Nov 17, 2009 ... Castle, Richard. Heat Wave. Crichton, Michael. Pirate Latitudes. Cussler, Clive ...
Hornby, Nick. Juliet Naked. Howard, Linda. Ice. Jacobs, Kate.
NEW TITLES November 17, 2009 Fiction Ackroyd, Peter Best, James D. Billingham, Mark Brown, Sandra Carl, Joanna Castle, Richard Crichton, Michael Cussler, Clive Dexter, Pete Dietz, William C. Elias, Gerald Evanovich, Janet Foster, Amy S. Goudge, Eileen Graham, Heather Greeley, Andrew M. Harris, Charlaine Hart, Carol Hart, Ellen Hornby, Nick Howard, Linda Jacobs, Kate Johnstone, J. A. Kenyon, Sherrilyn Kim, Eugenia King, Stephen Knight, Bernard Littlefield, Sophie Lively, Penelope Mantel, Hilary Medlicott, Joan Mortimer, John Munro, Alice Myers, Amy
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Neville, Stuart Nicholson, Christopher Niffenegger, Audrey Patterson, James Randall, Alice Robb, J. D. Roberts, Nora Royal, Priscilla Salvatore, R. A. Sandford, John Scholes, Ken Turtledove, Harry Tyree, Omar Vonnegut, Kurt Walls, Jeannette
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Non-fiction Auletta, Ken Bach, Amy Bardach, Ann Louise Bird, Larry Bolles, Richard Nels Brand, Stewart Brey, Ilaria Dagnini Cambor, Kate Cokinos, Christopher Corsi, Jerome R. Eldridge, Sherrie Fisher, Suzanne Wood Franklin, Jon Friedman, Lauri Garibaldi, Joseph Haag, Michael Kelly, Margaret Kliman, John
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