#13. 22 September 2016. FROM THE PRINCIPAL'S LAPTOP. TÄnÄ koutou katoa. Where has the year gone? The end of term three
ARDMORE SCHOOL NEWSLETTER #13 22 September 2016 Clevedon Road, RD 2, Papakura, Auckland 2582 ph 09-299-6228
[email protected]
www.ardmore.school.nz Twitter;@ardmoreschool1
FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S LAPTOP Tēnā koutou katoa Where has the year gone? The end of term three has come around so quickly and we are racing into the last term of 2016. Ag Day As with any final term of the year there is lots happening next term and I would just like to highlight Friday of the first week back, which is Ag Day. Children will be involved in a range of activities during the day and their indoor points work will be displayed in the school hall. Parents, grandparents and friends are welcome to join us at any time during the day. Prizegivings will be held at various times during the day, beginning with the Gardens at 10.30am. After this, children will be sharing the learning involved in creating their piece of recycled garden art. Each group will present their design and talk about the process involved in creating it. Following this, will be the Animal Prizegiving and Grand Parade. After lunch the school will be dancing! The PSG will be selling food at lunchtime and a coffee van will be onsite throughout the day. Come along and enjoy a rural experience that celebrates the fact that we are a country school. It highlights the family oriented learning style that helps to develop our very special children at Ardmore School. A detailed timetable of events will be sent home when we return to school. Be sure to remind your children to maintain their garden or animal diary over the holidays. Board of Trustees Earlier this term the teachers in the Junior Team met with the Board of Trustees to share the work they have been doing this term in the teaching of science. This was a very interactive, and informative session with Board members able to experience some of the learning the Junior children had been involved in. Simon Goodall was the bravest of the Board members standing on the tray of eggs without breaking one! Mrs Hayley Brier had us all waiting for the balloon to explode as she showed us how to blow up a balloon without putting it to your lips. The Board were impressed to hear the impact on children’s learning, not just in science, but also in other curriculum areas, which has stemmed from the hands on experiments the Junior children have been undertaking and experiencing this term.
Chinese Cultural Day The Year 5 and 6 children took part in a Chinese Cultural Day at Strathallan College. The children were involved in a wide range of activities during the day including Tai Chi and learning Mandarin greetings. The Courier article about the day is on page 2 of this newsletter. Renovations The renovation of the library and rooms 4 - 8 is slowly coming to fruition. Renovations are expected to commence part way through next term. Some of the classes will most probably need to work in the Hall during the renovation. This will also then impact on assemblies and other hall based activities. Access for tradespeople to the building site will be through the staff carpark and back of the Library to ensure student and staff safety. Brigid Peterson Principal
Ardmore Achievers Pukekohe Duathlon. Congratulations to our Ardmore Duathletes Taylor Frost, Tyler Laing, Jamie Peters and Benji Willmer. Taylor finished just shy of the top 3 in the year 5 girls. All four competitors did Ardmore proud showing true determination and sportsmanship.
Michaela Willmer is flying down to Invercargill on Monday to compete at the New Zealand Gymnastics Nationals competition for the week. Michaela has been doing gymnastics for about 6 years and trains 16 hours a week. She has competed at various competitions over this year in order to qualify for Nationals and to try and get a place on the team. She was competing against 18 girls in order to be chosen in the top 4 to make the team. The team is made up of girls from four clubs from the Manukau region. Only the top 72 girls in New Zealand compete at Nationals. Michaela was the only one from her club selected for the team and is also the youngest on the team. Her team will now be competing against 10 other teams for team medals and if she gets an individual score in the top 24 on day one, she will qualify to compete at day two as an individual and try and get a podium finish. At Michaela’s last competition, she came first out of all the Auckland girls and gained a gold medal so we are hoping she will do well in representing the Manukau Region.
ARDMORE PARENT SUPPORT GROUP Term 4 Meeting Dates Wednesday 12 October Wednesday 9 November Wednesday 7 December All meetings are held in the school staffroom at 7.30pm. We would love to see some new faces. They are an informal, friendly gathering where parents get together and discuss what fundraising activities happen within the school and how these funds are spent. There is no obligation to join the PSG, but we welcome everyone's feedback, help and support in assisting the school to provide resources which will benefit all our children. Why not come along and check us out. Subway Lunches Term 4 – Envelopes will be sent home on Mondays, please return orders with money to respective classrooms on Wednesday morning. Please return any unused envelopes that you may have at home, and post in the PSG mail box. We would like to minimize waste and recycle any unwanted envelopes. Please Note: If you are ordering lunches for siblings, please make sure each child has their own envelope. Thank you to our lovely parent helpers that take time out each Wednesday morning to make this Possible. 2017 Gala Day We need you to put your hand up to help with the 2017 Gala Day. MUFTI DAY – 21 OCTOBER – gold coin donation. Theme will be Star Wars Term 4 week 1 We will be requesting bread and fruit (bags of apples, oranges, bananas etc) to be donated on the Thursday.
AG DAY REMINDERS For all your Ag Day information please refer to the Ag Day booklet which was sent home last term. This is also available from our school website www.ardmore.school.nz We are still waiting on a number of entry forms for Ag Day. All children must participate in this important annual event and have an animal and/or a garden entered for the day. Thank you to those who have already submitted entry forms. If you have yet to return a form please post it in the school payment box near the front entrance as soon as possible.
Room Room 4 Class Class Pages Pages
Room 4, Year 0 Interviews with 5 year olds
What do you like best about school? 6 Weeks Writing, I can use my word card to find words. at school What is one thing you have learnt so far? How to do different experiments. My favourite so far was slime with Mrs Young. What is something you would like to learn about? I want to learn about how to feed pets. What would you like to be when you grow up? In a salon making everyone be pretty.
What do you like best about school? Making new friends. What is one thing you have learnt so far? How to draw. I used to just draw the head and the legs but now i can draw the body too. What is something you would like to learn about? How to feed a ladybird and caterpillar. What would you like to be when you grow up? I want to be a teacher.
6 Weeks at school
What do you like best about school? 5 Weeks Getting to dress up. at school What is one thing you have learnt so far? To read. What is something you would like to learn about? I want to learn about fish. What would you like to be when you grow up? I want to be a teacher.
What do you like best about school? 6 Weeks Writing because it is fun. at school What is one thing you have learnt so far? Putting my homework book in the tray. What is something you would like to learn about? I want to learn about dragons. What would you like to be when you grow up? I want to be a policeman.
Room 4 Class Pages
Room 4, Year 0 Interviews with 5 year olds
Ryan 4 Weeks at school
What do you like best about school? 5 Weeks Getting homework because I love it. at school What is one thing you have learnt so far? To read books. What is something you would like to learn about? I want to learn how to play sports. What would you like to be when you grow up? I want to be a mail man.
What do you like best about school? Playing in the sandpit. What is one thing you have learnt so far? Writing. I can write my name and some other words. What is something you would like to learn about? I want to learn about monsters. What would you like to be when you grow up? I want to be a motorbike rider.
What do you like best about school? 7 Weeks Playing sports. at school What is one thing you have learnt so far? I have learnt how to draw some letters. What is something you would like to learn about? I want to learn how to be a policeman. What would you like to be when you grow up? I want to be a soccer player.
What do you like best about school? 7 Weeks I get to play on the playground. at school What is one thing you have learnt so far? I have learnt how to do cartwheels, handstands and the splits. What is something you would like to learn about? How to play hopscotch. What would you like to be when you grow up? I want to be the lady who scans the food at the supermarket.
Room Class Pages
Room 4, Year 0 Interviews with 5 year olds
Isabella 7 Weeks at school
What do you like best about school? 7 Weeks We get to do cool stuff and make cool stuff like at school art. What is one thing you have learnt so far? I have learnt to write sentences. What is something you would like to learn about? I want to learn about robot dinosaurs. What would you like to be when you grow up? I want to be a doctor.
What do you like best about school? Doing writing everyday. What is one thing you have learnt so far? I couldn’t write but now I can. What is something you would like to learn about? How to swim. I do know but sometimes I still sink. What would you like to be when you grow up? I want to be a farmer.
What do you like best about school? 1 Week We learn about letters. at school What is one thing you have learnt so far? I have learnt more letters. What is something you would like to learn about? How to make a garden. What would you like to be when you grow up? I want to be a mummy.
What do you like best about school? 7 Weeks Doing handwriting. at school What is one thing you have learnt so far? How to write my name and the word ‘is’. What is something you would like to learn about? I want to learn how to play more games. What would you like to be when you grow up? I want to clean houses all by myself.
Room Class Pages
Learning in room 4
PUBLIC NOTICES For Sale 1 x 2nd hand jumper size 6 $5 1 x new jumper size 6 $20 1 x culottes size 4 $20 1 x poloshirt size 4 $10
Lamb available for Ag Day if interested phone Megan 021-136-7270
Phone Suzie 021-151-3717
For Sale The uniforms below are either brand new or have used for only one term. Please feel free to contact me at 021 023 595 46 if you are interested in purchasing them. Aminah Hat 1 x Medium, 1 x Large Fleece 1 x Size 8 Shirt 2 x Size 6 1 x Size 12 Shorts 1 x Size 6 1 x Size 12
Near new New Near new Near new
$10 each $50 $20 each $20 each
Changes to Year 8 School Based Immunisation Programme for 2017 Due to recent changes to the National Immunisation Schedule the School Based Immunisation Programme Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine will now be given to boys as well girls in Year 8. There will be two vaccinations given with a 6 month gap between the doses. Information on the vaccine and a consent form will be given to your child early 2017, for you to fill out and return to the school. No child will be vaccinated without written consent. Additionally if you require more information on this important Immunisation Programme Contact Papakura Public Health Office 295 1280 Or alternatively go to http://www.health.govt.nz/your-health/conditions-a nd-treatments/diseases-and-illnesses/cervical-can cer/hpv-immunisation