2006 Eiva A/S. NaviEdit ..... Start External Sync.exe from "C:\Eiva\NaviEdit\bin". 3.
... You can wait for the task to begin at the scheduled time or start it manually.
1 Setting pipe ................................................................................................................................... flags without a pipetracker 16 2 Digital Video ................................................................................................................................... Integration 19
1 Changing................................................................................................................................... the setup 25 2 Edit data ................................................................................................................................... 26
Part VI JobPlanner
1 JobPlanner ................................................................................................................................... command line switches 29
Kalman filter Kalman filtering in general: The most sensitive instrument is the gyro. Any error in the gyro data will have a huge impact on the resulting data. If for instance the gyro is off by a few degrees, the resulting data might be rotated the same way. So make sure the gyro is calibrated. Kalman filtering is running on probabilities. If a position point is too far off the mean curve, and its not deleted, it will result in an error. The Kalman filter will make a prediction instead of using a data point if its deleted. So before running the Kalman filter, make sure to delete all obvious position errors.
Mean position The approximate length in meters error [m] an average point is from a soft curve. A qualified guess would be to use the ruler to measure the distance from the center of the noisy signal to the edge. You might use the ruler tool as an aid.
Mean position If the data is from RTK or GPS, drift [m] then use 0 Mean velocity This is the dopplerlog error in m/s. error [m/s] Most doppler logs have an error of 0.02 m/s Mean velocity If the result is too smooth, make drift [m/s] this number larger Mean As the acceleration most likely is acceleration unknown, use: [m/s] - 0.05 if the speed has been nearly constant. - 0.5 if the speed has been changed frequently. - 1 is a lot. - Over 1 seems close to impossible for a water vessel
Setting pipe flags without a pipetracker 1. First make sure that the runline for the project have been loaded into NaviEdit
2. Then open a survey block in the Data Editor and start by processing the track and other sensors. 3. Open the Scan Cross Profile View and move to the start of the file. Activate the 'tracker tool' by clicking the button ( ) in the toolbar. When activated fit the shape of the tool to the scan profile to help the automatic placement start to right place.
4. Then activate the flag placement routine (
). Here you'll be able to modify the pipe diameter.
5. Open the Long profile (kp) view to inspect and edit the result.
6. The cross profile view can also be used to correct the placement by dragging the pipeshape. NOTE: Disable the tracker tool if you do not want the automatic placement to continue while moving through the profiles.
Digital Video Integration 1. Start Visual Review and open the project in question. 2. Start External Sync.exe from "C:\Eiva\NaviEdit\bin"
3. The hostname of the Visual Review/Edit Server should be obtained automatically. Check the name in case you have multiple servers on the network running Visual Review. 4. Choose NaviEdit as sync master. 5. Press 'Browse' and choose the survey folder in the NaviEdit database containing the runline for the project.
6. Set the polling interval to f.ex. 2000 msec. and press 'Toggle' to start the synchronizing over the network 7. VisualReview/Edit now attempts to keep the same Kp as the Data Editor in NaviEdit. Change Kp by opening the cross profile view or the kp view. 8. Change the sync master to VisualEdit to synchronize in the other direction. The Data Editor will follow the Kp from VisualReview - loading blocks for automatically. Online Events from VisualEdit can be loaded in the Kp view for display with the pipe flags. In the Kp view choose File->Load Events and browse to the shared folder on the VisualSoft server containing the project with events. Select the top folder in the project that corresponds to the runline for the project. Select the Visual Works folder on the network.
Rebuild Indexes This topic describes how to improve query performance on a large database. When a database becomes large, the indexes will become fragmented causing the query response time to drop and cause timeouts. This can problem can be helped by rebuilding the database indexes. 1. Open SQL Server Enterprise Manager 2. Choose your Server and goto the menu 'Tools->Wizards...'
3. Create a Database Maintenance Plan
4. Select which database to target (may not be the same as in this example).
The magnetometer data is fed into NaviPac as a data acquisition instrument just like single beam echosounders. The default behaviour for NaviEdit is to treat data acquisition as an echosounder correcting the depths for offset and vessel motion. The un-normalized values from the magnetometer might also fail to pass the depth window due to the high magnitude of the magnetometer output. NaviEdit accommodates for this behaviour by allowing the user to specify a data channel as a 'raw' channel. This will effectively switch off the corrections and filters applied to the data - and pass it directly through NaviEdit. After importing the files using the NaviPac interpreter, open the files in the Header Editor and change the setting for each data channel.
Header Editor: Setting the 'Use raw singledata' option
Upon settings this option the channel numbers are appended with an '[R]'.
Edit data The magnetometer processed output has a very high magnitude and is usually accompanied by a normalized output making it easier to find targets. NaviEdit provides an option to re-normalize the processed output. The spline option is especially useful since it provides a less distorted result. Right-click the Processed channel and choose a normalize method.
Normalizing processed magnetometer.
Choose a target channel and a wavelength for the smoothing filter. This result will overwrite the data from that channel.
The JobPlanner application understands a few command line switches which can be utilized to perform some administrative tasks in NaviEdit.
Synopsis jobplanner.exe [option]…
Options -d, -default
To be used together with –r. Makes the DSN we are registering, the default NaviEdit database. -r, -registerdsn DSNNAME DBNAME SERVER
Register a (ODBC) DSN to a database a local or remote SQL Server. -attachdb DBNAME MDFFILE LDFFILE
Attach database files. MDFFILE/LDFFILE must placed in the local filesystem and a SQL Server instance must be running locally. Furthermore a connection named JPAdmin must exist and point to the SQL Server hosting the database. Note: it is only possible to attach files placed at the same host as the SQL Server instance. This is a limitation of the SQL Server. -detachdb DBNAME
Detach a database Examples >jobplanner.exe
–d –r LocalSQLServer NaviEditDB (local)
This will create a DSN connection named “LocalSQLServer” and point it to a database named “NaviEditDB” on the local host. The “-d” option will make the JobPlanner/NaviEdit use this connection as default in the future. >jobplanner.exe
–d –r MyNEConnect MyNEDB Processing1
This will create a DSN connection named “MyNEConnect” and point it to a database named “MyNEDB” on the server “Processing1”.