drenching program, say animal husbandry specialists at .... unusually goodâmay this Sun day excell if possible ... Sch
August 22, 1946 Cows in New York State are retained in production less than five years after they first freshen. This heavy turnover of cows adds to the cost of production.
Madison County Leader, MorritwIIle, N. 1.
PERSONAL ITEMS About Our Own People
Students Will Find Paradę, Speakers Morrisville Ninę Shuts Out Madison Few New Teachers Highlight Annual For Finał Playoff OnM.E.C.S.Faculty LebanonHomeDay
Use of phenothiazine and salt Several new teachers and a in the control of sheep parasites "There is nothing insignificant, nothing"—Coleridge. by new principal of the Morrisvillegains morę support from sheepEaton Central School system men each year. It is an import Phil Howlett will greet students when school ant addition to the regular —Mrs. Arthur Mitchell of Au—Mrs. Lela Youell spent the re-opens September 3. The drenching program, say animal new school directory, released husbandry specialists at Cornell. week end in Cortland, the guest burn, was the guest of Mrs. F. The rejuvenated LegionH. Storrs, Sunday. of Miss Eva Caldwell. today lists the following per—Mrs. William March under- nairs of Morrisville lashed back sonnell connected with the sys —Mrs. Evelyn Lee Goodfellow of Syracuse, has been visiting went a surgical operation at the at the Madison nine Sunday tem for the year 1946-1947: Serving Your Insurance with a 10-0 victory. By driving relatives in town this past week. Oneida City Hospital on Friday Leon W. Hamilton, District Needs Since 1912 out eleven solid bingles, includSuperintendent of Schools, —Dr. C. R. Roberts and fam- afternoon. ing a home run by Buck —Mr. and Mrs. Donald GrifMadison County, District No. ily were in town recently callHayslett, Morrisville took the fin went to Syracuse Monday to 2. ing on their cousin, Mrs. Rosę Phone 94, Morrisville,N.Y. attend the wedding of Miss Alice lead in the first inning and never Board of hducation: I. M. Kingsbury. relinąuished it. Hayslett lead Damico and Mr. James Klock. Charlton, President; Frank R. —Mr. and Mrs. Leon DeLano —Mrs. Hugh Hedyer and lit- off in the first with a linę double Clark, Harley D. Woodcock, celebrated their twenty-fourth tle son, of Be 11 vi Ile, are spend to right center. He scored wedding anniversary, Monday, ing a few days with Mrs. Hed- ąuickly when White, the Madi Nelson L. Neidhardt, Wilbur Crane; R. Harry Lyndon, August 19. yer's mother, Mrs. Nellie An son pitcher, threw into center Clerk; Mrs. Grace Phelps, field. Fields and Clark both —Mr. and Mrs. George W. drews. Treasurer, and Mrs. EfTa DeMcCormick-Deering drew walks and Tucker, Lyndon Walter celebrated their 9th wed —Miss Hazel Suits spent last Puy, Collector. Farm Machinery ding anniversary Saturday, weekend with her flance, Charles Howlett, " and Shorty Cramer Faculty 1946-1947: Edward MorrisvilIe August 17. Holborn, and his parents, Mr. followed with hits to plate four R.' Andrews, Supervising Prin morę runs. Frederickś then re—Arthur Hicks, is having his and Mrs. Charles Holborn at lieved White to retire the side. cipal; Paul J. Meurant, Instruvacation from duties at MATI Rochester. mental Musie; Eleanor L. In the fourth, Lyndon How Northrup, Vocal Musie; Harold —Miss Maxine Clark of Buf and spending it at home paintSAVE AT falo, is home for a month's va- lett singled and stole second, J. Brown, Bóys' Physical Eduing his house. —Mrs. Giles Brown and moth- cation, returning here with her Shorty Cramer followed with a cation and Health; Evelyn V. er, of Herkimer, spent the day parents, who had been in Bel- single to left to score Howlett, Sautter, Girls' Physical EducaM e n s and Boys' Clothing Crandall came up with a bunt tion and Health; Phyllis Roby, with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. mont a week. Work Clothing single and took second on the School Nurse and Health; Ray —Jerry, Karen Vonny and Jones, Tuesday. Oneida, N. Y. pitcher's bad throw. Cramer —Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lyndon Scotty Griffin -spent Monday in took third on the play and mond H. Martin, Agriculture spent Monday and Tuesday at Syracuse at the home of their scored the second run of the and Junior High Industrial the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. inning on Hayslett's infield out. Arts; LaVanche Phelps, HomeScott Wadsworth. making; Norma B. Bury, Art; Hedyer at Bellville. Again in the sixth Lyndon MEDICINES Marjorie M. Blackmar, Li—Fred Henry, who has been —Miss Hazel Wilt of MorrisHowlett led off with a single and SICK ROOM SUPPLIES brary and Latin; Elmore Jenks, ville, and Miss Jane McKennan attending a Southern college, is rode home on Crandall's twoCommerce; Dan A. Nickel, home for a few weeks vacation. of Herkimer, are camping at base clout into right center. Senior High English; N. Jean He will return for the fali term Lakę George this week. Hayslett chose this point to Crandon, Spanish and 9th Year Morrisville —Dr. Malcolm Galbreath and in September. poke a long home run far over English; Mary F. Mclntosh, —Mr. Stewart Foote pf BingRoyson N. Whipple spent Sunthe left nelder's*>head. This Junior High English; Nancy A. ,,ii i i day at a Food Technologist hamton, is spending. a two smash scored the finał runs of 0'Neiłl, Senior High Social weeks* vacation at the home of meeting in Amherst, Mass. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. the gamę as Frederickś did not Studies; Pauline M. Neville, —Mr. and Mrs. Jack Egglesgive up a hit in the finał three Junior High Social Studies; Foote, Eaton Center. ton of Skaneateles, former resiframes. INSURE IN Janis A. King, Senior High —Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bowdents of Morrisville, were callCarl Crandall threw three SURĘ INSURANCE Mathematics; Clara B. Love, ers of Connecticut, spent a part ing on friends this past week. hit balls for Morrisville, striking Junior High Mathematics; of their vacation with Mr. BowPhone 36-W Reidy Błock —Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dodge er's sister and family, Mr. and out seven men without allowing Gwendolyn I. Turner, Juniorannounce the birth of a baby a base on balls. The victory Senior High Science. Mrs. E. Fay Dexter. daughter, born Friday, August acquired while —Miss Pauline Neville has was easily Natalie O. Schultz, Grade 6, 16, at the Oneida City hospital. backed by the errorless playing completed her summer school Morrisville; Marijane A. EngDR. E. L. MONTFORT —Dr. C. R. Roberts was the work at Oswego Normal, where of his mates^ dahl, Grade 5, Morrisville; Cali Camp Phone New White was charged with the Katherine R. Meurant, Grade 4, first veterinary at the State she received her Master's Deloss, although Frederickś was Morrisville; Marjorie B. Pugh, School here and is now with the gree. She is now at her home in Woodstock 32Y21 or pounded freely during the course Grade 3, Morrisville; Elizabeth Sheffield Co. in New York City, Peterboro. Morrisville 12 —Mr. and Mrs. George Fryer —Marshall Johnston cele of the gamę. E. Jones, Grade 2, Morrisville; Morrisville won the right to Margeurite C. Butler, Grade 1, and family are spending their brated his 72nd birthday, Aug. vacation with Mrs. Fryer's 15. He received a telephone cali meet Earlville in the play Morrisville; Ethel G. Spoor, mother, Mrs. Rosę Kingsbury. of congratulations from Mrs. off gamę next Sunday to decide Remedial Group, Morrisville; Expert Radio Service the league championship. Dorothy M. Wall, Grades 5 and —Mrs. Rosę Wilt and daugh- John Abbott of Bridgeport, L. N. LITTLEFIELD Conn. 6, Eaton; Doris D. Payne, ters, Hazel and Lorrainę, were South St., Morrisville Grades 3 and 4, Eaton; Edna C. —The last report concerning supper guests Friday evening of Phone 39R McClelland, Grades 1 and 2, Miss Kate Balton at New Hart Henry Menge, who is a surgical Robert L. §towell Eaton; Norma L. Edding, patient in the University Hos ford. , . 1, ... . Węda Juliff ^Pittman Grades 1-6, West Eaton; Mary pital, Syracase, is that he is up —Mr. and Mrs. Howard New W. Dorrance, Grades 3, 4, 5, and around and will fly to his At Gilbert Lakę Park ton and children of Long Island, WATCHES and CLOCKS Peterboro; and Barbara Flanihome at Pittsburgh, Pa. Mon are visiting at the home of Rob REPAIRED gan Grades 1 and 2, Peterboro. r Robert J. Stowell, son of Mr, ert Newton and family. The day. —Dr. and Mrs. Duane Ensign and Mrs. Chester P. SteweHNsf Employees: Fffcsi!r=ff: Smith, Newtons are brothers. (Eugene Willard) of McGraw, called on friends Madison and Miss Julia Pittman Custodian, MorrisviIle; James —Mrs. George Benson of An Dexter Błock, Morrisville Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. of Bauxite, Arkansas, were mar- C, Gallagher, Custodian, Morderson, S. C , and her daughter, Ensign were both former resi- ried Wednesday, August 14, at riville; Jay A. Maine, Cleaner, Miss Helen Forbes of Middledents of Morrisville in their the home of the bridegroom's Morrisville; William Sprague, town, N. Y. have been spending younger years. brother, Howard C. Stowell, at Custodian, Eaton; Walter V. a week with Rev. and Mrs. Ben r—Mr. Charles G. Richardson, Gilbert Lakę State Park, near Seeley, School Caretaker, West son at the Methodist Parsonage. whose letter concerning his re- Oneonta. The double ring cere- Eaton; John R. Campbell, 71 Lebanon St., Phone 334 —The Junior Auxiliary of the cent visit to Momsyille, was mony was £er¥brmed by t h e School Caretaker, Peterboro; Jay A. Maine, Driver, Bus No. United Church will sponsor a printed last week, is no longer Rev. Paul Wright of Auburn. HAMILTON, N. Y. public card party at 8 P. M. on a printer. He is now vice-presiThe bride wore a powder blue. 1; M. A. Roeller, Driver, Bus dent of Builders-Providence, September 11. Refreshments will suit with black accessóries and. i i o ^ ^ H a x r ^ y n d o n ^ r i y ' &'•"''"' nA-wwi^;jg|^gg . gg " ~ ———' ' !««,> ,di«?isioR of Buildese* Iro&j wuie a tut sagę ; uf uiuUjdii. She er, Bus No. 5; G. MneiydnTrFoundry, Providence, R. I.,, with was given in marriage by Wil sort, Driver, % Bus No. 4; Mrs. be given later. GEORGETOWN LIVE whom he has been associated 43 liam Bowman of New York, an Jane. Campbell, Driver, Bus STOCK MARKET —Robert Sterling, son of Vio- years. intimate friend of the bridal No. 8; Walter V. Seeley, Driver, and Slaughter House la Sterling, a former member of —The Morrisville Legion's ob- couple. The attendants were Mr. Bus No. 11; George A. March, the Morrisville High School facand Mrs. Howard Stowell. Mrs. Driver Bus No 12; Miss Mary ulty, is visiting friends in town. servation post on Eaton St., re Stowell wore white with a cor- E. Tyler, Cafeteria Cook, MorLocated 2 miles north of CeorgeMrs. Sterling will* make her cently purchaśed by Miss Mary sage of roses. risville; Mrs. Marjorie W. Datown on Main Road. home in Herkimer this coming Woodward, was moved to TusCafeteria Cook, Eaton; Following a reception, a wed vis, carora Lakę last Saturday af year. Cattle & Calves Bought ternoon, where Miss Woodward ding breakfast was held on the Mrs. Theodore Dunning, Cafe teria Cook, West Eaton; Mrs. (by llve weight) every day. —Miss Esther Jones, Miss will fit it up as a camp. The pro- lawn near the lakę. The couple Charlotte Davis, Cafeteria Shirley Lux of New Hartford, ceeds from its sale will go to- left for a trip in the Adirondack Cook, Peterboro; Mrs. Iva DaTrucks avai1able. Phone anytime Miss Marian Manion, Waterville, wards buying new baseball uni- mountains. On their return they vis, Supervisor of Attendance; Georgetown 23F4. will visit in this vicinity, before teachers at the Madison school, forms for the Legion team. Mr. Stowell returns west to re Dr. L. B. Chase, School Phyare motoring through the New sume work with the Aluminum sician, and R. Harry Lyndon, England States and Canada. PrincipaPs Clerk. Corp of America. They plan to be gone a couple The bride is a nurse ahd spent of weeks. two years in the Anny Nurse —While Mr. and Mrs. Charles ROMĘ RADIO STATION Corps. The bridegroom is a Foote were attending the Foote- METHODIST CHURCH NOTES graduate of Madison Central Granting of a construction Leigh reunion at Oneida last School, the University of Mis permit to the Romę Sentinel Sunday, they were surprised by We come to the last Sunday souri, and has served in the Company, by the Federal Com a visit from Mr, and Mrs. Fred of our union services. It has navy in the South Pacific area. munications Commission, com Campbell, also of Oneida, for been a helpful and gratifying He received his honorable dis- pleted the formalities necessary mer friends of the Foote's when summer series. I believe it will charge in San Francisco July 15. to legalize the construction of they resided in Canastota. be with regret that we each the proposed |requency modulatake up our church work alone. tion radio station in the Rome—Harry Jensen, EarWille, is We want to express to the Unit Utica area. CARD OF THANKS making a survey of the proposed ed Church our sincere thanks I wish to extend my sincere site of the veterans' housing for the fine co-operation you and heartfelt thanks to all my project for the Morrisville Agri"On the Corner" have given—both in attendance Pelicans nesting at Great Salt cultural and Technical Institute and singing. You have met us friends and neighbors who so "Care for your health and spare kindly remembered me with Lakę, in Utah, frequently make on the state land on Eaton St. morę than half way. May the your doctor for emergencies" He is assisted by Leo Malone, fali and winter in your church cards, flowers and birthday round-trip flights of 100 miles Waterville. Both men are em- be a blessing to you and this greetings during my recent ill- to bring home fish for their young. ployed by the Harvey Construc Pastor hopes there will be many ness at Oneida Hospital. IOwI Harriet T. Kline tion Co., Utica. "Union" occasions as we each
Hockridge Agency
FitzSimmons and Son
Reed's Florist
Church Notices
Page Five
Lebanon.—Despite the cloudy skies arid a threat of rain, over 500 persons—430 of which registered—attended the annual "Old Home Day" held here Sat urday. Beginning with a paradę at 11 A. M., headed by Marshall Billy Upham and the EarWille Central School Band, the various fioats based on the theme "Song Titles," and children as "Mother Goose Characters" gave a sparkling carnival air to the community. At noon a cafeteria dinner was served by the ladies of the church. At 1 P. M. the EarWille Cen tral School band gave a short concert under the direction of Prof. Harry Phillips. Following this was the children's program, with Miss Ruth Pendorf acting as Mistress of Ceremonies. Little 3-year-old Barbara Head sang "Some Sunday Morning." "The Wedding of the Painted Doli," was acted in pantomimę by cleverly costumed children, while Miss Pendorf sang the title song. Mrs. Florence Bartlett presided at the piano. The last act was a piano solo, "Yellow Jonąuils" by Shirley Park. Speakers of the afternoon program were the Rev. Percy Christopher, Providence, R. I., and the Rev. Lewis N. Powell, a former pastor of the Lebanon Federated Church, now pastor of the First Baptist Church pf Greenwich. Both ministers used as their theme: "Keep the Bell Ringing."
CLASSIFIED ADS See other classifkd ads on page 3 AUCTION — THE UNDERS1GNED. being un.ihlt- to o' tam help. will tell a t public auctiun on what is known aa the Moore Farm, '4 mile south of Madiswn County Court Hou8«- in Wamp8villc, N. Y.. on MONDAY. AUGUST 26 at 1 P M . Bharp: herd of 40 MiJk Cows, M Holsiems, 6 Guernaeys; 10 First Calf Heifcrs in all stałeś of lactation; 2 Stock Buli*. 3 HORS Farm Machinery Grain Drill, 2 McCormick Mowing machines, walking plow, cultivator, 2 side delivery rakes (1 McCormick 1 International), 1 New Idea heavy duty hayloader (nearly new); 2 corn h:irvesters (McCormick-Dceriug, 1 with loader attachment); land roller, riding plow, John Deere tractor plow, 14 in. 2 bottom,.? Internationa) tractor plow, 12 in. 2 hottom; tractor disc (International); Spring tooth harrow (Inter national'; 15-30 tractor on rubber (Mc Cormick Deering), dump rake, linie sower, John Deere lumber wagon, White farm truck, new hammer mili, feed grinder with scalea. 10 milk car;s, hay fork, pulleys, 100 ft hay ropę and many other articles too r.umerous to mention. Ternis Credit cnn bejarranged with E. J. Keane of the MerchantsjBank of Syracuse. 1-ee Daniels, Owner. Hu old l^e, Auctioneer *w2
Mrs. Glenn Hazzard, each were awarded a prize of $1. First prize of $5 for the "best float in linę of the paradę was awarded to David Campbell for "Some Sunday Morning." Sec ond prize of $3, went to the Leb anon Church for its float "Bringing In the Sheaves," portrayed by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Branagan. Other participants were each awarded consolation prizes of $.50 each. Paradę judges were: Robert Lewis, Wallingford, Conn.; Ha zel Dale, Georgetown, and Mary Catlin, Earlville. In the sport events, two hundred pennies hidden in sawdust . caused a scramble among t h e younger children to locate them. In the Ladies' necktie tying eontest, Mrs. Kenneth Schofield, Guilford, and Mrs. Bud Jensen, Earlville, were tied; nail driving, Mrs. Charles Rodman won first place. In the men's egg throwing contest, Don Branagan and Fred Slocum, Jr., tied. The married men out-pulled the single men in the tug of war, but later in a practice softball gamę, the single men claimed victory, al though no score was/"kept.
The Rev. Mr. Powell said, "It makes no difference who you are or what your faith, many people are using the church beli to awaken them on Sunday morning to get up and get their dinner or Sunday papers instead of going to church. These peo ple are parasites on their com munity of those who are trying to keep the beli ringiing. Let the beli seem to mean something to Referees for the sports event you when it rings and hurry be was the committee, composed of fore it is too late." 01iver Benedict, chairman; Ken Prize winners in the paradę neth Upham, Margaret Faucett, were announced as follows: Laura Wedge, Helen Upham and Children's dirision, Funniest— Lucia Upham. "Old King Cole," Michael HolAn evening's program in lenbach, prize of $1; Cutest— which the older residents parPeter Pumpkin Eater," Gary Hughes and Cathy Meyers, $1; ticipated was held in the church, Most original—"Litte Bo-Peep," due to the rain. Joan Wynn, $1. Best decorated Congressman Edwin Arthur car-—prize of $3 to Glenn Ban- Hall of Binghamton, accorapancroft for his "Bathing Beauty ied by Arthur Crouch, Master Car," on which Patricia Pendorf of the Lenox Grange, Canastota, and liaurene Mahony were rid- visited the eelebration in the late ing; best take-off: $5 to Monell afternoon. Catlin as a fruit peddler to illustrate "Yes, We Have No Bananas"; $2.50 priże to Wil Farmers can obtain protection liam Meyers, who sat in a tub, on their 1947 winter wheat illustrating the theme, "This crops under fedteral crop inComes Naturally." Two horse surance plans. Contracts are and buggys in the paradę, being offered through county "Golden Wedding" with Marjor agricultural conservation offices ie Warner and Eleanor Clark, in New York State until Sep tember 15. •-•••-..
Special Sunday Dinners T-Bone Steak $1.50 Fried Chicken $1.25 Virginia Baked Ham $1.00 Prime Ribs of Beef $1.00 Sandwiches Lunches
Cherry Valley Inn MORRISYILLE, N. Y.
College Pharmacy
CAZENOVIA LIVE STOCK MARKET Located at BalHna. 2 młle* south of Catenovia. Cattle & Calves Bought (by Hve wcłght) every Monday and Thursday, trucks avatlabłe. Phone Catenovta 975W. a Hoars 8 A. M. to 4 P. M.
—The red priming coat on the Dr. Malcolm B. Galbreath residence on the corner of North St. and Route 20, which caused so much comment during the past week is now almost thoroughly covered by the first coat of white paint. Mrs. Galbreath remarked she didn't mind when passing motorists stuck their heads out of their cars to grin at her house, but when they stopped, got out and laughed out loud—that was too much.
do the work of our Master. Sunday services at the usual time. We will be glad to look down into your faces this Sun day morning. If the officials of each church could be present it would mean much to us all. We face a great work together this winter. Last Sunday the singing was unusually good—may this Sun day excell if possible our "Melody unto the Lord." E. E. Benson. Pastor
CARD OF THANKS We wish to expreas our sin cere gratitude to all our friends who sent flowers, food or cards and in any other way helped us during our recent bereavement. We alsfj wish to thank all her friends who sent cards during her ilłness at the hospital. Mr. D. Alfred White Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. White 16wl and family
Untitled Document
Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
Three quarters of a million pounds of scrap was gathered and sold as the result of the current iron and steel scrap drive instituted among the county in dustrial plants at the request of the Civilian Production Adminkrtration in Washington, according to A. P. Barnaskey, former chairman of the county indus trial salvage committee, under whose direction the drive was madę.