Clevedon Road, RD 2, Papakura, Auckland 2582 ph 09-299-6228 Twitter;@ardm
#4 13 April 2016
Clevedon Road, RD 2, Papakura, Auckland 2582 ph 09-299-6228
Barfoot and Thompson Award - Roshini Ramachandran Twitter;@ardmoreschool1
It is expected that schools will supervise the school grounds and designated nearby areas, such as a school bus stop, for a reasonable period before school (e.g. 30 mins) and a short period after school (e.g. 15 mins). Every school is different and factors such as bus timetables may affect the practice at any particular school (e.g. if the last school bus leaves 20 minutes after school ends then you would not end your supervision after 15 minutes). Schools are not expected to take on responsibility for all students travelling to and from school. Problems can arise when parents and caregivers are confused about the extent of the responsibility the board of a school has taken on outside of school hours or in the community. Therefore it is common for schools to notify caregivers of the times when and places where supervision is offered outside school hours and to clarify what responsibility, if any, the school has over transport or after school care arrangements. Clear communication can prevent misunderstandings that may result in students being left without adequate supervision before or after school.” Quote from Ministry of Education website
Brigid Peterson Principal
Term 2 2016 Meeting Dates Wednesday 18 May (First meeting for Term 2) All meetings are held in the school staffroom at 7.30pm. We would love to see some new faces. They are an informal, friendly gathering where parents get together and discuss what fundraising activities happen within the school and how these funds are spent. There is no obligation to join the PSG, but we welcome everyone's feedback, help and support in assisting the school to provide resources which will benefit all our children. Why not come along and check us out. GALA DAY A BIG thank you to everyone who helped make this day the success it was despite the weather. A huge thank you to our sponsors and the companies and families who donated gifts and prizes. The feedback so far has been that everyone had a wonderful time. I’m sure that everyone would agree that the kids market was a highlight of the day. The takings for the day currently stand at $21 000 (to be confirmed).
PSG Secretarial Position Available – Shelley Southgate has resigned from her position as the PSG Secretary. She has held this role for over 3 years and has done an amazing job. If you are interested in this role and would like to talk about it, please feel free to contact Rachel or Shelley for more information. Subway Lunches Term 2 – Will start the first week back. Envelopes will be sent home on Monday’s, please return orders with money to respective classrooms on Wednesday morning. Please return any unused envelopes that you may have at home, and post in the PSG mail box. We would like to minimize waste and recycle any unwanted envelopes. Please Note: If you are ordering lunches for siblings, please make sure each child has their own envelope. Thank you to our lovely parent helpers that take time out each Wednesday morning to make this possible.
Nigel Latta – Don’t forget to book 9 June 7.30p.m. -9.30 p.m. into your diaries, let your friends and family know too. More information on tickets, topic etc to come closer to the date. Lock it in your diaries; he is not to be missed. School Disco Will be held on 20 May. More details to follow next newsletter. Yearbook Missed out getting your 2015 Yearbook?? There are a few left, please contact Donna Brown on if you would like to purchase one.
Room 13’s Gala Day Memories
My mum, dad and aunty were at Gala Day and I got to play the duck game. I really wanted to go in the big balls but I didn’t get to because it started to rain. Tristan
We could buy some things in the hall and I got an ice-cream. Melissa
I liked playing the toilet game. You have to throw the toilet paper into the toilet and if you get it in you get a lolly. Luke
I liked having candyfloss and L&P, buying a jar lantern and going on the playground. Elliot
Playing spin the wheel was lots of fun because you got to choose any animal you like, then when you land on it you win 2 tokens and get a prize. Aleeza
I got my face painted like a rainbow butterfly and it had lots of rainbow colours on it. Hazel
I sat on the courts and had an icecream slushy with Brook P and my family. Eden
My dad and I went to the Kids Zone in Room 7 to buy stuff to play with. Brook P
I played gala games and won a prize. Nathan
On gala day I liked going in the giant balls on the field. It was fun banging into my friends. Breanna
On gala day I played lots of gala games and I won lots of tokens and prizes. I also got my face painted as Batman. Liam
At the school gala I got lots of teddies as some of the prizes and I got lots of toys as well. Alex
There was face painting at gala day and I got a rainbow butterfly painted on my face. Jamie
In the hall we bought a cat toy for my cat Joe and he loves playing with it. Zoe
It was fun at gala day because I got to play lots of gala games and I sold lots of jar lanterns up in the hall. Savanna
I liked the bouncy balls because they were fun and I got my face painted as a fairy. Freyja
My favourite thing at Gala Day was playing the gala games. I won a ball and two lolly bags. Ella
My favourite thing was getting a prize water gun when I played the duck game. Isaac
I saw snow globes and doughnuts and water guns. I like playing with my water gun. Tia
It was fun at the end because my dad was trying to shoot me with a water pistol that we bought for my brother. Brooke B