risk management options and types of technical analyses are identified. This expands the array of types of impact assessed beyond individual effects and includes broader questions of health status and protection. It provides a formal process for stakeholder involvement throughout all stages but has time constraints to ensure that decisions are made. The decision-making framework has been characterized as a significant paradigm shift, because it recommends identifying risk management options in the initial problem formulation and scoping phase. It emphasizes that risk assessment is most useful when it can help discriminate among risk management options. Robinson and Levy argued

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that in the special case of engineered NMs some elements of a baseline risk assessment may be needed before meaningful regulatory options can be formulated. This indicates that some insight may be necessary to design appropriate options. The authors proposed an iterative approach and illustrated the process between the assessment step and the risk management step as a kind of spiral, with several loops of data collection, analysis, and evaluation [94]. The question remains whether this framework is viable and whether political pressures and legal authorities constrain its implementation. This might be the reason for the lack of concrete adaptations of existing regulations so far. 4.2.3 European Scientific Committees: A Vision for Future Risk Assessment in Europe A currently published opinion of the nonfood scientific committees SCHER (Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks), SCENIHR, and SCCS (Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety) also focuses on the new challenges to the risk assessment of organic chemicals, including NMs, and describes a vision for an improved future risk assessment methodology in the EU [11]. For a number of reasons, the general procedures used for risk assessment of organic chemicals are anticipated to change substantially over the next few decades. On the one hand, the scientific committees realize that there will be a general change from a rationale based on standard tests to one that is centered on modes of action. On the other hand, there is the political aim to develop alternatives to laboratory animal testing, due to a progressive reduction in testing and general ethical concerns. Combining both aspects, future investigations using laboratory animals should predominantly characterize the mode of action with less emphasis on histopathological criteria, body and organ weight, and blood chemistry. This involves the replacement of in vivo animal tests by in vitro tests and also the development of new and more sensitive methods for identifying modes of action [11,73]. The scientific committees also predicted a general shift from a hazard-driven to an exposure-driven risk assessment process. Important prerequisites for the implementation of this trend are major improvements in the exposure assessment of substances and groups of chemicals. Until now, however, improvements in exposure assessment have been given lower priority than research in hazard assessment. Exposure assessment often relies on assumptions regarding consumer behavior that are associated with a number of biases. And so far, the focus is still the single source of exposure and not the more common multiple source situation. Other kinds of anticipated changes in risk assessment are the availability of huge amounts of data from new methodologies, the associated information overload, and the lack of an effective process for using this data appropriately. Above all, the study underlined that it is crucial that the public trusts the process of risk assessment and that the findings and implications are understood and provide a sound basis for action where




appropriate. For this purpose SCENIHR has developed a transparent procedure for showing how data are found, selected, and used, referred to as weighting of evidence, and how the uncertainties should be expressed [9]. Similar to the risk-based decisionmaking framework of the NRC, the European committees proposed rethinking of the traditional relationship between risk management and risk assessment. Stakeholders, in particular risk managers, should be involved in the risk assessment process without distorting its scientific objectivity. With regard to its usefulness for risk management decisions, the risk assessment process has to take into account the ways in which a risk can be helpfully contextualized. For example, the term “acceptable risk” is often based on nonscientifically derived default factors. This requires a dialogue among all the stakeholders including the general public since this is much more far reaching than scientific criteria can provide. The scientific committees underlined the need for a general reappraisal of the current risk assessment process for all chemical stressors due to the anticipated evolutionary changes in methods and data output. Growing stakeholder concerns also force the development of a new paradigm: “an exposure-driven, flexible, tiered approach, drawing continually on advances in technology and scientific understanding of biology, which meets the needs of stakeholders.” A possible option would be to support the establishment of an independent, multidisciplinary academy of risk assessors that would work with the US National Academy of Sciences and similar bodies in other nations involved in advice on risk assessment [11]. The published scientific opinion was intended to complement the opinion on “Making Risk Assessment More Relevant for Risk Management” [12], which focuses on improving the utility of risk assessment for risk managers. The motivation for this review has been the perception that risk assessment as currently carried out does not inform the risk management process adequately. The starting point was a survey which focused on the needs of managers and policy makers for effective information. The scientific committees concluded that risk assessment should be expressed in terms of its value-relevant impact on humans and ecosystems rather than “in terms of technical surrogates.” The background for these recommendations was that current approaches for the assessment of health and environmental risks frequently result in a variety of technical expressions of risk, based on the considered toxicological endpoints, biological responses, or other technical parameters. These kinds of expressions are sometimes only indirectly related to the protection objectives pursued by risk managers. On the other hand, risk managers do not always provide an appropriate framework specifying the policy objectives in a manner that would allow usable risk assessment outputs. This results in difficulties in communication between risk assessors, risk managers, and the general public. For example, risk assessors often fill the gap between the technical parameters and the risk managers’ interpretation and “grading” of risk. Misunderstandings could result if this happens outside a predefined scheme of risk expression. The report concludes

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that the needs of risk management should properly inform risk assessment without a bias on measurement aspects. The expert group of the European Academies Science Advisory Council also recommended an intensified connection between science, regulation, and the general public to strengthen efforts for a common terminology, common needs for data collection, and a balanced communication [95]. In the scientific opinion of the European committees it was also criticized that risk assessment required by legal instruments is focused too strictly on a single substance or stressor without taking combined and differential effects into consideration [12]. Indeed, risk assessors should express the likelihood of impact on the basis of evidence, but the impact should be based on entities that matter to people, such as human life span, healthy lives, or ecosystem services. The scientific committees suggested in this regard that scientific risk assessment reports be improved. Clear expressions of uncertainty, evaluations of different possible scenarios, and the characterization of the populations and sensitive subpopulations have to be included. They further recommended that risk assessment and socioeconomic analyses should be carried out along separate but parallel tracks, with a dialogue between them especially during the initial problem formulation. But the dialogue between risk assessors, socioeconomists, and risk managers should be only one aspect of the broader area of risk communication. An extended dialogue with all stakeholders both in initial forums and in final consultations was proposed to clarify issues and ensure an increased identification. This would implement an idea of Stirling that there should be a shift away from stylized analysis/participation contrasts toward “opening up analytic and participatory appraisal alike. Appraisal does not just imply formalized assessment routines, but also includes a wider sociopolitical discourse” [86]. Both participation and analysis are specific instances of social appraisal in an “opening-up mode.” The purpose of this kind of appraisal is to test sensitivities to different methods, to consider ignored uncertainties, to examine different possibilities, and to highlight new options, delivering a plural policy advice. In summary, the scientific committees proposed a future risk assessment that distinguishes between regulatory risk assessment as in REACH and a more ad hoc assessment as given in the scientific opinions. The procedures for regulatory risk assessment are more fixed since they are specified in legislation. Unfortunately, the proposed recommendations apply largely to the more flexible ad hoc assessments. This indicates that real transitions for regulatory risk assessment can hardly be expected in the near future.

5. DISCUSSION AND FUTURE PROSPECTS FOR NANOSPECIFIC RISK ASSESSMENT AND RISK GOVERNANCE When addressing the challenges to the risk assessment of NMs, it becomes obvious that the framing and the development of solutions go beyond the multiple nanospecific problems and even challenge conventional chemical risk assessment by rather raising more




general scientific questions. It is therefore not surprising that the impulse for amending the risk assessment methodology partly arises from the momentum of new toxicological methods, partly from the redesign of the traditional risk assessment procedure based by the experience of the NRC, and partly by proposing a new role for risk assessment in the superior risk governance process by the IRGC. This results in multilevel and multidimensional developments which have to be harmonized and integrated meaningfully. The traditional defined scientific procedures are in principle inadequate to deal with complex and uncertain issues of risk, i.e., with “soft facts and hard values” [96]. Although the traditional risk assessment framework is a powerful approach for bulk chemicals, its use for estimating the potential risks posed by NMs in the near term may be limited due to a kind of “paralysis by analysis” problem. An improvement of research in broader issues than chemical-based ones, such as decision-making, risk governance, and a systematic evaluation of complementary risk assessment tools is predominantly needed and has been increasingly stipulated [97]. It is most important that risk assessment should support timely decisions and that it should be transparent and open to inspection by all. It “must be carried out in a multidisciplinary, independent and transparent manner and ensure that all views are heard. They must also report any minority opinions . in particular if they draw attention to scientific uncertainty” [98]. In addition, iterative, tiered, flexible, and adaptive procedures are recommended which also take improved social and cultural aspects into consideration. According to the OECD, “adaptive management” means that “the substance is produced and used under a certain set of conditions based on a preliminary assessment, while additional data are collected to periodically evaluate the initial assessment and to modify the conditions as needed to ensure health and safety” [23]. Incorporating product life cycle considerations into this tiered process may prioritize risk assessment needs. Today many complementary tools are currently available as discussed in Section 4.1. However, it is challenging even for experts to decide which one has to be chosen in a given context. There is an urgent need for a guidance helping to identify the right questions, goals, and instruments for any concret situation. Most of the tools are not intended to facilitate regulatory decision-making, but to serve as a preliminary hazard or risk screening or research prioritization tool. None of the existing risk assessment frameworks incorporate mechanisms for supporting timely and informed decisions. In advanced US and European frameworks, the importance of stakeholders is widely acknowledged because this could open the dialogue between actors and protect any bias of a single perspective. Most EU documents regarding the environment, health, risk, and safety issues of chemicals recently included a call for public participation or/and stakeholder participation for decision-making. Participation is also deemed useful for the knowledge-gathering phase in uncertain risk estimations [88]. However, the real incorporation of different perspectives in practice is still quite rare.

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In general, the concepts of risk and governance undergo an important evolution with regard to the novel and pervasive nature of emerging and systemic risks and the changes in European society regarding expression of their preferences and opinions. In addition, risk governance leaves the traditional dichotomy of risk assessment and risk management [2]. According to the growing importance of the European concept of “responsible research and innovation” it is necessary to promote the participation of stakeholders starting at the early stage of research and innovation by involving the business and epistemic communities. As an example the idea of “responsibility” was expressed in the general food law framework (EC 178/2002), which acknowledges that “scientific risk assessment alone cannot provide the full basis for risk management decisions” [99]. This points out that risk management decisions could be partly based on ethical principles or particular consumer interests. In fact, the risk assessment frameworks reevaluated by the NRC and the European scientific committees proposed additional steps to integrate risk and nonrisk information and stakeholder involvement [12,23]. However, the transformation of innovative principles of inclusion, openness, transparency, and responsibility into actual practice is not a trivial enterprise. Until concrete procedures are set in place “participation” and “responsibility” remain empty words. Continuing future research is needed to promote the development of adaptive and more responsive risk governance frameworks to support appropriate decision-making at a regulatory level. This is of particular importance for new and emerging technologies such as nanotechnology with a complex, inconsistent, and multifactorial risk potential.

6. SOURCES OF FURTHER INFORMATION BAuA: Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (Germany): http:// EU: European Code of Conduct for responsible nanosciences and nanotechnologies research: pdf, EU-OSHA: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work: https://osha.europa. eu/en/topics/nanomaterials ECHA: European Chemicals Agency: nanomaterials ICON: International Council on Nanotechnology: IoN: Institute of Nanotechnology: ISO: International Organization for Standardization: about.htm Nanowerk: National Nanotechnology Initiative:




NIA: Nanotechnologies Industry Association: NIOSH: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health: Nanotechnology Guidance and Publications: Approaches to Safe Nanotechnology: Managing the Health and Safety Concerns Associated with Engineered Nanomaterials: Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA): nanotechnology/nanotechnology.html OECD: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development: http://www. SAFENANO: Europe’s Centre of Excellence on Nanotechnology Hazard and Risk, based at the Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM): SCENIHR: Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risk: US EPA: US Environmental protection Agency: Nanotechnology & Nanomaterials Research WHO/IPCS: World Health Organization International Programme on Chemical Safety:

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was financially supported by the Research Programme “Technology, Innovation and Society” of the Helmholtz Association. The manuscript is based on internal interdisciplinary discussions and reflections about risk governance, uncertainty, and participation with Torsten Fleischer (ITAS, KIT), Stefanie B. Seitz (ITAS, KIT), Christian B€ uscher (ITAS, KIT), and Julia Hahn (ITAS, KIT). Very special thanks go to Stefanie B. Seitz (ITAS, KIT) for the critical review and many valuable comments on the manuscript.

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Exposure Measurement at Workplaces Christof Asbach Institut f€ ur Energie- und Umwelttechnik e.V. (IUTA), Air Quality & Filtration Department, Duisburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

1. INTRODUCTION The production and use of various nanomaterials have increased at a constant pace over the recent years. While in 2005 the Woodrow Wilson database listed only 54 consumer products based on nanotechnology, it increased to 1628 in 2013 [1]. Besides the tremendous advantages that nanomaterials offer over their conventional counterparts, concerns have been raised about potential risks posed by these materials [2]. A risk of a nanomaterial can be mathematically expressed as the product of exposure to and hazard potential of the material and hence an exposure and hazard potential have to coexist in order for a nanomaterial to pose a risk [3]. Exposure assessment is therefore a crucial component of risk analysis. Although nanomaterials may also enter the human body dermally or orally with food or food contaminants, inhalation is seen as the major exposure uptake route [4]. They can be sucked into the human lung during normal breathing, where they deposit with a particle size-dependent efficiency [5]. The highest likelihood for an exposure to airborne nanomaterials exists for workers in workplaces, where these materials are produced, used, or handled. A variety of exposure scenarios have been investigated in the past [6]. These include exposure in workplaces close to nanoparticle synthesis reactors and in the bagging area in production facilities, a variety of handling and downstream use workplaces, e.g., during sanding of surface coatings [7,8] as well as handling steps during end of life cycle activities, e.g., (simulated) incineration in waste incinerators or shredding of nanocomposite materials [9]. A review of exposure studies in workplaces has recently been published by Kuhlbusch et al. [10]. Despite an ever increasing number of studies on the toxicity of nanomaterials (e.g., [11e13]), the mechanisms of action are not yet fully understood. While Peters et al. [14] suggested that health effects of ultrafine particles correlate best with the particle number concentration, Oberd€ orster [15] found in in vivo studies that the biological response of rodents to TiO2 particles scaled with the particle surface area dose. Driscoll [16] reported that the number of rats that created lung tumors in chronic inhalation studies with a wide range of materials also correlated best with the total surface area dose. However, the study also reported that certain materials seem to show a significantly higher and others a lower tendency to cause adverse health effects than predicted by the Nanoengineering ISBN 978-0-444-62747-6,

© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.




surface area dose. Poland et al. [17] showed that under certain circumstances carbon nanotubes can be carcinogenic, which adds the particle morphology to the list of potential influences of particle-induced health effects. As a result of the ongoing discussion on the potential driving mechanisms of particle toxicity, no clear recommendation on the exposure metric to be determined can be given thus far. Instead, a suite of instruments has to be used for detailed exposure-related measurements. This chapter is therefore intended to give an overview of existing measurement techniques for assessing exposure to airborne nanomaterials in workplaces.

2. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT STRATEGY For the assessment of exposure to airborne nanomaterials, it has to be taken into consideration that the investigated workplaces are typically not located in a clean room and the measurements are hence always affected by background particles. These background particles can stem from both indoor sources and infiltration of ubiquitous ambient particles. Since none of the existing measurement techniques is capable of inherently differentiating background particles from nanoparticles, a tailored strategy is needed for exposure assessment. Most studies in the literature (e.g., [18,19]) used a rather large suite of equipment to measure particle number size distributions, total number concentration, and mass concentration and to sample particles onto filters and/or flat substrates for consecutive analyses. Often a second identical or similar set of equipment was placed in a representative background site to obtain information on the background particles. This procedure is very laborsome and hence cost-intensive and therefore not practicable for routine measurements, especially for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) who may not have the financial means for such elaborate measurements. In order to simplify the exposure assessment, several groups worldwide [20] have worked on pragmatic exposure assessment strategies, most of which [21e25] have in common that they suggest the use of a tiered approach with three tiers. Tier 1 includes information gathering concerning the workplace and the materials handled to clarify whether at all nanomaterials are being handled in the respective workplace and if so, whether they can be released to cause an exposure. If from tier 1 a potential exposure cannot be excluded, measurements according to tier 2 come into play. Tier 2 measurements are significantly simplified compared with the aforementioned laborsome measurement campaigns. They include only the use of small and portable, maybe personal instruments to assess a total concentration (usually the number concentration) of the aerosol in the workplace, which is compared to the concentration in the background. In some cases, a combination of different instruments is recommended [24]. Different possibilities for measuring the background concentration exist. If a second instrument is available, the background concentration can be measured simultaneously with the workplace activity under investigation. If only a single instrument can be used, the background is determined before and/or after the handling of

Exposure Measurement at Workplaces

the nanomaterial, ideally with all activities running identically, just without the nanomaterial. If the particle concentration in the workplace is found to be significantly increased over the background, then a more detailed exposure assessment according to tier 3 is suggested. The strategy suggested by the German nanoGEM project [25] is the only one that also takes long-term or permanent monitoring of workplace concentrations into consideration. Such monitoring requires the use of small, easy to handle instruments that can run permanently without frequent attention. Measurements according to tier 3 are conducted to eventually clarify whether or not particles are released by certain workplace activities which may lead to workers’ exposure. To do so, the particle number size distributions in the submicron size range are measured. The micron size range is usually also covered, because agglomerated nanoparticles can have such large sizes. In addition, the total number concentration and sometimes the lung-deposited surface area concentrations are determined. Furthermore particles are sampled onto filters for the determination of the particle mass concentration and for wet chemical analysis of the particle composition. Particles can also be sampled onto flat substrates for subsequent chemical analysis by total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) or morphological/chemical evaluation by SEM/EDX (scanning electron microscopy/electron dispersive X-ray spectroscopy) or onto transmission electron microscopy (TEM) grids for TEM/EDX analysis. Particularly, the chemical composition and particle morphology can provide definitive proof for the presence or absence of the nanomaterial in the workplace air. It should be noted that the aforementioned strategy is only suitable for materials with known, rather low toxicity. Materials with high toxicity, i.e., where exposure to a low number of particles can already do harm, would require the use of instruments and concepts that are very sensitive to this specific material. However, currently no such direct-reading instruments exist. Instead, only the use of particle sampling and subsequent electron microscopic (SEM or TEM) and/or chemical analyses is feasible.

3. EXPOSURE METRICS Traditionally, the exposure to airborne particles is determined in terms of the total particle mass concentration of the inhalable, thoracic, or respirable subfraction or the total suspended particles. Figure 1 shows the number, surface area, and volume size distribution of an aerosol, each one normalized to the corresponding total concentration. For a given particle density, the volume distribution also corresponds to the mass size distribution. The size distributions in Figure 1 are bimodal with count median diameters at 65 nm and 200 nm. It can be seen that the number concentration is completely dominated by very small particles, mainly below 100 nm, i.e., nanoscale particles by definition. Despite their high number concentration, these small particles only contribute negligibly to the total mass concentration. Due to the weighting with the third power of the particle size, the mass concentration is dominated by a low number of large particles. Figure 1 also



dN/dlog(dp) dS/dlog(dp) dV/(dlog(dp) [a.u]




Surface Area


100 1000 ParƟcle diameter [nm]


Figure 1 Number, surface area, and volume size distribution, normalized to total concentration.

shows that expressing the exposure to particles in terms of mass concentrations of all particles below 10 mm (thoracic) or 4 mm (respirable), respectively, which is traditionally done, does not adequately represent exposure to nanoparticles, particularly if the nanoparticle aerosol is superimposed with a background aerosol which typically includes micron-sized particles. It is furthermore obvious from the graphs that counting the particle number puts more emphasis on nanoscale particles. Particle surface area has been reported to be of high health relevance for nonsoluble or poorly soluble particles [15,16], since upon inhalation reactions between the lung and the particles occur at the particle surface. Only a fraction of the inhaled particles actually deposit in the lung, whereas the rest is exhaled. The deposition rate of particles in the lung is a function of the particle size and depends on the breathing pattern, activity level, health status, age, sex, and physiological data of an individual. The personal deposition pattern is different for every individual [26,27], but the statistical average can be expressed by means of a model published by the International Commission for Radiological Protection (ICRP, [28]). Figure 2 shows the deposition efficiency as function of particle diameter for particle deposition in the alveolar and tracheobronchial region in the lung of a reference worker as introduced by Fissan et al. [29], i.e., with a functional residual capacity of 3301 cm3, a breathing frequency of 20 breaths per minute, ventilation rate of 1.5 m3/h during light exercise and nose breathing only. The curves show the ratio of the amount of particles deposited in the respective lung compartment to the amount of inhaled particles. The deposition of particles in the lung is driven by the same mechanisms as the particle deposition in fiber filters, i.e., by Brownian diffusion, interception, and impaction. For particle sizes below 300e600 nm, Brownian diffusion is the main

Exposure Measurement at Workplaces 100 Alveolar Deposition

Deposition [%]

Tracheobronchial Deposition







Particle Diameter [nm]

Figure 2 Deposition efficiency as function of particle diameter for particle deposition in the alveolar and tracheobronchial region in the lung of a “reference worker” under light exercise.

deposition mechanism. The initial increase of the alveolar and tracheobronchial deposition curves is caused by the fact that such small particles are already deposited in the upper airways before they would reach the tracheobronchial or alveolar region. The slope then turns to negative, because the effect of Brownian diffusion gets weaker with increasing particle size. The deposition curves reach a minimum at 400 nm (alveolar) and 570 nm (tracheobronchial). For larger particle sizes, impaction is the main deposition mechanism and hence the deposition efficiency gets density and therefore material dependent. Unit particle density (1 g/cm3) was assumed for the calculation of the curves in Figure 2, for particles of higher density, the deposition minima are shifted to smaller particle sizes. The lung-deposited surface area (LDSA) concentration, i.e., the combination of particle surface area concentration as a health relevant metric and lung deposition efficiency, has raised increased attention over the recent years with the advent of diffusion charger-based aerosol monitors [29e31]. The LDSA concentration denominates the fraction of the airborne surface area concentration that would deposit in the human lung. Most often it is expressed as the fraction that would deposit in the alveolar region, because it has been shown that at least for the size range from 20 nm to 400 nm the tracheobronchial fraction as well as the fraction in total airways can be derived from it by means of simple calibration factors [32]. Besides physical characterization, particles can be sampled by filtration or electrostatic deposition and their chemical composition be determined, e.g., by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), TXRF, or EDX spectroscopy. If the nanomaterial




that is produced or handled in the investigated workplace is a material that is not ubiquitous in ambient air, quantitative chemical analysis leads to a nanomaterial-specific exposure assessment. In other cases, chemical analyses of samples taken in the workplace and in a representative background site can at least provide good estimates for whether or not the nanomaterial is present in the workplace aerosol. Other researchers [33] suggested to measure the catalytic activity of particles sampled on filters to detect even traces of commonly used industrial nanoscale catalysts. They proposed the introduction of a new dose metric, called the catalytic activity concentration, which takes into account the functionality of potential relevance for damaging effects. A more direct link to health effects but without specificity for nanomaterials is given by measuring the potency of collected (nano-)particles to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS [34,35]). In the human body, particle-induced ROS generation can be considered as an early marker for inflammation. The determination of ROS activity requires particle sampling onto filters. The particles are washed off the filters and the intrinsic ROS activity is analyzed with an electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrometer.

4. INSTRUMENT CLASSIFICATION Aerosol measurement equipment can be classified in many ways, e.g., according to their particle size range or determined metric. A useful classification according to time and particle size resolution of the delivered results was proposed by Kuhlbusch et al. [10]. According to this classification, instruments are differentiated into size resolving/size integrating and time resolving/time integrating. For an instrument to be classified as “time resolved,” its time resolution should at least be on the order of minutes, i.e., a filter sampler that, e.g., requires a daily exchange of filters and thus provides a time resolution of one day is considered as “time integrated” (Table 1). Table 1 Overview and classification of instruments for exposure assessment according to Kuhlbusch et al. [10] Size resolving Size integrating

Time resolving


(Handheld) CPC, NSAM, Aerotrak 9000, nanoCheck, miniDiSC, DiSCmini, nanoTracer, Partector

Time integrating

Cascade impactor, thermal precipitator

ESP, NAS, filtration sampler

SMPS, scanning mobility particle sizer; FMPS, fast mobility particle sizer; ELPI, electrical low pressure impactor; APS, aerodynamic particle sizer; OPC, optical particle counters; CPC, condensation particle counter; NSAM, nanoparticle surface area monitor; ESP, electrostatic precipitators; NAS, nanometer aerosol sampler.

Exposure Measurement at Workplaces

In addition to the time and particle size resolution of the instruments, they can furthermore be differentiated by the instrument size and portability. On the one hand there is stationary equipment, which is rather bulky, but generally produces the highest data quality [36,37]. In exposure assessment, these instruments are typically used in extensive Tier 3 measurements (see exposure assessment strategy in Section 2). Portable instruments are much smaller and battery operated and can hence be used for screening or monitoring measurements in a tier 2. The downsizing of the instruments usually comes at the price of lower data quality (accuracy and resolution) and limited wealth of information. The smallest instruments available are small enough to be used as personal samplers or monitors to take samples in the breathing zone of a worker and hence determine the personal exposure of an individual. The breathing zone is defined as a 30 cm hemisphere around mouth and nose [38]. Some portable instruments that are not small enough to be positioned directly in the breathing zone, but can be carried on a belt, can also be used for personal exposure assessment by sampling from the breathing zone through a tube.

5. STATIONARY EQUIPMENT 5.1 Instruments for Measuring Number Concentrations The most common stationary instrument for measuring total (nano-)particle number concentrations is the so-called condensation particle counter (CPC), sometimes also referred to as condensation nucleus counter or Aitken nucleus counter. The time resolution of a CPC is typically 1 s and hence CPCs belong to the group of time resolving and size integrating instruments. As a rule of thumb, only particles larger than approximately half the wavelength of light can be detected optically by light scattering. The working principle of CPCs dates back to the late nineteenth century [39,40] and enlarges particles by condensation of a vapor onto the particle surface, so that even particles much smaller than half the wavelength of the light become detectable. A schematic of a typical CPC is shown in Figure 3. The incoming aerosol is guided into a saturator in which the working liquid is evaporated. Downstream of the saturator, the aerosol flow is cooled, leading to a supersaturation of the working fluid vapor, causing the vapor to condense onto the particle surfaces. Diameter growth factors between 100 and 1000 are common with modern CPCs [41], making even particles down to 2.5 nm detectable with so-called ultrafine condensation particle counters (UCPC). The lower detection limit of regular CPCs is typically between around 5 nm and 10 nm. Counting of the particles is done by counting the scattering events (single particle count mode). Above the upper concentration limit, more than a single particle may be present in the optics region of the CPC causing two or more simultaneous scattering events which are consequently counted as a single particle, causing the so-called coincidence error. As a result, the reported particle concentration is too



Nanoengineering Pressure Across Orifice Critical Orifice (1.0 L/min)


Heated Optics (40°C)

External Vacuum Fitting

Focusing Lens

Collecting Lenses

Laser Diode

Collimating Lens

Water Removal Pump

Drain Bottle


Cooled Condenser (22°C)


Pressure ∆P Across Nozzle Liquid-soaked Wick

Heated Saturator (39°C)

Liquid Reservoir

Sample Inlet (1.0 L/min) P Ambient Pressure

Figure 3 Schematic of a condensation particle counter. (CPC, TSI model 3772, courtesy of TSI Inc.)

low. Depending on the model, CPCs can cover particle concentrations in the single particle count mode up to 104/cm3, typically only for use within a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) downstream of a differential mobility analyzer (DMA, see below), or up to 106, which can be very helpful in monitoring very polluted workplaces. Some CPCs offer a photometric particle count mode, which extends the concentration range up to 107/cm3. In the photometric mode, the total light scattered by a particle population in the optics zone is measured. By assuming homogenous droplet size and refractive index, the particle number concentration is calculated. Butanol is most commonly used as working liquid. In the recent years also water-based CPCs have entered the market. The great advantage of water over butanol is that it is odor-free and easily available. It has, however, been shown that the growth of particles in a water CPC can be particle material dependent. Hering et al. [42] and Pet€aj€a et al. [43] reported the cutoff diameter of a model 3785 (TSI Inc., USA) water-based CPC

Exposure Measurement at Workplaces

with a nominal detection limit of 5 nm to fluctuate only by around 1 nm for hydrophilic and hydrophobic particles, respectively. To the contrary, Keller et al. [44] reported that the more modern water-based UCPC model 3788 (TSI Inc.) undercounted even 70 nm soot particles by 50%. Kupc et al. [45] showed that the lower detection limit of the same water CPC model, i.e., the diameter d50 at which the counting efficiency is 50%, increases from 2.2 nm for hydrophilic NaCl particles to 3.8 nm for less hydrophilic candle-generated particles and even to 17.2 nm for hydrophobic clean Emery oil droplets. The eventual droplet size furthermore depends much more strongly on particle material than in a butanol-based CPC.

5.2 Instruments for Measuring Surface Area Concentrations There is currently no instrument that determines the geometric surface area concentration of particles. In fact, even the definition of the (relevant) surface area of a particle is still rather vague. While for a spherical particle of diameter dp, the definition is straightforward and the surface area can be expressed as p$dp2 , it gets more complex for nonspherical particles, especially if the particles are highly structured, e.g., agglomerated or aggregated primary particles. If primary particles are spherical and only attached to each other by van der Waals forces, the total surface area can be expressed as the sum of the primary particle surface area [46], but number and sizes of the primary particles have to be known. In case of sintered and more highly structured aggregates, the definition of the surface area per particle is even more complex [47]. Another question of importance is whether only the outer surface should be considered or if internal pore surfaces also play a role. Thus far, most of these questions are still open, although the particle surface area has been found to be health relevant [15,16] and can hence be a valuable exposure metric. Even for spheres, the only procedure currently available to determine the particle surface area concentration is by measuring the particle number size distribution (see below), weight the distribution with the particle surface area and then integrate over the considered particle size range. However, it was found that the fraction of the total particle surface area concentration that deposits in the alveolar or tracheobronchial region of the human lung and the charging efficiency of unipolar diffusion chargers share more or less the same particle size dependence. The particle deposition in the alveolar region is nearly proportional to the particle diameter to a power of 0.9 in the size range from approximately 20 nm to 400 nm. The deposition in the tracheobronchial region follows the same size dependence, but it can even be extended down  to around 5 nm. The LDSA per (spherical) particle, i.e., the particle surface area wdp2 multiplied with the lung deposition efficiency wdp0:9 , is hence proportional to wdp1:1 , which is the same size dependence as the charging efficiency of unipolar diffusion chargers [48e51]. The LDSA concentration (LDSA per particle multiplied with the total number concentration)




can hence be determined from measuring the total current (charge per particle multiplied with the total particle number concentration) caused by particles charged in a unipolar diffusion charger. A schematic of the first instrument of this kind, the TSI nanoparticle surface area monitor (NSAM, model 3550 [29,31]) is shown in Figure 4, which measures the size-integrated LDSA concentration with a time resolution of up to 1 s. The aerosol is introduced into the NSAM at a flow rate of 2.5 L/min, which is split into the 1.5 L/min aerosol flow to be charged and a 1 L/min ion jet flow which is completely filtered in an activated carbon and a High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter, before it passes a corona needle. When a high voltage of þ2.5 kV is applied to the needle a corona forms around its tip that ionizes air molecules. The ion jet flow convectively transports these ions into the mixing chamber, where the ion jet flow is reunited with the aerosol flow. There is no electric field inside the mixing chamber and hence the ions only collide with the particles due to Brownian diffusion. This charging principle is therefore referred to as diffusion charging and the resulting particle charge is independent of particle material [52]. Downstream of the mixing chamber, the charged aerosol passes an ion trap to remove excess ions. The ion trap is essentially a low efficiency coaxial electrostatic precipitator. When a low voltage of 20 V is applied, only ions are removed from the aerosol flow, but ideally no charged particles. Particles are then collected on a filter inside a Faraday cage and the total current is measured with an electrometer. The LDSA concentration can be derived from this current by means of a simple calibration factor. The LDSA concentration is, however, only accurate if there are no major contributions of particles above 400 nm and below 20 nm for alveolar [32] and 5 nm for tracheobronchial deposition. To adjust the NSAM response at the lower particle size end, a higher voltage of 100 V (tracheobronchial) or 200 V (alveolar) can be applied to the ion trap [31]. In order to avoid deviations caused by large particles, the use of an appropriate preseparator has been proposed [32,50], because otherwise quite significant errors may occur [53]. NSAM has been calibrated for spherical particles for which the comparability with data derived from number size distribution measurements is usually very good. It was found also for agglomerated and aggregated particles that the NSAM results agree rather well with data derived from number size distribution data, when particles were assumed to be spherical. It should be noted that the comparability in the latter case does not necessarily mean that the data are correct, because of the assumption of spherical particles in the calculation.

5.3 Instruments for Measuring Number Size Distributions The particle number size distribution is the particle number concentration as a function of the particle size. The particle size is typically represented by equivalent particle diameters, which are defined by the measuring principle of the instrument. The electrical mobility diameter of a nonspherical particle describes that the considered particle in an

Exposure Measurement at Workplaces 2.5 l/min

Filter Pump

ΔP 2.5 l/min


Digital and Analog Output

Faraday Cage

1.0 l/min Ion Jet Flow 1.5 l/min Aerosol Flow

Electrometer Filter

Trap to remove excess ions/ small particles

20-200 V

Positively Charged Particles

Mixing Chamber

Diffusion Charging

+ + + + + + 2.5 l/min + + + + + Positive + + + Ions + + +

Corona Needle

Carbon Filter

HEPA Filter


2.5 kV (positive)

Figure 4 Schematic of the Nanoparticle Surface Area Monitor (NSAM, TSI model 3550) to measure lung-deposited surface area concentration. (Courtesy of TSI Inc.)




electric field migrates like a sphere of that particular diameter, carrying a single elementary charge. For singly charged spherical particles, the electrical mobility diameter hence equals the geometric diameter. The aerodynamic diameter describes that the particle under consideration behaves in an inertial separation process like a sphere of that particular size and unit density (1 g/cm3): rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rp;eff (1) dae ¼ dm $ r0 In Eqn (1), dae is the aerodynamic diameter, dm is the mobility diameter, r0 is the unit density, and rp,eff is the effective particle density [54]. The effective density takes into account shape irregularities of a particle and, in case of agglomerated particles, pores [55]. For a compact, spherical particle, the effective density is equal to the bulk density. Optical particle spectrometers determine the particle size based on light scattering. Besides the particle size, the amount of scattered light also depends on particle morphology and material (refractive index). Typically these instruments are calibrated with monodisperse polystyrene latex (PSL) reference particles of known sizes. Particle sizes reported by optical particle counters (OPCs) are therefore typically expressed as PSL equivalent sizes, i.e., the particle under consideration scatters the same amount of light as a PSL particle of this particular size. 5.3.1 Electrical Mobility Analysis Electrical mobility analysis is applied to measure the size distribution of submicron particles. The results are hence presented based on the electrical mobility diameter. The most commonly used instrument for this purpose is the SMPS [56]. An SMPS consists of an impactor to remove large particles, a neutralizer to charge the particles to a predictable charge distribution, a DMA to classify the particles, and a CPC (see Section 5.1). A schematic of an SMPS is shown in Figure 5. The centerpiece of an SMPS is a DMA that classifies particles according to their electrical mobility. According to ISO 15900 [57], a DMA is also synonymously referred to as differential electrical mobility classifier. Although the ISO terminology is certainly more correct, because the DMA classifies and does not analyze particles, the term DMA has been established over several decades and hence the instrument is referred to as DMA here. DMAs exist in different versions. The most common one consists of two concentric, cylindrical electrodes as shown in Figure 6. The DMA shown in the figure is of the Vienna type [58], where the aerosol flow enters the DMA at the bottom, near the outer electrode, and the flow transports the particles upward. A particle-free bottom-up sheath flow surrounds the inner electrode and separates the aerosol from the inner electrode as long as no voltage is applied to the DMA. Another often used DMA is of the Minnesota type [59], which follows the exactly same principle as the one shown in Figure 6, but with the flows from top to bottom. These DMAs can overall cover a particle size range

Exposure Measurement at Workplaces



D High Voltage Supply


Sheath Flow



Figure 5 Schematic of an SMPS setup.

roughly from 10 nm to 1000 nm, depending on flow rate settings. Typically, DMAs are operated with an aerosol flow rate between 0.3 L/min and 1.0 L/min and an aerosol to sheath air flow rate ratio of 1:10. In order to extend the size range down to a few nanometers, short or nanoDMAs have been developed that can classify particles down to 2.5 nm [60]. When a voltage is applied between the cylinders, particles of one polarity are attracted toward the inner electrode, whereas particle of opposite polarity are repelled toward the outer electrode. The radial migration velocity of particles inside the DMA is a function of the applied voltage and the particles’ electrical mobility: Zp ¼

n$e$Cc ðdm Þ 3$p$h$dm


In Eqn (2), n is the number of electrical elementary charges e carried by a particle, dm is the mobility diameter, h is the gas viscosity, and Cc is the Cunningham slip correction

Figure 6 Schematic of a differential mobility analyzer, also called differential electrical mobility classifier. (Courtesy of Palas GmbH.)




factor [61,62] that takes into account that with decreasing particle size the molecular reflections from the particle surface can no longer be considered to be specular. As a result, the drag forces exerted onto a particle decrease more strongly with particle size than predicted by Stokes’ law. Only particles with a certain electrical mobility are collected through a narrow slit near the upper end of the inner electrode. When the voltage to the DMA is ramped (typically from 0 V to 10,000 V), the full range of electrical mobility, corresponding to the aforementioned particle sizes, can be covered. If all particles leaving the DMA carry the same number of elementary charges, then the size distribution of these particles is strictly monodisperse. In practice, it is not possible to charge particles such that they all carry an identical number of elementary charges. Instead, the particle charges always follow a distribution, which is a function of particle size [63]. In an SMPS, particles get intentionally charged to a bipolar charge distribution upstream of the DMA. The ions needed for bipolar particle charging are most commonly produced by the decay of radioactive material, e.g., 85Kr or 241Am. Due to the intense legislative requirements for the use of radioactive materials, most SMPS manufacturers recently also introduced nonradioactive bipolar chargers, based on soft X-ray [64,65], that were shown to deliver comparable charge distributions [66]. The particle charge distribution downstream of the neutralizer is bipolar and close to a Boltzmann distribution, i.e., with nearly equal amounts of positively and negatively charged particles. The distribution can be easily predicted with simple numerical equations [67]. As a result, the size distribution of particles leaving the DMA at a given voltage show a high peak of singly charged particles and peaks of decreasing magnitude for higher charged particles at larger particle sizes. The primary output of an SMPS is hence the number concentration of particles of one polarity as a function of the particles’ electrical mobility. The result is segregated into defined mobility (or corresponding particle size) classes. In order to obtain the number size distribution from this raw data, a multiple charge correction [68,69] is applied to initially remove the fraction of doubly or higher charged particles from each mobility class to reduce the concentration to the concentration of singly charged particles. With the rate of singly charged particles, known from the charge distribution according to Wiedensohler [67], the total number concentration is determined. The multiple charge correction requires all particles in the lowest mobility class (i.e., the class of largest particles) to be singly charged. This is achieved by using an impactor at the inlet that removes particles larger than singly charged particles in the upper size class. The requirement for singly charged particles in the last channel is accomplished, because particles with higher charge levels in the lower mobility class would be larger than the singly charged particles and are hence captured in the impactor. The use of an appropriate impactor is hence essential for the multiple charge correction to work properly. A size distribution, resulting from an SMPS measurement without appropriate impactor is shown in Figure 7. The data were measured with a nanoDMA with an upper size limit of approximately 150 nm. The installed impactor, however, had a cutoff

Exposure Measurement at Workplaces

Number ConcentraƟon dN/dlog(dp) [1/cm³]











Mobility Diameter dm [nm]

Figure 7 Number size distribution measured with an SMPS with inappropriate impactor.

diameter close to 1 mm and hence the last channel still contained multiply charged particles. The multiple charge correction routine could hence not work properly, resulting in an overcompensation of multiply charged particles in lower size channels. As a result, the size distribution in Figure 7 shows a clear drop in concentration at around 70 nm and a sudden increase at about 100 nm. The measurement of a particle size distribution with a common SMPS takes between approximately 2 min and 6 min. Only recently, faster scanning SMPS systems have been introduced that can do scans in 20 s or below. Since the concentrations of different electrical mobilities (and consequently particle sizes) are measured sequentially and due to the multiple charge correction procedure, the aerosol size distribution has to be stable during each scan in order for the SMPS to deliver meaningful results. A faster alternative to the SMPS is the fast mobility particle sizer (FMPS, TSI Model 3091) with a time resolution of only 1 s. Like the SMPS, it is also based on electrical mobility analysis, but the concentrations in the different electrical mobility classes are measured simultaneously. The incoming aerosol flow (10 L/min) is charged by a unipolar diffusion charger and the charged aerosol is introduced into the cylindrical mobility classifier near the inner electrode as illustrated in Figure 8. A particle free sheath flow (40 L/min) is introduced near the outer electrode and envelopes the inner electrode and aerosol flow. By applying a constant voltage between the two electrodes, the charged particles are deflected toward the outer electrode, which consists of an array of altogether 22 electrometer rings, each one representing a certain electrical mobility bandwidth. The electric current from each ring is measured and along with the known




Aerosol In Charger

Sheath Air













Excess Flow

High-Voltage Electrode


Figure 8 Schematic of the fast mobility particle sizer. (FMPS, TSI model 3091, image courtesy of TSI Inc.)

charge distribution, the number size distribution is constructed in a size range from 5.6 nm to 560 nm. While the FMPS provides means for highly time resolved measurements, it has been shown that the accuracy of the FMPS is lower than that of the SMPS, particularly for agglomerated particles and for particles larger than approximately 100 nm [36,37,70]. Furthermore the same studies reported on random concentration spikes reported by the instrument for a particle size of 10 nm, which are obviously artifacts. 5.3.2 Aerodynamic Particle Sizer The aerodynamic particle sizer (APS, TSI Inc.; [71]) is an instrument that measures the particle number size distribution, based on the aerodynamic diameter in a size range

Exposure Measurement at Workplaces Aerosol In


Sheath-Flow Filter Pump

Inner Nozzle/Sample Flow (1 L/min) Orifice

Outer Nozzle/Sheath Flow (4 L/min)

Sheath-Flow Pressure Transducer

Accelerating Orifice Nozzle

Total Flow (5 L/min) Beam-Shaping Optics

Absolute Pressure Transducer

Beam Dump

Collimated Diode Laser

Total-Flow Pressure Transducer

Elliptical Mirror Detection Area Filter

Detection Area (On-axis View from Beam Dump)

Detection Area (Top View)


Total-Flow Pump

Avalanche Photodetector Nozzle

Laser Beam


Split Laser Beam Elliptical Mirror

Figure 9 Schematic of the aerodynamic particle sizer. (TSI APS, model 3320, image courtesy of TSI Inc.)

from 0.5 mm to 20 mm with a 1 s time resolution. The instrument principle is depicted in Figure 9. The aerosol enters the instrument at a flow rate of 5 L/min. The total flow is split into a 1 L/min sample flow which gets evaluated and a 4 L/min sheath flow which gets filtered. The sample flow is passed through a nozzle, where the particles are accelerated to a velocity, which is a function of their aerodynamic size. The particle beam is introduced into an optics region, where a laser beam is split into two light sheets. The scattered light is reflected by an elliptical mirror and detected by a photodetector. The particle size is derived from the particle velocity, which is measured based on the time elapsed between the particle passing the first and the second light sheet. The concentration is determined from the frequency of light scattering events. If the concentration is too high, then more than a single particle can be present in the optics zone, resulting in coincidence errors in both particle size and concentration.




5.3.3 Optical Particle Counter OPCs determine the number size distribution of airborne particles based on light scattering. Due to the optical detection limit, the lowest detectable particle diameter is on the order of the half wavelength of the light source used, i.e., around 200e300 nm. The upper detection limit is typically defined by particle losses inside the instrument. Depending on the model it can be between approximately 10 mm and 100 mm. A typical optical particle counter is shown in Figure 10. Typically used light sources are lasers, but the use of white LEDs has gained pace in the recent years. The aerosol is initially focused to a narrow particle beam which passes the light beam. OPCs are based on single particle counting, i.e., the particles must pass the light beam one by one, otherwise coincidence errors occur. The light scattered by the particles is measured (e.g., at a 90 scattering angle but other angles are also common) and collectively reflected by a curved mirror with a certain aperture angle that focuses the scattered light onto a photodetector. The particle size is determined from the intensity of scattered light by comparison with the intensity of light scattered by PSL beads, used for calibration. The particle size is hence reported as PSL equivalent particle size, i.e., the detected particle scatters the same amount of light as a spherical PSL particle of this particular diameter. Particles passing through the border zone of the light beam are only partly illuminated and therefore scatter less light than a fully illuminated particle. The sizes of these partly illuminated particles are hence reported too low. In an optically limited measurement volume, the use of a T-shaped aperture [72] can identify these partly illuminated particles to withdraw them from data evaluation and hence avoid the border zone effects. Many OPCs also calculate the particle mass concentrations of different particle size fractions, based on the assumption of particle density and refractive index. Typically these assumptions are based on ambient particles and hence care should to be taken when using these instruments for measuring particle mass concentrations in workplaces, where the assumptions on particle density and refractive index may not hold.

Figure 10 Principle of an optical particle counter. (Image courtesy of Grimm Aerosol GmbH.)

Exposure Measurement at Workplaces

5.3.4 Electrical Low Pressure Impactor An impactor is a simple device in which a nozzle faces a perpendicular impaction plate. The flow downstream of the nozzle thus exhibits a stagnation point near the impaction plate, while the flow is forced around the plate. Small particles in the flow can follow the streamlines, whereas with increasing particle size and hence increasing inertia, the particles start to deviate from the streamline to eventually be deposited on the impaction plate. The aerodynamic particle size at which 50% of the particles are collected (the cutoff diameter, or d50) can be precisely predicted from the geometric dimensions of the nozzle and the plate, their distance to each other, and the flow rate. Particles in the micron size range are rather easily collected, but submicron and especially nanoscale particles require the pressure to be significantly reduced in order to be collected by inertia. With decreasing pressure, the drag force, which opposes inertia in an impactor, decreases and hence also smaller particles can be collected. Impactors are often used to limit the particle size range introduced into a measuring device, as e.g., in an SMPS, or to limit the particle sizes to be collected on a downstream filter. On the other hand, the particles collected on the impaction plates can also be analyzed for their mass, morphology, or chemical composition. Particle size segregated information can be obtained from impactors, if a cascade of nozzle/impaction plate systems is used with decreasing cutoff diameters. The electrical low pressure impactor (ELPI or ELPIþ, Dekati, Finland) uses altogether 13 impaction stages to collect particles with sizes between 7 nm and 10 mm. In order to achieve such low cutoff diameters, the pressure in the last stage is reduced to only 100 mbar. In addition to just collecting the particles on the different stages, the ELPI first electrically charges the particles and measures the particle-induced current on each impaction stage as shown in Figure 11. Along with the known charge distribution, the ELPI can hence produce the number size distribution, while still providing the substrates for subsequent electron microscopic, gravimetric, and/or chemical analyses. The ELPI can hence be considered to be both size resolving/time resolving as well as size resolving/time integrating. The ELPI is furthermore the only instrument on the market that covers the entire size range of interest from a few nanometers to 10 mm with the same measuring principle and hence no need to transfer between equivalent particle sizes. This is a great advantage over solutions offered by other manufacturers by coupling optical or aerodynamic spectrometers with an SMPS. The coupling of size distributions based on different equivalent diameters necessitates assumptions in the particles’ density or refractive index. Typically, these data are derived from the overlapping size range of the two instruments considered and it is assumed that the determined value for the refractive index or density, respectively, holds over the entire particle size range. This would, however, require that the particles are completely homogenous over the entire size range, which typically is not the case. The downside of the ELPI is its rather low particle size resolution compared with other instruments and the requirement for a large pump to maintain the low pressure in the last stages.





Flush pump and filter

Corona charger

HV and power source External PC or laptop

Electrometers and A/D


Internal PC

Pressure sensor

(External in/out)

Controls and LCD display

Vacuum pump

Figure 11 Schematic of the electrical low pressure impactor. (ELPI or ELPIþ, Dekati, Finland, image courtesy of Dekati.)

5.4 Particle Samplers for Consecutive Analysis In order to prove the presence or absence of particles of certain size, morphology, or chemical composition, the particles need to be sampled and made available for consecutive analyses, e.g., by (electron) microscopy (SEM or TEM, size, morphology), EDX (single particle chemical composition), TXRF (bulk chemical composition), or ICP-MS (bulk chemical composition). The collection substrate has to be suitable for the subsequent analyses, such as flat substrates or TEM grids for SEM or TEM analysis, respectively, glassy carbon for TXRF, and filters for ICP-MS. Depending on the substrate, different sampling techniques can be used that are briefly outlined here. 5.4.1 Electrostatic Precipitator Electrostatic precipitators (ESP) are used to deposit charged particles onto flat substrates for SEM and TXRF or TEM grids. The design of an ESP developed for sampling onto flat silicon substrates for subsequent SEM analysis is shown in Figure 12. The incoming aerosol flows around a collection plate. If a voltage is applied between the outer housing and the collection plate, particles of one polarity move toward the collection plate where they are deposited. The size of the deposition spot can be varied by varying the collection voltage. This is a very important feature, because depending on the subsequent analysis, the particles should either be densely deposited on the surface (e.g., for TXRF) or exactly

Exposure Measurement at Workplaces

Figure 12 Design of an electrostatic precipitator developed at IUTA.

the opposite for single particle analysis by electron microscopy and/or EDX. The design shown in Figure 12 furthermore contains features for easily handling in the field. Most commercially available electrostatic particle samplers do not deliberately charge the particles, because they have been designed to sample charged monodisperse particles from a DMA [73]. Since airborne particles are typically charged more or less according to a Boltzmann charge distribution, these samplers have a (particle size dependent) collection efficiency, which is always below 50%, because only one polarity is collected. Particles that have been freshly generated or emitted may be unipolarly charged and hence by using an ESP with the same polarity, one would completely miss those particles. Currently, there is no commercial add-on charger available for these ESPs. More recently, a handheld ESP (ESPnano, Spokane, USA) has been introduced [74] that charges the particles with a corona needle and uses the same high electric field that is used to ionize the air to collect the particles onto a TEM grid.

5.4.2 Filtration Sampler Most common filtration samplers draw the aerosol through fibrous or membrane filters to collect the particles. Such filtration samplers consist of a sampling inlet, a filter holder, flow control to maintain a constant flow rate, and a pump. They exist for a variety of filter sizes and flow rates. Fibrous filters are typically used to collect particles for the determination of the particle mass concentration or chemical composition. For the determination of the particle mass concentration, the filter gets weighed prior to and after sampling of the particles to obtain the total mass of the collected particles which is then divided by the total volume drawn through the filter during sampling. Particles on membrane filters can be washed off more easily and these filters are hence often used for applications, where




the particles need to be transferred into liquids, e.g., for the determination of the particles’ potency to generate ROS with an EPR spectrometer. Filtration samplers are usually equipped with an inertial preseparator (impactor or cyclone) to limit the aerodynamic size of the collected particles. Typically, these size selective inlets have cutoff diameters of 10 mm (PM10 or thoracic fraction), 2.5 mm (PM2.5), 4 mm (respirable fraction), or 1 mm (submicron fraction). R’mili [75] developed a filtration sampler that uses suitable TEM grids as filtration media. The collection efficiency was shown to be greater than 15% thus collecting nanoparticles more efficiently than an ESP without charger. The principle was shown to be particularly of interest for sampling carbon nanotube and has been commercialized by Ecomesure.

5.4.3 Cascade Impactor Cascade impactors, similar to the one included in the ELPI can be used for sizesegregated particle sampling. The substrate of each single stage contains particles of a certain size bandwidth that can be analyzed for their mass, chemical composition, or particle morphology. A large variety of cascade impactors with different numbers of stages exist. The same cascade impactor used in ELPI is also available as Dekati low pressure impactor as a pure particle sampler. The microorifice uniform deposit impactor (MOUDI, MSP Corporation, USA) is designed to very homogenously deposit the particles on the substrate. The MOUDI has eight or ten stages (depending on the model) and can deposit particles down to 56 nm (10 stage model MOUDI M110). The nozzle plate of each impaction stage is equipped with a large number of microorifices, which homogenizes the deposit. The deposition can be even further homogenized by rotating the impaction plates (optional feature). Many other cascade impactors exist on the market. They all have in common that the pressure needs to be low for the collection of nanoscale particles. As a result, large and powerful pumps are required for their operation.

6. PORTABLE EQUIPMENT A variety of portable nanoparticle measurement equipment has recently been introduced into the market. They are of great importance for screening and/or monitoring purposes in a tier 2 exposure assessment (see Section 2) or can be used to map the particle concentration in workplaces [76]. The recent project NANODEVICE, funded within the European Union’s 7th Framework Program (FP7), was mainly dedicated to the development of personal and portable nanoparticle measurement equipment [77].

Exposure Measurement at Workplaces

6.1 Instruments for Measuring Number and Surface Area Concentration 6.1.1 Handheld CPC Handheld versions of CPCs (see Section 5.3) are available from different manufacturers. These instruments use isopropyl alcohol (IPA) as a working fluid. The IPA is introduced into the CPC with a cartridge in which the alcohol is stored in a type of wick. The alcohol reservoir requires the CPC to be maintained horizontally at all times. The stored alcohol and the battery capacity are sufficient for operating the CPC for 6e8 h. A handheld CPC is hence suitable for screening, but not for permanent monitoring of workplaces. 6.1.2 Diffusion Charger-Based Instruments As described in Section 5.2, the size-dependent particle charging efficiency of unipolar diffusion chargers is proportional to the fraction of the airborne particle surface area concentration that would deposit in the alveolar or tracheobronchial region of the human lung. A portable version of NSAM (see Section 5.2), denominated Aerotrak 9000 (TSI Inc.) is also available. Aerotrak 9000 comes in a smaller packaging, can be operated without an external computer and can run on battery power. In addition to just measuring the total particle-induced current, other instruments use an additional manipulation step for the particle size distribution in order to obtain additional information. The miniDiSC [49] or DiSCmini (Matter Aerosol, Switzerland), uses a dual-stage particle deposition as shown in Figure 13. The incoming aerosol gets charged in a unipolar diffusion charger and excess ions are removed in an ion trap. The remaining charged particles first face a stack of diffusion screens, where preferentially small particles are deposited. The fraction that does not get collected in this first stage is deposited on a high efficiency filter in the second stage. The electric currents from both particle collection stages are measured simultaneously. Due to the charging efficiency of the unipolar charger, the sum of the two currents is proportional to the LDSA concentration. Since the deposition on the first deposition stage is particle size dependent, the mean particle size of the aerosol is determined from the ratio of the current from the first stage and the total current. With the knowledge of the mean particle size and the LDSA

Figure 13 Schematic of the miniDiSC/DiSCmini (taken from [49]) with dual-stage particle detection: diffusion screens (D) and filter stage (F)




concentration, the particle number concentration is derived, by assuming a geometric standard deviation sg of 1.7 [49]. The time resolution of the miniDiSC/DiSCmini is 1 s. Besides diffusional deposition of small particles, large particles may also deposit because of inertia. Since large particles acquire a higher charge level than small particles, the current stemming from inertial deposition of large particles on the diffusion stage would be misinterpreted as a high concentration of small particles. To avoid this error, the miniDiSC/DiSCmini uses an impactor with 700 nm cutoff at its inlet, however, the particle size range in which the miniDiSC/DiSCmini works most accurate is limited to modal diameters between 10 nm and 300 nm. The lowest concentration that can be detected is defined by the signal to noise ratio of the electrometers used for measuring the currents. As a rule of thumb, care should be taken if the concentrations are below approximately 1000/cm3. The upper concentration limit is reached when either the electrometers reach their limit or the ion concentration is insufficient to fully charge the particles. For both cases the concentration level is greater than 106/cm3. In general, the miniDiSC/DiSCmini was shown to be accurate to within 30%, when operated within its specified limits [30,37]. The manipulation of the particle size distribution can also be achieved by tailored electrostatic deposition [78,79]. In this case, the charged particles pass a low efficiency ESP. A square wave voltage is applied to the ESP. Particles are collected on a downstream filter inside a Faraday cup. When the voltage is low, only ions are removed from the aerosol flow and the Faraday cup electrometer measures the total current stemming from all particles, which is proportional to the alveolar LDSA. When the higher voltage is applied, small particles with high electrical mobility (see Eqn (2)) are also removed in the ESP and the electrometer measures a partial current only. The particle deposition in the ESP is particle size dependent and hence the mean particle diameter and number concentration can be determined from the two currents with high and low ESP voltage. Two very similar instruments based on this principle are commercially available, the nanoTracer (Aerasense, the Netherlands) and the nanoCheck (model 1.320, Grimm Aerosol, Germany). The particle size and concentration limits are similar to the limitations of miniDiSC/DiSCmini, but due to the sequential measurement of the two currents, the time resolution is lower, i.e., 10 s in case of the Grimm nanoCheck and 16 s in case of the Aerasense nanoTracer. The main difference between the nanoCheck and the nanoTracer is that the nanoTracer is an independent, small handheld instrument, whereas the nanoCheck is coupled with an optical spectrometer which extends the size range (up to 32 mm) and information wealth of the instrument, but also makes it significantly larger and heavier.

6.2 Instruments for Measuring Number Size Distribution Several miniaturized, portable electrical mobility analyzers have recently been introduced to the market. They all follow the same basic principle as the SMPS (see Section 5.3), i.e.,

Exposure Measurement at Workplaces

they use a particle charger to obtain a predictable particle charge distribution, a DMA to classify particles based on their electrical mobility and a miniaturized CPC to measure the concentration of the mobility classified particles. Because of the limited space, the DMAs used in these portable mobility spectrometers are not cylindrical, but radial [80] or planar [81]. To simplify the handling of the instruments, they are equipped with electrical chargers instead of radioactive or X-ray neutralizers. The use of electrical chargers has the great advantage that its use is not restricted, however, the charge distributions are somewhat less reproducible and hence less predictable. Unipolar chargers achieve significantly higher charging efficiencies than bipolar chargers which is both advantageous and disadvantageous. The advantage of a higher charge level is that more particles are classified in the DMA for a given electrical mobility and therefore the size distributions can be determined also for lower concentrations than with bipolar chargers. The great disadvantage of unipolar charging is that the charge distributions get broader [51], which complicates the multiple charge correction and reduces the size resolution of the size distribution measurement. Furthermore, the dependence of the electrical mobility on the particle size gets weaker with increasing particle diameter, because in Eqn (2), the number n of elementary charges e is almost proportional to the particle diameter [48,49,51] and hence the dependence of the electrical mobility on particle diameter mainly stems from the Cunningham slip correction factor. However, above 200e300 nm, the dependence of the Cunningham factor on the particle size gets weak and hence the differentiation of these particles based on electrical mobility gets poor. Currently, three commercial instruments, based on the SMPS principle exist on the market, the portable aerosol mobility spectrometer (PAMS, Kanomax, Japan), the nano-ID NPS500 (Naneum, United Kingdom), and the nanoScan (model 3910, TSI Inc., USA [82]). They all have similar size and weight (4.5e8 kg) and can be battery operated. PAMS is the only instrument that uses a bipolar charger, whereas nanoScan and nano-ID employ unipolar chargers. The PAMS can be operated in two flow rate modes. With a flow rate of 0.2 L/min, it measures the size distribution in a size range from 14.5 nm to 863 nm in greater than or equal to 42 s and with 0.4 L/min in a range from 10 nm to 433 nm in greater than or equal to 81 s. The nano-ID determines size distributions in a size range from 5 nm to 500 nm with a time resolution of greater than or equal to 30 s and the nanoScan from 10 nm to 420 nm in 60 s. While nanoScan and PAMS use the engine of the handheld CPCs of the respective manufacturer and hence use IPA as a working fluid, the nano-ID CPC uses a not further specified organic working fluid. According to the manufacturer, this fluid provides up to 2000 h of operation before it needs to be refilled. Grimm Aerosol also introduced a portable airborne particle sizer named mini-WRAS (model 1.371) based on a concept similar to the nanoCheck. The incoming aerosol is charged in a unipolar diffusion charger and introduced into a concentric electrical mobility classifier. Unlike a DMA, this classifier operates without a sheath flow. When




the classifier voltage is increased, an increasing amount of particles is removed from the aerosol flow. Downstream of the classifier, the total particle-induced current is measured and the particle number size distribution is determined from the changes in the measured current, caused by increasing the classifier voltage. Like in the nanoCheck, the electrical sensor is coupled with an optical spectrometer so that the complete size range of the instrument spans from 10 nm to 25 mm, with a resolution of 40 size channels, 10 from the electrical and 30 from the optical sensor.

7. PERSONAL EQUIPMENT Personal measurement equipment is required to assess the personal exposure of individuals. By definition [38], the personal exposure has to be measured in the breathing zone of an individual, i.e., within a 30 cm hemisphere around mouth and nose. This can only be achieved by the use of instruments that are small and light enough to be carried, e.g., in the chest pocket or at least on a belt. In general, these personal instruments can be divided into direct-reading personal monitors and personal samplers that collect particles from the breathing zone for subsequent analysis.

7.1 Personal Samplers Personal particle samplers have traditionally been used to collect particles of the inhalable, thoracic, or respirable fraction onto filters for the determination of the particle mass concentration. These samplers typically use an impactor in a first stage to remove particles larger than the wanted subfraction. A variety of these samplers are commercially available [83], but none of them is nano-specific, because of the large cutoff sizes of the preseparators. Except for a personal cascade impactor (miniMOUDI, MSP Corporation, USA), personal samplers for measuring exposure specifically to nanoscale particles have not yet been commercialized and are still more or less at an advanced research level. Tsai et al. [84] developed a personal nanoparticle sampler (PENS) that combines a cyclone for the respirable fraction (d50 ¼ 4 mm) in the first stage with an impactor with 100 nm cutoff diameter in the second and an after filter in the third stage. The filter therefore by definition samples only nanoparticles, whereas the combination of the impaction plate and the filter provides the respirable fraction. In order to homogenize the sample, the impactor includes altogether 137 nozzles with 55 mm diameter and the impaction plate is rotated by means of a stepper motor. The PENS sampling head is small enough to take samples directly in the breathing zone and is connected to a pump carried, e.g., on the belt via a flexible tube. Cena et al. [85,86] developed a nanoparticle respiratory deposition sampler (NRD). The NRD consists of a cyclone with 4 mm cutoff diameter to collect only the respirable fraction. The second stage contains an impactor with 300 nm cutoff size followed by

Exposure Measurement at Workplaces

diffusion nets in the third stage. The nets are chosen such that their particle collection efficiency for sub-300 nm particles resembles the deposition of particle in the respiratory tract. This is possible, because the particle deposition in this size range both on the nets and in the respiratory tract is driven by the same mechanismddiffusion. By chemically analyzing the particles collected on the nets, the internal exposure to only the nanomaterial of interest can hence be determined. The sampling head is small and can hence be used directly in the breathing zone. The flow necessary to operate the sampler is provided by a belt-mounted pump. A different approach for personal sampling is the use of a thermophoretic sampler [87e89]. The thermophoretic motion arises from inhomogenous momentum transfer between gas molecules and particles in a temperature gradient, because molecules on the “warm side” of a particle transfer a higher momentum than on the “cold side” resulting in a net particle motion from warm to cold. In the (near-) free molecule regime, i.e., for dp  300 nm, the thermophoretic velocity for a given thermal gradient is nearly independent of particle size. These thermal precipitators (TP) use two parallel plates which are maintained at a constant temperature difference to establish a homogenous thermal gradient between the plates. The aerosol is drawn through the space between the two plates and the particles are thermophoretically deposited onto the cold plate. Because of the size-independent particle velocity, the particles deposit homogenously on the substrate, such that a quantitative analysis of the substrate is rather easily possible. The substrate can, for example, be analyzed with an electron microscope for the particle size distribution. Since the thermophoretic force is rather weak, only low flow rates on the order of several milliliters per minute can be drawn through a TP in order to maintain a high collection efficiency. As a result, sampling times of several hours are required, making the TP very suitable for sampling over a complete work shift.

7.2 Personal Monitors Personal monitors are instruments that measure the personal exposure in the breathing zone of an individual in real time and can hence be used to detect also short-term exposures. Personal monitors are either small enough to be carried directly in the breathing zone or can be mounted on a belt to sample from the breathing zone through a flexible tube. Therefore, miniDiSC/DiSCmini and nanoTracer (see Section 6.1) can also be used as personal monitors. Currently only two personal monitors, small enough to measure directly in the breathing zone exist, the Partector (Naneos GmbH, Switzerland [92]) and the miniature carbon black monitor microAeth (model AE51, AethLabs, USA). The Partector is a diffusion charger-based instrument that determines the LDSA concentration of airborne particles with 1 s time resolution. Incoming particles are initially charged in a unipolar diffusion charger and excess ions removed in an ion trap. The particle charge is detected




as the current induced in a Faraday cage, based on a charge gradient. To establish the charge gradient, the unipolar charger is pulsed, i.e., switched on and off in short time intervals. Every time a parcel of charged particle enters the Faraday cage a positive and, upon exit, a negative current pulse is generated. The particle charge and consequently the LDSA concentration are determined from the height of the pulses. This type of charge detection has several advantages. The particles do not need to be deposited on a filter and hence there is almost no pressure drop in the instrument. Therefore pump requirements are lower and the battery lifetime can be longer. In addition, the particles are still available for collection after the measurement of the current. An upgraded version of the Partector is equipped with a small electrostatic precipitator to deposit the particles onto TEM grids. The electrometer is furthermore self-referencing, because periods with the charger off define the baseline for the electrometer and therefore no additional electrometer zeroing is required. On the downside, this technique is more strongly affected by preexisting particle charges than other diffusion charger-based instruments. If the particles have a preexisting charge of the same polarity as the ions in the unipolar charger, the eventual charge level can be affected, which thus no longer represents the LDSA concentration [90]. This effect is identical for all diffusion chargers. The measurement principle based on induced currents is, however, additionally affected by preexisting particle charges, because the aforementioned self-zeroing assumes the particles to be overall neutral and therefore whatever is measured when the particle charger is off is considered to be zero. For most aerosols, especially for aged ones, the assumption of a bipolar charge distribution with a zero net charge is justified, in case of freshly produced or released particles, the assumption may, however, no longer hold. The general accuracy of this type of instruments is expected to be around 30%. The other personal monitor available is the miniature carbon black monitor microAeth (model AE51, AethLabs, USA). This instrument is a miniaturized aethalometer [91] to determine the airborne black carbon concentration. In an aethalometer, the particles are deposited on a filter, which is periodically illuminated with a light source. The amount of black carbon on the filter is determined from the increasing light attenuation based on the BeereLambert law. The microAeth is specific for black carbon and can hence be used to assess exposure to carbon black in workplaces, where these particles are produced or handled.

8. CONCLUSIONS This chapter is intended to provide an overview of existing measurement techniques for assessing exposure to airborne nanoparticles. It should have become apparent that although a large variety of instruments and techniques exist, each one is a compromise in itself and therefore the instrument(s) to be used need to be carefully chosen based on the measurement task. The differentiation of the task needs to take into account

Exposure Measurement at Workplaces

the metric(s) to be determined, the required time resolution, the needed accuracy and whether the exposure shall be determined in the breathing zone, by mobile or stationary measurement. For example, if personal exposure shall be assessed and is expected to show short spikes, only personal monitors can be used for this purpose, because only they provide small size and high time resolution. At the same time, one has to live with the shortcomings of these instruments, mainly the limited information provided (no size distribution or chemical speciation) and lower accuracy compared with their larger, stationary counterparts. Although some manufacturers may claim they can do better, the currently best reliable guess on the accuracy of diffusion charger-based instruments is that it is around 30% [30,37]. The great advantage of the diffusion chargerbased instrument is their ease-of-use. Stationary instruments are typically more accurate [36,37], but their use requires significantly more experience. Particularly SMPS systems should not be regarded as a black box, because they can bear several surprises. As an example, the inexperienced user may misinterpret errors in the size distribution caused by overcompensation of multiply charged particles during the multiple charge correction as a multimodal distribution. Other typical errors are the use of CPCs or OPCs beyond their concentration limits. There is currently not a single instrument that meets all requirements of an exposure assessment. While for a simplified measurement according to tier 2, a single instrument type measuring the total (e.g., number) concentration is usually sufficient, a suite of suitable instruments has to be chosen for the more elaborate tier 3 measurements. The exact choice of instruments again depends on the measurement task, i.e., among others the particle size range, concentration range, and needed specificity concerning particle morphology and chemical composition. For the future, it would be desirable to have small and easy to use instruments available that can cover a variety of measurement task, e.g., in a tiered approach. Furthermore tailored instruments with a specific reaction to certain nanomaterials would significantly simplify the distinction between exposure to engineered nanomaterials and background particles. The currently only available direct-reading instrument for this purpose is the aforementioned miniaturized aethalometer.

9. SOURCES OF FURTHER INFORMATION Manufacturers (in alphabetical order): • AethLabs, 1640 Valencia St, Suite 2C, San Francisco, CA 94110, USA; www. • Dekati Ltd., Tykkitie 1, FI-36240 Kangasala, Finland; • Ecomesure, 3 Rue du Grande Cedre, 91640 Janvry, France; • ESPnano, 3915 E. Francis, #C6, Spokane, WA 99217, USA;




• Grimm Aerosoltechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Dorfstr. 9, 83404 Ainring, Germany; • Kanomax Japan Inc., 2-1 Shimizu Suita, Osaka 5650805, Japan; • Matter Aerosol, Bremgarterstrasse 62, CH-5610 Wohlen, Switzerland; • MSP Corp., 5910 Rice Creek Parkway, Suite 300, Shoreview, MN 55126, USA; • Naneos GmbH, Dorfstrasse 69, CH-5210 Windisch, Switzerland; • Naneum ltd., University Road, Canterbury, CT27FG, UK; • Palas GmbH, Greschbachstr. 3b, 76229 Karlsruhe, Germany; • TSI Inc., 500 Cardigan Road, Shoreview, MN 55126, USA;

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Exposure Measurement at Workplaces

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Nanoengineering: A Toolbox of Standards for Health and Safety Brian Haydon CSA Group, Toronto, ON, Canada

Modern microscopy has revealed increased surface area and quantum effects of materials at the nanoscale (i.e., 109e107 m). Such discovery, referred to as nanotechnology, is providing unique functionalities in materials not commonly associated with the same materials in nonnanoscale size. Research is achieving results to identify, characterize, and exploit these functionalities into reproducible and scalable forms commercialized for economic benefit in modified and new materials, products, and systems. Nanomaterials are derived from common elements and chemicals, and through building material structures and surfaces at the nanoscale. Nanotechnologies is moving forward, for example, to achieve lighter, stronger materials, reduce energy use, and provide less volatile compounds. Often inspired by nature, and through new understanding of the molecular forms of materials, nanotechnologies are bringing breakthroughs and countless applications to benefit society. However, as new and modified materials are developed, health and safety issues need to be carefully assessed, understood, and controlled. Developing standards is one important means to provide guidance, best practices, and requirements for health- and safety-related issues for nanotechnologies. Soon after the millennium, with research into nanoscale materials expanding, a call for standards occurred initiated by forward thinkers from several nations. Since heeding that call and with global cooperation of governments, industry, researchers, consumer interests, and others, collective work has produced over 40 science-based ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) standards for nanotechnologies. This growing toolbox of standards now exists as a valuable resource for coming decades. ISO and IEC are nongovernmental organizations based in Geneva, Switzerland comprised of over 160 national standard bodies from member countries participating in international technical committees (TCs). These TCs including subset subcommittees and working groups (WGs) develop and publish standards in hundreds of subject areas for ISO and IEC, with the latter specific to electrical/electronic products and systems. ISO and IEC standards are developed by volunteer experts from member countries who Nanoengineering. ISBN 978-0-444-62747-6

Copyright © 2015 CSA. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.




participate in the drafting of standards. Each member country of ISO and IEC has an obligation for subjects of national interest to: 1. Organize input from relevant interests groups; 2. Contribute expertise to draft standards; 3. Work cooperatively toward consensus; and 4. Vote at significant development milestones. The standards may include content as state-of-the art information, guidance, and best practice as well as content in the form of requirements. Requirements in standards may often be mandated by an authority having jurisdiction (regulator), be specified in buyer/ seller agreements and transactions, be used for conformity assessment of materials and products, or provide rules for management systems. In this chapter, advances in ISO and IEC international standards for nanotechnologies are outlined, with additional facts for Canada, one of many ISO/IEC participating member countries. The intent is to guide the nanotechnology practitioner to useful standards that describe where we stand, what we know, and what can be applied from a standards perspective for nanotechnologies. This is accomplished through overview of select standards recommended as a resource toolbox of technical content and guidance to assist to address health and safety issues for nanotechnologies.

1. WHY STANDARDS FOR NANOTECHNOLOGIES MATTER Standards in general provide rules, test methods, specifications, and best practices that are used every day by suppliers, producers, and regulators. Conformity of products and processes, best practices for incorporating safety concepts into manufacturing, quality assurance, support for trade, and overarching management systems are all documented via standards. A standard can be defined as follows, A document, established by consensus and approved by a recognized body, which provides for common and repeated use, rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results aimed at achieving the optimum degree of order in a given context. Note: Standards should be based on the consolidated results of science, technology and experience and aimed at the promotion of optimum community benefits [1].

Without standards there can be a lack of consistency among practice and requirements. ISO and IEC have provided means for multiple-country input to develop science-based standards for over a century. Such globally based standards assist to ensure that products and services are consistent, compatible, effective, and safe. Standards help to define the many products, processes, and systems we encounter every day. In emerging fields like nanotechnology they will assist to: 1. Define benchmark safety requirements; 2. Provide a framework to design and deliver products more economically;

Nanoengineering: A Toolbox of Standards for Health and Safety

3. Efficiently bring order, quality, know-how, and predictability into the marketplace; 4. Help open doors to markets and facilitate trade around the world; and 5. Serve as a foundation for regulations. The promise of nanotechnologies for technical breakthroughs is being realized, perhaps in more incremental steps than anticipated, but definitely moving forward. The need to understand and manage risks to health and safety in standards have been commonly identified in many assessments and surveys of nanotechnologies. For example, in 2009, CSA Group (Canadian Standards Association), a global-based standardssolutions provider, conducted a needs assessment survey of nanotech industry in Canada [2]. The results highlighted Canadian industry priorities for standards development, surveying trends in nanotechnology-related research, and steps toward commercialization. The results assisted to guide Canadian stakeholders to reaffirm their path forward in standards for nanotechnologies, and to validate Canada’s continued participation in international work at ISO and IEC. Provided as examples, the priorities for standards for nanotechnologies from this Canada-specific survey were as follows: 1. Need for common language (terminology and nomenclature); 2. Support for measurement; 3. Mitigate public concerns about implications for health and the environment a. Workplace safety (for the worker) b. Need for a risk evaluation framework c. Toxicity/hazard potential d. Protection of the environment e. Product safety (for the user); and 4. Enable trade by simplifying import/export [2]. Similar assessments have been completed around the world by associations, governments, and NGOs (nongovernmental organizations). The outputs of these surveys frequently form the basis for road maps, to plan current and future direction for standards. Such priorities have been the basis for the scopes of ISO/TC229, IEC/TC113 and their WGs. Periodic update surveys of standards needs continue to identify new priorities and reassess the relevance of continuing business plans and road maps. For example, in 2013, an ISO/TC229 Study Group on Nanotechnology and Biological Systems has been formed to scope out potential future needs for standards in this emerging subject area. But first some background on the forming of the ISO and IEC TCs for nanotechnologies.

2. ISO/TC229 AND IEC/TC113 ISO/TC229, Nanotechnologies, a TC of ISO, was formed with member country support to develop standards concurrent with global research and commercialization. This proactive approach versus developing standards after commercialization began




with 14 countries meeting in London, United Kingdom in November 2005. That country’s leadership was approved by participating delegates to carry the role of Chair and Secretariat for this new ISO TC. Country membership has grown in subsequent years with 35 participating member countries and 13 observer member countries as of the 17th meeting of ISO/TC229 in November 2014, held at New Delhi, India. ISO/TC229 Nanotechnologies facilitates the development of standards for the safe and responsible use of nanotechnologies. IEC/TC113, Nanotechnology standardization for electrical and electronic products and systems, a TC of IEC, was formed a year later with its first meeting in Frankfurt, Germany, to additionally develop nanotechnology standards for electrical and electronic products and systems. Formal liaison between these two TCs was established to ensure that overlap was minimized and cooperation occurred from the start. Each TC’s subject activities have been divided into WGs. With this, each WG, in accordance with ISO/IEC Directives, has a designated country to convene its activities. In each WG, work items are initiated following an ISO/IEC process toward end documents, which include technical reports, technical specifications (TSs), and international standards following a TC-directed business plan. Refer to ISO/IEC Directives for an overview of the standards development process followed [3]. TC leadership (Chair and Secretariat) and WG convenorship by country for ISO/ TC229 and IEC/TC113 is shown here as of 2014: ISO and IEC Technical Committees (TCs) for Nanotechnology Standards: ISO/TC229, Nanotechnologies

Chair: United Kingdom

Secretariat: United Kingdom

IEC/TC113, Nanotechnology standardization for electrical and electronic products and systems

Chair: United States

Secretariat: Germany Working Groups (WGs) of ISO/TC229 and IEC/TC113

JWG1 Terminology and nomenclature

ISO/TC229 and IEC/ TC113

Convenor: Canada

JWG2 Measurement and characterization

ISO/TC229 and IEC/ TC113

Convenor: Japan

WG3 Health, safety, and environment


Convenor: United States

WG4 Material specifications


Convenor: China

WG3 Performance assessment


Convenor: Germany/Japan

WG7 Reliability


Convenor: Japan/Republic of Korea

Nanoengineering: A Toolbox of Standards for Health and Safety

ISO/TC229 has the following objectives, through international standards development, to: 1. Support the sustainable and responsible development of nanotechnologies; 2. Facilitate global trade in nanotechnology-enabled products and systems; 3. Improve quality, safety, security, consumer and environmental protection, together with the rational use of natural resources; and 4. Promote good practice in the production, use, and disposal of nanomaterials and nano-enabled products [4]. The scope of ISO/TC229 is as follows: Standardization in the field of nanotechnologies that includes either or both of the following: Understanding and control of matter and processes at the nanoscale, typically, but not exclusively, below 100 nanometres in one or more dimensions where the onset of size-dependent phenomena usually enables novel applications, Utilizing the properties of nanoscale materials that differ from the properties of individual atoms, molecules, and bulk matter, to create improved materials, devices, and systems that exploit these new properties. Specific tasks include developing standards for: terminology and nomenclature; metrology and instrumentation, including specifications for reference materials; test methodologies; modeling and simulation; and science-based health, safety, and environmental practices [5].

The scope of IEC/TC113 is as follows: Standardization of the technologies relevant to electrical and electronic products and systems in the field of nanotechnology in close cooperation with other committees of IEC and ISO TC 229 [6].

3. THE ROLE OF STANDARDS IN REGULATIONS Standards are often confused with regulations. To assist with understanding the difference, a regulation can be defined as follows: A government/jurisdiction imposed requirement, which specifies product, process or service characteristics with which compliance is mandatory in an applicable jurisdiction. Their applicability is based on the jurisdiction that enacts them. Regulations may be statutes of law, and be applied within the jurisdiction that use them, for example municipal, provincial or federal [1].

It should be noted that ISO and IEC being standards development organizations (SDOs), do not regulate or legislate. ISO and IEC are nongovernmental organizations with no legal authority to enforce implementation of their standards. Nonetheless, a percentage of ISO and IEC standards including ones concerned with health and safety, are often adopted in countries as part of regulatory frameworks, or may be referred to as technical foundation. Such adoptions into regulation are sovereign decisions by regulators or governments of the countries concerned.




Although ISO and IEC do not develop regulations, many national regulatory bodies do participate in standards work for nanotechnologies recognizing their complimentary purpose. The development of standards for nanotechnologies is next described for background and to assist in understanding the types of ISO and IEC standards and their value.

4. THE ISO AND IEC STANDARDS PROCESS ISO and IEC, in general, provide means for multiple-country input to develop sciencebased standards, guidance, and best practices. The ISO/TC229 and IEC/TC113 TCs for nanotechnologies have developed three types of standards, specifically: 1. Informative Technical Reports (TR) indicated as, for example, data obtained from a survey carried out among national bodies, data on work carried out in other international organizations, or data on the “state-of-the-art” in relation to standards of national bodies on a particular subject) [3], 2. Technical Specifications (TS) for a subject “still under development” [3] as a new subject evolves; and 3. International Standards (IS) containing primarily normative requirements. This progression in standards types fits well with the evolving nature of nanotechnologies, as it moves from research-specific science-based content including guidance and best practice, to facets of commercialization where requirements will become more dominant. Other more mature disciplines and product sectors may bypass this progression and proceed to international standards first. For ISO/TC229, Nanotechnologies, technical reports have frequently served as starting points to establish and improve understanding of current knowledge and best practice. A technical report can be useful to scope out work and often may lead to one or a suite of TSs. Similarly, a TS may progress to an international standard in future editions. Note that ISO and IEC processes for these standards types may include systematic review at defined intervals to ensure that the documents keep pace with technology, and are either updated or withdrawn. Monitoring revisions of standards and being aware of new standards are important exercises for which most scientists and engineers are quite familiar. As well, ensuring market relevance is important for ISO and IEC standards, to enable global trade and economic benefit from nanotechnologies. Formal liaison processes are available so that cross-communication with other ISO/IEC TCs that are more product-specific can occur. Designated point persons approved in established liaisons between TCs may have access to working drafts and may participate in meetings and share information. Liaisons are many for ISO/TC229, for example, with ISO/TC 6 Paper, board and pulps, and ISO/REMCO Committee on reference materials and similarly for

Nanoengineering: A Toolbox of Standards for Health and Safety

IEC/TC113, for example, liaison with IEC/TC47 Semiconductor Devices and IEC/TC119 Printed Electronics. Externals liaisons exist too, including ISO/TC229 with OECD-WPMN (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentdWorking Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials), with BIPM (Bureau International des Poids et Mesures), with IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry), with EC-JRC (European Commission-Joint Research Center), and with the ANF (Asia Nano Forum), to name just a few. Another important part of the process is that ISO and IEC standards, when published, are available for adoption in ISO and IEC member countries. Each country’s national standards system determines the applicability of such documents with the process to follow modeled on ISO/IEC international Directives. As an example, in Canada selective standards for nanotechnologies are being adopted following a national standards body accredited process. The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) is the national standards body in Canada, with multiple SDOs formally accredited to adopt ISO and IEC standards as National Standards of Canada. The first ISO standard for nanotechnologies adopted in Canada, CSA Z12885-12, was published in 2012 through CSA Group [7]. CSA Z12885-12 is titled NanotechnologiesdExposure control program for engineered nanomaterials in occupational settings and provides guidance for the safe use of nanomaterials in the workplace. Based on international ISO/TR 12885 NanotechnologiesdHealth and safety practices in occupational settings relevant to nanotechnologies [8] published in 2008, this standard includes information on nanotechnologies including characterization, health effects, exposure assessments, and control practices plus added guidance for Canadian practices for health and safety management in the workplace. Referring to it can assist companies, researchers, workers, and others to address health and safety during handling, processing, use, and disposal of manufactured nanomaterials. This advice is broadly applicable across a range of nanomaterials and applications. More detail on this standard is provided in section 5.3. Similar to this first-adopted nanotechnology standard, other ISO and IEC standards are being considered for adoption to meet Canadian needs for safe use of nanotechnologies and to support commercialization. In general, in-country adoption of standards is encouraged by ISO and IEC. It is, to an extent, a final step in a country’s commitment as an ISO or IEC member, being somewhat an endorsement of the standard by representative in-country stakeholders for national implementation. In the European Union other means also exist to develop standards separately and publish ISO and IEC standards on a regional basis, for example, CEN and CENELEC standards respectively, with applicability to all EU countries. If an ISO or IEC standard is adopted as a CEN or CENELEC standard, national adoption is obligatory for EU national members.




Alternately, some other countries may not carry through to national adoption and instead may refer to selected international ISO or IEC standards directly where there is value to do so. For nanotechnology standards, some countries may be taking a wait-and-see approach before in-country adopting of select standards, recognizing the evolving and expanding science for this subject area. Such countries may consider national adoption later, for example, when an ISO TS may be further updated and subjected to additional review steps to become a full International Standard. One must refer to a country’s national standards body for the process followed for adoption and use of ISO and IEC standards, and for country or region-specific practices.

5. ISO AND IEC STANDARDS FOR NANOTECHNOLOGIESdTOOLBOX SPECIFICS FOR HEALTH AND SAFETY With background and the standards process explained, highlights of select ISO/IEC standards for nanotechnologies are next presented in order by WG subject. For each WG an overview is provided along with the WG’s relevancy to health and safety issues in nanotechnologies.

5.1 Standards for Terminology and Nomenclature JWG1, Terminology and Nomenclature, of ISO/TC229 and IEC/TC113 have developed a base of terminology for effective communications and common language for testing, classification work, toxicity analysis, health studies, and for enabling trade. A joint ISO/IEC 80004 NanotechnologiesdVocabulary series has been systematically developed to provide basic and complex language for the field of nanotechnologies. As of 2014, over 400 science-based terms and definitions for nanotechnologies have been defined for direct use and as a base for descriptors for other purposes, for example, regulatory needs. The multiple parts in the ISO/IEC 80004 Nanotechnology vocabulary series of standards are listed here, each providing terms published and under development with definitions specific to the indicated subject: TS 80004-1 Part 1: Core terms TS 80004-2 Part 2: Nano-objects TS 80004-3 Part 3: Carbon nano-objects TS 80004-4 Part 4: Nanostructured materials TS 80004-5 Part 5: Nano/bio interface TS 80004-6 Part 6: Nano-object characterization TS 80004-7 Part 7: Diagnostics and therapeutics for healthcare TS 80004-8 Part 8: Nanomanufacturing processes Being developed: Nano-enabled electrotechnical products and systems Being developed: Nanolayer, nanocoating, nanofilm and related terms

Nanoengineering: A Toolbox of Standards for Health and Safety

Being developed: Quantum phenomena in nanotechnology Being developed: Graphene and other 2-D materials [9]. The terms and definitions in this vocabulary series are subject to a systematic review process. New terms and revisions will occur as science and new understanding of nanotechnologies evolves. Some parts in the series provide general terms with horizontal application over multiple sectors, for example, core terms, nanomanufacturing processes, etc., while other parts focus on specific materials emerging as priorities in research and commercialization, like carbon nano-objects (for carbon nanotubes), nanofilms, graphene, and anticipated future topics, for example, cellulosic nanomaterials. Other vocabulary parts may be added at the direction of ISO/IEC member countries. The work of JWG1 includes open communication with JWG2 and WG3 experts of ISO/TC229 to assist toward common language for characterization of nanomaterials for example, what and how to measure nanomaterials, and for health and safety, for example, risk assessment. Reaching consensus among international JWG1 terminology experts has been a challenge. At the start, some nanotechnology-related terms were already in general use, for example, “nanotechnology” and “nanoparticle.” As well, some areas were at their infancy as to common global understanding. To assist with these development challenges, a terminology framework technical report, ISO/TR 12802 NanotechnologiesdModel taxonomic framework for use in developing vocabulariesdCore concepts was developed first by JWG1 [10]. A recommendation from this report was to maintain a hierarchical relationship among primary core terms for nanotechnologies. This was followed as subsequent key vocabularies (terms and definitions) were developed by JWG1. The collaborative work of JWG1, in addition to member countries providing experts, relied on additional input through liaison with internal bodies (liaisons with other ISO TCs) and external bodies (organizations beyond the ISO/IEC committee structure). With many vocabulary parts published, and with intent to promote the use of common terms in the joint ISO/IEC 80004 NanotechnologiesdVocabulary series, these are readily accessed as individual vocabulary parts, or as individual terms and definitions, via the ISO Online Browsing Platform at Once there, select “Terms and definitions” and enter the term to retrieve its full ISO/ IEC definition [11]. Highlights of health and safety relevant vocabulary parts in the ISO/IEC 80004 NanotechnologiesdVocabulary series are presented next in overview. For TS 80004-1 NanotechnologiesdVocabularydPart 1: Core terms, a hierarchy for the core term “nanomaterial” is followed as in Figure 1. This hierarchy and others expand to multiple terms and their definitions to support a common science-based language for use by researchers, producers, government, users, and others. The fundamental terms in ISO/TS 80004-1 Part 1dCore terms describe major concepts and properties at the nanoscale. The core terms including “nanoscience,” “nanotechnology,” and “nanomaterial,” and associated terms are downward





Nano-object Any external dimension in the nanoscale

Nanostructured material Internal or surface structure in the nanoscale

Figure 1 Hierarchy of terms for “nanomaterial” from ISO/TS 80004-1 [12].

applicable to specialized fields. These have seen growing use in research papers, related documents, and associated standards. Such are complimented by terms and definitions for product and specialty areas drawn from terms defined in other ISO and IEC TCs, as well as terms provided by other standards developers, for example, BSI Group (formerly British Standards Institution), ASTM International (formerly American Society for Testing and Materials), and IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). In JWG1 work, transparency in meaning for multiple languages is strived for. Overall, progress has been good; however, globally accepted common language for nanotechnologies is still a lofty goal, as for any science-based discipline. An amendment round for Part 1 in 2014 informatively states that health and safety considerations for nanomaterials may be influenced by a complex interplay of nanomaterial parameters. Such information is further expanded upon in standards developed under WG3 of ISO/TC229. Part 2 of the vocabulary series, TS 80004-2 NanotechnologiesdPart 2: Nano-objects [9] replaces ISO/TS 27687 [13]. This earlier version, ISO/TS 27687 was published in 2008 prior to the forming of the ISO/IEC TS 80004 vocabulary series. It provides basic terminology applicable to “nano-objects.” The term “nano-object” stems from the need for a means to describe a nanomaterial as a physically discrete entity in its primary, nonaggregated form, typically at or below 100 nanometers (nm). A one, two, and three external dimension categorization for subset terms under nano-objects shown in Figure 2 was formulated by JWG1 experts in 2006 soon after the forming of ISO/ TC229. Other nano-object-related terms are found in ISO/TS 27687 [13] and have been carried and added to the new ISO/TS 80004-2. This includes terms like “agglomerate” and “aggregate,” both common in other product sectors, but defined as to applicability in nanotechnologies with use and relevance in health and safety assessments. As well, the equivalent relationship of the term “nanoparticle” and “ultrafine particle” is documented.

Nanoengineering: A Toolbox of Standards for Health and Safety

Nano-object One or more external dimensions in the nanoscale




Three external dimensions in the nanoscale

Two external dimensions in the nanoscale

One external dimension in the nanoscale

Nanorod Solid nanofibre

Nanotube Hollow nanofibre

Nanowire Electrically conducƟng nanofibre

Figure 2 Hierarchy of terms for “nano-object” from ISO/TS 27687 [13].

With carbon nanotubes, a prominent material for research and commercialization, terms specific to “carbon” nano-objects are defined in TS 80004-3 Nanotechnologiesd VocabularydPart 3: Carbon nano-objects, first published in 2010 [14]. Part 3 provides definitions for terms including single-wall and multiwall carbon nanotubes as well as other dimensional forms of carbon nano-objects, for example, “carbon nanoribbon.” Continuing to Part 4, TS 80004-4 titled NanotechnologiesdVocabularydPart 4: Nanostructured materials [15] covers nanomaterial regions and surfaces at the nanoscale, defined with relevant subcategories including nanostructured powders, nanocomposites, solid nanofoam, nanoporous material, and fluid nanodispersions. There are two other important parts in the ISO/IEC 80004 vocabulary series that integrally support health and safety topics in nanotechnologies. First, TS 80004-6 NanotechnologiesdVocabularydPart 6: Nano-object characterization [16], which engaged global interests from both JWG1 Terminology and Nomenclature and JWG2 Measurement and Characterization WGs. Shared expertise produced over 80 terms and definitions for common metrics, methods of measurement, descriptors, and instrumentation that are often applied to characterize nanomaterials. This includes terms related to measurands for size and shape, scattering techniques, aerosol characterization, separation techniques,




Table 1 Alphabetical list of main current techniques for nano-object characterization [16] Property Current main techniques


Atomic force microscopy (AFM), centrifugal liquid sedimentation (CLS), differential mobility analyzing system (DMAS), dynamic light scattering (DLS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), particle tracking analysis (PTA), transmission electron microscopy (TEM)


Atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM)

Surface area

Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) method

“Surface” chemistry

Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)

Chemistry of the “bulk” sample

Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR)

Charge in suspensions

Zeta potential

microscopy, surface area measurement, chemical analysis, measurement of mass, crystallinity, and charge measurement in suspensions. Many new tools and instrumentation have made nanotechnologies possible, allowing discovery and characterization of materials at the nanoscale. Table 1 provides an alphabetic list of main current techniques for nano-object characterization. The techniques listed here are not intended to be exhaustive. Common terms and definitions in ISO/TS 80004-6 Nanotechnologiesd VocabularydPart 6: Nano-object characterization assist with effective comparability among laboratories and support reliable exchange of information. Those involved in characterizing nanomaterials may extend beyond materials scientists, biologists, chemists, or physicists, and include regulators and toxicologists. Conclusions reached in risk management for health and safety depends on reproducible, traceable measurements communicated using globally accepted terms and well-documented measurement methods. The reader is encouraged to seek out and use the terminology provided in the ISO/TS 80004-6 vocabulary standard. The second important ISO/IEC vocabulary part in the series to mention is TS 80004-8 NanotechnologiesdVocabularydPart 8: Nanomanufacturing processes [17]. In Part 8: ‘Nanomanufacturing’ is defined as the intentional synthesis, generation or control of nanomaterials, or fabrication steps in the nanoscale for commercial purpose applied to produce nanoobjects or nanostructured materials. [17]

For health and safety, the process can be important to understand the means to produce a nanomaterial, and to build information on potential hazards, if any, in relation to similar processes.

Nanoengineering: A Toolbox of Standards for Health and Safety

As further introduction in Part 8, the TS 80004-8 states that Advancing nanotechnology from the laboratory into volume production ultimately requires careful study of manufacturing process issues including product design, reliability and quality, process design and control, shop floor operations, supply chain management, workplace safety and health practices during production, use, and handling of nanomaterials. Nanomanufacturing encompasses directed self-assembly and assembly techniques, synthetic methodologies, and fabrication such as lithography and biological processes. Nanomanufacturing also includes bottom-up directed assembly, top-down high resolution processing, molecular systems engineering, and hierarchical integration with larger scale systems [17].

Terms defined in NanotechnologiesdVocabularydPart 8, are grouped under direct assembly, self-assembly and synthesis. The latter is categorized based on the phase, gas, liquid, or solid for both physical and chemical methods. Fabrication processes are also defined including those related to lithography, deposition, etching, printing, and coating. Listed processes may not be exclusive to the nanoscale and may result in material features at larger scales. Understanding the process can assist in health and safety analysis, and for comparison with processes already widely used. Then, focus on the nano-enabled aspect can assist to identify underlying differences that may require further evaluation. Hence access to TS 80004-8 NanotechnologiesdVocabularydPart 8: Nanomanufacturing processes, for the terms and definitions therein, is another valuable resource for health and safety reviews and understanding of processes and methods used in nanotechnologies.

5.2 Standards for Measurement and Characterization The development of standards by JWG2 from ISO/TC229 and IEC/TC113 for measurement and characterization considers methods, metrology, and reference materials to support industry and commerce, and provides methods that may support assessment of toxicity and hazards. As outlined in the previous section, in the summary of TS 80004-6 NanotechnologiesdVocabularydPart 6: Nano-object characterization [16] many methods exist (Table 1) and are the subject of research to provide methods for measurement of significant nanomaterial parameters. For JWG2’s first wave of method-specific standards, eight TSs for single-wall carbon nanotubes have been published. Others JWG2 measurement method TSs have followed, for example, methods specific to multiwall carbon nanotubes, gold nanoparticles, quantum dots, and nanoscale powders. Each typically provides sections with detail on measurement principles, sample preparation, procedures, data analysis, interpretation and reporting of results, often with informative illustrated case studies. Some identify measurement uncertainties, which must be considered for reliable and reproducible characterization.




Additionally, a series of questions is routinely asked before new work item proposals (new standards to develop) are accepted into the JWG2-ISO/TC229 work portfolio and when completed drafts are reviewed. For multiple measurands typically necessary to characterize a nanomaterial, this includes but is not limited to, questions (simplified) as follows: • Can the nanomaterial being measured be clearly described? • Is the measurand unnecessarily restrictive? • Is the measurand clearly described? • Is the measurand operationally or method-defined or is it an intrinsic property? • Is the measurement unit defined and are tools for metrological traceability available? • Has the method been validated in one or more laboratories? • Are quality control tools available to demonstrate a laboratory’s proficiency with the test method? • Have the results for the measurement method been published in peer-reviewed journals by several laboratories? • Is the instrumentation required to perform the test widely available; and • Is there a proposed level of measurement uncertainty? [18] The many robust standards from JWG2 that work to address these questions provide a growing resource of documents on measurement, instrumentation methods, and best practices. Such can provide critical base information on material characterization that can guide health and safety assessments in nanotechnologies. This leads us to the next working group of ISO/TC229 which is WG3 Health, Safety and Environmental Aspects of Nanotechnologies.

5.3 Standards for Health, Safety and Environmental Aspects of Nanotechnologies Research in nanotechnologies seeks to isolate and control properties and process for desired function in new and modified products, often referred to as nano-enabled and nano-enhanced products. Functional boundaries for properties are often delineated by material classification, sequence of processes, and specification limits for relevant parameters. Similar classification and limits for nanomaterials, along with understanding their handling and processing may assist toward identifying and quantifying toxicity, addressing safety in the workplace, and setting acceptable boundaries to protect human health. This combined with understanding of the risk of exposure through a product’s life cycle forms a basis for risk management with appropriate controls for health, safety, and the environment. This applies from material synthesis, component fabrication, assembly, and material, component, or product use by an intermediary or consumer, through to end of product life including disposal. For example, hazards may exist for the scientist in the lab and for the worker in the factory. Both are workplaces where risk needs to be assessed and managed. There may be

Nanoengineering: A Toolbox of Standards for Health and Safety

unknowns and partial unknowns for nanomaterials. Similarly, environmental fate of materials, from raw materials processing, intermediate components to products and disposal along this chain, needs to be assessed and managed. In responsible circles, a precautionary approach for workplace safety is being followed. WG3 of ISO/TC229, titled Health, Safety and Environmental Aspects of Nanotechnologies has a road map to provide general health, safety and environmental standards as well as standard methods for nanomaterials. Thirteen standards from WG3-ISO/TC229 have been published as of 2014. Select standards from WG3 are highlighted following, each being important toolbox resources to refer to and apply. First, as introduced earlier, ISO/TR 12885 NanotechnologiesdHealth and safety practices in occupational settings relevant to nanotechnologies [8] provides comprehensive guidance on health and safety for use of nanomaterials in the workplace. It is one of the first completed standards from WG3 of ISO/TC229, published in 2008. As one country’s experience, Canada has adopted this standard as CSA Z12885dNanotechnologiesdExposure control program for engineered nanomaterials in occupational settings [7] and added content on health and safety management specific to occupational health and safety (OHS) practices in Canada. At time of adoption by Canada, the collected resource information and best practices in ISO/TR 12885 was reviewed by an in-Canada committee with representation by research, producer, user, labor and general interests. Being a technical report with informative content only, a normative supplement for Canada was added to: 1. Reinforce the precautionary principle; 2. Follow the familiar Plan-Do-Check-Act model of CAN/CSA-Z1000 Occupational health and safety management1 [19]; and 3. Additionally addresses training requirements and worker engagement. This standard in either form, as an ISO Technical Report or as a CSA Standard, is an essential resource that introduces the unique properties and fabrication methods for nanomaterials. Highlighted are carbon nanotubes, nanoscale oxides and metals, quantum dots, organic polymeric nanomaterials, and bioinspired nanomaterials. A hazard characterization section outlines health and safety dangers and how these may apply to these same nanomaterials. Risk of exposure is covered, with reference to both scientific and practical methods of assessment. Action on risk assessment may be taken through well-explained control methodologies including means to augment risk factors through preventative practices, monitoring of health and stewardship. The risk evaluation process is covered in more detail in another technical report from WG3 of ISO/TC229, ISO/TR 13121 NanotechnologiesdNanomaterial risk evaluation


Similar management standards and OHS practices may be applicable in other countries.




[20]. Advances in science and technology are often a balance between risk and reward. Whether referring to impact on the human health, the environment or unsustainable resources, technology must balance both positive and negative traits. ISO/TR13121 describes a process for nanomaterial risk evaluation in an adaptable framework for use regardless of operational scale, for risk analysis of nanomaterials through the supply chain from raw material procurement, processing, assembly, product use, to end-of-life disposal. Steps are provided to evaluate risks and then assess risk management options including steps to decide, document, act, review, and adapt. Annexes include health hazard, environment hazard/fate data sets, life cycle properties, and exposure profiles or physical and chemical properties, a tiered testing approach, health and environmental hazard data, an output worksheet, and other reference material. The Technical Report is based on the Nano-Risk Framework, an approach created by the United States Environmental Defense Fund and DuPont [21]. As overview, a first step in risk evaluation describes the material, for example, its chemical composition, physical structure and form, concentration, solubility, and aggregation and agglomeration state. With this, material source, material manufacture, product fabrication, and packaging must be reviewed for the intended use, including maintenance and reuse, and end of life, with consideration of recycling and waste management. Questions are provided in ISO/TR 13121 to assist in the evaluation with three sets of “profiles” created. Information is collected for data sets on the: 1. Nanomaterial’s physical and chemical properties; 2. Inherent environmental, health, and safety (EHS) hazards; and 3. Potential human and environmental exposures throughout the nanomaterial’s life cycle [20]. Missing data, variations in properties, anticipated changes across the life cycle, and relevance of hazard endpoints to specific routes of exposure are addressed. An output worksheet provides a means for the collection, evaluation, management, and communication of data in the risk evaluation process. Evaluation steps include review of the hazard and exposure profiles, application of uncertainty factors, assessing the potential for, and consequences of, changes in material and applications, and the need to identify knowledge gaps. Real data or reasonable worstcase scenarios are planned means to fill data sets to move to the next step, assess risk management options. A case-by-case approach is recommended with a performance-based level of risk management. The hierarchy sited as guidance from “most effective to least effective” controls is the following: 1. Elimination, substitution, or reduction of the material, process, or condition that presents the hazard; 2. Engineering controls;

Nanoengineering: A Toolbox of Standards for Health and Safety

3. Warnings; 4. Training, procedural, and administrative controls; and 5. Personal protective equipment [20]. A decide, document and act phase, followed by a review and adapting step completes the assessment. The organization is recommended to include regular and as-needed reviews “to ensure that the information, evaluations, decisions, and actions regarding manufactured nanomaterials are kept up-to-date. These reviews could be integrated into an organization’s existing processes such as the ‘management review’ step in ISO 9001 or 14001” [20]. Overall, the risk evaluation framework for manufactured nanomaterials found in ISO/TR 13121 is a valuable resource. In Canada, this same guidance-based technical report from ISO has been adopted as a National Standard of Canada, designated as CAN/CSA ISO/TR13121 NanotechnologiesdNanomaterial risk evaluation [22]. Another document from WG3 of ISO/TC229 is ISO/TR 13014 Nanotechnologiesd Guidance on physicochemical characterization of engineered nanoscale material for toxicological assessment [23]. It provides guidance on critical characteristics for nanomaterials at all stages of life cycle to assist in assessing and interpreting the toxicological effect of manufactured nano-objects. The four steps of the risk assessment process are explained, which includes the following: 1. Hazard identification; 2. Doseeresponse assessment; 3. Exposure assessment; and 4. Risk characterization. The most relevant physicochemical characteristics are identified in three groups: 1. Physical, including parameters for particle size and particle size distribution, aggregation/agglomeration state, shape, and surface area; 2. Composition and surface chemistry; and 3. Interaction influences including surface charge, solubility, and dispersibility [23]. Potential problems are covered including confounding and variations in batch-tobatch formulations. For each physicochemical characterization a descriptor, clarification, relevance, measurand, examples of methods, and examples of current standards are presented. Measurement uncertainty is explained specific to nano-objects. Reference to ISO/TR 13014 NanotechnologiesdGuidance on physico-chemical characterization of engineered nanoscale material for toxicological assessment [23] can be a useful resource for detailed nanomaterial characterizations. Next, ISO/TR 13329 NanomaterialsdPreparation of material safety data sheet (MSDS) [24] also from WG3 provides guidance for preparation of safety data sheets (SDS) for manufactured nanomaterials. Note that MSDSs are transitioning to SDSs under the new GHS (Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals) being implemented in many countries (




Communication of workplace health and safety information is fundamental to health and safety measures for handling and use of chemicals. The report recommends to prepare an SDS for all manufactured nanomaterials unless testing or assessment have indicated that the nanomaterial is nonhazardous, or that it is not likely that there can be release or exposure of the nanomaterial, or that certain identified cut-off levels are met. This is guidance criteria only that may be superseded by legislated protocols. Hazard identification in SDSs needs to be clear and in conformance to the GHS. This technical report assists in understanding and means toward providing relevant entries of information on SDSs. Other related information is provided, for example, guidance on mixtures. As well, the high-reactivity of some nanomaterial forms, particularly powders that have fire, explosion, or catalytic reaction hazards are described as an alert to include on the SDS where applicable. In informative annexes in ISO/TR 13329 there are sample measurement methods and reference standards linked to specific measurement parameters considered relevant to toxicological testing, for example, particle size, aggregation/agglomeration state, shape, surface area, composition, surface chemistry, surface charge, and dispersibility. The reader is reminded that ISO standards are subject to update thus the listed parameters and references in the Annex are not inclusive. Two additional TSs from WG3 of ISO/TC229 build upon specific aspects of ISO/ TR 12885 discussed earlier. First, ISO/TS 12901-1 NanotechnologiesdOccupational risk management applied to engineered nanomaterialsdPart 1: Principles and approaches [25] was published in 2012 providing expanded guidance for risk management in occupational settings. Like its predecessor, it provides a brief overview of common nanomaterials including fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, nanowires, quantum dots, nanoscale metals and metal oxides, carbon black, dendrimers, and nanoclays. Potential health issues for nanomaterials with risk for of inhalation, dermal exposure, or ingestion are outlined. Referral to in-country requirements for use of chemicals or hazardous substances is emphasized. An eight-step risk management framework based on United Kingdom regulations has been adapted to nanomaterials, for potential use in other countries and jurisdictions. The adapted steps first validate competency of those involved in the assessment. This is followed by information collection, health risk evaluation including fire or explosion risk, determining control measures, informing and educating workers, evaluation of controls, health surveillance, and spillage, accidental release, disposal procedures and prevention of fire and explosion. Evaluation of controls includes a comprehensive list of instruments for direct and indirect measurement of number (of particles), mass, and surface area concentration, along with sampling strategies and limitations. For information, control approaches are provided in an annex with a table with entries for several types of nanomaterials, with numeric guidance from current literature as to the effectiveness of controls including enclosure, LEV (local exhaust ventilation) and

Nanoengineering: A Toolbox of Standards for Health and Safety

fume hoods. The challenge of establishing OELs (occupational exposure limits) for nanomaterials is discussed with case study examples provided. A benchmark levels approach is presented with default to the precautionary approach for situations for missing product information. The second TS in the occupational risk management series from WG3 is ISO/TS 12901-2 NanotechnologiesdOccupational risk management applied to engineered nanomaterialsd Part 2: Use of the control banding approach [26]. Recognizing that specific OELs for nanomaterials may still be in the distant future, control banding is presented, in this TS published in 2014, as one approach to controlling workplace exposure for nano-objects, their agglomerates and aggregates. For note, the materials combination of a nano-object, their agglomerates and aggregates, is referred to by the acronym NOAA in this and other ISO/TC229 standards. Control banding for use with nanomaterials has been adapted from its use in the pharmaceutical industry as a means to work more safely with chemicals with limited or no toxicity information available. Control banding is intended to complement traditional quantitative methods, grouping hazard and exposure risk into bands from which recommended control measures may be derived for application to workplace safety, as well as workplace maintenance and cleaning operations with potential for contact with nanomaterials. A review and adapt step completes the process to ensure new information is properly assessed and adjustments are made for continual improvement. The use of the control banding may require trial application to specific nanomaterials. As well, minor modification of the methods may be required to comply with national requirements. However, such guidance can assist with risk management in occupational settings for workplace health and safety. Hence ISO/TS 12901-2 Part 2: Use of the control banding approach [26] is another important resource document for the nanotechnology practitioner. For information to the reader, establishing OELs for nanomaterials is the subject of a new project, an approved work item (AWI) of ISO/TC229-WG3 designated as ISO/AWI TR 18637 General framework for the development of OELs for nano-objects and their aggregates and agglomerates [27]. This will be a first ISO/TC229 technical report on this subject. This ground-breaking work is engaging global experts to scope out needs and capability toward determining such limits, if achievable, for nanomaterials. This will build on starting efforts by select countries and industry interests to establish such limits. There are other standards from WG3 of ISO/TC229, in accordance with the WG3 road map plan that have been published and are in the process of development to further address relevant health, safety, and environmental aspects of nanotechnologies. Methods for assessing the toxicity of some nanomaterials are still at early stages of development, with progress being made in other forums as well, for example, in global regulatory activities by the OECD to validate testing protocols for nanomaterials.




5.4 Standards for Material Specifications Standards from WG4, Material Specifications of ISO/TC229 specify relevant characteristics of engineered nanomaterials to facilitate communication between buyers and sellers of nanomaterials. A first standard from WG4 is ISO/TS 12805 Nanotechnologiesd Materials specificationsdGuidance on specifying nano-objects [28]. It presents a thorough system of specifications and measurements to improve the communication of nanoobject design and performance. The intent of the information for material characteristics in this TS is to assist to the following: 1. Avoid inadequate information that may influence performance and/or process; 2. Ensure that correct measurement method is used; and 3. Ensure that the measurement technique is correctly applied [28]. Batch-to-batch or lot-to-lot consistency is a goal with guidance provided on characteristics that might have influenced on product performance and downstream processing. Measurement methods are proposed divided between those more appropriate for production environments versus more costly, less-frequent assessments using more specialized equipment, for example, scanning probe microscopy. Guidance on specifying the EHS characteristics of manufactured nano-objects is outside the scope of this TS. However, the characteristics measured and methods used may be useful to understand practical measurement techniques that can be applied in a production environment, and possibly in the design lab. As well, a comprehensive table of measurement methods for use in routine quality control in industrial environments is included in an informative appendix.

5.5 Standards for Performance Assessment and ReliabilitydIEC/TC113 IEC/TC113 Nanotechnology standardization for electrical and electronic products and systems complements the activities of ISO/TC229, Nanotechnologies and forms an integral part of global standards development for nanotechnologies. JWG1 and JWG2 are joint WGs between ISO/TC229 and IEC/TC113, with each TC serving as lead on specific standards development projects. WG3, Performance Assessment, specific to IEC/TC113 considers market demand and technology pull with an emphasis on fabrication, processing, and process control. Standards following the IEC/TC113 business plan are intended to address all stages in the life cycle of electrotechnical products enabled by nanotechnology with focus on products whose performance is inherently related to the use of nanomaterials and nanoprocesses. WG7, Reliability, also specific to IEC/TC113, has the following scope: To develop standards for the assessment of reliability in the field of nano electrotechnology. Focus is on failure mechanisms and failure modes related to the use of nanomaterials, material interfaces and nanoscale contacts with consideration to size dependent

Nanoengineering: A Toolbox of Standards for Health and Safety

effects. Standards to be developed include test methods to identify failure mechanisms, determine lifetime, analyze failure effects and estimate durability of nano-enabled products [6].

Examples of IEC/TC113 product sectors include nano-enabled batteries, photovoltaic cells, nanoscale electronics, and lighting devices, such as LEDs. It is recommended that if in-depth data is required for such devices that standards from IEC/TC113 be scanned for measurement techniques and specifications for related nanomaterials and nano-enabled components, products, and systems.

6. WHAT IS EXPECTED FOR THE FUTURE? Recalling the standards needs survey of nanotech industry in Canada, the priorities were as follows: 1. Need for common language (terminology and nomenclature) 2. Support for measurement 3. Mitigate public concerns about implications for health and the environment a. Workplace safety (for the worker) b. Need for a risk evaluation framework c. Toxicity/hazard potential d. Protection of the environment e. Product safety (for the user) 4. Enable trade by simplifying import/export [2]. Each of these easily map to the plans and delivered standards, from the WGs of ISO/ TC229 and IEC/TC113. With many standards published, progress is clearly being made to fulfill these priorities. It is not suggested that the work is done, but a strong foundation of standards for nanotechnologies now exists. Other activities that may be of interest to the nanotechnology practitioner are the Task Groups of ISO/TC229, specifically the Nanotechnologies and Sustainability Task Group and the Consumer and Societal Dimensions Task Group. These work hand-in-hand with the ISO/TC229 WGs to assist to ensure that communication and awareness of sustainability, consumer and societal issues are considered during the development of standards. Like the volunteer national experts of the WGs, participants on ISO and IEC task groups are voluntary experts from ISO and IEC member countries. In general, persons involved in nanotechnologies are encouraged to become involved in ISO and IEC standards work. This can support your current and future goals, providing networking opportunities with like-minded experts from around the world to share and expand your knowledge of nanotechnologies. In summary, standards work for nanotechnologies continues concurrently with research and commercialization. Since standards are “living” documents they are subject to revision to keep pace with science and technology, including




requirements and best practices for health and safety. New work items for standards will be initiated to complete road maps and respond to new priorities; for example, the previously mentioned ISO/TC229 Study Group for Nanotechnology and Biological Systems. Continuing research and progress in commercialization will fill gaps, generate needs in standards, and assist to resolve health and safety issues. Nanotechnologies supported by standards will advance responsible and sustainable global trade in nano-enhanced and nano-enabled products and systems.

7. SOURCES FOR FURTHER INFORMATION NanoengineeringdA Recommended Toolbox of Standards for Health and Safety The following toolbox of standards will support and assist in understanding for research, health and safety issues, and commercialization for nanotechnologies. For terminology the ISO/IEC 80004 nanotechnology vocabulary series provides terms and definitions. A recommended sampling of parts in this series for common language and better communications includes the following: 1. ISO/TS 80004-1 Part 1: Core terms 2. ISO/TS 80004-2 Part 2: Nano-objects 3. ISO/TS 80004-4 Part 4: Nanostructured materials 4. ISO/TS 80004-6 Part 6: Nano-object characterization 5. ISO/TS 80004-8 Part 8: Nanomanufacturing processes. Individual terms and their definitions from the ISO/IEC 80004 series above can be accessed on the ISO Online Browsing Platform at, select “Terms and definitions” and enter the term [11]. Recommended health and safety standards for nanotechnologies include: 6. CSA Z12885 NanotechnologiesdExposure control program for engineered nanomaterials in occupational settings, or ISO/TR 12885 Nanotechnologiesd Health and safety practices in occupational settings relevant to nanotechnologies 7. CAN/CSA ISO/TR 13121 NanotechnologiesdNanomaterial risk evaluation or ISO/TR 13121, NanotechnologiesdNanomaterial risk evaluation 8. ISO/TR 13329 NanomaterialsdPreparation of material safety data sheet (MSDS) 9. ISO/TS 12901-1 NanotechnologiesdOccupational risk management applied to engineered nanomaterialsdPart 1: Principles and approaches 10. ISO/TS 12901-2 NanotechnologiesdOccupational risk management applied to engineered nanomaterialsdPart 2: Use of the control banding approach Another useful reference standard for material specification is:

Nanoengineering: A Toolbox of Standards for Health and Safety

11. ISO/TS 12805 NanotechnologiesdMaterials SpecificationsdGuidance on specifying nano-objects. Many other ISO/IEC nanotechnologies standards are available but have not been listed for sake of brevity. Refer to the Internet-accessible lists to seek out other standards that may be of interest for your field. This may include, in addition the recommended toolbox, standards for measurement and characterization of nanomaterials from JWG2, guidance on labeling of consumer products from ISO/ TC229-WG3, nomenclature (a naming system plan for nanomaterials) from JWG1, and other valuable ISO/TC229 WG3 EHS standards on related topics, with more to be published. As well, if you are a subject matter specialist, consider becoming a volunteer ISO or IEC expert and participate directly in standards development through your national standards body. In conclusion, for a list of ISO/TC229, Nanotechnologies, standards, Internet search on keyword “ISO/TC229,” select “ISO/TC229” then “Work programme.” Then check “Published standards” or “Standards under development.” For a list of IEC/TC113, Nanotechnology standardization for electrical and electronic products and systems standards, Internet search on keyword “IEC/TC113” select “IEC/TC113,” then select “Projects/Publications.”

REFERENCES Permission to reproduce [3], [4], [5] [6], [12] [13], [16] [17], [18] [20], [23], and [28] was provided by SCC. No further reproduction is permitted without prior written approval from SCC. [1] Standards Council of Canada. Program Requirements for the Accreditation of Standards Development Organizations and for the Approval of National Standards of Canada. 2012. p. 14. CAN-P-1. [2] Haydon B. Nanotechnologies Industry Trends and Priorities in Canada for Standards Development. CSA Group 2009:8. [3] International Organization for Standardization. ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, Consolidated ISO SupplementdProcedures Specific to ISO. 5th ed. 2014. [4] International Organization for Standardization. ISO/TC229 Business Plan, from livelink/livelink/fetch/2000/2122/687806/ISO_TC_229__Nanotechnologies_.pdf? nodeid¼6507632&vernum¼-2 [retrieved on March 10, 2014]. [5] International Organization for Standardization. ISO/TC229 front pageeScope, from http://www.¼381983 [retrieved on March 10, 2014]. [6] International Electrotechnical Commission. IEC/TC113, from p¼103:7:0::::FSP_ORG_ID,FSP_LANG_ID:1315,25 [retrieved on August 12, 2014]. [7] CSA Z12885-12. NanotechnologieseExposure control program for engineered nanomaterials in occupational settings. [8] ISO/TR 12885. NanotechnologiesdHealth and safety practices in occupational settings relevant to nanotechnologies. 2008. [9] International Organization for Standardization. ISO/TC229 pagedWork programme, from http:// commid¼381983&published¼on&development¼on [retrieved on March 10, 2014]. [10] ISO/TR 12802:2010, NanotechnologiesdModel taxonomic framework for use in developing vocabulariesdCore concepts.




[11] ISO Online Browsing Platform. Terms and Definitions, from [retrieved on March 10, 2014]. [12] ISO/TS 80004e1:2010, NanotechnologiesdVocabularydPart 1: Core terms, Figure 1-Nanomaterial framework. [13] ISO/TS 27687:2008, NanotechnologiesdTerminology and definitions for nanoobjectsdNanoparticle, nanofibre and nanoplate, Figure 2, Fragment of hierarchy of terms related to nano-objects. [14] ISO/TS 80004e3:2010, NanotechnologiesdVocabularydPart 3: Carbon nano-objects. [15] ISO/TS 80004e4:2011, NanotechnologiesdVocabularydPart 4: Nanostructured materials. [16] ISO/TS 80004e6:2013, NanotechnologiesdVocabularydPart 6: Nano-object characterization, Table 1. [17] ISO/TS 80004e8:2013, NanotechnologiesdVocabularydPart 8: Nanomanufacturing processes. [18] ISO/TC229dIEC/TC113/JWG2 Metrological check-list for use in preparation and evaluation of ISO NWIPs and ISO WDs, ISO/TC 229 N 673, 2010. [19] CAN/CSA-Z1000-06 (R2011) Occupational health and safety management. [20] ISO/TR 13121:2011 NanotechnologiesdNanomaterial risk evaluation. [21] Nano-Risk Framework. An approach created by the Environmental Defense Fund and DuPont, For further detail, see [22] CAN/CSA-ISO/TR13121:2013 NanotechnologiesdNanomaterial risk evaluation. [23] ISO/TR 13014:2013 NanotechnologiesdGuidance on physico-chemical characterization of engineered nanoscale material for toxicological assessment. [24] ISO/TR 13329:2012 NanomaterialsdPreparation of material safety data sheet (MSDS). [25] ISO/TS 12901e1:2012, NanotechnologiesdOccupational risk management applied to engineered nanomaterialsdPart 1: Principles and approaches. [26] ISO/TS 12901e2:2014 NanotechnologiesdOccupational risk management applied to engineered nanomaterialsdPart 2: Use of the control banding approach. [27] ISO/AWI TR 18637. General framework for the development of occupational exposure limits for nano-objects and their aggregates and agglomeratesdunder development. [28] ISO/TS 12805:2011 NanotechnologiesdMaterials specificationsdGuidance on specifying nanoobjects.


Risk Management and Good Practices Guidelines Maximilien Debia1, Claude Ostiguy1, 2

1 Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, School of Public Health, Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 2Institut de recherche Robert-Sauve en sante et en securite du travail, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

1. CONTEXT Engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) are produced and used in public and private research laboratories and in several industries. Numerous studies indicate that workers exposed to some ENMs could be at risk of adverse health effects [1,2]. Moreover, nanoparticles (NPs) reveal unique nanoscaled properties and should be considered as new compounds and not only as a miniaturization of substances for which the risks, particularly the toxicological risk, are well known and documented. In the absence of regulated occupational exposure limits and because knowledge about toxicity, flammability, and explosiveness as well as exposure levels are still limited, risk management programs based on the precautionary principle or the “as low as reasonably achievable” (ALARA or “as low as reasonably possible” (ALARP)) principle have to be carried out to minimize exposures to ENMs. The Safe Work Australia (SWA) [3] published a report about the Evidence on the Effectiveness of Workplace Controls to Prevent Exposure. Authors made a summary of risk management guidance documents published and indicated that the “uncertainties about health and safety risks, and the possibility of a long latency period before any symptoms of disease develop, suggest a precautionary approach is required to control the manufacture, use, storage and handling of nanoparticles.” Thus, control strategies and good practices guidelines must be adopted and should tend to minimize worker exposure to nanomaterials and the release of NPs into the workplace and the environment. The guidelines of this chapter will be based on this precautionary approach. Numerous articles, reviews, reports, standards, and good practices guidelines about risk management are available in the literature. Thus, several organizations have developed their own reports to prevent ENMs exposures such as in Australia [3], Great Britain [4], France [5], Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden) [6], the United States [7e9], Quebec [10], and Canada [11]. In addition, several guidance documents regarding different types of NPs are available and indicate specific management strategies which have to be implemented [12,13]. Overall, a number of possible methods Nanoengineering ISBN 978-0-444-62747-6,

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of risk management are available. SWA [14] classified these methods as (1) “Control banding (CB)” applied for the research stage, (2) more comprehensive risk assessment applied for the development/production stages, (3) life cycle risk management frameworks which cover research, development, production, use, disposal/recycling of nanomaterials, and (4) control of workplace exposure and occupational surveillance. The general methods for controlling airborne hazards are known to be efficient for NPs. Stakeholders dealing with NPs’ risk management have thus the responsibility to select the appropriate control strategy considering the type of NPs, the process involved, the regulatory requirements or worker protection standards, the feasibility, the acceptability by workers, and the global uncertainties. Overall, the risk assessment and the risk management are strongly linked and have to be considered as a continuum in the risk prevention plan. Some aspects of the general strategies for assessing the risk of ENMs are presented in this chapter but several are covered in more details in other chapters of this book, such as the challenges for risk assessment of nanomaterials (Chapter 3.2), exposure monitoring (Chapter 3.3), and the personal protective equipment (PPE) (Chapter 3.6). The aim of this chapter is to provide practical guidance regarding the use and the handling of ENMs in the workplaces. The general principles of control hierarchy and other specific strategies used for selecting the appropriate control will be presented in a comprehensive risk management approach.

2. RISK MANAGEMENT Risk management is a comprehensive decision-making process to ensure implementation of effective risk controls [15]. The involvement of upper management, supervisors, and employees are essential to the implementation of successful risk management [10]. The employer manages and supervises the workers, the equipment, and the work methods; consequently, he/she has the obligation to observe all the applicable laws and regulations and take all reasonable means to ensure that its employees work safely. Beyond regulatory obligations, risk management and prevention should be part of the fundamental values of any company. In this sense, a prevention program should be prepared, implemented, evaluated, and constantly improved through an iterative documentation process. Senior executive leadership must materialize through the development of clear and known policies and the allocation of the necessary budgets for an effective ownership of responsibility for occupational health and safety (OHS). Upper management should appoint a person in charge of the prevention program, who will ensure compliance with all the applicable laws and regulations and implementation of the decisions made. This manager is required to do regular follow-up of OHS and ensure the effectiveness of the measures put in place. The OHS manager, accountable to upper management, should have the leeway and the decision-making authority to perform his/her mandate adequately.

Risk Management and Good Practices Guidelines

Design stage Involvement of upper management and employees

Risk assessment Hazard identification and information gathering Exposure assessment Selection and implementation of control and safe work practices

Periodic re-evaluation

Evaluation of the efficiency of the risk prevention measures

Figure 1 Risk management decision-making process.

Employees are the people primarily exposed to risks in the facility. To favor implementation of the best means of prevention, and to develop and apply safe work methods, they must collaborate with the members of the OHS committee or with any other prevention structure adapted to their work environment. They should also follow the training made available to them and apply the safe work methods developed for them. Each worker has obligations and responsibilities regarding safe work. Not only are workers required to comply rigorously with the instructions received but they should also report any unsafe conditions they identify and propose a solution if possible [10]. Risk management should be considered at the design stage because it is the most efficient and least expensive way to select and implement appropriate prevention measures. The risk management process should include hazard identification and information gathering, and exposure assessment which are used for establishing risk assessment. From this risk assessment, industrial processes are selected and engineering controls, administrative procedures, PPE, and a risk prevention strategy including steps to evaluate the efficiency of the risk prevention measures, to train and raise the safety awareness of workers, and to establish safe work practices and good emergency plans are developed and implemented [10,16,17]. Figure 1 presents the components of the risk management decision-making process adapted from Ayotte [15] and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) [7].

3. DESIGN STAGE The design stage of operations using nanomaterials is critical and has to be carried out with the purpose of eliminating or minimizing risks at the source [6,9,10,14e16,18e21]. A poor design will result in future time-consuming and cost-related actions to eliminate




(or reduce) risks associated with nanomaterials. Thus, the design stage plays a decisive role in prevention and is the most critical and the most economical stage for organizations to ensure a safe workplace. First, the building plans and processes should consider the most appropriate agents (suspensions of nanomaterials, pastes, gels, premixed concentrates, encapsulated nanomaterials rather than free particles when possible) and equipment (sealed and automated devices, glove boxes rather than open reactors). Second, the design stage should establish the most appropriate ventilation systems (fume hood, local exhaust ventilation (LEV)), identify storage, conditioning, and shipping area needs as well as plan the work organization. In addition, the design should anticipate accidental releases of nanomaterials and consider cleaning and maintenance operations. By anticipating risks and taking decisions to manage these risks, the design is the cornerstone of the health and safety program which has to anticipate, identify, evaluate, and control occupational hazards. However, anticipation is a complex process which implies estimating the intrinsic hazard of nanomaterials and the exposure potential. These properties are discussed in more details in the following section and in the Chapter 3.2 of this book.

4. RISK ASSESSMENT The risk management includes an action plan for risk control based on the risk assessment results. The action plan is defined by the Anses’ group (Agence nationale de securite sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail in France) as a plan which “guarantees the efficacy of the preventive measures recommended by the control level selected. It takes into account existing preventive measures and reinforces them if necessary” [22]. The elaboration of the action plan and its implementation can be a complex process which needs expert judgment [23]. Thus, the expert judgment is not only used to quantify uncertainties but also to integrate and adapt the action plan in the routine activities. Since the knowledge on hazards and exposures is constantly evolving, it will be necessary to update and reassess the information available on a regular basis. This reassessment will improve the preventive approach and decrease the level of uncertainty with the acquisition of new data. The entire process will gradually move toward a more quantitative risk assessment.

4.1 Hazard Identification and Information Gathering Hazard is “a property inherent in a substance or situation with the potential to cause effects when an organism, a system or a population is exposed to this agent, whereas risk is the probability that effects will occur on an organism, a system or a population in specific circumstances” [10]. Two categories of hazard must be considered regarding NPs’ handling: chemical reactivity (explosiveness, inflammability, or catalytic potential) and toxicity.

Risk Management and Good Practices Guidelines

It is well known that a combustible dust cloud made of pyrophoric materials or air reactive substances can create an explosive atmosphere. Magnesium, aluminum, and lithium are examples of substances with a high explosive potential. Some studies discuss the explosive or reactive potential of ENMs [24e31]. For a specific material, the explosion probability should be much higher for the nanometric size compared to the micrometric powder because the energy and the temperature required for ignition are much lower. Moreover, as mentioned in the report of the SWA [32], importantly, the mass concentration of ENMs in a dust cloud needed for an explosion is orders of magnitude in excess of air levels measured for ENMs in a well-managed workplace. However there are specific situations where the MEC (Minimum Explosive Concentration), may be exceeded, e.g. where production processes are not designed and/or controlled effectively or where handling processes are involved. It should also be appreciated that ENMs tend to stay airborne for considerably longer periods of time when compared to their micron sized counterparts. On the other end, the severity of the explosion is not necessarily higher for nanomaterials because of the interaction and agglomeration of particles. Some ENMs could also constitute fire or catalytic hazards [10]. Chapter 1.5 presents the potential risks in terms of high reactivity, fire, and explosion associated with producing, handling, storing, transport, and disposing of nanomaterials. Numerous studies indicate that workers exposed to some ENMs could be at risk of adverse health effects [1,2]. For example, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) can be responsible for the pathogenic response in the lungs, such as inflammation, granulomas, and pulmonary fibrosis [13]. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and NIOSH have also determined that ultrafine titanium dioxide (TiO2) is a potential occupational carcinogen [12,33]. Toxicity of larger particles is normally well correlated to the mass of the toxic substance but the situation is different in the case of ENMs. Several studies showed clearly that toxicity, for a specific substance, varied substantially according to size for the same ENMs mass [2,34,35]. Other parameters have been identified to influence the toxicity of ENMs. In general, the following factors can be accountable for inducing the toxicity effects of ENMs [1]: • Specific surface area and surface coating • Shapednotably aspect ratio and length of fibers • Number and size of particles • Solubility • Biopersistence • Toxicity of macroscaled equivalents. For each NP used in workplaces, the first step is thus to gather all the available written information allowing identification of the health hazard in the workplace [16]. Figure 2 summarizes different parameters that can be documented regarding the nature of ENMs. They are grouped in six major categories: chemical composition, shape, physicochemical properties, surface modification, dimensions, and dispersion medium. The available information can come from multiple sources: material safety data sheets (or Safety




Chemical composition • Metals • Metal oxides • Carbon • Polymers • Biomolecules • Purity

Shape • Cube • Sphere • Needle • Tube • Aggregate/agglomerate • Shell

Dispersion medium • Airbome aerosols • Gels, colloids, liquids • Solid state (surface or matrix)

Type • Carbon nanotube • Quantum dot • Organic NP • Inorganic NP • Dendrimer • Thin layer

Physico-chemical properties • Specific surface area • Surface charge • Solubility • Hydrophilicity • Hydrophobility • Biopersistence

Dimensions • Granulometric distribution • Number • Primary NP • Aggregates • Agglomerates

Surface modification • Natural NP • Coated NP • Chemically modified NP

Figure 2 Physicochemical characteristics of nanoparticles [10].

Data Sheets using the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) terminology) produced by the manufacturer or importer, articles and reviews available in the written and electronic scientific literature, scientific guide, and previous documentation already collected on the workplaces. For more information about toxicity and health effects associated to ENMs, the reader should consult the Chapter 1.4 of this book.

4.2 Exposure Assessment Qualitative and quantitative exposure assessments can be carried out to identify workplaces or tasks that may expose workers to ENMs. The qualitative exposure assessment involves an examination of the manufacturing process, the intrinsic properties of the ENMs, and the quantity, duration, and frequency of the task [7]. Several situations can favor exposure to nanoaerosols during their production. Among others, we should mention generation of solid ENMs in open or nonairtight enclosures, collection, handling or packaging of nanometric powders, maintenance of equipment and of the

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workplaces, and cleaning of vacuum and ventilation systems. Moreover, some authors have shown that specific high-energy processes such as sanding, milling, sonication, and grinding could also generate airborne ENMs bounded in the matrix [36,37]. The dustiness is a parameter used to estimate the intrinsic propensity of ENMs to become and stay airborne by a prescribed mechanical stimulus [7,38]. Several authors have proposed standardized methods to estimate this parameter [38,39]. However, there is a need to universalize the methodological elements of dustiness testing if we want to develop an efficient tool out of the dustiness test in the risk assessment of worker exposure to NPs. Among the numerous limitations to this objective, we find uncertainty as to which instruments and what parameters to use for the characterization of the critical dimensional parameters of those particles [40]. The quantity, duration, and frequency of a task will influence exposure potential and their evaluation should help in the design of the appropriate control measures. For several years, ENMs quantitative exposure assessment has been a subject of interest and we are still trying to identify the proper metrics that relate exposure levels to human health effects. Tiered approaches are increasingly gaining acceptance as a pragmatic approach to emissions and exposure assessment [41e45]. Documentation of the process is performed first. If there is a potential for NP emission, a preliminary study using a few direct reading instruments (DRIs) covering the nanometric and the micrometric sizes are used in conjunction with sampling for electron microscopy to confirm the presence of nanomaterial. If significant nanomaterial is detected, a more comprehensive field study is thus performed. Brouwer et al. [46] summarized the outcome of the discussions at the “First International Scientific Workshop on Harmonization of Strategies to Measure and Analyse Exposure to Nano-objects in Workplace Air.” The authors indicated that a multimetric approach is needed for assessing worker exposures and that there is a need for guidance on statistical approaches to analyze time series data, and on electron microscopy characterization [46]. The multimetric approach includes number, surface-specific and mass concentrations, particle size distribution analysis and characterization via several methods such as electron microscopy, elemental carbon analysis, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. There are numerous DRIs which can be used to evaluate these parameters such as condensation particles counters (CPC), optical particles counters, laser photometers, diffusion charging monitors, electrical mobility analyzers, and cascade impactors. Despite the fact that DRIs are nonspecific aerosol monitors, they are helpful for testing hypothesis generation, controlling technology evaluations, and monitoring concentration profiles [47e50]. However, Dahm et al. [47] have shown that DRIs may have limited usefulness in assessing and quantifying potential exposures since no clear pattern emerged linking the DRI results to other characterization methods such as the elemental carbon analysis or the microscopy data. See Chapter 3.3 for more information about exposure assessment.




4.3 Control Banding Considering the uncertainties associated with the quantitative assessment of hazards and exposures to ENMs in most situations, CB is currently a widely recommended approach for assessing the risk of handling nanomaterials and many different models exist [22,23,51e55]. The CB risk assessment takes into account existing data (intrinsic properties, toxicological data, exposure data if available, physicochemical data, environmental data, process operations, etc.) and does some conservative assumptions based on a precautionary, an ALARA or an ALARP approach for information gaps. This means that the CB approach uses a totally precautionary approach when important knowledge gaps exist and tends to become more and more quantitative as information becomes available. CB combines risk assessment and risk control by classifying the toxicity and the exposure by groups or bands in a matrix. From the resultant matrix, minimal control bands are proposed. Brouwer et al. [56] have compared six CB approaches for ENMs. The conceptual differences between approaches affect the consistency of the resulting outcomes among the various CB tools [56]. Harmonization of CB approaches for ENMs is needed. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has recently published a technical specification regarding the use of a CB approach in occupational risk management applied to ENMs [57]. See Chapter 3.2 for more information about CB approaches for ENMs.

5. THE HIERARCHY OF CONTROLS FOR ENMS EXPOSURES The hierarchy of controls for engineered NPs is similar to the hierarchy of controls of well-known contaminants. It should be established at the design stage because it is the most efficient and economical way to plan and implement a global and very efficient hierarchy of controls. Complete description of the hierarchy of controls can be found in several occupational hygiene manuals [9,58e60]. Figure 3 summarizes this hierarchy of controls in four large categories. The most effective method of controlling hazards is the intrinsic safety whose objective is to eliminate the risks from entering into the laboratory or the industrial plant right at the design stage. It is followed by engineering controls which eliminate the risks at the source. Engineering controls can be extremely efficient when well designed and the performance optimized through regular maintenance and assessment of performance. Administrative controls are also necessary and complement the previous two approaches. Finally, the use of PPE is essential in situations where other controls cannot be used in practice, e.g., during maintenance, equipment cleaning, or cleanup of spills. Because it is normally the least efficient control measure, respiratory protection should be used in last resort only when the other prevention measures are insufficient to adequately protect the worker. The practical efficiency of

Risk Management and Good Practices Guidelines


Intrinsic safety

Engineering controls

Administrative controls Personal protective equipment

Elimination Substitution Modifying process equipment


Isolation / closed process General and local exhaust ventilation

Training and communication Restrictions and redeployment of workers Individual hygiene Respiratory protection Skin protection


Figure 3 Hierarchy of controls.

these last two categories of controls is often a function of the management leadership and the involvement and behavior of workers.

5.1 Intrinsic Safety The concept of intrinsic safety is based on the elimination, minimization, or substitution of hazardous materials from the workplaces [15,18,19]. This concept is the preferred control strategy since it will remove the hazardous substance from the process, minimize the volume, or substitute/replace the hazardous raw materials, ENMs, processes, equipment, or work practices by less hazardous ones. Intrinsic safety eliminates or at least minimizes the risks before their introduction into the industrial process or the laboratory experimentation. Elimination of NPs is normally impossible to apply since ENMs are always produced or used for their unique mechanical, electrical, magnetic, optical, or chemical properties. In occupational hygiene, the substitution principle is often referred as a broadest term which includes replacing hazardous substances by less hazardous ones, changing from one type of process equipment to another, replacing the process itself (e.g., working with ENMs in suspension rather than in the powder form), or modifying work practices (e.g., wet cleaning rather than using compressed air) [60,61]. Failing to eliminate nanomaterials, substitution of the most hazardous products or processes can promote a safer approach [14,20,62]. However, the replacement of the most toxic and hazardous NPs by less hazardous or the most reactive particles by less reactive ones is usually a challenge since substantial knowledge gaps on the toxicity and reactivity of ENMs still exist. Alinejad et al. [63]




have tested the cytotoxicity of several catalysts used for single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) production using several cytotoxicity assays. The objective was to identify the least toxic of the candidate catalysts. Similar tests could be developed and used to compare the toxicity or reactivity of raw materials or NPs, and then to prioritize the safer development of less hazardous nanomaterials. Several modification processes of NPs are used to change their properties while maintaining required end product properties. Adding functional groups, modifying surface characteristics, changing the form of the material, the particle size and shape, and the crystalline structure are all modification processes reported in the literature. A complete literature review on this topic is presented by SWA [14]. However, knowledge and methods to modify NPs are developing extremely rapidly and the reader should be aware of the latest technological developments. It is also possible to mitigate the risk by using products with less dustiness potential; for example, replacing a process using powders by ones using suspensions, pastes, gels, or premixed concentrates. The use of a less energetic operation process could also reduce the generation of airborne ENMs. Finally, changing working methods, automation, replacing aging equipment, or simplification of processes and procedures to reduce opportunities for errors or accidents are also intrinsic safety methods that will lead to reduced leakage, ignition sources, or malfunctions [10,15]. For users of ENM containing products, Bello et al. [64] showed that replacing a dry cutting technique by a wet cutting process results into a significant reduction in the emitted amount of airborne aerosols containing CNTs. Using lower energy machining processes where possible will also reduce emissions [65].

5.2 Engineering Controls 5.2.1 Isolation/Closed Process Since it is not always possible to eliminate the agent from the workplace or to use less hazardous nanomaterials, equipment can be physically isolated in separate rooms, ventilated, and equipped with independent ventilation systems, thus avoiding any possibility of workplace contamination and worker exposure. The worker can also be isolated in a controlled environment such as a booth or a control room. Carbon black, silica fumes, nanoscaled TiO2, metals, and nanometric metal oxides are normally synthesized in closed processes [10]. Figure 4 presents an example of a completely confined nanometric metals and metal oxides production process. Each production step is isolated: the raw materials are fed into the reactor through an enclosed automated pneumatic system, the production process itself is in a totally closed circuit, and ENMs are recovered in a container through a glove box enclosure. The glove box enclosure offers a high level of protection for handling dry powders with a high potential of dustiness or which require controlled atmospheres, and can be ventilated prior to opening after the container is sealed. Figure 5 presents a homemade glove box enclosure for specific reactor cleaning operations.

Risk Management and Good Practices Guidelines

Figure 4 Confined nanopowder production process. (The National Research Council Canada (NRC), Ottawa, Canada.)

Figure 5 Homemade glove box enclosure for specific reactor cleaning operations. (Laboratoire de synthese de nanomateriaux, Faculte de genie, Universite de Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada.)




Figure 6 Confined single-walled carbon nanotube production room. (Raymor Industries Inc., Boisbriand, Quebec, Canada.)

The glove box is adapted for thorough cleaning of equipment components too large to be handled in a standard laboratory fume hood, thus avoiding worker’s exposure risk while manipulating reactor parts within the enclosure. Figure 6 presents an industrial confined SWCNTs production process located in a room separated from the other sections of the facility and using a separate ventilation system. Potential emission of SWCNT is possible in this enclosed working environment during recovery of SWCNT, bagging, cleaning, and maintenance of the reactor. This is why the access is strictly limited to adequately trained workers wearing total personal skin and respiratory protection. 5.2.2 General and Local Exhaust Ventilation Airborne ENM emissions are possible in certain processes or operations, because they are not always performed in a fail-safe, airtight closed circuit. For example, airborne NP emissions during open-circuit bag opening, transfer, mixing, recovery, bagging, or weighing of dry ENMs is foreseeable [10] and adapted control measures have already been evaluated [66]. In all these situations where total enclosure is impossible, LEV systems should be used as the capture of contaminants in a ventilated enclosure or at the source is the best method to control workstation contamination. Many LEV systems are available including suspended fixed and mobile hoods, aspirating tables, aspirating funnels, ducts, and rings. While minimizing fresh air requirements, all LEV systems which have proved efficient with gazes, vapors or ultrafine particles should be efficient with ENMs thus protecting the worker and avoiding dispersion of aerosols in the workplace.

Risk Management and Good Practices Guidelines

Capture at the source involves [10]: installing LEV as close as possible to the emission source; setting the capture velocity to entrap maximum ENMs that escape the process by considering their behavior; • removing emissions from the stream with High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters before they are vented into the environment; • cleaning and maintaining the ventilation system regularly. A complete literature review on laboratory hoods is presented by NIOSH [7]. Three types of laboratory chemical hoods are described: constant-flow hood, bypass hood, and constant-velocity hood. Moreover, class I, class II, and class III biological safety cabinets (BSC) are also described in this same review. Authors indicate that it is reasonable to assume that these BSC cabinets which are designed for working safely with infectious microorganisms should offer similar levels of protection against ENMs. Despite conceptual differences between laboratory hoods, general recommendations from Saunders [67] and Diberardinis [68] adapted by NIOSH [7] are proposed and describe basic elements that all chemical hoods should incorporate in their design: • A minimum width of 4 feet (120 cm) • A minimum sash window open height of 30 inches (75 cm) • A bottom-front airfoil • A sash that is easily movable over its entire range of motion • Side walls that are smooth, rounded, and tapered toward the inside of the sash opening. New “nano” laboratory hoods have been specifically designed for ENMs handling (Figure 7). Since ENMs are characterized by low density and high dustiness, these newly designed nanopowder enclosures provide lower flow (lower than 100 feet/min (0.5 m/s)) that may offer improved performance for handling nanopowders [7]. Powder handling enclosures are also offered specifically for weighing and manipulating small quantities of ENMs [7]. These new enclosures, the use of which is more economical than the classic hoods due to lower energy use, air recirculation, and compact size, were found to provide an almost equivalent capacity of NP containment as BSC [69]. Limited data on the performance of general and LEV for NPs has been published [3]. However, the efficiency of engineering controls has been widely demonstrated for ultrafine particles which have the same size as ENMs, and conventional engineering controls should work generally well for controlling NP exposures [15,16,70e74]. For example, Han et al. [70] showed that after performing a blending task in a ventilated enclosure system, the concentration of multiwall carbon nanotubes was reduced from 172.9e193.6 fibers/cm3 to 0.018e0.05 fibers/cm3 after the control measures were installed. Nevertheless, Tsai et al. [75] have demonstrated that some ENMs can escape from laboratory fume hoods and expose the workers in some conditions. Cena and • •




Figure 7 Laboratory hood specifically designed for handling nanoparticles. (Laboratoire de synthese de nanomateriaux, Faculte de genie, Universite de Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada.)

Peters [76] have also reported that for manual sanding of CNTs-enforced epoxy composite, exposures were higher when using a custom fume hood than when the work was done without any extraction. General exhaust ventilation ensures the dilution of ambient air in a room but should not be considered an effective means of elimination of toxic ENMs from a work environment. A wide range of recommended ventilation rates are available in the literature. While NIOSH [7] reported recommended ventilation rates for general laboratory use in the range of 4e12 air changes per hour, INRS [5] reported recommended ventilation rates in the same workplaces of 10e20 air changes per hour. Moreover, high ventilation rates do not ensure low worker exposures, especially in situations where workers are in close proximity to the contamination source, for example, during cleaning operations.

5.3 Administrative Controls Some administrative controls must absolutely be implemented to complement engineering controls and enable engineering controls to be used effectively. Others can be used when engineering controls are not feasible or do not reduce the risks to an acceptable level. However, administrative controls are not a substitute to engineering controls. Administrative controls have been used for a wide range of contaminants and are well known [58e60]. With the objective of reducing risks for accidents and occupational exposure and promoting safe work practices, administrative controls include information, training, work procedures, personal hygiene, medical surveillance, and warehousing recommendations. Figure 8 presents several good practice guidelines when working

Risk Management and Good Practices Guidelines

Information and training regularly upgraded for employees and supervisors. Well described, ideally written, optimal work procedures to minimize generation and resuspension of EMNs in the workplace. Control access to hazardous workstations strictly limited to trained and protected workers. Minimization of exposure time and of the number of employees exposed. ENMs workstations should be clearly identified and separated from “clean” zones such as changing or eating rooms. Warehousing facility and procedures for ENMs. Containers containing ENMs should also be clearly identified and specify the ENMs content (nature, size, concentration, quantity …). Working surfaces should be non-porous and easily washable. ENMs should be carried in sealed containers. Preventive maintenance of equipment. Equipment should be decontaminated before maintenance. Housekeeping of ENMs workstations after every work shift, the use of vacuum cleaners with HEPA filters or wet cleaning is recommended but never use brushes or pressurized air for cleaning ENMs. Promote good personal hygiene and supply access to washbasin, shower, and personal double locker to change clothes within the facility. No smoking, eating, or drinking when working with ENMs. Development and implementation of specific programs: respiratory protection. Development and implementation of a program of medical surveillance. Planning, development of procedures, and training of targeted workers in case of leaks or emergency. Waste management, ENMs containing materials (reaction or production wastes, cleaning towels and solutions, respirators, vacuum filters, ventilation filters …) must be considered as toxic products except when otherwise proven, and discarded safely according to municipal, provincial or federal regulations.

Figure 8 Best practices guidelines when working with engineered nanomaterials (ENMs).

with ENMs [5,10,16,77e81]. Guidelines from the following list should be adopted based on the specificities of the facility. Workplace labeling should be present to identify hazardous materials. Labels should first conform to regulatory requirementsde.g., provision of GHS-based labels including GHS pictograms and “nano-specific” labels may be added. For example, INRS proposed the pictogram shown in Figure 9 to warn about the presence of ENMs in laboratories. It could be used everywhere, including on all ENMs containing reactors, vessels, containers, or wastes containing ENMs. Labeling should be present through the life cycle of a nanomaterial.

5.4 Personal Protective Equipment PPE required for specific tasks should be selected taking into account the estimated risk level and the desired level of protection. Examples of tasks which could necessitate wearing PPE include workplace and equipment maintenance and cleanup, quality control sampling, and all situations where ENMs can be liberated or resuspended into




Figure 9 Nanomaterial labeling proposal, INRS [5].

the air as liquid or solid aerosols. Special care should be applied to emergency and maintenance workers which could be exposed to very high concentrations of ENMs. A study in UK universities showed that more than 50% of respondents believed that the main route of exposure was dermal compared to 37% who thought it to be inhalation [82]. Skin protection equipment (coverall, gloves, etc.) should be selected to offer a high degree of protection against ENMs and other chemicals used while offering maximum comfort. Because ENMs can penetrate through very small spaces, nonwoven materials are recommended [83e85]. The usual cotton woven lab coat is not an appropriate skin protection for ENMs [83,84]. Rather, it is recommended to wear coveralls with cowl, neck, wrists and ankles tightening, aprons, or shoe covers with a gastight material such as TyvekÒ. Gloves must be chosen to resist to the chemicals used, including ENMs and solvents. As some studies suggest that a fraction of ENMs could penetrate some gloves [86], some authors recommend wearing two pairs of gloves when working with ENMs suspensions for long periods of time. A glove management program should be developed and implemented taking into account tasks, potential for exposure, glove selection, ergonomics, training, glove maintenance, and safe ways to discard used gloves. Even if skin protection equipment should be used at all time when handling ENMs, respiratory protection should be used as a last resort when the engineering and administrative controls are insufficient to adequately protect the worker. This can be the case as in some maintenance or cleanup operations, reactor leaks, emergency situations, or when the installation of engineering controls is underway but not completed. The wearing of respirators requires the development and implementation of a respiratory protection program which contains, among others, processes for appropriate training and fit testing [10,87]. However, it should never be a substitute to engineering and administrative controls. Many laboratory studies report the efficiency of filter media and respirators against ENMs [88e97]. The filtration theory predicts that the most penetrating particle size

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for an uncharged filter is around 300 nm and for an electrostatically charged one is 40e80 nm depending on the material used for filtration, the nature of the ENMs, the airflow, the temperature and pressure, the filter-particle adhesion, and the filter clogging. Overall, in most cases, the penetration remains below the certified level when using the standard NIOSH evaluation protocol for filter particle removal efficiency of 95. 99% and 99.97%. The assigned protection factor of a tight fitting respirator is related to facepiece leakage and has been determined based on measurements made in ideal conditions in the laboratory. However, in practice, the actual protection factor can be much smaller than the assigned protection factor. For particles between 30 nm and 1000 nm, it has been shown that face seal leakage due to inadequate fit could increase the penetration up to 20 times inside the respirator [89,97,98]. Fit testing is thus a critical issue in the respiratory protection program as bad fit impacts directly on the actual protection factor. Other elements in laboratories or industrial plants also contribute to the reduction of the assigned protection factor. Among these, knowledge of hazards, risk perception, culture prevention, acceptability by the worker, work practices, lack of comfort, and maintenance are factors which impact the overall protection efficiency of respiratory protective equipment used [99]. For more information about protective equipment for workers exposed to ENMs, the reader should consult the Chapter 3.6 of this book.

6. EVALUATION OF CONTROLS Often neglected, the implementation of the action plan should always be followed up by the evaluation of the efficiency of all processes, control measures, and any prevention improvement implemented in the workplace. It is an important step of the risk management process [9,11,16,100,101]. It ensures that the implemented controls reach the initial objectives identified during the planning step. In this manner, any new element or modification to equipment, individual responsibilities, work practices, or any other aspect is evaluated to guarantee that it meets the initial objective. Immediate action should be taken to correct any deviation from the initial performance targets. An efficiency evaluation should be performed on a regular basis. From our research experience, we found that many elements contribute to a loss of prevention performance. Among these, installation of new equipment without considering the OHS aspects, lack of equipment maintenance such as ventilation systems, no training of new employees, lack of supervision, and inappropriate behavior of workers are frequently seen. Figure 10 presents a quantitative measure of worker exposures to verify the effectiveness of a biological safety cabinet (class II B2) during handling and weighing SWCNTs. DRIs are common devices used to control workplace environment. Debia et al. [49] have demonstrated that measurements with a CPC (P-Trak) alone can be inappropriate to evaluate airborne ENMs for some highly agglomerated raw powder




Figure 10 Evaluation of the efficiency of the local exhaust ventilation control process. (Debia, M., Universite de Montreal.)

handling stages. Authors recommend using together, at minimum, mass and numeric direct reading devices to take into account ENMs and agglomerates. Monitoring was performed using particle, mass and specific surface concentrations (P-trak (TSI Inc.), Dust-trak (TSI Inc.), and Aerotrak 9000 (TSI Inc.)) and particle size distribution analysis (ELPI (Dekati Inc.) and EEPS (TSI Inc.)). The assessments performed within this context were unable to detect any increase in NP outside the biological safety cabinet. However, Tsai et al. [75] and Cena et al. [76] indicate that handling of different types of ENMs under a laboratory chemical hood can lead to significant NP exposures. The turbulence created by the person’s body and some specific movements in front of the hood would be at the origin of this exposure during the use of conventional hoods. Bypass and constant-velocity hoods would significantly reduce this type of exposure [102].

7. PERIODIC REEVALUATION PROCESS The development and implementation of good work conditions and efficient prevention measures related to ENMs is still characterized by substantial knowledge gaps: toxicity and reactivity (inflammability, explosiveness, catalytic capacity) of ENMs, long-term efficiency of newly implemented prevention measures, etc. Because knowledge develops rapidly in this field, a regular follow-up of the literature specific to the workplace and the documented performance of the already implemented processes and practices in the premises should be reevaluated on a regular basis, for example, annually. The results should be presented to the upper management by the OHS manager, discussed, and decisions taken to adjust the prevention measures if needed.

Risk Management and Good Practices Guidelines

8. MANAGING THE SAFETY OF ENMS Considering their high specific surface area, some ENMs could easily ignite and even deflagrate if they are not handled properly. Many precautions can be taken to manage the risks of fire, explosion, or uncontrolled catalytic reactions. Among these, when possible, one should reduce the concentration of ENMs below 25% of the flammability limit, reduce the concentration of oxidant, control the potential sources of ignition, design and use explosion proof equipment, prevent accumulation of deposited particles in the workplace, use airtight mechanical and electrical equipment, avoid emission of particles from open hoppers, keep the workplace clean, isolate hazardous operations, install explosion proof vents on equipment and buildings, store ENMs in sealed containers, handle ENMs in closed circuits, and ground all equipment [10].

9. CHALLENGES FOR RISK MANAGEMENT: WHAT IS EXPECTED FOR THE FUTURE? Nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary discipline developing very rapidly. Managing occupational ENMs-related risks among a plethora of different substances and work environments poses many challenges. First, nanotechnology is present in different categories of workplaces (universities, governmental and private research laboratories, pilot plants, start-up companies, producers, and integrators of ENMs as well as users of products containing ENMs) with varying awareness and concern about OHS issues. For example, large multinational corporations are more often aware of OHS issues, are better organized and have access to budgets and trained OHS staff. The situation can be totally different in a university research laboratory or a start-up company. Second, the toxicity of a small proportion of newly synthesized ENMs has been studied and important knowledge gaps still exist. Nevertheless, the knowledge about the toxicity of ENMs is developing rapidly and reference values have already been proposed for different categories of ENMs. Third, personal exposure assessment in workers’ breathing zone is still limited to gravimetric analysis. Characterization of ENMs in the workplace is possible if required through a tiered approach, by using a battery of DRIs, and collection of samples followed by subsequent analyses in the laboratory. In addition, quantitative risk assessment is still difficult as toxicity as well as exposure levels are unknown or only partially documented in most workplaces. Finally, the practical efficiency of different prevention measures is not fully documented. Nevertheless, the occupational hygiene knowledge currently available, including risk assessment taking a precautionary approach for unavailable data, prevention through design, intrinsic, engineering, administrative and personal control measures, expertise




on the safe management of ultrafine particles, and documented specific performance of prevention measures against ENMs, makes it possible to efficiently manage OHS risks in a wide range of workplaces. Today, the most important challenge for the preventer or the industrial hygienist is probably to efficiently identify and reach these very diversified and partially known workplaces in order to increase OHS awareness, communicate risk, train and support the safe implementation of nanotechnology. All major research institutes dedicated to OHS are involved and committed to fill the knowledge gaps on nanomaterial health and safety hazards. Current research covers all aspects from toxicity to safety, the development of workers exposure strategies and risk assessment as well as the efficiency of control measures and the development of strategies for epidemiological studies specific to nanomaterials.

10. SOURCES OF FURTHER INFORMATION Organizations such as the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and standards organizations from different countries such as the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) have developed a series of standards and documents which cover the OHS aspect of nanotechnology. Many research organizations such as the NIOSH in the United States, SWA in Australia, the HSE in Great-Britain, or the Institut de recherche Robert-Sauve en sante et en securite du travail (IRSST) in Canada as well as the World Health Organization (WHO), and the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH), have published good practices guides to support the safe implementation of nanotechnology for research laboratories, pilot plants, producers and integrators of ENMs. All these documents are available through the Web sites of these organizations.

11. CONCLUSION Some, but not all ENMs, can represent very substantial or specific potential toxicity or reactivity hazards. Knowledge gaps are still present in many respects such as short- and long-term toxicity, physical or chemical reactivity, worker’s exposure levels, and specific efficiency of prevention measures. Nevertheless, despite these substantial ENMs specific knowledge gaps which vary from one product to another or from one workplace to another, the currently available specific data on ENMs, added to our knowledge on ultrafine particles of the same sizes and industrial hygiene practices over many decades, make it possible to efficiently and safely manage risks and implement realistic and operational control strategies using a precautionary approach when required. The most important challenge remaining for the safe management of ENMs is related to our partial knowledge of the workplaces handling these products and then, the difficulty to reach and support them efficiently.

Risk Management and Good Practices Guidelines

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Progress in Personal Protective Equipment for Nanomaterials Patricia I. Dolez CTT Group, St-Hyacinthe, QC, Canada

1. INTRODUCTION Nanotechnology is a high growth sector. Between 2001 and 2008, the numbers of discoveries, inventions, R&D funding programs, and markets involving nanotechnologies have all increased on average by 25% annually [1]. Nanomaterials-containing products have now reached the consumer market [2]: personal care, clothing, electronics, cosmetics, automotive, construction, medical, food and beverage, etc. That growing trend is not over yet. Over the next years, it is expected that the number of nanotechnology-based products will double every three years to achieve $3 trillion by 2020 [1]. Even if large uncertainties still exist about their exact number [3], the same increase rate will likely apply to workers, for a total of about 6 million nanotechnology workers expected by 2020 [1]. Worker exposure to nanomaterials may take place at various stages of the production and transformation process. Some tasks have been identified as more prone to risks of exposure in the case of dry powder nanoparticles, e.g., cleaning of synthesis reactor, bagging operations, formulation and surface functionalization [4]. Some situations can also increase the likelihood of exposure to nanomaterials: generating nanoparticles in the gas phase in a non-enclosed system, handling dry nanostructured powders, working with nanomaterials in liquid solutions without proper personal protection or when subjected to high agitation, and conducting maintenance or cleanup operations [5]. This increasing risk of worker exposure to nanomaterials combined with the current unknowns about the effects of these materials on health have generated large concerns among consumer, environmental, health and safety organizations [6], the research community [7], and even the general public [8]. Their outcries are mainly aimed at preventing a repetition of past mistakes like the problems related to asbestos and mad cow disease, by taking all needed actions to handle this new technology appropriately [9]. This has led a number of health and safety organizations and governments worldwide to recommend the application of the precautionary principle, at least until answers have been obtained about nanomaterials toxicity [10,11]. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is the last resource in the traditional occupational Health & Safety (H&S) approach [12]. Indeed, engineering and administrative controls are preferred as they do not place the responsibility of injury and illness Nanoengineering ISBN 978-0-444-62747-6,

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prevention on the worker. However, PPE that is effective barrier to nanomaterials should be made available right away due to the uncertainties regarding the effectiveness of workplace exposure control methods currently available to fulfill the precautionary principle [5]. Yet, knowledge, data, and test methods on PPE for nanomaterials are still very limited [13] even though the first commercial products specifically advertised for protection against nanomaterials have started being marketed [14].

2. CURRENT STATE OF KNOWLEDGE 2.1 Respiratory Protection As inhalation is the dominant route of exposure for nanomaterials [15], respiratory protection has received the most and earliest attention. Nanoparticles with a diameter between 10 and 100 nm can be mostly found in the alveolar region, while smaller particles are trapped in the upper respiratory tract [16]. Once inhaled, they may proceed further into the blood and lymph circulation and reach various body organs [15]. They can also translocate to the brain via neuronal transport [16]. Respiratory protection is a highly regulated field in occupation health and safety. For instance, in North America, only respirators approved by the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), i.e., certified according to the 42 CFR Part 84 standard test method, can be used in workplaces where protection against airborne particles is needed [17,18]. According to this method, respiratory device filters are tested for particle penetration using 300 nm mass median aerodynamic diameter particles and a constant airflow rate of 85 L/min. This diameter corresponds to the most penetrating particle size (MPPS), i.e., the region where none of the filtration mechanisms are dominant according to the single fiber filtration theory [19]. These filtration mechanisms are inertial impaction, interception, and diffusion, the latter one predominating in the nanoparticle size range. The 85 l/min airflow value corresponds to the average breathing rate of an individual under heavy work load. Several issues have been raised with the NIOSH testing method, in particular regarding protection against nanoparticles [20]. First, the 85 L/min airflow rate may not represent the worst case scenario and it has been suggested to raise the applied airflow rate to 350 L/min, as human breathing is not constant and may reach very high values from time to time [21]. Moreover, the photometric measuring technique used in the NIOSH protocol is not suited for particles smaller than 100 nm [22]. In addition, particle quantification is established in terms of mass concentration, which underestimates the amount of nanoparticles versus larger particles [23]. Furthermore, electret filters, which have gained in importance for particle filtration, thanks to their better efficiency and lower airflow resistance than mechanical filters, generally display reduced MPPS values compared to mechanical filters [24].

Progress in Personal Protective Equipment for Nanomaterials

In addition to filtration efficiency, the level of protection offered by respirators is strongly affected by the way they fit to the wearer’s face. Leaks between 10% and 20% are measured in case of improper respirator adjustment [25e27]. This problem is not specific to nanoparticles; however it is debated whether their very small diameter may allow them to more efficiently edge their way into cracks as well as through the face seal [28]. In accordance with good occupational health and safety practices, the selection of a respirator shall be based on exposure assessment and risk analysis [29]. Several parameters must be considered, including the contaminant physical and chemical properties, its toxicity, and its concentration, as well as wearer and task-based requirements and conditions like effort level and wearing time. However, since data about nanomaterials toxicity is still very scarce, the use of a rational selection process for respirators is generally not possible. Alternative techniques have been devised by researchers, for example, based on control banding [30]. Two families of devices exist for respiratory protection against particle exposure [31,32]. Air purifying respirators (APRs), which include filtering facepiece respirators, are available in three categories (N, R, and P) based on their degradation resistance and three types (95, 99, and 100) corresponding to their minimum filtration efficiency level (95%, 99%, and 99.97%, respectively) [33]. N-series filters can be used with nonoil particles without time limitation. R- and P-series filters are tested with oil particles, R filters being limited to a work shift. In the European regulation, three categories of filters are defined [32]: P1 for 78% minimum filter efficiency, P2 for 92% minimum efficiency, and P3 for 98% minimum efficiency. No reference is made to the type of particles or to the possibility of reuse in the European regulation. The second class of devices corresponds to supplied air respirators, which comprise a facepiece and an air supply system [31,32]. They are an essential alternative to APRs, for example, in case of oxygendepleted atmospheres, beard or moustache wearers, and time limitations due to breathing resistance. They may also be dictated by the risk analysis. Test setups developed by researchers to evaluate the filtration efficiency of filters and respirators for nanomaterials are generally composed of four main components [13]: an aerosol generation system, a testing chamber, a particle counting system, and a flow meter. The measurement principle is schematized in Figure 1. The generation system may include a furnace or an aerosol generator with accompanying accessories (desiccator, charge neutralizer). A differential mobility analyzer (DMA), a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS), or an electrostatic classifier (EC) may be added for initial particle size selection. The nanoparticles are then directed through the tested filter or respirator in the testing chamber. A particle counter system and a flow meter are located downstream. Various types of nanoparticle measurement techniques have been used: condensation particle counter (CPC); SMPS; aerodynamic particle sizer (APS); particle size magnifier (PSM) combined with a CPC; and wide-range particle spectrometer (WPS), which combines a DMA, a CPC, and a laser particle spectrometer (LPS). A bypass around the testing chamber allows measuring also the upstream particle concentration. The filter




Figure 1 Schematic representation of the typical test setup for measuring the filtration efficiency of filters and respirators for nanoparticles.

efficiency is defined as the ratio between the downstream and the upstream particle concentrations. While most researchers use filter holders for their tests, some evaluated the performance of whole respirators hermetically secured over the inlet hole [20,34,35]. One test bench was also designed to allow measuring unsealed respiratory protective devices, thus giving access to the effect of leakage at the interface with the skin [35]. Results have been reported for various types of filters and respirators, and various nanoaerosols, e.g., silver (Ag), platinum (Pt), sodium chloride (NaCl), graphite, titanium dioxide (TiO2), iron oxide, magnesium oxide, polystyrene latex, dioctyle phthalate (DOP), and di(2-ethylhexyl)sebacate. Several types of HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) and ULPA (ultra low particulate air) filters were tested at 9.6 cm/s face velocity with graphite nanoparticles with diameters between 10 and 100 nm [36,37]. They generally displayed a monotonous increase in penetration with the nanoparticle diameter, reaching a value of about 1% at 100 nm. One exception was a specific HEPA filter model, which displayed a plateau between 20 and 80 nm before its penetration increased again with increasing nanoparticle diameter. Various models and brands of N95 filters and respirators were also evaluated at a flow rate of 85 L/min using NaCl and Ag nanoparticles [24,34,38,39]. The nanoparticle penetration was observed to display the bell-shape profile predicted by the single fibre filtration theory, with a maximum value of about 5% located between 40 and 60 nm. The same experiment was carried out with P100 respirators and a similar behavior was observed with the penetration reaching a maximum value of about 0.01% [38]. In the case of an FPP3 electret filter tested at 9.6 cm/s face velocity with 10e100 nm graphite nanoparticles, a maximum in nanoparticle penetration of about 2% was located at 30 nm [37,40]. This type of filter was observed to be less efficient against nanoparticle penetration compared to HEPA and ULPA filters tested in the same conditions. Fiberglass filter papers tested with NaCl and Ag NPs at 5.3 cm/s also displayed an increasing nanoparticle penetration with particle diameter [41e44]. Depending on the

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filter model, maximum nanoparticle penetration values between 10% and 80% were observed for a particle diameter of 300 nm. e-PTFE membranes (expanded polytetrafluroethylene) were also shown to follow the same behavior when tested with graphite and Ag nanoparticles [36,41,42,44]. Penetration values in the range of 0.1% were recorded for 10e20 nm nanoparticles and a maximum in penetration was observed at 30 nm. Finally, the penetration of NaCl nanoparticles through dust masks was measured at 30 and 85 L/ min [45]. Penetration was shown to reach over 96% for some tested models. Several factors have been shown to affect the efficiency of filters in the case of nanoparticles. First, the MPPS can vary widely depending on the filter type and characteristics. In particular, MPPS values for electret filter media typically used in N95 respirators appear to be situated in the range of 30e70 nm, while mechanical filters display an MPPS around 300 nm [24,28]. A strong increase in particle penetration and a shift of MPPS to submicrometer-size range were observed when electrostatic charges were removed from electret filters by dipping them in isopropanol [46]. A large variation in nanoparticle penetration can also been seen depending on the filter and respirator model and manufacturer, even when corresponding to the same efficiency level [24,34,38,47]. For example, a series of five N95 respirators from various manufacturers were challenged with NaCl nanoparticles at a flow rate of 85 L/min [34]. They displayed maximum penetration values ranging from less than 2% to above 5%. Finally, in the case of uncharged filters, it was reported that the MPPS increases with the fiber diameter [24]. Another factor that has been shown to affect both the MPPS and the maximum penetration value is the particle flow rate and pattern. High flow rates have sometimes been observed to induce an MPPS shift to lower values [24,27,48]. They may also create a strong reduction in the filtration efficiency between 3 and 300 nm [27,42,48,49]. For example, an increase in maximum penetration from 0.1% to 2% was measured for an electret filter exposed to 10e80 nm graphite nanoparticles when the face velocity was increased from 5.3 to 9.6 cm/s [40]. Indeed, high flow rates hinder the diffusion mechanism associated with Brownian motion [27]. This question is critical since certification methods for respiratory protection filters use lower flow rate values than peak inhaled air velocities observed for workers performing high-intensity activities. In addition, the airflow pattern may also play a role on the filtration efficiency. Experiments carried out with various N95 and P100 filters and NaCl and DOP nanoparticles showed that higher penetration occurs under cyclic flow conditions mimicking the human breathing pattern compared to constant airflow with an equivalent minute volume [27]. Other researchers reported no effect of cyclic conditions compared to constant flow on the penetration of 13 and 59 nm-diameter NaCl nanoparticles through half-masks equipped with P2 and P3 filters [35]. Other parameters that have been reported to affect nanoparticle penetration through filters and respirators are related to the particle characteristics: charge, shape, type, size, and size distribution. The filtration efficiency of glass fibrous filters for 2e100 nm




NaCl nanoparticles was reduced when going from charged to neutralized to uncharged particles [50]. This effect was attributed to the additional filtration mechanisms, namely Coulombic attraction and image force, involved with charged particles. In the case of electret filters, higher penetration was reported for neutralized particles compared to charged ones [24]. Indeed, when both the filter fibers and the particles are charged, the Coulombic force strongly increases the particle capture. The effect of particle shape on filtration was investigated with spherical polystyrene latex and iron oxide, and perfectly cubic magnesium oxide, all in the 50e300 nm size range, and polypropylene HEPA filters [51]. A reduction in filtration efficiency for cubic nanoparticles was measured and attributed to the difference in the nature of the motion of the particles along the filter fiber, the cubic particles sliding and tumbling on the fiber surface while the spherical particles slide and roll. Tests involving various types of filters exposed to Pt, graphite, and TiO2 nanoparticles also showed a reduction in penetration of almost two orders of magnitude for graphite compared to the two others for a same particle size [52]. Since all three types of nanoparticles are spherical, this effect was attributed to a difference in charge induced on the particles. Finally, in addition to the direct effect of nanoparticle size on filter penetration, which can generally be described by the single fiber filtration theory [53], the nanoparticle size distribution was also reported as affecting filtering efficiency. As illustrated in Figure 2, a significant difference in nanoparticle penetration

Figure 2 NaCl nanoparticle penetration levels through an N95 respirator for mono- and polydispersed aerosols. (Adapted from Ref. [20].)

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through an N95 respirator tested at 85 L/min was measured when mono- and polydispersed NaCl aerosols were used [20]. Results obtained with monodispersed particles therefore provide a conservative assessment of filter efficiency since aerosols encountered at the workplace are generally polydispersed. It may be noted that no relationship was identified between the two sets of measurements. A last set of parameters shown to affect filter efficiency for nanoparticles is related to use conditions. For example, while no effect of the ambient humidity between 10 and 23,000 ppm was observed for glass fibrous filters [50], an increase in nanoparticle penetration resulting from a charge reduction due to moisture exhaled during breathing was reported for electrostatic filters [37]. Another study with N95 electret filters and NaCl aerosols showed that the efficiency reduction effect was observed between 10% and 70% humidity for particles below 100 nm, while differences were only recorded between 30% and 70% humidity for larger nanoparticles [20]. It may be noted that no shift in the MPPS was observed with varying humidity levels, which indicates that the change in humidity did not affect the dominance of the electrostatic filtration mechanism. An effect of filter loading on its efficiency was also reported for an N95 electret filter tested with 15e200 nm NaCl nanoparticles [20]: a decrease in nanoparticle penetration was measured for particles below 100 nm and an increase above 100 nm, along with a shift of the MPPS toward higher values, when the filter was exposed to the nanoaerosol for long periods of time, up to 5 h. This effect was attributed to an increase in particle collection by diffusion and a decrease in capture by electrostatic attraction due to the formation of particle aggregates at the surface of the filter. Other factors affecting protection efficiency also include duration and the level of effort involved [54]. A limited number of results can be found in the literature regarding the effects of leaks at the respirator interface with the skin in the case of nanoparticles. In experiments using half-masks and a Sheffield manikin head, a huge difference in the protection factor of the masks tested with 13 and 59 nm-diameter NaCl nanoparticles was observed depending on whether they were sealed or not on the manikin [35]: nanoparticle penetration measured in the unsealed configuration was 100 to 106 times higher than in the sealed configuration. The authors noted a large variability in the values for the unsealed masks, which was attributed to the lack of reproducibility of the position of the mask on the manikin head from one experiment to the other. They also reported no effect of the particle size on the penetration. In another set of experiments, various sizes of leaks were artificially generated using capillaries [55]. Penetration of 50 nm nanoparticles was observed to be twice that of 8 and 400 nm particles for the two smallest leak sizes, while no difference was measured for the largest leak size. A last point regarding filter and respirator efficiency for nanomaterials deals with the question of thermal rebound. The existence of this additional phenomenon for very low nanoparticle diameter has been reported by some researchers [56,57]. It was dismissed by others who attributed the observed reincrease in penetration at particle




diameters less than 20 nm to experimental errors due to improper use of the particle counting devices [39,58]. In conclusion, commercial HEPA and high performance fibrous filters have generally been observed to provide filtration efficiency against nanoparticles in accordance with the specifications corresponding to the type of filter, even if MPPS values are often situated between 30 and 50 nm, i.e., far from the 300-nm challenge particles used in standard testing methods for respiratory protection. However, borderline data, i.e., showing, for example, nanoparticle penetration close to or slightly larger than 5% for N95 filters, have been reported by some researchers [24,27,28,42,44,59]. On the other hand, exposure conditions better simulating workplace environment have been shown to affect filter efficiency for nanoparticles, e.g., breathing humidity and cyclic flow conditions, high airflow rate, and polydispersed nanoparticles. Leaks at the interface with the skin have also been revealed to have the potential to reduce the protection offered by the respirator. Caution should therefore be exerted when selecting respiratory protection in the case of exposure to nanomaterials, especially since no data is available yet on maximum exposure limits. It must be noted that the use of dust masks in the presence of nanoparticles shall be avoided due to the very high penetration levels measured.

2.2 Skin Protection Dermal absorption of nanomaterials has long been neglected, due to the common belief that skin is an impervious barrier. However, some studies have shown the potentiality of skin as an uptake route for nanoparticles, either when injured by abrasion [60], after repeated flexion [61], after UV exposure [62] or even intact [63]. They penetrate the stratum corneum mainly through intercellular pathways [64] and are further distributed through lymphatic circulation [15]. Pores, hair follicles, and sweat have also been pointed as potentially increasing the likelihood of nanoparticle percutaneous transportation [65]. PPE used for skin protection against nanomaterials mostly comprises lab coats, coveralls, shoe covers, hoods, and gloves [66]. Since no standard test method dedicated to measuring the efficiency of protective clothing and gloves against nanomaterials is available yet, researchers have developed their own measurement setups. For airpermeable materials like fabrics used in lab coats and coveralls, these setups are generally inspired from or similar to standard methods for respiratory protection filtering devices [67e69]. A flow of nanoaerosol is applied through the system, and its concentration on both sides of the sample is measured using standard particle counting techniques like scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS), differential mobility analyzer (DMA) coupled with a condensation particle counter (CPC), or wide-range particle spectrometer (WPS). A wind-driven approach was also developed as an alternative to these filtration-based methods where particles are drawn under vacuum through the sample [70,71]. It involves an oval-shaped, recirculation aerosol wind tunnel in which a

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permeation cell holding the sample is inserted. SMPSs are used to measure the nanoparticle concentration upstream and downstream of the sample. Finally, in order to apply nanoparticles to samples without airflow, a permeation-type diffusion cell was also designed [37]. In that setup, the particle concentration is measured using a CPC. This technique was used both with porous and nonporous PPE materials [36]. Recently, significant efforts have been dedicated to the development of test methods that better simulate conditions of exposure of PPE to nanomaterials at the workplace. This includes, for example, applying mechanical deformation to PPE samples while simultaneously exposing them to nanoparticles. Indeed, when in service, protective clothing and gloves experience various forms of static and dynamic mechanical stresses and strains. This includes compression resulting from the application of grip forces of up to 500N [72] as well as out-of-plane deformation, with strain values of up to 80% being reported for disposable gloves as a result of hand flexion [73]. In addition, PPE are subjected to various physical constraints resulting both from the workplace environmental conditions as well as from the microclimate appearing inside clothing and gloves in use. For instance, skin temperatures of 35  C have been recorded inside soccer goalkeeper gloves [74] and pH values between 4.3 and 6.5 have been reported for hand skin depending on the location and the level of effort [75e77]. Moreover, a swelling effect resulting from contact with a physiological solution simulating sweat as well as with pure water was observed with various types of elastomers gloves [78]. All these conditions may increase the penetration of nanomaterials through PPE materials. Furthermore, in addition to aerosols, dermal occupational exposure to nanomaterials also involves dry powders and colloidal solutions, the latter being used to limit the risk of aerosolization among others. In the case of nanopowders, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations performed on textile and elastomer gloves after static and dynamic contact with clay and alumina nanoparticles showed that they tend to accumulate inside micrometer-size pores at the surface of gloves [79]. In the case of colloidal solutions, the liquid carrier may diffuse through PPE materials as it was evidenced for various types of elastomer gloves immersed in commercial solutions of 15 nm titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles in water, propylene glycol, and ethylene glycol [80], and carry nanoparticles with it across the protective membrane. A first experimental setup has been developed to allow exposing clothing and glove material samples to nanoparticles in powder form and in colloidal solutions, while simultaneously subjecting them to static or dynamic mechanical loading as well as to conditions simulating the microclimate inside PPE [81,82]. The apparatus includes an exposure and a sampling chamber separated from each other by the sample (Figure 3). Nanoparticles are placed on the sample in the exposure chamber. In the case of dry powder nanoparticles, a thin circular nitrile rubber membrane is positioned on top of the nanoparticles to prevent the powder from being dispersed in the exposure chamber. As illustrated in Figure 3, a deformation probe mounted on a pneumatic system exerts static or




Figure 3 Schematic representation of a test setup for measuring the penetration of nanoparticles through protective materials in conditions simulating occupation use.

dynamic loads on the sample. The probe can be fitted with tips of various geometries (Figure 4) for sample out-of-plane deformation with and without exerting pressure on the nanoparticles (probe A and B), for sample biaxial deformation simulating strain at hand joints (probe C), and for compressive stress (probe D). The sampling chamber is connected to an overflow system to offset the volume reduction caused by the deformation of the sample. Environmental conditions simulating the microclimate inside PPE can also be applied: temperature, humidity, and contact with a perspiration-like solution contained in the sampling chamber. The apparatus is enclosed in a glove box to ensure operator safety during assembly, operation, disassembly, and cleanup. A sampling protocol was designed to collect nanoparticles that may have migrated through the sample into the sampling chamber [78]. A sampling solution of ultrapure water acidified with 1% nitric acid is poured in the sampling chamber during assembly and collected for analysis after the test. The amount of sampling solution in the sampling chamber is such that no contact occurs between the sampling solution and the sample surface during the experiment, even when the sample is at maximum deformation.

Probe A

Probe B

Probe C

Figure 4 Schematic representation of the deformation probe tip geometries.

Probe D

Progress in Personal Protective Equipment for Nanomaterials

The absence of contamination of the sampling chamber prior to an experiment is verified by analyzing a control sample produced by rinsing the sampling chamber with a volume of sampling solution before the test. If a trace of contamination is detected, the test results are discarded. Depending on the nanoparticles studied, various detection techniques can be used to measure the nanoparticle concentration in the sampling solution: Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS), Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA), Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS), and centrifugation on a mica substrate or on a grid for imaging by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) or Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). A SMPS may also be connected to the sampling chamber for continuous measurement of nanoparticle migration through the sample in an alternative sampling protocol not involving the use of a sampling solution. Another setup is based on the same permeation-type diffusion cell design used for aerosol testing without airflow [83]. A static out-of-plane mechanical strain is applied to the sample using a probe mounted in an adjustable screw. A temperature gradient between the exposure and the sampling chamber can also be applied. This setup has been used to measure the penetration of nanohydrosols through protective clothing and gloves. Upstream and downstream nanoparticle concentration was measured by total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (TXRF), light scattering, and detection of b radiations emitted by radioactive nanoparticles used for the test. Finally, work has also been conducted toward testing whole ensembles, which include junctions between different pieces of PPE. Challenges involve the development of passive aerosol sampler (PAS) [84] as well as the design of the exposure chamber [85]. With the use of these different test methods, some results have been generated for air-permeable textile materials used in PPE. Experiments involved various types of nanoparticlesdoleic acid, potassium chloride, NaCl, graphite, titanium dioxide (TiO2), iron oxide, silver, and platinumdapplied as dry and water aerosol, dry powder, and colloidal solution. In the case of dry aerosols, it was observed with oleic acid and potassium chloride particles between 15 nm and 3 mm diameter at various flow rates that the rate of penetration through fabrics varies with the particle diameter [67]. A particle penetration pattern similar to what is obtained with fibrous filters was observed during tests performed on samples taken from various protective clothing materials exposed to NaCl aerosols at 10 and 32 L/min [69,86]; MPPS values ranged between 100 and 500 nm. Other authors reported the presence of a plateau in the penetration of graphite nanoaerosols through cotton for particle size larger than 50 nm at low face velocity simulating the airflow induced by the movement of the human body [40]. For its part, the effect of flow rate measured using NaCl particles was also in agreement with the filtration theory [68]; an increase in nanoparticle penetration and a reduction of the MPPS were observed at higher flow rates. The wind-driven method was used to test 10 different nonwoven fabrics exposed to a 30 nme500 mm iron oxide aerosol with a wind speed of 1.5 m/s




and face velocities of 0.009, 0.018, and 0.027 cm/s [71]. The sometimes large differences in nanoparticle penetration observed in comparison with the filtration-based technique were attributed in part to the lower face velocity and oblique airflow streamline applied in the wind-driven method as well as the higher density particles used. It must be noted that reported values of aerosol penetration measured through textile materials in airflow conditions are generally very high, up to 80% [86]. A strong reduction in that penetration value has been observed with used clothing (worn for 30 days) [68]. It was attributed to pore occlusion by soil and to an increase in fiber surface area as a result of fraying. Various types of woven and nonwoven textiles were also challenged with graphite-, platinum-, and TiO2-dry nanoaerosols with diameters between 10 and 80 nm in no-flow conditions [36,37,87]. A more than 1000-fold reduction in particle penetration was observed with TyvekÒ-type polyethylene-based nonwoven material compared to cotton and polyester woven samples, even if these were generally much thicker. However, that trend between woven and nonwoven materials was reported to reverse in the case of nanosilver water aerosol as a result of the capillary action of the smaller gaps between fibers [88]. It must be noted that higher values of the diffusion coefficient were reported for 30 nm graphite nanoparticles than for 80 nm ones in the case of a material identified by the authors as paper (Best Body) [36]. The resistance of woven and nonwoven textiles was also tested with 15 nm-diameter TiO2 nanoparticles in powder form [82,89]. In order to simulate PPE use conditions, a 6% biaxial deformation was applied to the samples every 5 min while they were exposed to the nanoparticles. No nanoparticle penetration was measured through polyethylenee polypropylene and polyethylene samples until 7 h of repeated deformations (Figure 5). At that point, a sharp increase in Ti concentration in the sampling solution (measured by AAS) was recorded for both materials. It was attributed to mechanical failure ultimately taking place when no further reorganization in the nonwoven fiber arrangement resulting from the repeated strains applied was possible [89]. For comparison purposes, Figure 5 also provides data corresponding to tests performed without any nano-TiO2 introduced in the exposure chamber as well as when exposure to nano-TiO2 was carried out without sample deformation. In these cases, no nanoparticle penetration was observed throughout the test. These results indicate that nano-TiO2 in powder form may penetrate through thermally consolidated polyolefin nonwovens, but only after prolonged and severe deformations. In the case of cotton/polyester woven textile, a rather gradual increase in the nano-TiO2 penetration was observed with time under repeated loading (Figure 6). Woven and nonwoven PPE materials were also subjected to nanoparticles in colloidal solutions. Using the through diffusion cell, the TXRF detection technique, and 80-nm diameter TiO2 nanoparticles suspended in water, a quite fast penetration of the nanoparticles through cotton was observed, the concentration in the sampling chamber reaching 15% after 7 h of exposure [83]. In the case of TyvekÒ-type polyethylene-based nonwoven,

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Figure 5 Ti concentration in the sampling chamber for polyethyleneepolypropylene (PE-PP) nonwoven exposed to nano-TiO2 powder while being subjected to 6% biaxial dynamic loading.

Figure 6 Ti concentration in the sampling solution for a cotton/polyester woven fabric exposed simultaneously to nano-TiO2 powder and 6% biaxial dynamic loading.




no nanoparticle penetration was recorded over a period of 10 days. However, when a static mechanical strain was applied to the nonwoven sample, an increase in Ti concentration in the sampling chamber was measured. By comparison, diffusion of tritiated water alone was observed to take place very rapidly through the unstrained material. When the exposure of polyethylene nonwoven samples to 15 nm-diameter TiO2 nanoparticles in commercial colloidal solutions in water and in propylene glycol was combined to 6% biaxial deformations every 5 min, a gradual increase in Ti concentration in the sampling solutions over the 7 h experiment time was measured using AAS (see Figure 7) [89]. It must be noted that these last results were not replicated and must be considered as preliminary. The number of results available for nonporous membranes such as those used for protective gloves is much more limited. In the case of nanoaerosols, an experiment carried out with five models of gloves made with nitrile rubber, latex, neoprene, and vinyl in a no-flow setup showed close to zero values of the diffusion coefficient using 30-nm-diameter graphite dry aerosol nanoparticles and values ranging between 5 10 12 and 4 10 11 m2/s for 80 nm nanoparticles [36]. Data showed that the measured diffusion coefficient for NPs depends both on the glove material and the manufacturer. These results prompted the authors to recommend double gloving. It must be noted that the same authors later observed no particle penetration through the same gloves when tested with 40-nm graphite nanoparticles using the same test setup [40]. Yet, they reported a porosity of the glove materials between 0.3% and 0.9% when measured with helium. Other authors also reported no penetration of dry and water silver

Figure 7 Ti concentration in the sampling chamber for polyethylene (PE) nonwoven exposed to nano-TiO2 in colloidal solutions in water and in propylene glycol (PG) while being subjected to 6% biaxial dynamic loading.

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nanoaerosols (diameter around 60 nm) through latex and nitrile gloves when tested in no-flow conditions [88]. They only noted an accumulation of nanoparticles on the surface of the gloves. Tests were also conducted with nanoparticles in powder form. Nitrile rubber, latex, neoprene, and butyl rubber glove samples were exposed to 15 nm-TiO2 nanopowder while being simultaneously subjected to a 50% biaxial deformation every 5 min [78,82]. Ti concentration indicating the presence of nano-TiO2 having passed through the samples into the sampling chamber was measured by ICP-MS for different durations of exposure. For comparison purposes, measurements were also carried out with the same dynamic loading program but without any nano-TiO2 in the exposure chamber, as well as with samples exposed to nanoparticles without being deformed. No penetration was detected with any of the four studied elastomers when no deformation was applied, even after 7 h of exposure. When samples were subjected to biaxial dynamic loading, no clear difference could be seen between measurements with and without nano-TiO2 in the case of butyl rubber (Figure 8). This may indicate that the butyl rubber material tested is impervious to nano-TiO2 powder, even after 7 h of repeated deformations. On the other hand, an increase in Ti concentration was recorded for nitrile rubber after 7 h of 50% biaxial dynamic loading (Figure 8). This result, which has been confirmed by AFM imaging of the sampling solutions centrifuged on mica substrates, may indicate a possibility of passage of nano-TiO2 through nitrile rubber after repeated deformations. It was attributed to damage in the membrane and deagglomeration of the nanoparticles resulting from the repeated mechanical stresses applied. In the case of neoprene exposed to nano-TiO2 powder, higher Ti concentrations were measured for 5 and 7 h of biaxial

Figure 8 Ti concentration in the sampling chamber for nitrile and butyl rubber glove materials exposed to nano-TiO2 powder while being subjected to 50% biaxial dynamic loading.




dynamic loading: this elastomer may thus also allow nano-TiO2 passage after repeated deformations. No conclusion could be drawn for latex due to a problem of contamination of the sampling chamber. Finally, some results were also obtained for glove materials exposed to nanoparticles in colloidal solutions. Using the through diffusion technique, no penetration of 80-nm diameter TiO2 and 30 nm nickel nanoparticles in water through latex, nitrile rubber, and vinyl glove materials was detected after 15 days or more, even after applying a static deformation to the samples [83]. On the other hand, diffusion of tritiated water alone was observed to reach a steady regime through the same gloves in less than 2 days. Experiments were also conducted with a commercial colloid solution of 15 nm-diameter TiO2 nanoparticles in water, to which were exposed nitrile rubber, latex, neoprene, and butyl rubber glove materials [78,82]. An increase in Ti concentration in the sampling chamber was measured by ICP-MS for elastomer samples exposed to the colloidal solution for 7 h without any deformation. This effect was attributed in part to the diffusion of the nano-TiO2 colloidal solution liquid carrier in the elastomers evidenced by swelling measurements. When exposure of the glove materials to nano-TiO2 in colloidal solution in water was combined with 50% biaxial dynamic deformations of the samples, a sharp increase in Ti concentration compared to the condition without colloidal solution was measured with nitrile rubber after 5 and 7 h of exposure (Figure 9) [78,82]. The same was obtained with latex. In the case of butyl rubber, a slight increase in Ti concentration due to exposure to nano-TiO2 in colloidal solution in water may also be observed. No conclusion could be drawn for neoprene due to a problem of contamination of the sampling chamber. These

Figure 9 Ti concentration in the sampling chamber for nitrile and butyl rubber glove materials exposed to nano-TiO2 in colloidal solution in water while being subjected to 50% biaxial dynamic loading.

Progress in Personal Protective Equipment for Nanomaterials

results may indicate a possible penetration of nano-TiO2 in colloidal solutions through elastomer membranes, when in combination with biaxial dynamic deformation and even without any deformation. In conclusion, even if the number of results available is still very limited, it appears that some protective clothing currently available may offer limited protection against nanoparticles, especially when subjected to conditions relevant to their use in occupational settings. For example, very high nanoparticle penetration through various fabrics has been reported both with and without airflow. This finding is rather worrying since cotton is often (more than 25% of time) recommended as labcoat material by nanotechnologyinvolved companies [90]. TyvekÒ-type polyethylene fiber nonwovens displayed a much better performance and should be favored over woven fabrics. However, the protection they offer might be compromised when static or dynamic deformations are applied to the material. In terms of protective gloves, even if the results are still preliminary, it appears that nanoparticles may penetrate through some types of gloves when they are subjected to repeated mechanical deformations and/or if the nanoparticles are in colloidal solution form; changing gloves regularly is thus recommended in case of possible exposure to nanoparticles.

2.3 PPE Selection Some guidance documents have been published to help selecting PPE in case of potential exposure to nanomaterials, for example: • The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Comparison of Guidance on Selection of Skin Protective Equipment and Respirators for Use in the Workplace: Manufactured Nanomaterials [91] • NIOSH’s Approaches to Safe Nanotechnology: Managing the Health and Safety Concerns Associated with Engineered Nanomaterials [92] • The Health and Safety Executive’s Using nanomaterials at work [93], • The Institut de recherche Robert-Sauve en sante et en securite du travail’s Best Practices Guide to Synthetic Nanoparticle Risk Management [66]. They generally recommend wearing protective clothing that would typically be required for a wet-chemistry laboratory and appropriate high-efficiency respirators, selected according to up-to-date industrial hygiene best practices. This may include (1) long-pants, long-sleeved suits preferably made in synthetic, airtight nonwoven; (2) chemical-resistant polymer gloves, with wrist or extended sleeves and double gloving in case of exposure to liquids; (3) closed-toe shoes or over-the-shoe booties; (4) goggles with side protection; and (5) positive pressure respirators with P100/P3 filters or air-supplied systems. Dust masks should not be used for respiratory protection against nanoparticles. Clothing, and especially gloves, should be changed routinely. Appropriate




donning/doffing, storage, laundering, and disposal procedures shall be followed to prevent secondary exposure.

3. REMAINING QUESTIONS Some progress has been accomplished toward making available PPE that can protect against nanomaterials. However a large number of questions remain unanswered and work is still needed. First of all, standard test methods have to be developed for measuring the efficiency of PPE against nanomaterials. This concerns respiratory protection, protective clothing materials and ensembles, and eye protection. These methods should simulate PPE use conditions, in particular, mechanical, physical, chemical, environmental, and physiological conditions, which have been shown to affect the penetration of nanomaterials through porous and nonporous membranes [82]. They should also allow testing different nanomaterials, i.e., of different forms (aerosol, powder, and liquid suspension) and different types (chemical nature, shape) as these characteristics may also affect the protection efficiency of PPE [27]. This may require the use of different measuring techniques depending on the nanomaterial tested since they are generally restricted to certain forms and/or types of nanomaterials. Finally, a large effort should be dedicated to the evaluation of nanomaterial penetration at interfaces, either with the skin or between different PPE parts. Indeed, any leakage will strongly compromise the protection efficiency provided by the PPE. A second aspect deals with the need for quantitative data on the efficiency of commercially available PPE against nanomaterials in conditions representative of their use at the workplace. Indeed, if the precautionary principle asks fordand the few good practices guides available recommenddwearing a high performance facepiece respirator, chemical-resistant clothing and gloves, and eye protection (see Chapter 3.5), information existing on their resistance to nanomaterial penetration is limited to a very few PPE models and type/form of nanomaterials. It is even completely inexistent in the case of eye protection, even if nanoparticle penetration through ocular tissues is well documented [94]. In addition, it generally does not take into account the effect of PPE use conditions. Finally, these data should allow comparing the protective efficiency of PPE models between each other, which implies using the same test method and testing conditions, and characterizing the resistance to nanomaterials using the same metric. Third, more research is also still needed to provide a better understanding of the mechanisms controlling the interaction between nanomaterials and PPE. This could help limiting conditions that increase nanomaterials penetration through PPE. In the case of respiratory protection, this includes the question of thermal rebound, the interface effect with the skin, which also applies to eye protection, and the impact of cyclical air breathing flow. Regarding protective clothing and gloves, a study has revealed the large

Progress in Personal Protective Equipment for Nanomaterials

impact of repeated mechanical deformation and contact with colloidal solution liquid carriers, for instance, on their resistance to nanoparticle penetration [82]. Such investigation must be pushed forward and include all the mechanical, physical, chemical, environmental, and physiological conditions that PPE will be subjected to during service. Fourth, in order to guide the proper selection of PPE suited for the level and conditions of exposure to nanomaterials, work should be done to establish acceptable rates of nanomaterial penetration through PPE depending on the level of risk. Indeed, if the application of the precautionary principle currently appears as the only solution because of the lack of knowledge on the toxicity of nanomaterials, overprotection may lead to other issues like thermal stress, loss of dexterity, tactile sensitivity, ease of movement and comfort, as well as muscular fatigue, for example [95]. It is therefore necessary to pursue the effort toward establishing maximum respiratory and dermal exposure limit values for the different forms and types of nanomaterials workers are exposed to (see Chapters 3.1 and 3.2). Such maximum exposure limits could be integrated into PPE selection tools providing a step-by-step process for exposure assessment and risk analysis based on the nanomaterial toxicity and concentration, the conditions of exposure, and worker- and task-based requirements. Finally, if it appears that current PPE designs and materials do not provide sufficient protection against nanomaterials, better performing PPE should be developed. In particular, it is expected that improvements will have to be brought to PPE closures, seams, and interface with the skin [96]. In addition, PPE are generally made of materials that produce static electricity and attract nanoparticles. This raises large problems when working under fume hoods, for instance [97].

4. CURRENT STATUS OF WORLD INITIATIVES Improving exposure control to nanomaterials at work is on the agenda of many occupational health and safety organizations. For example, the Nanotechnology Work Health and Safety Program, implemented by Safe Work Australia, includes assessing the effectiveness of risk control equipment like respirators and gloves in its focus areas [98]. Research toward methods for risk mitigation is also mentioned in the 2011 Strategic Plan of the US National Nanotechnology Initiative [99]. Indeed, engineering controls and PPE have been identified by NIOSH as one of the 10 critical research areas regarding workplace exposure to engineered nanoparticles [100]. The strategic plan for its Nanotechnology Research Center includes conducting research to better understand engineering controls and PPE for use with nanomaterials. The evaluation of PPE is however only listed as a medium priority research by the German NanoKommission [101]. In practice, research projects involving PPE for nanomaterials have been identified in a few countries, essentially Canada, the United States, and France, as well as within the European Community umbrella.




In Canada, the Institut de recherche Robert-Sauve en sante et en securite du travail (IRSST) of Quebec is supporting two research projects on PPE for protection against nanoparticles [102]. One was selected as a result of its last call for proposals organized in partnership with NanoQuebec. The project is aimed at developing a methodology for measuring the efficacy of protective gloves against nanoparticles in conditions simulating their use in the workplace. The data obtained will allow drawing recommendations on the selection of protective gloves in cases of exposure to nanoparticles. A second project deals with evaluating the performance of an N95 filter against ultrafine particles, including nanoparticles, with a cyclic airflow that simulates the breathing of workers. The penetration rate of the particles will be measured as a function of particle size, cyclic aspiration, relative humidity, and exposure time. In the United States, three projects on respiratory and dermal protection against nanoparticles are currently underway in NIOSH laboratories [103]. A first project is about evaluating the performance of respirators against engineered nanoparticles under laboratory and workplace conditions. It took over a previous project, which had allowed developing respirator filtration test methods for nanoparticles as well as measuring the penetration of nanoparticles through various filter materials and assessing face seal leakage. A second project deals with nanoparticle penetration through protective clothing. It is focused on testing protective clothing materials in typical wind-driven conditions and has allowed evaluating the effect of the physical properties of various nonwoven fabrics on nanoparticle penetration. The third project involves protective ensembles. It includes developing a passive aerosol sampler and constructing a recirculation aerosol wind tunnel. In France, research on PPE for protection against nanomaterials is carried out at the Institut National de Recherche et de Securite (INRS), the French national institute for occupational health and safety, as well as at the Laboratory for Innovation in New Energy Technologies and Nanomaterials (LITEN) of the Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA). At INRS, work is done to evaluate the performance of respiratory protection equipment with nanoparticles, in particular, with regards to the question of leaks at the interface with the skin [104]. At LITEN-CEA, activities involve respirators, gloves, and clothing [36], with a recent focus of simulating occupational use conditions. Mention has also been found of a project looking at the efficiency of respiratory protective equipment for nanoparticles at the workplace launched in 2011 in the Czech Republic [105] as well as of a project monitoring the effectiveness of a safety management tool including PPE conducted by the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency [98]. Finally, two new projects selected under the fifth call for proposals of the seventh EU Research Framework Program (FP7), NANOMICEX and SCAFFOLD, involve PPE and nanomaterials [106]. NANOMICEX deals with the mitigation of risks and control of exposure in nanotechnology-based inks and pigments. The tasks planed include

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assessing the effectiveness of PPE for engineered nanoparticles employed in the pigment/ ink industry. SCAFFOLD stands for Innovative strategies, methods, and tools for occupational risks management of manufactured nanomaterials (MNMs) in the construction industry. Among others, the project will evaluate the efficiency of existing risk reduction strategies, including PPE, in construction scenarios, develop a decision-making strategy for PPE selection, and produce prestandardization documents for PPE.

5. FUTURE TRENDS In terms of future development in PPE against nanomaterials, researchers have started to look at improving material barrier properties, especially for respiratory protection. For example, new nonwoven materials have been developed by adding amber and perlite in the polypropylene (PP) melt-blowing process [107]. A decrease in nanoparticle penetration through electrostatically charged amber and perlite-modified PP nonwovens of 35% and 50%, respectively, was observed in comparison with unmodified electrostatically charged PP nonwovens when tested with a 7e270 nm NaCl aerosol. Large reductions in NaCl nanoparticle penetration were also measured with modified PP and polycarbonate nonwovens produced by introducing liquid organic solvents to the fibre-head during the melt-blowing process [108]. An alternative technique uses electrospun polymer fibers. A 0.02 mm-thick polyacrylonitrile electrospun (PAN-ES) fiber filter was shown to display comparable filtration efficiency with glass HEPA and ULPA filters when tested with 10e80 nm diameter NaCl nanoparticles at 5.3 cm/s face velocity [109]. An even better performance is expected by increasing the PAN-ES filter thickness to that of the HEPA and ULPA filters. In an alternative configuration, nanofibrous polyamide-6 mats were deposited on a nonwoven viscose substrate by electrospinning [110]. A strong bonding between the mat and the substrate layer was obtained by hot press lamination following nanofiber deposition. Penetration of 20 nm-NaCl aerosol nanoparticles was decreased from 20% to 5e0.05% by increasing the coating time from 5 min to 10 min to 1 h. These results demonstrate the large potential of nanofibers produced by electrospinning for manufacturing PPE materials for protection against nanoaerosols. A second aspect where progress is expected in the near future for PPE against nanomaterials deals with equipment and system structure. Indeed, seams, closures, and interfaces between PPE pieces and with the skin could be a major weak link in the protection system in case of exposure to nanomaterials [35,111]. In the case of seams, stitches are progressively being replaced by taped seams, for example, in DuPont biohazards suits [112]. Airtight-toothed and ridge-seal zippers that are currently used in scuba diving and hazmat suits, for example, need improvement to become less stiff and easier to open and close for the first ones, and more reliable for the second ones. As for the question of interface between PPE pieces, inspiration could come from solutions developed




for CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear) protection [113]. Finally, better fit of respiratory protection devices is currently looked at by US and Canadian researchers, with the development of an up-to-date anthropomorphic database of workers as well as improved respirator fit-test panels and test headforms [114]. Another point that is closely considered when selecting PPE against nanomaterials is the need for a good compromise between protection and comfort [91]. Indeed, if maximum protection looks the best option in theory, heat stress and loss of functionality may become an issue and affect task completion and PPE wearer’s well-being. In addition, different types of hazards may be present simultaneously at a workstation [115]. For example, exposure to nanoparticle powder may be combined with cutting and puncture risks. A worker would therefore have to wear PPE resistant to mechanical hazards above his PPE resistant to nanoparticles so that he is protected from both types of risks and the integrity of his protection against nanoparticles is preserved. The solution of superimposing several layers of PPE to obtain the complete protection needed, each layer resisting to a different type of hazard, is not ideal since it will increase the negative impact of PPE on functionality and comfort to an even higher degree. The development of multifunctional PPE materials and structures, which is already looked at for other types of risks [116], will become also a necessity for protection against nanomaterials. A last aspect to be mentioned is the search for solutions allowing PPE decontamination instead of disposal. Indeed, if the current lack of methods proven effective for cleaning nanomaterials-contaminated PPE calls for the application of the precautionary principle and therefore the disposal of used PPE [93], the current trend toward sustainable development will sooner or later raise the alarm about the huge quantity of landfilled waste it represents. Work in that direction has already been engaged for chemical protective clothing [117].

6. CONCLUSIONS Some progress has been accomplished toward making available PPE that can provide some level of protection against nanomaterials. This has allowed the production of guidance documents for selecting PPE in case of exposure to nanomaterials. They generally recommend wearing protective clothing that would typically be required for a wetchemistry laboratory and appropriate high efficiency respirators, selected according to up-to-date industrial hygiene best practices and changed regularly if needed. The use of dust masks in the presence of nanoparticles shall be avoided due to very high penetration levels measured. However, a large number of questions remain unanswered. In the case of commercial HEPA and fibrous filters, if filtration efficiency against nanoparticles is generally in agreement with specifications corresponding to tests performed at MPPS, exposure conditions simulating workplace environment have been shown to affect filter efficiency for

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nanoparticles and leaks at the interface with the skin may reduce the protection offered by the respirator. On the other hand, some protective clothing currently available may offer limited protection against nanoparticles, especially when subjected to conditions relevant to their use in occupational settings. For example, nanoparticles may penetrate through some types of protective gloves when they are subjected to repeated mechanical deformations and/or if the nanoparticles are in colloidal solution form. For their part, TyvekÒ-type polyethylene fiber nonwovens displayed a much better performance than woven fabrics and should be favored. Caution should therefore be exerted when selecting PPE in the case of exposure to nanomaterials, especially since no data is available yet about maximum occupational exposure limits. Work is thus still needed and will require more collaborative efforts from the research teams worldwide who are actively engaged into activities toward the development of PPE that can efficiently protect against nanomaterials.

7. SOURCES OF FURTHER INFORMATION CTT Group (Quebec, Canada): performs tests, research, and development on PPE ( HSE (Health and Safety Executive, United Kingdom): Published a guide for nanomaterials ( INRS (the French national institute for occupational health and safety, France): carries out research on respiratory protection against nanoparticles ( IRSST (Quebec research center on occupational health and safety, Canada): carries out and supports research on PPE, with current projects on respiratory and dermal protection against nanoparticles, and published guides on nanoparticles (www.irsst. LITEN (Laboratory for Innovation in New Energy Technologies and Nanomaterials of the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, France): performs research on PPE against nanoparticles ( NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, USA): carries out research on PPE against nanoparticles and published a PPE selection guide for handling engineered nanomaterials (

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wants to thank the members of the NanoTeam at Ecole de technologie superieure, QC, Canada, for their hard work and dedication: Ludwig Vinches, Mehdi Ben Salah, Gerald Perron, Swann Mahe, Alice Jambou, Felicien Deltombe, Maud Leblanc, Nicolas Testori, Pierre-Emmanuel Daure-Cagnol, and Jessy de Santa Barbara. She would also like to thank her collaborators on the protective gloves and clothing against nanoparticles project for their support: Kevin Wilkinson (Universite de Montreal, QC, Canada);  cole polytechnique de Montreal, QC, Canada); Yves Cloutier, Ginette Truchon, Gilles L’Esperance (E




and Chantal Dion (Institut de recherche Robert-Sauve en sante et en securite du travail, QC, Canada);  cole de technologie superieure, QC, Canada); and Luana Golanski and François Tardif Stephane Halle (E (CEA/LITEN, France). Finally, she wants to acknowledge the financial support of the Institut de recherche Robert-Sauve en sante et en securite du travail (IRSST, QC, Canada), NanoQuebec (QC, Canada), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC, Canada), the Agence française de securite sanitaire de l’environnement et du travail (Afsset, France), and the Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l’Energie (ADEME, France) for her research on protective clothing and gloves against nanoparticles.

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Occupational Regulations June Freeland Department of Safety Services and Occupational Health, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

1. INTRODUCTION In the past decade, there has been rapid expansion into the research and application of both naturally occurring nanomaterials and the production of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs), however, currently, little is known about the health effects of these on human exposure. The unique properties that make nanomaterials useful in their proposed applications also make their interactions with biological systems difficult to anticipate and more importantly to monitor. Until further conclusive toxicology data are available, the need to effectively control exposure to health is critical. Also critical is recording the potential exposure of those who may have been at risk without effective controls having been in place and again this relies on a robust system that captures all the relevant applicable data. Nanotechnologies have posed many uncertainties around public and environmental health, but those who work with nanomaterials in both pioneering research and industry, are the first in line to be potentially exposed and harmed to novel and existing nanomaterials. The initial academic research on nanotechnology regulation has so far concentrated on the domestic, legal, political, and social dimensions, within the subfields of science and technology studies, applied ethics, regulation studies, and law. As greater amounts of nanoproducts were being marketed, scientists and regulatory experts voiced growing concerns about the safety of some nanomaterials and their unique physiochemical characteristics. Most of these concerns focused on particle size and their possible effect on human health [1], however, all were very much aware of the impact of the concern raised when genetically modified technology became available and the social and political backlash that ensued. It had been suggested at that time that some nanomaterials may enter the human body through mucous membranes or the skin and migrate via the bloodstream to vital organs including the brain and animal studies were beginning to emerge to substantiate the concerns. There were also concerns about nanomaterials interacting with cell molecular structures having cytotoxic or genotoxic effects [2,3]. Questions were also beginning to be raised about the adequacy of traditional personal protective equipment (PPE), such as lab coats, gloves, or masks and how they may not provide sufficient protection against accidental inhalation or absorption through the skin.

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Evidence was also emerging about how changes to the physiochemical properties, especially when they lead to increased toxicity, particularly as materials in the nanostate may change as a consequence of their interaction with living systems [4]. The field of nanotoxicology has and is still proving difficult for a variety of reasons. Some substances that are not toxic in their conventional state have been shown to be toxic at the nanoscale level and nanoparticles with different characteristics such as chemical composition and morphology, producing differing results in toxicology studies, therefore conducting a risk assessment proved difficult and still does to this day and this may result in either inadequate or unnecessary control measures being put in place. However, it was also beginning to be recognized that while nanotechnology may potentially pose a risk, it also had the potential to bring vast positive changes to society and human health. Although certain studies have established a plausible correlation between exposure to certain particles at the nanometer scale and symptoms shared by certain groups of people, specifically small groups of workers at the same sites, nanomaterials exposure has not been shown definitively and conclusively to have caused human injury. Prior to 2009, there were no documented cases of adverse health or environmental effects directly attributable to nanotechnology [5]. As previously mentioned, preliminary studies in the field of nanotoxicology indicated that some nanomaterials may have toxic effects. In particular, a number of studies have noted the potential for carbon nanotubes (CNT) and carbon nanofibers (CNF) to exhibit toxic effects in the lung comparable to those of asbestos [6,7]. Such studies have raised serious concerns, as well as calls for a moratorium by concerned groups like Friends of the Earth [8]. In 2013, results from recent animal studies indicate that CNT and CNF may pose a respiratory hazard. CNTs and CNFs are tiny, cylindrical, large aspect ratio, manufactured forms of carbon collectively known as High Aspect Ratio Nanomaterials (HARNs). Although it is not known whether similar adverse health effects occur in humans after exposure to HARNs, the results from animal research studies indicate the need to minimize worker exposure [9]. It remains critical that the most important guideline for workers is exposure limits specific to the type and characterization, for example, size, shape, surface area, and mass of the nanomaterials they are working with. The United States has issued such an exposure limit along with some other nations and until many more nanomaterials are addressed in a similar manner, the uncertainty remains. There has been constant argument and discussion for new legislation and regulation for nanotechnologies, however, implementing restrictive measures as a knee jerk reaction to the uncertainties may have the impact of halting progress in essential research in some areas such as medicine with a delay in potential improved treatments for many life threatening conditions and diseases. The obvious benefits of these treatments may appear currently to outweigh the plausible or perceived risk; however, for those at the forefront of research and for those who work with new and novel nanomaterials, occupational

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guidelines are an essential aid in protecting those who are most at risk. This is also beneficial for scientists to continue to innovate and ultimately produce benefits for mankind, as well as enable the public perception as to the benefits of nanotechnology to mankind. To address this, national and international efforts have been made to improve occupational health and safety guidance using new and existing regulations to support research and development and prevent worker exposure. Several overviews have already been published looking at each nation’s contributions and efforts at producing advice and some of their work has been cited within the chapter [10e12]. However, the fast pace of this technology and the concerted efforts to address the lack of knowledge means that this situation is in constant flux. This chapter looks at the current global efforts, compared with the last decade and the subsequent guidance and policies being produced to control occupational exposure and prevent ill health on a national and international level.

2. LESSONS LEARNED FROM THE PAST Researchers in both academic and industrial settings along with differing governing agencies are addressing the uncertainties, in the work place, utilizing different methods. There are some types of naturally occurring nanomaterials which have been shown to be safe, but others such as ENMs have indicated potential for serious injury. Certain national agencies are providing guidance on a case by case basis, depending on specific criteria, for each type of nanomaterial while other agencies are advising a more broad safety measured approach for any nanomaterial to avoid even the slightest risks. Improving our understanding of ENM toxicity is crucial for implementing risk control measures and informing the responsible development of nanotechnology. However, lessons must be learned from the past and while there is reluctance to associate the risk of occupational exposure to nanomaterials with asbestos, there are some notable parallels between the current attractiveness of nanomaterials and the applications of chrysotile asbestos which were discovered in the early twentieth century [13]. When the use of asbestos was first explored, it had many desirable qualities, such as being relatively lightweight, abundant, cheap to mine and process, resistant to water and acids, durable, and electrically nonconductive [14]. Not surprisingly, it came to be viewed for the first two-thirds of the twentieth century, as indispensable and was widely used in everyday appliances as well as industrial settings such as ship building and was termed as the “magic” mineral [14]. The first paper linking lung disease and asbestos exposure was published in the British Medical Journal in 1924 [15] but it was not until the late 1970s that industry recognized and acknowledged that there was a potential problem and suitable control measures were rapidly put in place together with reliable monitoring methods. The world is now paying the price for this lack of action and because of the time lag between exposure and disease, the number of cases worldwide is expected to




continue to rise [16,17]. The mechanisms of toxicity of fibers share many similarities with that for nonfibrous particles, i.e., pulmonary toxicity can arise as a secondary consequence of impaired clearance as a result of direct toxicity. A review of the toxicology of fibers was produced by the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in 1996. However, it is important to note that in addition to the lung, the pleural mesothelium is a potential target tissue of concern for inhaled fibers. This is exemplified by the human experience of mesothelioma from asbestos exposure [18]. As has been previously highlighted by leading researchers, progress is being made in understanding biological responses to ENMs, however, we do not yet understand the full consequences of occupational or other exposure to these substances or the resulting health risks, such as genotoxicity, fully enough to develop science-based health and safety risk assessment guidelines which would support regulatory decision and which individual nations have sought to assist with addressing the potential risks [19]. However, reports in 2009, of industrial accident in China received widespread attention in expert circles. According to a Chinese toxicologist, seven workers were exposed to unspecified nanoparticles over 5e13 months, which is said to have caused two of those workers to die and the remaining to be severely disabled [20]. The toxicologist’s claims, however, remain contested and are discussed later in this chapter. Therefore for regulators throughout the world, the challenges remain as continuing scientific uncertainty; rapid technological innovation and commercialization combined with production on a global scale, all make for political and regulatory uncertaintydnot to mention the ethical and social dilemmas that may be impacted by future novel pathways of research. Creating a balance between scientific freedom, technological innovation, and caution has proved difficult for international governing bodies, despite being allocated huge sums of money to address the potential from nanotechnology. Let us hope that environmental and occupational and product health and safety protection will not prove to be an elusive goal.

3. THE WORLDWIDE COMMUNITY 3.1 European Union Currently there are no specific European Union (EU) regulations on nanotechnologies or nanomaterials. Instead, the manufacturing, use, and disposal of nanomaterials are covered, in principle, by a complex set of existing provisions designed to manage risk associated with conventional bulk-sized material [21]. For example, for biocides, the Council of the European Union has announced that biocides containing nanomaterials will have to be regulated separately as of 2013. European member states rely on existing laws and regulations, mostly at EU level, in the fields of chemicals, foods, cosmetics, and drugs. The EU has opted for a sector- and product-specific approach, in contrast to its technology focused regulatory system for agricultural biotechnology. Specific regulatory

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provisions and authorities vary across the member states, however, most nanotechnology regulation originates at the EU level and EU funded institutions play a central role in carrying out risk assessment and management for the majority of nanomaterials, with member states continuing to play a role in implementing EU law and regulatory decisions at a local level by transposing and aligning them with existing national legislation. In the first EU strategy paper in 2004, the EU Commission (EC) stressed the need for “appropriate and timely regulation in the area of public health, consumer protection, and the environment to ensure confidence from consumers, workers, and investors” [22]. The EC had published their updated policy in 2006 in which they acknowledged that “Nanotechnology must be developed in a safe and responsible manner. Ethical principles must be adhered to and potential health, safety or environmental risks scientifically studied, also in order to prepare for possible regulation.” They also stated that “societal impacts needed to be examined and taken into account.” The EC also conceded that dialogue with the public was deemed essential to focus attention on issues of real concern rather than “science fiction scenarios.” Despite claims that the EU had established a “strong knowledge base in nanosciences” the focus of the report was very much aimed at research and development of this new technology, and the concern regarding the health aspect was mostly regarding public and consumer health, unfortunately there was little or no mention of occupational health concerns for those at the “cutting edge” of this rapidly evolving technology. A single sentence acknowledging that “moreover, all provisions should be taken to ensure health and safety at work” was the only reference made to potential occupational exposure. A further review in 2008 stated that “current legislation covers, to a large extent, risks in relation to nanomaterials” despite knowledge gaps but also stated that “current legislation may have to be modified in light of new information becoming available.” On June 17, 2008, the EC issued a communication on Regulatory Aspects of Nanomaterials. The EC had made a commitment to conduct a regulatory review of EU legislation in sectors of relevance to nanotechnology and this communication was the result of the findings of that review. The communication stated that “the regulatory challenge is therefore to ensure that society can benefit from novel applications of nanotechnology, whilst a high level of protection of health, safety and the environment is maintained” [23]. The Code of Conduct for Responsible Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies Research called for adherence to the precautionary principle and stressed the importance of “anticipating potential environmental, health, and safety impacts” [24]. In 2012, the EC released a communication to accompany the release of the Second Regulatory Review on Nanomaterials, which also includes the EC’s plans to improve EU law to ensure the safe use of nanomaterials. The review stated that “due to nanomaterials diverse nature and types and an increasing body of information on the hazard properties of nanomaterials, which are difficult to generalise and justify risk assessments, a case by case approach to risk assessment should be applied, using strategies based on indications of potential risks, either in terms of exposure or hazard” [25].




3.1.1 European Agency for Safety and Health at Work In June 2012, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) published a literature review which found serious gaps in the awareness of the potential risks involved in handling nanomaterials. The review was intended to summarize the general principles and theories of risk perception and communication referring to relevant trends and current guidance on nanomaterial exposure. It also looked at the risk perception and communication referring to relevant research studies, surveys, and risk communication initiatives that have been completed to date at national and international level. EU-OSHA also considered the gaps in knowledge and limitations of the risk communication initiatives and made suggestions on how this could be addressed, with a view to proposing communication avenues with employers and workers on the potential risks of nanomaterials. The review concluded that risk communication strategies were needed to enable employers to make informed decisions about their workplaces and place suitable controls measures in place [26]. 3.1.2 EU Collaborations In 2013, the document Nanosafety in Europe 2015e2025: Towards Safe and Sustainable Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Innovations was published. This publication was the result of research which was carried out during the years 2011e2013 at the request of the EC. It had been produced as a joint effort of the European NanoSafety Cluster, a forum incorporating framework project (FP), FP6 and FP7 funded nanosafety research projects. It also included several nanosafety research projects that had been funded by differing EU Member States. It identified four major areas of research which would greatly benefit the current understanding of ENM features, exposure to them, hazard mechanisms of ENM as well as their risk assessment and management. The aim of this document was to provide a strategic vision for future research to promote the safe use and applications of ENMs [27]. 3.1.3 New EU Legislation Most nanomaterials enter the market as chemical substances; therefore the EU’s new chemicals law, Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), which entered into force in 2007, has become the cornerstone of nanotechnology oversight in Europe. The two most important aims of REACH are to “improve protection of human health and the environment from the risks of chemicals while enhancing the competitiveness of the EU chemicals industry” [28]. Once fully implemented in 2015, REACH has the potential to create one of the most advanced and comprehensive chemical laws in the world. REACH’s provisions contain extensive obligations for manufacturers to produce and assess data on chemicals and their safe use and to provide this information to regulators through reporting requirements. Regulators also have a range of tools at their disposal to require additional information

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and testing, restrict the use of chemicals that are deemed to be of “very high concern,” or even place a ban on their use. The adequacy of REACH to deal with the regulation of nanomaterials has been the subject of extensive debate among stakeholders in recent years. Several organizations have commissioned or produced reports assessing the adequacy of REACH to manage the potential risks of nanomaterials. Under REACH, manufacturers and importers are required to submit a registration dossier for substances that are manufactured or imported at levels above 1 tonne per year. Chemical safety reports are required above the 10 tonnes per year threshold. However, concern has been raised on how this would apply to nanomaterials given their differing properties to their non-nanoscaled state. In 2013, a review named “Nano Support Project” was conducted on the adequacy of REACH concerning nanotechnology. The project was split into two parts with one looking at the adequacy of current information to support the technical assessment in registration dossiers of nanomaterials and the second part looked at the consequences for industry, human health, and the environment on the possible options for changes in the REACH requirements for nanomaterials [29,30]. Part 1 concluded that the description of the scope of a registration dossier in terms of nanoform(s) addressed: • Identification/characterization for each nanoform for each registrant (being a lead or member registrant) • Addressing transparently throughout the dossiers, specific nanoforms differing in uses and properties (including endpoints, manufacturing process, classification and labeling uses) as well as possible exposure assessment and risk characterization. This includes: improved test material and sample preparation description and all non testing data, e.g., ‘read-across’, should be scientifically justified on a form to form basis. The report also concluded that these options should be logically linked to the recently adopted EC recommendations on the definition of nanomaterial. Part 2’s overall conclusion of the impact assessment showed that additional costs for companies to implement the conclusions from Part 1 would lead to a reduced uncertainty about potentially adverse effects of nanomaterials on human health and the environment. These may also lead to considerable benefits, especially if combined with appropriate risk reduction measures. The EC has launched a public consultation on the modification of the REACH Annexes on Nanomaterials. The consultation ran from June 21 until September 13, 2013 and was open to all interested stakeholders. The objective of this policy initiative is to ensure further clarification on how nanomaterials are addressed and safety demonstrated in registration dossiers. The REACH legislation must ensure a high level of health, safety, and environmental protection. The EC is confident that further clarification should permit access to innovative products and promote innovation and competitiveness.




3.1.4 EU Member States United Kingdom

The HSE is the primary regulator of occupational health and safety in UK industry and other places of work. Regulation in the UK is fundamentally a risk-based system as detailed in the overarching Health and Safety Work Act 1974 which is supported by the regulations that clarify and qualify the duties of employers and those in positions of control [31]. The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH) requires assessment of risk and suitable controls to be put in place of any substance, including biological agents, that are hazardous to health and this legislation covers nanomaterials because of that definition [32]. In July 2004, the Royal Society/Royal Academy of Engineering report Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies: opportunities and uncertainties was published [6]. This report covered the technical, ethical, health, environmental, and regulatory issues raised by the potential of nanotechnology. The report started with their proposed definition of the term ‘nanotechnology’: “Nanotechnologies are the design, characterisation, production and application of structures, devices and systems by controlling shape and size at nanometre scale” and ended with 21 recommendations. These included some specific issues that impact upon occupational health. In December 2004, the HSE produced a “Hazard assessment toxicity document,” EH75/6 in which they state that at that time, there was a “paucity of information and extensive gaps in our knowledge of the potential health effects of particle intentionally produced for nanotechnologies” [33]. This lack of information and understanding applied particularly to novel nanoparticles, such as CNT. The limited information that was then available, certainly for CNT, suggested that they do possess significant inherent toxicity, at least toward the respiratory tract. At that time, there was an extensive body of information on the health effects of existing micrometer-sized particle material, particularly toward the respiratory tract following inhalation exposure [34]. Some studies had compared this toxicity with that produced when the material is rendered nanometer sized. The general picture that was emerging from experimental animal studies was that on a mass dose basis, pulmonary toxicity is enhanced when particle size is reduced from the micrometer to the nanometer range [35]. The increase in toxicity appeared to be related at least in part, to the increase in particle surface area, however, what also became apparent from the data was that different existing materials in the nanometer size range exhibited different degrees of toxicity toward the respiratory tract. The reasons for these differences were and still are, poorly understood. Consequently, it was thought that it was not possible to reach generic conclusions about toxicity based on consideration of size alone, the potential toxicity of each individual nanoparticulate material needed to be considered on a case-by-case basis. The “hazard assessment” was as a result of three preliminary studies which were funded by the

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HSE to look at the potential hazards and risk of nanotechnology. The “snapshot” reviews considered were: • Fire and Explosiondundertaken by the Health and Safety Laboratories (HSL), Buxton • Occupational Hygienedundertaken by the Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM), Edinburgh • Toxicological Hazarddcarried out by the HSE’s own toxicologists. All these reviews reported how limited the available data were and the difficulty of reading across from existing data and concluded that the hazards exhibited by nanoparticles and fibers are sufficiently different from bulk material to require further careful study. They also indicated that the areas of initial occupational health concern should be: • Potential for enhanced toxicity • Potential to cross the skin barrier where existing controls are unproven • Possible persistence in the body • Possible persistence in the workplace. As with all risk assessments, to define the hazard, you require a body of information, who may be harmed, the level of risk(s), and how it/they will be suitably controlled. With the risk-based regulatory structure the UK has for health and safety, any technology with gaps in its knowledge base is a challenge to undertaking risk assessments. In 2009, this challenge was acknowledged by the formation of the UK Nanosafety Group, now known as the UKNSG. Initially the group consisted of health and safety professional from academia and research councils to address the health hazards of those researchers working on the front line with new or novel ENMs. The aim of this group was to produce sector guidance based on the information which was current at that time. The group expanded in 2011 to form a partnership with the HSE, the HSL, and the IOM and the guidance Working Safely with Nanomaterials in Research and Development was launched at the International X2012, the 7th International Conference on the Science of Exposure Assessment conference in July 2012, and subsequently published in September 2012 [36]. This guidance was aimed at employers, managers, health and safety advisors, and users of particulate nanomaterials in research and development and has been endorsed by the HSE. In line with current UK legislation (COSHH), the concept of the precautionary principle is applicable and still applies to most nanomaterials today as the uncertainty surrounding toxicity remains. This group has now expanded to include industry and European partner associations and the document is currently under review. Prior to the publication, the HSE, in collaboration with the UKNSG, distributed questionnaires in the form of “feedback” forms to university health and safety officers and advisors who, in turn, distributed them to various research groups working with nanomaterials within their respective universities. During the summer of 2011, visits were made to nine universities across the UK and within these universities, a total of 45 research groups were visited with a view




to information gathering on how exposure to nanomaterials was being controlled. Seven of the identified universities visited had returned “feedback” forms. While conducting the visits, the principal investigators and fellow researchers along with the heads of departments were interviewed, using the questionnaire to validate the response received. The coordinating safety adviser was also interviewed regarding the university policy documentation and specific guidelines. The risk and COSHH assessments and training records were accessed and the critical controls such as engineering and PPE were examined. Based on reference to HSE guidance and expert opinion, the adequacy of these components of health and safety was assessed for each group visited. From the information provided it was established that the majority of universities using nanotechnology carried out the work in research laboratories within the campus and not in small “offshoot” companies. Most of the nanotechnology research was being carried out by Chemistry and Material Science Departments with chemistry being the dominant discipline. The range and diversity of nanomaterials used was wide with an estimated 200 different nanomaterials being utilized. The feedback showed that the vast majority of universities had been using nanomaterials for over 4 years; therefore the use of nanomaterials in universities was not a new concept. As nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary subject and collaborations are common place between research groups and departments and also universities, this was seen by the HSE as an aid to drive up the overall standards. However, it was also found that some research groups were not achieving adequate standards on some aspects of health and safety. In some cases, no general risk or COSHH assessments had been carried out, information and training was poor, and the use of engineered controls was inadequate. The guidance and partnership led to the HSE’s Web site being reviewed and updated. To address the use of ENMs in small business and industry, the HSE issued further guidance in 2013dHSG 272 specifically about the manufacture and manipulation of all manufactured nanomaterials, CNT, and other biopersistent HARNs in response to evidence regarding their toxicity [37]. British Standards Institution In 2012, the British Standards Institution (BSI) launched four new standards to support the emerging nanotechnologies market. In order to promote acceptance and adoption of nanotechnology and drive innovation, three new publicly available specifications (PAS) were also published. The standards concerned: • the definitions for CNTs • the disposal of nanomaterials waste and • the detection and characterization of manufactured nanomaterials in matrices. Additionally, a fourth PAS is currently in development and which will serve as a guide to regulations and standards.

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As previously mentioned, the guidance so far has recommended the use of the precautionary principle when risk assessing the use of nanomaterials, but what is the “precautionary principle”? The precautionary principle basically works on the precept that an action should not be taken if the consequences are uncertain and potentially dangerous. The principle should be invoked when there is good reason to believe that harmful effects may occur to human, animal or plant health, or to the environment and the level of scientific uncertainty about the consequences or likelihood of the risk is such that the best available scientific advice cannot assess the risk with sufficient confidence to inform decisionmaking. The precautionary principle has guided public policy development across many environmental and public health areas and is written into legislation in many nations. However, even while adopting this approach it must be recognized that the user is still left to deal with a degree of uncertainty. The precautionary principle is further defined by UNESCO as follows: When human activities may lead to morally unacceptable harm that is scientifically plausible but uncertain, actions shall be taken to avoid or diminish that harm. Morally unacceptable harm refers to harm to humans or the environment that is • • • •

Threatening to human life or health, or Serious and effectively irreversible, or Inequitable to present for future generations, or Imposed without adequate consideration of the human rights of those affected [38].

UNESCO further explained that the judgment of plausibility should be grounded in scientific analysis. Analysis should be ongoing so that chosen actions are subject to review. Uncertainty may apply to, but need not be limited to, causality or the bounds of the possible harm. Actions should be chosen that are proportional to the seriousness of the potential harm, with consideration of their positive and negative consequences and with an assessment of the moral implications of both action and inaction. The choice of action should be the result of a participatory process. You can see why this principle applies very succinctly for nanomaterials and will continue to apply until the level of uncertainty is reduced [38]. Germany

In 2007, the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (FIOSHd Bundesantait f€ ur Abesitsschutz and Arbeitsmedizin-BAuA) and the German Chemical Industry Association (Verban der Chemischen Industrie-VCI) issued a draft document which was intended to provide an overview of occupational health and safety measures in the production and use of nanomaterials [39]. This was based on a survey which had been conducted in 2006 which looked at the occupational health and safety measures being taken at that time to handle nanomaterials. The draft guidance provided recommendations for worker protection which was based on hazard assessment. The document




provided a flowchart and recommended specific hazard assessment activities based on the response to the flowchart questions. BAuA and VCI acknowledged that the document would have to be further reviewed based on the ever advancing state of toxicity knowledge concerning nanomaterials. In spring 2011, BAuA and VCI together with the Federation of German Industry (BDI) and the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) commissioned a second survey on occupational health and safety in the handling of nanomaterials. The publication of the results was announced and the increased awareness levels of the topic together with the scientific and pragmatic approach, led to a high response from industry, research organizations and universities. In autumn 2011, a working group consisting of the following institutes published the document, Tiered Approach to the Exposure measurement and Assessment of Nanoscale Aerosols Released from Engineered nanomaterials in Workplace Operation: • Institute of Energy and Environmental Technology e.V. (IUTA) • BAuA and VCI, along with the • German Social Accident Insurance Institution for Raw Materials and the • Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the DGUV (IFA), and • Technical University Dresden. The tiered approach and the document focused on a size range from 1e100 nm and was to support exposure assessment of solid, particulate substances released as an aerosol from ENMs in routine workplace operations [40]. Two further reports detailing the relevance of in vitro methods for the evaluation of chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity of nanomaterials, fine dusts and fibers, and the dispersion and retention of dusts consisting of ultrafine primary particles in lungs were also published in autumn 2011. The BAuA and the VCI have published an update of their guidance for handling and use of nanomaterials in the workplace in May 2012 and the ongoing project, Safety, Health and Quality for Handling Carbon Nano Tubes (CNT) e CarboSafe 2 is on target for completion at the end of October 2013. A guide from the German National Helpdesk also published a report on characterization of substances at nanoscaled as background for the regulation in the framework of the REACH regulation which was based on a 2006 EC funded project [41]. France

In December 2010, The French Agency for Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES) announced that they had developed a control banding tool specifically to address nanomaterials which are either manufactured or used by workers [42]. The control banding tool, classifies new products into “bands” which are further defined after comparison with the hazard level of known or similar products, as with other models, the tool was to be used in conjunction with a qualitative risk assessment and

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the outcome would determine the minimum collective preventative measures to avoid worker exposure. ANSES acknowledged that the tool had the following limitations: • The tool was intended to be applied only to routine handling and use of materials at the work station as part of the normal working operations • The tool was suitable for any type of nanomaterial, provided that the quantities involved were neither too diluted, nor in great volume • The control banding could only be used to determine risk to health. The approach did not address safety risks (fire/explosion) nor risk to the environment • It was essential that the user of the control banding tool be qualified in chemical risk prevention (e.g., chemistry, toxicology, nanoscience, and nanotechnology). ANSES also acknowledged that using the control banding tool without suitable expertise or support may lead to false assumptions and therefore to unsuitable choices concerning preventative measures which could place workers, at the front line of exposure, at risk. In 2012, France took the bold step of implementing legislation that would require all companies manufacturing nanomaterials to register with the authorities. This was based on the notice which The French Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development published in the Journal Officiel de la Republique Française on the August 10, 2010, concerning the content and submission requirements for the annual declarations of information relating to nanoparticle substances, either as single substances or as part of a mixture [43]. The notice provides details on how companies should meet the mandatory declaration obligations which came into force on January 2013. The Web site “R-Nano2” has been created for manufacturers to declare nanomaterials in accordance with the Act of 2012dDecree no 2012-232 of the February 17, 2012. ANSES is responsible for managing the declarations and data, however, at the deadline of April 30, 2013; 457 companies had made 1991 declarations which had assured confidence in the participation by stakeholders. At the request of several companies, the regulatory body granted a further 2 months extension till June 2013 for reporting given that this was the first year and the diversity of the requirements. 3.1.5 Other Countries Out with the European Union Switzerland

The Federal Council approved the Swiss Action Plan on Synthetic Nanomaterials on 9 April 2008. The action plan covers nanotechnology development as well as environmental, health and safety (EHS) issues [44]. The Action Plan’s objectives are: • Creating framework conditions for responsible handling of synthetic nanoparticles • Creating scientific and methodological conditions to recognize and prevent, possible harmful effects of synthetic nanomaterials on health and the environment • Promoting public dialogue about the promise and risks of nanotechnology




• Better use of existing promotional instruments for the development and market, launch of sustainable applications of nanotechnology. In 2007, a survey among Swiss companies was conducted and found that carbon black is used in highest quantities (1365 to/year) followed by TiO2 (435 to/year), ferrous oxides (365 to/year), and polymers (102 to/year) [45]. Regarding EHS, there are three major agencies involved in the implementation of the action plan: • The Federal Office of Public Health is responsible for consumer safety; • The Federal Office for the Environment is responsible for the environmental, safety including disposal and major accidences; • The State Secretariat for Economic Affairs is responsible for workplace safety. Regarding Environmental and Health Research, there is the ongoing National Research Programme 64 “Opportunities and Risks of Nanomaterials,” which is managed by the Swiss National Science Foundation. This program hopes to be able to bridge the gaps in knowledge on nanomaterials. It will also address opportunities and risks for human health and the environment in relation to the manufacture, use, and disposal of synthetic nanomaterials. The projects started their research work in December 2010. There are two main agencies involved in the development of research on nanotechnologies and synthetic nanomaterials. • The State Secretariat for Education and Research, which supports basic and applied research at universities, and the • Innovation Promotion Agency, which helps to fund projects in applied research and development in nanotechnology. The condition for project funding is collaboration between universities and a business partner. The Swiss Nanotech Report 2010 gave an overview on nanotech education and research in Switzerland [46].

3.2 United States of America (USA) and Canada 3.2.1 United States of America The US Federal government has not yet enacted any legislation directed specifically at the regulation of nanotechnology. A 2007 memorandum jointly issued by the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy and Chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality stated The Federal government’s current understanding is that existing statutory authorities are adequate to address oversight of nanotechnology and its applications. As with any developing area, as new information becomes available, the Federal government will adapt or develop additional oversight approaches as necessary, to address the area of nanotechnology.1

1,%20Principles %20for%20Oversight_173_4135.pdf.

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In the US, the regulatory authority for nanomaterials- and nanotechnology-based products is divided between several federal agencies: • The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates any chemical substances or pesticides that are, or contain nanomaterials. • The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers the risks of nanomaterials used in drugs, medical devices, food, food additives, and cosmetics. • The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) deals with workplace safety dimensions. • The Consumer Product Safety Commission is concerned with protection against risk from consumer products. • The Department of Agriculture deals with food and seed safety dimensions. Existing statutes such as the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, both of which are administered by the FDA, can potentially be applied to regulate the health and safety impacts of nanotechnology-based foods, drugs, cosmetics, and pesticides. Where nanomaterials are not covered by these laws, the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) applies. In the US, many nanoscale materials are regarded as chemical substances under the TSCA which was enacted in 1976 and is widely considered to be the only US law that can deal broadly with the regulation of nanotechnology as TSCA is applicable to all potentially toxic chemical substances. There were and still are many criticisms of the ability of TSCA, to address novel nanomaterials as it applies both specifically to nanotechnology and more broadly to all chemical substances unlike any other statutes which are limited to specific parts of the environment. Since the passing of the TSCA Inventory Status of Carbon Nanotubes in 2008, some nanomaterials have been considered as specific chemical substances and are therefore subject to special regulation [47]. There was a call for TSCA to be further reviewed and in 2009, a series of hearings by the subcommittee on Trade and Consumer Protection of the US House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce, looked at its suitability and it was noted that TSCA has both strengths and weaknesses when it comes to the regulation of nanotechnology. The US Senator J. Clarence Davies noted that TSCA had the ability to be flexible with its reporting mechanisms and its broadness in approach; however, Davies also noted that TSCA additionally contains a number of “very difficult, perhaps impossible requirements that must be met before a chemical can be regulated” [5]. This statement reflected the concerns of a number of stakeholders regarding the potential application of TSCA to nanotechnology regulation. The EPA has been tasked with satisfying stringent regulatory impact requirements for existing chemicals by demonstrating that a proposed regulation under TSCA is less burdensome than any other alternative. Two US regulatory agencies have taken leading roles in terms of policy development around the regulation of nanotechnology, the EPA and the FDA. Both agencies set up nanotechnology task forces, held public stakeholder meetings with industry, academics,




and nanotechnology experts and published reviews of their regulatory capacity to address the risks of nanotechnology under current US statutes. As previously mentioned EPA was the first US regulatory agency to take formal actions on nanotechnology and EPA pursued a comprehensive regulatory approach under TSCA and their four pronged approach includes: • Pre manufacture notifications • A Significant “New Use” Rule • An information gathering rule • A test rule. The federal agencies had focused efforts to study potential risks of exposure to nanomaterials including the National Toxicology Program (NTP) under the lead of the National Institute for Health (NIH), the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the EPA, and the Department of Defense (DOD). Debate still continues on whether the US regulatory framework for nanotechnology provides regulatory agencies with adequate authority and instruments [5]. The NTP focused its studies on the potential toxicity of nanomaterials, beginning with titanium dioxide, several types of quantum dots and fullerenes. The first studies were to be about the distribution and uptake, by the skin, of these substances. The NTP also considered conducting inhalation studies of fullerenes and exploring ways to assist NIOSH in the development of inhalation exposure capability for CNTs. As mentioned above, the US mostly relies on a decentralized regulatory system and despite this they have sought to create a coordinated nanotechnology strategy through the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) whose formation was announced in January 2000, by President Clinton [48]. This initiative enacted by Congress in November 2000 and formally established in the fiscal year 2001 with an initial investment of US$422 million and was intended to provide a formal sanctioned mechanism for the coordination of federal nanotechnology research and developments activities [10]. The NNI was a long-term research and development program that coordinated 21 federal departments and agencies. In 2003, US President Bush affirmed his own support for the continued development of nanotechnology by increasing federal funding for nanotechnology and signing the law The 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act which further defined some of the NNI’s activities. The legislation received strong bipartisan support in both the House of Representatives which passed the bill on a recorded vote of 405-19 and in the Senate, which passed the bill by unanimous consent. Thought this Act is often referred to as the enabling legislation for the NNI, the act actually established a National Nanotechnology Program. The act provided authorizations for five NNI agencies: • The National Science Foundation • The Department of Energy (DOE)

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The National Aeronautics and Space Administration The National Institutes of Standards and Technology EPA. But the act did not provide authorizations for the DOD, NIH, Department of Homeland Security, or other NNI research agencies that collectively accounted for 46% of NNI funding in 2003 [49]. When established the NNI was coordinated by the Nanoscale Science Engineering and Technology, Subcommittee of the National Science and Technology Council. The main goals of NNI were: • To extend the frontiers of nanoscale science and engineering through R & D support • To facilitate the development of beneficial applications of nanotechnology • To establish a balanced and flexible infrastructure, including a skilled workforce • To address the societal implications of nanotechnology. The NNI definition of nanotechnology included: • The size range of between 1 and 100 nm • Exploiting specific phenomena and functions that do not extrapolate outside of the nanoscale domain • Ability to measure, control, and change the structure at the nanoscale for a given purpose • And ability to integrate the nanostructures with larger structures while maintaining the properties at the nanoscaled. The definition encouraged new development in the field that would not have been possible without new tools and understanding, however, like their EU counterpart, the focus was on developing the new technology with a cursory glance at the potential harm to health from these new materials and structures. In February 2009, the US House of Representatives passed the National Nanotechnology Initiative Amendments Act of 2009. This bill reauthorized the NNI and additionally contained important measures that resulted in increased funding for the emphasis on the potential EHS risks of nanotechnology. This bill was introduced in a previous session of Congress and was passed by the house on February 11, 2009 but was never passed by the Senate. These measures addressed some of the concerns raised by the National Research Council (NRC) panel in their December 2008 report Review of the Federal Strategy for Nanotechnology Related Environmental, Health and Safety Research [50]. The NRC panel was critical of the NNI approach to regulatory relevant EHS research, as outlined in their February review of the same strategy. The NNI agencies have now begun to address the concerns as well as the issues such as public understanding and workforce education and training. To achieve this, the NNI agencies actively engaged in a variety of international initiatives such as the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the International Standards Organisation (ISO), to cooperatively address nanotechnology issues related to EHS, metrology and standards, nomenclature, and nanoscale materials characterization [51].



Nanoengineering National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

In 2004, the US established a Nanotechnology Research Center to identify the risk implications for worker health and to devise ways to protect workers from any identified adverse health effects from working with nanomaterials. NIOSH also initiated several research projects focusing on nanotechnology, including a five year program to assess the toxicity of ultrafine and nanoparticles. NIOSH had an investment of $1.7 million in 2004 and a further $2.3 million for 2005. NIOSH’s research efforts reflected the widespread global desire to identify health implications from nanotechnology early in its development, before irreversible harm can occur and to recommend control measures to prevent societal harm seen from commercial products such as asbestos. However, like other nations they did not want to create alarm and cause the potential benefits from this new technology to be halted [52]. NIOSH is now seen as the leading federal agency conducting research and providing guidance on the occupational safety and health implications and applications of nanotechnology. Their research focuses on NIOSH’s scientific expertise and its efforts to answer the following questions as other nations have done: • How might workers be exposed to nanoparticles in the manufacturing or industrial use of nanomaterials • How do nanomaterials interact with the body’s systems • What effects might nanoparticles have on the body’s systems. NIOSH was also at the forefront of publishing guidance to address workplace exposure. In February 2008, NIOSH issued a guidance document Safe Nanotechnology in the Workplace and provided information regarding nanotechnology for employers, managers, and health and safety professionals. It was intended to address the following questions: • Are nanoparticles hazardous to workers? • How can workers be exposed? • Can nanoparticles be measured? • Can worker exposure be controlled? In February 2009, NIOSH released an Interim Guidance for Medical Screening and Hazard Surveillance for Workers Potentially Exposed to Engineered Nanoparticles [53]. This document was developed to address concerns about whether workers exposed to ENMs would be at increased risk of adverse health effects and whether medical screening or some type of occupational health surveillance was appropriate for these workers. Although increasing evidence indicated that exposure to some ENMs can cause adverse health effects in laboratory animals, insufficient evidence existed at that time and to date to recommend specific medical screening of workers potentially exposed to ENMs. In April 2009, NIOSH published Approaches to Safe Nanotechnology: Managing the health and Safety Concerns Associated with Engineered Nanomaterials [54]. This document

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reviewed what was known at that time about nanotoxicity, process emissions and exposure assessment, engineering controls, and PPE. This updated version also incorporated some of the latest results of NIOSH’s research. The document served to send out a global request from NIOSH to share and exchange information to address worker exposure. This publication led to the first NIOSH international conference Nanomaterials and Worker Health: Medical Surveillance, Exposure Registries and Epidemiologic Research which was held on July 2010 at the Keystone Resort and Conference Center, Colorado and was co-organized by the Mountain and Plains Education and Research Center who sponsored the conference. In 2012, NIOSH published General Safe Practices for Working and Engineered Nanomaterials in Research Laboratories with the aim of raising awareness of the occupational health and safety practices that should be followed during the synthesis, characterization, and experimentation with ENMs in a laboratory setting [55]. In April 2013, NIOSH issued Current Intelligence Bulletin 65, which had reviewed the animal and other toxicological data relevant to assessing the potential nonmalignant adverse respiratory effects of CNT and CNF. It also provided a quantitative risk assessment based on animal dose response data and proposed a recommended exposure limit (REL) of 1 mg/m3 elemental carbon as a respirable mass 8-h time weighted average concentration and described strategies for controlling exposure in the workplace and implementing a medical surveillance program. The proposed NIOSH REL is significantly lower than the 2012 recommendation and is expected to reduce the risk for pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis [9]. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration

In 2013, OSHA published a fact sheet entitled Working Safely with Nanomaterials [56]. As with other occupational health bodies and professionals in other nations, OSHA acknowledged that research workers, or those on production lines, may be exposed to nanomaterials by the now identified route through inhalation or ingestion. This fact sheet was designed to provide “basic information to workers and employers on the most current understanding of potential hazards associated with this rapidly developing technology and highlight controls measure to prevent exposure to nanomaterials in the workplace.” As with the UK Working Safely with Nanomaterials in Research and Development guidance document, OSHA highlighted the need for training and information for workers which should include: • Identification of nanomaterials the employer uses and the processes in which they are used • Results from any exposure assessments conducted at work • Identification of engineering and administrative controls and PPE to reduce exposure • Spillage procedures in the event of an emergency or release.




OSHA also acknowledged that there were few occupational exposure limits that were specific to nanomaterials and as with others agreed that certain nanomaterials may be more hazardous in the nanostate and therefore the existing exposure limits for the nonnanostate may not provide adequate protection from nanomaterials of the same substance. OSHA then went on to recommend certain exposure limits which contradicted the NIOSH recommendation. OSHA recommended that “worker exposure to CNT and CNF’s should not exceed 7 mg/m3 as an 8 hour time weighted average” which was based on the previous 2010 REL recommendation by NIOSH. OSHA also suggested in the fact sheet that “exposure should be minimised by engineered controls and best practices.” 3.2.2 Canada At the federal level in Canada, the two most active regulatory departments on the nanotechnology policy file to date have been Health Canada (HC) and Environment Canada (EC). The regulatory framework for nanomaterials in Canada includes: • The Canadian Environmental Protection Act • The Pest Control Products Act • The Fertilisers Act • The Feeds Act • The Food and Drugs Act. In June 2008, the Canadian Government announced that EC and HC would be pursuing a mandatory information gathering survey under the authority of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act [57]. Based on the outcomes, companies and institutions that have manufactured or imported more than 1 kg of nanomaterials would be required to submit information on these products, including their physical and chemical properties, toxicological data, volume produced, manufacturing processes, and uses. Both EC and HC hope this onetime request to gather information will be used in the development of a regulatory framework and to inform risk assessments. In 2010, HC released an interim policy statement outlining a working definition for nanomaterials to be used in gathering safety information and to support the administration of legislative and regulatory frameworks [58]. The definition states that “any manufactured product is considered to be a nanomaterial if it is at or within the nanoscale 1e100 nm in at least one special dimension or exhibits one or more nanoscale phenomena.” The scope of the working definition was intended to be broad so that all government legislative and regulatory programs were captured. The statement was prepared following consultation with international stakeholders, industry trade groups, standards associations, and other Canadian federal departments. In 2011, the National Collaborating Center for Environmental Health produced a report Nanotechnology: A review of Exposure, Health Risks and Recent Regulatory Developments and asked the question; “what potential human health effects are associated with nanotechnology” [59].

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In 2012, Canada’s First Standard on Nanotechnologies to help Provide for Safer Workplaces was published by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA). This first nanotechnology standard CSA Z12885 [60], Nanotechnologies e Exposure Control for Engineered Nanomaterials in Occupational Setting’s is based on the ISO/TR 12885 (2008) [61]. It provides guidance on exposure control programs for ENMs and is aligned with the plan-docheck-act continuous improvement model as found in most occupational health and safety management systems. The document clearly outlines responsibilities and accountability of senior management as well as encouraging and enabling worker involvement. This first edition document contains revisions and additional guidance to reflect Canadian practices and safety considerations. It has also contributed to the first series of standards on nanotechnologies resulting from international and Canadian collaborations on the continued activity of ISO/TC 229, the ISO Technical Committee on Nanotechnologies. The CSA standard CSA Z12885 has since been substantially modified and includes large sections of the Institut de recherche Robert-Sauve en sante et en Securite du travail IRSST (Quebec) best practices guide which was published in 2009 [62]. ISO 12885 is addressed further in this chapter.

3.3 Asia Region The Asian region has emerged as a leading center for nanotechnology with total spending within the region in 2011 exceeding that of the US (US$2.25 billion compared to US$2.18 billion), however, it has subsequently documented that just because a country throws a large amount of money at research, it does not necessarily follow that the research conducted will have an impact on that country’s economy. The Asia Nanosafety Research Network Initiative (ANSRNI), championed by Australia, is part of the Asia Nano Forum (ANF), a network of 15 economies in the Asia Pacific region and is based and coordinated by ANF Secretariat in Singapore. In early 2012, the ANSRNI was formed after a report issued in 2011 which established the need for a separate organization. The “kick-off” workshop to discuss the Implementation of Nanosafety and Ethics Strategic Plan was held in January 2013 [63]. 3.3.1 Australia Occupational Health and Safety in Australia is regulated at the state level rather than federal level. The federal body, Australian Safety and Compensation Council, leads and coordinates national efforts to promote best practice and with developing national policy on occupational health issues and matters of worker compensation. The federal regulatory agencies with jurisdiction over areas of certain types of nanotechnology are: • The National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme which is responsible for the regulation of industrial chemicals




• Food Standards Australia/New Zealand which is the governmental body responsible for developing food standards for both Australia and New Zealand • The Therapeutic Goods Administration which is the regulatory body for therapeutic goods in Australia. In a March 2005 report, the Australian Prime Minister’s Science, Engineering and Innovation Council (PMSEIC) provided an overview of nanotechnology and its potential benefits and potential future gains for the Australian economy. In the report, PMSEIC outlined their key findings and recommended that the Australian Government should examine options for implementation of a national strategy regarding nanotechnology that would “ensure an appropriate regulatory framework which safe guards the health and safety of Australians” [64]. Also in 2005, questions about the health impacts of workplace exposure to toxic dust and the adequacy of regulations governing workplace exposures led to a mandated inquiry on toxic dust and the potential of emerging technologies, including nanomaterials, which may result in workplace-related harm. The final report from the Senate Committee provided further support for the 2005 PMSEIC recommendations, calling for the formation of a working party on nanotechnology regulation to consider the impacts of nanotechnology on the Australian regulatory framework. The report also asked whether existing regulations were appropriate to the regulation of nanotechnology and looked for options to address regulatory gaps and uncertainties. The report also questioned whether there was a need to establish a permanent body to regulate nanotechnology to ensure the comprehensive risk management of nanoparticle exposure through regulation [65]. In early 2006, NanoSafe Australia was established following approaches to the Australian Centre for Human Health and Risk Assessment from Nanotechnology Victoria Pty Ltd (Nano Vic), concerning the need to address EHS and regulatory issues. They also produced two major reviews for the government agency, Safe Work Australia [66,67]. The NanoSafe Australia network is a group of Australian toxicologists and risk assessors who have formed a research network to address the issues concerning the occupational and EHS of nanomaterials. Their mission was to support government, industry, and non-government organizations (NGOs) in their efforts to understand the EHS issues surrounding nanotechnology products and their manufacturing processes and to provide quality data for the appropriate risk assessments of nanomaterials. NanoSafe members are the main contributors to the Australian Consortium for the nanosafety testing program of the OECD Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials (WPMN). A National Nanotechnology Strategy Workforce was established within the Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources in July 2005. The workforce panel delivered their report outlining “Options for a National Nanotechnology Strategy” to the Australian Government in June 2006. Among the recommendations outlined were governance options for overseeing the implementation of the strategy and coordination across government departments, establishment of a forum to look at the EHS issues and a

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recommendation that the Government should undertake an assessment and gaps analysis of current regulatory frameworks at that time. This study was awarded to the University of Monash. The subsequent report Review of Possible Impacts of nanotechnology on Australia’s Regulatory Frameworks was an independent study of the possible impacts on regulatory frameworks, authored by Monash Centre for Regulatory Studies within the Faculty of Law and was delivered to the Government in June 2007. The Monash report was released broadly to the public in July 2008 and concluded that “there is no immediate need for major changes to the regulatory regimes,” however, this appeared to contradict the study of the author who had identified six areas of potential concerns regarding regulatory triggers for nanomaterials [68]. The subsequent report issued by the Government Australian Government Approach to the Responsible Management of Nanotechnology also concluded “that there has so far been no demonstrated need for a specific regulatory system for engineered nanomaterials.” As previously mentioned in 2009, Safe Work Australia, released two reports which both present research into different safety concerns of nanoparticles and offered advice. The first report looked at how composites made up of hazardous nanomaterials could present more danger when cutting them using an electrical saw or “band saw,” but they stated that proper use of conventional local exhaust ventilation reduces any risk. The second report found that dust clouds with a high enough concentration of nanomaterials, could cause an explosion if an ignition is also present, but they concluded by saying that most workplaces should already be practising effective measures to reduce the threat of explosion when handling nanomaterials for controlling their risks. In 2010, Safe Work Australia developed an online “health and safety assessment tool” for handling ENMs (engineered nanomaterials) and was aimed at: • Organizations to document practises and procedures and • Work health and safety regulators or occupational hygienists when visiting nanotechnology organizations. This assessment tool covered information about the work of the business, organization, or research laboratory and allowed the user to identify and record the: • Characteristics of the business manufacturing, supplying or using nanotechnology or products that contain nanomaterials • Nanomaterials and process that are being used • Controls being used to prevent exposure of people to nanoparticles • Information available to businesses, organizations, or research laboratories and • Issues or problems faced by businesses, organizations, or research laboratories in managing nanotechnology work health and safety. A working group on behalf of Safe Work Australia also looked at the feasibility of establishing exposure standards and using control banding and concluded that it would be useful for industry and was particularly favorable to the control of chemical hazards




where there is limited toxicological information and workplace exposure limits are absent as is currently the case with ENMs, but also concluded that this should be used in conjunction with risk assessments. Other nations such as France, mentioned previously, have looked at this method of “hazard grouping” of nanomaterials but the same issue arises when trying to establish working exposure levels, the toxicology data are incomplete and therefore remains too many uncertainties for a banding tool to be fully utilized [69,70]. In October 2012, Safe Work Australia has recommended that multiwalled CNTs be classified as hazardous chemicals, as well as single walled CNTs by precautionary approach [71]. March 2013 saw the release of an information sheet Safety Hazards of Engineered Nanomaterials and was based on the risk management process. This also addressed the potential for nanomaterial dust to be explosive which then has implications for the labeling and packing of nanomaterials under the Global Harmonization System (GHS) for the Classification and Labelling of Chemicals. There is currently no specific hazard category for the explositivity of dust clouds. In the GHS, a flammable solid is defined as a “solid that is readily combustible or may contribute to fire through friction.” Readily combustible solids are powdered, granular, or pasty substances which are dangerous if they can be easily ignited by brief contact with an ignition source, such as a burning match and if the flame spreads readily. Some nanomaterials may be potentially readily combustible solids and hence classifiable solids under the GHS regulations [72]. 3.3.2 China China’s investment in nanotechnology has grown rapidly during the past decade and the number of patent applications in the field has surpassed those of Europe and the United States, however, an article published in 2007 highlighted the need for better safety studies as China at that time had poorly enforced chemical safety regulations and a “tainted” record on product safety which posed uncertain risks in a booming nanotechnology industry [73]. China also only used 3% of its total budget for nanosafety studies compared with 6% in the US. Occupational exposure was and still is considered to be one of the biggest risks as China’s workplace safety rules are not always implemented and there were no specific limits for handling or controlling exposure to nanoparticles. In 2009, Chinese researchers claimed that nanoparticles were responsible for lung damage in seven workers at a printing factory in Beijing, two of whom subsequently died [20]. The results suggested that the nanoparticles might be the sources of lung inflammation in the seven workers. The study describes seven women, aged 18e47 years, who worked in an unidentified printing factory in China. All seven

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had pleural granulomas which are ball-like collections of immune cells in the lining of the lung that form when the immune system is unable to remove a foreign body. They also had excessive, discolored fluid in the lung lining. Particles around 30 nm in diameter were found in lung fluid and tissue. There are, however, doubts that nanoparticles are to blame. Symptoms are more typical of chemical exposure to the plastic material the patients worked with which is the more likely culprit, as it would have been highly toxic at the levels they were probably exposed to given the size of the room they worked in and its lack of ventilation. In 2012, an article in Nature highlighted the concerns at the lack of both occupational and product safety and indicated that it was a “recipe for disaster” given the amount of produce being released by China [74]. In 2013, China joined the project “Nanosolutions” along with colleagues in Europe, the US and Brazil to develop a nano-classification system based on material characteristics, toxicity studies and bioinformatics data, with the data being used to develop software to predict the potential hazards of nanomaterials. The project will screen approximately 30 materials for toxicity and then create animal modules to investigate their biological effects. To date no publications have been issued from this project. 3.3.3 Japan The regulatory authority for Occupational Health and Safety in Japan is the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW). Based on the view of the precautionary principle, MHLW issued a notification No 0207704 in February 2008 Notification on Present Preventative Measures against Exposure at Workplaces Manufacturing and Handling Nanomaterials and related information on exposure to nanomaterials was also reported by a review panel chaired by the Director of Japan Bioassay Research Center, Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association and documented on the Web site of National Institute of Occupational Study and Health, Japan [75,76]. In 2011, Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) established a Committee on Safety Management for Nanomaterials which was scheduled to hold its first meeting on December 2. The remit of the Committee was to focus on risks (especially in view of exposure to nanomaterials in products) caused by nanomaterials and study appropriate management procedures for nanomaterials considering the actual usage and life cycles. METI stated that the Committee was established on the basis of results obtained from the project Research and Development of Nanoparticle Characterisation Methods commissioned by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development organization (NEDO) and the latest scientific knowledge at that time. A report from the Committee was published in January 2012 outlining three principal areas of discussion: hazard, exposure, and risk assessment; risk management; and definition and technological measurement.




Its main conclusions were similar to other nation’s findings and were discussed in an article in the Chemical Watch Forum: • hazard, exposure, and risk assessment: A key concern is to identify common hazards, such as carcinogenicity, that some nanomaterials might have, and to identify specific hazards arising from different sizes and characteristics. Because it is challenging to come up with risk assessments due to the lack of scientific evidence, companies should collect real-time scenarios of risk in the workplace and comments from workers about their concerns. • risk management: Currently, companies voluntarily implement their own risk management approaches; however, government mandated measures are urgently needed. • definition and technological measurement: The EU recently published a definition of nanomaterials, and it is necessary for countries to share information and scientific findings to achieve safety of nanomaterials. However, it would be challenging if each country had its own definition of nanomaterials. Japan supports global harmonization of nanomaterials management, but would like to focus on safety assessment and technical measurement for nanomaterials [77]. METI and NEDO reached an agreement with the EC and the DOE in the US at the Third JP-US-EU Trilateral Conference on Critical Methods held in Brussels, Belgium in May 2013 to continue the trilateral cooperation on efficient management of critical materials which included nanomaterials. In October 2013, Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) announced a voluntary guidance document on measuring airborne CNTs in workplaces. The Technology Research Association for Single Wall CNT (TASC) a consortium of nine companies and AIST prepared the guidance which was intended to provide a method of CNT safety management. The guidance gave practical methods for measuring airborne CNTs and also provided sample measurement cases performed by TASC. The guidance was sponsored by NEDO and as with many of similar guidance produced by other nations concluded with a note that a specific method has not been definitively determined and many challenges still remain [78]. 3.3.4 Korea In May 2009, the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards issued the “Guidance to Safe Handling of Manufactured Nanomaterials in Workplace/Laboratory” which at that time was expected to be used by The Korean Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) which is a subsidiary of the Ministry of Employment and Labour (MOEL), for the development of future guidelines [79]. KOSHA had previously conducted several projects looking at the risk assessment and management of nanomaterials in the workplace especially the hazards associated with ultrafine dust generated in the workplace and the

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implied connection between the dust and occupational disease. The main project was to look at monitoring methods, however, they experienced difficulties in obtaining appropriate measuring equipment which was too bulky and difficult to use for personal monitoring and the nonselective results obtained proved difficult to interpret. The Korean government has subsequently established the “National Nano Safety Master Plan 2012e2016.” The agenda for the nanosafety plan focuses on: • the development of monitoring methods for nanomaterials and the building of a database on nanomaterials; • nanotoxicology; • the safety system of nanotechnology; • international cooperation and partnership between interested parties. The agenda for nanosafety also includes the measurement of exposure among workers, consumers and the environment, hazard assessment, risk assessment, and broader environment impacts. This was produced by collaboration between the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Ministry of Knowledge and Economy, MOEL, and the Korean Food and Drug Administration. 3.3.5 Singapore Singapore has identified nanotechnology as one of the key areas for Singapore’s pursuit of competitive advantages and the government is actively promoting cooperation with overseas nations with an investment of S$65 million, which although smaller than the US and Japan is still larger than any other industry budgets. The key funding agency in Singapore is the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR). A*STAR’s Nanotechnology Initiative started in 2001 when the potential advantages of this new technology was realized. The nanotechnology research programs are developed at several specialist research institutes, Institute of material Research and Engineering, Institute of Microelectronics, the Data Storage Institute, and the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology. In May 2010, the Singapore NanoSafety Survey was commissioned jointly by the Ministry of Manpower and the Singapore Economic Development Boards and was administered by NanoConsulting [80]. The objective of the survey was to gather information on the profile of the usage of nanomaterials and the then current occupational safety and health practices in establishments handling nanomaterials. The survey found that multiple forms of nanomaterials were being used in Singapore with the most common being TiO2, CNTs, and ZnO2 the usage being mostly less than 1 kg and in solid, powder, and solution forms. As previously mentioned, Singapore is currently the Secretary of the ANF forum and all efforts for guidelines and standards for exposure to nanomaterials for Singapore will emanate from this network.




4. GLOBAL EFFORTS International cooperation is essential for the development of nanotechnology, where scientific and technical challenges are huge and a wider discussion is beneficial. International cooperation in nanotechnology is needed both with countries that are economically and industrially advanced and with those less advanced to share the knowledge already gained. An international dialogue on responsible research and use of nanotechnology is also needed, as well as the development of consistent guidance and control measures to ensure worker safety. The initial “push” to address this concern globally was at the first “Nanotechnology and Occupational Health” symposium which was organized by the UK (HSE) and held under cosponsorship of NIOSH in Buxton, 2004 [81]. The second to fourth symposia were held in the University of Minnesota (Minneapolis, 2005), National Chiao Tung University (Taipei, Taiwan 2007), the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (Helsinki, Finland 2009), and the University of Massachusetts (Boston USA 2011). The 2013 fifth symposium was held in Nagoya, Japan with the subsequent 2015 sixth symposium planned to be held in Johannesburg, South Africa. This series of symposia has been recognized as one of the premier conferences to address occupational health and safety of nanotechnology. The aim of the symposium is to share the latest knowledge on risks related with nanotechnology and to reduce those potential risks. The symposium provides a high quality of scientific forum for scientist and health and safety professionals to present and discuss the interaction between technical advances and societal occupational health and safety impacts in the field of nanotechnology research. Many international partnerships have been formed as a result of the interactions and discussions held at the symposia and efforts to ensure global harmonization addressing the occupational health and safety are constantly advancing as a result. The EU and the US have taken a lead in international coordination efforts, working primarily through the OECD and the ISO organizations.

4.1 Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development In September 2006, OECD, which was an international economic organization of 34 countries founded in 1961, approved the establishment of the “WPMN” under chemical committee. The WPMN was established in March 2007 to advise upon emerging policy issues of science, technology, and innovation related to the responsible development of nanotechnology. It is a subsidiary group of, and receives its mandate form the Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy. The WPMN works cooperatively with other OECD groups including the Working Party on Biotechnology, the group of National Experts for Scientific and Technological Indicators, and their parent committees [82]. The WPMN organized meetings in order to exchange information and

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create internationally networking. The working party composed of six steering groups which are: • SG1: Development of research database • SG2: Environment, Health and Safety research strategy on manufactured nanomaterials • SG3: Safety testing of a set or representative manufactured nanomaterials • SG4: Manufactured nanomaterials test guidelines • SG5: Cooperation on voluntary schemes and prevention • SG6: Cooperation on risk assessments and exposure measurement. A report was published in 2012 and based on this the OECD and its member countries have come to the conclusion that approaches for the testing and assessment of traditional chemicals are in general appropriate for assessing the safety of nanomaterials, but may have to be adapted to the specificities of nanomaterials [83].

4.2 International Standards Organisation ISO, the network of standardization organizations from 157 countries launched ISO Technical Committee 229 (ISO/TC 229) in November 2005 [84]. The ISO/TC 229 was chaired by representatives from the British Standards Institution (BSI). The committee had three working groups: • Working Group on Terminology and Nomenclature, chaired by Canada • Working Group on Metrology and Characterisation, chaired by Japan • Working Group on Health, Safety and the Environment, chaired by the US. ISO further developed standards to address nomenclature and terminology for nanomaterials in 2008. Other standards have been produced to address both the vocabulary used and characterization of substances in 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013. ISO 27687:2008 defines a nano-object as “material with one, two, or three external dimensions in the size range from approximately 1e100 nanometres (nm).” Subcategories of a nano-object were defined as: • nanoplate, a nano-object with one external dimension at the nanoscale (i.e., 1e100 nm) • nanofiber, a nano-object with two external dimensions at the nanoscale • nanotube defined as a hollow nanofibre and a nanorod as a solid nanofiber; and • nanoparticle, a nano-object with all three external dimensions at the nanoscale. Nano-objects are commonly incorporated in a larger matrix or substrate called a nanomaterial. ISO/TR 12885:2008 focuses on the occupational manufacture and use of ENMs. It does not address health and safety issues or practices associated with nanomaterials generated by natural processes, hot processes, and other standard operations which unintentionally generate nanomaterials or potential consumer exposures or uses though some of the information might be relevant to those areas.




ISO/TR 12802:2010 focuses on a model taxonomic framework for use in developing vocabularies to establish core concepts for nanotechnology. It is intended to facilitate communication and promote common understanding. ISO/TS 80004-5:2011 Part 5 focuses on the nano/bio interface and lists terms and definitions between nanomaterials and biology. It is intended to facilitate communications between scientists, engineers, technologists, designers, manufacturers, regulators, NGOs, consumer organizations, members of the public, and others with an interest in the application or use of nanotechnologies in biotechnology or the use of biological matter or principles in nanotechnology. ISO/TS 80004-7:2011 Part 7 focuses on diagnostics and therapeutics for health care and is applicable to the use of nanotechnologies. It provides consistent and unambiguous use of terms for health care professionals, manufacturers, consumers, technologists, patent agents, regulators, NGOs, and researchers. ISO/TS 11931:2012 provides requirements to describe the basic characteristics of nanoscale calcium carbonate in powder for relevant for applications in nanotechnology. It does not cover specific health and safety issues or specific applications of nanoscale calcium carbonate. ISO/TS 11937:2012 provides requirements to describe the basic characteristics of titanium dioxide in powder form relevant for application in nanotechnology. It is limited to dry powders and does not include materials dispersed or suspended in water or solvents. As with calcium carbonate, it does not cover characteristics for health and safety issues or for specific applications of titanium dioxide. ISO/TS 16195:2013 provides guidance for developing representative test materials consisting of nano-objects in dry powder form to enable test method development and improve comparability of data for nanotechnology applications. It also includes the physiochemical properties that are required to be measured and reported with the representative test material. This standard has proved crucial to the quality of nanomaterials being produced and has had the effect of pushing the nano-cowboy manufacturers out of the market. ISO/TS 17200:2013 lists fundamental characteristics which are commonly determined for nanoparticles in powder form and prescribes specific measurement methods for each of these characteristics.

4.3 World Health Organisation The World Health Assembly identified the assessment of health impacts of new technologies, work processes, and products as one of the activities under the Global Plan of Action on Workers Health, adopted in 2007 and the WHO Global Network of Collaborating Centres in occupational health has selected manufactured nanoparticles as a key focus of their activity.

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In 2012, WHO issued guidelines aimed to facilitate improvements in occupational health and safety of workers potentially exposed to nanomaterials in a broad range of manufacturing and social environments [85]. The guidelines incorporated elements of risk assessment and risk management and contextual issues. A collaboration of global experts from a wide range of countries and organizations looking at the Occupational Health for those working with nanomaterials collectively known as NANOH are presently funded by WHO and NIOSH and the US government expressed a critical need for external funding for new initiatives. In 2012, WHO invited potential sponsors to participate in a broad range of activities which would be spread over 2 years. They called on a wide range of experts with scientific knowledge on nanomaterials as well as health and intend to develop the following steps: • Establish a Guideline Development Group and an External Review Group, which reflect the diversity of manufactured nanomaterials and manufacturing processes on a global scale and the cultural differences in workplace safety. The Guidelines Development Group will oversee important elements in the guideline development process such as drafting guideline text, while the External Review Group is tasked with critical review of the scientific evidence and of the text of the guidelines. • Prepare a background document proposing content and focus of the Guidelines. This background document will be used by the Guideline Development Group to identify key questions to be addressed by the Guidelines • Prepare systematic review papers for each key question • Prepare guideline recommendations • Conduct an implementation phase of the project encompassing preparation of a userfriendly implementation guide and pilot implementation projects in selected countries. WHO have also committed to provide member states with sound scientific advices on the assessment of foods related to nanotechnologies.

5. CONCLUSION The lack of specific knowledge on the risks posed by nanomaterials and inadequacy of current risk assessment protocols and methodologies has been a recurring theme in the last decade. All of these newly cited documents and publications on occupational health and safety with nanomaterials, recommend utilizing the precautionary principle approach based on minimal exposure using the five principles of risk assessment. The first principle of “identifying the hazard” has always been the stumbling block when working with new and novel materials such as nanomaterials, however, until toxicology data began to emerge there was an assumption that these materials would have similar properties to their non-nanostate. The principles of risk assessment can still be applied though as far




as substitution (for example, from powder to suspension), control (enclosed environment), use of specific ventilation, and of adequate PPE (given that nanomaterials may pass through standard equipment) and finally, careful monitoring of potential health effects. These publications are creating a strong base for the implementation of good laboratory practices, however, until conclusive toxicology data on the impact of nanomaterials on human health are published, we will always have to rely on the “precautionary principle” when risk assessing the use of nanomaterials. The aim of many nations is to one day have consistent global standards and guidelines for those in the forefront of research and for those in the frontline production to enable them to handle nanomaterials of all substances in a safe and suitable manner with the confidence that their health and the health of their families, is not being compromised.

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CNTs in Composites: A Case Study Mariko Ono-Ogasawara Work Environment Research Group, Japan National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Tama-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan

1. INTRODUCTION Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have high aspect ratios, with diameters of 1e100 nm and lengths greater than several micrometers. They show mechanical strength, electrical and thermal conductivity, and distinctive physicochemical properties originating from their unique structure of cylindrical graphene sheets. The mechanical strength of CNTs is much higher than that of steel. CNTs are regarded as a suitable reinforcement material for composites because of their low density and high mechanical strength. Moreover, electrically conductive plastics can be obtained by adding a small amount of CNTs. To exploit these unique properties, studies of composites containing CNTs have been conducted to overcome the low interfacial strength between CNTs and polymers, and the difficulty in dispersing CNTs in base materials. Although the development of CNT composites is promising, there are concerns related to their effects on human health and the environment. In vivo toxicological studies on CNTs have shown that longer CNTs are more toxic and that multiwalled CNTs (MWCNTs) with higher aspect ratios induce inflammation and granulomas, whereas shorter or tangled MWCNTs show fewer effects. Furthermore, clearing CNTs from the lungs is difficult by the normal mechanism of phagocytosis. More research is required to evaluate the effects of different types of CNTs. The encapsulation of CNTs in polymers or other materials should reduce these health risks. Little is known about the toxicity of nanoparticles incorporated in complex matrices during different phases of the material’s life cycle. There is little published data related to the health effects of debris from nanocomposites. In vivo tests showed no additional hazards related to the hybrid particles released from nanocomposites, such as degradation fragments of CNT-containing polymers and CNT-containing cements [1,2] and sanding dust from TiO2-polymers coating or lacquers [3,4]. However, these data cannot be extrapolated to all other composites. Environmental emission or exposure scenarios for nanomaterials including CNTs over their life cycle have been analyzed [5e7]. Kuhlbusch et al. [8] reviewed exposure assessment in the life cycle of various nanomaterials. A number of release scenarios related to CNT composites have been proposed, for example, over life cycle of tennis racquets [5], carbon nanotube-enabled semiconductor devices [9] and CNT/epoxy composites [10]. Most exposure scenarios have focused on consumer exposure and environmental Nanoengineering ISBN 978-0-444-62747-6,

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release. Exposure scenarios for processing CNT composites were categorized by Nowack et al. [11]. The release of nanoparticles from products can occur through the direct release of free CNTs, or more frequently, through the initial release of particles with CNTs embedded in a matrix, followed by the release of CNTs from the particle matrix. The categorized nine scenarios are as follows: two production processes (injection molding and manufacturing), five products (sports equipment, electronics, windmill blades, fuel system components, tires, and textiles) and two disposal methods (incineration and landfill). Occupational exposure can occur during production, handling of CNTs and intermediate products, like masterbatch, and disposal of products, including recycling. They concluded that most probable exposure scenarios are production and recycling. The greatest exposure to CNTs is expected to occur during processes related to manufacturing. CNTs are usually produced in airtight sealed furnaces; therefore, CNTs are not released when the furnace is in operation. Maynard et al. first showed exposure to airborne single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) at transfer and scooping, and calculated the concentration based on the metal catalysis concentration [12]. The high exposure of workers to CNTs is near the packaging area and during furnace maintenance [13]. During manual packaging, the concentration of elemental carbon (EC) oxidized at 920  C, which is an index of CNTs [14], was lower than 0.063 mg/m3 and 0.009 mg/m3 at the personal breathing zone (PBZ) for manual and automated packaging, respectively [13]. In an arc discharge production facility, up to 0.55 mg/m3 was observed for sieving, mechanical work-up, pouring, weighing, and packaging [17]. During the production of CNT composites, neat CNTs are handled during tasks such as weighing, sonication, coating, and drying, etc. The exposure of downstream users is expected to be lower than workers handling neat CNTs of upstream users. Powder handling tasks, such as sieving or transferring, resulted in high exposure to CNTs [15e20]. EC concentration in the PBZ was lower than 0.008 mg/m3 [18]. Although no consistent trends were observed for similar processes at the various sites, measurements using direct-reading instruments are useful for detecting CNT generation, and evaluating control technology and other air quality issues [18]. Measurements with direct-reading instruments are nonspecific and subject to interference from aerosols generated by other sources. Exposure assessment methods for airborne nanomaterials in occupational settings have been widely discussed and progress toward harmonization is under way [21]. Concentrations of released particles are often too low to detect by direct-reading instruments. Downstream users can be exposed to micrometer-sized debris or fibers that contain CNTs released from consumer products, or semimanufactured materials that contain CNTs, such as coatings, composites, papers, and textiles. Although some experimental data are available for assessing the release of CNTs and CNT particles from handling CNT-containing products, there is little information available about the generation mechanisms and morphology of the released particles. Exposure to CNTs or debris

CNTs in Composites: A Case Study

released from CNT products is expected to be small; however, the exposure of consumers and workers should be considered in life cycle assessments. Potential release scenarios from CNT composites have been reviewed recently [22,23]. This chapter introduces the different occupational settings for handling CNT composites. Although exposure to free CNTs is possible [11] when manufacturing CNT composites, this chapter focuses on the release of CNTs or CNT-embedded particles from CNT composites, because the exposure to these particles may pose health risks to workers. There is little information on the health effects and release of CNT composite particles. Therefore, there is no existing strategy to assess and control exposure to these particles. This chapter is a case study of exposure to and release of CNT composite debris caused by handling CNT composites in an occupational setting. Future requirements for quantitative assessment of released particles from CNT composites are proposed.

2. CASE STUDIES Exposure scenarios related to CNT composites include free CNT exposure at the stage of composite production, and exposure to released particles at the stages of treatment and disposal [11]. This section is mainly focused on the exposure to released particles from CNT-containing products and contains the following three subsections: (1) Field exposure assessment to free CNT during composite production and released fragments from CNT composites, (2) Release of CNTs or other particles from simulated handling of test CNT composites, and (3) Release propensity of CNTs during combustion. Although life cycle assessment of CNT composites has been recently considered, there are few studies on exposure assessment at workplace environment handling CNT composites. To extrapolate exposure to fragments from CNT composites, the data of aerosol release from composites are reviewed.

2.1 Exposure Assessment in Workplaces Methner et al. monitored exposure and release of particles from carbon nanofiber (CNF) composites in workplaces during weighing of CNF, and wet saw cutting, grinding, and sanding of CNF composites [24]. CNFs Pyrograf-III (Pyrograf Products, Inc.) having tubular structures with diameters ranging from 70 to 200 nm were used as well as epoxy as base polymer of the composite. One of the CNFs was also used to create a carbon membrane composite material, commonly referred to as Buckypaper. Sampling points are set near the operator’s hand (source) for release assessment, PBZ for exposure assessment, and at general area (GA) away from the source in the workplace. The efficacy of ventilation was tested by comparing the concentration when ventilation was on and off. Samples for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis were




collected and analyzed according to method 7402 of the NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods (NMAM), asbestos by TEM. EC concentrations of particles collected by open-face sampler determined by NMAM 5040, diesel particulate matter (as EC), ranged from not detected (ND) to 1000 mg/m3 at PBZ, and from ND to 1900 mg/m3 at the source during tasks. A concentration of 3.7 mg/m3 was measured at GA where the wet saw cutting was performed with ventilation. The highest EC concentration at PBZ occurred during wet saw cutting without controls. The highest EC concentration at source was observed inside the ventilated enclosure during the wet saw cutting. Number concentration was from 0 to 42,000/cm3 for 20e300 nm particles, measured by condensation particle counter (CPC) (20e1000 nm) and optical particle counter (OPC) (300e1000 nm) at PBZ. Mass concentration monitored by photometer was 500e1130 mg/m3 at PBZ. TEM images showed that nearly all PBZ and source samples (89%) contained nonagglomerated CNFs, and other samples contained a larger amount of loosely agglomerated CNFs, particularly in the hand sanding sample. TEM observation of filters confirmed that loosely bundled and agglomerated CNFs, and single fibers were released. Free or aggregated CNTs were often found in this study by comparison to simulated studies in the Section 2.2. Ventilation is one of the most important control measures for both powder form nanomaterials and fragments from composites. From the results of Methner et al. the movement of workers affected the air flow inside the ventilation hood. Turbulence or eddies in the hood could create spots with higher concentrations at PBZ than at source with ventilation because the task was conducted with the entrance of the hood open. The PBZ concentration was not always lower than that of the source. Highventilation velocities can cause the spreading of CNTs, because some CNTs are very light. In another study conducted by the same group [25], number, PM10, total carbon (TC) concentration during wet saw cutting of CNF composite in the workplace were measured. Number concentration by CPC was 15,000/cm3, peak of PM10 by aerosol photometer was 0.16 mg/m3; and TC for inhalable dust determined by NMAM 5040 was 1094 mg/m3. Those concentrations include the base polymer and are not specific for CNTs. Diameter of released particles measured by electrostatic low-pressure impactor (ELPI) was larger than 400 nm. Release of airborne particles by the manual sanding of CNT (Baytubes)-epoxy composite test samples was evaluated under three different ventilation conditions [26]. Particle number and respirable mass concentrations were measured using an OPC and a CPC, and particle morphology was assessed by TEM. The released particles were larger than 300 nm in size and irregularly shaped with protruding CNTs. No individual CNT fibers were found. The ratios of the geometric mean concentrations measured during the process to that measured in the background (P/B ratios) were used for assessing the release of particles. The P/B ratios of number concentration were close to one with or

CNTs in Composites: A Case Study

without ventilation and at the source or at PBZ. The sanding generated few nanoparticles. On the other hand, the mass concentrations of respirable size airborne particles released by sanding CNT composites were 2.68, 21.4, 0.20 mg/m3 and P/B ratios were 5.90, 24.4, 0.66 at PBZ with no local exhaust ventilation, inside custom fume hood and inside biosafety cabinet, respectively. Respirable mass concentrations inside ventilation were higher than at PBZ. Respirable particle needs higher velocity for ventilation than nanoparticles. In this case, the biosafety cabinet showed better performance to reduce respirable particles. The poor performance of the custom fume hood used in this study may come from its lack of a front sash and rear baffles and its low face velocity. Bello et al. studied particle release from CNT composites by different mechanical processes performed in a laboratory with controlled ventilation and excluding other interfering processes [27,28]. In their study, tested composites are graphite/epoxy with aligned CNTs in the laminate core, and woven alumina fiber (diameter: 11 mm) cloth with aligned CNTs grown on the surface of the fibers. CNTs used in these composites had an average diameter of 8 nm and a length of 100e150 mm. Tested processes are sawing, rotary wheel cutting, and solid core drilling of the hybrid CNT composites. In order to detect nano to micron-size particle release in short duration, they used fast mobility particle scanner (FMPS) for size range of 5.6e560 nm, aerosol particle sizer for less than 500e20,000 nm, and CPC for nano to submicron particles. Sampling was conducted at 10 cm from the source and PBZ for real-time monitoring and sample collection. Integrated samples were collected by a thermal precipitator and an electrostatic precipitator on a TEM grid for 3e5 min. Respirable fibers were collected with an asbestos sampling cassette on mixed cellulose ester filter for analysis with NMAM 7400, asbestos, and other fibers by phase contrast microscopy. Background concentration measured by FMPS was around 4000/cm3. By dry cutting, potential for significant exposures to nanoscale and submicron particles exists, regardless of whether CNTs are present or not. CNT/alumina generated smaller number of particles than the base material did. FMPS measurement showed most particles were smaller than 100 nm. Fiber (WHO fiber size) concentration was lower than 3.8 fiber/cm3. The number concentration was less than 3  105/cm3, and the PM10 concentration was less than 8.4 mg/m3. PBZ concentration of respirable fibers ( diamond ¼ CNT Polyester yarn coated with CNT and binder was oxidized at different temperatures during carbon analysis. The morphology of the coated yarn residue after oxidation at 600  C was observed under SEM (in Figure 3). It was found that polyester had disappeared after oxidation, but aggregated CNTs were left [39]. Similar results were obtained for CNT-coated cellulose (paper). During incineration, the combustion temperature and oxygen concentration must be high enough and the duration of combustion must be long enough to oxidize the CNTs completely. Addition of a catalyst such as transition metal can improve the combustion of CNTs.

CNTs in Composites: A Case Study

Figure 3 Transmission electron microscopy images of multiwalled carbon nanotube-coated polyester yarn before and after the oxidation step at 600  C of carbon analysis. (Ono-Ogasawara et al. [39].)

2.4 Summary of Particle Release from CNT Composites The following processes in the life cycle of CNT composites have a high probability of occupational exposure: 1. Handling of bulk CNTs, such as weighing and transfer during production of composites. 2. Shaping of the CNT composites by cutting, sawing, grinding, etc. 3. Incineration under inappropriate conditions. Recycling by cutting, breaking, etc. Above Section 2.1 relates to processes (1) and (2), Section 2.2 relates to (2), and Section 2.3 relates to process (3). Release of submicron to micron-size particles with protrusion of CNTs was observed during the workplace simulation of mechanical processes on CNT composites (Section 2.1). Respirable mass concentration or inhalable EC reached a few mg/m3. By the mechanical process, neat or aggregated CNTs/CNFs were observed by TEM analysis for test composites [24,25]. Aggregated CNTs were released from alumina/ CNT and graphite/CNT on drilling, but not by cutting and sawing [27,28]. Alumina




and graphite hybrid materials are both harder than usual resins. CNT composites with a harder base material showed higher propensity of aggregated CNTs release. The release of submicron to micron-size particles was observed in all simulations (Section 2.2). Protrusion of CNTs on the surface of released fragment particles was observed if the base material of the composite was either epoxy or cement; however, protrusions were not observed if base polymer was POM or TPU. Thus, composites made of softer polymers such as POM and TPU can cover the protrusion of CNTs. In the series of experiments, formation of neat CNTs due to abrasion was observed only in the case of Baytubes-epoxy composite. Thus, the release of neat CNTs in the form of single fibers or aggregates/agglomerates is more likely on the combination of harder base materials with CNFs/CNTs. In summary, the above series of studies show that (1) the type of base material (e.g., cement or polyurethane; hard or soft) affects the size distribution and concentration of the released fragments, and (2) the diameter of the released fragments generally increases when the CNTs are included in the matrix as compared to when they were not; however, this increase is generally small. Although information on recycling is scant, free CNTs are likely to be released during recycling, if CNT composites are treated at high temperatures and with strong mechanical force. During waste incineration, pure and airborne CNTs may be destroyed at high temperatures and with an appropriate oxygen level [40]. However, release of free CNTs was reported in a simulated incineration process [38]. Thus, workers engaged in recycling and incineration may suffer from higher exposure to CNTs or CNTembedded particles.

3. ISSUES REGARDING EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT DURING HANDLING OF CNT COMPOSITES Important issues that need to be addressed in order to assess workers’ exposure while handling CNT composites are (1) how to detect and measure neat CNTs; (2) how to assess exposure to submicron to micron-size particles, with or without CNTs;

3.1 Detection of Free CNTs Because detection of free CNTs released from CNT composites is difficult even by EM analysis, there are conflicting findings related to the presence of free CNTs. There is no harmonized method for EM analysis, especially for the collection of representative samples. A strategy and methodology for the quantitative EM analysis for CNTs is required to determine free CNTs and to acquire reproducible results. Exposure can be more precisely assessed with the help of quantitative microscopy by estimating the frequency of protrusions on polymer fragments or free CNTs. Information acquired from EM observation is useful, but EM analysis is expensive and time-consuming. Direct-reading instruments are often used to assess exposure to particles released from CNT composites. A few mg/m3 of CNTs corresponds to a number concentration of less

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than 100/cm3. Such a number concentration is difficult to distinguish from the background using direct-reading instruments. A new strategy for sampling and more sensitive analytical techniques are needed. Another difficulty is how low we should measure neat CNTs and how to assess the risk of such low concentration of neat CNTs. Even if the concentration is low, wearing protective respirators and clothing should be recommended, because displacement and distribution of CNTs should occur. Quantitative assessment of released particles is difficult. Free CNT/CNF can be determined by carbon analyzer with NIOSH NMAM No. 5040 or the method Ono-Ogasawara proposed [14]. Debris of CNT composite can be also determined [39], however, the method cannot separate debris and neat CNT/CNF. According to the low sensitivity of the carbon analysis, a few fibers of CNT/CNF cannot be detected. Metal catalysis residue is a good surrogate of CNTs and CNTs to calculate CNT/CNF concentration if the metal content is stable and background metal is negligible [42]. The only method that can count single CNT is SEM/TEM analysis, however, it is difficult to guarantee the representativeness of the observation.

3.2 Exposure Assessment of Submicron to Micron-size Particles Most of the released particles are a mixture of fragments with or without embedded CNTs. To quantify those particles separately is difficult. Sophisticated carbon analysis can detect embedded CNTs and metal concentration can be a surrogate of CNTs. Thermodenuder can destroy polymers to leave neat CNTs. Such analytical data will help in the qualification of particles and in determining the contribution of CNTs in the released particles. The metric for exposure assessment of released particles has not been determined because of the lack of information regarding the toxicity of CNT-embedded particles. If the toxicity level of fragments is independent of the presence of CNTs, the total mass of these fragments may become a metric and controlling dust concentration in the work environment handling CNT composites at a few mg/m3 may be reasonable. In this case, aerosol photometer or OPC can be applicable to exposure assessment of the released particles. In order to distinguish free CNTs, polymer fragments, CNT-embedded particles, and background particles, qualitative SEM or TEM observations and EC concentration separating the organic carbon content of the base polymer can be used. CNTs and CNTs embedded in fragments of composites can be analyzed by sophisticated EC analysis at a few mg/m3, but cannot be distinguished from each other. Published data qualitatively suggest [41] that the protrusion of CNTs in released particles depends on the compatibility between the CNTs and the base materials, and that strong mechanical forces may generate single or agglomerated CNTs. To characterize CNT composites and to evaluate the validity of exposure assessment method, developing a certain method for generating particles by mechanical processes on CNT composites is useful.




For exposure assessment during mechanical processes on CNT composites, the following methods are applied to field measurement conducted. (1) In order to detect the release of submicron to micron-size particles, OPC or photometer is used. In the case that particle release by mechanical processes prolongs for short time, SMPS is inappropriate to acquire size distribution. (2) In order to determine released particles, gravimetric mass concentration, and/or sophisticated chemical mass analysis of EC or metals used as production catalysis is applied. Quantitative data are helpful to control the dust concentration in the workplace and to assess the contribution of CNTs on the total particles. By collecting size-segregated particles, information on integrated mass size distribution is acquired. (3) In order to evaluate release of neat CNTs, EM analysis is necessary. Integrated samples are collected by a thermal precipitator, an electrostatic precipitator, an impactor, or filtration on a TEM grid. The identification of nanomaterials is conducted with EM (SEM or TEM) coupled with chemical analysis such as EDX.

4. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR HANDLING CNT COMPOSITES IN THE WORKPLACE According to the published data, exposure to CNTs by handling CNT composites is lower than by handling neat CNTs, and exposure to submicron to micron-size particle depends on the type of CNT composite and mechanical process. During CNT composite handling, precautionary control measures should be applied as follows: • All mechanical processes of CNT composites should be performed in a properly ventilated enclosure equipped with High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter. Higher velocities may result in the loss of CNFs/CNTs during the transfer of material to the weighing apparatus due to the low density of the CNFs/CNTs. For effective ventilation, submicron to micron-size particles need higher velocities than nanoparticles. Velocity should be controlled in accordance with the size and density of the particles. • An appropriate filtering face piece respirator must be used during tasks that emit particulates. The respirators should be selected based on the guidelines provided by the appropriate organization. Wearing protective clothing is also recommended. • By running the instruments used for the mechanical process without real operation, a very small nanosize aerosol concentration is produced, which may be caused by friction between the rotating elements and blades, and the electric motors. Such released particles are often problem. The origin of nanosize particles should be carefully assessed. • Using a masterbatch containing CNTs instead of powdered CNTs reduces the risk of CNT exposure at the transferring process. • After the base polymer is degraded by weathering of CNT composites, the CNTs become exposed and can be released. Thus, workers engaged in handling or recycling weathered composites may be exposed to CNTs not embedded in the polymers.

CNTs in Composites: A Case Study

Additional research into the release of CNTs added to construction composites and coatings is important in order to better understand the potential occupational exposure to CNTs. Incineration and recycling process of CNT composites may pose a further problem for the release of CNTs.

ABBREVIATIONS ABS Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene APS Aerosol particle sizer BCM Black carbon monitor CNF Carbon nanofiber CNT Carbon nanotube CPC Condensation particle counter DTA Differential thermal analyzer EC Elemental carbon EDX Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy ELPI Electrostatic low-pressure impactor FMPS Fast mobility particle scanner GA General area MWCNT Multiwalled carbon nanotube OPC Optical particle counter PBZ Personal breathing zone POM Polyoxymethylene SMPS Scanning mobility particle sizer STEM Scanning transmission electron microscopy SWCNT Single-walled carbon nanotube TC Total carbon TEM Transmission electron microscopy TGA Thermogravimetric analysis TPU Thermoplastic polyurethane XPS X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

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INDEX Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” indicate figures and tables respectively.

A Absorption/distribution/metabolism and elimination (ADME) processes, 190–193, 190f Activator protein 1 (AP-1), 100 Active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), 174 Active surface area, 70 Administration routes of nanomedicines, 191–193 Adsorption/distribution/metabolism and excretion (ADME), 87–88, 97 Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), 662 Advection, 244 Aerodynamic equivalent diameter, 58–60 Aerodynamic particle sizer (APS), 538–539, 539f Aerosol NSAM, 532 electrometer, 73 Agglomeration, 228–229, 436–437 phenomenon, 122–125 Airborne nanomaterials. See Exposure measurement, workplaces Airborne particle behavior Brownian diffusion, thermodynamic equivalent diameter, 61–62, 62f electrical field action, electrical mobility diameter, 62–65, 64f molecular/transient and continuum flow regimes, 56–58, 57t–58t particle sedimentation, aerodynamic equivalent diameter, 58–60, 60f Air purifying respirators (APRs), 609 Altair process, 384 Alveolar duct (AD), 42f, 43 AmBisome, 193–194 Amphiphilic polymers, 183–184 ANSES. See French agency for food, environmental and occupational health and safety (ANSES) Australian Prime Minister’s Science, Engineering and Innovation Council (PMSEIC), 658


Baking flour, explosibility of, 111–112, 111f Ballistic conduction, 12 BCS. See Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) Bionanoconjugates (BNCs), 45 Biopharmaceutics classification system (BCS), 191–192 Blood-brain barrier (BBB), 399–401 Blowdown/catch tank systems, 145, 145f Boltzmann equilibrium, 64–65 Bottom-up processes, 178–179, 433 Breathing zone, 529 British Standards Institution (BSI), 646–647 Brownian diffusion, 61–62, 526–527, 532

C Canada Consumer Product Safety Act, 324–325 Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, 324 CAN/CSA-Z1000, 571 CARACAL’s subgroup (CASG), 345 Carbon nanofibers (CNF), 9, 43 Carbon nano-objects, ISO/TS 80004-3 standard, 567 Carbon nanotube-reinforced epoxy nanocomposites, 19–21 Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) composites, 6–7, 9, 262, 585 applications, 427 downstream users, 674–675 exposure assessment, in workplace airborne particle release, 676–677 coated yarn, 678 cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy images, 678, 679f cutting and drilling, 678 free CNTs detection, 686–687 melt molding process, 678–680 scanning electron microscopy images, 678, 679f submicron to micron-size particles, 687–688 ventilation, 676




Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) composites (Continued) handling CNT composites, 688–689 mechanical strength, 673 particle release simulation, 680, 681t, 685–686 disk sander, 682–683 grinder, 684 incineration, 684, 685f Taber abraser, 682–683 uses of, 427 Carcinogenic effects evaluation, 410–411 NIOSH recommendations, 407 photoactive P-25, 409–410 Wistar rats, 408–409 Cascade impactors, 75–76, 76f, 544 CASG. See CARACAL’s subgroup (CASG) Cell lines, 87–88 CEN/CENELEC standards, 563 Cerium oxide, 8 Chemical vapor deposition, 16–17 Chemotherapy, 196 Chloride process, 384 Cholecalciferol, 375–376 CNC. See Condensation nuclei counter (CNC) CNF. See Carbon nanofiber (CNF) Coincidence error, 529–530 Combined Monitoring-based and Modelling-based Priority Setting scheme (COMMPS), 355 Commercial low-pressure impactors, 76–77 Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST), 330 COMMPS. See Combined Monitoring-based and Modelling-based Priority Setting scheme (COMMPS) Condensation nuclei counter (CNC), 69 Condensation particle counter (CPC), 69, 529–530, 530f, 614–615 Confined Single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNTs) production, 590–592, 592f Consensus conference, 322–323 Consumer Products Inventory (CPI) history of, 151–152 LCA of nano-enabled consumer products, 157–159 methodology behind, 154–156 classification system, 155–156, 156f product categories, 155

nano-labels, 168–169 pitfalls of, 156–157 public understanding of nanotechnology, 152–153 Control banding (CB), 506–507, 588 Core terms, ISO/TS 80004-1 standard, 565–566 Cost-benefit approach, 332 Cost-effectiveness analysis, 290 Cradle-to-cradle analysis, 159 Cradle-to-gate analysis, 158–159 CSA Z12885-12 standard, 563 Cube-root law, 119, 143 Cunningham coefficient, 57

D Danish model, 322–323 Deagglomerator, 137 Dendrimers, 181, 202 Dermal absorption, 429 Dermal exposures, 97 Detection/chemical characterization methods mass concentration measurement, 73–74 beta gauge, 73 to chemical compound, 74–75 filter sampling, 73 piezoelectric quartz crystal microbalance, 73–74 tapered element oscillating microbalance, 74 number concentration measurement, 69 surface concentration measurement, 70–73 Detonation/deflagration regimes, 115, 115f Differential mobility analyzer (DMA), 77, 78f, 534–535, 535f Diffusion-controlled mechanism, 120 Diffusiophoresis, 61 Direct reading instruments (DRIs), 587 Dispersion device, 126–127 Dissolution, 244 Downstream manipulation, 434–435 Drometrizole trisiloxane, 379 Dust explosivity pressure, 119, 119f

E Ecological footprint, 226–227 EFTA. See European Free trade Association (EFTA) EHS issues. See Environmental/health and safety (EHS) issues Electric aerosol detector (EAD), 71–72, 72f


Electrical low pressure impactor (ELPI), 541, 542f Electrical mobility analysis Cunningham slip correction, 535–536 DMA, 534–535, 535f FMPS, 537–538, 538f number size distribution, 536–537, 537f SMPS, 534, 535f Electrical mobility diameter, 62–65, 77–79 Electrostatic precipitators (ESP), 542–543, 543f E3LS. See Ethical/environmental/economic/legal and social/societal (E3LS) ELS issues. See Ethical/legal and social/societal (ELS) issues Engineered nanomaterials (ENMs). See also Risk management adverse effects, evidence for, 268–270 aquatic environments, toxicity in, 268–270 terrestrial environments, toxicity in, 269–270 applications, 430–431 CB, 588 effects of, 263–272, 263t, 264f environmental health, 258–263 agrochemicals, reducing incidental exposure to, 258–260, 259f environmental remediation, 260–262 fossil fuel consumption, 262 environmental nanotoxicity tests, considerations for, 270–271 environmental risk and hazard assessment, considerations for, 272–273 hierarchy of controls administrative controls, 594–595, 595f–596f categories, 588–589, 589f engineering controls, 590–594, 591f–592f intrinsic safety, 589–590 personal protective equipment, 595–597 interactions and transformations of, 265–267 interactions with organisms, 267 natural waters, 266–267 in soils, 267 WWSs, 265–267, 266f lifecycle, 432t–433t downstream manipulation, 434–435 industrial vs. research exposure situations, 436 input material, in industrial processes, 435 maintenance and end-of-life operations, 435–436

production, 433–434 stages, 431 safety management, 599 toxicity effects, 585, 599 Enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect, 193–194 Environmental assessment methods, 226–228 Environmental epidemiology, 296 Environmental/health and safety (EHS) issues, 50, 309–311, 649 Environmental indicators, 226–227 Environmental issues, legislation on Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU, 358 Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC, 356–357 Sewage Sludge Directive 86/278/EEC, 356 Urban Waste Water Directive 91/271/EEC, 356 Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC, 357 Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC, 354–356 Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), 158 Ethical/environmental/economic/legal and social/societal (E3LS), 309–311 Ethical issues identifying, 306–309 in nanoengineering, 309–320 public communication, 320–323 related to EHS, 311–315 related to ELS, 315–317 world initiatives, current status of, 323–332 Ethical/legal and social/societal (ELS) issues, 309–311 EU. See European Union (EU) European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), 642 European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), 344–347 European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), 485–486 European Free trade Association (EFTA), 145–146 European Regulatory System, 163–166, 164f European scientific committees exposure assessment, 511 risk assessors, 513 SCCS, 511 SCHER, 511 European Technology Platform on Nanomedicine (ETPN), 174 European Union (EU), 339–358 biocides, 640–641 BSI, 646–647 collaborations, 642




European Union (EU) (Continued) EU Commission, 641 France, 648–649 Germany, 647–648 legislation, 642–643 United Kingdom, 644–647 Expansion ratio, 131–132 Explosion containment, 140 hexagon, 116–117 isolation, 140–141, 142f–143f severity aluminum nanomaterials, 133–135, 134f–136f cubic law, 128 experimental methods, intrinsic limitations of, 137–139, 138f–139f for gases, 132, 133f, 133t two compartment progressive pressure wave model, 129–132, 130f, 132f suppression, 141–142, 144f venting systems, 142–144, 145f Exposure measurements background particles, 524–525 devices chemical analysis, 442 classification, 441 nanoparticle surface area measuring, 442 time and particle size resolution, 443, 443t exposure metrics Brownian diffusion, 526–527 deposition efficiency, 526, 527f LDSA concentration, 527 number and surface area, 525–526, 526f ROS activity, 528 volume size distribution, 525–526, 526f German nanoGEM project, 524–525 instrument classification, 528–529, 528t ISO standards, 437–438 objectives, 438 personal equipment, 548 monitors, 549–550 samplers, 548–549 portable equipment, 544 diffusion chargers, 545–546, 545f handheld CPC, 545 measuring number size distribution, 546–548

stationary equipment measuring number concentrations, 529–531, 530f measuring number size distributions, 532–541 measuring surface area concentrations, 531–532, 533f particle samplers, 542–544 Exposure metrics Brownian diffusion, 526–527 deposition efficiency, 526, 527f LDSA concentration, 527 number and surface area, 525–526, 526f ROS activity, 528 volume size distribution, 525–526, 526f

F Fast mobility particle sizer (FMPS), 537–538, 538f, 677 Fate processes, 228–229 Filter sampling, 73 Filtration sampler, 543–544 Flame velocity aluminum nanomaterials, 133–135, 134f–136f experimental methods, intrinsic limitations of, 137–139, 138f–139f for gases, 132, 133f, 133t two compartment progressive pressure wave model, 129–132, 130f, 132f Flow models, 244 Fractal dimensions, 65, 66f French agency for food, environmental and occupational health and safety (ANSES), 506

G Gallium arsenide nanomaterials, 8 Gallium nitride nanomaterials, 8 Genetically modified organisms (GMO), 305–306, 316 Global harmonization system (GHS), 660 Grimm Aerosol, 547–548 Grouping/ranking, nanomaterials definition, 502–503 parameters, 503 principle, 503–504 Gyration, radius of, 67




Hartman vertical cylinder, 138–139, 139f Hazardous Products Act, 324 Health and safety standards advantages, 558 Canada-specific survey, 559 CEN/CENELEC standards, 563 CSA Z12885-12 standard, 563 definition, 558 IEC/TC113 scope, 561 TC leadership and WG convenorship, 560t ISO/IEC standards, 564 environmental aspects, 570–575 health, 570–575 international standards, 562 ISO/TR 12885, 563 liaison processes, 562 material specifications, 576 measurement and characterization, 569–570 performance assessment and reliability, 576–577 safety, 570–575 subject obligation, 557–558 technical reports, 562 technical specifications, 562 terminology and nomenclature, 564–569 ISO/TC229 objectives, 561 TC leadership and WG convenorship, 560t regulations, 561–562 Heteroagglomeration, 245 High efficiency particulate air (HEPA), 610 High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HREM), 392 Human biomonitoring, 294 Human dermal fibroblasts (HDF), 101 Human skin, nano-sized titanium dioxide (TiO2) composition, 392–393 psoriasis, 395 structure, 392–393, 393f in vitro and in vivo penetration, 395, 396t–398t Human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC), 99 HUVEC. See Human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC)

IEC/TC113 performance assessment and reliability, 576–577 scope, 561 TC leadership and WG convenorship, 560t Ignition sources, elimination of, 140 Image analysis, 66–67 Incidental nanomaterials, 429–430 Indium gallium nitride nanomaterials, 8 INERIS, 128–129, 129f In silico modeling tools, 495 Institut de recherche Robert-Sauve en sante et en securite du travail (IRSST), 626 Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM) Singapore, 51 Institut National de Recherche et de Securite (INRS), 626 Integrated/intelligent testing strategy (ITS), 500–501 International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), 377–378 International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI), 411 International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 293–294 International Risk Governance Council (IRGC) chemical risk assessment, 509 four phases, 508 public participation, 509 International standards (IS), 562 International Uniform Chemical Information Database (IUCLID), 346 Intrinsic safety, 589–590 IRGC. See International Risk Governance Council (IRGC) Iron oxide nanoparticles, 189 Irrational fears, 321 ISO/IEC standards, 564 environmental aspects, 570–575 health, 570–575 international standards, 562 ISO/TR 12885, 563 liaison processes, 562 material specifications, 576 measurement and characterization, 569–570 performance assessment and reliability, 576–577 safety, 570–575




ISO/IEC standards (Continued) subject obligation, 557–558 technical reports, 562 technical specifications, 562 terminology and nomenclature, 564–569 Isolation/closed process confined nanopowder production process, 590–592, 591f confined SWCNTs, 590–592, 592f homemade glove box enclosure, 590–592, 591f IUCLID. See International Uniform Chemical Information Database (IUCLID)

J Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), 661 Joint Research Center (JRC), 342–344 JRC. See Joint Research Center (JRC) c-Jun-N-terminal kinase (JNK), 99

K Knowledge gaps, 494–495 Korean Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA), 662–663

L Laboratory simulations, 439 Land contamination, 260 Langmuir-Blodgett films, 16–17 Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), 74–75 LCA. See Life cycle assessment (LCA) LIBS. See Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) Life cycle assessment (LCA), 157–159, 230–239, 498–499 case studies on, 233–235, 234t emissions, characterization factors for, 237–239 framework, 231–233 immaturity, implications of, 235–236 recommendations for, 239 Linear acceleration systems, 75 Liposomes, 183, 200–201 LITUS, 333–334 Local lymph node assay (LLNA), 48 Longer term research goals, 298 Lung-deposited surface area (LDSA), 527

M Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 174–175 Man-made nanoparticles, 296 Manufactured nanomaterials (MNMs) environmental assessment methods, 226–228 environmental fate of, 228–229 immature products and processes, 230 life cycle assessment of, 230–239 case studies on, 233–235, 234t emissions, characterization factors for, 237–239 framework, 231–233 immaturity, implications of, 235–236 recommendations for, 239 risk assessment of, 240–250 case studies of, 242–245, 243t framework, 240–241 PEC and RQ, 245–247, 246t product life cycles, emissions and traceability in, 247–248 recommendations for, 250 simplified risk assessment methods, 249–250 Material safety data sheet (MSDS), 573 Measuring number concentrations, 529–531, 530f Measuring number size distributions APS, 538–539, 539f electrical mobility analysis Cunningham slip correction, 535–536 DMA, 534–535, 535f FMPS, 537–538, 538f number size distribution, 536–537, 537f SMPS, 534, 535f ELPI, 541, 542f OPCs, 540, 540f optical particle spectrometers, 534 PAMS, 547 Measuring surface area concentrations, 531–532, 533f MEC. See Minimum explosive concentration (MEC) Mechanistic models, 244 Melanoma, 377–378 Meta-analysis, 290 Metallic iron (Fe0), 261 Metal nanoparticles, 201 Methylene bis-benzotriazolyl tetramethylbutylphenol, 379 Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), 260


Microemulsions, 258–259 Micro-orifices impactors, 76–77 Microorifice uniform deposit impactor (MOUDI), 544 MIE. See Minimum ignition energy (MIE) Millikan-Cunningham formula, 57 MiniDiSC/DiSCmini, 545–546, 545f Minimum explosive concentration (MEC), 120 Minimum ignition energy (MIE), 125–126, 126f Minimum ignition temperature (MIT), 118–119, 118f Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW), 661 MIT. See Minimum ignition temperature (MIT) Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK), 99 Most penetrating particle size (MPPS), 611 Multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT), 100, 120–121, 673 MWCNT. See Multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT)

N Nanoalumina, 8 Nanocarriers metal nanoparticles, 187–189 design, 187–189, 188f synthesis, 189 polymer nanoparticles, 185–187 design, 185–186, 186f synthesis of, 187 self-assembled structures, 182–184, 182f design, 183 synthesis of, 183–184 solid lipid nanoparticle (SLN), 184–185, 184f design of, 184 synthesis of, 185 Nanocoatings, 16–17 Nanocomposites, 7 NanoDerm project, 404–405 Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS), 12–13 Nanoemulsions, 201, 258–259 Nanofabrication technologies, 259–260 Nanofibers, 6–7, 16 Nanofoams, 18 Nanogels, 186 Nanomanufacturing processes, TS 80004-8 standard, 568–569 Nanomaterial Registry, 51

Nanomaterials (NMs) algorithms, 498 applications, 18–33, 20f classifications of, 5–11 chemical composition, 8–10 dimensionality, 6–7, 6f origin of, 5 potential toxicity, 10–11 control banding tools, 506–507 current practices, in EU chemical risk assessment, 488 exposure assessment, 486–487 hazard identification and characterization, 486–487 National Research Council, 487 REACH guidance, 488 regulatory risk assessment, 488 risk characterization, 486–487 definitions, 3–4 EFSA, 485–486, 502 EU legislative framework for, 344–358 chemical (biocidal) products, legislation on, 349–351 classification/packaging and labeling, 347–349 cosmetics, legislation on, 351–353 environmental issues, legislation on, 354–358 food labeling, legislation on, 353 novel/food, legislation on, 353–354 REACH/CASG/ECHA-NMWG and GAARN, 344–347 EU policy framework for, 339–344 communication on regulatory aspects, 2008, 339–340 communication on regulatory aspects, 2012, 340–342 JRC and SCENIHR, 342–344 European scientific committees exposure assessment, 511 risk assessors, 513 SCCS, 511 SCHER, 511 fabrication methods, 15–18, 15f grouping and ranking, 502–504. See also Grouping/ranking, nanomaterials IRGC chemical risk assessment, 509 four phases, 508 public participation, 509




Nanomaterials (NMs) (Continued) ITS, 500–501 LCA, 498–499 levels of concerns, 504, 505t NanoSafety Cluster, 502 nanospecific risk assessment adaptive management, 514 control banding methods, 498 Cosmetic Regulation, 495–496 data quality, 491–492 European REACH legislation, 496–497 evidence, 491–492 exposure assessment, 493–494 hazard assessment, 494–495 occupational risk management, 497–498 physicochemical characterization, 492–493 precautionary principle, 496 SCENIHR, 489 uncertainty, 490, 492 variability, 490, 492 nanotechnologies, hard regulation of, 358–367 mitigating risk, 362–363 precautionary policy tools, 362 precautionary toolbox and drawers, 358–360 toolbox, applying, 363–367 NRC, 509–511 overcoming knowledge gaps alternative in vitro and high-throughput testing methods, 292–293 databases and harmonized standards, development of, 293–294 longitudinal and epidemiological studies, 296 medical screening and determining exposure limits, 295–296 medical screening and exposure limits, 295–296 nanomaterial specific human biomonitoring databases, 294–295 nanoparticle substances list, 293 PPE. See Personal protective equipment (PPE) precaution, 368–370 precautionary matrix, 505–506 properties of, 11–15 QSAR, 500 regulatory gaps for, 288–289 risk management approaches for, 289–290 SCENIHR, 485–486

structure-activity relationships, 500 toxicity, knowledge gaps for, 287–288 in vitro testing methods, 501 Nanomedicines clinically used, 195–202, 197t–198t dendrimers, 202 liposomes, 200–201 metal nanoparticles, 201 nanoemulsions, 201 polymer nanoparticles, 200 polymer therapeutics, 199–200 SDN, 199 virosomes, 201–202 current status/future direction and global initiatives, 208–211, 208f existing and potential risks of, 202–208 nanomaterial samples, quality and reproducibility of, 203 factors affecting growth of, 174–175 immune system components, nanoparticles interaction with, 203–208 immune stimulation, 203–205 immune suppression, 205–207 nanoparticle compatibility analysis with, 207–208 improving treatments, nanomaterial design for, 211–213 under clinical evaluation, 211–213 phase I clinical trials, 212–213 phase II clinical trials, 212 phase III clinical trials, 211–212 in research, 213 nanomaterials address biological problems in, 190–195 ADME processes, 190–193, 190f targeted delivery of, 193–195, 194f nanomaterials types used as, 175–189 nanocarriers, 175, 181–189 polymer therapeutics, 175, 179–181, 180f SDNs, 175–179, 177f Nano-object characterization, TS 80004-6 standard, 567–568, 568t Nano-objects, TS 80004-2 standard, 566 Nanoparticle-free atmosphere, 140 Nanoparticle respiratory deposition sampler (NRD), 548–549 Nanoparticles (NP) dermal exposures, 43–44 inhalation exposures, 42–43


intravenous/intramuscular exposures, 45–46 nano risk framework/nanoparticle risk management, 45–46 ocular/eye exposures, 45 oral/ingestion exposures, 44 Nanoparticle surface area monitor (NSAM), 71–72, 532, 533f Nanoporous membranes, 13–14 Nanopowder explosion classical nanopowder explosivity laboratory tests, 118–119, 118f definition, 113–114 detonation/deflagration, 114–115 explosion safety parameters for, 120–125, 122t, 123f explosion severity and flame velocity aluminum nanomaterials, 133–135, 134f–136f experimental methods, intrinsic limitations of, 137–139, 138f–139f for gases, 132, 133f, 133t two compartment progressive pressure wave model, 129–132, 130f, 132f extrapolation scaling laws, reliability of, 127–129, 128f–129f fire and, 117, 118f microsized combustible powders, safety parameters for, 120, 121f MIE, particle size influence, 125–126, 126f production facilities, securing of, 139–145 blowdown/catch tank systems, 145, 145f prevention measures, 140 protection measures, 140–145 triggering fires, necessary conditions for, 115–117 fire triangle, 115, 116f hexagon, 116–117, 116f turbulence and scaling effects on, 126–127, 127f worldwide initiatives, 145–146 Nano risk framework/nanoparticle risk management acute ocular irritation study, 49 dermal sensitization test, 48 nanoscale TiO2 particles, pulmonary toxicity study in rats with, 47–48 nanoscale titanium dioxide, 49–50, 49f rabbits, acute dermal irritation study in, 48 rats, acute oral toxicity study in, 48–49 NanoSafety Cluster, 502 Nanoscale catalysts, 21–22 Nanosensors, 260

Nanosilica, 8 Nanosilicon, 8 Nano-sized copper oxide (nCuO), 262 Nano-sized metals, 259 Nano-sized titanium dioxide (TiO2), in sunscreens agglomerates and aggregates, 380–381 classification, 379 coatings, 381–382 conventional TiO2, 379–380 crystalline structures, 379 effectiveness vs. safety, 411–413 health effects, 401 carcinogenic effects, 407–411 noncarcinogenic effects, 402t–403t, 404–407 human exposure characterization agglomeration/aggregation state, 392 blood-brain barrier, 389–390 dose, 390 dose metrics, 390–391 ingestion, 395 particle size, 392 respiratory tract and BBB, 399–401, 399f response metrics, 390–391 skin, 392–395, 393f, 396t–398t surface areas, 390–391 surface coatings, 392 implications and assessment, 413–414 life cycle, sunscreen ingredient air, 389 disposal stage, 386–387 groundwater, 388 manufacturing, 383–385 product life-cycle perspectives, 382, 383f soil, 388–389 surface water, 387–388 utilization, 385–386 solar UV exposure, risks, 376–378, 378f sunlight and ultraviolet radiation cholecalciferol, 375–376 filtering effect, stratospheric ozone layer, 375, 376f health effects, 375–376, 377f human skin reactions, 375–376 photodynamic therapy, 375–376 sun protection, 379 Nanostructured materials, TS 80004-4 standard, 567 Nanotechnology, 196




Nanotoxicology AP-1-induced pro-inflammatory and cytotoxic genes, 100 ATF-2-induced inflammation, 102 caspase-8/t-bid-independent apoptosis, 98–99 G2/M DNA damage checkpoint-induced response, 103–104 JNK/P53-induced apoptosis, 99 MAPK-Induced NFkB pathway, 101–102 nanomaterials, exposure to, 88–93, 89t–92t nanomaterial toxicity in vitro mechanisms, 93–98, 94t–96t NFkB-induced pro-inflammatory response, 100–101 NRF2-induced-antioxidant response, 102–103 real-life exposure scenarios, experimental design relevant to, 104–105 risks, 105 Nanowires, 6–7 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 19–21 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), 654–655 National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 85–86 National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), 173, 309, 652 National Nanotechnology Strategy Workforce (NNST), 658–659 National Research Council (NRC), 487 decision-making framework, 510–511 European scientific committees, 511–512 risk management decisions, 509–510 National Toxicology Program (NTP), 652 Natural organic matter (NOM), 265 NEMS. See Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) Noncarcinogenic effects cardiovascular systems, 405–406 evaluation, 406–407 NanoDerm project, 404–405 neurotransmitters, 406 pulmonary effects, 405 skin exposure, 402t–403t, 404–405 NSAM. See Nanoparticle surface area monitor (NSAM) Nuclear factor-kappa B (NFkB) pathway, 100–101 Numerical simulations, 439–440

O Occupational exposure, factors, 436–437 Occupational health and safety (OHS), 582 Occupational regulations asbestos, 639–640 Asian region Asia Nano Forum, 657 Asia Nanosafety Research Network Initiative, 657 Australia, 657–660 China, 660–661 Japan, 661–662 Korea, 662–663 Singapore, 663 Canada, 656–657 carbon nanofibers, 638 carbon nanotubes, 638 EU-OSHA, 642 European Union biocides, 640–641 BSI, 646–647 collaborations, 642 EU Commission, 641 France, 648–649 Germany, 647–648 legislation, 642–643 United Kingdom, 644–647 global efforts, 664 ISO, 665–666 OECD, 664–665 World Health Organisation, 666–667 HARNs, 638 NIOSH, 654–655 OSHA, 655–656 Switzerland, 649–650 United States of America, 650–656 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 655–656 OECD. See Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) One-dimensional nanomaterials, 6–7 Opaque substances, 12 Optical particle counter (OPC), 540, 540f Optical particle spectrometers, 534 Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 48, 257, 331, 664–665


P Partector, 72 Particle morphology, 65–68, 66f Particle samplers, 542 cascade impactor, 544 ESP, 542–543, 543f filtration sampler, 543–544 Particles dispersion detection/chemical characterization methods mass concentration measurement, 73–74 number concentration measurement, 69 surface concentration measurement, 70–73 size distribution characterization, 75–80 aerodynamic diameter distribution, 75–77 diffusional/thermodynamic diameter, 79–80 electrical mobility diameter, 77–79 Particle sedimentation, 58–60 Passive isolation technique, 140–141 PEC. See Predicted environmental concentration (PEC) Periodic biomonitoring, 295 Personal breathing zone (PBZ), 674 Personal monitors, 549–550 Personal nanoparticle sampler (PENS), 548 Personal protective equipment (PPE), 595–597 INRS, 626 IRSST, 626 NANOMICEX and SCAFFOLD, 626–627 protection efficiency, 624 respiratory protection APRs, 609 Coulombic attraction and image force, 611–613 filtration mechanisms, 608 HEPA and ULPA, 610 NaCl penetration, 610–611, 612f N95 electret filters, 613 NIOSH, 608 selection, 623, 625 skin protection cotton/polyester woven fabric, 618, 619f dry aerosols, 617–618 nanoparticle penetration measurement, test setup, 615–616, 616f nitrile and butyl rubber glove materials, 621–622, 621f–622f polyethylene nonwoven, 618–620, 620f

polyethylene-polypropylene nonwoven, 618, 619f scanning electron microscopy, 615 SMPS, 614–615 stratum corneum, 614 woven and nonwoven textiles, 618 Personal samplers, 548–549 Photoaging, 376–378 Physicochemical prioritization, 288 Planning Guide, 331–332 Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA), 185–186 Polymerization, 17–18 Polymer-matrix nanocomposites, 7, 17–18 Polymer micelles, 182–183, 182f Polymer nanoparticles, 200 Polymers, 9–10 Polymer therapeutics, 199–200 designing, 180–181 synthesis of, 181 Portable aerosol mobility spectrometer (PAMS), 547 Powdered drug, 178 Powders explosion severities, 119, 120t PPE. See Personal protective equipment (PPE) Preassessment, IRGC, 508 Precautionary matrix, 505–506 Precipitation methods, 189 Predicted environmental concentration (PEC), 245–247, 246t Predicted no-effect concentration (PNEC), 241 Prefactor, 65 Prevention measures, 140 Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies (PEN), 51 Propane combustion, 65, 66f Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA), 194–195 Protected units (PUs), 249 Protection methods, nanopowder explosion containment, 140 isolation, 140–141, 142f–143f suppression, 141–142, 144f venting systems, 142–144, 145f Psoriasis, 395 Public health surveillance, tools and databases, 290–292 cost-effectiveness (CE) studies, 290 expert panels and expert opinion, 292 meta-analysis, 290 public health surveillance databases, 290–291 traditional toxicity screening methods, 290




Publicly available specifications (PAS), 646 Pulmonary bioassay, 48


QSAR models. See Quantitative structure-activity relationship models (QSAR) models Quantitative structure-activity relationship models (QSAR) models, 292–293, 500

R Rational fears, 321 Rayleigh-Gans-Debye (RGD) theory, 67 Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), 240, 327–329, 344–347, 414 EU legislation, 642–643 Regulatory science, 313–314 Respiratory protection, PPE APRs, 609 Coulombic attraction and image force, 611–613 filtration mechanisms, 608 HEPA and ULPA, 610 NaCl penetration, 610–611, 612f N95 electret filters, 613 NIOSH, 608 Respiratory tract, 399f agglomerate aerosols, 401 clearance mechanism, 401 deposition mechanism, 400 inhalation, 400 Respiratory tract, nanoparticle deposition, 428–429 RGD theory. See Rayleigh-Gans-Debye (RGD) theory Risk appraisal, IRGC, 508 Risk assessment, 240–250. See Nanomaterials (NMs) case studies of, 242–245, 243t framework, 240–241 PEC and RQ, 245–247, 246t product life cycles, emissions and traceability in, 247–248 recommendations for, 250 simplified risk assessment methods, 249–250 Risk management process control evaluation, 597–598, 598f decision-making process, 583, 583f design stage, 583–584 hierarchy of controls administrative controls, 594–595, 595f–596f

categories, 588–589, 589f engineering controls, 590–594, 591f–592f intrinsic safety, 589–590 personal protective equipment, 595–597 OHS, 582 periodic reevaluation process, 598 personal exposure assessment, 599 risk assessment CB, 588 expert judgment, 584 exposure assessment, 586–587 hazard identification and information gathering, 584–586, 586f safety management, 599 SWA classification, 581–582 Risk quotients (RQs), 245–247, 246t RQs. See Risk quotients (RQs)

S Safety data sheets (SDS), 573 Safe Work Australia (SWA), 581–582 Scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS), 72, 78, 534, 535f, 614–615 Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR), 340–344, 485–486 Screening information data sets (SIDS), 50 Screen-type diffusion battery, 80, 80f Sedimentation velocity, 59–60 Semiconductors, 8 Sensitivity analysis, 236 Short-term research goals, 298 SIDS. See Screening information data sets (SIDS) Silicon dioxide (SiO2) nanomaterials, 259 Silver nanoparticles, 159–160 Size distribution characterization, 75–80 aerodynamic diameter distribution, 75–77 diffusional/thermodynamic diameter, 79–80 electrical mobility diameter, 77–79 Skin penetration, 414 Skin protection, PPE cotton/polyester woven fabric, 618, 619f CPC, 614–615 dry aerosols, 617–618 nanoparticle penetration measurement, test setup, 615–616, 616f nitrile and butyl rubber glove materials, 621–622, 621f–622f polyethylene nonwoven, 618–620, 620f


polyethylene-polypropylene nonwoven, 618, 619f scanning electron microscopy, 615 SMPS, 614–615 stratum corneum, 614 woven and nonwoven textiles, 618 SMPS. See Scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) Socio-Technical Integration Research (STIR), 333–334 Solar radiation, 376–378 Solid drug nanoparticles (SDNs), 176–179, 177f designing, 178 synthesis of, 178–179 Sorbents comprise dendritic polymers, 26–27 Source-fate-endpoint cause-effect chains, 240, 241f Sprinkler abatement techniques, 145 Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), 377–378 STIR. See Socio-Technical Integration Research (STIR) Structure-activity relationships (SARs), 500 Substantial equivalents, 313 Sulfate process, 384 Sun protection factor (SPF), 385–386 Sunscreens. See Nano-sized titanium dioxide (TiO2), in sunscreens Surveillance systems nanomaterials regulatory gaps for, 288–289 risk management approaches for, 289–290 toxicity, knowledge gaps for, 287–288 overcoming knowledge gaps alternative in vitro and high-throughput testing methods, 292–293 databases and harmonized standards, development of, 293–294 longitudinal and epidemiological studies, 296 medical screening and determining exposure limits, 295–296 medical screening and exposure limits, 295–296 nanomaterial specific human biomonitoring databases, 294–295 nanoparticle substances list, 293 public health surveillance tools and databases, 290–292 cost-effectiveness (CE) studies, 290 expert panels and expert opinion, 292 meta-analysis, 290

public health surveillance databases, 290–291 traditional toxicity screening methods, 290

T Technical committees (TCs), 557–558 Technical reports (TR), 562 Technical specifications (TS), 562 Terminal bronchiole (TB), 42f, 43 Thermodynamic equivalent diameter, 61–62 Three-dimensional nanostructures, 18 Titanium dioxide (TiO2)-nanoparticle exposure, 98–99, 167 Tolerability and acceptability judgment, IRGC, 508 Top-down method, 178–179, 433 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), 651 Traditional toxicity screening methods, 290 Tribology, 25–26 Two compartment progressive pressure wave model, 129–132

U Ultrafine condensation particle counters (UCPC), 529–530 Ultrafine particles. See Incidental nanomaterials Ultra low particulate air (ULPA), 610 Uniform System for the Evaluation of Substances adapted for Life Cycle Assessment purposes (USES-LCA) method, 237 US-American National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), 497–498 USEtox model, 238 US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), 407, 608 US regulatory system, 161–163 FDA’s new nano approach, 161–163, 162f

V Validated measurement methods, 288 Venting systems, 142–144, 145f Virosomes, 201–202

W Waste water system (WWS), 263 Workplace exposures methodologies exposure measurements, 437–439 laboratory simulations, 439




Workplace exposures (Continued) numerical simulations, 439–440 types of, 437 situations of, 429 engineered nanomaterials, 430–431 incidental nanomaterials, 429–430 lifecycle, 431–436 occupational exposure, factors, 436–437, 438f tools and strategies, 440 exposure limits, 445, 446t exposure measurement devices, 441–444

health risk assessment, 440–441 workplace exposure assessment strategy, 444–445 World Health Organization (WHO), 287–288 WWS. See Waste water system (WWS)

Z Zero-valent iron (ZVI), 261 Zinc oxide, 8 nanoparticles, 85–86