Nanoscale Energy Transport and Conversion. A Parallel Treatment of Electrons,
Molecules, Phonons, and Photons. Gang Chen. Massachusetts Institute of ...
Nanoscale Energy Transport and Conversion A Parallel Treatment of Electrons, Molecules, Phonons, and Photons
Gang Chen Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Foreword, vii Introduction, 3 1 There Is Plenty of Room at the Bottom, 4 2 Classical Definition of Temperature and Heat, 9 3 Macroscopic Theory of Heat Transfer, 9 1.3.1 Conduction, 9 1.3.2 Convection, 11 1.3.3 Radiation, 13 1.3.4 Energy Balance, 16 1.3.5 Local Equilibrium, 17 1.3.6 Scaling Trends under Macroscopic Theories, 17 4 Microscopic Picture of Heat Carriers and Their Transport, 18 1.4.1 Heat Carriers, 18 1.4.2 Allowable Energy Levels of Heat Carriers, 22 1.4.3 Statistical Distribution of Energy Carriers, 23 1.4.4 Simple Kinetic Theory, 25 1.4.5 Mean Free Path, 27 5 Micro- and Nanoscale Transport Phenomena, 28 1.5.1 Classical Size Effects, 28 1.5.2 Quantum Size Effects, 29 1.5.3 Fast Transport Phenomena, 30 6 Philosophy of This Book, 32 7 Nomenclature for Chapter 1, 34 8 References, 35 9 Exercises, 37 Material Waves and Energy Quantization, 43 1 Basic Wave Characteristics, 44 2 Wave Nature of Matter, 46
2.2.1 Wave-Particle Duality of Light, 46 2.2.2 Material Waves, 48 2.2.3 The Schrödinger Equation, 49 Example Solutions of the Schrödinger Equation, 52 2.3.1 Free Particles, 52 2.3.2 Particle in a One-Dimensional Potential Well, 53 2.3.3 Electron Spin and the Pauli Exclusion Principle, 58 2.3.4 Harmonic Oscillator, 59
2.3.5 The Rigid Rotor, 63 2.3.6 Electronic Energy Levels of the Hydrogen Atom, 64 Summary of Chapter 2, 70
2.5 2.6 2.7
Nomenclature for Chapter 2, 72 References, 72 Exercises, 73
3 3.1
Energy States in Solids 77 Crystal Structure, 78 3.1.1 Description of Lattices in Real Space, 78 3.1.2 Real Crystals, 81 3.1.3 Crystal Bonding Potential, 84 3.1.4 Reciprocal Lattice, 87 Electron Energy States in Crystals, 91 3.2.1 One-Dimensional Periodic Potential (Kronig-Penney Model), 91 3.2.2 Electron Energy Bands in Real Crystals, 98 Lattice Vibration and Phonons, 100 3.3.1 One-Dimensional Monatomic Lattice Chains, 100 3.3.2 Energy Quantization and Phonons, 103 3.3.3 One-Dimensional Diatomic and Polyatomic Lattice Chains, 104 3.3.4 Phonons in Three-Dimensional Crystals, 105 Density of States, 105 3.4.1 Electron Density of States, 107 3.4.2 Phonon Density of States, 109 3.4.3 Photon Density of States, 110 3.4.4 Differential Density of States and Solid Angle, 111 Energy Levels in Artificial Structures, 111 3.5.1 Quantum Wells, Wires, Dots, and Carbon Nanotubes, 111 3.5.2 Artificial Periodic Structures, 114
3.6 Summary of Chapter 3, 117 3.7 Nomenclature for Chapter 3, 118 3.8 References, 119 3.9 Exercises, 121 4 4.1
4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 5 5.1
Statistical Thermodynamics and Thermal Energy Storage 123 Ensembles and Statistical Distribution Functions, 124 4.1.1 Microcanonical Ensemble and Entropy, 124 4.1.2 Canonical and Grand Canonical Ensembles, 127 4.1.3 Molecular Partition Functions, 130 4.1.4 Fermi-Dirac, Bose-Einstein, and Boltzmann Distributions, 134 Internal Energy and Specific Heat, 137 4.2.1 Gases, 138 4.2.2 Electrons in Crystals, 141 4.2.3 Phonons, 144 4.2.4 Photons, 146 Size Effects on Internal Energy and Specific Heat, 148 Summary of Chapter 4, 150 Nomenclature for Chapter 4, 153 References, 154 Exercises, 155 Energy Transfer by Waves, 159
Plane Waves, 160 5.1.1 Plane Electron Waves, 161 5.1.2 Plane Electromagnetic Waves, 161 5.1.3 Plane Acoustic Waves, 167 5.2 Interface Reflection and Refraction of a Plane Wave, 169 5.2.1 Electron Waves, 169 5.2.2 Electromagnetic Waves, 171 5.2.3 Acoustic Waves, 178 5.2.4 Thermal Boundary Resistance, 180 5.3 Wave Propagation in Thin Films, 185 5.3.1 Propagation of EM Waves, 186 5.3.2 Phonons and Acoustic Waves, 191 5.3.3 Electron Waves, 193
5.5 5.6
5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 6 6.1
6.5 6.7 6.8 6.9
Evanescent Waves and Tunneling, 194 5.4.1 Evanescent Waves 194 5.4.2 Tunneling 195 Energy Transfer in Nanostructures: Landauer Formalism, 198 Transition to Particle Description, 204 5.6.1 Wave Packets and Group velocity, 204 5.6.2 Coherence and Transition to Particle Description, 207 Summary of Chapter 5,216 Nomenclature for Chapter 5,218 References, 220 Exercises, 223
Particle Description of Transport Processes: Classical Laws, 227 The Liouville Equation and the Boltzmann Equation, 228 6.1.1 The Phase Space and Liouville's Equation, 228 6.1.2 The Boltzmann Equation, 230 6.1.3 Intensity for Energy Flow, 233 Carrier Scattering, 233 6.2.1 Scattering Integral and Relaxation Time Approximation, 234 6.2.2 Scattering of Phonons, 237 6.2.3 Scattering of Electrons, 240 6.2.4 Scattering of Photons, 240 6.2.5 Scattering of Molecules, 242 Classical Constitutive Laws, 242 6.3.1 Fourier Law and Phonon Thermal Conductivity, 243 6.3.2 Newton's Shear Stress Law, 247 6.3.3 Ohm's Law and the Wiedemann-Franz Law, 249 6.3.4 Thermoelectric Effects and Onsager Relations, 254 6.3.5 Hyperpolic Heat Conduction Equation and Its Validity, 258 6.3.6 Meaning of Local Equilibrium and Validity of Diffusion Theories, 260 Conservative Equations, 262 6.4.1 Navier-Stokes Equations, 263 6.4.2 Electrohydrodynamic Equation, 266 6.4.3 Phonon Hydrodynamic Equations, 268 Summary of Chapter 6, 273 Nomenclature for Chapter 6, 275 References, 277 Exercises, 279
Classical Size Effects, 282
7.3 7.4
7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 8 8.1
Size Effects on Electron and Phonon Conduction Parallel to Boundaries, 283 7.1.1 Electrical Conduction along Thin Films, 285 7.1.2 Phonon Heat Conduction along Thin Films, 288 Transport Perpendicular to the Boundaries, 292 7.2.1 Thermal Radiation between Two Parallel Plates, 292 7.2.2 Heat Conduction across Thin Films and Superlattices, 299 7.2.3 Rarefied Gas Heat Conduction between Two Parallel Plates, 302 7.2.4 Current Flow across Heterojunctions, 307 Rarefied Poiseuille Flow and Knudsen Minimum, 308 Transport in Nonplanar Structures, 313 7.4.1 Thermal Radiation between Concentric Cylinders and Spheres, 314 7.4.2 Rarefied Gas How and Convection, 314 7.4.3 Phonon Heat Conduction, 315 7.4.4 Multidimensional Transport Problems, 316 Diffusion Approximation with Diffusion-Transmission Boundary Conditions, 317 7.5.1 Thermal Radiation between Two Parallel Plates, 319 7.5.2 Heat Conduction in Thin Films, 321 7.5.3 Electron Transport across an Interface: Thermionic Emission, 322 7.5.4 Velocity Slip for Rarefied Gas Flow, 327 Ballistic-Diffusive Treatments, 331 7.6.1 Modified Differential Approximation for Thermal Radiation, 331 7.6.2 Ballistic-Diffusive Equations for Phonon Transport, 333 Summary of Chapter 7, 336 Nomenclature for Chapter 7, 338 References, 340 Exercises, 344
Energy Conversion and Coupled Transport Processes, 348 Carrier Scattering, Generation, and Recombination, 349 8.1.1 Nonequilibrium Electron-Phonon Interactions, 349 8.1.2 Photon Absorption and Carrier Excitation, 358 8.1.3 Relaxation and Recombination of Excited Carriers, 363 8.1.4 Boltzmann Equation Revisited, 366
8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8
9 9.1
9.5 9.6
Coupled Nonequilibrium Electron-Phonon Transport without Recombination, 367 8.2.1 Hot Electron Effects in Short Pulse Laser Heating of Metals, 369 8.2.2 Hot Electron and Hot Phonon Effects in Semiconductor Devices, 370 8.2.3 Cold and Hot Phonons in Energy Conversion Devices, 373 Energy Exchange in Semiconductor Devices with Recombination, 373 8.3.1 Energy Source Formulation, 373 8.3.2 Energy Conversion in a p-n Junction, 376 8.3.3 Radiation Heating of Semiconductors, 384 Nanostructures for Energy Conversion, 386 8.4.1 Thermoelectric Devices, 386 8.4.2 Solar Cells and Thermophotovoltaic Power Conversion, 391 Summary of Chapter 8, 395 Nomenclature for Chapter 8, 396 References, 398 Exercises, 401
Liquids and Their Interfaces, 404 Bulk Liquids and Their Transport Properties, 405 9.1.1 Radial Distribution Function and van der Waals Equation of State, 405 9.1.2 Kinetic Theories of Liquids, 408 9.1.3 Brownian Motion and the Langevin Equation, 411 Forces and Potentials between Particles and Surfaces, 416 9.2.1 Intermolecular Potentials, 417 9.2.2 Van der Waals Potential and Force between Surfaces, 419 9.2.3 Electric Double Layer Potential and Force at Interfaces, 421 9.2.4 Surface Forces and Potentials Due to Molecular Structures, 427 9.2.5 Surface Tension, 428 Size Effects on Single-Phase Flow and Convection, 433 9.3.1 Pressure-Driven Flow and Heat Transfer in Micro- and Nanochannels, 433 9.3.2 Electrokinetic Hows, 436 Size Effects on Phase Transition, 438 9.4.1 Curvature Effect on Vapor Pressure of Droplets, 439 9.4.2 Curvature Effect on Equilibrium Phase Transition Temperature, 441 9.4.3 Extension to Solid Particles, 441 9.4.4 Curvature Effect on Surface Tension, 442 Summary of Chapter 9, 443 Nomenclature for Chaper 9, 445
9.7 9.8
References, 447 Exercises, 449
Molecular Dynamics Simulation 452
10.1 10.2
The Equations of Motion, 453 Interatomic Potential, 458
Statistical Foundation for Molecular Dynamic Simulations, 462 10.3.1 Time Average versus Ensemble Average, 462 10.3.2 Response Function and Kramers-Kronig Relations, 464 10.3.3 Linear Response Theory, 466 10.3.4 Linear Response to Internal Thermal Disturbance, 473 10.3.5 Microscopic Expressions of Thermodynamic and Transport Properties, 476 10.3.6 Thermostatted Ensembles, 479 Solving the Equations of Motion, 483 10.4.1 Numerical Integration of the Equations of Motion, 483 10.4.2 Initial Conditions, 485 10.4.3 Periodic Boundary Condition, 485 Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Thermal Transport, 486 10.5.1 Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulation, 486 10.5.2 Nonequilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulations, 490 10.5.3 Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Nanoscale Heat Transfer, 493 Summary of Chapter 10, 494 Nomenclature for Chapter 10,496 References, 498 Exercises, 502
10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9
Appendix A: Homogeneous Semiconductors, 505 Appendix B: Seconductor p-n Junctions, 509 Index, 513 Units and Their Conversions, 530 Physical Constants, 531