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Linda Skidmore-Roth ... NCLEX examination-style questions, 30 clinical calculators, and more. A ...... Clinical Companion for Maternity & Newborn Nursing, 10e.



Anatomy & Physiology


Care Planning


Community Nursing


Critical Care


Dosages & Solutions





Fundamentals & Skills




Gift / Trade


Health Assessment


Issues / Trends


Lab / Diagnostic Tests


Leadership / Management


Maternity & Women’s Health





Drug Reference


Medical Surgical Nursing


Nurse Assisting/Home Health Aidel


Nurse Practitioner


Nursing Process / Diagnosis








Perioperative, Nurse Anesthesia




Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing




Review / NCLEX




Nursing Translation


Author Index



Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses, 13th edition

The Anatomy and Physiology Learning System, 4th edition

Roger Watson

Edith Applegate

This is a new edition of a highly popular introductory text on anatomy and physiology for nurses and allied health students. Its clear writing style and competitive price make it accessible to a wide audience and its comprehensive coverage suits a variety of healthcare courses. The content is organised to reflect a systems approach.

Who said learning A&P can’t be fun? This popular text makes it easy for students to learn normal structure and function of the body, and summarizes the common disorders found in each body system. A clear, crisp writing style, hundreds of vibrant illustrations, and a wide array of engaging features simplify concepts. This edition includes a stronger emphasis on medical vocabulary, so students understand key terms before they learn anatomy. An Evolve companion website supports the book with a wealth of new learning opportunities. Even if your students have little or no background in science, they will learn the A&P they need to enter their careers!

* 9780702043581 * April 2011 * 370 pages

* Paperback

* 224 illustrations

Kevin Patton

* 9781437703931 * May 2010 * 496 pages * Including CD

Designed for one-semester anatomy and physiology courses and for students with little or no background in anatomy and physiology, this new, value-priced text provides a solid framework and just the right amount of content for learning and understanding the interrelations of body systems. A conversational writing style and a variety of study tools enhance student learning, while spectacular artwork clarifies complex concepts and provides expert visual guidance.

Ross and Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness International Edition, 11th edition

Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology

* 9780323053822 * March 2011 * 640 pages

* Paperback

* 550 illustrations

The Human Body in Health and Illness - Soft Cover Version, 4th edition Barbara Herlihy Using colorful cartoons, illustrations, and an easy-to-read approach, this textbook makes it fun to learn anatomy & physiology. It’s ideal for students who have a limited background in the sciences, because clear, step-by-step explanations provide all the information they need to know. The book breaks down complex concepts and processes into digestible chunks, and new features such as Re-Think and Go Figure! help students apply their knowledge to common problems in patient care. * 9781416068426 * November 2010 * 542 pages

* Paperback 1

* e-ISBN 9781437716313 * Paprerback

* 370 illustrations

Anne Waugh

*New title

Anatomy & Physiology


‘Ross and Wilson’ remains the anatomy and physiology textbook of choice for the majority of healthcare students. It is unique among textbooks in its appeal to a wide range of healthcare professionals including nurses,nursing students, students in the allied health professions and complementary / alternative medicine, paramedics and ambulance technicians. Each chapter provides an explanation of the normal structure and functions of the human body and the effects of disease or illness on normal physiology. The text is written in straightforward language and is complemented by over 400 extensive clear, colour illustrations. * 9780702032288 * April 2010 * 500 pages

* Paperback

* 350 illustrations 2


All-In-One Care Planning Resource, 3rd edition Pamela Swearingen


Community/Public Health Nursing: Promoting the Health of Populations, 5th edition Mary Nies

* 9780323074209 * June 2011 * Paperback

Nursing Care Plans: Diagnoses, Interventions, and Outcomes, 7th edition Meg Gulanick The most comprehensive nursing care planning book available, Nursing Care Plans, 7th Edition features more than 200 care plans covering the most common medical-surgical nursing diagnoses and clinical problems. As in past editions, authors Meg Gulanick and Judith Myers meticulously updated content to ensure it reflects the most current clinical practice and professional standards in nursing, while still retaining the easy-to-use, reader-friendly format that make this book so unique. Functioning as two books in one, it provides you with both a collection of 68 nursing diagnosis care plans to use as starting points for creating individualized care plans and a library of 143 disease-specific care plans for medical-surgical conditions most frequently encountered in nursing practice. * 9780323065375 * December 2010 * 1168 pages

* e-ISBN 9780323080552 * Paperback

Ulrich & Canale’s Nursing Care Planning Guides: Prioritization, Delegation, and Critical Thinking, 7th edition

* 9781437708608 * November 2010 * 720 pages

* e-ISBN 9781437708615 * Hardback

Developing Practice for Public Health and Health Promotion, 3rd edition Jennie Naidoo This package provides you with the book plus the eBook - giving you the printed book and also giving access to the complete book content electronically. Evolve eBooks allows you to quickly search the entire book, make notes, add highlights, and study more efficiently. Buying other Evolve eBooks titles makes your learning experience even better: all of the eBooks will work together on your electronic “bookshelf”, so that you can search across your entire library of Nursing eBooks. Developing Practice for Public Health and Health Promotion is the second title in the ‘Public Health and Health Promotion Practice’ series, expanding on the best-selling introductory textbook, Foundations for Health Promotion. Developing Practice is an essential text for the many different practitioners, professionals and specialists who contribute to public health and health promotion, enabling them to develop their knowledge, skills and confidence. * 9780702034046 * June 2010 * 260 pages

* e-ISBN 9780702044359 * Paperback

Practical and comprehensive, this essential resource helps you plan individualized care for clients in a variety of settings, including acute care, extended care, and home care environments. It features 33 detailed nursing diagnosis care plans and 65 disease/disorder care plans that are keyed to specific expected outcomes and interventions. This book also includes the popular Online Care Planner that allows you to edit and print standardized nursing diagnosis care plans. * 9781437701746 * October 2010 * 992 pages

* e-ISBN 9781437717280 * Paperback 3

* 210 illustrations

* illustrated

Community Nursing

Care Planning

Nancy Haugen

Known for its “upstream’’ focus and social justice approach, photo novellas with clinical stories, and a concise, readable style. Community/Public Health Nursing prepares your students to take an active role in promoting community health. It discusses today’s issues and trends, and describes the key issues and responsibilities of contemporary community/public health nursing - especially in caring for diverse population groups. 4


Promoting Health: A Practical Guide, 6th edition Ewles & Simnett Angela Scriven

Certification and Core Review for Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing, 4th edition American Association of Critical-Care Nu

Promoting Health is a seminal text that has been used in the training and education of health promoters over the last 25 years and has shaped health promotion practice in the UK. This 6th edition has undergone significant revision by a new author, Angela Scriven, a leading academic widely published in the health-promotion field, bringing it up to date with current practice. The text provides an accessible practical guide for all those involved in health promotion. Concerned with the what, why, who and how of health promotion, it is invaluable to students of the discipline.

* 9780702031397 * May 2010 * 258 pages


* e-ISBN 9780702044397 * Paperback

* Illustrated

The new edition of this powerful review tool helps readers to assess and build their knowledge of the information covered in AWHONN, AACN, & NANN: Core Curriculum for Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing, 3e. The review book is also authored by AACN (American Association of Critical-Care Nurses), AWHONN (Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses), and NANN (National Association of Neonatal Nurses) and is a companion to the Core Curriculum. The Core Review includes 600 multiple-choice study questions to challenge readers’ mastery of all the essential knowledge in the field. Written under the authority of the American Association for Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) and reviewed by the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) and the National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN), it is an ideal study tool to facilitate preparation for neonatal critical-care nursing certification. * 9781437726336 * May 2011 * 200 pages

* Paperback

Nursing Care of the Critically Ill Child, 3rd edition Mary Fran Hazinski This text is a comprehensive reference for pediatric critical care nursing. It details the unique care required for children through a thorough discussion of physiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, collaborative management, and nursing management. * 9780323020404 * May 2011 * 1312 pages

* 370 illustrations

Critical Care

* Hardback 5 6


Manual of Critical Care Nursing: Nursing Interventions and Collaborative Management, 6th edition Marianne Baird It’s the ideal go-to reference for the clinical setting! Compact and easy to use, Manual of Critical Care Nursing, 6th Edition presents essential information on approximately 80 disorders and conditions, as well as concepts relevant to caring for all critically ill patients and functioning in the critical care environment. Award-winning clinical nurse specialists Marianne Baird and Sue Bethel separate the content first by body system and then by disorder, with each disorder including a brief description of pathophysiology, assessment, diagnostic testing, collaborative management, nursing diagnoses, desired outcomes, nursing interventions, patient teaching, and rehabilitation. A concise, consistent format presents the material in a way that reflects a practicing nurse’s thought processes.

* 9780323063760 * December 2010 * 992 pages


AACN Procedure Manual for Critical Care: American Association of Critical-Care Nu, 6th edition The AACN Procedure Manual for Critical Care, 6th Edition presents procedures for the critical care environment in an illustrated, consistent, and step-by-step format. The Procedures and Patient Monitoring sections are presented in a tabular format that includes special considerations and rationales for each intervention. References have been meticulously reviewed to ensure that the most authoritative and timely standards of practice are used. Additionally, the references supporting care recommendations are identified according to the latest AACN Evidence Leveling System to ensure that you have a complete understanding of the strength of the evidence base. * 9781416062189 * September 2010 * 1312 pages

* e-ISBN 9781437703962 * Paperback

* e-ISBN 9780323065924 * Hardback

* 104 illustrations

Merenstein & Gardner’s Handbook of Neonatal Intensive Care, 7th edition Sandra Gardner

Mosby’s Nursing PDQ for Critical Care, 2nd edition Susan Stillwell Precise, yet comprehensive, this portable guide provides rapid access to vital nursing information for the acute care management of patients in the critical care setting. Key topics include disorders, treatment, assessment, procedures, monitoring, drug therapy, lab values, scoring tools, and helpful formulas. It fits easily into a scrub pocket, with 10 tabbed sections and a convenient spiral binding that allows it to lie flat on any given page. An ideal student study tool or resource for clinicals, this full-color guide offers quick access to just the right amount of practical, must-know critical care nursing information. * 9780323074063 * November 2010 * 216 pages

* Spiral bound 7

The leading resource for collaborative critical care for newborns, Merenstein & Gardner’s Handbook of Neonatal Intensive Care, 7th Edition provides a multidisciplinary approach and a real-world perspective. It focuses on evidenced-based practice, with clinical directions in color for easy retrieval and review. Special features help you prioritize the steps in initial care, and provide a guide to sharing information with parents. With each chapter written jointly by both physicians and nurses, this book is comprehensive enough to suit the needs of the entire team in your neonatal intensive care unit. * 9780323067157 * May 2010 * 1048 pages

* e-ISBN 9780323081139 * Paperback

* 194 illustrations 8


Nursing Calculations, 8th edition John Gatford This best-selling book enables nursing students to calculate drug doses accurately and quickly. It begins with a diagnostic test to pinpoint any weaknesses in basic arithmetic and is followed by specific exercises to remedy them. Examples are drawn from everyday clinical practice with graded exercises and answers. The content covers: • administering injections, tablets and mixtures • intravenous infusions • administering safe dosages to children. Nursing Calculations is an essential aid to safe clinical practice for student nurses and those returning to the profession. * 9780702044526 * June 2011 * 158 pages

* Paperback

Sheila Ogden Offer your students the best way to competently and confidently calculate drug dosages with the new edition of Calculation of Drug Dosages. Written by Sheila J. Ogden, MSN, RN and Linda Fluharty, RNC, MSN, this 9th Edition provides your students with an extensive review of essential math concepts before introducing and clearly explaining the ratio and proportion, formula, and dimensional analysis methods of drug calculation. The book’s popular “worktext” format builds on concepts as they go and reinforces what they learn through more than 1,800 practice problems.

Dosages & Solutions

Calculating Drug Doses Safely: A Handbook For Nurses and Midwives, 2nd edition George Downie This book is designed to help nurses make accurate drug calculations and improve patient safety. It is written in an accessible style to make learning as easy as possible. The simple, clear and friendly approach will be a major help to anyone who hates maths. Real examples from prescriptions and medicine labels are used to simulate actual practice and help make the link with the theory. The range of specialties covered makes the content relevant to all areas of nursing practice. * 9780702031847 * July 2010 * 216 pages

* Paperback

* e-ISBN 9780323077545 * Paperback

Math for Clinical Practice, 2nd edition Denise Macklin Covering the ratio and proportion and formula methods, this comprehensive textbook presents a straightforward, real-world approach to the mathematical calculations used in the clinical setting. It features a unique, step-by-step process that teaches you to identify the information needed to perform a calculation, determine if information is missing, set up and perform the calculation, and check the answer to ensure accurracy. This systematic approach is designed to reduce human calculation errors and ensure patient safety. Common medications and methods of administration are used throughout the textbook, with more than 1,200 practice problems to help you master the math needed for clinical practice. * 9780323064996 * February 2010 * 512 pages

*e-ISBN 9780323073400 * Paperback

The Nurse, The Math, The Meds: Drug Calculations Using Dimensional Analysis, 2nd edition Joyce Mulholland Clearly explaining the dimensional analysis method, this book helps students overcome math anxiety and minimize or eliminate drug calculation errors. It shows how to analyze practice problems, find the reasonable answer, and then evaluate the answer. With over 1,400 practice questions, this book is ideal for the classroom, independent study, or distance learning programs. * 9780323069045 * December 2010 * 544 pages

* e-ISBN 9780323069069 * Paperback 9

* Illustrated

* Illustrated

Calculation of Drug Dosages: A Work Text, 9th edition

* 9780323077538 * April 2011 * 608 pages


* 775 illustraions 10



2012 Intravenous Medications: A Handbook for Nurses and Health Professionals, 28th edition Betty Gahart * 9780323057998 * July 2011 * 1408 pages

* e-ISBN 9780323066884 * Spiral bound

Mosby’s 2012 Nursing Drug Reference, 25th edition Linda Skidmore-Roth * 9780323069175 * June 2011 * 1344 pages

* Hardback

Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2012 Barbara Hodgson * 9781437723342 * June 2011 * Paperback

* e-ISBN 9781437723359

A Nurse’s Survival Guide to Mentoring Karen Elcock

* 9780702039461 * February 2011 * 450 pages

* Paperback

*New title 12

* Illustrated

Drug Reference

Are you mentoring students? This is an indispensable handbook for: • both new and experienced mentors seeking practical advice • academic staff who deliver mentorship programmes • link lecturers who support mentors in practice.



2011 Intravenous Medications: A Handbook for Nurses and Health Professionals, 27th edition

Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2011

Betty Gahart

Written by the unique nurse and pharmacist author team of Barbara Hodgson, RN, OCN and Robert Kizior, BS, RPh, Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2011 provides quick access to current, reliable information on more than 1,000 generic-name drugs. Detailed nursing considerations guide students through the typical thought process behind ordering prescriptions to help them learn to set clinical priorities, practice safe drug administration, and promote positive patient outcomes. Complete coverage of IV drug administration, fixed combinations, and the latest FDA-approved drugs make this handbook essential for clinicals!

The #1 IV drug handbook for 38 years, Intravenous Medications is trusted for its accuracy and comprehensive coverage. It provides essential data on administering more than 350 intravenous drugs, with a portable size for convenience in the classroom or any clinical setting. This edition includes entries for new IV drugs recently approved by the FDA and hundreds of new drug facts. With an alphabetical organization and a detailed appendix of generic and trade names plus pharmacologic actions, this reference makes it easy to find drug information quickly. * 9780323057929 * September 2010 * 1424 pages

* e-ISBN 9780323066860 * Spiral bound

Mosby’s Drug Guide for Nurses, 9th edition Linda Skidmore-Roth In this portable handbook, an A-to-Z format makes it easy for students to find information on the drugs they will administer every day. This edition provides information on 50 drug classifications and more than 4,000 individual generic and trade name drugs -- including 25 new FDA-approved drugs. The newest NANDA-I nursing diagnoses help students write care plans; by looking up interactions and therapeutic outcomes, they can ensure drug safety and prevent errors. A companion CD-ROM contains profiles of 60 drugs commonly encountered in clinicals, patient teaching guides, over 350 NCLEX examination-style questions, 30 clinical calculators, and more. A companion website includes drug updates and the latest FDA safety alerts. ®

* * * *

9780323067034 August 2010 1184 pages Including CD

*e-ISBN 9780323067140 * Paperback

* Illustrated

Mosby’s 2011 Nursing Drug Reference, 24th edition Linda Skidmore-Roth In this portable handbook, an A-to-Z format makes it easy for students to find information on the drugs they will administer every day. This edition contains complete profiles of more than 1,300 generic and 4,500 trade-name drugs plus 25 new FDA-approved drugs and the latest drug and safety facts. It also includes a mini CD with printable information on 100 common drugs and patient teaching guides, plus a website with drug updates, new safety alerts, and more. This is Mosby’s bestselling drug reference for nurses! * 9780323069182 * July 2010 * 1316 pages

* 9781437719291 * July 2010 * 1530 pages

*e-ISBN 9781437719314 * Paperback

*New title

Havard’s Nursing Guide to Drugs, 8th edition Adriana Tiziani Havard’s Nursing Guide to Drugs 8e is an essential resource for all nursing students and practitioners. The information presented in this user-friendly guide can be accessed either by therapeutic class or by system. Each section is introduced by a clear description, followed by the A-Z of drugs within the given therapeutic class. It includes the action, use and dosage of each drug as well as important nursing points and nursing cautions. This comprehensive guide includes both trade and generic drug names for the reader’s ease of use. As with previous editions of Havard’s Nursing Guide to Drugs each drug is independently reviewed with obsolete drugs being removed and new drugs added. Each existing drug is also independently examined so as to ensure that its use, doses, side effects, contraindication and precautions comply with that of the Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA). * 9780729539135 * March 2010 * 680 Pages

* Paperback

* e-ISBN 9780323078351 * Hardback 13

Barbara Hodgson

* Illustrated 14


Sexual Assault Atlas International Association of Forensic Nu Sexual Violence Atlas by the IAFN is intended to replace the Girardin text. It will be a small, therefore portable, atlas that is updated in both format and content to reflect the most up-to-date research and practice in the field of wound identification. It will be the ideal clinical companion for any professional concerned with the documentation of sexual violence. * 9781437727838 * September 2011 * 320 Pages *New title

* Hardback

* 480 illustrations

Sheehy’s Manual of Emergency Care, 7th edition Emergency Nurses Association Sheehy’s Manual of Emergency Care has been a mainstay in emergency care for 30 years. Unlike many clinical practice titles, Sheehy’s Manual has maintained its unit sales, even increased sales over the 5th edition. With the demands faced within the ED continuing to increase, the need for a comprehensive, authoritative and easily referenced book such as Sheehy’s Manual continues. This book is unique in the nursing field. * 9780323078276 * August 2011 * 960 pages

* Paperback

* 420 illustrations

A Nurse’s Survival Guide to Acute Medical Emergencies, 3rd edition


Minor Injuries: A Clinical Guide, 2nd edition Dennis Purcell Now with a free instructional video demonstrating basic examination techniques, this second edition of Minor Injuries makes it much easier to learn procedures for assessing minor injuries. It is unique in linking the underlying anatomy to the examination processes that are part of the education of a practitioner, covering the commonly presenting injuries that, and explains how to handle them. This text is essential for staff in accident and emergency units, minor injury units, walk-in centres and all areas where patients present with minor injuries. Free video: A 25-minute online video demonstrating 77 different examinations, makes them easy to understand, and covering: The Neck and Upper Limbs o The Shoulder o The Forearm, Wrist and Hand

o The Elbow

The Back and Lower Limbs o The Hip o The Knee o The Ankle and Foot. Active, resisted and passive movements are shown, testing the full range of movement. * * * *

9780443103117 September 2010 241 pages DVD included

* Paperback

* 183 illustrations

Richard Harrison This is an indispensable pocket guide for nurses caring for patients with acute medical conditions. * 9780702040443 * Januray 2011 * 430 Pages

* Paperback

* Illustrated



Robin Dennison Pass CEN! can help your students prepare for success on the Certification for Emergency Nurses examination! It reviews all the content covered in the current exam blueprint, and includes fun yet challenging learning activities, realistic practice questions, and comprehensive practice examinations. A concise outline format and numerous illustrations make the material easy to read, understand, and remember. With the accompanying online Evolve Exam Review course, students can take practice exams simulating the experience of taking the actual exam. * * * *

9780323048798 November 2010 816 Pages Including CD

* Paperback *New title 15

Forensic Nursing Science, 2nd edition Virginia Lynch Written and edited by the most respected authorities in forensic nursing and forensic sciences, this new edition provides the tools and concepts you need to collect evidence that is admissible in court, determine the significance of that evidence, and provide accurate, reliable testimony while administering high-quality patient care. Now in full color throughout, it remains the most comprehensive, highly illustrated text of its kind. * 9780323066372 * July 2010 * 704 pages

* e-ISBN 9780323066389 * Hardback

* 480 illustrations 16


Nursing Interventions & Clinical Skills, 5th edition Anne Perry With its new condensed format, completely reorganized and updated content, respected author team, and new lower price, Perry and Potter’s Nursing Interventions and Clinical Skills, 5th Edition is your all-around best choice for helping your students learn the skills and techniques they’ll use every day in practice. Covering 181 skills, this highly accessible manual conveniently groups all related skills together, so students can find information quickly. The companion Evolve website features 50 video clips, skills checklists, and much more, ensuring successful mastery of each skill. * 9780323069687 * March 2011 * 732 pages

* Paperback

* 739 illustrations (739 in full color)

Mosby’s Pocket Guide to Nursing Skills & Procedures, 7th edition Anne Perry A concise, portable study tool and clinical reference! Based on Perry & Potter’s market-leading Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques, 7th Edition, this spiral-bound guide presents 83 key skills in an easy-to-use A-to-Z format. Step-by-step instructions include full-color photos plus rationales explaining why to use specific techniques. With the latest in evidence-based practice, this book helps students perform nursing skills safely and effectively. A Skyscape version makes content available on any hand-held device! * 9780323074544 * June 2010 * 640 pages

* e-ISBN 9780323075794 * Spiral bound

* 445 illustrations

Foundations and Adult Health Nursing, 6th edition Fundamentals & Skills

Barbara Christensen Part of the popular LPN Threads series, this comprehensive text includes in-depth discussions of fundamental concepts and skills, plus medical-surgical content to help you provide safe and effective care in the fast-paced healthcare environment. Easy-to-read content, an enhanced focus on preparing for the NCLEX Examination, and a wealth of tips and study tools make Foundations and Adult Health Nursing, 6th Edition, your must-have text! ®

* 9780323057288 * May 2010 * 2256 pages

* e-ISBN 9780323073127


Foundations of Nursing, 6th edition Barbara Christensen Part of the popular LPN Threads series, this comprehensive text prepares you for safe and effective nursing practice in today’s fast-paced healthcare environment. Covering maternal and neonatal, pediatric, geriatric, mental health, and community nursing, Foundations of Nursing, 6th Edition, includes all of the essential LPN/LVN content you need. * * * *

* e-ISBN 9780323073141

9780323057325 April 2010 1392 pages Including CD

* Paperback

Basic Nursing, 7th edition Patricia Potter Basic Nursing is known for its visually appealing design and direct, easy-to-read style, making it perfect for beginning nursing students. It addresses all the essential nursing principles, concepts, and skills needed, and consistently follows the 5-step nursing process framework with a strong focus on critical thinking that provides a solid base for clinicals. * * * *

9780323058919 April 2010 1200 pages Including CD

* e-ISBN 9780323071888 * Hardback

Mosby’s Tour Guide to Nursing School: A Students Road Survival Kit, 6th edition Melodie Chenevert Encouraging, user-friendly, and altogether unique, Mosby’s Tour Guide to Nursing School encourages you to not only survive nursing school, but excel in whichever program you select. Throughout the book, Dr. Chenevert compares your journey through nursing school to a road trip, and she offers advice to increase your understanding, help you successfully navigate obstacles, and make your journey more enjoyable. You’ll learn how to prepare for the NCLEX® and your nursing career, how to get good grades, how to deal with failure, how to improve oral and written reports, and much more. A must-have for every nursing student! * 9780323067416 * March 2010 * 240 pages

* e-ISBN 9780323067393 * Hardback

* Hardback 17 18


Bailliere’s Study Skills for Nurses and Midwives, 4th edition Sian Maslin-Prothero Whether you are a first time student or returning to study, it can seem very daunting. This book can help you get the most from studying and shows how to make good use of your time and achieve success. This 4th edition has been thoroughly revised and updated. It demonstrates how to develop and build on existing strengths and experiences to get the most out of any course. Using a down-to-earth and user-friendly style, it concentrates on what you need to know. It can help you to: • get the most from reading and lectures • access libraries • use the Internet and databases • develop IT skills • learn through reflection • develop a portfolio • prepare assignments • get the most from placements * 9780702031427 * Januray 2010 * 354 pages

* Paperback


Basic Geriatric Nursing, 5th edition Gloria Wold Part of the popular LPN threads series, Basic Geriatric Nursing presents the theories and concepts of aging, the physiologic and psychosocial changes and problems associated with the process, and appropriate nursing interventions. * 9780323073998 * February 2011 * Paperback

Gerontologic Nursing, 4th edition Sue Meiner Covering both disorders and wellness, Gerontologic Nursing provides the essential information you need to provide the best nursing care to older adults. A body-system organization makes information easy to find, and discussions include health promotion, psychologic and sociocultural issues, and the common medical-surgical problems associated with aging adults. Written by expert educator and clinician Sue Meiner, EdD, RN, CS, GNP, this book also emphasizes topics such as nutrition, chronic illness, emergency treatment, patient teaching, home care, and end-of-life care. * e-ISBN 9780323069984 * Paperback

* 180 illustrations (120 in full color)


* 9780323069991 * November 2010 * 704 pages 19 20



Nursing, The Finest Art: An Illustrated History, 3rd edition

Physical Examination and Health Assessment, 6th edition

Patricia Donahue

Carolyn Jarvis

* 9780323053051 * March 2010 * 416 pages

* Hardback

* 500 illustrations

* 9781437701517 * April 2011 * Hardback *New title

Key title

Nursing the Finest Art: An Illustrated History traces the social, political, and economic history of nursing from its origins through contemporary practices – covering all specialties and settings. Few nursing history books include complete coverage from Prehistoric times through present day, making this book a fascinating journey through the profession. Thoroughly updated with almost 95% new artwork! Makes a great gift!

Mosby’s Nursing Video Skills: Physical Examination and Health Assessment, 2nd edition Mosby Mosby’s Nursing Video Skills: Physical Examination and Health Assessment includes 185 individual video clips of the most commonly performed physical exam procedures that students need to master for each body system. These dynamic videos are accompanied by critical thinking cases and activities, NCLEX review questions, printable step-by-step procedures, follow-up care, and documentation to provide a complete student resource on physical examination. * 9780323077989 * March 2011 * DVD

Mosby’s Assessment Memory NoteCards: Visual, Mnemonic, and Memory Aids for Nurses, 2nd edition

Gift / Trade

With 80 full-color cartoons, this set of illustrated cards makes it easier and more fun to review physical examination and health assessment concepts. Students may use the durable, detachable cards as either a spiral-bound notebook or as individual flashcards. Using humor and® mnemonics, this convenient study tool helps in preparing for the NCLEX and classroom exams, for clinical reference, for writing care plans, or for patient teaching information. * 9780323067454 * July 2010 * 176 pages, with 80 spiral-bound cards 21 22

Health Assessment

JoAnn Zerwekh


Mosby’s Guide to Physical Examination, 7th edition Henry Seidel Mosby’s Guide to Physical Examination is a comprehensive textbook of physical examination, history-taking, and health assessment with a unique emphasis on differential diagnosis and variations across the lifespan. The book conveys a uniquely compassionate, patient-centered approach to physical examination with a strong evidence-based foundation. * 9780323055703 * April 2010 * 912 pages

* e-ISBN 9780323073578 * Hardback


Mosby’s Physical Examination Handbook, 7th edition Henry Seidel Be prepared in any clinical setting with this portable, full-color, illustrated guide. Key information includes differential diagnosis tips, pediatric variations, sample documentation, and other helpful assessment data for quick reference. Separate chapters cover age-specific exams for infants, children, and adolescents, the healthy female evaluation, and reporting and documenting findings. * 9780323065405 * February 2010 * 352 pages

* e-ISBN 9780323078436 * Paperback

Mosby’s Physical Examination Video Series By Henry M. Seidel Series features: •Dynamic, full-motion video featuring experienced examiners reflects today’s health care practice. •Animations and illustration overlays help you visualize anatomy and physiology and underlying processes. •An Instructor booklet contains overviews and outlines, learning objectives, discussion topics, and review questions with answers. 1.Set of 18 DVDs - 9780323099769 2.DVD 16: Effective Communication and Interviewing Skills 9780323065474 3.DVD 17: Physical Examination of the Hospitalized Patient - 9780323065481 4.DVD 18: Putting It All Together: Physical Examination of the Child 9780323065498 5.Special Topics DVDs 16-18 - 9780323065504 * April 2010 23 24

* 510 illustrations (265 in full color)


Nursing Today: Transition and Trends, 7th edition JoAnn Zerwekh

This bestselling issues & trends textbook gives you a broad understanding of the problems and opportunities you will face as you make the transition from student to practicing nurse. While most of your studies have focused on learning how to care for the patient, this text teaches you the practical skills essential to managing the business side of your nursing career, including tips on resume writing and interviewing techniques, how to prepare for the NCLEX-RN exam, and effective ways to communicate and handle conflict in the work place. This new edition includes two new chapters on Emergency Preparedness and Building Nursing Management Skills plus numerous chapters that have been updated with the most relevant topics necessary for today’s nursing student. * 9781437725674 * April 2011 * 640 pages * Paperback * 306 illustrations (306 in full color)

Policy and Politics in Nursing and Health Care, 6th edition Diana Mason Featuring analysis of healthcare issues and first-person stories, this resource helps students develop skills in influencing policy in today’s changing health care environment. Approximately 150 expert contributors cover present a wide range of topics in policies and politics, providing a more complete background in policies and politics than can be found in any other policy textbook on the subject market. Discussions include the latest thinking updates on conflict management, health economics, lobbying, the use of media, and working with communities for change. With these insights and strategies, students will be prepared to play a leadership role in four spheres: the workplace, government, professional organizations, and the community. * 9781437714166 * e-ISBN 9781437714142 * March 2011 * 848 pages * Paperback * Illustrated

Issues / Trends

Conceptual Foundations: The Bridge to Professional Nursing Practice, 5th edition Joan Creasia Conceptual Foundations: The Bridge to Professional Nursing Practice, 5th Edition provides the foundation students need to prepare for their roles as professional nurses. It discusses the concepts that define nursing, covering everything from the history of nursing to current challenges in the profession. Expert educators Joan L. Creasia and Elizabeth E. Friberg bring together the best minds of nursing for an in-depth look at the profession’s major theories, practices, and principles. * 9780323068697 * e-ISBN 9780323068727 * November 2010 * 464 pages * Paperback * Illustrated 25


Contemporary Nursing: Issues, Trends, & Management, 5th edition Barbara Cherry Contemporary Nursing: Issues, Trends, and Management, 5th Edition prepares students for the rapidly evolving world of health care. It provides a comprehensive yet focused overview of nursing topics affecting practice and issues facing today’s nurse managers and tomorrow’s nurse leaders. Fully revised and updated, this edition gives your students the most practical, balanced preparation for the issues, trends, and management topics they will encounter in practice. * 9780323069533 * September 2010 * 640 pages

* e-ISBN 9780323069557 * Paperback

* 184 illustrations (184 in full color)

Current Issues In Nursing, 8th edition Perle Cowen Current Issues in Nursing provides a forum for knowledgeable debate on the important issues that nurses face today. This resource provides the opportunity to analyze conflicting viewpoints and develop your own thoughts on demands being made for the nursing profession and the difficult issues affecting today’s health care delivery. Continually praised for its in-depth discussion of critical issues, solid organization of material, and encouragement of independent thinking, you’ll find this text a valuable resource in the modern world of nursing. * 9780323065719 * March 2010 * 832 pages

* e-ISBN 9780323065726 * Paperback

Essentials of Law for Health Professionals, 3rd edition Kim Forrester Essentials of Law for Health Professionals 3e has been thoroughly revised and updated throughout to reflect the most recent changes in legislation relevant to the provision of health care services in Australia. Employment status of health professionals and issues of work cover, health and safety obligations, anti-discrimination issues are clearly outlined and discussed in the new edition. Legal issues surrounding genetics, fertility and surrogacy are reviewed in conjunction with the current position on abortion and wrongful deaths. The breadth of material is presented in a manner that is more in keeping with a student resource text rather than a law book. It emphasises major points and includes summaries on how the law relates to practice rather than merely stating the law. The new third edition continues to present contemporary issues relevant for Health Science students from the clinical setting through to management and employment, as they apply to each state. * 9780729539159 * March 2010 * 400 pages * Paperback 26



Professional Nursing: Concepts & Challenges, 6th edition

Mosby’s Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference, 10th edition

Kay Chitty

Kathleen Pagana

This easy-to-read text introduces you to the issues and trends you’re likely to encounter in any nursing practice setting. Each stand-alone chapter introduces and explores a specific topic and gives insightful discussions of issues such as the health care delivery system, professionalization in nursing, standards and scope of practice, socialization and nursing theories surrounding the profession, and political action facing nurses.

Access the clinically relevant information you need easily in any setting with Mosby’s Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference, tenth Edition. This best-selling handbook provides concise coverage of tests without sacrificing important details. Each test entry includes, where relevant, alternate or abbreviated test names; type of test; normal findings; possible critical values; test explanation and related physiology; contraindications; potential complications; interfering factors; procedure and patient care (before, during, and after); and abnormal findings. Related tests are extensively cross-referenced throughout the book. With its simple format and portable size, this is a handy reference you’ll always want by your side.

* e-ISBN 9781437707175 * Paperback

* 9780323074056 * January 2011 * 1152 pages 27

* e-ISBN 9780323080149 * Paperback 28

Lab / Diagnostic Tests

* 9781437707199 * February 2010 * 464 pages



Leading and Managing in Nursing, 5th edition

Clinical Companion for Maternity & Newborn Nursing, 10th edition

Patricia Yoder-Wise

Shannon Perry

Leading and Managing in Nursing, 5th Edition, by Patricia Yoder-Wise, successfully blends evidence-based guidelines with practical application. The new edition is designed to prepare you for the nursing leadership issues of today and tomorrow, providing just the right amount of information to equip you with the tools you need to succeed on the NCLEX and in practice. This thoroughly updated edition is organized around the issues that are central to the success of professional nurses in today’s constantly changing healthcare environment, including patient safety, workplace violence, consumer relationships, cultural diversity, resource management, and many more.

* 9780323077996 * April 2011 * 480 pages

* 9780323069779 * November 2010 * 752 pages

* e-ISBN 9780323069786 * Paperback

* 135 illustrations

Nursing Delegation and Management of Patient Care Kathleen Motacki

* e-ISBN 9780323081092 * Paperback

* Illustrated

Maternity and Women’s Health Care, 10th edition Deitra Lowdermilk * 9780323074292 * April 2011 * 1184 pages

* e-ISBN 9780323081108 * Hardback

Introduction to Maternity & Pediatric Nursing, 6th edition Gloria Leifer

* 9780323053068 * April 2010 * 528 pages

* e-ISBN 9780323064064 * Paperback

Leadership / Management

*New title 29

Part of the popular LPN Threads series, this market-leading textbook provides a solid foundation in obstetrics and pediatric nursing. An easy-to-follow organization by developmental stages, discussion of disorders by body system from simple-to-complex and health-to-illness, and a focus on family health make it a complete guide to caring for maternity and pediatric patients. Using a clear, concise writing style, this edition reflects the current ® NCLEX test plan with additional material on safety, health promotion, nutrition, and related psychosocial care. * * * *

9781437708240 November 2010 864 pages Including CD

* e-ISBN 9781437716221 * Paperback 30

* 505 illustrations

Maternity & Women’s Health

This dynamic resource is your guide to the latest information on the roles and responsibilities of the manager of patient care, core competencies required of nurses caring for patients, and a wide range of management concepts that nurses need to know before entering practice. With an emphasis on patient safety and evidence-based practice, it provides complete coverage of patient care management, leadership, information management, organizational planning, and human resources.


Core Curriculum for Maternal-Newborn Nursing, 4th edition Using an outcomes-based approach, this up-to-date reference provides essential knowledge for care through every stage of pregnancy and childbirth. It is also the definitive resource in preparing for the AWHONN certification examination. A concise, outline format covers concepts of reproduction, fetal development, normal pregnancy, intrapartum and postpartum periods, the normal newborn, complications in the mother and the newborn, and ethical and legal issues. This is the only book to include AWHONN-endorsed content for the practice of maternal-newborn nursing!

* 125 illustrations

No other book provides a complete guide to care of this special patient and her complex needs! This concise reference promotes positive outcomes with coverage of today’s newest technology, physiologic considerations, psychologic implications, health disorders, and other complications in pregnancy. Discussions also include how to screen for risk factors, provide preventive management, and intervene appropriately when problems arise. It’s ideal for use in both inpatient and outpatient settings!

* Paperback

* Illustrated

Maternity Nursing, 8th edition Deitra Lowdermilk New to this edition • Evidence-Based Practice boxes have been updated, researched and reformatted to help you focus on current research. • Recognizes the nurse’s need to integrate the family in the care of the mother and newborn. • New and updated information to reflect current nursing research. * e-ISBN 9780323078092 * Hardback 31

* 9780702031052 * April 2011 * 1084 pages

* Paperback

* 240 illustrations (90 in full color)

Introduction to Research for Midwives, 3rd edition Colin Rees Are you struggling to understand the basic principles and jargon used in research? Are you evaluating research articles or doing a literature review? Packed with practical advice and tips that really work, this is the book for you! Research is now a fundamental part of midwifery practice but not everyone finds it easy. This introductory text explains the world of research from the viewpoint of both those carrying out the research and those using the results of research. In simple language and with clear examples, it demonstrates how quantitative and qualitative research projects are constructed and how they are evaluated. This book enables midwives, midwifery students and other health professionals, to apply research to their own practice and to evaluate existing research.

* 9780702034909 * April 2011 * 280 pages

* Paperback

* Illustrated

Midwifery: Preparation for Practice, 2nd edition Sally Pairman Midwifery: Preparation for Practice focuses on placing the woman and midwife at the center of care, in line with the philosophy, education and practice standards set by the Australian College of Midwives and the New Zealand College of Midwives. It reflects the socio-political contexts in which students in the two countries practice.

* 9780729539289 * August 2010 * 976 pages

* Paperback 32


* Paperback

Elizabeth Gilbert

* 9780323066617 * March 2010 * 875 pages

Mayes Midwifery 14th edition updates this popular and comprehensive textbook, with extensive additional electronic support material provided for this edition, as well as new illustrations, a new chapter, and fully updated and reorganised text.

* e-ISBN 9781437737738

Manual of High Risk Pregnancy and Delivery, 5th edition

* 9780323072533 * June 2010 * 736 pages

Mayes’ Midwifery: A Textbook for Midwives, 14th edition Sue Macdonald

Association of Women’s Health

* 9781437715767 * June 2010 * 736 pages




Skills for Midwifery Practice, 3rd edition Ruth Johnson This highly acclaimed step-by-step guide provides the relevant physiology, available evidence and rationale for each clinical skill. In a highly readable format, Skills for Midwifery Practice offers self-assessment and short summaries, as well as detailed instruction on achieving a range of clinical skills. * 9780702031465 * April 2010 * 422 pages

* e-ISBN 9780702044250 * Paperback

Physiology in Childbearing: with Anatomy and Related Biosciences, 3rd edition Dot Stables The third edition of this popular textbook gives a clear, easy-to-read account of anatomy and physiology at all stages of pregnancy and childbirth. Each chapter covers normal physiology, changes to the physiology in pregnancy, and application to practice. The physiology of childbearing is placed within a total biological context, drawing on evolution, ecology, biochemistry and cell biology.

* 9780702031069 * April 2010 * 780 pages

* e-ISBN 9780702044113 * Paperback 33



Review of Hemodialysis for Nurses and Dialysis Personnel, 8th edition Judith Kallenbach Review of Hemodialysis for Nurses and Dialysis Personnel, 8e is a practical, straightforward introduction to dialysis. It is relevant to every member of a dialysis team: nurses, technicians, dietitians, pharmacologists, social workers and patients. It assumes no prior knowledge of patient care, nursing procedures, or dialysis principles on the part of the reader and is comprehensive without being overwhelming.

* 9780323077026 * July 2011 * Paperback

Alexander’s Nursing Practice, 4th edition First published 13 years ago Alexander’s Nursing Practice has become an established bestseller as the core text of choice for students of adult nursing. It covers the broad knowledge base required for successfully completing the adult nursing branch programme of the pre-registration nursing course. Written and edited by UK nurses who understand the needs of nursing students in the UK, it continues to reflect the issues and challenges for nursing practice in an era of rapid developments in diagnosis, therapy and care. This 4th edition will see a full revision bringing the book up to date with current clinical practice and the latest research evidence. There will be increased emphasis on nursing as opposed to purely medical information within the book. The three section format which has proved so effective is retained, progressing from a broad systems approach to more detail on specific patient concerns and nursing issues. Ample cross-referencing encourages links between the sections: • Section One - Care of patients with common disorders • Section Two - Common patient problems and related nursing care • Section Three - now entitled - Nursing patients with special challenges.

* 9780702031526 * May 2011 * 1118 pages

* Paperback 36

* 199 illustrations

(195 in full color)

Medical Surgical Nursing

Chris Brooker


Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing, 5th edition Adrianne Linton Part of Elsevier’s LPN Threads curriculum, Linton’s Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing provides LPN/LVN students with just the right level of information to equip them to provide care for adults and older adults with medical-surgical and psychiatric mental health problems. Linton addresses the role of the LPN/LVN in a variety of care settings, including acute care, with special emphasis on assignment, supervision, and leadership responsibilities. Culturally competent care, a strong thread of holistic nursing, is an important theme throughout the book. Coverage of older adults and patients with psychiatric mental health issues eliminates the need for separate gerontology and psychiatric mental health nursing textbooks.

* 9781437717082 * March 2011 * 1392 pages

* Hardback

* 405 illustrations


Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, Single Volume, 8th edition Sharon Lewis Written by a dedicated team of expert authors led by Sharon Lewis, Medical-Surgical Nursing, 8th Edition offers up-to-date coverage of the latest trends, hot topics, and clinical developments in the field, to help you prepare students to provide exceptional care in today’s fast-paced health care environment. Completely revised and updated content explores patient care in various clinical settings and focuses on key topics such as® prioritization, clinical decision-making, patient safety, and NCLEX exam preparation. A variety of helpful boxes and tables make it easy for students to find essential information and the accessible writing style makes even complex concepts easy to grasp! Best of all - a complete collection of timesaving teaching tools and interactive student resources helps you create an engaging learning environment and offers your students valuable, real-world preparation for clinical practice.

(405 in full color)

Acute and Chronic Wounds: Current Management Concepts, 4th edition

* 9780323065801 * December 2010 * 2016 pages

* Hardback

Ruth Bryant Reflecting the latest technologic advances and therapies, this extensively revised new edition remains your students’ #1 source for today’s best information on wound care. Using a strong nursing process and multidisciplinary approach, this best-selling title is an all-inclusive resource for anyone involved in the care of acute surgical wounds and all types of chronic wounds.

* 9780323069434 * February 2011 * 680 pages

* Hardback

* 400 illustrations

(140 in full color)

Manual of Medical-Surgical Nursing: A Care Planning Resource, 7th edition Frances Monahan Known for its complete, clinically focused coverage, this quick reference covers the treatment of 125 commonly encountered medical-surgical conditions. An easy-to-use format makes it easy to find the information needed to provide optimal nursing care. Unique to this manual, outcome criteria include specific and measurable timeframes to help in establishing realistic treatment goals and evaluating the effectiveness of care. An ideal resource for care planning and clinicals, and a great clinical reference!

*9780323072540 * October 2010 * 816 pages 37

* Paperback 38


Adult Health Nursing, 6th edition Barbara Christensen Part of the popular LPN Threads series, this comprehensive text includes all of the vital medical-surgical and anatomy and physiology content you need to know. From an introduction to A&P to discussions of disorders by body system and beyond, Adult Health Nursing, 6th Edition, is an indispensable reference.

* 9780323057363 * April 2010 * 896 pages * Included CD

* e-ISBN 9780323073103 * Paperback


Mosby’s Textbook for Long-Term Care Nursing Assistants, 6th edition Sheila Sorrentino A complete guide to the skills needed by a nursing assistant, this text helps your students provide safe and effective care in any type of long-term care setting. More than 100 key procedures are described with clear, easy-to-learn instructions. This edition adds coverage on caring for residents with acute or chronic medical conditions.

* 9780323075831 * December 2010 * 816 pages

* e-ISBN 9780323080132 * Paperback

* 1730 illustrations

(1730 in full color)

Prioritization, Delegation, and Assignment: Practice Exercises for the NCLEX Examination, 2nd edition Linda LaCharity Prioritization, Delegation, and Assignment: Practice Exercises for the ® NCLEX Examination is the only review book on the market with a focus on ® prioritization and management of care—just like the current NCLEX Examination itself! The workbook’s unique approach establishes your foundational knowledge and then provides exercises of increasing difficulty to help you build confidence in your prioritization, delegation, and patient ® assignment skills. It offers unique preparation for the NCLEX Examination and effectively equips you to practice in today’s fast-paced healthcare environment.

* e-ISBN 9780323078085 * Paperback 39 40

Nurse Assisting / Home Health Aide

* 9780323065702 * February 2010 * 240 pages


Advanced Health Assessment & Clinical Diagnosis in Primary Care, 4th edition Joyce Dains

Marion Johnson * Paperback

* 129 illustrations

(84 in full color)

Comprehensive Women’s Health Care Ivy Alexander Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner programs have continually struggled to find the right book for their courses, while Nurse Practitioners and Certified Nurse-Midwives have struggled to find a comprehensive reference for women’s health primary care. In many instances, multiple books have been used - one in primary care, one in obstetrics, and one in gynecology, along with various articles and chapters for individual topics. This completely new, evidence-based textbook meets the need for an all-in-one information source for primary care of women.

* 9780323046350 * May 2011 * 1376 pages

* Hardback

Health Behavior Change, 2nd edition

Nurse Practitioner

Pip Mason Engagingly written by three experts with worldwide reputations in the field, Health Behavior Change presents an exciting method which can be used to helps patients change their behaviour in both hospital and community settings. The method is applicable to any behaviour, such as overeating, physical inactivity and smoking or with patients struggling with the consequences of chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease. Using brief, structured consultations with the client, the practitioner encourages the patient to take charge of decision-making concerning their health. It relies upon partnership between professional and patient rather than dominance of one over the other and is carried out in a spirit of negotiation rather than confrontation. The text clearly outlines the fundamental principles behind the method while applying it to practice. Problems of resistance and lack of motivation are explored and practical strategies to manage them are suggested. The patient is at the centre throughout. Short case examples and dilemmas from clinical settings ground the method in the reality of practice

* 9780323077033 * May 2011 * 720 pages

* Paperback

Mosby’s Guide to Nursing Diagnosis, 3rd edition

This pocket-sized reference is ideal for use in clinicals, in class, and at the bedside! A condensed version of the Nursing Diagnosis Handbook, 9th Edition, Mosby’s Guide to Nursing Diagnosis uses a quick-access format to help students make nursing diagnoses and write care plans with confidence and ease. It includes the most recent NANDA-I approved nursing diagnoses, suggested nursing diagnoses for over 1,300 client symptoms, and a guide to creating care plans including desired outcomes, interventions, and patient teaching.

* 9780323071727 * April 2010 * 816 pages

* e-ISBN 9780323071710 * Paperback

* e-ISBN 9780702043215 * Paperback 41

NOC and NIC Linkages to NANDA-I and Clinical Conditions, 3e, is the only book on the market that contains linkages between three standardized languages recognized by the American Nurses Organization: NANDA, Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), and Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC). This book provides the definitive tool from which students and practitioners can develop care plans for their patients, and by which institutions can track and quantify nursing care.

Gail Ladwig

*New title

* 9780702031533 * April 2010 * 240 pages

NOC and NIC Linkages to NANDA-I and Clinical Conditions: Supporting Critical Thinking and Quality Care, 3rd edition 42

Nursing Process / Diagnosis

* 9780323074179 * July 2011 * 580 pages



Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care, 9th edition Betty Ackley


Nutritional Foundations and Clinical Applications: A Nursing Approach,5th edition Michele Grodner

Use this convenient resource to formulate nursing diagnoses and create individualized care plans! Updated with the most recent NANDA-I approved nursing diagnoses, Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care, 9th Edition shows you how to build customized care plans using a three-step process: assess, diagnose, and plan care. It includes suggested nursing diagnoses for over 1,300 client symptoms, medical and psychiatric diagnoses, diagnostic procedures, surgical interventions, and clinical states. Authors Elizabeth Ackley and Gail Ladwig use Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) and Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) information to guide you in creating care plans that include desired outcomes, interventions, patient teaching, and evidence-based rationales.

* 9780323071505 * March 2010 * 960 pages

* e-ISBN 9780323071529 * Paperback

* Illustrated

Offer your students a comprehensive, first-hand account of the ways in which nutrition affects the lives of nursing professionals and everyday people. An easy-to-read conversational writing style, content updates, case studies, online resources, and many other tools help them understand their role in nutrition, wellness, and health promotion. Plus, new online educator support on Evolve help you prepare for classes and test your students’ progress.

* 9780323074568 * April 2011 * 620 pages

* Paperback

Williams’ Essentials of Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 10th edition Eleanor Schlenker From basic nutrition principles to the latest nutrition therapies for common diseases, Williams’ Essentials of Nutrition & Diet Therapy, 10th Edition offers a solid foundation in the fundamental knowledge and skills your students need to provide effective patient care. Authors Eleanor Schlenker and Sara Long address nutrition across the life span and within the community, with an emphasis on health promotion and the effects of culture and religion on nutrition. Other key topics include childhood obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and food safety. Plus, evidence-based information and real-world case scenarios help your students learn how to apply essential nutrition concepts and therapies in clinical practice.

* 9780323068604 * December 2010 * Paperback

* e-ISBN 9780323068581

Human Nutrition, 12th edition This 12th edition of Human Nutrition has been fully updated by a renowned team of international experts to ensure to ensure authoritative content and a global perspective. It provides a comprehensive resource for all those in the field of nutrition and other health sciences.

* 9780702031182 * October 2010 * 748 pages 43

* e-ISBN 9780702044373 * Paperback 44

* Illustrated


Catherine Geissler


Advancing Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Anne Payne This book provides a comprehensive account of the relevant physiology, pathophysiology, nutritional therapy and dietetic application for each specialist dietetic area. All major specialist areas involved in the the treatment of adults are covered. The first section deals with clinical governance, for example patient-centred care, clinical decision-making and developing evidence-based practice. The second section on advanced clinical practice describes 18 clinical conditions or dietetic areas in detail. There is detailed coverage of 18 clinical conditions or dietetic areas: • The control of food intake and absorption of nutrients • Drug nutrient interactions • Food allergy - allergy and intolerance • Irritable bowel disease (IBD) and colorectal cancer • Short bowel syndrome • Enteral nutrition • Parenteral nutrition • Thermal injury • Nutrition and liver disease • HIV • Palliative care • Renal disease • Diabetes • Obesity • Cardiovascular disease • Stroke • Neurological conditions • Mental health.


Mosby’s Pathophysiology Memory NoteCards: Visual, Mnemonic, and Memory Aids for Nurses, 2nd edition JoAnn Zerwekh With 96 full-color cartoons, this set of illustrated cards uses humor and mnemonics to make pathophysiology review easier and more fun. Students may use the durable, detachable cards as either a spiral-bound notebook or as individual flashcards. This convenient study tool covers all key ® pathophysiology topics and is useful in preparing for the NCLEX or classroom exams, for clinical reference, for writing care plans, or for patient teaching information.

* 9780323067478 * June 2010 * 208 pages

* Spiral bound

* 96 illustrations

Each chapter concludes with a section on possible future developments in the specialty, providing insight into “hot topics”, making this an essential text for all working in the field of Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition

* 9780443067860 * May 2010 * 424 pages

* Paperback

* Illustrated


*New title 45 46



Practices in Children’s Nursing, 3rd edition

Textbook of Children’s and Young People’s Nursing, 2nd edition

Ethel Trigg

Edward Glasper

The skills required by children’s nurses are many and varied, and are undertaken in a variety of settings. Sick children are cared for at home, in children’s units and hospitals, and sometimes in adult wards. In addition, children with disabilities may need nursing care while at special schools or in residential settings. This book provides a clinical manual of common practices. Each practice is research-based and presented in a common format which covers: • Objectives • Rationale • Factors to note • Guidelines • Positioning • Equipment • Method • Special observations and possible complications • References and further reading The guidelines have been written specifically for children’s nursing by contributors from well-known children’s units. They are not simply adaptations from adult practices and therefore recognise the unique differences between adult and children’s nursing. The introductory section covers common concepts and infection control. There is also a chapter on complementary therapies and an appendix on the use of play as a distraction. All hospital and community nurses dealing with children, whether at home, in specialised units or in community settings, will find the book of great practical help.

* 9780702031601 * July 2010 * 504 pages

* e-ISBN 9780702044458 * Paperback

* Illustrated

This popular textbook is aimed at children’s nurses in a wide range of practice settings including primary, ambulatory, and tertiary care. Covering the full age and specialty spectrum this text brings together chapters from among the best-known children’s nurses in the UK. It describes family-centred child healthcare drawing upon practice throughout the UK and further afield. This innovative text provides up to date information on a wide range of topics. Each chapter offers readers additional material on Evolve. Full Microsoft PowerPoint presentations that facilitate interactive learning augment the written chapters and provide information not normally possible in a standard textbook e.g. colour photographs, video clips. Although intended for nurses the book adopts an interprofessional, problem-solving and reflective approach aimed at students, practitioners and child health educators. Material is offered from levels 1-3 and some of the ancillary material extends into the postgraduate arena.

* 9780702031830 * June 2010 * 764 pages

* e-ISBN 9780702044403 * Paperback

Wong’s Nursing Care of Infants and Children, 9th edition Marilyn Hockenberry The most trusted authority in pediatric nursing, this textbook provides unmatched, comprehensive coverage of pediatric growth, development, and conditions. Its unique “age and stage” approach covers child development and health promotion as well as specific health problems organized by age groups and body systems, all from an evidence-based, clinical perspective. Easy to read and extensively illustrated, this edition emphasizes the QSEN (Quality and Safety Education for Nurses) focus on patient-centered outcomes and includes updates on topics such as the late preterm infant, immunizations, the H1N1 virus, and childhood obesity.

* e-ISBN 9780323069106 * Hardback


* 9780323069120 * November 2010 * 1888 pages * CD ROM included 47 48

* 1600 illustrations (1600 in full color)


Instrumentation for the Operating Room: A Photographic Manual, 8th edition Shirley Tighe Instrumentation for the Operating Room was the first full-color photographic manual designed to familiarize perioperative nursing students, surgical technology students, and practicing perioperative personnel with hundreds of the most commonly used surgical instruments, and it still sets the standard today. The layout of Instrumentation for the Operating Room starts with the basics – “Care and Handling of the Surgical Instruments” and sterilizing trays - and progresses to the advanced sets. Full instruments and their associated tips are shown, as well as how instruments are placed in the sterilizing trays. The photograph background and true instrument color are clear and consistent throughout. This new edition has undergone a complete revision that features procedure explanations, approximately 200 new photographs, a Companion CD, and Evolve resources for instructors. New photos highlight scopes, robotic instruments, instruments for pediatric patients, external fixations, and instrument tips.

* 9780323077392 * April 2011 * 360 pages

* e-ISBN 9780323076951 * Spiral bound

* 1620 illustrations

(1620 in full color)

Surgical Instruments: A Pocket Guide, 4th edition

Perioperative, Nurse Anesthesia

Maryann Wells Compact and easy to read, this reference describes over 160 of the most commonly used surgical instruments. Each two-page spread features full-color photos of an instrument and its tip, and then describes how it is used, its common variations, and any alternative names. With instruments alphabetized within each major instrument class, locating specific information is easy! This edition adds a new chapter on surgical powered tools and information on robotics used in today’s surgery.

* 9781437722499 * November 2010 * 534 pages

Pain Assessment and Pharmacologic Management Chris Pasero Pain is a key consideration in all patient care. Now students can benefit from evidence-based guidelines on pain assessment and the use of the three analgesic groups with this outstanding new text by today’s foremost authorities on pain. Destined to become the definitive resource in pain management in adults, this book emphasizes the benefits of a multimodal analgesic approach, and is an excellent resource for nurses to become certified in pain management.

* 9780323056960 * September 2010 * 896 pages

* Spiral bound

* Spiral bound

* 300 illustrations

*New title

Alexander’s Care of the Patient in Surgery, 14th edition Jane Rothrock For more than 65 years, Alexander’s Care of the Patient in Surgery has been a trusted source for detailed information on perioperative nursing. Well-known author and educator Jane C. Rothrock sets up a solid foundation for practice, and offers step-by-step instructions for over 400 surgical interventions as well as many minimally invasive surgical procedures, all backed by the latest research. More than 1,000 full-color illustrations and photos depict procedures and methods, as well as surgical anatomy and instrumentation. This edition adds Rapid Response Team boxes with suggested interventions, plus coverage of new trends in patient and staff safety, the increase in interventional radiology, and the growth of outpatient ambulatory surgery. Alexander’s gives you the tools you need to provide safe, cost-effective, high-quality patient care.

* 9780323069168 * July 2010 * 1328 pages

* e-ISBN 9780323078344 * Hardback

* e-ISBN 9781437720198 49


* 420 illustrations

(420 in full color) 50

* 1250 illustrations


Pharmacology: A Nursing Process Approach, 7th edition

Perioperative Safety Donna Watson The only book devoted to this increasingly important issue, Perioperative Safety helps you reduce risk in a setting where even small errors can lead to life-threatening complications. Expert author Donna Watson addresses essential safety principles and concepts, covering patient safety with topics such as the latest safety strategies and initiatives, perioperative safe medication use, preventing infections, anesthesia safety, normothermia management, and electrosurgery. Coverage of staff and workplace safety helps you minimize risk with bloodborne pathogens, latex allergy, the use of lasers, and radiation exposure. Case studies show the application of safety concepts in real-world situations.

* 9780323069854 * April 2010 * 432 pages

* e-ISBN 9780323081603 * Paperback


* 100 illustrations

Joyce Kee Featuring concise, straightforward coverage, Pharmacology: A Nursing Process Approach, 7th Edition puts nursing pharmacology concepts and essential drug calculation skills into a practical nursing context to prepare your students for real-world drug administration responsibilities. This edition has been revised and updated with the most current nursing pharmacology information available. Innovative features such as Prototype Drug Charts, Nursing Process Summaries, an extensive math/dosage calculation section, ® and NCLEX Examination-style study questions make nursing pharmacology more understandable than ever

* 9781437717112 * March 2011 * 1024 pages

* Paperback

*New title

Rosie Pudner The new edition of this highly successful text brings it fully up to date with recent developments in surgical nursing, and includes a new chapter on perioperative stress and anxiety. The need for surgical nurses to remain at the cutting edge in relation to their knowledge and skills has never been greater, as the demands of higher patient throughput and reduced hospital stays take their toll. Nursing the Surgical Patient is written for, and by, nurses. It adopts a patient-centred approach to the care of people requiring a wide variety of surgical procedures. Compiled by experienced practitioners and educators in the field, it covers relevant anatomy and physiology, investigations, brief information on relevant medical conditions leading to surgery, an outline of the surgical procedures and the nursing care the patient will require. The key nursing care issues are described and explored, with case studies and care plans to bring theory to life. Comprehensive and research-based, yet accessible and engaging, Nursing the Surgical Patients a vital companion to nurses caring for surgical patients in either the primary or secondary care setting. This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States.

* 9780702030628 * March 2010 * 624 pages


Understanding Pharmacology: Essentials for Medication Safety M. Linda Workman Clear and straightforward, this text helps students understand how drugs work in lieu of simply memorizing drug information. That means fewer errors in administering drugs! Ideal for students who have a limited background in the sciences, Understanding Pharmacology provides complete preparation for licensure exams and for clinical practice.

* 9781416029175 * November 2010 * 544 pages * CD included

* e-ISBN 9781437726091 * Paperback

* 150 illustrations

*New title

* e-ISBN 9780702044120 * Paperback

(600 in full color)


Nursing the Surgical Patient, 3rd edition

* 600 illustrations 52



Pharmacology and the Nursing Process, 6th edition

Learning Disabilities: Toward Inclusion, 6th edition

Linda Lilley

Helen Atherton

This market-leading text is known for presenting challenging content in a clear and consistent format that is engaging and readable. With an eye-catching design, full-color illustrations, and helpful, practical boxed features that highlight need-to-know information, the new edition of this bestseller continues its tradition of making pharmacology easy to learn and understand.

* 9780323055444 * February 2010 * 992 pages

* e-ISBN 9780323065627 * Paperback

Learning disabilities: Towards inclusion is the leading textbook in its field. It provides comprehensive coverage and an overview of a very wide area written in an accessible way. The content appeals to a wide audience of health and social providers that care for this group. This new edition has been completely revised and restructured to reflect recent changes in policy and legislation as well contemporary challenges facing service providers. It offers a more person-centred focus with an emphasis on values-based approaches to care delivery that recognise the rights and citizenship of all people with learning disabilities. Uniquely amongst learning disabilities textbooks it also provides supporting electronic resources to encourage an active learning approach in keeping with the diverse learning needs of a contemporary audience.

* 9780702042850 * June 2011 * 640 pages

* Paperback

* Illustrated

Interpersonal Relationships: Professional Communication Skills for Nurses, 6th edition Elizabeth Arnold

* 9781437709445 * January 2011 * 562 pages 53

* e-ISBN 9781437709452 * Paperback 54

* 150 illustrations

(80 in full color)

Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing

Acclaimed for its strong theoretical framework and consistent organization, Interpersonal Relationships: Professional Communication Skills for Nurses remains the leading text in nursing communication. This two-time AJN Book of the Year award-winner offers practical guidance for effective interactions with clients, families, and professional colleagues. It presents proven communication strategies and principles drawn from nursing, psychology, and related theoretical frameworks. Interpersonal Relationships also challenges students to apply these strategies and principles to numerous experiential exercises and practical case studies.


Psychiatric Nursing, 6th edition Norman Keltner Clearly defining the nurse’s role in caring for patients with psychiatric disorders, Psychiatric Nursing uses a unique, three-pronged approach to psychotherapeutic management. It emphasizes the nurse’s three primary tools: themselves, medications, and the environment. With coverage of the field’s latest trends and treatments, this text provides the solid, real-world content that students need to develop therapeutic skills.

* 9780323069519 * November 2010 * 560 pages

* e-ISBN 9780323069496 * Paperback

* Illustrated

Essential Communication Skills for Nursing and Midwifery, 2nd edition


Manual of Psychiatric Nursing Care Planning: Assessment Guides, Diagnoses, Psychopharmacology, 4th edition Elizabeth Varcarolis A pocket-sized clinical reference, this book offers the latest guidelines to assessing psychiatric nursing clients, formulating nursing diagnoses, and designing psychiatric nursing care plans. It offers quick access to information on care in a range of settings including the inpatient unit, home care, or community mental health setting. A clinically based focus makes this book an ideal companion to the more theoretical Foundations of Mental Health Nursing. It’s a go-to reference for creating care plans and for clinical use!

* 9781437717822 * April 2010 * 768 pages

* e-ISBN 9781437717839 * Paperback

* Illustrated

Philippa Sully Effective communication skills are crucial in all aspects of nursing and midwifery practice - this book will enable readers to communicate effectively and with confidence in their professional practice. It focuses on the communication skills needed for the development of effective professional and therapeutic relationships. It is a “how to do it” book that relates the theory of effective and ethical communication to the practice of nursing and midwifery and provides a framework for developing communication skills to meet a variety of situations.

* 9780723435273 * June 2010 * 256 pages

* e-ISBN 9780702044380 * Paperback

* Illustrated

Community Mental Health for Older People Gerard Byrne Community Mental Health for Older People is the perfect resource for mental health workers as it discuses the ageing population, within the context of community mental health. It provides a comprehensive overview of the important issues and clinical practices that influence mental health care for older people. Written from a multidisciplinary perspective it is suitable for all health workers in community mental health teams (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers, clinical psychologists, consumer representatives, medical practitioners, occupational therapists, registered nurses, social workers, etc) as it incorporates the use of case studies to aid in the application of evidence-based practice.

* 9780729538992 * March 2010 * 288 pages

* Paperback

*New title 55 56


Understanding Nursing Research: Building an Evidence-Based Practice, 5th edition


HESI Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-PN Examination HESI

Nancy Burns As the #1 nursing research text, this book offers unique insights into understanding, appraising, and applying published research to evidence-based practice. It is known for its authoritative content, a time-tested step-by-step approach, and abundant use of research examples. With improved clarity and readability, the new edition strengthens its focus on evidence-based practice to better demonstrate how the steps of the research process relate to evidence-based nursing.

* 9781437707502 * November 2010 * 592 pages

* e-ISBN 9781437726558 * Paperback

* Illustrated

The Evolve Testing and Remediation Comprehensive Review for the ® NCLEX-PN Examination offers nursing students an all-in-one solution to their study needs: remediation for content weaknesses identified through curriculum testing; preparation® for the nursing school exit exam; and review and preparation for the NCLEX-PN licensure exam. The Comprehensive Review is written in an easy-to-read outline format with chapters broken down by clinical areas and concepts emphasized on the licensure examination. Features include HESI Hint boxes that highlight critical content, chapter review summaries that ensure students have mastered important concepts and clinical practice, and ®pharmacology summary tables emphasizing this priority topic on the NCLEX-PN exam. The companion CD offers practice tests with over 500 questions, giving students valuable practice in the same electronic testing format they will experience on their nursing school ® exit exam and on the NCLEX-PN licensure examination.

* 9781437717433 * March 2011 * 432 pages

* e-ISBN 9781437717440 * Paperback

* 130 illustrations

Mosby’s Review Questions for the ® NCLEX-RN Examination, 7th ed Patricia Nugent Over 5,000 exam-style practice questions help your students assess their strengths and weaknesses, develop test-taking skills, and reduce test anxiety. This book makes review easy by organizing material into the core clinical areas of medical-surgical nursing, mental health, maternity, and pediatrics. Rationales are provided for both correct and incorrect answers. With the companion CD, your students can take computerized tests and review in three different practice modes. 57

* e-ISBN 9780323079938 * Paperback 58

* Illustrated

Review / NCLEX


*9780323074438 * November 2010 * 576 pages


Saunders Comprehensive Review for ® the NCLEX-RN Examination, 5th ed Linda Silvestri There is a reason Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination has been called “the best NCLEX exam review book ever.” Essentially, students find everything they need to review for the NCLEX exam ® under one cover - complete content review and over 4,500 NCLEX examination-style questions in the book and on the free companion CD! An Instructor Electronic Reference lets you incorporate the textbook to fit the specific needs of your course, while the companion CD provides detailed feedback and assessment from your students’ work. Don’t let your students make the mistake of assuming the quality of the questions is the same in all NCLEX examination review books, because only Silvestri’s Comprehensive ® Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination includes the kind of questions that ® consistently test the critical thinking skills necessary to pass today’s NCLEX exam. And, what›s even better is that ALL answers include detailed rationales to help students learn from their answer choices, as well as test taking strategies that provide tips for how to best approach each question. It›s easy to see why Silvestri is THE book of choice for NCLEX examination review. But don’t just take our word for it - read any customer review or ask your colleagues to see why Silvestri users believe that there’s nothing else like it!

* Paperback

* 240 illustrations (225 in full color)

HESI A comprehensive, all-in-one review, this book helps students prepare for ® their nursing school exit exam and the NCLEX-RN examination. An easy-to-read outline format breaks down chapters by clinical areas and concepts, and includes review and critical thinking questions to help students focus on important content and develop test-taking skills. Rationales are provided for any incorrect answers or areas of weakness. The companion Evolve website offers 600 practice questions, providing realistic experience with the electronic testing format.

* 9780323069403 * November 2010 * 704 pages *CD included

* e-ISBN 9780323069410 * Paperback

* Paperback

* 119 illustrations (112 infull color)

Mosby’s Review Cards for the ® NCLEX-RN Examination, 3rd edition Perfect for study groups or when you’re on the go, this portable set of 450 review cards makes it easy to prepare for the NCLEX-RN examination. It ® offers over 1,200 NCLEX examination-style questions — more than any other review card set — and includes alternate item-format and integrated content questions. Organized by clinical area and body system, each card features several practice questions on the front side, with answers, rationales for correct and incorrect options, cognitive levels, nursing process steps, and NCLEX test plan categories on the back side. This resource also includes an overview of the latest NCLEX-RN test plan, valuable test-taking tips, and a comprehensive practice exam

* 9780323057424 * April 2010 *752 pages

* e-ISBN 9780323080538 *Cards

* e-ISBN 9781437717464 59

Use this comprehensive review to prepare your students for success on the ® NCLEX-PN exam! Its outline format makes studying easier, and chapters organized by core clinical areas make review more efficient. Practice questions in each chapter are written in NCLEX examination style, and include detailed rationales for both correct and incorrect answers. Together, the book and CD offer more than 3,600 practice questions.

Martin Manno

* e-ISBN 9781437726305

HESI Comprehensive Review for the ® NCLEX-RN Examination, 3rd edition

* 9780323065856 * November 2010 * 432 pages

Mosby’s Comprehensive Review® of Practical Nursing for the NCLEX-PN Exam, 16th ed Mary Eyles


* 9781437708257 * November 2010 * 1184 pages * CD included


*illustrated 60



Integrated Theory & Knowledge Development in Nursing, 8th edition

There’s no doubt that students studying in their own language have an enhanced learning experience ultimately resulting in professionals whose knowledge has greater breadth and depth.

Peggy Chinn

At Elsevier Health we always strive to provide products that enable our customers to further their aims and raise their standards: Our extensive Arabic translation program does just that!

Practical and unique, Chinn and Kramer’s Integrated Theory and Knowledge Development in Nursing, 8th Edition helps your students understand how nursing theory and patterns of knowing complement each other to assist any nurse in making choices in research and practice. Readers will examine various concepts of knowledge development, and be encouraged to see the relationship between the different types of knowledge, reflect on important concepts, and explore how evidence-based nursing theory can be used to improve patient care. An enhanced Evolve website benefits both students and instructors with new student resources and instructional support online.

* 9780323077187 * January 2011 * 336 pages

* e-ISBN 9780323077194 * Paperback

* Illustrated

Many of our nursing titles are now available in Arabic. Students can now access these valuable resources in their own language, enabling them the benefit of studying in their mother tongue.

ARABIC - Pocket Companion for Physical Examination & Health Assessment Carolyn Jarvis * 9780702045127 * November 2010

Martha Alligood With a consistent focus on application throughout, Nursing Theory covers the development of nursing theory; the application of different nursing theories, models and philosophies; and the expansion of these practices with a look toward the future. Nursing Theory provides the opportunity for students who have learned the background of nursing theory using the companion title, Nursing Theorists and Their Work, to apply what they have learned to actual nursing practice through various patient scenarios

ARABIC-Mosby’s Pocket Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Health Professions Mosby * 9780723436669 * November 2010

Reference – Nursing Dictionary


* 9780323068949 * January 2010 * Paperback

Text Book – Nursing Health Assessment / Physical Examination 61 62

Nursing Translation

Nursing Theory - Text and E-Book Package: Utilization and Application, 4th edition





AACN AACN Ackley Alexander Alligood Applegate Arnold Atherton AWHONN

AACN Procedure Manual for Critical Care, 6e Certification and Core Review for Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing, 4e Nursing Diagnosis Handbook, 9e Comprehensive Women’s Health Care, 1e Nursing Theory - Text and E-Book Package, 4e The Anatomy and Physiology Learning System, 4e Interpersonal Relationships, 6e Learning Disabilities, 6e Core Curriculum for Maternal-Newborn Nursing, 4e

8 6 43 41 61 2 54 54 31

Baird Brooker Bryant Burns Byrne

Manual of Critical Care Nursing, 6e Alexander’s Nursing Practice, 4e Acute and Chronic Wounds, 4e Understanding Nursing Research, 5e Community Mental Health for Older People, 1e

7 36 37 57 56

C Chenevert Mosby’s Tour Guide to Nursing School, 6e Cherry Contemporary Nursing, 5e Chinn Integrated Theory & Knowledge Development in Nursing , 8e Chitty Professional Nursing, 6e Christensen Foundations of Nursing, 6e Christensen Foundations and Adult Health Nursing, 6e Christensen Adult Health Nursing, 6e Creasia Conceptual Foundations, 5e Cowen Current Issues In Nursing, 8e

18 26 61 27 18 17 39 25 26

D Dains Dennison Donahue Downie

Advanced Health Assessment & Clinical Diagnosis in Primary Care, 4e PASS CEN!, 1e Nursing, The Finest Art , 3e Calculating Drug Doses Safely, 2e

41 15 21 10

Elcock ENA Eyles

A Nurse’s Survival Guide to Mentoring, 1e Sheehy’s Manual of Emergency Care, 7e Mosby’s Comprehensive Review of ® Practical Nursing for the NCLEX-PN Exam, 16e

12 15



F Forrester Essentials of Law for Health Professionals, 3e 64





M Gahart Gahart Gardner Gatford Geissler Gilbert Glasper Grodner Gulanick

2011 Intravenous Medications, 27e 2012 Intravenous Medications, 28e Merenstein & Gardner’s Handbook of Neonatal Intensive Care, 7e Nursing Calculations, 8e Human Nutrition, 12e Manual of High Risk Pregnancy and Delivery, 5e A Textbook of Children’s and Young People’s Nursing, 2e Nutritional Foundations and Clinical Applications, 5e Nursing Care Plans, 7e

13 12 8 9 44 31 48 44 3

H Harrison A Nurse’s Survival Guide to Acute Medical Emergencies, 3e Haugen Ulrich & Canale’s Nursing Care Planning Guides, 7e Hazinski Nursing Care of the Critically Ill Child, 3e Herlihy The Human Body in Health and Illness - Soft Cover Version, 4e ® HESI HESI Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN®Examination, 3e HESI HESI Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-PN Examination Hockenberry Wong’s Nursing Care of Infants and Children, 9e Hodgson Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2011 ,1e Hodgson Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2012, 1e

15 3 6 1 59 58 48 14 12


Sexual Assault Atlas, 1e


Jarvis Jarvis Johnson Johnson

Physical Examination and Health Assesment, 6e 22 ARABIC - Pocket Companion for Physical Examination and Health Assesment, 62 Skills for Midwifery Practice, 3e 33 NOC and NIC Linkages to NANDA-I and Clinical Conditions, 3e 42


Macklin Math for Clinical Practice ,2e Manno Mosby’s Review Cards for the NCLEX-RN Examination, 3e Maslin-Prothero Bailliere’s Study Skills for Nurses and Midwives, 4e Mason Policy and Politics in Nursing and Health Care, 6e Mason Health Behavior Change, 2e Meiner Gerontologic Nursing, 4e Monahan Manual of Medical-Surgical Nursing, 7e Mosby Mosby’s Nursing Video Skills, 2e Mosby ARABIC - Mosby’s Nursing Video Skills, Motacki Nursing Delegation and Management of Patient Care, 1e Mulholland The Nurse, The Math, The Meds, 2e

10 60 19 25 41 20 38 22 62 29 9

Naidoo Nies Nugent

Developing Practice for Public Health and Health Promotion,3e Community/Public Health Nursing, 5e ® Mosby’s Review Questions for the NCLEX-RN Examination, 7e

4 4 58


Calculation of Drug Dosages, 9e

Pagana Pairman Pasero Patton Payne Perry Perry Perry Potter Pudner Purcell

Mosby’s Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference, 10e Midwifery, 2e Pain Assessment and Pharmacologic Management, 1e Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology, 1e Advancing Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition, 1e Mosby’s Pocket Guide to Nursing Skills & Procedures, 7e Nursing Interventions & Clinical Skills, 5e Clinical Companion for Maternity & Newborn Nursing, 10e Basic Nursing, 7e Nursing the Surgical Patient, 3e Minor Injuries, 2e

28 32 50 1 45 17 17 30 18 51 16

Rees Rothrock

Introduction to Research for Midwives, 3e Alexander’s Care of the Patient in Surgery, 14e

32 50


O 9



K Kallenbach Review of Hemodialysis for Nurses and Dialysis Personnel, 8e Kee Pharmacology, 7e Keltner Psychiatric Nursing, 6e

36 52 55

LaCharity Prioritization, Delegation, and Assignment, 2e Ladwig Mosby’s Guide to Nursing Diagnosis, 3e Leifer Introduction to Maternity & Pediatric Nursing,6e Lewis Medical-Surgical Nursing, 8e Lilley Pharmacology and the Nursing Process, 6e Linton Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing, 5e Lowdermilk Maternity Nursing, 8e Lowdermilk Maternity and Women’s Health Care, 10 Lynch Forensic Nursing Science, 2e

39 42 30 38 53 37 31 30 16

MacDonald Mayes’ Midwifery, 14e



M 65


S Schlenker Williams’ Essentials of Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 10e Scriven Promoting Health: A Practical Guide, 6e Seidel Mosby’s Guide to Physical Examination, 7e Seidel Mosby’s Physical Examination Handbook, 7e Seidel Mosby’s Physical Examination Video Series Silvestri Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination,5e Skidmore-Roth Mosby’s 2011 Nursing Drug Reference, 24e Skidmore-Roth Mosby’s Drug Guide for Nurses, 9e Skidmore-Roth Mosby’s 2012 Nursing Drug Reference, 25e 66

44 5 23 24 23 59 13 13 12


S Sorrentino Mosby’s Textbook for Long-Term Care Nursing Assistants,6e Stables Physiology in Childbearing, 3e Stillwell Mosby’s Nursing PDQ for Critical Care, 2e Sully Essential Communication Skills for Nursing and Midwifery, 2e Swearingen All-In-One Care Planning Resource, 3e

40 33 7 55 3

Tighe Tiziani Trigg

49 14 47

T Instrumentation for the Operating Room,8e Havard’s Nursing Guide to Drugs, 8e Practices in Children’s Nursing, 3e

V Varcarolis Manual of Psychiatric Nursing Care Planning, 4e


Watson Watson Waugh Wells Wold Workman

1 51 2 49 20 52

W Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses, 13e Perioperative Safety, 1e Ross and Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness, 11e Surgical Instruments, 4e Basic Geriatric Nursing, 5e Understanding Pharmacology, 1e

Y Yoder-Wise Leading and Managing in Nursing, 5e


Zerwekh Zerwekh Zerwekh

22 25 46

Z Mosby’s Assessment Memory NoteCards, 2e Nursing Today, 7e Mosby’s Pathophysiology Memory NoteCards, 2e 67