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Si Wolff & Associates. 428 Taylor Bailding. Rochester, N. Y.. Banking Chapter. Votes Bruce Percy. President for '44 r. * r A i Lincoln-Alliance tourt ol Appeals n.
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OFFICIAL PAPER T t e Daily Record l§ Uw 81 " P ^ *£* »«»«wf5. Coaatjr M d Sarro_. » aad t a d CWI Cttj fate'* Coaru Cltrtl Bmaefc. Braaca of CM] Coort. It «Uo haa bee* deoiraated oars'* 1 P * p e r ( Sf t h e Mt»lk«Uo« of aotlcea for U. 8. District Coart. Baakraptcy Coart aad the Cttj of ~ *

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Banking Chapter r * rA i Lincoln-Alliance tourt ol Appeals Votes Bruce Percy .. Asks Approval tor n Decisions iT j More Branches President for '44 Special to The Daily Record Albany, Apr. 13.—The follow; Bruce Percy of Genesee Valley Lincoln-AHiance Bank & Trust ing decisions were handed down Company has filed applications J Trust Company was elected presijdent of the Rochester Chapter, today by the Court of Appeals with the State Banking DepartMotions ! American Institute of Banking, at rr.ent for permission to open three People, respt, v Sterling, aplt; more branch offices, it was anj the annual election meeting which i took place in offices of the Roch- Waks, respt, v Rotgerberg, Harriet nounced yesterday by officials of ' ester Clearing House Association Arsons James, deceased, etc; Mat- the bank. | yesterday afternoon. ter of Miller, aplt, v List ManuIf the applications are apAlso elected were John E. facturing Co, et ano, respts; Mat- proved, offices will be opened at S Schubert of Security Trust Com- ter of Levine, aplt. v Connelly, et RiCge Road and Dewey Avenue, i pany, 1st vice-president; C. Ar- al, respts; McCloy, plff, v Penn- Thurston Road at Rosalind Street," I thur Grainger of Monroe County sylvania Railroad Co, defts; U S £nd Ridge Road East at Cuiver • Savings Bank, 2nd vice-president; B & M Liquidation Corp, respt, Roiiu, Irondequoit. Existing buildG. Theodore Gunkler of Lincoln- v Cruickshank, aplts; Vandewater, ings will be re-modeled and used, | Alliance Bank and Trust Com- et ano, respts, v State of New according to Raymond F. Leinen, j pany, treasurer; Alfred T. Hall of York, aplt—Motions for leave to executive vice-president of the' Mechanics Savings Bank, educa- appeal denied with S10 costs and bank. In addition to its main office at tional director; Rachel May necessary printing disbursements. Swaim of Rochester Savings Griffin, aplt, v City of Syracuse, 133 Main Street East, the Lincoln-. now operates 11 iBank, assistant educational direc- respt—Motion to dismiss appeal A l l i a n c e oranches. They are located as folj tor; Lucy M. Serafine of East Side dismissed with costs and $10 costs lows: i Savings Bank, secretary, and ArDewey-Stone Office, 2865 Dewey iline A. Korth of Rochester Trust Continued on Vara 3 Avenue; East End Office, 460 j and Safe Deposit Company and —o Goodman Street North; IrondejMarjorie Martens of Union Trust quoit Office, 621 Titus Avenue; j Company, assistant secretaries. Lake Avenue Office, 1495 Lake Delegates to the national conAvenue; Lincoln Office, 33 Exj vention of the institute, scheduled change Street: Monroe Avenue to be held at St. Louis in June, Office, 560 Monroe Avenue; Portjalso were elected. ' land-Clifford Office, 520 Portland j They include Mr. Percy, HowApplications will be accepted Avenue; Twelve Corners Office, lard R. Chamberlain of Rochester until further notice for the U. S. 1853 Monroe Avenue; West End j Trust & Safe Deposit Company, CivU 1 I who is a candidate for national S ^ * * position of OPA rent Office, 886 Main Street West, and councilman of the A. I. B., and R e c t o r for duty in the Buffalo Continued o n Vaffo 4 Clayton F. Kaul of Union Trust O P A district* which includes Company, his campaign manager. M o n r o e County Governors to be retained in ofTo qualify, applicants must have C l U O i ^ C t S U i S D l H y * » fice include Roy Bogert, Central had at least three years of paid Trust Company; Raymond Skuse, experience providing familiarity A « ^ O l l t l l A l t l P 1 * l f * 5 1 East Side Savings Bank; Mrs. with types of neighborhoods in the " * * O i l I I H I r H U C I l l / d l j Elizabeth H. Hogan, Genesee Val- area involved. This experience _____ ley Trust Company; Harry H may have been gained through . exhibition of I A three week David, Lincoln-Alliance Bank and commercial or governmental sur- printed ^ ^ j . ^ ^ ^ ^ j ^ ^ . j vers li n J C e a u i i w d on Pago a ica A.ii ope& next .ciioay m uie —u No age limits are stated and no R o c h e s t e r p ^ c L i b r a r y ^ ^ written test is required, applicants s p o n s o r s h i p o f m U b r a V y ^ ^ * , being judged from a review of Q ^ N e i t f l b o r G r o u p o f t h e C o s . their statements of qualification m o p o l i t a n d ^ 't will coand corroborative evidence se-1 'Qaaanz theApril muriing ot withoftne easiA ~0jr t h e c&tu&mU-i*. /LpixAul- the club at 8 P. M. in the library ment is for the duration of the auditorium, at which Dr. Delos F u only. rther Appointment of Edward F. war information and ap~ canfield, h e a d o f t h e University Meinhart as assistant secretary at plication forms may be and secured ^ Rochester Department of Spant h e Merchants-East Avenue office | trom the commission's local secre- ^ American wiU discuss 5 ^ ^ of the Union Trust Company was tary, George H. Schneider, at the uteVature. announced yesterday by William Ma" 1 P o s t Office, or from its r e p Mrs. Harper Sibley is chairman W. Foster, president. resentative, Charles G. Thayer, 34 of the Good Neighbor group, Mr. Meinhart began his banking State Street. with Maurice Esser and Jose M. a clerk with the old i ° Tristan co-chairmen. career as The club also is aiding in sponCitizens Bank of Rochester in ^ { f ^ To AddreSS soring a dinner at 6 P. M. today 1919. Upon the merger of that in- ~ «, 1 in the Chamber of Commerce stitution with the Union Trust C o m m e r c e C I 1 1 D marking Pan - American Day. Company a year later, he was Under the title, "This Is Your Speaker will be E. A. Wells Cosmade head bookkeeper, and in Town," Charles J. Stevenson, edi- xm0f banker and minister of n a 1932 became chief clerk. A graduate of East High School, tor of the "Washington County tional economy in Colombia. Dr. h e later attended Mechanics I n - Post," will outline opportunities Costillo will discuss "Cultural and stitute and the University of to be found in both large and small Economic Relationships Between Rochester. He is a member of the communities at a meeting of the t n e Tjrnted States and Colombia." Rochester Museum of Arts and Commerce Club at 12:15 P. M. too t h e r organizations participatSciences, the Rochester Art Club, day in the Chamber of Commerce, ^ g in tonight's program are the Rochester Numismatic Association; Founded in 1788, the Post is r e - Italian Cultural Society, the Cirand a governor of Rochester Chap- puted to be the oldest weekly cui0 Espanol, Spanish Department ter, American Institute of Bank- newspaper in America. It is pub- 0 f the University of Rochester, the ing. lished at Cambridge, N. Y. Junior Chamber of Commerce and • ; t h Q Chamber World Trade Committee.


• * l i n t advertiflemeDi is contributed b j



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Announcing the election of Lnwrence Sterling Henrirttd 8. Feeder illfrerf a SeneiWe to co partnershif with Ei Wolff i the ddwrturing agency

Si Wolff & Associates 428 Taylor Bailding Rochester, N. Y.


State Tax Chief Explains Procedure On Unincorporated Business Incomes





(Bel-Air Manor) This charming stone-and-stneco house in depirable Bel-Air Manor Has % bedrooms, 2 b a t h s on s e c ond floor: m a i d ' s q u a r t e r s on third floor. Completely redecorated. 65x120 ft. lot. 2-car a t t a c h e d g a r a g e . Close t o schools, b u s % 330 » Olive D r a b Greer, • Dovetail Corners—reinforced returns already filed, a 25 per cent eluded in and is a part of partner- tot Main, • C h e s t Handles, each end ACRES, Jt>—Chicken a n d g a r d e n • W h i t e Aeh and Birch farm, good buildings, close in. reduction has been taken errone- ship form 204. A r t F . S a n t a y . 130 ISftst Main. • Happf and Hinjfes fitted on May Be Exempt ously, Rollin Browne, president of H.( :• I.. Army UpttciflCAtigna HELP WASTED Small business concerns, in S u i t a b l e for—Fishing' E q u i p m e n t the State Tax Commission, said —Tool Boxes, Storage— T o y s — a a d many cases, are exempted from S Tf,E N will fit in any c a r — ( s m a l l e r sizes neO G R A P H E R - SECRETARYtoday. rrawwwsrit nft ithe orin- k m j "' position open with welle a s i l y carried a r o u n d ) , p ayment o n e ttax a x bv o y two i w o inui W n d , , w n u > w n c o m p a n y fl„. capaOnee a p a i n yo« have a n opporIn other cases, he indicated, cioal deductions—a flat exemption We girl with imuativ,. Attractive t u n i t y t o tony a s t u r d y c a r r y - * U , , ,- _ hours. Main 4340. taxpayers have paid only part of JTI, or all purpose chest for a fractton of i t s cost. __ the tax, under the mistaken as- of $5,000, and a salary exemption HEI.P W A W T E P — TWMA< THE Cbd-cowed sumption that it may be paid in of 20 per cent of net income, in LYELL HARDWARE & --ti'iiiiy !>•• i! ion for Mn n KEKP ENGAGEMENT RING installments. no event in excess of $5,000. B O Ot iK E R C A S I u r a t e pfr.-on. Appiy in pi rLUMBER CO. niifl Ortl e |;,„ !i*.-t. r Partnerships are allowed the ,^1 With Saturday the final day for H 1451 LYELL AVE. A ifoiiii'ii t r * l*n t «• to you- l>ridefiling both personal and business same flat exemption, and the salBUSINESS MEN ATTENTION to-iw! Lovely ai.tiiiond-sct mstate income tax returns, Com- ary exemption is allowed for each However, missioner Browne explained that active nesses partner. with a gross incomebusiof HOMTB ^ W ^ J ' I J ^ , r ^ ^ J ; ! paj,'«'mti, Afti-arved setting. Froni our imOUR the 25 per cent reduction does S10.000 or more, or a net income nip' i IMirlatit rin^' t-oiierlion. not apply to the unincorporated of $5,000 or more, must file a reHOME F I R S T MORTGAGES ^HR H linn J'aumrnt' A ininff'ti business lax. It is due in full by turn in any case. AVAII.AHI.E r.»"....o~7tiiM n.-.TT IS YOUR Saturday midnight. The unincorporated business gage*, low interest, quick each : •R . jfl HOME IN , . ,_ J t d l u i t - , Realtor, '^'4 P o w e r s Bui!d"(Site Sttttilvilin Co. The unincorporated business taxpaycr computes his gross in- ,„„ M a ; ,, I 2 g s , Evenings Oefje^t-e ,:A J E W E L E R S W%>. '•' ,$M TIME OF tax law, administered in much the r«me and net income practically - " ^ / •„,• Owr " » ' II tiixirnl J enri CARROT JUICE same manner as the income tax the same way as the general inSORROW, :>\ KAST \ \ K \ I !•: law, imposes a 4 per cent tax on rome taxpayer, with the exception | \ A u - "T >Irn• E l!i