Enniscorthy, Diocese of Ferns. NEWSLETTER. 26th January 2014. Third Sunday
in Ordinary Time. ST AIDAN'S DAY. Thursday 30th January is the Feast of St.
Enniscorthy, Diocese of Ferns
26th January 2014 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time ST AIDAN’S DAY Thursday 30th January is the Feast of St Aidan, the Patron of our Diocese. There will be a service in the Cathedral to pray for Vocations to the Priesthood at 7.30pm to which everyone is invited.
(Feast Day Saturday 1st Feb) On Sunday, 2nd February at 7.30 p.m. there will be a celebration in Clonard Church. All are welcome to attend!
Sunday 2nd Feb is Candlemas Day. Blessing of Candles: If you would like to have candles blessed, please leave them into the Sacristy with your name on them and they will be blessed after 12.30pm Mass on 2nd February and can be collected from the Sacristy afterwards.
FEAST OF ST BLAISE Monday 3rd February is the Feast of St Blaise. Blessing of Throats will take place after all the weekend Masses on Sat 1st (Vigil) and Sunday 2nd Feb and after 10am on Monday 3rd February. ————————————–—————————————————————————————--
Do you want to Walk the Way of St James on the Camino in 2014? Why not do it while raising much needed funds for Diabetes Ireland! Diabetes Ireland is delighted to announce that we will be returning to the Camino de Santiago in 2014, one of the most famous pilgrimage walks in the world. The total fundraising target for this trip is €1,995 (includes flights, accommodation and some meals) To register your interest please contact Gary on 01 842 8118 or email
[email protected]
Invalid Pilgrimage Section forms available from the parish office or from The Secretary, San Antonio, Tomcoole, Barntown, Wexford. 087-9761623. Closing date is 1st March.
CONTEMPLATIVE OUTREACH IRELAND An 8 day Centering Prayer Retreat as taught by Fr Thomas Keating will take place from the 5th-12th March at Orlagh Retreat Centre, Old Court Road Dublin 16. This retreat is open to all, including anyone who is interested in the 12 Step programme as a Spiritual journey also for those working the 12 Step AA Programme, using Centering Prayer as the 11th Step. AA meetings optional two evenings during the retreat. Email:
[email protected] or Phone: 087 6017709.
Last week Bishop Denis, in his letter, introduced us to Catholic Schools Week in which we celebrate our schools as places of faith and learning. To mark the occasion children from St Aidan’s Primary School, our parish school will be present, weather permitting, at Cathedral masses during the coming week as follows: Sunday 9.30am - 6th Class Confirmation Preparation. Monday 10am—3rd Class. Tuesday 10am - 4th Class. Wednesday -10am - 2nd Class. Thursday - 10am 5th Class. Grandparents of the 5th Class children are invited to this Mass and to refreshments afterwards in The Presentation Centre, Convent Road. Friday 10am 1st Class. Readers and Eucharistic Ministers are asked to note that the children will do the readings and present the gifts at all these masses. ——————————————————————————————————————————
OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE Prayer Group meet on Thursday 30th January at 8pm in the Legion of Mary Hall, Enniscorthy. All are welcome. For information contact 086 3576656 or 087 9808351. —————————————————————————————————————————————
“BENEATH MY ANGELS WINGS” Meeting on Wednesday 29th January at 7pm in the Presentation Centre, Convent Road, Enniscorthy. All are welcome. —————————————————————————————————————————————
Rapparees/Starlights Camogie & Ladies Football are holding their final registration day for the 2014 season in Bellefield GAA complex on Sunday 26th January from 3-5pm. New members welcome! Full membership or a deposit required on the day. MARRIAGE PREPARATION SEMINARS FOR 2014
Couples preparing for marriage in the next year are encouraged to participate in a premarriage seminar. They are available as follows: Wexford, Coolcotts Community Centre— January 24th & 25th Bunclody, Millrace Hotel, March 28th Feb & 1st March Gorey, Parish Pastoral Centre, April – 11th & 12th Wexford, Coolcotts Community Centre May 23rd & 24th Wexford, Coolcotts Community Centre—September, 5th & 6th New Ross, Brandon House Hotel November 14th & 15th COST €120 PER COUPLE—CONTACT ACCORD, Family Life Serivce, St. Bridget’s Centre, 12 Roches Road, Wexford. Telephone: 053 9123086 email:
[email protected]
Bishop’s House Wexford January 2014 Dear Friend of St. Aidan’s There are many and varied ways in which many generous people promote vocations to the priesthood. Standing strong among these many varied ways is prayer and intercession. In the words of Jesus himself ‘Pray you that the Lord of the harvest would send labourers into his harvest’. In a recent survey carried out by ‘The Centre of Applied Research in the Apostolate’ in the United States of America there was found to be a 16% increase in vocations to the priesthood since 1995 in the United States. This rise was attributed to a working together of proper family support and the concrete practice of the faith in local parish communities. While we pray individually and work for vocations to the priesthood it is also very important for us to come together as a diocese, priests and people, to pray, identify and support our parishes going forward into the future. In the words of Pope Francis ‘We must walk united with our differences, there is on other way to become one—it is the way of Jesus.’ There is no more appropriate evening for us to gather than the Feast of St. Aidan, the Patron Saint of our Diocese. An hour of prayer has been arranged for priests and people in the diocese for Thursday 30th January, the Feast of St. Aidan, at 7.30pm in the Cathedral. I invite you to join this time of gathering and prayer, believing it to make a valued contribution to this ministry. With every good wish, I remain, Yours sincerely +Denis Brennan Bishop of Ferns
Society of St. Vincent de Paul—Clothing Appeal The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is seeking your help for its Clothing Appeal in the Parish. The appeal is for clean, good quality clothing, bedclothes, curtains, shoes, bric-a-brac and books in good condition. School Uniforms and large sizes in all garment types are especially welcome. (no electrical items allowed). Bags will be available outside the Church on the weekend of 1st & 2nd February, please take one. Return full bags to the Church on the weekend of 8th & 9th February. The Society is very conscious of the tremendous support given by Parishioners of the Parish for their charitable work over the years. They would like to thank you all most sincerely on behalf of those you have helped, and all funds raised will be spent locally.
Wexford County Enterprise board are pleased to announce their Spring 2014 Training Programme of events for start-ups and small businesses in Co. Wexford. To book on line go to www.wexfordceb.ie Follow them on Facebook Wexford County Enterprise Board and on Twitter @wexfordceb —————————————————————————————————————————————
QUIZ NIGHT- HILLBROOK TENNIS CLUB—Quiz night on Friday 7th February in The Bailey— a fundraiser for Hillbrook Tennis Club. Cash prize €100 plus lots of spot prizes. €40 per table. Please support this cause.
Wexford Dyspraxia Support Group
Next meeting Monday 3rd February in the foyer of the Riverside Park Hotel from 8pm9.30pm. Further information from Veronica Kenny on 087 9745861. ————————————————————————————————————————————
WHIST DRIVE IN AID OF ST ANTHONY’S UNIT, CWCW Tuesday 28th January at 8pm. Adm €5 inc tea, top score €40. All welcome. ————————————————————————————————————————–————-
The K club is a new knitting club running weekly on Thursdays from 10am-12noon. A new community project, in association with County Wexford Community Workshop, to dress the benches, trees and toadstools in the Presentation Centre walled garden in preparation for children's events during this years summer festivals. For information contact 053 9233000. Donations of wool also kindly accepted. —————————————————————————————————————————————
PARISH OFFICE OPENING HOURS: Monday to Friday 10am-1pm/2pm-6pm Saturday 10.30am to 5.30pm
PARISH CLERGY Fr. Richard Lawless, Adm. Fr. Billy Swan C.C. TELEPHONE NUMBER: 053 9235777. FAX NO: 053 9237700. PRIEST ON DUTY and Emergency Mobile Number: 087 2710478 EMAIL:
[email protected]
FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK St. Aidan’s Cathedral
SAFEGUARDING REPRESENTATIVES Ms Una Murphy & Ms Dervla Tierney Tel: 087 3162395
PLEASE take Mass leaflet/Newsletter home with you. Return hymn books to stand.
(Located in the Presbytery) Call in for a look around the Parish Shop. You are most welcome. READERS FOR 1ST & 2ND FEBRUARY
7pm 11am 12.30pm
- Lily Leacy - Maria Clifford - Margaret Carley
Congratulations to the families of; Amelia Grace Doyle Lily Anne Carty Alfie Anthony O’Sullivan Keyshia Tia Walsh Shane Philip Whelan Hope Rainn Van Leeuwen Faith Lana Van Leeuwen who were baptised recently in St Aidan’s
South East Radio’s Mass Service Join Rt. Rev. Mgr. Denis Lennon P.P. and parishioners from the Church of the Assumption, Clonard on Sunday 2nd February at 10.00am —————————————————————–————————————————————
.St Aidan’ Parish Development Fund
SILVER CIRCLE DRAW 6 WEEKLY DRAWS * €10 The first draw of the Parish Silver Circle will take place on Sunday 2nd March after the 11am Mass. Promoters will be selling lines during the coming weeks leading up to the first draw and you are invited to consider joining. There will be €500 in prizes each week: 1st €150, 2nd €75, 3rd €75, and ten prizes of €20each. We welcome new promoters– if you can help please call the parish office. EUCHARISTIC
ADORATION— Friday after 10am Mass until 6pm & Saturday after 10am Mass until 2pm. All welcome. ROSARY—Each day after 10am Mass in the Prayer Room. All welcome. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL LOCAL CONFIDENTIAL CONTACT LINE 087 1413153.
FROM MONDAY 27TH JANUARY TO SUNDAY 2ND FEBRUARY Mon 10am–Eileen Crennan (Anniv) Tue 10am– Joan Kelly (Rd) Wed 10am– Mary Doran (Rd) Thurs 10am– Peter Rochford (Birthday Rem), Special Intention. Fri 10am– Elizabeth (Lil) O’Leary (Anniv) Sat 10am— Paddy Murphy (Anniv) 7pm Vigil– Joan Kelly (Months Mind), Dan Bernie, John, Ellen & Mary Foley (All Anniv), Exam Intention. Sun 9.30am— Bridie Brennan (Anniv) Terry O’Connor (Rd), Paul Lynch (Rd), Fr Sean McCarthy (Anniv). 11am— Kathleen Casey (Birthday Rem), John O’Dwyer, Eileen (Fan) O’Connor (both Anniv) 12.30pm– Oliver O’Sullivan (Months Mind), Margaret O’Sullivan, Mary O’Shea, Sean & Eileen Carty (All Anniv), Special intention (living) for Natalie whose 1st Birthday occurs.
RECENTLY DECEASED Paul Lynch, Belsey Byrne, Mehmet Atavar
May they rest in Peace
WEEKLY ENVELOPE 18th & 19th January = €1675 Thank you for your contributions. ——————————————–————— Friends of St Aidan’s who have not received their envelope box are asked to call into the parish office to collect same. We are also inviting new members to contribute to the envelope collection. If you do not as yet have an envelope box perhaps you might consider joining the friends of St Aidan’s to support the Parish. Thank you. Global Catholic Network www.ewtn.com
CONFESSIONS: Friday & Saturday after 10am Mass and on Saturday at 6:30pm HOUSE VISITATION/HOUSE BLESSING: please contact the Parish Office. VISITATION OF THE SICK & HOUSEBOUND: We are anxious to visit those who cannot celebrate Mass with us due to illness, handicap or age. Arrangements to receive the sacraments at home can be made by calling the parish office. Kindly notify us of any parishioners who are housebound or hospitalised so they can be visited. HYMN BOOKS: Located at the back of the church.
CATHEDRAL MASS TIMES WEEKENDS: Vigil Saturday 7pm Sunday — 9.30am, 11am, 12.30pm WEEKDAYS:
10am daily
(including Bank Holidays)
PARISH REGISTRATION If you would like to become a friend of St Aidan’s, and support the weekly Envelope Collection, please call to the Parish Office to Register, or telephone the Office on 053 92 35777.
MASS TIMES AT ST. JOHN’S Tuesday & Friday: 11.30am St. John’s Hospital Chapel. Thursday: 2pm in the Oratory New Hosp. Sunday: 11.15am in the Chapel. NOTE: Booking Masses may ONLY be done by contacting Fr. Sinnott in St John’s. LIGHTING CANDLES People are asked to only use the candles provided on the shrines as all other candles will be removed. CONSERVE HEAT Please close doors entering/leaving Cathedral.