Nov 27, 2012 ... Committee Members attending: Linda Bentz, Kimberly Easton, Linda ... Pledges:
Chloe Burris led the 4-H Pledge and Kimberly Easton led the ...
MARION COUNTY HORSE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES November 27, 2012 Committee Members attending: Linda Bentz, Kimberly Easton, Linda Easton, Tammi Starrs, Bonnie Beach, Carolyn Jones, JoAnn King, Ashley Richards, Patricia Combest, Susan Studebaker, and Shawna Weiss
Meeting called to order: 7:30pm Club Representatives: Chloe Burris – Rein’n Rhinestones Leaders Eligible to Vote: Wendy Russell – Lariats & Latigos; Kim Burris – Rein’n Rhinestones; Eleni Boston – Silver Tails; Somer Riffle – Hoof Beats; Others Attending: Tracy Wagenaar – Hoof Beats Pledges: Chloe Burris led the 4-H Pledge and Kimberly Easton led the Pledge of Allegiance. Adjournment time: 8:30pm October minutes: Tammi Starrs requested that a correction be made to the level of riders/times for the clinics reported in the October minutes. The minutes issued had what was given at the meeting but these were incorrect. The correct levels are: 8am – Advanced riders; 9am – Experienced riders; 10am – 2nd year novices; 11am – 1st year novice. JoAnn King made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Susan Studebaker seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and passed. Treasurer’s Report: Bonnie Beach reported that she had deposited $50 received in payment for surplus tack, she issued a check for $75 for the clinician, and received $11 from Willamette River Riders for sales at the Canby Tack Sale. The balance is now: $164.81. Clinics: The Showmanship clinic went really well with 5 – 7 in each class with 21 members attending. The Western Clinic was hosted by Lariats & Latigos and they thought it went well for them as a first time host club. They reported that the 8am group consisted of one rider and they had the whole hour to themselves. Later groups got less individual time since of more members riding. The 9am for accomplished riders was not by age group and had walk/trot riders that belonged in the last class. The walk/trot riders prevented more accomplished riders from being able to canter. A leader was putting kids in at the wrong times. It was determined that the host clubs need to be more aggressive in making sure that riders are in the correct class by their riding ability. One member ended up not getting to ride; Susan and Linda take the responsibility for this happening. Horses MAY NOT be ridden in a halter. The Contest Guide states, in the General Rules section that they are not allowed, this is for safety reasons. Bosals are the only bit less bridle that is allowed. Mechanical hackamores are allowed in gaming only.
Please note: If your horse needs to lunged you should either do it at home before going to the Salem Saddle Club or arrive early enough to lunge your horse there. Someone is going to check with the Saddle Club to find out if it is acceptable to use the round pen. Members present at the meeting were split over being able to use the pen (cleaning up after the horse) or not being able to use the round pen. Reinsmanship: The Reinsmanship clinic is December 8th and this is a clinic where the ability level is not followed. ALL members coming to the clinic are to come at 8am. Misty Mountain Riders are the host club. Linda Easton said that she would be bringing an extra horse and cart so that anyone who wanted to try out driving would have the opportunity to do so. REMEMBER Reinsmanship is a certificate REQUIRED class. January 12th is the Dressage Clinic with Keizerettes & Kings as the host club. February 9th is the English Equitation with Willamette River Riders as the host club. March 9th is the Ranch Horse Clinic – no host club yet identified April 13th is the Trail Clinic with Horsin’ Around as the host club. Because of the added expense for the cost of the cows for the Ranch Horse Clinic the HDC is going to be requesting donations from the attendees of this clinic. A donation is not required just requested. Horse Judging Practice: The next judging practice will be December 18th from 7pm to 8pm. Kimberly Easton will lead the practice which will be judging only. The plans are to have two practices a month one will be working on Hippology and the other one will work on horse judging. Any member is welcome to come to these practices to learn and to see if they want to compete in these events. Proposals: Anyone wishing to make comments after reading the proposals that were submitted they are welcome to e-mail Linda Easton at Linda will then present your comments at the HDC meetings. Remember – you must be present to vote when the items are presented for voting. Award: Linda presented Kim Burris her award as the 2012 Horse Leader of the Year. Committee members: Nominations were received for Pat Combest and Shauna Weiss. Pat had been appointed to complete the term of a prior elected member. Carolyn Jones made a motion to accept them as new members of the committee. Kimberly Easton seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and carried. Wendy Russell accepted Linda’s appointment to complete Millie Brasesco’s term which ends in 2013. Linda Easton also appointed Linda Bentz to the remaining vacancy on the Committee. January Schooling Show: Kim Burris reported that everything is going well and that she already has commitments from clubs in Washington County that are coming to the show and stall reservations have been made. Eleni Boston has all of the awards lined up so that is another task accomplished. This show will not have ribbons. The ribbons are being replaced with tickets that then can be placed in paper bags for a drawing to win items. Various locations for advertising were discussed and anyone is welcome to take show forms to any location that they think would be to our advantage in getting entries to the show.
New Advancement Program: Marion County will follow the state guidelines that are listed on page 5 of the new Horse Advancement Program with one change. The guidelines are: Mandatory • To compete at a county fair in showmanship, members must have completed all Level 1 Ground work Advancement steps. • To compete at a county fair in any riding class, members must have completed all Level 1 Riding Advancement steps. • To compete at a county fair in any specialty area class (trail, jumping, driving, gaming, or any Ranch Horse class) members must have completed the Level 1 Advancements for the specific area. • Dad Potter: Members must have passed the riding advancement steps they are trying out for (these are identified in the Advancement Program). They must also have completed the recommended knowledge and ground work advancements steps for their age level. (see below) The exception is that walk/trot kids do not have to complete Level 1 section 3. Recommended • By the end of their junior years (usually 6th grade), members should have completed the Level 1 knowledge, ground work, and riding advancements. • By the end of their intermediate years (usually 9th grade), members should have completed Level 2 knowledge, ground work, and riding advancements. • By the end of their senior years, members should have completed Level 3 knowledge, ground work, and riding advancements. It was discussed that it is permissible for a junior to have completed Level 1 and be working on Level 2 (intermediate) steps. It is still going to be required that members complete 2 personal development options each year. A certificate should be given for each level as well as signing off in the Advancement Program. Susan moved that we accept the new requirements with the exception in the riding section for walk/trot members. Pat seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and carried. Records/Setting the Records Straight: This publication needs to be revised and it needs to be determined how the new levels relate to the judging of the records. This year it will be a requirement that the old advancement program be included in the record books. Assigning a committee to work on these issues was discussed and Eleni Boston, Linda Easton, and Tammi Starrs expressed an interest in being part of this committee. New Business: Fair Judges: Carolyn Jones reported the following confirmed judges: Julie Singer – Ground Training, Driving, Ranch Horse Nancy Collins – Ring Judge, Showmanship, English Equitation, Western Equitation, Dad Potter Joan Claypool – Ring Judge, Showmanship, English Equitation, Western Equitation, Jumping Paula Kiehn – Trail Judge (regular equitation)
Carolyn has a lead for a Dressage judge and is waiting to see if the Gymkhana judge contacted is available on that date. E-Mail Issues: It has been determined that any horse club leaders who have not yet submitted their club enrollment forms will not be on the e-mail list. Only the 2012-2013 information is being used, prior enrollments are not being looked at. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:40pm. Respectfully submitted, Linda Bentz Committee Secretary 11/28/12 Note: The new Horse Advancement Programs are available at the Extension Office for a cost of $2 each.