Take the 6th edition NRP online examination with instructor renewal starting
January 1,. 2013. You may take it annually, at no charge, beginning this spring.
Newborn Resuscitation 2011: Can You Do It All? Jeanette Zaichkin, RN, MN, NNP-BC Seattle Children’s Neonatal Outreach Program
NRP 2011: What is it now? a. Why the program has changed b. What an NRP Course might look like in your hospital
II. What will you need to do? a. Instructors i. View your personal copy of the Instructor DVD by January 1, 2012. ii. Take the 6th edition NRP online examination with instructor renewal starting January 1, 2013. You may take it annually, at no charge, beginning this spring. CE credits are awarded only once/2 years. iii. Teach or co-teach 2 courses in 2 years. The one-person course is an inefficient use of the instructor’s time. The solo learner needs to find volunteers willing to assist with the Integrated Skills Station and simulation and debrief component. iv. Teach NRP using the 6th edition simulation-based learning curriculum. v. Determine how your learners will acces online examination through HealthStream 1. As usual, if your hospital already uses HealthStream as their Learning Management System (arrange to add the NRP online examination). 2. Through a website HealthStream will build for you at no charge. Then you purchase exams needed and provide access to your learners. 3. Individuals may purchase an examination with their credit card.
b. Providers i. Take the Provider Course every 2 years. There is no more Renewal Course. ii. Your institution will decide what happens if your Provider status expires. iii. Study the Textbook or Textbook DVD prior to the course and pass the online examination in the 30 days before the course. Minimal requirement is Lessons 1 through 4 and Lesson 9. jeanette.zaichkin@seattlechildrens.org
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III. The 6th edition NRP Flow Diagram (see 6th edition NRP Flow Diagram) a. Prepare for the birth: personnel and equipment check (see “NRP 2011 Summary” handout: follow along starting on page 2, #9) b. Initial steps c. Meconium-stained newborn management d. Suctioning e. Decision-making is based on respirations, HR and oxygenation per oximetry f.
Pulse oximetry
g. Positive-pressure ventilation h. MR SOPA i.
Chest Compressions
k. Medications IV. Additional sections of the 6th edition textbook a. Special considerations (choanal atresia, Robin syndrome, diaphragmatic hernia) b. Therapeutic hypothermia c. Management of the preterm newborn
V. Can you do it all? a. PPV, CPAP, pulse oximetry, blend and titrate, simulate b. The laryngeal mask airway c. Blending oxygen and air d. Simulation-based learning
Resources NRP materials originate from the American Heart Association Guidelines published in a document titled, “Special Report - Neonatal Resuscitation Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care” which can be found at http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/reprint/peds.2010-2972Ev1 NRP 6th edition materials are available through the American Academy of Pediatrics website. The NRP Instructor DVD is available now. The Textbook of Neonatal Resuscitation, 6th edition and the NRP Instructor Manual may be ordered now and should be available for shipping in May. jeanette.zaichkin@seattlechildrens.org
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NRP Instructor Update Newsletter is accessible to everyone. The last 2 years’ issues have information about the changing education methodology , materials, and the science of resuscitation. http://www.aap.org/nrp/newsletter/newsletter_index.html Zaichkin J and Weiner GM (2011). Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) 2011: New science, new strategies Advances in Neonatal Care : 11(1); 43-51. http://journals.lww.com/advancesinneonatalcare/pages/default.aspx The same manuscript was simultaneously published in the Jan/Feb 2011 issue of Neonatal Network: 30(1); 5-13. ISSN: 0730-0832 (Print) 1539-2880 (Online) HealthStream has partnered with the American Academy of Pediatrics and is your only access to the required online NRP examination. For Western Washington hospitals NOT currently with HealthStream, contact Levi Crabtree at 615.301.3257 (Nashville,TN) for guidance. If your hospital IS currently a HealthStream customer, contact HealthStream at 615.301.3100 and you will be directed to the appropriate Client Account Manager.
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