New Perspective on the Cosmological Constant Problem Vesselin G. Gueorguiev, Ph.D.
[email protected]
Sat. November 14, 2009 3:12PM - 3:24PM
S4-7-Gueorguiev, CA Section of APS meeting, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
Outline of the Relevant Ideas • How big is the CC problem? • Solution: actually, there isn’t any problem! – the QFT estimate is OK for a small universe. – the CC for Big Universe scales as 1/a2.
• The bedrock of the solution: – Scale related solutions of the EFE:
• Technicalities:
˜ , g˜ }, {",g} # {" g
%$˜ " = a g˜$% , " = 2 a 2
– Partition function for a multiverse ensemble, – Characteristic scale variable ‘a’, – Planck ensemble of solutions, ! – Consistency check ! Sat. November 14, 2009 3:12PM - 3:24PM
S4-7-Gueorguiev, CA Section of APS meeting, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
Vacuum Energy Density (Quantum Filed Theory Estimate) • Dimensional argument (Planck Energy Density):
" Planck
c7 114 3 = = 1 Planck Units (# 4.6 $10 erg/cm ) 2 hG
• Zero point energy of a quantum field (c=1,ℏ=1):
E cut >>m
" ZPE =
$ 0
4 4 #k 2 dk 1 2 E cut 2 -3 k + m = % 6 &10 ; 2 2 (2# ) 2 16#
(E cut = E Planck =
Sat. November 14, 2009 3:12PM - 3:24PM
hc 5 = 1) G
S. Weinberg RMP (1989)
S4-7-Gueorguiev, CA Section of APS meeting, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
Vacuum Energy Density (Cosmological Constant) • Einstein Field Equation (EFE):
1 8&G R"# $ g"# (R $ 2%) = 4 T"# 2 c • Cosmological Observations:
c4 " #!= # = 4.6 %10&114 erg /cm 3 ' 10&123 [Planck Units] 8$G D. N. Spergel, astro-ph/0603449
Sat. November 14, 2009 3:12PM - 3:24PM
S4-7-Gueorguiev, CA Section of APS meeting, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
"# " Planck
Sat. November 14, 2009 3:12PM - 3:24PM
$ 10
S4-7-Gueorguiev, CA Section of APS meeting, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
Characteristic Scale • Empty Space Einstein Field Equation: 1 R"# $ g"# (R $ 2%') = 0 2
• Labels for the Ensemble of Solutions: !{"',{boundary conditions},g} # $
Characteristic Scale as Auxiliary Label
Sat. November 14, 2009 3:12PM - 3:24PM
S4-7-Gueorguiev, CA Section of APS meeting, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
WHAT IF? What if QFT or dimensional estimate of the CC is OK only for small Planck scale Universe? What should be the CC for a Big Universe?
Sat. November 14, 2009 3:12PM - 3:24PM
S4-7-Gueorguiev, CA Section of APS meeting, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
Scale Related Solutions 1 R"# $ g"# (R $ 2%) = 0 & {%,g} solution, 2 1 ˜ ˜ ) = 0 & {% ˜ , g˜} solution, R"# $ g˜"# ( R˜ $ 2 % 2 ˜ % 2 ˜ {%,g} ' {%, g˜ }, g"# = a g˜"# , % = 2 ; a SCALE independent : ) + + + ("# * g)+ ," g#+ , R"#) * ("(#) , R"# * ("(#+ ;
Inverse SCALING a -2 : R = R"# g"# .
Sat. November 14, 2009 3:12PM - 3:24PM
S4-7-Gueorguiev, CA Section of APS meeting, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
Change in Variables • Characteristic scale variable ‘a’. ˜ , g˜ ,#˜,a}, {",g,# } $ {" g%& = a g˜%& ' # = a#˜ = 2
( ds
dx % dx & , ds ds
˜ " 1 ˜ " = 2 ) g%& " = g˜%& " ) R%& * g%& (R * 2") = 0. a 2
Sat. November 14, 2009 3:12PM - 3:24PM
S4-7-Gueorguiev, CA Section of APS meeting, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
Planck Ensemble {ğ} Solutions of the EFE with Planck scale {",g,# = 1} characteristic scale: ˜ , g˜ ,#˜ = 1,a}, {",g,# } $ {" ! ˜ " 2 g%& = a g˜%& , # = a#˜ = a, " = 2 a
Sat. November 14, 2009 3:12PM - 3:24PM
S4-7-Gueorguiev, CA Section of APS meeting, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
Cosmological Constant for LARGE UNIVERSES • Planck ensemble:
˜ = 8# , g˜ ,$˜ = 1} % & " = 1 {" ˜ 8& % 2 g"# = a g˜"# , $ = a, % = 2 = 2 a a
• Our universe: !
˜ 8& % a " 8 #10 $ % = 2 = 2 " 4 #10'121 a a ! 8& # 6 #10'3 '123 %= " 2.4 #10 (QFT estimate +Scaling) 2 a 60
Sat. November 14, 2009 3:12PM - 3:24PM
S4-7-Gueorguiev, CA Section of APS meeting, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
Conclusions and Discussion Resolving the Cosmological Constant Problem: – The QFT estimate is correct for small " # 1, characteristic scale universe: $ ZPE # 6 %10 -3 [Planck Units]
– CC for large size universe should be scale related to its Planck size partner: a " 8 #10 60 , ! ˜$QFT at Planck Scale -123 $= " 2.4 #10 [Planck Units] 2 a
Sat. November 14, 2009 3:12PM - 3:24PM
S4-7-Gueorguiev, CA Section of APS meeting, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
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Sat. November 14, 2009 3:12PM - 3:24PM
S4-7-Gueorguiev, CA Section of APS meeting, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
General Partition Function • Action for Gravity & Matter: c4 4 A[g," ] = (R $ 2%) $gd x + Amatter [g,",'" ]; & 16#G i i A [g, " ] A[g," ] 1 h h O = & D[g," ]O(g,'g,",'" )e ; Z = & D[g," ]e ; Z
• “Classical Trajectories” (EFE): 1 8&G R"# $ g"# (R $ 2%) = 4 T"# 2 c Sat. November 14, 2009 3:12PM - 3:24PM
S4-7-Gueorguiev, CA Section of APS meeting, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
Integrating out the Matter (Effective Λ) • Dominant contributions - Action Functional on solutions of the EFE : 1 8&G R"# $ g"# (R $ 2%) = 4 T"# ; ' g"# 2 c 8&G R $ 2% = 2% $ 4 trT = 2 %( ) 2%; c c4 4 ( A[g] ) 2 % $gd x * 16&G Sat. November 14, 2009 3:12PM - 3:24PM
S4-7-Gueorguiev, CA Section of APS meeting, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
Multiverse Ensemble (Characteristic Scale) • Empty Space Einstein Field Equation: 1 c4 R"# $ g"# (R $ 2%') = 0, A[g] & 2 16'G
4 ( 2 % $gd x )
• Labels for the Ensemble of Solutions:
{"',{boundary conditions},g} # $
Characteristic Scale as Auxiliary Label
Sat. November 14, 2009 3:12PM - 3:24PM
S4-7-Gueorguiev, CA Section of APS meeting, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
Euclidean Formulation • Partition Function in Euclidean Form & c4 ) 4 Z = " D[gE ]exp(# " %' #gE d x + ' 8$Gh *
• Hand waving justification !
c4 A[g] " 16#G
4 $ 2 % &gd x= '
)i , i exp+ A[g]. = exp(&/E ), / = & *h h Sat. November 14, 2009 3:12PM - 3:24PM
4 ( &gd x ' %
' dt, E = ' (
(3) (3) 4 dV , dtdV = &gd x %
S4-7-Gueorguiev, CA Section of APS meeting, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
Change in Variables • Characteristic scale variable ‘a’. ˜ , g˜ ,#˜,a}, {",g,# } $ {" g%& = a g˜%& ' # = a#˜ = 2
( ds
dx % dx & , ds ds
˜ " 1 ˜ " = 2 ) g%& " = g˜%& " ) R%& * g%& (R * 2") = 0. a 2
Sat. November 14, 2009 3:12PM - 3:24PM
S4-7-Gueorguiev, CA Section of APS meeting, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
Planck Ensemble {ğ} • Solutions of the EFE with Planck scale characteristic scale: {",g,# = 1} a ˜ , g˜ ,#˜ = 1,a}, {",g,# } $ {" g%&
˜ " = a g˜%&!, # = a#˜ = a, " = 2 a 2
& 1 4 ) Z = " D[g]exp(# " % #gd x + , Z = ' 8$ *
! !
Sat. November 14, 2009 3:12PM - 3:24PM
˜ a 2 (4 ) ) & % " da D[g˜ ]exp('# 8$ V [g˜ ]+* 2
S4-7-Gueorguiev, CA Section of APS meeting, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
Average Characteristic Scale • Consistency check… – Planck ensemble: {"˜ = 8# , g˜ ,$˜ = 1} % & " = 1 (4 ) ˜4 ˜ ˜ V [ g ] = " [ g ] # – 4-Volume: – Geometric factor: " [ g˜ ] # 1, " [R 4 ] = 1, ! " [D4 ] = $ 2 /2 # 5, " [BH] = 16$ 2 /3 # 53 !
• Partition Function:
˜ a 2 (4 ) ) & $ 1 Z = " da D[g˜ ]exp( # V [ g˜ ]+ , " da 2 exp(#a 2- ) = ' 8% * ! ˜ a 2 (4 ) ) 1 & $ 1 1 % 2 ˜ . = " da D[g˜ ]a. exp(# V [ g˜ ]+ , " da 2 a.˜ exp(#a 2- ) = ,1 Z 2 ' 8% * Z 2
Sat. November 14, 2009 3:12PM - 3:24PM
S4-7-Gueorguiev, CA Section of APS meeting, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
Cosmological Constant for LARGE UNIVERSES • Planck ensemble:
˜ = 8# , g˜ ,$˜ = 1} % & " = 1 {" ˜ 8& % 2 g"# = a g˜"# , $ = a, % = 2 = 2 a a
• Our universe: !
˜ 8& % a " 8 #10 $ % = 2 = 2 " 4 #10'121 a a ! 8& # 6 #10'3 '123 %= " 2.4 #10 (QFT estimate +Scaling) 2 a 60
Sat. November 14, 2009 3:12PM - 3:24PM
S4-7-Gueorguiev, CA Section of APS meeting, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA