NEM-Aggregation (NEM-AG)

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NEM-AG Application for Current NEM Customers. If you're an ... Costs - There is a $25 per meter initial set-up fee with
NEM-Aggregation (NEM-AG) NEM-AG allows generation from one or more systems to be shared with many meters. All of the meters must be in the same customer’s name and all of the properties must be adjoining. Parcels that are divided by a street, highway, or public thoroughfare are considered adjoining, provided they are within an unbroken chain of otherwise adjoining parcels. To see view the NEM-AG section under the current NEM tariff, click here , then go to Sheet 12 and read Special Condition 8. Examples of qualifying properties:

NEM-AG Application for Current NEM Customers If you’re an existing NEM customer, you can apply for NEM-AG by clicking here. After you fill out the form, please submit it to SDG&E Customer Generation by email, fax or mail. Email - [email protected] Fax - 858-654-8292 Mail - 8306 Century Park Court, CP52F, San Diego, CA 92123 After the form is received, Customer Generation will perform a field check to see that the meters are adjacent. They’ll then add the form to the “Documents” tab found by your address or application ID number in DIIS*. We’ll end your current true-up period effective with our approval of your NEM-AG request. A new true-up period will begin under the new NEM-AG arrangement. *DIIS is the online application system you (as a customer installer) or your contractor use to submit your NEM application to SDG&E. Through this system, you’ll receive email updates as SDG&E and your contractor progress through your application.

NEM-AG Application for Customers Currently Not on NEM If you’re currently not an NEM customer, you must fill out both the NEM and NEM-AG applications. The NEM application is online and is sent directly to us when you submit, however the NEM-AG application must be sent to SDG&E Customer Generation by email, fax or mail. Email - [email protected] Fax - 858-654-8292 Mail - 8306 Century Park Court, CP52F, San Diego, CA 92123

NEM Application For systems being installed 30 kW and below fill out the NEM online application here For systems being installed 30 kW and above fill out the NEM online application here NEM-AG Application To fill out the NEM-AG application click here.

What to Know When Filling Out the NEM-AG Application On the application form for NEM-AG, you’ll need to choose your customer-generator’s method for interconnecting. There are two to choose from: Billing Method – The solar system is behind a billing meter and serving load (like NEM). Excess generation going back to the grid will be shared with all benefitting accounts including this meter. There are no upfront metering costs. OR Net Generation Output Meter (NGOM) Method –Solar generation is delivered directly to the grid and does not serve any load (like Virtual Net Metering). The NGOM measures all of the generation and shares it with other benefitting accounts. SDG&E will purchase and install the generation meter, but there are costs associated (see “costs” section on the next page). If you aren’t installing your own system, you’ll need your contractor to submit the NEM application on your behalf. Your contractor will use our online DIIS application system to submit and process your NEM application. You will need to check your email for updates. Costs - There is a $25 per meter initial set-up fee with a cap of $500 for the first 20 accounts. There will also be a $5 per meter-per month charge for the bill’s special handling. NGOM Method requires you to pay SDG&E to provide and install the generation output meter which can cost $1,000-$5,000. If you have minimal excess generation you’ll probably want to avoid this expense and only aggregate one other meter rather than all of the meters for which you’re eligible. True-Up Compensation - If you sign up for NEM-AG you’ll not receive compensation for excess generation at true-up. Start Date – Once you’ve signed up for NEM-AG, your start date will be set up using the read date prior to Permission to Operate (PTO) in the same way that NEM customers are currently set-up. Change of account customers will be set up with their first regular read date, also in the same way NEM customers are set-up today. NEM Summary - NEM-AG customers will not see an NEM Summary as part of their monthly bills. They will receive bill messages in the same manner as Virtual Net Metering customers.

Examples Billing Method - Three load serving meters. No physical generation output meter. The generation system is behind one load serving meter. We’re stripping any data on channel 2, sending it to a “fake” meter, and using it as we would a physical NGOM for the rest of the meter allocations. Fake meter numbers are in the 4500000 series. The billing meter will receive its own allocation. Let’s say 1,000 kWh is returned to the grid. The total usage of the all three meters is 3,000 kWh (1,500 + 1,000 + 500). The meter that recorded 1,500 which was 1/2 of the energy used will receive 1/2 of the 1,000 kWh excess generation, or 500 kWh. The second meter which recorded 1/3 of the total energy will receive 1/3 of the 1,000 kWh excess generation which is 333 kWh. The last meter, which recorded 1/6 of the total consumption, would receive the remaining 167 kWh. NGOM Method - The same three meters are serving load. But now the generation is not behind any of those meters and does not serve load. All of the generation goes out to the grid. The generation output (non-billing) meter shows 2,000 kWh of generation. The three billing meters are consuming 3,000 + 2,000 + 1,000 = 6,000 total kWh. The first meter registers 1/2 of the total consumption (3,000/6,000) and will receive 1/2 of the generation = 1,000 kWh. The 2nd meter registers 1/3 of the total consumption (2,000/6,000) and will receive 1/3 of the total generation = 667 kWh. The third meter registers 1/6 of the total consumption (1,000/6,000) and will receive 1/6 of the total generation = 333 kWh Under both methods, we will be using rolling year-to-date consumption totals and year-to-date generation totals each month. Each month’s generation and usage does not stand alone. In this way allocations will vary month to month as usage and generation varies month by month. This will result in all excess generation being applied on a monthly basis.