Dr. Jeff Guinn, our new Executive Director of the SBCV. Jeff is a personal friend
who has a heart for God and is a great preacher, and that's not just “preacher” ...
A Time Of Hilarious Comedy by One of Today’s Most Popular Family Comedians. This is an event you will not want to miss. Get ready to Bust a Gut! More info inside . . .
Our Pastoral Staff Carl Weiser Senior Pastor David Dalton Minister of Music Brian Freerksen Sr. High Pastor Bryan Hagley Jr. High Pastor Marvin Hiner Senior Adults Pastor Rick Magee Administrative Pastor Dr. Paul Marks Associate Pastor Michael Summy Children’s Pastor
September October 2008
Phone: 434.821.6906
Fax: 434.821.6907
Phone: 434.821.6906 Fax: 434.821.6907 www.hhbc.net
BLESSINGS IN CHRIST When you receive this I, along with eight other members of HHBC, will be on our way to Bangkok, Thailand to work with our IMB missionaries. Our task is going to be one of sharing Christ in prisons, prayer walking, working with Thai college students (using teaching English to share Christ) , and a little bit of repair work at a local Baptist Church. Pray for us as you’ve probably heard about the political unrest in Bangkok. While I’m excited to be sharing in the prisons I really don’t want to become a permanent resident, if you know what I mean. I know you’ll be blessed as we continue to explore our new mission statement, Connect Grow Impact. In the first two Sunday’s of the month you’ll have the privilege of hearing Dr. Jeff Guinn, our new Executive Director of the SBCV. Jeff is a personal friend who has a heart for God and is a great preacher, and that’s not just “preacher” talk. Jeff’s preaching is one that I admire and love to hear, and you’ll be blessed by his message. Our very own Kevin Brooks will finish up the Impact portion on the 12th as he shares on how to make an impact on your friends, community and world. On the 12th you’ll also get to hear Pete Foss’ personal testimony as he tells you about the importance of
Pastor Carl sharing the Gospel with those closest to you. On Sunday, Oct. 26th, we’ll have what is called “Community Day.” That morning we’ve invited Christian Comedian Scott Davis to share through comedy and music. I want to challenge you to take a postcard and invite a friend to hear Scott. It will be one of those Connect opportunities as many of your friends and relatives will come to church to hear a comedian long before hearing a “preacher”. That afternoon and evening we’ll be hosting the community with our Fall Fun Fest. We really do need all hands on deck if for nothing else but to be here to welcome folks and to make connection with those closest to our church. My prayer is that through CGI we’ll become a church committed to and actually making disciples. I pray that we’ll reach people for Christ and then teach them to become mature disciples of Christ. I pray that we’ll stand together and make CGI our standard for doing ministry. I’ll be back in the pulpit on the 19th, God willing, and pray the plane arrives on time. so I want to see every chair occupied and hearts ready to worship the Lord.
Pastor Carl
AFM COLLEGE MINISTRY Fall is here and opportunities for ministry and fellowship are abounding in our college ministry. In recent weeks we have been having a great time of fellowship and Bible study on Sunday nights. We along with our church family are recognizing what it means to connect, grow, and impact. Our discussion and time in God’s Word has been greatly beneficial and we are excited about how God is working in our midst. Our Sunday Night Fellowship time in our home will continue every week until November 2nd so please come and join us. In October we will be tailgating at LU on Saturday the 18th. This will be a fun day of fellowship as we connect, eat, and watch football together ,so please don’t miss it. We also have some other events scheduled later this fall so check our schedule for all of the activities and plan accordingly. I pray that each of you have settled in for the fall and that school is going well. If you have any questions concerning our ministry, email me at
[email protected]
have a laugh or two : ) Actual Bulletin Bloopers Junior & Senior Softball Tournament
Today! A traveling plague will be CDs are available for shut-ins or awarded the winning team. those who are are sick of the Sunday services. The couples reheat will be next month. Ladies, don’t forget the rummage sale. It’s a good chance to get rid of Come join us this Saturday for our things not worth keeping around the work day as we wash the widows. house. Bring your husbands. Hymn: I Love Thee, My Ford The pastor and his wife have moved into the new parsonage. The congre- Tickets are still available for the thegation is invited to come by and see ater trip. Cost includes dinner with a where they love. choice of men.
Kevin Brooks
Sunday Night Fellowship 6:30pm-10:00pm-Brooks Home (Every Sunday through November 2nd) October 18th Tailgating LU 11:00am Football Game 1:00pm
December 5th Parents Night Out, 5-8pm
November 2nd Fall Fellowship Brooks House-6:00pm
December 6th Christmas Party-6:00pm
November 9th Richmond Trip
MEET SCOTT DAVIS Scott Davis received Christ at the age of sixteen on July 10, 1979. He is a graduate of Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia where he attended on a full scholarship for traveling with the Light Singers. While working toward his degree in cross-cultural studies, Scott traveled across the U.S. and to ten foreign countries. Scott’s ministry has continued in the U.S. and abroad since his graduation in 1984. He has taken the gospel of Christ personally and via television to hundreds of thousands of people. He has appeared on Mark Lowry’s videos and has written comedy for Mark while under contract with Word Records. For a year, Scott appeared weekly on the national television show, “The Mark & Kathy Show,” with Mark Lowry and Kathy
WORDS OF A SEPARATED MOM By the time I took the step to separate, I thought it was already too late to “fix” anything. My emotions were dead. Whatever this man did after that made no difference, I had no desire to be near him or even see him. My son once said, after we had been separated a while, “Mama, Daddy’s nice now.” I just grinned and thought, “how cute.” Never did I realize what those words were trying to say - I want my mommy and my daddy, and my family together. I just thought he’s young, doesn’t have the maturity to know or understand, and he’ll be just fine. As it turns out, in his innocence, he was wiser than me. I didn’t realize the impact that one choice would make on the rest of our lives. There’s a reason the Bible says God hates divorce. Divorce is a sin that painfully affects everyone involved, It’s not temporary. It doesn’t just occur and end. Its consequences continue for a lifetime. The initial hurt of separation on the children doesn’t end, it just changes. Children are torn the rest of their lives. By choosing divorce, you are putting your children in an unfair position of having to choose between mommy and daddy. Every major holiday, children are torn between parents, grandparents, etc. Someone’s going to miss the delight of seeing their faces, and it might be you! The same thing will happen with every event or activity your child participates in. Not to mention, that you no longer will have the only other person in the world who cares as much about your children as you do, to share the joy of their achievements with. Marriage is a vow made before God. What a scary thought to break that vow! Marriage is a commitment. Love is an action, not an emotion. If you base your choices on how you feel you are making a grave mistake. You have to do what’s right “for righteousness sake”, regardless of how you feel. Whether you “feel” like it or not, whether your heart’s in it or not, you do it just because it’s right. You have to follow God’s word. We are limited. We don’t have crystal balls to see the results of our actions, but God knows. That’s why His way is the only way that works. Even if you think “my circumstances are different - there’s no way I could live with this person.” Make a choice to follow your duty instead of your emotions. God loves you. God has the answers. People, as well intentioned as they are, can lead you astray. God’s plan may not be
Troccoli. Along with his weekly appearances, he has been a guest on numerous religious and secular radio and television broadcasts, including an appearance with comedian Dennis Swanberg on “Swan’s Place.” Today, Scott conducts “GET REAL” national conferences with the nations’ top speakers and musicians. He also presents music and comedy concert events called “Hope Through Hilarity,” which are extremely conducive to inviting the lost and unchurched. Among others, the ministry of Scott Davis is recommended by Dr. Charles Stanley, Mike Tait of dcTalk, Mark Hall of Casting Crowns, comedian Mark Lowry, and Phil Newberry of Bellevue Church in Memphis.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Struggling with a disability? Don’t go it alone!
Join the Disability Support Group meeting Thursday, October 23rd from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. in the gym. Be sure and invite a friend!
Quarterly Business Meeting
There will be a Quarterly Business Meeting on October 19th at 6:00 p.m. If you are interested in contributing to the newsletter, please contact Mike Saunders at
[email protected] or call 821-6906.
Contributed by Paul Marks quick and “easy”, but it works and is what’s best. Barring some severe circumstances, people need to stay together for the well being of their children. It is a lie that they will be okay. Satan must have a hay day with all the deception in our society about families and divorce. Divorce focuses on self - “I’m not happy. I don’t love him anymore. I deserve and can have a “good” relationship. “ etc. Forget self. Put God first, then others. In following His plan you will be blessed, even in marriage. It might help to change your concentration from the negative things your spouse has done to the positive. “Give thanks with a grateful heart,” even when you think there’s not much to be thankful for. You might find when it’s too late, what you’ve lost. Did he love the children, pay bills, work to provide for the family?, etc. Find something positive to focus on. Pray that God will fill your heart, and mind, with positive thoughts, so there’s no room for Satan’s influence. Make yourself aware that Satan would like nothing more than to destroy what God has spent years creating. My granny used to say, “give the devil his due.” Recognize the source and force behind those negative emotions. Another area of deception is that we will find someone who is “right for me.” Whenever you think “me”, be careful. There are more people involved and affected than just you. Anyway, divorce often leads to another relationship that will only serve to separate your children and your family further. Now there’s someone else involved that’s not a part of them. They are once again put in an unfair and uncomfortable position. It’s not normal, nor comfortable for them to see mom or dad with someone else. Could this be because it’s not in God’s plan? There’s a lot to be said for long-term relationships and commitments. There’s a history there of good and bad times. Real joy, peace, and love come from hanging in there, having shared experiences, surviving through them, and growing from them. Perhaps you can see this as a time of growth toward a closer relationship with God, a renewed commitment to your family, and a stronger desire to live by God’s Word. That’s what brings you real joy. Get tough (through strength in The Word). Stand for what’s right. Nothing is easy in life. It takes great effort. But with great effort, comes great rewards. Your children can be secure, your family connected, and your heart renewed to “serve as Jesus served.”
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