Nonequilibrium. Thermodynamics of open driven systems. Hao Ge. 1Biodynamic
Optical Imaging Center (BIOPIC). 2Beijing International Center for ...
Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics of open driven systems Hao Ge 1Biodynamic
Optical Imaging Center (BIOPIC) 2Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research (BICMR) Peking University, China
Laws of thermodynamics Zeroth law: The definition of temperature First law: Energy conservation Second law: the arrow of time
dU W Q Q Clausius inequality dS T
Third law: absolute zero temperature
At equilibrium
Microscopic reversibility
Detailed balance
Evolution of entropy System
dStot dS system dSmedium 0 T
dS system dSi dSe
Two different perspectives
T epr T dS i T dS tot J i X i 0 i
dSi, dSe and dStot, rather than Si, Se and Stot are the state functions of the internal system. Detailed balance
Ji 0 Xi 0 Generalized flux
Generalized force
I. Prigogine: Introduction to thermodynamics of irreversible processes. 3rd ed. (1967) T.L. Hill: Free energy transduction in biology. (1977)
Two major questions dS system epr dSe epr dSmedium 1. In steady state, what does the state function T·dSmedium mean? Total heat dissipation? Can it be used to perform work? It requires a “real driven” perspective and a minimum work argument. 2. In the relaxation process towards steady state, how to distinguish the two origin of nonequilibrium, i.e. nonstationary and nondetailed-balance (driven) of the steady state?
T epr f d Qhk
A single biochemical reaction cycle
Spontaneous ATP hydrolysis and related ATP regenerating system.
A single biochemical reaction cycle
k 1 k2
Equilibrium condition:
[ ATP ]eq k 1k 2 [ ADP]eq [ Pi ]eq k1k 2
Open driven system: regenerating system k1k 2 [ ATP ]ss 1 keeping the concentrations of ATP, ADP and ss ss k 1k 2 [ ADP] [ Pi ] Pi
Heat dissipation
( 2)
After an internal clockwise cycle, the traditional heat dissipation during ATP hydrolysis 0 0 hC0 hPi0 hB0 hd hB0 hATP hC0 hADP 0 0 hATP hADP hPi0 T S e T S medium .
Could not be calculated only from the dynamics of the internal system.
Heat dissipation There is an external step for the regenerating system converting ADP+Pi back to ATP after each completion of a cycle. The minimum work (non-PV) it has to do is just the free energy difference between ADP+Pi and ATP, i.e.
Wmin ATP ADP Pi Driven energy of the internal system
The extra heat dissipation
0 0 hdext Wmin ( hATP hADP hPi0 )
The total heat dissipation of such a reaction cycle is hd hdext Wmin k BT log T S e T S medium .
Master equation model Consider a motor protein with N different conformations R1,R2,…,RN. kij is the first-order or pseudo-first-order rate constants for the reaction Ri→Rj.
dci (t ) (c j k ji ci kij ) dt j No matter starting from any initial distribution, it will finally approach its stationary distribution satisfying
c N
j 1
ss j
k ji c k 0 ss i ij
Self-assembly or self-organization
c k ji c k eq j
eq i ij
Detailed balance
Coupled with energy source Assume only one of the transition is involved in the energy source, i.e. ATP and ADP.
~ ~ k12 k12 [ ATP ], k 21 k 21[ ADP]
If there is no external mechanism to keep the concentrations of ATP and ADP, then
~ ~ dcT dc D k12 cT c1 k 21cD c2 . dt dt
Thermodynamic constrains i0 k BT log cieq
Boltzmann’s law
i (cieq ) j (c eqj ), T (cTeq ) D (cDeq )
eq c i0 0j k BT log ; T0 D0 k BT log Deq , cT k ji ~ k12 0 0 0 0 1 T 2 D k BT log ~ . k 21
Heat dissipation
~ open hd (t ) k BT ci (t )kij c j (t )k ji hi0 h 0j
i j
k BT c1 (t )k12 c2 (t )k 21 T D
In an NESS, its kinetics and thermodynamics can be decomposed into different cycles (Kirchhoff’s law, Beijing school). The minimum amount of total heat dissipation for each internal cycle k i 0 i1 k i1 i 2 ... k i n i 0
c k B T log Q min
k i 0 i n k i n i n 1 ... k i1 i 0
c { i 0 i1 i 2 i n i 0 }
kij ~ hdness k BT ciss kij c ssj k ji log T dS e T dS medium . k ji i j
Energy transduction efficiency A mechanical system coupled fully reversibly to a chemical reactions, with a constant force resisting the mechanical movement driven by the chemical gradient.
Wmin J cm
~ ness hd Pmech Te ness Pmech p
Transduction from chemical energy to mechanical energy
Wmin 0, J cm 0, e
ness p
0, Pmech
Pmech P nessmech 1 Wmin J cm Te p Pmech
Transduction from mechanical energy to chemical energy
Wmin 0, J cm 0, e ness 0, Pmech 0 p
Wmin J cm Wmin J cm ness 1 Pmech Te p Wmin J cm The steady-state entropy production is always the total dissipation, which is nonnegative
The evolution of entropy ~ ~ F open H 0 TS open
S 0 si0 ci ; S open k B ci log ci . i
0 TS open
~ open 0 open S S S
H 0 hi0 ci , 0 i0 ci
~ open ~ open hd dS open ep ; T dt open h dS open d e open . p dt T
Enthalpy-entropy compensation
hdopen (t ) k BT ci (t )kij c j (t )k ji log i j
open p
(t ) k B ci (t )kij c j (t )k ji log i j
kij k ji
Operationally defined heat if we do not know the temperature dependence of
ci kij c j k ji
ness d
~ ness hd
Closed system Very slow changing environment
dF close f dclose ; dt close h dS close d e close ; p dt T close close Te open Te f 0. p p d
This reflects the different perspective of Boltzmann/Gibbs and Prigogine: Gibbs states free energy never increase in a closed, isothermal system; while Prigogine states that the entropy production is non-negative in an open system. They are equivalent.
Real driven: Housekeeping heat Housekeeping heat
Qhk (t ) k BT ci (t )kij c j (t )k ji log i j
ciss kij ss j
c k ji
The minimum heat dissipation for each cycle could be distributed to each i→j as kij Qij k BT log T si0 s 0j k ji ciss ss The steady-state entropy difference Sij k B log ss s 0j si0 cj
Qij TSijss k BT log Qhk (t ) Qij TSijss 0.
ciss kij
c ssj k ji
driven (approaching equilibrium Qhk (t ) 0 No state with detailed balance)
Time-independent systems Relative entropy
dF fd ; dt dE Qhk hd ; dt
hd dS ep ; dt T
fd: free energy dissipation rate hd: heat dissipation/work out Qhk: house keeping heat/work in Qhk (t ) k BT ci (t )kij c j (t )k ji log i j
ss j
c k ji
ep: entropy production rate
e p (t ) k B ci (t )kij c j (t )k ji log i j
ciss kij
ci kij c j k ji
;hd (t ) k BT ci (t )kij c j (t )k ji log i j
kij k ji
Two origins of irreversibility f d 0, Qhk 0, Te p f d Qhk 0. ep characterizes total time irreversibility in a Markov process. When system reaches stationary, fd = 0. When system is closed (i.e., no active energy drive, detailed balaned) Qhk = 0. Boltzmann: fd = T∙ep >0 but Qhk=0; Prigogine (Brussel school, NESS): Qhk=T∙ep > 0 but fd=0. fd ≥ 0 in driven systems is “self‐organization”.
Time-dependent systems dci (t ) (c j k ji (t ) ci kij (t )) dt j Entropy in HatanoSasa equality. We would like to call it intrinsic entropy, which could be defined at individual level.
hd (t ) dS (t ) e p (t ) dt T
dF (t ) W ext (t ) f d (t ) dt dU (t ) W ext (t ) Qex (t ) dt
Dissipative work in Jarzynski equality
Qhk (t ) Te p (t ) f d (t ) hd (t ) Qex (t )
Two kinds of Second Law hd dS e p 0 dt T
dF W ext f d 0 dt
In detailed-balance case, they are equivalent.
Te p f d , Qhk 0 In non-detailed balance case, the new one is stronger than the traditional one.
dF dU ext W Qex dt dt Qex hd dS dt T T
Summary Regenerating system approach would distinguish quasisteady-state and nonequilibrium-steady-state, and supply an equilibrium thermodynamic foundation for the expression of heat dissipation in nonequilibrium steady state of subsystems, without the need to know “environment”; Thermodynamic superstructure would explicitly distinguish Boltzmann and Prigogine’s thesis, and further clarify the two kinds of the Second Law; So far, a comprehensive framework for both equilibrium and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics is proposed.
Prof. Hong Qian University of Washington Department of Applied Mathematics
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