New York NY Age 1924-1926 Grayscale - Fulton NY Post Cards

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Met Opel*'*" BuiUInf. Oranft, N. }. Photit O n n t . 7S«4. MINNIE BROWN. Cemcert. Oraterlo. R»eit«t. VOCAL STUDIO. fOF TFACHTMO THE ART OF SINGIMO.


cjturrlay. January 16, 1926. ed away, and proved beyond doubt the immense popularity of Negro musk in New York, the world center of music. In their secund program Mr Robeson BM arranged to several N'egio melodies never before heard in New York. Mr. Broxvu, in arranging the Negro music, ha* not introduced any foreign elements but has given it to the world in the way in which it is sung in its onginal interpretation.


AGE There U in the distance an inde-1 pendently operating, solvent musical | management business owned and controlled, operated by and (or Negroes in New York City. There is further in the distance a towering ediiiee with "seven gable*." winging the wilds in [grave white sione; It is the Temple ot

• DEACON JOHNSON'S; Musical Column

Parke* Cadtnan who made a plea fof brotherhood. The congregation at'the morning hour ' The annual meeting of the church ocr>f worship at Siloam listened attentive- curred Wednesday evening, and a finfl Music. ly to Rev. trforge Shippen Stark, pas- report from all departments was rendDeacon Johmon's Musical "Exchange •\lJft tor, as he took his text from 1 Corin- ered. is the groundwork "•TI 1,1< Speaking at striking a "Bee Lmr," thians, 9:16, and presented his sermon The Building Committee rn/t recently Speaking of striking a "bee line," Doxology was sung back of the in an impressive »nd cenvinei*jg man- and are now considering^ .takirjg. w stjpj With its ofcptiag cetKtfl m New Egypt "Getting our 4uckji in 'a row," in any Ask D w o n ! tain, in order, as the program aide-stated, ner and brought out' m»ny sQWiig' and,!lor the erection of a neve bitfldiggj * Sincerely, t . create a reljgsoui atmosphere, where- the glee club of the Rordentovsn Man- other move toward progress »o archaic--.—.. truths. ........ * ' SARA EDWIN J E N K I N S . pointed At the dose of each 'Sunday evening by the mean***, o f the spirituals to lollowjuel Trailing School begins its tenth an- ally idiomatic, that'? 'what we're done. Ma might be more'f«Uy. r ' l H ^ d Many of nual concert >eason of interpreting the And after all the busiest of the human The Bible School held its session at service refreshment* are served to t v Spirituals were arranged i»> Mr. i music of the American Negro i'» the oi the species cannot to,) more purpose- J ! 15 p m Th» k n o l l s Will attend-. friends and members ^ f T t h t church. lne * ... — - t — .-.-.., and in » grojip of secular >ongs white an.I catered people of New Jersey, fully ot more diligently than the brr - J ed m all departments • Thuraday-after- Chairman of the' refre-ldn^nts" lait Sua* , E I.SIE BFNSON BOUSKK were Burleigh!* "C> Southland," and j Thirty boys and girls are member* of thia The bee, a thrifty and antagonistic 1stn«9a and evening of this week there da evening was Mi'* Annette Brown. of i-nfucius Will Marion Cook's, "Swinging Atoog." years group .ind they lw\e been work- t'.e fellow, has a h m i ' w - to which he The pastor will fill his pulpit at bodi will be held a Sabbath School ln»tiwte i-h h read", "Music is the Walk Together,' mi toict last September, getting in read- always attends So the best that the under the direction of the Presbytery services next Sunday. At the mornI Rosamond Johnson's ts ' ml that hhall Hal the ot{i(l usa can doV , ,itI W decide upon at Brooklyn-Nassau, at the Lafayette irtg'hour he will speak on, ^'The Spirit-' Children" closed the final group «t tfAMiataf for the srrir* ot sfHttl concerts I best I•; -• g( . (a] cifar 0 { ,he path• ,re ancietB ktgt Hal « l Asenue Presbyterian Church A good- ual Value of Enthusiasm," and at thd Hif ravel and strike a "bee line." way ot , .ration mad« twenty een rituals. . . . . • i .u„ ,*rhicli arc gUcn each year. Fred i. t tgay' f'-' Work, teacher oi *OCgl nvi.-ii it the lhe human equation, though a big and The annual meeting of the Harlem ly representation of Siloam Bible School evening hour he will discuss he topia " * » r « f e « £ * • J * ^ °« * J ff . « < amply * » » ; State School, is in charge of the glee rumberson th ng, ha* very cleverly League of the Church Federation met U expected at both sessions of the In- " H a s prohibition Been a Help or • ., i y a t t e n d service cho.r. The only local body p | >u kind araied •"•' Jh uld prove a eluS. while Ira Goodwin lead* the male i c ; a , M fi e i j [tact! into three units. And at Metropolitan' Baptist Church. Rev. stitute. Hindrance to the Colored Race?" 1 The church choir rendered the musicmodel for similar choirs if formed, both o,uiH-'. The following boys and girls j l h j t m t , e r s much, for all material suc- W. W. Brown, pastor. There were • the Siloam Ptai al service at the West 137th Street are members of the club: Sarah Green , jj( depends upon the power of hi the result* ot good training and the M H m e pastors present from some thirty A * " Choir of Brooklyn, Vw.n ll . . and Charles Mallory of Trenton; Lu- man and his faculty of knowing and churches and more than forty repre- Branch Y. W. C. A. under direction oi , ,„ fi White, organist-choirmaster. ocptcattCM of emotional spirit, lhe Lt.citn H. White, organist-director, last matters of tone reality—chiefly of the anda Coptltnd of Hightstown; Betty doing. Vision is the first principle to- lentative* from the various churches am oi i hurt h music. Sunday at 4 p. m. In the absence ol Dr Brown Sunday, soprano—and correct pitch are .mvm^ Hooper oi Princeton; Octavia Harris ward the erection of any structure, or Prayer wa» offered by Rev, A. C. '",,'. ,.,. i-sn. for the main part, conThe pastor prcaehed again at the ev- Bishop P. A. Wallace was the speake*,. ami Cbrethit J«h»«ott e< Atlantic City: those no; \et prritci. S"rne of the bejt la the discovery of any unexpl' red Garner, pastor of Grace Congregation .^ . . anthem*. O* these, the at the morning service. The text fronrt Percy tr*ck of land. Reason must and will al Church, and dtaeuaiiOOS and ad Mains hour of worship. ( t e w playing ever heard here prafc Ralph Williams of Salem; ' " ' ' ..s.r,?i . i Sing," t Rogers* was Added i" membership: Dock Douglas Hebrews I 21 ver*e was delivered hg' ahly, with empha»!> LpOtl her g xxi Branch of Lawnside; Frnest Hopkins of follow, bvit reason and its best app'kn- ! dresses tollowed b] Kevs. Garner, J,',.. | pirii :.rd ser\r that was rhythm « a , by MiM Tally in her solos, Camden; John (k>W«tooe of Plamfield; tion ccmes with development and ae- j w Robinson, C- D. Douglass, J it, land Mrs, Cora Douglas, 428 Gates ave- the bishop"* able way arwl wat helpful tc*> L ^ i a M r ; « olerklge^Tiyk*'* * B l * * which included the "Bamhola" of Cole- C Stgfferd and Herbert Scott ot Pleastual progress. !< was a boundless and: u r o w n j H . F. Ladamme, W M. How nue; William A. Coakky, 88 Lexington. 'he appreciative andien-re present. Joy." tared well until the ridge-Taylor. r.„, in, At the Sunday school hour. Rev. antville; Clarence Mintx of Bngdeton; j uunthwarted vision leading leading its its farsee- \ ]fXt w w B r o w f l a n a p, A. Cullen avenue; Mts Mary landers, and Miss mhwarted was reached, when it Sadie Armstrong, 179 Gates avenue. Chappelle of Lynchhurgh, \'a., was tha McBeth Jeter Roland Mmor Eva Got- ^ «„ t o do the thing unprt- t R e v Cf H ma$ter simj ip will 1 and was a- rare treat to a pleased conCrute of Maplewood, Andrew l^wis of atitheai: Setting forth and reason al the Q j u r c h f o r l h c u s e ai t b e c h u r c h f o r appear: Mrs. Efjie Stanard Smith. Mrs. i gregation. K . n | oi Uve My ShtpbfH K " was the Roland Hayes, the great Negro ten- FanweKxl. dominating powers of all success and, m e < t j n g ! , Helen Howland Price, Miss Beatrice w- by which the foregoing statement or, is to give his third and last recital The pastor is out of town for a f«*r blaming perfection or failure upon the ; (>ffitd*s effort to i-i Smith The first, a Spiritual. December, was an appearance in the thodox Church, will speak for the The building of any institution de- G. H. Sims, $200; H, F. Laflamme. fair at the Carlton avenue Branch Y. M. get our attention, and, second, the in* "Nobody Know-, the Trouble 1 ^ee," auditorium of Atlanta, Ga.—the first Forum, Sunday. January 17, at 4 p. pends not upe-n what the chief of that $30; R, R. Downs, $25; B. T. Harvey, C A February 17, 18 and 19. The "trument of His sac*rs. He further had i new arrangement by C C White; recital of Roland Hayes in his native organization knows or executes him- $25; Ministers Interdenominational meets* of the bazaar held last year by stated that k ahead) and these 1 b | u l a n d gold mrotsgbaai the home another I)r. Cooper's influence Dr. Tyler will Speak at the Neve • -: 'ind pianist, gave a sions and is popular with radio fan^ words dull grac^- the man'e! as here." , A timely program arace t.ongrcga ihinkingly and determ.n-ll.. ha* had h ^ »,, Mme Johnson. Mrs. \vm. Clinton and Mr*, and Mr* J. H, Walk- a concert given last noon, January 17. the Negro Strtng iolo whicii er, in honor oi their mother the lato Rev. Dr, Henry Hugh Proctdr fiMed m a y «f his amhiti-in* laughed to scorn Raymond rendered a piano '.reenwich Village Theatre. tionai Church by , « d of Felix F W e i r and Mr*. Sarah Davi*. hi* pulpit at both services last Sunday. W1LUAM LAWRf NC§ Bat like .i'.l men wW have had the , . fliyti cstrcmely well. h f •t, comp, T^krt.,n '>*=• 'elected the l«st vokACCOHPANIST The New York Times gave the follow Memorial services vviT l>e lield for1 ^,i,m toIIM ahtad and wbo IMVJ foou -riv gifts of siher «ere numerous lArtimi Boyd, v.ohnst; } p j g » * , l)i\;ra Ua> Choru*, al*o II ing report «n ih* m>»ftinga lertnem, the late Bishop Beckett at the church on •,iola; Marion Cimbo. cello They will ed lhe pillars of the earth, he t-.ini: - T r e s „ r *t*' list included Rev his Dextra Femaie Tcket* »i; 1.50; Z; ISO, p l m tax David w n Si'.p worriml was the advice whidh the last Sunday in this month. ne^hrr to the rich? nor to the left Spearman, Mt and Mrs , £ K •! the prc«rnt choir he M * H d bv Mi** Mm"-* ^ ' ybnson, waa glvt . "TW* Mci-,'1 he « ijwi stt«» v w e w«i *> w*^;* *;

Fleet St. Memorial IV. M. E. Zion Church



Roland Hayes' Third Recital In New York

Bridge Street A. M. £. Church

^rifflole^cussed At St James Church Forum


Newmrn Memorial Church


Music Notes

Carnegie Hall, Wei Evs., Jan. 27

Elkins' Negro Ensemble Gives Enjoyable Concert


Nazarene Cong. CLurcL

Edward Errington Steele








MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 18, 1926 At 8 30 P . M. AT ST. JAMSS * R « B Y T £ * r A N


13fth Street Between L * « 0 * ^nd Fifth A v e n u ^ ADMISSION



TENOR Recital Concert Arranrad T H E HAftLEM S C H O O t 203 \ 7 e s t 139th Street Tuition in Piano s o l Vocal Culture Phone, llradhurst 8133 |4ov 13 3 m

LadiesJoinNow t h e • # * * ! « R»rtd *nm 4>»t*» enaaMKt«d w» Harry and L««r» Pf*rr,r>in. DOM'T wail, wa Iwitd ftsm | h « (round up B§ r**d* fof S o t , »tl, \\,m 11 a r t »• an.l l.»«r« 1'ramtim s . : . , . . ! Untitled Document




131 West 136th S t N. Y. C. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

room. Room. Oataida E.Peaur* M g.rri.i^-Sulr-.r ••*« ««''»