Mar 13, 2014 - ... Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801, U.S.A.; Email: ... names base for Acacia sens. lat. that is provided in the check-lists of ...
Phytotaxa 162 (3): 174 – 180 / phytotaxa / Copyright © 2014 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1179-3155 (print edition)
ISSN 1179-3163 (online edition)
New combinations in Vachellia and Senegalia (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae) for south and west Asia S. RAGUPATHY1, D.S. SEIGLER2, J.E. EBINGER3 & B.R. MASLIN4 1
Center for Biodiversity Genomics, BIO Herbarium, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1; Email: 2 Department of Plant Biology, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801, U.S.A.; Email: 3 Emeritus Professor of Botany, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois 61920, U.S.A.; Email: 4 Western Australian Herbarium, Department of Environment and Conservation, Locked Bag 104, Bentley Delivery Centre, Western Australia 6983; Email:
Abstract Fragmentation of the former broadly circumscribed genus Acacia necessitates new names in Vachellia (syn. former Acacia subg. Acacia) and Senegalia (syn. Acacia subg. Aculeiferum) for the following 21 taxa that are recorded for the south and west Asian regions (i.e. Bangladesh west to the Arabian Peninsula). Senegalia diadenia, Senegalia donaldii, Senegalia hohenackeri, Senegalia lankaensis, Senegalia lenticularis and Senegalia mahrana. Vachellia gerrardii subsp. negevensis, Vachellia gerrardii subsp. negevensis var. najdensis, Vachellia hunteri, Vachellia harala, Vachellia hydaspica, Vachellia jacquemontii, Vachellia johnwoodii, Vachellia nilotica subsp. cupressiformis, Vachellia nilotica subsp. hemispherica, Vachellia planifrons, Vachellia pseudoeburnea, Vachellia tanjorensis , Vachellia tortilis subsp. campoptila, Vachellia wightii (syn. Acacia bolei) and Vachellia yemenensis. There are two unresolved names for the west Asian region: Acacia pachyceras and Acacia yemenensis subsp. obtusifoliolata.
Introduction Molecular and other evidence has shown that the former, broadly circumscribed genus Acacia Miller (1754; Leguminosae: Mimosoideae) is polyphyletic; it is now regarded as comprising at least five genera, Acacia sens. str., Acaciella Britton & Rose (1928: 96), Mariosousa Seigler & Ebinger (Seigler et al. 2006: 415), Senegalia Rafinesque (1838: 119), and Vachellia Wight & Arnott (1834: 272) (see Miller & Seigler 2012 for overview of the new generic classification). Collectively, these genera are called Acacia sens. lat. in the discussion below. Acacia is now conserved with a new type (see McNeill & Turland 2011), necessitating new names in Vachellia for many taxa formerly included in Acacia subg. Acacia; new names are also needed for many taxa of the segregate genus Senegalia (syn. Acacia subg. Aculeiferum Vassal, 1972: 108). Both these genera are pantropical in their distribution. Names are currently available in Senegalia and Vachellia for all New World and Australian taxa, and for some from the Africa/Asia region (Seigler & Ebinger 2005, Glass & Seigler 2006, Kodela & Wilson 2006, Banfi & Galasso 2008, Hurter & Mabberley in Mabberley 2008, Clarke et al. 2009, Seigler & Ebinger 2010, Maslin 2012, Kyalangalilwa et al. 2013 and Maslin et al. 2013). Therefore, apart from the few taxa in Madagascar, it is only those from the south and west Asian region for which combinations are needed in order that all taxa of Acacia sens. lat. will have names available under the new classification. The present paper provides the necessary, outstanding combinations for taxa from south and west Asia that are referable to Senegalia and Vachellia. Combinations for other taxa from the region are included in the above-cited works. This is not a taxonomic revision of these two genera. In undertaking this work we have relied largely on the names base for Acacia sens. lat. that is provided in the check-lists of Kumar & Sane (2003) for South Asia and
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Lock & Simpson (1991) for West Asia. These names have been reconciled with those in Roskov et al. (2005) where the full synonymy for the taxa is provided. A few taxa from the Arabian Peninsula (most described by Boulos 1995) were omitted from this work and in this case we have resorted to the works of Chaudhary (1983, 1999) and taken advise from A. G. (Tony) Miller (see Acknowledgements) regarding the taxonomic status of these entities. The only synonyms included here are basionyms and names that were accepted as current under Acacia in the above works. Type specimens have not been sighted by the authors, but reference is given to typification where this has been found in literature. We have also noted cases where taxonomic opinion differs from that which we have adopted. The geographic scope of this paper includes the countries from Bangladesh west to the Arabian Peninsula and is encompassed by the legume check-lists provided by Kumar & Sane (2003) for South Asia and Lock & Simpson (1991) for West Asia. The distribution information presented here follows that of Roskov et al. (2005), unless otherwise stated.
Nomenclature SENEGALIA (syn. Acacia subgenus Aculeiferum) 1. Senegalia diadenia (R.N. Parker) Ragupathy, Seigler, Ebinger & Maslin, comb. nov. Bas.: Acacia diadenia R.N. Parker, (1929: 332). Type:—INDIA. Assam, Cachar Dist., Kookicherra, August 1903, Mokim s.n., acc. no. 140559 (holotype: CAL isotype: CAL, DD); fide Chakrabarty & Gangopadhyay (1996: 604). Distribution. India.
Note:⎯Although Sanjappa (1992: 39), Kumar & Sane (2003: 84) and Roskov et al. (2005) recognize this entity as a distinct species, Chakrabarty & Gangopadhyay (1996: 604, 606) consider it conspecific with A. (Senegalia) caesia. 2. Senegalia donaldii (Haines) Ragupathy, Seigler, Ebinger & Maslin, comb. nov. Bas.: Acacia donaldii Haines, Ind. For. 42: 88 (1917). Type:––INDIA. Madhya Pradesh, Haines 2436 & 2438 (syntype K); Sagar dist., Saleh Reserve, Nov. 1914 & Aug. 1916, Witt 98 (syntype CAL); Jubbalpur Dist., July & December 1901, Hole 11 (syntype CAL); Orissa, Sambalpur, July 1917, Haines 4721 (syntype CAL); fide Chakrabarty & Gangopadhyay (1996: 621). Distribution. India.
Note: Acacia donaldii is accepted by Kumar & Sane (2003) and Roskov et al. (2005) but Chakrabarty & Gangopadhyay (1996) treat it as conspecific with A. (Senegalia) pennata. 3. Senegalia hohenackeri (Craib) Ragupathy, Seigler, Ebinger & Maslin, comb. nov. Bas.: Acacia hohenackeri Craib (1915: 408), as ‘Hoenackeri’. Type:⎯ SOUTH INDIA. Nilgiri hills, Khundas Range, Hohenacker 1602 (type material BM, CAL, K); fide Chakrabarty & Gangopadhyay (1996: 612). Distribution. India.
4. Senegalia lankaensis (Kostermans) Ragupathy, Seigler, Ebinger & Maslin, comb. nov. Bas.: Acacia lankaensis Kostermans (1979: 253). Type:⎯SRI LANKA. Roadside Madugoda to Mahiyangana, intermediate zone, ca. 400 m, Kostermans 25426 (holotype L isotypes A, BO, G, K, PDA, US); fide Kostermans (1979). Distribution. Sri Lanka.
5. Senegalia lenticularis (Buch.-Ham ex Benth.) Ragupathy, Seigler, Ebinger & Maslin, comb. nov. Bas.: Acacia lenticularis Buchanan-Hamilton ex Bentham (1842: 508). Type:—NORTH INDIA. Hamilton in herb. Wall. 5244 (syntypes K-WALL;., Royle s.n., acc. no. 140394 (syntypes CAL, K) fide Chakrabarty & Gangopadhyay (1996: 614). Distribution. India, Nepal.
6. Senegalia mahrana (Thulin & Al-Gifri) Ragupathy, Seigler, Ebinger & Maslin, comb. nov. Bas. Acacia mahrana Thulin & Al-Gifri (2000: 693, fig. 2). Type—YEMEN, Mahrah Region, 34 km from Sayhut along road to
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Qishn, Thulin, Friksson, Gifri & Langström 8437 (holotype UPS isotype Aden University, E, K); fide Thulin & Al-Gifri (2000). Distribution. Eastern Yeman (Thulin & Al-Gifri 2000: 696).
VACHELLIA (syn. former Acacia Mill. subg. Acacia) 7. Vachellia gerrardii (Benth.) P.J.H. Hurter and Mabberley (Mabberley 2008: 1021) subsp. negevensis (Zohary) Ragupathy, Seigler, Ebinger & Maslin, comb. nov. Bas.: Acacia gerrardii (Bentham 1875: 508) subsp. negevensis Zohary (1964: 39). Type:⎯ PALESTINE. N Negev, env. of Tel-Yeroham wadi, 20 October 1960, M. Zohary 14870 (holotype HUJ); fide Boulos (1995). Distribution. Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait and Palestine.
7a. Vachellia gerrardii (Benth.) P.J.H. Hurter and Mabberley subsp. negevensis (Zohary) Ragupathy, Seigler, Ebinger and Maslin, var. negevensis Bas.: Acacia gerrardii (Benth.) P.J.H. Hurter and Mabberley subsp. negevensis (Zohary) Ragupathy, Seigler, Ebinger & Maslin, var. negevensis (Chaudhary, 1983: 28) Distribution. Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait and Palestine.
7b. Vachellia gerrardii (Benth.) P.J.H.Hurter and Mabberley subsp. negevensis (Zohary) Ragupathy, Seigler, Ebinger & Maslin, var. najdensis (Chaudhary) Ragupathy, Seigler, Ebinger & Maslin, comb. nov. Bas.: Acacia gerrardii (Benth.) P.J.H. Hurter and Mabberley subsp. negevensis (Zohary) Ragupathy, Seigler, Ebinger & Maslin var. najdensis Chaudhary (1983: 28).; Acacia pachyceras var. najdensis (Chaudhary) Boulos (1995: 336). Type: SAUDI ARABIA, S. Chaudhary 3425 (holotype RIY isotypes: E, K); fide Boulos (1995). Distribution. Saudi Arabia.
8. Vachellia harala (Thulin & Al-Gifri) Ragupathy, Seigler, Ebinger & Maslin, comb. nov. Bas. Acacia harala Thulin & Al-Gifri (2000: 691, fig. 1). Type—YEMEN. Abyan Region, foothills of Jabal al-Arays, 21 km E of Shuqrah, Thulin, Eriksson, Gifri & Langström 7863 (holotype UPS isotype Aden University, E, K); fide Thulin & AlGifri (2000). Distribution. Southern Yemen (Thulin & Al-Gifri 2000: 693).
9. Vachellia hunteri (Oliv.) Ragupathy, Seigler, Ebinger & Maslin, comb. nov. Bas.: Acacia hunteri Oliver (1881: 14: t. 1350), Type:—citation: “Hab. Neighbourhood of Aden. F. Hunter.” Distribution. South Yemen.
10. Vachellia hydaspica (J.R. Drummond ex R. Parker) Ragupathy, Seigler, Ebinger & Maslin, comb. nov. Bas.: Acacia hydaspica J.R. Drummond ex R. Parker (1921: 309). Type:⎯ INDIA. Punjab, Coll. illegible (type K); fide Chakrabarty & Gangopadhyay (1996: 609). [Note. In the protologue no type was nominated but the following specimens cited: “N.W. India. Attock, Griffith 1921; Peshawar to Jhelum, Stewart 106, 313; Salt Range, Aitchison 434, Drummond 13,834, 14,564.”] Distribution. India, Iran, Pakistan.
Note:⎯ Acacia hydaspica is accepted by Roskov et al. (2005) and Kumar & Sane (2003) but regarded as conspecific with A. (Vachellia) eburnea by Chakrabarty & Gangopadhyay (1996: 609). 11. Vachellia jacquemontii (Benth.) Ragupathy, Seigler, Ebinger & Maslin, comb. nov. Bas.: Acacia jacquemontii Bentham (1842: 499). Type:—INDIA. Banks of Nerbuddah, Jacquemont 499 (lectotype K); N. India, ‘dry hills near Thonna and Radjouri’; Jacquemont 1380 paratype: K); fide Chakrabarty & Gangopadhyay (1996: 614). Distribution. India, Iran, Pakistan.
12. Vachellia johnwoodii (Boulos) Ragupathy, Seigler, Ebinger & Maslin, comb. nov. Bas.: Acacia johnwoodii Boulos (1995: 327). Type:—SAUDI ARABIA. S. Collenette 2815 (holotype K isotype E); fide Boulos (1995: 329). Distribution. SW Saudi Arabia and northern Yemen (Boulos 1995: 329).
Note:⎯ Chaudhary (1999: 604) provisionally did not recognize A. johnwoodii, referring it to the A. abyssinica Hochstetter ex Bentham complex (1846: 97) and noting that it required further study. However, as
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A. johnwoodii is regarded as a good species by A. G. (Tony) Miller (see Acknowledgements) and the combination in Vachellia is therefore made here. This species is not listed by either Lock & Simpson (1991) or Roskov et al. (2005). 13. Vachellia nilotica (Linnaeus, 1753: 521–522) P.J.H. Hurter & Mabberley (Mabberley 2008: 1021). subsp. cupressiformis (J.L. Stewart) Ragupathy, Seigler, Ebinger & Maslin, comb. nov. Bas.: Acacia arabica var. cupressiformis J.L. Stewart (1869: 51); Acacia nilotica var. cupressiformis (J.L. Stewart) Vajravelu & Kamble (1983) [1982 publ. 1983]); A. nilotica subsp. cupressiformis (J.L. Stewart) Ali & Faruqi (1969: 4, figs. 4 & 5. Type:—INDIA. Unknown (not cited in protologue). Distribution. India, Pakistan.
14. Vachellia nilotica (L.) P.J.H. Hurter & Mabb. subsp. hemispherica (Ali & Faruqi) Ragupathy, Seigler, Ebinger & Maslin, comb. nov. Bas.: Acacia nilotica subsp. hemispherica Ali & Faruqi (1969: 4). Type:—PAKISTAN. Plant semicircular in outline, up to 10 yards wide, c. 10 ft. tall, c. 2 miles ahead of Paradise Point, Karachi, 6 April 1965, S.I. Ali (holotype: KUH); fide Ali & Faruqi (1969) Distribution. Pakistan.
15. Vachellia planifrons (Koenig ex Wight & Arnott) Ragupathy, Seigler, Ebinger & Maslin, comb. nov. Bas.: Acacia planifrons Koenig ex Wight & Arnott (1834: 276). Type:—SRI LANKA. Koenig s.n. (type LUND); fide Chakrabarty & Gangopadhyay (1996: 622). Distribution. India, Sri Lanka.
16. Vachellia pseudoeburnea (J.R. Drumm. ex Dunn) Ragupathy, Seigler, Ebinger & Maslin, comb. nov. Bas.: Acacia pseudoeburnea J.R. Drummond ex Dunn (1922: 185). Type:—INDIA. Hardwar, Thomson 893 (type K); Chakrabarty & Gangopadhyay (1996: 609). Distribution. India.
Note:⎯ In accordance with Article 60.9 of the International Code of Nomenclature (McNeill et al. 2012) the hyphen is removed from this name (‘pseudo-eburnea’ has commonly been used in literature). Acacia pseudoeburnea (sic.) is accepted by Kumar & Sane (2003: 96) and Roskov et al. (2005) but is treated as conspecific with A. (Vachellia) eburnea by Chakrabarty & Gangopadhyay (1996: 609). 17. Vachellia tanjorensis (Ragup., Thoth. & Mahad.) Ragupathy, Seigler, Ebinger & Maslin, comb. nov. Bas.: Acacia tanjorensis Ragupathy, Thothathri & Mahadevan (1990: 751). Type:—INDIA. Kodiakkarai, Thanjavu District, 3 February 1987, Ragupathy 264 (holotype MH isotype CAL) (Ragupathy 264A); fide Ragupathy et al. (1990: 751) Distribution. India.
Note:⎯ Acacia tanjorensis is accepted by Kumar & Sane (2003) and Roskov et al. (2005) but Chakrabarty & Gangopadhyay (1996: 618) surprisingly treated it as conspecific with A. (Senegalia) modesta. These latter two authors misinterpreted A. modesta because they describe the species as possessing spiny stipules (which is a character of Vachellia); A. modesta possesses prickles on its branchlets (these not mentioned in the description provided by Chakrabarty & Gangopadhyay) which is a diagnostic character of Senegalia. 18. Vachellia tortilis subsp. campoptila (Schweinf.) Ragupathy, Seigler, Ebinger & Maslin, comb. nov. Bas.: Acacia campoptila Schweinfurth (1896: 4, app. 2); A. tortilis subsp. campoptila (Schweinfurth) Boulos (1995: 336). Type:—YEMEN. Southern Yemen, G. Schweinfurth 153 (syntypes B, BM, K); fide Boulos (1995: 337). Distribution. Yemen (Boulos 1995: 337).
Note—This subspecies is not listed by Lock & Simpson (1991) or Roskov et al. (2005), but it is regarded as a good taxon by A. G. (Tony) Miller (see Acknowledgements) and the combination in Vachellia is therefore made here. 19. Vachellia wightii Ragupathy, Seigler, Ebinger & Maslin, nom. nov. Bas.: Acacia wightii Baker ex Bentham (1875: 506), nom. illeg., non Wight & Arnott (1834: 274); A. bolei R.P. Subhedar (1985: 440). Type:⎯ INDIA. [Penins. Ind. Or.], K.D. Wight 896 (lectotype K isotype CAL); fide Subhedar (1985: 440). Distribution. India.
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Note:⎯Acacia wightii Baker ex Bentham is illegitimate in Acacia because of the pre-existing A. wightii Wight & Arnott, however, in Vachellia the epithet ‘wightii’ is not pre-occupied and therefore must be used instead of ‘bolei’. 20. Vachellia yemenensis (Boulos) Ragupathy, Seigler, Ebinger & Maslin, comb. nov. Bas.: Acacia yemenensis Boulos (1995: 330 fig. 2). Type:—YEMEN. N. Taiz, F.N. Hepper & J.R.I. Wood 5852 (holotype K); fide Boulos (1995: 331). Distribution. Yemen (Boulos 1995: 331).
Note:⎯ Acacia yemenensis is not listed by Lock & Simpson (1991) or Roskov et al. (2005), but it is regarded as a good species by A. G. (Tony) Miller (see Acknowledgements) and the combination in Vachellia is therefore made here. The taxonomic status of Acacia yemenensis subsp. obtusifoliolata Boulos (1995) requires further study (Miller, pers. comm.).
UNRESOLVED NAMES Acacia pachyceras O. Schwartz (1939: 85). Type:⎯ YEMEN. J.R.I. Wood 2401 (neotype K isoneotype BM); fide Boulos (1995: 336). Chaudhary (1999: 605) discusses the application of this name and considers that it most likely is synonymous with Acacia (Vachellia) origena Asfaw (1982: 337), but recognizes that further study is warranted. Lock & Simpson (1991) did recognize A. pachyceras and provisionally treated A. iraqensis (Rechinger 1999: 16) as a synonym of it; Chaudhary (1999: 604) considers A. iraqensis as conspecific with A. (Vachellia) gerrardii subsp. negevensis Acacia yemenensis subsp. obtusifoliolata Boulos (1995: 333, fig. 2F–G). Type:⎯ YEMEN. Shakarah, J.R.I. Wood 3388 (holotype K isotype BM). See note under V. yemenensis above.
Acknowledgement We are most grateful to A. G. (Tony) Miller (Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh) for opinions on the status of some taxa from the Arabian Peninsula; however, the nomenclatural decisions adopted here regarding these taxa are ours alone.
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