Fujishin, Randy. Publisher : Allyn & Bacon. Copyright : c2012. Call Number :
808.51 F95n 2012. Description: The Natural Speaker is a concise, practical, ...
Title : Author : Publisher : Copyright : Call Number :
FICTION City of the beasts Allende, Isabel Harper Perennial 2002 F AL5c 2002
Summary: When fifteen-year-old Alexander Cold accompanies his individualistic grandmother on an expedition to find a humanoid Beast in the Amazon, he experiences ancient wonders and a supernatural world as he tries to avert disaster for the Indians.
FICTION Title : Madapple Author : Meldrum, Christina Publisher : Alfred A. Knopf Copyright : 2008 Call Number : F M48m 2008
Summary: A girl who has been brought up in near isolation is thrown into a twisted web of family secrets and religious fundamentalism when her mother dies and she goes to live with relatives she never knew she had.
FICTION Title : Author : Publisher : Copyright : Call Number :
Thanks for the memories Ahem, Cecelia, 1981Harper 2008 F Ah3t 2008
Summary: How can you know someone you've never met? Justin Hitchcock is divorced, lonely and restless. He arrives in Dublin to give a lecture on art and meets an attractive doctor, who persuades him to donate blood. It's the first thing to come straight from his he t why.
CA-ENGLISH Title : The natural speaker, 7th ed. Author : Fujishin, Randy Publisher : Allyn & Bacon Copyright : c2012 Call Number : 808.51 F95n 2012
Description: The Natural Speaker is a concise, practical, inexpensive, student-friendly guide to public speaking that explores the basic skills necessary to present a natural, effective, and rewarding speech to any audience. By providing a basic knowledge of speech construction, practice, and delivery, this book is designed to enhance and improve students' natural speaking strengths. Featuring a warm, simple, and humorous writing style, The Natural Speaker presents the fundamental concepts and skills required for effective speaking.
: Social stratification and inequality : class conflict in historical, comparative, and global perspective, 8th ed. Author : Kerbo, Harold R. Publisher : McGraw-Hill Copyright : c2012 Call Number : 305.50973 K45s 2012 Description: T 8 “Social Stratification and Inequality” continues to provide a comprehensive, up-to-date exploration of the economic and social divisions in human societies. Extensive comparative information, as well as an overview of how social stratification has changed and evolved over time, gives readers a global perspective on P “Social Stratification and Inequality” includes current statistics and the latest trends in the field.
CA-ENGLISH Title : Media and democracy Author : Curran, James Publisher : Routledge Copyright : 2011 Call Number : 302.23 C92m 2011
Description: “Media and Democracy” addresses key topics and themes in relation to democratic theory, media and technology, comparative media studies, media and history, and the evolution of media research.
BUSINESS Title Author Publisher Copyright Call Numbe
: Entrepreneurship : an international introduction : Kariv, Dafna : Routledge : 2011 : 658.421 K14e 2011
Description: This groundbreaking textbook differs from its competitors by placing an emphasis both on the core processes and practices of entrepreneurship, as well as demonstrating the impact of complex, local environments in shaping the processes of entrepreneurship. Topics include: o Main processes of entrepreneurial venture creation, innovation and growth o Operational steps characterizing processes of entrepreneurship o Establishing and realizing entrepreneurial ventures o Core processes and practices of entrepreneurship
BUSINESS Title : Business : connecting principles to practice Author : Nickels, William G. Publisher : McGraw-Hill / Irwin Copyright : c2012 Call Number : 658 N53b 2012
Description: Business: Connecting Principles to Practice is the most tightly integrated textbook/technology solution for the introduction to business course. This first edition integrates the gold standard content of the #1 text on the market with Connect, ’
FICTION Title : Looking for Alaska Author : Green, John Publisher : Speak Copyright : 2012 Call Number : F G82L 2012
Summary : Sixteen-yearM ’ P S includes good friends and great pranks, but is defined by the search for answers about life and death after a fatal car crash.
FICTION Title : Lorien legacies : I am number four Author : Lore, Pittacus Publisher : Harper Copyright : c2010 Call Number : F L88L Bk. 1 2010
Summary : In rural Ohio, friendship and a beautiful girl prove distracting to a fifteen-year-old who has hidden on earth for ten years waiting to develop the legacies, or powers, he will need to rejoin the other six surviving Garde members and fight the Mogadorians who destroyed their planet, Lorien.
FICTION Title : Lorien legacies : the power of six Author : Lore, Pittacus Publisher : Harper Copyright : c2011 Call Number : F L88L Bk. 2 2011
Summary : In a Spanish convent, seventeen-year old Marina longs to join forces with her fellow Loriens to prepare for battle with the Mogadorians who destroyed their home planet, while in the United States, John six, and Sam elude authorities who think John is a terrorist.
FICTION Title : Lorien legacies : the rise of nine Author : Lore, Pittacus Publisher : Harper Copyright : c2012 Call Number : F L88L Bk. 3 2012
Summary: The aliens must come together because their power is in numbers. The third installment in the action-packed Lorien Legacies series that launched with "I Am Number Four" and "The Power of Six", finds the stakes higher than ever as John, Number Six, and Number Seven desperately try to find the rest of the Lorien Nine before it's too late.
CA-ENGLISH Title : Listening : processes, functions, and competency Author : Worthington, Debra L. Publisher : Allyn & Bacon Copyright : c2012 Call Number : 153.68 W89L 2012
Description: Debuting it its first edition, “Listening” explores the process and role of listening in human communication as a cognitive process, as a social function, and as a critical professional competency. It introduces readers to the theory and research of listening scholarship, the book also helps to build practical skills and achieve the desired outcomes of effective listening.
Author : Publisher : Copyright : Call Number :
CA-ENGLISH Teaching reading in the 21st century : motivating all learners, 5th ed. Graves, Michael F., et. al. Pearson Education, Inc. c2011 Tr. Ref. 372.4 T22 2011
Description: Informed by the latest research on topics ranging from phonemic awareness and phonics to teaching comprehension strategies, motivation, and assessment, this text provides the knowledge base, skills, and research-based strategies that you need to guide K-8 students successfully toward literacy for the 21st century—using reading and writing for thinking, problem solving, and communicating. Principal themes include balancing phonemic skills with more holistic approaches; fostering the love of reading; and successfully teaching all students to become able and eager readers.
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641.57 D24k 2011 Tr. Ref. 530.076 OL2 2010 FIL 899.210301 Ab9a 2010 FIL 899.2101 G35p 2011 FIL 499.21101 P15 2011 FIL Tr. Ref. 499.21107 B32t 2009
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