Object Pronouns | Pronoun Worksheets

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Object Pronouns | Pronoun Worksheets Author: K12reader.com Subject: Complete each sentence with the appropriate pronoun. Created Date: 7/15/2012 10:10:39 AM ...
Object Pronouns


An object pronoun is used in place of a person or thing that is acted upon or receives the action of the verb in a sentence.

Person 1st (speaking) 2nd (being spoken to) 3rd (being spoken about)

Object Pronouns – Singular

Object Pronouns - Plural

Me You Him/Her/It

Us You Them

Complete each sentence with the appropriate pronoun. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

(Joe, Scott, and Bob) (My Aunt Jane) (Nick and I) (The neighbor’s car) (Jenny and Fatima) (The little old lady)

The waiter brought out three plates of food for My brother and I wrote thank you letters to The science teacher gave a bottle rocket to The mechanic from the garage went to work on My parents bought $25 gift certificates for I carried in the bags of groceries to help

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

(Adam’s grandfather) (The blue notebook) (The pens and pencils) (Your Uncle Peter) (The Andersons) (Amanda Sanderson) (The boy wearing red) (The small girl) (Your parents) (The green apple) (The sweet oranges) (Sally and Jeff) (You and I) (Timothy Johnson) (The city of Tokyo) (Melanie and Susan) (My friend, Susannah) (Your parents and I) (Our cousin Kenny)

Adam carefully painted a special portrait of Samantha quickly wrote down all her notes in I bought a new zippered pouch at the store for Sally expertly danced her tap dance routine for We got a letter in our mailbox that belongs to Andrew went shopping and bought a ring for The soccer goalie kicked the soccer ball to The waitress handed the ice cream cone to You couldn’t wait to show the report card to The kitchen store sells a special tool to cut I learned to make a delicious recipe that uses Before we go to the movies, I should call Peter and Jason will cook dinner tonight for Sylvia put on an apron and baked cookies for We looked everywhere on the map for A package from the book store arrived for I think she knows the answer, so I will go ask All of the neighbors threw a surprise party for Aunt Alexia mailed a suitcase to our house for

Copyright ©2011 K12Reader - http://www.k12reader.com

Object Pronouns

Key Name:__________________________________

An object pronoun is used in place of a person or thing that is acted upon or receives the action of the verb in a sentence.

Person 1st (speaking) 2nd (being spoken to) 3rd (being spoken about)

Object Pronouns – Singular

Object Pronouns - Plural

Me You Him/Her/It

Us You Them

Complete each sentence with the appropriate pronoun. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

(Joe, Scott, and Bob) (My Aunt Jane) (Nick and I) (The neighbor’s car) (Jenny and Fatima) (The little old lady)

The waiter brought out three plates of food for My brother and I wrote thank you letters to The science teacher gave a bottle rocket to The mechanic from the garage went to work on My parents bought $25 gift certificates for I carried in the bags of groceries to help

them. her. us. it. them. her.

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

(Adam’s grandfather) (The blue notebook) (The pens and pencils) (Your Uncle Peter) (The Andersons) (Amanda Sanderson) (The boy wearing red) (The small girl) (Your parents) (The green apple) (The sweet oranges) (Sally and Jeff) (You and I) (Timothy Johnson) (The city of Tokyo) (Melanie and Susan) (My friend, Susannah) (Your parents and I) (Our cousin Kenny)

Adam carefully painted a special portrait of Samantha quickly wrote down all her notes in I bought a new zippered pouch at the store for Sally expertly danced her tap dance routine for We got a letter in our mailbox that belongs to Andrew went shopping and bought a ring for The soccer goalie kicked the soccer ball to The waitress handed the ice cream cone to You couldn’t wait to show report card to The kitchen store sells a special tool to cut I learned to make a delicious recipe that uses Before we go to the movies, I should call Peter and Jason will cook dinner tonight for Sylvia put on an apron and baked cookies for We looked everywhere on the map for A package from the book store arrived for I think she knows the answer, so I will go ask All of the neighbors threw a surprise party for Aunt Alexia mailed a suitcase to our house for

him. it. them. him. them. her. him. her. them. it. them. them. us. him. it. them. her. us. him.

Copyright ©2011 K12Reader - http://www.k12reader.com