North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Heal ... ecruits Doctor and Social Worker cum Data Operator.pdf. North
PALLIATIVE CARE PROJECT, DEPARTMENT OF ANAESTHESIOLOGY & CRITICAL CARE, NEIGRIHMS , SHILLONG -793018 Advertisement No. NEIGR-E.II/5/2011/Pt.I dated 31.05.2017 Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up the following posts purely on contract basis under the Palliative Care Project, Department of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care. Sl.
Name of post(s)
No. of post
Consolidated Pay per month
Eligibility criteria
Age limit as on the closing date of submission of application. Not exceeding 45 years.
1 (one)
Rs. 40,000/-
Medical qualification included in the Schedule-I &I of the 3rd Schedule of the Indian Medical Council Act 1956 (persons possessing qualifications included in the part-I of the 3rd schedule should also fulfill the conditions specified in section 13 (B) of the Act). (i) Satisfactory completion of the compulsory internship. (ii) Candidate must be registered with the Central/State Medical Council.
1 (one)
Rs. 14,000/-
Possessing GNM
Social Worker cum 1 (one) Data Operator
Rs. 12,000/-
Bachelor Degree from a recognized University with proficiency Not exceeding 45 years. in Computer.
Not exceeding 45 years.
General Conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
The maximum age limit for the above contract posts is 45 years as on the closing date of submission of application. The crucial date for determination of eligibility with regard to age, educational qualification and experience etc will be the closing date of submission of application. The application of candidates who do not fulfill any of the above eligibility criteria will not be considered. The above positions are purely temporary and contractual. The duration of the project is for 3 (three) years.
The initial period of appointment against the posts will be for 1 (one) year which is extendable every year. Extension of the contract appointment against the posts will be considered on assessment of the performances and continuation of the project by the funding organization. 7. The terms and conditions of contract appointment shall be governed by the contractual bond of Agreement agreed upon by the Institute and the employee concerned. 8. Selected candidates will have to undergo medical examination before joining the post. 9. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing interview. 10. No accommodation will be provided. 11. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate. Interested eligible candidates may submit their bio-data, alongwith and attested copies of all educational qualifications, experience certificates and testimonials and 2 (two) recent passport size photographs to “ The HoD, Department of Aneasthesiology & Critical Care , Room No.103, OPD Block Main Hospital Building, North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences (NEIGRIHMS), Mawdiangdiang, Shillong- 793018 SUPERSCRIBING “Application for the post of …………………………………...…………….....”. Last date of submission of applications: 30. 06.2017. Sd/(D.T. Umdor) Dy. Director (Admn) NEIGRIHMS,Shillong.