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GEORGETOWN - SCOTT COUNTY. PLANNING COMMISSION. June 2016. May. Construction Progress. Toyota Tsusho coil metal. storage

June 2016

The SKINNY Aspen Dental and Visionworks are now hiring and opening soon.

May New building permits City 47 County 10 Subdivision plats reviewed and recorded 7 LOC sureties $ 4.3M Cash sureties $ 514K

Construction Progress

Toyota Tsusho coil metal storage facility on Triport Rd.

Mapping Your World

As part of the Comprehensive Plan process, the question was asked “How much of downtown is dedicated to motorist activity?” Using Georgetown’s B-3 zone as the definition of downtown, it was found that over 1/3 of our downtown is built for the primary purpose of serving motor vehicles, including both road surfaces and off-street parking.

Inside views and news

Comprehensive Plan and USB Update The Comprehensive Plan Land Use subcommittee is evaluating the Urban Service Boundary (USB) and future land use map for the City of Georgetown and will make a recommendation on whether the USB should expand, contract, or remain the same. We are looking at setting the boundary based on a ten year growth horizon . . . far enough ahead that we can plan for anticipated urban growth, but near enough that we don’t include so much land area that we entice urban growth far from existing city limits. The goal is that urban development expands within the urban service boundary, and rural development is limited to those uses that serve the needs of the rural population. There are approximately 15,003 acres within the current Georgetown USB, of which 11,025 acres have been annexed. 3,977 acres remain unincorporated. There are large pockets of unincorporated land within the current USB, including all of the Triport Industrial Park and the adjacent industrial businesses. This is a problem from a planning perspective, as these areas receive some urban benefits and services without the tax obligation faced by similar developments within the city limits. There is also much land already annexed, but vacant or undeveloped within the existing USB. 7,231 acres, or 48% of the land area within the Georgetown USB, remains undeveloped. Of this, 4,175 acres, or 28%, is zoned and used for agricultural uses and 3,056 acres, or 20%, is zoned for urban uses, but is currently vacant. A recent inventory of commercial property revealed that there are 374 commercially-zoned parcels, outside of the downtown zone, in the city of Georgetown, consisting of 3,927,831 million square feet of building area on 1064.6 acres. Using the current annual growth rate, we will likely see a population increase of around 14,000 people in Georgetown in the next 10 year period. This would translate to roughly 5,376 new households, which would require 1,222 acres of residential land, at a base density of 4.4 units an acre. Commercial/office/retail/industrial growth needs are more complex to quantify. Currently there are 695 acres of planned Commercial land, 152 acres Office, 390 acres Commerce/Business Park, 647 acres Industrial, and 3,471 acres Residential within the current USB. To summarize, there is clear evidence that the raw land exists within the Georgetown Urban Service Boundary to accommodate development for at least the next ten year period. What remains to be determined is how we provide the infrastructure to support growth within the existing confines of the USB and whether there should be minor adjustments to the boundary to reflect recent transportation improvements or to follow property lines or physical features in certain areas.

Meet Johnny Cannon Johnny Cannon is our new Planning Commissioner, representing both the City and County. He is a lifelong resident of Scott County, where he resides on his family farm in Oxford. He is married to Jennie Hamilton Cannon. In addition to farming, Johnny worked at IBM for over 30 years and retired in 2000. Johnny has served on multiple boards in Georgetown and Scott County over the past 30 years, and he is an avid Scott County and UK basketball fan. He is the father to Jackie and Kristen and has one granddaughter Jilliann. Welcome, Johnny!