Oct 1, 2015 - developer of java program suffer the such types of problem. We can ... of original developer find in the illegal program just report about the ...
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2015)
Novel Method for Watermarking Java Program Gaurav Kumar Department of Information Technology,Bengal College of Engineering and Technology, Durgapur, West Bengal, India Java application are used in various industry in world and it also sold to user now these days problem of copy program on own name of copyright this is because the class file is easily reusable and the program copy person able to see easily class file and what is written within the class. Simply java give permission to user can developed a program on their own need and also able to change in class, method etc. The program users known how to change the class, method, field of program without knowing the legal developer of program lets in type illegal program user change the copyright information of program such as legal program developer information as well as legal right of program. Such step causes the problem of program copying or makes own copyright of program in illegal way and this problem in java are coming in now days and the original developer of java program suffer the such types of problem. We can remove the program theft problem using the watermarking technique and we can hide the copyright information of program developer and such technique insures the copyright Information of class file. Watermarking is a technique in which a pattern of bit inserted into the audio, video, images file that find the files copyright information such as author, right etc [1] or common language you can says that the hiding a message within a image or audio such as it can video also and sometimes it also called data embedding or information hiding. Digital watermark design to be completely invisible in case of image or in the case of audio file it is inaudible [1]. Like traditional watermarking technique the digital watermarking technique only perceptible under some condition such as using some algorithm otherwise it is imperceptible [3]. Now these days watermarking is used in various application and it is mainly used for security purpose. In this an images is used as a cover to hide the message which is intended for transfer. Since the digital watermarking is the passive protection tool. One of the famous application of watermarking is source tracking in which watermark is embedded into a digital signal at each point of distribution. In this case if the copy of the work found later in that case watermark may retrieve from the copy and the source of distribution is known. The source tracking technique mainly used to detect the source of illegal copied movie [2].
Abstract— Java technology is one of the best programming language in the current era and also most important and widely used programming language in the world. It can easily distribute via internet and now these days causing problem of program copy means copying of another program on name of own copyright. This is happen because it can be easily decomposed into reusable class file and also easily decompiled into source code by the program user. These problems are now going on the worldwide. In this paper a survey of watermarking of java program is discourage of the java program theft and discussed theory help to legal programmer to the program theft by hiding java program with the help of watermarking technique. Hiding the legal program developer copyright with the watermarking technique and it pattern of bit inserted into the program find the copyright information such as the legal program developer. In this paper also discussion about suddenly increase of watermarking technique in the field of technology as well as computer science. Keywords – Java Technology, Watermarking technique, program theft, JVM, ByteCode, Digicert.
I. INTRODUCTION Java technology is famous day to days because of its platform independency. Platform is an environment that’s let other program run over it and in the case of java the compile code is not operating system oriented means we can write, compile and run in an operating system and same program run in multiple operating systems the concept is the platform independency. The reason behind platform independency is main Concept of “Bytecode” and JVM. Execution a java program we need JVM java virtual machine. JVM is software or program that is written in C programming language it is not a machine, when we install JVM in our system we can run java program and when the java program first compiled it converted into intermediate file of .class extension which is called “Bytecode”. This “Bytecode” is the native code of JVM which is only understandable by JVM. So whenever JVM is installed we can run byte code and hence execute once program and thus JVM leads to platform independency. However the property of the java platform independency brought us a problem of program theft.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2015) In such case generally find in internet and the illegal program is finding with the help of watermarking decoding agent some term it also called robot that search out throughout internet. The work of the agent search throughout the internet and also goes through internet and find illegal program if the watermark is finding in the program and if the watermark of original developer find in the illegal program just report about the original. Developer of program and this method is successful to the find the some part of program copied. In some case it also seen that the program theft try to erase the watermark present in the program but it is not an easy task to find the watermark location in the class file and one another method also tried by the program theft that is decompile- recompile attack to remove the watermark.
II. OVERVIEW Need of Watermarking in Java In this section concept of why need watermarking in java. Java program are platform independent and the java technology give power to user to change in class, method, body of the program. The java applet, java applications are the sold user and the suffering the case of program theft that means program user change the copyright and make the own name copyright of program and the users known much better how to use that class file without asking the original programmer. The cases happen due to java program can easily reusable in class file and in the now competitions market the copying to program to make own copyright are now going on worldwide and it also effect the security to overcome the problem we solve. It uses watermarking technique. With the use of watermarking technique can hide java program and hide of copyright notations help legal programmer to ensure the legal ownership of each file.
Help of Watermarking in the java program Watermarking in the java program does not reduce that means the program efficiency is same like as previous one. Watermarking technique in java program work only when legal program developer uses the watermark decoding tool and in that case the program sold and user hardly known the location or path of the watermark thus erasing or tempering with them are very hard for the illegal work in the program and case of watermarking if one part of program can be copied and make a another program with the use of copied part the watermark can easily decoded whenever it available in program. Most of case in watermark hidden in class file is generally two type of attack first one the erase the watermark which is known as obfuscactor attack and the second one is the decompilerecompile attack [5].
A. Cases where proving of program theft In such case legal program developer proof the ownership of the program mainly the proving ownership of program is not easy for original programmer or the original developer. Where in case doubtful program was found it is not an easy work to say who the legal copyright of the program and the program copied person make copyright of own name and says the I am legal ownership of the program or the copyright of program in my hand in such case need a proof of claim the original developer of program hide the signature in the class file with the help of watermarking technique and the watermark in the program help in the proving of legal ownership of program and when decoding the watermark is of doubtful program clarify who is right of program or the legal program developer. That why an illegal user try to program theft and try to erase the watermark because after the erase of watermark it is hard to clarify original developer of program.
III. RELATED WORK 1. Solution for finding program original Developer This is done with the help of Obfuscator-basically in this obfuscation is the intentional act of creating obfuscated code such as which is difficult to understand for human. Mainly in the obfuscator tool Encode the variables and method names so that the decompiled source code is unintelligible gibberish [7]. There are many obfuscator tools are available in the market such as DashO [8], JavaGuard [9]. In some case it also seen that the effective protection of program to the program theft using these obfuscators. In general term Obfuscator is a term which is used in Software engineering that is describes the intentional correction of program code that lie the source code is difficult to understand for human and also difficult to defensive.
B. Searching a theft program where some part of program copied In such case it is not easy to find the original developer of program in this case some part of program is copied by the program theft if the whole program is copied then it is normal to find but in case of only some part of program is copied and this is some word hard to the java developer to find the copyright of program.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2015) The aim of the obfuscator is the attempt of reverse engineering to increase of theft part of program. Another solution for the program theft that is NET (native executable translation) compilers. In this we use Microsoft visual J++. In the common compiler of java compile java source code into the class code but these compiler compile the code into the machine specific binary code which in general not reusable. Such when compile the program in the compiler there will be no class file and the compiled code is also platform dependent which means we compile the program in that operating system run in also that operating system not in other operating system such as the result give to the programmer help to program theft. Both of above are helpful for the java developer to program theft that means help the original developer of program.
Watermark Technique Watermarking Technique
Is Wtr Tch. Is applied
Is no stop
Is yes go to Next process
2. DigiCert In this method a sign related with the applet that indicates the true developer of the applet same like as the watermarking technique and the user whether it worthy reliable or not by checking the sign. The sign also give guarantee of that is original one and never used by anyone and never tempered with anyone else and also signing certificate conform the legitimacy of code and ensure user it has been tempered with digicert. DigiCert is digitally certificate.
Another safe Technique Obfuscator, Digicert, NET
Is Another Safe Tchnique is applied
Is no stop
A. Flowchart 1. Java Source File
Program is safe to the Program Theft
Watermarking Technique
B. Theoretical Concept In this concept we safe the program to the program theft by using mainly two concept first one is the Watermarking technique and second one is the other safe technique.
Another safe Technique
Program is safe To the Program Theft 100
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2015) Coming to the first one that is watermarking technique in which basically we apply encoding with the watermark when we encode the watermark then in our program class file watermark are encoded anyone want to illegal copyright of program then it easily find and with the help of decoding we can easily find the theft program and legal ownership of program mainly in the encoding we injected the class file. Come to the next one that is another safe technique which includes obfuscator, NET and digital certificate. Original developer of program apply Dasho, JavaGuard to safe the program to the program theft in the case obfuscator, in the case of NET we use the net compiler once the source code compiled it never run in other operating system and another one digital certificate in which user see sign which tell guarantee the original developer of program and never Tempered with anyone else. In this ways Java program are safe to the program theft.
http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/D/digital_watermark.html visited on 1 October 2015. [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_watermarking visited on 1 October 2015. [3] Frank Y. Shih: Digital watermarking and steganography: fundamentals and techniques. Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 2008 visited on 1 October 2015. [4] www.google.com visited on 30 October 2015. [5] Akito Monden, Hajimu Iida, Ken-ichi-Matsumoto, Katsuro Inoue, Kojji Torri, “A practical Method for Watermarking Java Program” on 24 computer science and application conference compsac 2000. [6] Gaurav Kumar, “Novel Method and procedure for System security” on Internal Journal of Advance Engineering and Global Technology volume 3 issue 9 visited on 30 September 2015. [7] Nolan, G., “Decompile once, run anywhere: Protecting your Java source,” Web Techniques Magazine, vol. 2, Issue 9, Sep. 1997. [8] https://www.preemptive.com/products/dasho. [9] https://sourceforge.net/projects/javaguard/ [10] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obfuskation [11] https://www.digicert.com/code-signing/oracle- java.htm.
Author Details
From the above flowchart and theory it is clear if we work on the method our java program are safe to the program theft if any one copied program and make own copyright we can easily find them with the watermarking technique. First watermark is encoded in the class file if anyone theft the program we can easily find them using decoded of code and another safe technique also help program to the program theft. We can see that the java programs are safe to the program theft. Acknowledgement Author would like to thanks Mr. Aryan Jha for helping me in this work.
Gaurav Kumar: - He is pursuing degree in Information Technology from the Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (Formerly known as West Bengal University of Technology) Kolkata, India. His research and study area are Information Security, Digital Watermarking, Digital Image Processing, Design and Analysis Of Algorithm, Operating System, Computer Architecture, Cloud Computing, Data structure, JAVA, C, C++, PYTHON.