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Jan 19, 2017 - magnetoresistive random access memory (MRAM) (Hu, Li, Chen, & ... access memory (RRAM) (Ielmini, Nardi, & Cagli, 2011; Philip Wong.
Received: 5 October 2016


Revised: 19 January 2017


Accepted: 20 January 2017

DOI 10.1002/jemt.22848


Nanoscale electrical properties of ZnO nanorods grown by chemical bath deposition Sy-Hann Chen


Chang-Feng Yu | Chia-Shan Chien

Department of Electrophysics, National Chiayi University, Chiayi, 600, Taiwan Correspondence Prof. Sy-Hann Chen, Department of Electrophysics, National Chiayi University, Chiayi 600, Taiwan. Email: [email protected]

Abstract Well-aligned zinc oxide nanorod arrays (ZNAs) synthesized using chemical bath deposition were fabricated on a gallium-doped zinc oxide substrate, and the effects of varying the precursor concentrations on the growth and nanoscale electrical properties of the ZNAs were investigated. The as-synthesized ZNAs were characterized using field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), conducting atomic force microscopy (CAFM), and scanning surface potential microscopy (SSPM). The FESEM and AFM images show that the growth rate in terms of length and diameter is highly sensitive to the precursor concentration. CAFM and SSPM analyses indicate that when concentrations of both the zinc acetate and hexamethylenetetramine solutions were 30 mM, the coverage percentages of the recordable and conducting regions on the ZNA surface were 48.3% and 0.9%, which is suitable for application in resistive random access memory devices.


zinc oxide nanorod arrays, chemical bath deposition, resistive random access memory


The development of RRAM was studied as early as the 1960s (Gibbons & Beadle, 1964; Hiatt & Hickmott, 1965); however, there

Nonvolatile memory (NVM) is indispensable in hand-held devices, such

have been no affirmative conclusions regarding the resistance-

as mobile phones and cameras, as well as in solid-state drives, which

switching mechanism or material selection until now. Many research

require an NVM module for data storage. At present, the conventional

teams aim to discuss the stability and feasibility of various materials for

type of NVM is charge trap flash (CTF) (King, King, & Hu, 2001; You &

RRAM and to explain and study physical models of the resistance

Cho, 2010). However, with the development of microminiaturization in

switching mechanism using different methods. According to several

fabrication, CTF is expected to fall out of use because of its physical

related references (Chung, Lai, Chen, & Chen, 2011; Fang et al., 2011;

limitations. Therefore, developing new types of NVM is an important

Kozicki, Gopalan, Balakrishnan, & Mitkova, 2006; Zhao et al., 2011),

topic in current industrial and academic circles. Currently, the new

the choice of material for the recording layer of RRAM is approximately

types of NVM with research value are approximately classified into

divided between four major materials: colossal magnetoresistance

magnetoresistive random access memory (MRAM) (Hu, Li, Chen, &

oxides, polymers, doped metal oxides, and binary metal oxides.

Nan, 2011; Tehrani et al., 2003), phase change random access memory

Because binary metal oxides (Panda & Tseng, 2013) are easily pro-

(PCRAM) (Loke et al., 2012; Raoux et al., 2008), and resistive random

duced, are compatible with the current semiconductor process, and

access memory (RRAM) (Ielmini, Nardi, & Cagli, 2011; Philip Wong

have good electrical characteristics, they are presently the key research

et al., 2012). RRAM offers several advantages such as good microminia-

material in the RRAM field. In terms of resistance switching mecha-

turization potential for simple structures, high response speed, low

nisms, binary metal oxide behavior can be classified into bipolar and

power consumption, and good reliability, and thus, it may become the

unipolar transfers. Similar to PCRAM (Makarov, Sverdlov, & Selberherr,

mainstream module for next-generation digital information storage

2012), RRAM in unipolar operation has a relatively high memory den-


sity and a more than thousand-fold change in resistance value, making it suitable for multilevel cells. Among the numerous binary metal

Review Editor: Dr. Chuanbin Mao

Microsc Res Tech. 2017;80:671–679

oxides, zinc oxide (ZnO) (Chang et al., 2008; Lee, Kim, Park, & Yong,

C 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. V





T A B LE 1



The different precursor concentrations used and the corresponding diameter and length of the produced ZNAs

Sample name

Zinc acetate (mM)


Nanorod Diameter (nm)

Nanorod Length (nm)

Aspect ratio




72 6 3

181 6 8

2.48 6 0.22




140 6 3

727 6 13

5.19 6 0.20




250 6 5

1,690 6 25

6.76 6 0.24




399 6 7

1,150 6 20

2.88 6 0.10

*Errors are calculated by the experimental data from five-fabricated times.

2010; Panda & Tseng, 2013) is a potential recording material for the

under a constant ambient O2 pressure of 20 mTorr and at a substrate

unipolar resistance switching mechanism. ZnO can grow at a relatively

temperature of 2008C. A glass substrate was mounted parallel to the

low temperature, its raw materials are easily procured, and it is inex-

target surface at a distance of 5 cm. A Q-switched Nd:YAG laser (LS-

pensive, innocuous, and nonpolluting. In addition, diverse nano-

2137U, LOTIS) with a second harmonic operating at 355 nm and a

structures and preparation methods have been reported in the litera-

duration of 7 ns was used as the light source for target ablation. The

ture for ZnO, thus making it a very promising candidate for the record-

laser beam was focused using a 30 cm positive lens. The average

ing layer of RRAM modules in the future. (Ielmini et al., 2011; Philip

energy was approximately 160 mJ per shot, and the pulse rate was 10

Wong et al., 2012)

Hz. Each deposition process lasted 10 min, and the produced film

In this study, ZnO nanorod arrays (ZNAs) were grown by chemical

thicknesses were around 150 nm.

bath deposition (CBD) (Khranovskyy et al., 2012; Son, Noh, & Park,

Zinc acetate [C4H6O4Zn2H2O] and hexamethylenetetramine

2016; Urgessa, Oluwafemi, & Botha, 2012). Gallium-doped zinc oxide

(HMTA) [C6H12N4] were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and used as

(GZO) was used as the seed layer, which was previously used as an

reagents without further treatment. Aqueous solutions of zinc acetate

anode for polymer light emitting diodes (Chen & Chen, 2012; Chen,

and HMTA were prepared in de-ionized (DI) water at various concen-

Chen, Yu, Lin, & Kao, 2013) and has been actively developed by

trations, and equal amounts of the zinc acetate solution and HMTA

researchers in recent years. The diameter and length of ZNAs are

solution were mixed in a beaker. The different concentrations used for

modulated by the precursor concentrations of the chemical agents in

the zinc acetate and HMTA solutions ranged between 10 and 70 mM,

the process. The effect of the precursor concentration in CBD on the

as shown in Table 1. A substrate with a pre-deposited GZO seed layer

morphology, dimensions, and electrical properties (Huang et al., 2014;

was vertically immersed into the mixed solution. Then, the beaker was

Yao et al., 2012) is important for the application of ZnO as NVM. The

sealed and placed in a water bath illuminated with UV light at 908C for

surface morphology and section depth of ZNAs were measured and

an hour. Finally, the samples were rinsed with DI water several times

analyzed using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and field-emission scan-

and dried at 278C for several hours. The ZNA samples synthesized

ning electron microscopy (FESEM). Conducting atomic force micros-

from precursor concentrations of 10, 30, 50, and 70 mM were labelled

copy (CAFM) (Chen et al., 2008; Lin, Chen, Perng, & Chen 2001; Yu

S1, S2, S3, and S4, respectively.

et al., 2008), and scanning surface potential microscopy (SSPM) (Chen,

The shapes and dimensions of the vertically grown ZNAs were

2005) were used to measure the electrical properties of ZNAs. A con-

characterized using FESEM (JEOL JSM-7500F) and AFM (Dimension

ductive probe was used as the top electrode, and the local contact cur-

3100, Bruker, USA). To analyze the lattice structure and crystal quality

rent and work function (WF) of ZNAs were integrally analyzed and

of the ZNA samples, the 18 grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (XRD)

discussed. These nanoscale experimental data and analysis are useful

patterns were recorded at room temperature in the 2u scan range from

for further understanding the filament effect of the resistance switch-

208 to 808, with a 0.0028 step using a high resolution diffractometer

ing mechanism in the RRAM module and may generate a more com-

(Cu Ka radiation; D8 DISCOVER, Bruker, USA). The local electrical

plete theoretical model, which is helpful for improving the RRAM

properties of the ZNAs were analyzed under ambient conditions using

module structure and the sophistication of the process.

CAFM and SSPM. Rectangular Si tips (PPP-EFM, Nanosensors, Switzerland) with a 2.50 N/m spring constant and a 75 kHz resonant frequency


were used for the CAFM and SSPM measurements. The contact force, which was determined from the force–distance plot, setpoint, spring

The fabrication process of vertically aligned ZNAs includes two steps:

constant, and deflection sensitivity of the cantilever, was maintained at

the preparation of textured GZO thin films using pulsed laser deposi-

approximately 60 nN by applying a constant setpoint. The tips were

tion (PLD) and ZnO nanorod growth using CBD.

precoated with a Cr layer and subsequently coated with a 20 nm PtIr

For the PLD step, a ceramic target of ZnO (99.999% purity) mixed

film by ion sputtering. The CAFM and SSPM procedures employed in

with 3.35 wt% Ga (99.999% purity) was used. The ambient gas was

this study have been previously described (Chen, 2005; Chen et al.,

high-purity O2 (99.999%). The GZO seed layer was prepared via PLD

2008; Lin et al., 2001; Yu et al., 2008). The current–voltage (I–V) curves






The cross-sectional (left) and top-view (right) FESEM images of (a) S1, (b) S2, (c) S3, and (d) S4 samples

and current maps were measured by applying a positive voltage to the

ions will be attracted to the surface of the sample, modifying it and pre-

tip while the substrate was grounded. The applied voltage induces a

venting any collection of current. To avoid this local anodic oxidation of

high electrical field between the tip and the substrate that ionizes the

the sample, CAFM measurements (in air) are usually obtained by apply-

water droplet, and the OH2 ions produced provide the oxidant for the

ing a positive voltage to the tip while the substrate is virtually grounded


chemical reaction. If a negative voltage is applied to the tip, the OH

(namely, by electron injection from the substrate).





the average diameter increased from 250 to 399 nm but the length decreased dramatically from 1,690 to 1,150 nm. This implies that the growth rate in terms of length is more sensitive to the precursor concentration. According to the FESEM images on the right side of the Figure 1d, the ZNAs of the S4 sample extrude each other, as the diameter is too large. In the same area, when large ZNAs are grown at high precursor concentrations, the nanorods are more likely to intersect each other because of spatial localization, so the ZNAs are likely to be tilted or damaged, thus making them inapplicable for RRAM modules. Figure 2 shows the XRD patterns of ZNAs grown on the GZO seed layers using different precursor concentrations and the detail data are exhibited in Table 2. For all samples, strong peaks appear at 2h  34.58, which are indexed to the (002) plane of hexagonal ZnO crystal and indicate that ZNAs have a strong c-axis orientation (Son et al., 2016). The ZnO (103) plane showed up in S2,S3, and S4 has a strong F I G U R E 2 XRD patterns of ZNAs grown with four different concentrations of zinc acetate and HMTA. [Color figure can be viewed at]

Contact potential difference (CPD, DU) mapping was performed in “lift mode” at a lift scan height (tip-sample separation) of 80 nm with a 5 V AC voltage applied to the tip, and DU is equal to Utip2Usample, where

Utip and Usample are the mean WFs of the tip and ZNA samples, respectively. The measurement was obtained simultaneously with the topography scan in tapping mode using the electrically conductive Cr/PtIrcoated tip. The tip was calibrated using a highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) substrate.1 The chemical states of ZNA samples were identified by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) using a VG Scientific ESCALAB 250 spherical sector analyzer with a monochromatic AlKa radiation source (1,486.7 eV). The binding energy of the C1s level of adventitious carbon is widely taken as energy calibration. The elemental composition was determined from the relative peak areas at specific binding energies.

relationship with nanorod length. It can be found that the higher nanorod length has the larger distribution percentages of ZnO (103) plane by observing Tables 1 and 2. The result can reasonably conjecture that the length of growing nanorods would be as the main influencing factor to the c-axis orientation of the ZNAs. Moreover, according to fivefabricated times for XRD measurements, the lattice structure of S4 sample is in an instable status. The reason is that the S4 sample which has the larger nanorod diameter can lead to structural extrusion for each other. Topography (left) and current (right) images of the ZNA samples grown from the different precursor concentrations are presented in Figure 3. These images were obtained with a 180 mV bias applied to the tip during scanning, and they show that conducting, recordable, and insulating regions were present on the surfaces. The magnitude of the contact current was determined from the image brightness. According to the local current–voltage (I–V) measurements, when the tip was located at a point where the current exceeded 200 nA, the measured I–V data followed the relationships expected for Ohmic contacts, and the turn-on voltage was lower than 0.5 V. A typical I–V curve


is shown in Figure 4a and these regions are called conducting regions. When the probe was in a region in which the contact current was

Figure 1 shows the cross-sectional (left) and top-view (right) FESEM

between 5 and 200 nA, the typical I–V curve shown in Figure 4b shows

images of ZNAs grown using different precursor concentrations.

set and reset at the same polarity. Such a relationship is expected for

The FESEM images reveal that the nanorods have a well-formed hex-

unipolar memory behavior, and these regions are called recordable

agonal shape, suggesting the nanorods grow along the (002) direction

regions. However, in the regions where the current was less than 5 nA,

for the various precursor concentrations. The FESEM images also indi-

the Fowler-Nordheim electron tunneling mechanism (Chen et al., 2008;

cate that the precursor concentration has a strong impact on the diam-

Lin et al., 2001) shown in Figure 4c was responsible for the detected

eter, length, and aspect ratio of the ZNAs. As shown in Table 1, the

current, and the turn-on voltage was higher than 4 V; these regions are

average diameter increases significantly as the precursor concentration

called insulating regions. The coverage percentages of these three

increases. When concentrations of both the zinc acetate and HMTA

regions, which are presented in Figure 5, were determined using the

solutions were 50 mM, the ZNAs have a maximum length of 1,690 nm

current distribution histograms of the current images in Figure 3. As

and an aspect ratio of 6.76. However, when both concentrations of the

shown in Figure 4b, when a voltage was applied on the memory cell

zinc acetate and HMTA solutions were increased from 50 to 70 mM,

(swept from 0 to 5 V), it showed a very low current value (high resist-


HOPG has a stable work function of approximately 4.6 eV in ambient conditions, so it can be used as a standard sample. It is best to use a freshly cleaved HOPG substrate and to perform a measurement on it before measuring the ZNA surfaces.

ance state, HRS). With a higher bias, the current flow started to increase, and the cell switched to a high current state (low resistance state, LRS) at 1.69 V (set voltage). The above process is called the forming process, and a nonvolatile ON state is achieved. During a reverse




T A B LE 2


XRD data for the ZNAs prepared at different precursor concentrations Sample name

XRD data S1




Maximum intensities of ZnO (002) peak [counts]





Maximum intensities of ZnO (103) peak [counts]





Peak positions of ZnO (002) [degrees]





Peak positions of ZnO (103) [degrees]





Coverage ratio of ZnO (002) plane [%]





Coverage ratio of ZnO (103) plane [%]





*All experimental data are defined as average values analyzed from five-fabricated times.

Topography (left) and current (right) images of (a) S1, (b) S2, (c) S3, and (d) S4 samples. The tip was biased at 180 mV, and the samples were grounded. [Color figure can be viewed at]


Typical I–V curves from (a) the conducting regions, (b) the recordable regions, and (c) the insulating regions of all samples. [Color figure can be viewed at]






shown in all current images in Figure 3, the conducting regions are distributed over the edge of the nanorod surface, because the charge accumulation forms a corona discharge-like region (Beinik et al., 2011; Xiao, Ong, Guo, Ho, & Zeng, 2015). The coverage percentage of the conducting region on sample S1 is as high as 46.6%, which severely limits the stability and lifetime of the RRAM module. The topography (left) and flattened CPD (right) images of the samples from a 2 3 2 mm2 scanning area are shown in Figure 6. The DC offset values for the right side images in Figure 6a–d, which were measured from a cross-section of the CPD images before the images were flattened, are 0.76, 0.78, 0.85, and 0.85 V, respectively. Because the WF of the Cr/PtIr-coated probe (Utip) calibrated by HOPG was 5.00 eV (Chen, 2005), the mean WF values of S1, S2, S3, and S4 samples (Usample) were calculated to be 4.24, 4.22, 4.15, and 4.15 eV, respectively. (see Table 3) The difference in the mean WF values on ZnO Histograms of the contact current distribution, which were obtained from the current images in Figure 3. Accurate data are shown in Table 3. [Color figure can be viewed at] FIGURE 5

samples has a strong relationship with the concentration of oxygen vacancies (Chen & Chen, 2012). Figure 7 shows the XPS spectrum of the O 1s region for all ZNA samples. The typical O 1s peak at the surface is consistently fitted by three nearly Gaussian curves centered at

bias sweep from 5 to 0 V, there was a drop in the leakage current at a

530.5, 531.7, and 533.2 eV. (Chen et al., 2000; Chen & Chen, 2012).

voltage of around 2.91 V (reset voltage). The device then switched to

The high-binding-energy component (OIII peak) located at 533.2 eV

the HRS, and a nonvolatile OFF state was achieved. The resetting

was reported as the presence of loosely bound oxygen related to envi-

(switching from ON to OFF state) and setting (switching from OFF to

ronmental contaminants on the surface of the ZnO associated with

ON state) occurred in the same polarity of a sweep, showing typical

adsorbed H2O or O22. The component on the low-binding-energy side

unipolar behavior. The current at 1 V is about 250 and 40 nA for LRS

of the O 1s spectrum at 530.5 eV (OI peak) is attributed to O22 ions in

and HRS, respectively, which will lead to an resistance ratio about 6-

the wurtzite structure associated with a hexagonal Zn21 ion array sur-

fold of magnitude.

rounded by Zn atoms with their full complement of nearest-neighbor

Table 3 lists the coverage percentage of insulating, recordable, and

O22 ions. The medium-binding-energy component (OII peak) centered

conducting regions on all samples, obtained from Figure 5. Sample S2

at 531.7 eV is associated with O22 ions in the oxygen-deficient regions

has the highest coverage percentage of the recordable regions of all

within the matrix of ZnO. Therefore, changes in the intensity of this

samples at 48.3%, while sample S3 has the lowest value at 17.3%. The

component may be connected, in part, to variations in the concentra-

resistance of ZNAs increases with length; in other words, for longer

tion of oxygen vacancies. The coverage ratio of oxygen vacancies can

ZNAs, transferring electrons from the nanorod surface to the GZO

be calculated by the OII/(OI 1 OII) area ratio. As shown in Figure 7, the

seed layer is more difficult. The length of the ZNAs on sample S3 is

difference between the coverage ratios of oxygen vacancies of all sam-

much higher than that of the other samples, and thus, the coverage

ples was only within 2% (see Table 3), so the reasons for the difference

percentage of the insulating regions on the sample greatly increased to

in the mean WF values on ZNA samples is not clear.

82.7%, which explains why the coverage percentage of the recordable

The variations in the brightness of the CPD images represent WF

regions on sample S3 is so low. Therefore, sample S3 would not be

fluctuations, with brighter regions representing regions with lower

applicable as the recording layer of an RRAM module. In addition, the

WFs. In the CPD images in Figure 6, the edges of the nanorod surfaces

conducting regions of RRAM often generate high electric fields during

are relatively bright, meaning these regions have a low WF. According

module operation, disintegrating the region (Long et al., 2013). As

to the analysis of the CPD image roughness, the differences between

T A B LE 3

CAFM, SSPM, and XPS data for the ZNAs based on the different precursor concentrations Sample name

CAFM, SSPM, and XPS data S1




Coverage percentages of insulator regions [%]

16.2 6 0.5

50.7 6 1.5

82.7 6 2.4

57.4 6 1.7

Coverage percentages of recordable regions [%]

37.1 6 1.2

48.3 6 1.3

17.3 6 0.6

36.8 6 1.0

Coverage percentages of conducting regions [%]

46.6 6 2.1

0.9 6 0.1


5.7 6 0.2

Mean work functions [eV]

4.23 6 0.02

4.22 6 0.02

4.15 6 0.02

4.15 6 0.02

Coverage ratio of oxygen vacancies [%]





*Errors and means are calculated by the experimental data from five-fabricated times.




Topography (left) and CPD images (right) of (a) S1, (b) S2, (c) S3, and (d) S4 samples. The CPD images have been flattened. [Color figure can be viewed at]



XPS of the O 1s region for (a) S1, (b) S2, (c) S3, and (d) S4 samples. [Color figure can be viewed at]




the maximum and minimum intensity of the WF on samples S1, S2, S3, and S4 are 614.95, 69.80, 67.70, and 65.45 meV, respectively. The ZNA interval density decreases as the precursor concentration increases, and thus, the higher precursor concentration leads to better WF uniformity.

4 | CONCLUSION We have successfully synthesized ZNAs using a simple CBD method on glass substrates pretreated with GZO films by PLD. A systematic study of various precursor concentrations showed that these concentrations have a strong impact on the diameter and length of the ZNAs. XRD analysis demonstrated that all the as-grown ZNAs are crystalline and are preferentially oriented along the c-axis. FESEM and AFM images show that when concentrations of both the zinc acetate and HMTA solutions were lower than 50 mM, the ZNAs are particularly straight. The CAFM and SSPM analysis indicated that the coverage percentage of the recordable regions on the ZNA surfaces had a maximum value of 48.3% when the concentrations of the zinc acetate and HMTA solutions were both 30 mM, while the coverage percentage of the conducting regions on the ZNA surface decreased to 0.9%. This simple and economical CBD method is promising for the large-scale production of high-performance ZNAs for application in RRAM devices.

ACKNOWLE DGMENTS The authors would like to thank the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan for financially supporting this research under Contract No. 105-2112-M-415-003.

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How to cite this article: Chen S-H, Yu C-F, Chien C-S. Nanoscale electrical properties of ZnO nanorods grown by chemical bath deposition. Microsc Res Tech. 2017;80:671–679. https://