New York NY Herald 1898 -

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BMBNT en C3.ry.rle at-, wttb two »*

Ha t t e r y «« 14t •_ St.. levclejalew* builders save money BUILDING ia la payment* permanently LOANS. . «CO.. Broadway.

T u e s d a y , J a n u a r y 18, 1898,






TT. 6S 8d sv. Downtown Basinees Property: permanent tenants;

1 , 4 2 9 1ST* AY. f t

NORTHWEST CORNER W * H Iff. _ 4 atory atone and brick Apartment, with lot.


189 EAST

?8TH ST.

A c . a t Auctioneer's office. I l l Broadway^

-•arespssK" T u e s d a y , J a n u a r y 18, 1 8 9 8 ,

en C3.ry.rle at-, wttb two »*^^

v i



S,i _A_

( W i __ A \ i t a _. v__


M«-h. 1. 9 AM . M.-h k U AM

p KEwSoifk..: YORK R e d S t ar:r : L^i # n et w to A n t w::.:. e r p: .t t k BerUn

Sailing every Wednesday. Jaa 18^ nooolErlesland. . . Feb. 2. noon

Plem 14 and 16 ?roeti» River. Offlce. 6 Bowling Green

An agent or the H E R A L D will mci»t t h e s t e a m e r s o f t h e A m e r i c a n line a t S o u t h a m p t o n w i t h the N E W YORK HERALD, Paris edition, w h i c h c o n t a i n s all t h e latest A m e r i c a n n e w s . On arrival a t Flushing (Antwerp) passengers of the Red Star l i n e w i l l find o n s a l e b y t h e p u r ser the N E W YORK HERALD, Paris edition, containing all t h e latest A m e r i c a n n e w s . A ^ F R E N C H LINE.


3d at.. PblU.. Pa.

German Mediterranean SERVICE. •HAMBURG'AMrmtCANJ tNOBTH GEBMAS Kxpfess steamers from New \ork to Gibraltar. Naples aad Genoa. • F . B I s m c _ . J S B . & l © A M l f r t l d a . . . P e b . 19. 10 AM f K a l e e r V l I . T e b . 5 . lOAMtKma Feb. 26. M AM •Normanla.feb.12. 10AMi»Saale... .Mch. 5. 10 AM Also steamers for Alexandria. Egypt, to Jamary, February and March. Return tickets available for the steamers of eitha line from NsMee. Genoa, Gibraltar. Hamburg. Brem en. London. Bnnthampton. Paris and iT,err>5tirg Hamonra-Aniericaa North German Lloyd. L*ne, . mT OBLRIPHK A C < T A V 87 Broad#ay. N. Y. 1 8 Bowling Q « ^ . . J J H T

A t S o u r t h a m p t o n , G i b r a l t a r ah
Win sell at au^U^n^niKSDAT, January 18. C h e r b o u r g t h e p a s s e n g e r s o f the rator. gas, steam room exat 4 2 o'clock » foot foor » W l f r » * ' S ? ' ^ ^ v i J r **" _ 111 Broad- complete for housekeeping; refrigei K1ETCHBN. tension House: $> >'••""' * ' . I L ' V . , : • ' • - > ' j ,•'•• " .'„••--• ; Shred; moderate; references. ! TO LIVERPOOL. VIA QUEENSTOWN. TWO gentlemen want single Rooms near Wsjh128 East.—New, elegantly furnished •28THFrom pier 40 N. R., foot of Clarkson st. T H O S COOK & S O N , PINB AND NASSAU STREETS, front Parlor; strictly first class; terms ington square; state price; permanent. O. ABBOTT. . __ tsston paid. POTTER & BRO.. owners. 128 Private family will rent weffl furnished back Par- Board: all necewary expeasei A . — 2 8 D S T . , 1 S T F L O O R , $38"; hou«e and neighborhood first class: table 2d caWn. $35 to $37.W. Steerage. $2350 to $24.50 lor: also sleeping Room; terms moderate. 60 West , included. 8 e v a r a sx . HENDERSON BROTHERS. Agts.. 7 Bowling Green. near 6th av. WILLIAM BUHLER. 157 West 2»d. Board; references. 126th. 1 Tours by North tier J A . - W e s t side, south of Central P a r k . - F i v e story BUILDINGS. Lofts. Offices, Stores. Floors and 21 ST ST., 145 East (Gramercy Park).—Ldrge and A Z O R E S , man Lloyd and Hamburg.American Line M A D E I R A , L I S B O N . hrown stone Flat, two families on a floor, with old Flats in choice locations, from $35 upward per small Rooms; southern exposure; good table; mod- 8. S. PENINSULAR Programmes Free. Write for Tourist Gasetu January 19 tenants; at actual rents w ill pay b « t t e r t h a n , l * month. HARPT. 14 Clinton place. F L A T S A H D A P A R T M E N T S TO L E T erate jirices. luO pp. about Foreign Travel. Post Ere*. Splendid cabin accommodations; low rates. cent on Investment. J. W. THOMPSON, Jr., F U R N I S H E D . ADOLPH FALCK. Gen. Pass. Agent. H. GAZE A SONS. LTD.. 113 B'way, N. T. 22D, 447 WMM.— Comfortable, large Booma for Broadway, room 714. , , BUILDING. 75x80. three stories, 542-546 West 22d; 29 Broadway, New York. or manufacturing. • friends or couple; heated; good Board: each $4.50 F. C. CLARK'S FEBRUARY 5. l&K, " "T'tntipl .tsmuV"Ftat. "in 133d st.. folly rented: in warehouse A b o v e 14th. St.. Kant Side. i—! ! •;"-•;•,';•."'. i:: "?. ' TC* •" upward ^aru. j COMPANIA TRASATLANTTCA. fltaows large returns: b«r«sln: on easy fine coi SiST STf. 13 East, between 5th and Madison.—ExA l h a m b r a a n d R o m e Excursion, 23D. 445 W3C-B upward; see S pretty Rooms; ' Begular line of maU steamers sailing from pier 10. CORNER GREENE AND 3D ST. tet . r t r n K R & BRO.. iowners. 1 » Bros4*ay. quisite Suite, parlor, bedroom and private bath; also i l n t l a a r L'»-^r»,>h ^ W w ^ l r l n t * • «___r__t_-l_ l_r_naus. i pay commission to Brokers, . ^ J ^ W , The S. 8. SANTO DOMINGO, a catlon. By special chartered North German Lloyd expresi BABGAri>i7' $10,000: mortwge 848-.fl6o; rents $1,200; also light Store, adjoining, with double show will sail from pier 10 E. B., Jan. 20 i1ft?< S U P . M°; S. B. AlAiER. Cuisine and sen-ice unsurpassed. SO'^H, 11 Weet, corner Broadway (The Manor).— taking freight and passengers for Habana, Progrreso A b o v e 1 4 t h St.,W e s t Stde. Went 844h at., handJ. EDGAR LEAYCBAFT, 1.M7 Broadway. First class, including Gibraltar. MaUga. Granada Heated Rooms, Suites, baths; elevator; meals opand Vera Onus, and »with transshipment) fc* N i. H B N B Y J . HUME, ueA very desirable furnished Apartment can he seAlgiers, Naples, Rome and Pompeii. Stop-over prtv vitas. Glbara and Mediterranean ports. .... Broadway. . cured in Hotel Marie Antoinette, 66th st. and Boule- tional tjMderatej;erms; ilege In Italy. Section 2. including Florence, Venice. CORNER Madl-wn avl and 77th St.—First Floor, For particulars apply to J. M. CEBALLOS A CO., 29TH. 105 West.—Nice comfortable furnished FOR 8 A L E - 3 9 1 Manhattan av.. near 116th st.. suit tailor, physician or dentist; also Store, reason- ' vard. . Milan, Monte Carlo, Cornlche Road. Nice. Genoa Agents, plot 10 B R. brown atone English basement private Dwelling; first a b l e . ^ $100 extra. 63 days with Malta. Cairo, Jerusalem AN elegantly furnished seven room Flat, first Rooms, with or without Board; French boarding ^_ .i '• . house. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Ephecua, Constantinople. Atbees. $550. Also eiten class condition: $11,700; terms easy. S.. Herald DESK Boom to rent In modern buiiding; good light floor: West 80th st. Address N., 167 Herald. ended„ steinarttip wiling* from Vancouver slons across Europe. Europe, Holy Land. Round lb« 32D ST., 34, 36. 38 West.—Elegant Rooms, with Downtown. _ Intern DO you want the best furnished Flats in town? private and all conveniences, including use telephone World. Send for 1898 programmeis. baths; first class table; references. ery modern, up to date room 502. Weodbildge Building, John and WBttiiii no steam. Janitor. 30 West 64th st. FOR SALE—Handsome. T JAPAN and CHINA To

Honolulu, Fiji




Twin Screw.

11 1

PARis.^r*. ^Kiikrs**. 10 - •'• • 'sr*

J. EDGAR LEAYCRAFT, 1,517 Broadway.

G4TH 8 1 ^ 3 4 and S« West, near Park.—Five larae rooms: jill/lmproveaients: steam heat. -» 68TH OT.. 41 West, between ^ark and station.— t rooms-; steam beat; $26. Inquire janitor. ST., 27 Weat. near Central Park entrance.— r, light Flats, aix rooms, bath; #team heated, water; $27 and $30. Owner, on premises. \

S T E A M S H I P4f. S, -fTLnrv^* .



4#TH ST., iust e a s t / o f Broadway. —Apartment consisting of first floor and basement; seven rooms and bathroom: weir- arranged: every convenience; low rent. J. EDGAR LEAYCBAFT, M I T Broadway.


> ^ 5 » i l


" l« WEST 128TH.-Elat. seren large. light rooms. bath; all improvements; steam heat; $88. Janitor. _ 22D. 2 l « Went.—Five rooms, bath; steam bested; decorated; excellent, central neighborhood; owner, oa premises: $35.



wanee. F l s . , PINK FORBkiT INN. 22 mile, from t:hsrteeton. . r m e . T T ^ ; the Ideal winter and aprin| relegant appoffltments; climate uneouailed. J. F . CHAMPL|?rMnnster.

FIVE ROOMS AND BATH; VERY LIGHT, private halls; stenm beat and hot water i close to "L" station and 100 feet from esat stde cable lines at Lenox av.; 84 to 60 w< St.; rants $25 to $32. ^^ P P F y A RU8HEB, oa praaisea. supplied; steam host. Janitor, i l l West 8Tth A.—Etognnt foar and frra rooma, ^ a t h i l h a t wnter THE THISTLE. L fit and 221 West 43d St.. near Broadway. _ Handaome Apartments of eight rooma ami bath; steam heat, hall attendance, Ac.; $55 to $70 per



The waters of these springe are noted tor O w l f r fallible enree of Bright's lMsea*e « f d a l l Rldney and Bladder Trouble,*Bheamattam.




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Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069