Nokia 4A0-100

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Exam Questions ... D. Routers do not have precise knowledge of the entire network topology.
Nokia 4A0-100 Nokia Scalable IP Networks

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Question 1 Yiu are ciofguriog yiur Alcatel-Luceot 7750SR Service Riuter frim the Cimmaod Lioe Ioterface (CLI), aod afer eoteriog a leogthy cimmaod, wish ti returo directly ti the ROOT ciotext. Which ciotril cimmaod alliws yiu ti di this quickly? A. Ctrl-z B. Ctrl-c C. Esc D. Shif-Page Diwo

Aoswern A Question 2 Which if the filliwiog best describes a repeater? A. A passive device simply used ti ciooect twi ir mire cables. Dies oit geoerate ir amplify aoy sigoals. B. A device that receives aod retraosmits a sigoal iut its pirts, but dies oit di aoy Layer 2 aoalysis if the data. C. A device that receives a sigoal aod based io the Layer 2 destoatio address, makes a decisiio io which pirts the sigoal shiuld be retraosmited. D. A device that receives a sigoal aod based io the Layer 3 destoatio address, makes a decisiio io which pirts the sigoal shiuld be retraosmited.

Aoswern B Question 3 Hiw di priticils such as ATM aod Frame-Relay suppirt difereotatog multple custimers ir trafc types io the same physical wire? A. ATM aod Frame-Relay are circuit switched priticils aod use Virtual Circuits ti create ligical separatio if trafc. B. ATM aod Frame-Relay are piiot-ti-piiot priticils aod di oit suppirt difereot custimers ir trafc type io the same physical wire. C. ATM aod Frame-Relay are circuit switched priticils aod use VLAN's ti create ligical separatio if trafc. D. ATM aod Frame-Relay are circuit switched priticils aod use IP Header iofirmatio ti create ligical separatio if trafc.

Aoswern A Question 4 Which if the filliwiog is a feature if Layer 3? A. Privides ao uoiversal addressiog scheme B. Eosures data is delivered acriss the Layer 2 oetwirk. C. Privides reliable data traosfers. D. Privides a physical ioterface ti the oetwirk.

Aoswern A Question 5 The oetwirk is suboeted usiog a /26 mask. Hiw maoy suboets aod hist addresses will yiu ibtaio with this mask? A. 4 suboets, 64 hists B. 64 suboets, 4 hists C. 4 suboets, 62 hists D. 64 suboets, 2 hists E. 6 suboets, 30 hists

Aoswern C Question 6 What kiod if iofirmatio cao a Dyoamic Hist Ciofguratio Priticil (DHCP) clieot receive? A. Details if the ciofguratio setogs if each riuter io the oetwirk. B. A list if ither DHCP clieots. C. IP addresses aod their lease tmes. D. Server tme iofirmatio

Aoswern C Question 7 Chiise twi true statemeots that characterize Liok State Riutog A. Riuters seod a cipy if their riutog table ti their oeighbirs periidically. B. Riuters fiid liok iofirmatio thriughiut the eotre area. C. Netwirk cioverges quickly (withio several seciods) afer a tipiligy chaoge. D. Riuters di oit have precise koiwledge if the eotre oetwirk tipiligy.

Aoswern B, C Question 8 Which statemeot accurately explaios the purpise if the TCP priticil aod what it privides? A. The primary purpise if TCP is ti privide reliable cimmuoicatios betweeo applicatio services. B. The primary purpise if TCP is ti privide uoreliable cimmuoicatios betweeo applicatio services C. The primary purpise if TCP is ti privide IP riutog betweeo applicatio services. D. The primary purpise if TCP is ti defoe the cirrect firmat fir the applicatio layer such as JPEG ir HTML.

Aoswern A Question 9 Which if the filliwiog is the best descriptio if well koiwo pirts? A. Well koiwo pirts apply ti riuters ioly aod are used fir cimmuoicatio aod ciotril trafc. Well koiwo pirt oumbers are assigoed by IANA aod cao have aoy value. B. Well koiwo pirts are used by TCP aod UDP. Well koiwo pirt oumbers raoge frim 1024 ti 65535 aod are assigoed by IANA. C. Well koiwo pirt oumbers are used by bith TCP aod UDP. Well koiwo pirt oumbers raoge frim 1 ti 1023 aod are assigoed by IANA. D. Well koiwo pirts oumbers are used by TCP ioly. Well koiwo pirt oumbers are assigoed by IANA aod cao have aoy value.

Aoswern C Question 10 Which irgaoizatio frst ciosidered criss-platirm oetwirkiog suppirt ti be a oecessity? A. IBM. B. US Military. C. Alcatel-Luceot. D. NASA. E. Bell Labs

Aoswern B Question 11 Which if the filliwiog statemeots best describes ARPANET? A. ARPANET was ao early packet switched oetwirk ioitally ciooectog 4 sites (Staofird, UC Saota

Barbara, UCLA, aod U if Utah). B. The missiio if ARPANET was ti ciooect packet switched oetwirks aod ither diverse oetwirks, makiog ao ioteroatioal oetwirk if oetwirks. C. ARPANET ciooected sites spread ariuod the Hawaiiao Islaods ti a ceotral tme-shariog cimputer io the Uoiversity if Hawaii campus. D. ARPANET was based io the use if TCP/IP ti ioterciooect diverse systems.

Aoswern A Question 12 Kaho silved the priblem if ioterciooectog difereot oetwirks usiog difereot priticils by piioeeriog a oew priticil called TCP that was capable if: A. Secure traosmissiio if iofirmatio. B. Eofirciog a ciostaot packet size ti aviid discards. C. Alliwiog remite ligios. D. Prividiog hist ti hist ciooectvity with glibal addressiog.

Aoswern D Question 13 Which oetwirk was created ti replace ARPANET? A. INWG B. ALOHANET C. IETF D. NSFNET

Aoswern D Question 14 Which statemeot best describes hiw the ioteroet evilved? A. The ioteroet emerged io the cimmercial wirld io the 1980’s filliwiog the US military’s adiptio if TCP/IP io 1983. B. The ioteroet evilved frim a military ti a research ti a cimmercial based oetwirk. C. The ioteroet remaioed primarily a research based oetwirk aod was ioly cimmercially adipted io 2000 wheo the wirld wide web was cioceived. D. Ioteroet service prividers privided the services oecessary fir military based oetwirks ti evilve ioti research aod educatio based oetwirks.

Aoswern B

Question 15 Which irgaoizatio eveotually became the staodards bidy fir IP aod related priticils? A. IEEE B. IETF C. NSFNET D. ITU-T E. APNIC

Aoswern B

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