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It was this same Hamzad who caused the \away from here or I'll smear your face! i n l h o Rockies" (Outing Publishing Com murder of Umma Khan and his ...

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J t o the story, contained three errors in Lovers" (Hodder and Stoughton; George It ran: "Diserves deth. but. H. Doran Company). The self-willed j thauk God, we have no capitis punish- young hoyden of the beginning soon; A New Tolstoy Story. ment, and it is not for me to introduce turns into a type of the energetic! purTolstoy wrote- his styry of "Hadji it. Muke him run the gauntlet of a thou- poseful new woman, and in the farcical Murad" (Dodd. Mead and Company) sand men twelve times.* The story performances the author puts her through j when he was old and ill. Mr. Ay liner explains. "Nicholas knew." it says."that her individuality disappears. The only I Maude tells us in a preface tliat the phi- 12.000 strokes with the regulation rods impression the reader gets of her is iu- j losopher.' finding it difficult to work upon were not only certain death with torture cessant "go." The minor characters | "What Is Religion?* and the other didac- but wore a superfluous cruelty, for 5.000 who watch her career, including the j tic essays that vrere engaging him. turned i strokes were sufficient t o kill the strongest leisurely narrator, have much more subfor relief to the writing of this tale. j man. Hut it pleased him to be ruthlessly stance and life. The story of the elecHadji Murad was a wild figure in the ' cruel, and it also pleased him t o think tion, with its complications of influenza wild Caucasus. Tolstoy met him in the that we have abandoned capital punish- and women speakers, is very funny. flesh a t TiflU in 1S51. In this story he ment.** The book t i s bright and entertaining. [ appear- as a good Mohammedan who Hadji Murad-was killed in trying to if rather too conscious, fooling, not merely j did his ablutions, said his prayers reguescape from his Russian custodians. with the people in it but with the reader { larly and cut his enemies to pieces. Tolji "Hadji Aga placed his foot on the back as well. stoy, a s related in the beginning of the of the corpse and with two blows cut off Much more artistic and delicate work is j story, once plucked iu a ploughed field the head, and carefully-not to soil his shown by Mrs. J. K. Buckrose iu "The a crimson thistle bloom of the sort that J shoes with blood—rolled it away with his Toll Bar" thar ' * her earlier tales, but Is called "Tartar." It was a difficult busifoot. Crimson blood spurted from the she has a . . . . to preach, and her ness- Not only did the sharply armed arteries of the neck and black blood storj' i s very „ oomy. brightened only in I stalk prick clean through the handker- j ... , , . ,. chief that he wound thickly around h i , « ^ c d fro,« the head, soaking the grass, s|>ots by a few cheerful people. Her 1 hand, but it was so tough that it took I l b o a w l ™ 8 * » * t o » ^ Kuswin camp text is. "The way of t ransgressors is hard." him five minutes to break it off. Never l \n « f, ». c - »«»» realism of the story ,s un- but her demonstration seems t o prove waa eo obstinate a flower. "What en- " ^ t f U u f t , >K» matter how disturbing that it holds good only with those who may l>o the nature of the events described. have consciences, for the thorough crgy.and tenacity! - Tolstoy exclaimed. It wan of this death'of Hadji Murad. tho scoundrel around whom tho story turns •With what determination it. defended story concludes, that Tolstoy was re- has his own way to the last. The reader Itself and how dearly it sold its life!" minded of tho crushed thtstlo in the will feel that ho would not if his victims Moreover after it was plucked it did midst of tho ploughed field. had been less morbid, and his impatience not fit a t all in the ncsegay of oxeyed will be aroused a t the spoiling of the ; daisies and other amenable and gentle pretty love making by the hero's constant j A Votes for Women Story. flowers that the novelist had gathered. Price $1.25 net. depression. He will turn with relief to The BOBBS-MERRILL Company, Publishers It w a s coarse and rude and of necessity Mr. Richard Barry's story of "The the humble but cheerful farm people, mutilated. Tolstoy was sorry to have Bauble" < Moffat. Yard and Company) destroyed a flower that looked beautiful tells how Constance Rudd quarrelled with who recall the author's former pictures, t s its proper .place. H e threw it away. her hu.-)b>uu1 and joined the suffragists. when she seerned to bo borrowing a leaf again, for the number of respectable and t h e elder Lusk fought for his country Hadji Murad. himself a Tartar, was like The tale i.s grunly satirical. Constance from Dickens. It is a well constructed at the same time Interesting short stories in the war. enlisting with the Seventythat so-vailed Tartar flower. attended a morning meeting and heard story that holds the reader's interest is almost inexhaustible. The reputation ninth New York, the Highlanders, and The story relates a number of episodes. speeches. She wont theii with Miss Rivers, (G. P. Putnam's Sons.) of Wilhelm Hauff is greater, w e fanor. starving on the staffs of Gens. Daniel The author who creates and exploits There was the case of Peter, a soldier. ai bachelor girl, to the Old Mother Hubthan h e deserves; h e wrote some good Tyler and. Isaao I. Stevens. He w a s e n E uLUsbcd b y U t i l e , B r O W I l & C O . , Boston , who was shot in a skirmish and died in bard tea room and had a cocktail, a stimu- a popular character is in a difficult posi- short stories and a long. learned and almost gaged in the battles from the first Bull's the hospital. Peter's old mother did lant to which she was unaccustomed tion when the publio keeps calling for unreadable historical romance. His story Run t o Fredericksburg. Some years not know that he was dead when she and which she felt presently she should more. H e may know that he h a s e x - "Das Kalte Herz" is again edited, this after his death a bundle of letters w a s sent him a letter enclosing a rouble and not have taken: the effect w a s the more hausted the vein, but he knows too that if time by Prof. F. J. Holzworth. Ph. D.. and found written by him from the field and giving news of the family. The story pronounced and pernicious because in the he changes the form tho public may not Prof. William J. Gorse. both of Syracuse t o him by his family, and these are now says here: "In her letter Peter's mother distraction of abandoning her husband, listen t o him longer. In "Odd Numbers" University. (American Book Company.) printed because they are interesting first sent him her blessing, then greetings her baby and her home sho had neglected (Edward J. Clode. New York) Mr. Sewell More Shakespeare texts., In the pretty in themselves and because they comFord relates further reminiscences of from everybody and the news of his to eat breakfast. "Tudor" edition, published by the Mac- memorate his war services. The volume godfather's death, and at the end she Terrifying powers were lodged in the "Shorty McCabe." That pugilistic phil- millans. w e have "The Merchant of Ven- i s adorned with many excellent portraits. added that Aksinya (Peter's wife> had young and very beautiful person of Ruth osopher retains his picturesque vocabu- ice." edited b y Prof. Harry Morgan Ayres Prof. Curtis Hidden Page, once of ColumDot wished t o stay with them. but. had Vance, leader of the undergarment work- lary, but by this time has accepted the of Columbia, and "The Tragedy of bia and a writer of some published verse* gone into., service, where they heard she ers. It is to be read: "As Constance looked views of life of society. He comments Macbeth." by Prof. Arthur C. L. Brown. has undertaken t o translate Moliere into w a s living well and honestly. Then came upon her she was awed by the fires of on some of the queer things that happen Ph. D.. of the Northwestern University, English- • His latest effort is "Lea Femmes • reference t o that present of a ruble. genius she felt blazing up within this in New York city: some of tho episodes both with the proper apparatus of intro- Savantes." which he renders "The Learned «nd finally, in her own words, what the slender and militant young woman. have little point and can pass only on ductions, notes, variants and glossaries. Ladies* (G. P. Putnam's Sons), and as the old woman, with tears in her eyes and It seemed t o her that lwfore this Ruth account of the hero's mode of expression; The edition of "King Henry the Fifth." by play i s i n verse his translation is accordHas Scored A N O T H E R H I T with its N E W F E A T U R E t yielding t o her sorrow, had dictated and Vance cities would quail a n d armies others are too big for the medium the Edgar Coit Morris of Syracuse Univer- ingly metrical.' It is a very respectable author employs; he has seen real tragedies the church clerk had taken down exactly. surrender. Never before iu her life had sho sity (Silver. Burdett and Company, New piece of work, a trifle stilted perhaps, word for word: 'One thing more, my been so impressed by female majesty." and adventures and we could wish that York), is provided with an introduction, but accurate in translation and rhyth(Pictorial Supplement Suitable for Fraraing) darling child, my sweet dove, my own Tins majestic air and this seeming ability he could throw Shorty overboard and notes and pictures. mical in the blank verse, which does not NO. 1—FREDERICK T O W N S E N D M A R T I N Peterkin! I have wept my eyes out to overcome armies" and cities w a s due tell them a s they should be told. OccaThe selections for "Second Year Latin often degenerate into prose. A mildly amusing skit on the troubles K « 2—HON. WILLIAM J . GAYNOR lamenting for thee, thou light of my (we hate to make the explanation) to the for Sight Reading." by Mr. Arthur L. sionally even Prof. Page gives us what the Send 1 0 c f«>r sample copy or S I f o r 3 months subscription. H a n d s o m e premium*. eyes. To whom hast, thou left- me?' circumstance that Ruth was jealous. of house owners in the suburbs is con- Janes (American Book Company), though French admire above all things, a fine AT A M , NEWSSTANDS At this point th* old woman had sobbed She believed that Constance had been tained in "That House I Bought" (George they covsr a slightly wider field than line. and wept and said. 'That will do!' So flirtiug with -John Strange, forbidden W. Dillingham Company), by Mr. Henry usual, raise doubta in the layman's mind Another little handbook for women h a s T the words stood in the letter; but it was prize, lover of Ruth, the tailors' walking Edward Warner. It is enlivened by the a s to what sight reading means. Half been issued in "Woman find the New York story of a courtship, watched from the not fated that Peter should receive the delegate. Really Constance detested this the pieces are taken from Caesar s "Gallic Law." by George James Bayles. Ph. D. D I> (Longmans. Green and Company.) news of his wife's having left home, nor tall. fair, powerful man with the huge, shadows on the window shades. War," which used t o be required for ad- (The Law Press. New York). It is a com- T h e Heart of Us." T. R. Sullivan. (HoughSome faint notion of the value of the present of the ruble, nor his mother's loosely hanging hands, moistly feverish mission t o college. We are glad t o see pendium of the law a s its stands a n d ton Mifflin Company.) • evidence or of legal practice would have | last words. The letter with the money eyes and long and curving eyelashes. T h e Last Cruise of the Saginaw. Georte that the infernal bridge across the Rhine covers many of the relations into which in i t came back with the announcement So much was very clearly shown in the saved M. E. Charlesworth. author of "The is left out. The other pieces are taken women come that advocates of the suf- H. Read. (Houghton Mifflin Company.) that Peter had been killed in tho war. back room of Tanti's Italian restaurant Relentless Current" (G. P. Putnam's from the unduly neglected "Civil War" frage usually pass over. It begins a p Best results—moderate prices. AUTHORS AND THEIR WORK. defending his Czar, his Fatherland and in Houston street when Strange after Sons), the trouble of writing a long, dull and from the "Lives" of Cornelius Nepos. propriately with the marriage laws, but Old bindings skillfully repaired. and not very wise book. The author the, orthodox faith. That is how the treating t o tea. an excellent blend of For If sight reading i s really a serious re- it includes also the provisions for the supAll work done at our own bindery— Agnes Reppller's "Philadelphia: the Place mosa and Burmese obtained in Chinatown J expatiates on the trial and execution of quirement w e should judge that the port of illegitimate children and for girl6 and Its People" is 60on to be published in a army clerk expressed it." Tire KmktertockKrPntM. Hadji Murad attended a ball a t the Gov- attempted t o overcome Constance by an innocent man. against whom the amount of text provided here i s neither who g o astray. The volume is published new edition a s one of "The Travel Series* ernor's Tiflis. He betrayed no physical violence. The brute supposed evidence is very strong, and the refusal abundant nor varied enough. It pro- by the authority of the General Federa- to be issued by the Macmillans this spring. emotion on beholding this revelation of himself a conqueror till he felt in his back of a Governor t o commute the sentence vides sufficient material for grammatical tion of Women's Clubs.. QSTTS. Harris, whose latest books "The on~sliffht. hearsav testimonv. For the drill, however. Kmmian gQCI&l 6 n I ? n d o r . Hft Irsckcd OI* through his coat Jusi Wist Of Sift Att. Recording Angel," is on the spring list of herom a ld n e r bsequent lo with the .same indifference that he h a d s h a m sting of Tanti's cheese knife. "I'll f f . «Y ™ **%* Doubleday. Page A Co.. recently lectured An auxiliary reader for t h e little ones Books Received. shown the evening before a t the theatre. put it into your h e a r t - n o w - i f y o u don't i 1 8 d d h c . u l t t o f ^ w a n y e m p a t h y - The has been prepared by Mr. Edwin Arthur on "The Women of Europe and America" Tolstoy here indicates b y the terms of get awav from me." said Constance, who ? u * ? r * ver* m U « * m e ? r ^ o s t ' b u t t h a * Turner in "Our Common Friends ': and T h e Betfnnlnta of Quakerism William C. before Philadelphia club women. rustees of Columbia University t o deliv* . the baccalaureate sermon a t its commencehis description his own strong disapproval liad possessed herself of the knife in the " * " " ? . e J C U 6 e e w t h e p r m t i n g o f 8 U c h Foes* (American Book Company). It Bratthwalte. (MacmUIana.) Dr. Edward T. Devine, professor of social ment exercises in June. "All the Children of All the People." William of such matters: "Young and not v e r y struggle. The story says: "She s p o k i ] a m a t e u n r f l w o r k ' treats mainly of insects, flies, mosquitoes, Hawley economy at Columbia University and author Smith. (Uacmlllans.) young women, in dresses displaying their the words slowly, judiciously, and h e ! Edwin Bjorkman. translator of the volume bees and s o on. the largsst animals d e "Free Will and Human Responsibility." Her- of various sociological works, was the of August Strindberg's plays which is to i* . ,-. r x i ., . Life Out of Doors. . bare necks, arms and breasts, turned 5 scribed being quail, chickadees and toads. guest of the Columbia alumni of Pittsburg man Harrell Home. Ph. D. (Macmlu&ns.) be published this spring, was born in Stock-, round and round in the embrace of men melted hue fresh wax under a blazing "The New Democracy." Walter E. Weyl, Ph. D. on February 9 and 10. The Associated holm in 1S66. More than twenty-five years A manual of physical and mathematical fire; slid down t o the floor with an odd It is an artlessly egotistical book that (Uacmlllans.) In bright uniforms. * * * The 'SirCharities of that city gave him a luncheon ago he came to this country. He has written Mr Carson has written in "Ranch- geography, including meteorology, is "A Nezro Kxplorer at the North Pole." Matthew and in the evening he delivered a lecture on one book, recently published, called "Is dar's* wife also, in spite of her age. went cry of anticipated horror while the knife I in - Thomas s n a n d There Anything New Under the Sun?" but Trave 1 " he yields somewhat t o the conventions The author touches on and explains the pers.) H e m e D e l i v e r y Service, -"Simple Italian Cookery." Antonia Isola. Westham, and served six years in tho House ant graphic method, but does n o t seem t o • a Tear. mark of favor or the contrary, but Ham-: a s resolutely as though Strange had been | * Rives guide l>ook information. It (Harpers.) a waste much space on it. Of what use Delivered a t Residences of Commons as member for the huge induszad Bent the ambassadors back with j a good deal smaller, "Get out of here!" I ** pleasant and sincere book, T h e Heart of Life." Pl-rre de Coutevaln. Twice a Week. trial constituency. Mr. Alden has made */"-"— "their mustaches shaved off, their nostrils! Said Strange: "Why, you insignificant i The trip taken by Mr. Dillon Wallace to the small boy the abridgment of the (E. P. Dutton and Company.) frequent visits to this country and Canada, w history of algebra m a y be w e fail t o see; "The Great Gay Road." Tom Gallon. (BrenAstorffiCBittb Street pierced and cakes h u n g t o their noses." | snipe! You turtle bellied crawfish! Get i i nh il chho he describes in "Saddle and Camp as well as to Australia and New Zealand, in I t w a s this same Hamzad who caused the \ away from here or I'll smear your f a c e ! Rockies" (Outing Publishing Com most of the facts recorded, w e should tano's.) Branch, 1 4 1 Broadwaj. "Cbantemerte." D. K. Broster aed G. W. order to observe and compare new developmurder of Umma Khan and his brother j on your heels!" With that very foolish I P«ny. New York) should appeal to per say. are of n o importance whatever. Telephone 4014 Sprint. sons w n o a r e o m OI ments. Taylor. (Brentano's.) Abu Nutsal Khan. Hadji Murad relates vituperation and boast ho made a l u n g e : ' * " roughing it. His "Xavy Year Book, Mil." Edited by Woodin t h e story: "I w a s some way down the at Arthur, who thereupon knocked him j object w a s to discover the numbers and Cartoons showing that the late O. Henry bury Pulslfer. (Government Printing Office. hill when I heard s h o t s fired in Hamzad's into—the Governor of New Jersey knows' condition of big game, and he give's his M r . D a r w i n P . K t n g s l c y ' s A d d r e s s e s . Washington.) caricatured nearly every prominent person In matters of life Insurance Mr. Darwin ! readers some general impressions of his tent. I ran there and saw Umma Khan what T h e Greek Romances In Elizabethan Prose In Austin. Tex., when he was writing, illus- ! P. Kingsley. president of the New York Fiction." Samuel Lee Wolff. Ph. D. (The (rating and editing bis little magazine,the observations, though the results may lying prone in a pool of blood, and Abu { Constance went home then with Arthur Nutsal w a s fighting the murids. One of j t o the baby. She forgave him for every- hardly seem to justify his trouble. Per-! Life Insurance Company, can speak with Columbia University Press: Lemcke and Buech- Moiling Stone, hnvo been brought to light and will bo used in the manuscript edition j his cheeks had been hacked off and hung thing—namely, for forgetting t o kiss her haps he is reserving them fora less popular j authority, and the addresses he has de- ner.) T h e Art of the Berlin Galleries." David C. of O. Henry which Doubleday. Pago A Com- j down. He supported it with one hand. < when he came home to dinner. He had report. He made a journey right I Hvered during tho last ten years, pub- Preyer. (I* C. Page and Company, Boston.) pany have in course of preparation. and with the other stabbed with his dagger lost twenty pounds while she was away through the United States from south to {lished by the Company in a handsome IVInce Talleyrand and His Times." Frederic Advertisements of eecord hand Dr. Charles E. Jefferson of the Kroadway at all who came near him. I saw him with A- „ good .... the ... suffragists. .„ ™ . man ...... , north, starting in Arizona and ending on- volume under the title "Militant Life Lolled adapted by Bryan O'Donncll. (Brecbooks f6r sale, exchange or will', tano's.) h Tabernacle, whoso recent book."The Build-! strike down Hamzad's brother and aim a IlealIpersons'who are prominenti in the ^ * Montana frontier and holding close i Insurance and Olher Addresses, t „ wanted will be inserted in TH* « U.Crokcr. (Brentano's.) Ing of tho Church,"has proved \cry sue-! blow at another roan; but then the murids suffrage movement will easily be recog- i to the mountains all the time. Inhisbook'prove of interest to the general public A , r )f™*™zc Si;*. Saturdays, at 20o. a line !CK? *;ipr-.ieT\ >•' senled in the story. Tolstoy did not them. Some of these are very funny, French plays and hi vo our doubts as to its'analogies and builds no theories. U is »ff*;»er oo x\M» subject: wrl?* me SIMV.C bo A' esteem him. The story describes "his like the l>ath in the Trafalgar Sqtiaro proving snece.v>ful en tho real stage. a met hot! that will satisfy students.a plain wanted; ! s. BAKER'S WREAT BOOKstomach was tightly laced in"; bis fixed able and careless young fellow who mothers to find "Atala." by Francois Au- found; the inferences the theologians may S H O P . John Brtjhi si.. Blrmmfham, England. and lifelet-s eyes, enormous receding watches over the heroine, flip «ruff guste Rem4 Chateaubriand, edited for draw. The Egyptian underworld seems By IMVIP ysu; of t'cifbrillcs Eo-icnt and !So'L forehead, the wig covering his bald patch, lawyer across the en;ry. the hysterical school purposes, by Pi of. Timothy C'loran, to have been much t he same place as the fcemi for price lists. lAutograph: WALTER R. BENJAMIN. his bits of whiskers trimmed syinmct* arti*! and his sedate friend and olher Ph. 1). It i.s excellent French all the same Indian's happy hunting grounds. A brilliant IriMi portrait painter of fascinating personality