Bulletin UASVM Agriculture, 66 (2)/2009 Print ISSN 1843-5246; Electronic ISSN 1843-5386
Research Concerning the Organic Technology for Satureja Hortensis L. Culture Dan IoanVÂRBAN, Marcel DUDA, Rodica VÂRBAN, Sorin MUNTEAN Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Mănăştur Street, no. 3-5, 400372 Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Contact e-mail
[email protected] Abstract. The garden thyme is well known and used since antiquity. The air part of the plant (Saturejae herba) is used. It has carminative, expectorant and astringent action. The research performed in this specie was performed based on the project PN II – parteneriates no. 51-032 with the title ”Implementation of the system of standardizing the vegetal raw material for increasing competitiveness in medicinal plants species valuable in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry”, where UASMV Cluj-Napoca is partner. The plantation of the nursery transplant, in organic culture, was performed with 50 cm row distance and 20 cm between plants by row, in 18.05.2008. During 2008, 3 manual hoeing and 6 sprinkler with 0.2% Bionat (product accepted for organic cultures) foliar fertilizer. Based on bio-morphological determinations we concluded that average plant weight increased from the first up to the forth harvesting phase (from 27.5 g to 130.7 g). The herbal production increase from first up to latest harvesting phase, from 2,743 kg/ha to 10,561 kg/ha, respectively. The vegetation period during 2008 was of 103 days. The highest content in triterpenic acids 3.3287 g%, respectively, was recorded in the second harvesting phase. Keywords: bio-morphological determination, productive potential, triterpenic acids
INTRODUCTION The garden thyme is originary from the Mediterranean area, where is cultivated at large scale. In our country, it is cultivated in Southern areas, in Moldavia and in Western part of the country, but in gardens, it is spread in all country. The garden thyme is well known and used since antiquity. The name of the genus Satureja come from the latin ”saturare” = to sate, to feed or ”satura” = flowerpot, due to plant use in food. The air part of the garden thyme (Saturejae herba) is used. The herb contains volatile oil (0.5 – 2.7 %), free triterpenic acids (ursolic and oleanolic), tannin (4 - 8 %), mucous substances, rezines, glucide, mineral salts, etc. The volatile oil contains carvacol and thymol. It has flavoured smell and hot taste. It has carminative, expectorant and astringent. It is used as stomachic, in gastric disorders, and anorexia, as anti diarrhoea agent and in chronic bronchitis. The garden thyme is also used in food industry as condiment. The research performed in this specie was performed based on the project PN II – parteneriates no. 51-032 with the title ”Implementation of the system of standardizing the vegetal raw material for increasing competitiveness in medicinal plants species valuable in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry”, where UASMV Cluj-Napoca is partner.
MATERIALS AND METHODS The field trial was carried on at the Botanical Garden of the Faculty of Agriculture from the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. The Dacia strain was used in the trial. 1. Bio-morphological determination in Satureja hortensis L. specie. In 2008, the harvesting phenological phases were established function of the dynamics of the development of the main inflorescences from the twigs: F1 – when the flower buds appear on the first 2-3 verticile from more than 50% of the main inflorescences; F2 – when the opening is produced in flowers from the verticiles located on the first half of the main inflorescence length; F3 – when the formation of the first mature fruits occurred in more than 50% of the main inflorescences; F4 – when the formation of the first mature fruits occurred in majority of the main inflorescences. The biometric approach aimed to determine the shares of the inflorescences, leafs and steam from biomass volume. Ten plants of each phenophase were harvested in order to perform the biometric determinations. 2. Establishing of the vegetation period in Satureja hortensis L. specie during 2008 In February 2008, the Satureja hortensis L. seeds were germinated in greenhouse hotbeds. After emergence, when plants had a real leaf, they were placed on plastic glasses (about 6 cm diameter and 10 cm height), filled with mixture of 3 parts soil, 3 parts manure, 3 parts peat and one part sand. The nursery transplant was suitable for plantation when it had 15 cm height and number of leaves between 8-10/plant. The Satureja hortensis L. filed nursery transplant was planted in organic culture – 18.05.2008 Four phenophases were established in Satureja hortensis L.: - plantation – appearance of floral buds - appearance of the floral buds – opening flowers in first half - opening flowers in first half - more than 50% mature fruits in basal third - more than 50% mature fruits in basal third - maturity 3. The settlement of the production potential by harvesting phenophases in Satureja hortensis L. In Satureja hortensis L. we settled four variants, function of harvesting time: V1 – when floral buds appeared in the first 2-3 verticiles in more than 50% of the main inflorescences; V2 – when the flowers opened on the verticiles situated in the first half of the main inflorescence length; V3 – when first mature fruits were formed on more than 50% o the main inflorescences; V4 – when mature fruits were formed in majority of the main inflorescences. The nursery transplant plantation was performed at 50 cm row distance and 20 cm between plants by row. 225
The variant area was of 4 m2, three repetitions were performed, and total trial area was of 48 m2. In 2008, when culture was founded 40 t/ha manure was administered. During 2008, 3 manual hoeing and 6 sprinklings with foliar fertilizer - 0.2% Bionat (product accepted in organic cultures). The used foliar fertilizer have a biostimulating effect, and contains: natural plant extract with auxin and gibberellin content, stimulating organic compounds, main nutritional elements - N, K, P; secondary nutritive elements - Ca, Mg, S; oligoelements - B, Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu. Bionat plus is no a soil fertilizer but a stimulation ingredient destined to plants, with very fast reaction, being almost instantaneously absorbed by plant leaves. 4. The settlement of the triterpecic acids production potential in Satureja hortensis L. By phenophases 2 and 3, the triterpenic acids content was determined in Satureja hortensis L. REZULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 1. The biomorphological determination in Satureja hortensis L. From Tab. 1, based on biometric determination performed in organic trial carried out in cu Satureja hortensis L. the following conclusions results: - The plant average weight increases from the first phase up to the fourth (from 27.5 g to 130.7 g); - The leaves average weight decreases from the first phase up to the fourth (from 17.9 g to3.3 g), and percent also decreases from 65% to 3%; - The average weight of the stem increases from the first phase up to the fourth (from 7.9 g to 57.7 g), and the percent also increases from 29% to 41%; - The average weight of the inflorescences increases from the first phase up to the fourth (from 1.7 g to 69.7 g), and percent increases from 6% to 53%. Tab. 1 Biometric analyse performed in the end of culture phenophases in Satureja hortensis L. within organic trial (Cluj-Napoca, 2008)
Phenophaze F1 F2 F3 F4
Plant average weight (g) 27.5 (100%) 59.2 (100%) 62.6 (100%) 130.7 (100%)
Leaf average weight (g) 17.9 (65%) 11.3 (19%) 5.8 (9%) 3.3 (3%)
Stem average weight (g) 7.9 (29%) 22.1 (37%) 25.8 (41%) 57.7 (44%)
Inflorescence average weight (g) 1.7 (6%) 25.8 (44%) 31.0 (50%) 69.7 (53%)
2. The settlement of the vegetation period in Satureja hortensis L. by 2008 The field plantation of the Satureja hortensis L. nursery transplants was performed in organic culture – 18.05.2008 The harvesting of the fourth phenophases was performed in the following dates: F1 – when the floral buds appeared on the first 2 - 3 verticiles in over 50% from the number of the main inflorescences - 08.07.2008 226
F2 – when the flowers from the verticiles located on the first half of the length of the main inflorescences are opened - 17.07.2008 F3 – when the first mature fruits appeared in more than 50% of the main inflorescences - 01.08.2008 F4 – when mature fruits are formed on majority of the main inflorescence – 28.08.2008 The vegetation period was of 103 days in 2008 in Satureja hortensis L. cultivated in organic system (table 2), and phenophases lasted: • plantation – floral buds appearance, was 52 days (51%) • floral buds appearance – flowers opening on the first half, was 9 days (8%) • flowers opening on the first half - mature fruits more than 50%, was 15 days (15%) • mature fruits more than 50%, - maturity, was 27 days (26%). Tab. 2 The determination of the vegetation period in Stureja hortensis L., in organic culture (Cluj-Napoca, 2008)
2008 No. days %
Plantationfloral buds appearance 18.05.0808.07.08 52 51
Floral buds appearanceflower opening in the first half jumătate 09.07.0817.07.08 9 8
Flower opening in the first half –mature fruits more than 50% 18.07.0801.08.08 15 15
Mature fruits more than 50%maturity 02.08.0828.08.08 27 26
103 100
3 The settlement of the production potential by harvesting phenophases in Satureja hortensis L. The herbal production increased from the first harvesting phase up to the last, meaning from 2,743 kg/ha to 10,561 kg/ha. As table 3 shows, the herbal production recorded positive significant differences in the second harvesting phase (6,973 kg/ha) and positive very significant in the third (8,504 kg/ha) and fourth (10,561 kg/ha) harvesting phases compared to control, first harvesting phase (2,743 kg/ha). Tab. 3 The total herbal production by harvesting phases in Satureja hortensis L., cultivated in organic system (Cluj Napoca, 2008) Harvesting phases
Density pl/ha
100000 V1 (Mt) 100000 V2 100000 V3 100000 V4 DL 5%= 2792.99
The herbal production
kg/ha 2743 6963 8504 10561 DL 1%= 3915.83
± Difference % 100 0 253.8 4220 310.0 5760 385.0 7817 DL 0.1%= 5534.72
Significance x xxx xxx
The Tab. 4 shows that the biggest leaves production was recorded in the first harvesting phases (1,783 kg/ha) and the smallest in the fourth phase (117 kg/ha). We observe negative significant differences in the fourth harvesting phase (1057 kg/ha), distinctly 227
significant in the third harvesting phase (910 kg/ha) and negative very significant in the fourth harvesting phase (117 kg/ha) compared to control, first harvesting phase (1,783 ka/ha). The stem production has an ascendant tendency from the first harvesting phase (787 kg/ha) up to the fourth harvesting phase (4,703 kg/ha). Concerning the results significance, table 5 shows that positive significant differences in the second harvesting phase (2,678 kg/ha), positive distinct significant in the third harvesting phase (2,999 kg/ha) and positive very significant in the fourth harvesting phase (4,703 kg/ha) compared to control, in the first harvesting phase (787 kg/ha). The Tab. 6 shows that in all four studied variants concerning the inflorescence production positive distinct and very significant differences, compared to control, were recorded. The inflorescence production increases from the first harvesting phase (173 kg/ha) to the fourth harvesting phase (5,741 kg/ha). In the second harvesting phase, distinct significant differences were recorded (3,055 kg/ha), and in harvesting phases three (4,594 kg/ha) and four (5,741 kg/ha) positive very significant differences compared to control, in the first harvesting phase were recorded (173 kg/ha). Tab. 4 The total leaves production by harvesting phases in Satureja hortensis L., cultivated in organic system (Cluj Napoca, 2008) Leaves production Harvesting Density pl/ha ± Difference Significance phases kg/ha % V1 (Mt) V2 V3 V4 DL 5%= 541.18
100000 100000 100000 100000
1783 1057 910 117 DL 1%= 758.74
100 0 59.3 -726 51.0 -873 6.6 -1666 DL 0.1%= 1072.43
0 00 000
Tab. 5 The total stems production by harvesting phases in Satureja hortensis L., cultivated in organic system (Cluj Napoca, 2008) Harvesting phases
Density pl/ha
100000 V1 (Mt) 100000 V2 100000 V3 100000 V4 DL 5%= 1501.08
Stems production
kg/ha 787 2678 2999 4703 DL 1%= 2104.54
± Difference % 100 0 340.4 1891 381.2 2212 597.8 3916 DL 0.1%= 2974.60
Significance X xx xxx
Tab. 6 The inflorescence production by harvesting phases in Satureja hortensis L., cultivated in organic system (Cluj Napoca, 2008) Inflorescence production Harvesting Density pl/ha ± Difference Significance phases kg/ha % 100000 V1 (Mt) 100000 V2 100000 V3 V4 100000 DL 5%= 1971.13
173 3229 4595 5741 DL 1%= 2763.56
100 0 1862.7 3055 2651.0 4422 3312.1 5568 DL 0.1%= 3906.07
xx xxx xxx
4 . The settlement of the triterpenic acids production potential The Tab. 7 shows that the biggest triterpenic acids production (23.2 kg/ha) from the herbal production in he second harvesting phase. For this reason we recommend F2 (the opening of the flowers from the verticiles located in the first half of the main inflorescences length), as optimal time for Satureja hortensis L. harvesting. Tab. 7 The total triterpenic acids from herbs production by harvesting phases in Satureja hortensis L., cultivated in organic system (Cluj Napoca, 2008) Harvesting phase F2 F3
The herbal production Kg/ha
g% triterpenic acids 3.3287 0.65
6963 8504
The production of the triterpenic acids kg/ha 23.2 5.5
CONCLUSIONS 1. Concerning the biomorphological determinations in Satureja hortensis L. The followings are recorded: • the leaves percent decreased from the first phase (65%) to the fourth (3%); • the stems percent increases from the first phase (29%) to the fourth (41%); • the inflorescence percent increases from the first phase (6%) to the fourth (53%). 2. Concerning the possibility of settlement of the vegetation period in Satureja hortensis L. during 2008 The vegetation period was of 103 days (18.05 – 28.08). 3. Concerning the settlement of the production potential by harvesting phenophases in Satureja hortensis L. The herbal production increases from the first up to the last phase - fourth, meaning from 2,743 kg/ha up to 10,561 kg/ha. The biggest leaves production was recorded in the first production phase (1,783 kg/ha) and the smallest in the fourth harvesting phase (117 kg/ha). The stem production recorded an increasing tendency from the first harvesting phase (787 kg/ha) up to fourth harvesting phase (4,703 kg/ha). The inflorescence production increased from the first harvesting phase (173 kg/ha) to the fourth (5,741 kg/ha). 4. Concerning the settlement of the triterpenic acids production Because in this phase the biggest triterpenic acids content is recorded (3.3287 g%), we recommend F2 (open flowers situated on the verticiles placed on the basal third) as optimal harvesting time in Satureja hortensis L. REFERENCES 1. Baser, K. H. C. et al. (2004). Journal of Essential Oil Research, 16, p. 422-424. 2. Crăciun, F., O. Bojor, M. Alexan, (1977). Farmacia naturii, vol I. Ed. Ceres Bucureşti, p. 55-62 3. RăvăruŃ, M., (1961). Genurile Salvia, Dracocephalum, Satureja, Nepeta în Flora României vol VIII, Ed. Acad. Române Bucureşti, p 138. 4. Muntean, L. S., M. Tămaş, S. Muntean, L. Muntean, M.M. Duda, D.I. Vârban, S. Florian (2007). Tratat de plante medicinale cultivate şi spontane, Ed. Rrisoprint Cluj-Napoca, p. 445-449. 5. Vârban, D. I., R. Vârban, A. Imre, (2005). Plante medicinale cultivate şi din flora spontană, Ed. Risoprint Cluj-Napoca, p.68-69.