Napoleon Bonaparte, Mrs. Mal- colm Sedgwick and Miss .... of Vincent Cronin's "
Symbol of. Victory" which won ... Cronin is an older photographer with long club ...
I t C I I T T
Miss Suydam Becomes Engaged
By Way of Mention
l l l t l f l - f l A V l L - C A M I I A l
4. IMS.
Travel Talk
Mrs. Henry Pendleton Rogers gave a luncheon yesterday in the Oval Room of the RiU-Carlton for Ry ROBERT WILDER. Mrs. William Warner Hoppin of Mrs. Richard A. Cunningham Statistics o r d i n a r i l y make the American Red Cross. Mrs. and Hendrick R. Suydam have pretty dull reading and so the Lawrence Copley Thaw, wife of announced the engagement of Major Thaw, U. S. A., was a guest following figures are set down, their daughter, Miss Patricia there of Mrs. Henry Plerrepont not as entertainment, but rather Denny Suydam of 245 East 72d Perry. Mrs. Walter R. Kirk of in an effort to explain what the street, to Capt. Richard J. McChicago had In her party Miss railroads are up against. Kay of the Army, son of Mr. and Despite the fact that few reAnne Morgan and Mrs. Clark Mrs. Harry J McKay of RochesMinor, and Mrs. John McKesson placements, in rolling stock have ter, N. Y. Camp was accompanied by her been possible and that the lines Miss Suydam a t t e n d e d St daughter, Mrs. Andrew Fletcher. are confronted with a shortage Mary's School and the Warrenton Also at luncheon in the Oval of approximately 80,000 experiCountry School in Warrenton, Va. Room were Mrs. Clifford McAlee- enced railroad men, passenger She made her debut in 1939. Mrs. nan, wife of Lieut. McAleenan, traffic last year totaled over 96 Richard F. Mount is her sister. U. 8. N. R.; Mr. and Mrs. Jerome billion miles, an increase of 9.3 Through her mother, the forNapoleon Bonaparte, Mrs. Mal- per cent over 1943 and the travelmer Grace Denny, Miss Suydam colm Sedgwick and Miss Cornelia ers who have rolled up those is a granddaughter of the late McMurray. miles have suffered surprisingly Arthur A. Denny, one of the little discomfort. It is true that founders of Seattle, Wash., and Mrs. William S. Armour is at seats in club cars are aold by on her father's side, of the late the Biltmore from Deerfield, number and ticket these days Henry Suydam. She is a direct Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. L. and that one doesnt casually descendant of Dr. Stephen Ball, Wharton 3d have arrived at the stroll in, sit down and order a an uncle of George Washington. Biltmore from Old Lyme, Conn. drink. Box lunches have made Capt. McKay, who was a memtheir appearance in the Pullman ber of Squadron A, recently reMrs. John K. Cow pert hwaite, cars; smoking has become more turned from two years of service John K. Cowperthwaite Jr. andor less general throughout all in the Pacific. He was graduated Miss Vita Cowperthwaite are at cars since there simply is not from Colgate University with the the Waldorf-Astoria from Wash- enough room in the smoking class of 1934. He is at present compartments. • By and large, ington, D. C. stationed at Camp Ritchie in however, the trains are reasonMaryland with the field artillery. Miss Carol Evarts, debutante ably clean and the service on the Mrs. Philip H. See and her daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WilMrs. L e n o x Mallett - Provost Hodge of Westport, Conn., is a liam Maxwell Evarts of 119 East daughter, Miss Elizabeth See, are de luxe sections far better than at Hampshire House from South even the plushiest traveler has a sister of Capt. McKay. 65th street, at Larue. right to expect. Dartmouth, Mass. Despite transportation curtailGIRL TO MRS. WOOD. Mrs. James N. White of Medment, housing shortage and the Lieut.-Col. John C. Wood of the Suri Club Members to field, Mass., is arriving today at ban on racing, Florida resorts are Army and Mrs. Wood of 770 Park Resume Red Cross Work the Savoy-Plaza. experiencing a mild boom. Much avenue and Brookville, L. L, are the same thing is true in at least Special to T a n N e w Y o n S O N . the parents of a daughter born Paul Bancroft Jr., U. S. three of the best known winter Wizard of Mental on January 1 at the Harkness Miami Beach, Fla., Jan. 4.—AN.Lieut. R., and Mrs. Bancroft of San spots in Mexico. Telepathy Pavilion. Mrs. Wood is the for-large group of women volunteers Francisco are at the Ritz-Carlton. HARRIS, CLAIRE Northern V- cation. mer Miss Anne Truesdalo and is from the Surf Club will this week A SHANNON a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jo- end resume work for the Red Mrs. Waldron P. Belknap of In the northlands, winter sport America's Smartest seph R. Truesdale. The child will Cross in the tower rooms of the Huntington, L. I., is at the St. capitals report indications of a Ballroom Trio be named Sarah Margaret Wood. club, Miami Beach, carrying on record season despite the hand, from where they left off last win Regis. STANLEY MELBA cap of ski equipment and the ter in an effort to establish a And His Orchestra LUNCHEON GUEST new Mrs. Roger H. Dennett of Tor- shortage of outing clothing. At production record. ContiatHMn music. Entertainrington, Conn., is expected \o ar- Lake Placid, nearly 1,400 civilians Mrs. William H. Willis is in rive today are adding to the Army "snow ment twice nightly. No cover at the Weylin. charge of the group. Sewing macharge. Sapper minimum: $2 furloughs" events. Winter visi- -Back Home!" by Morris Neufeld of 365 Weat End avenue, chosen as "The Picture of the Year" by ll chines have been moved into the Mrs. Dwight C. Paul is at the tors to the White Mountains per person weekdays... $3 per The New York Sua award jury, Victor Keppler, J. Ghislain Lootena and Norris Harkness. person Saturdays, Sundays and workrooms and first efforts will equal the attendance quota of Ambassador from Auburn, Mass. Holiday Evas. Open for Lunch* concentrate on completion of the last year with promise of a recteen months. Neufeld, who hadCamera Exhibitions , Closed on Mondays. Surf Club quota of 10,000 kit ord January. New ski lifts, with crossed the street at the boy's bags assigned to the Dade county Ormond Season the capacity of 1,000 persons per • call, made the entirely unposed In This City chapter of the American Red hour, will open the Manchester, A t P a r e n t s * M a g a z i n e G a l l e r y . 52 V a n To Open Tomorrow shot as mother and son first emCross. These bags, which conVt., ski area. In New York State, nue, through J a n u a r y , c a m e r a braced. He used a Voightlander ds teurdbilel ta ofa v echild tain comfort items, are presented FIFTH AVfNUC AT * l i t ST«E_T care in China. Bear Mountain Park, Fahnestock Special to T U B N a w Y o a _ S O N . A t W i l l o u ghby'a. Inc.. 110 W e a t 32d Superb and Super XX film with to service men at ports of em- Ormond Beach, Fla., Jan. 4.—Memorial Park, Old Forge and t r e a t , children'* p i c t u r e s b y D o r o t h y L . ~RESORTS an exposure of L'50 second at •Norria. barkation. Following completion The Hotel Ormond will be formal- North Creek have made extenF r o m T u e s d a y , p i c t u r e s by G e o r g e f/6.3 in the dim light of the after- H o r n . of the bag quota the Surf Club ly opened for the season tomor- sive preparation for winter By NORRIS HARKNESS. Canada) At Haber A Fink. 12 W a r r e n street, Red Cross unit will attend to the row with a number of guests in sports. In the Berkshires, new The New York Sun Award jury noon. J a n u a r y , " G r a f t a * S e e s the W a r . ' ' production of surgical dressings. residence from the northern area. ski tows for beginners are among has given the title of "The Pic- "Back Home!" is the antithesis throuy.i A t Abe C o h e n ' s E x c h a n g e . 142 F u l t o a Many new women members are The Ormond, one of the Flagler the Pittsfield State Forest faciliof Vincent Cronin's "Symbol of s t r e e t , t h r o u g h J a n u a r y , p i c t u r e s from t h e ture of the Year" to Morris Neun e being added this winter to the hotels, is entering upon its fifty- ties. Quebec and the LaurenVictory" which won the award w " G r a f l e x S e e s t h e W a r . " A t t h e C a m e r a Club of N e w York, 131 feld, of 365 West End avenue, Surf Club unit fourth season, and is again under tians, with Sugar Peak are pre- for his splendid "Back Home!" last year. That was a composite W e s t 68th a t r e e t , t h r o u g h J a n u a r y 15, port r a i t s of c e l e b r i t i e s b y Dr. Orrin Saga Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Brush the management of Peter P. paring for a banner winter sports Selecting it from scores of other of three negatives put together W season. to complete an idea Mr. Cronin S olcgi he ttym. a n , p r e s i d e n t of t h e O v a l T a b l a have arrived from New York to Schutt. G a l l e r y , 50 W e s t 5«tB pass the winter in a Surf Club Sports enthusiasts are already In Pennsylvania, winter sports pictures that have appeared in had had for months, and Mr.s t Ar ete t , thet h rNorlyat guest house. enjoying golf on the champion- of the Poconos and the Allegheny salons and publications all over Cronin is an older photographer Lia-ht." o u g h J a n u a r y 15, " C a p t u r e * Hotel arrivals include Mr. and ship eighteerv-hole course of the National Forest have taken an the country, the judges rated with long club interest and a Mrs. Jonas Schreckinger at the Ormond Beach Golf Club. The advance position with camps, "Back Home!" first because of salon record. Morris Neufeld saw Versailles, whose marriage at the tennis courts, putting greens and hotels and tourist houses desig- its tremendous human interest, the opportunity and was ready NO BULL! Waldorf-Astoria in New York,archery ranges are ready for nated by the recreational division its timeliness, and its outstand k of
kected." >resent Eisenomand.
re so? heless, Mcauae of poion of rust.
foi £ Second Honeymoon
Show Movies
Rent a Projector!
'eather Bpar
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tt. and outside Truat-
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UMRV M M •ft.J. dally with •*.*_.; N.Y.O*Va-6»05th Ar«.-T«I.Clrcl »T L A r k ,
Send for Rental
MONDAY. ' Manhattan C. C , 310 Riverside Drive, at 8:30 P. M., William C. Bowman will Judge the monthly print conteat on "Lsindacapea." Thia competition will decide the winner of the 1944 cup. TUESDAY. Tudor City C. C 5 Prosper! Place. at i:30 P. M . Harvey Falk will judge the members' print* and speak on "Prints for Exhibition."
m r 1 f
Untitled Document
Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
because of nnder thi« proiertors. projectors.
ISmm S O U N D P a i i e c T O n * , — r r T s m g RELL « H ^ " ' E ' L . AMPRO. V'CTOR. 0"FR^ ENLAR^ERS—1-5. KDD4K PPEC'SION rNL«ROERS-3-«m. J'4«2'4. 2' i x . 1 ' , . 4sS. S O I . ' f t E N L / \ R G E R S — 2 ' 4 X 3 ' . S ' . x d ' , . SsaV Sx7 E X P O S U R E M E T E R S — GE. D E 1 U R SLIDE PROJECTORS—KODAK. G0L0E, 8VE. IEITZ UNIVERSAL VIEW FINDERS, SLIDING FOCUSINS COPYING AT. TACHME9T. VIEW CAMERAS-EASTMAN. B A 1, SR0VE9.
Ruth an Square
PKKRUMJfi Camera Stores
32nd St., near 6th Ave., N. Y. 1 , N. Y.
_•• _ i . a n • _ _r__r_i __,:_. _, _r_y__r afc-.
Camera club meetings during the ; coming week, and which you are invited to attend, inrhide the follow, TONIGHT. Brooklyn Inatitute C. C . 30 I . 5 0 0 im-^t I R g M r - H a a l t w ^ . S O U T H t R B P I 9 E S , 9 . C.
Miss Lois Reville gave a luncheon yesterday at the Stork Club for the Misses Janice KUvert, L o r r a i n e Dresselhuys, Sheila Wiseman and Joan Durand. Pfc. Hugh Escher of the Army, in training at Camp Ritchie, Md., entertained at luncheon yesterday at the Stork Club for Miss Patricia Piatt, a senior at Bryn Mawr College.
Payment* masie lor full week rental*, special reduced rale*, are not applicable plan. This off^r does not include sound It applies only to ilMM and 16MM silent
5) Macy*s Look! Dover
Mary** has lot* oi $5 mm. film for ramdld ramrra$t
AIR rnoi.Kn. *- I.K.NS . . «ito no T h i s a n d o t h e r ramersta a v a l l a h l e t a essential oxers _ w r i l e e m e s . Call a t s t o r e f o r I g f o r m a t i o n .
F.*f. C x . T « v
We've unlimited quantitie« of this high apect. 3."> mm, film. And it fits Argus. Leira, CrOflrtax* Retina and other miniature rameras. • P r l n c - f i » # J by t h e t n s n u f s r t u r n r u n d e r t h e r e l d - C r a w f o r d Act o f N . f .
.Hall aTisaf mkmme mrOero mill *••» e n ordars of
U - 1 4 W A R R R N AT., N . V. CITY TBI., s u i n . i v 7 issa
*."!*» e r n a * a r e i fsfats ttr
138 E. 44th St.J.Y.0. Ul MU. Hill 5-8717
1 01 o r more s x c l u s l v * of
la* w h a n
PHOTOGRAPHY EXCHANGE l.o^r* ItBB-o, f«.S. 4" T p r . , BJsV B * I. 7.PI»« ttoiihlr P f , . t , , r M.S, 8%" m m t ( I I S-rf * II ::-!«" in,lii > c',m)|>»«r S h u t t e r
Htm. Oeers r>H>rrvr ro B, f Acme, ass. Rosa Xpr««
f"..'., 2" hni-rrl.
1.1 W . 4T « T .
Cmmmrm «•*»»>. Mmem*» Fttth . l__r
Kodak*. Letrst BV.II* • Cimur: if . refnlredL A l l ranteftniter*, Ryortirneiiier* »dTii«te