Oct 11, 2002 - 135 Locust Avenue. West Long Branch, New Jersey 07764. (732) 222-5900 Fax (732) 222-9325. Thomas G. Farre
WEST LONG BRANCH PUBLIC SCHOOLS Administrative Offices 135 Locust Avenue West Long Branch, New Jersey 07764 (732) 222-5900 Fax (732) 222-9325 Thomas G. Farrell Superintendent of Schools
WELCOME BACK I want to welcome everybody back! I am excited for the 2016-2017 school year! This summer we have been very busy with construction in our buildings. Back in March of 2015, voters in the Borough of West Long Branch approved a referendum to renovate/upgrade our school buildings with new HVAC, plumbing, energy-efficient mechanical, electrical and lighting upgrades, new floors, doors, and replacement of ceilings, as well as, technology and security upgrades. Thank you to the community and Board of Education for being proactive and helping maintain/update our schools for the future. Kudos to the architect, contractors, builders, custodians, etc., that have helped move our referendum project along and a special thank you to all staff for our smooth opening. A brief referendum project update - the project is on schedule and the work that has been completed to date is as planned. In BME, we have completed new piping, electrical work, new ceilings, and fresh paint; with preparation for the new heating and air-conditioning units, as well as new doors, scheduled for construction. In FAS, we have completed installing new flooring, fresh paint, electrical work, and classroom abatement. Construction is to continue on new ceilings and new piping, as well as new doors. Next summer, construction will continue with the installation of the new boilers, air-conditioning, etc. The majority of the abatement portion of the project has been completed, except for two small nonclassroom areas in FAS (coaches’ room and north wing piping), that are scheduled for the final phase, summer of 2017 construction. Completed abatement remediation has been confined to non-friable substances such as the classrooms floor tile. The classrooms were sealed and negative air pressure was created; consequently, it was removed and disposed of as per stringent Federal and State regulations/guidelines. No abatement was performed in the hallways/corridors. Oversight, including testing and reporting, is provided by TTI Environmental Inc. as part of the asbestos containing materials (ACM) regulations. Air quality testing was done before, during, and after, and is ongoing during construction, to verify the integrity of the space being remediated. Additionally, we have had a cleaning crew in the last two weekends to ensure school cleanliness. During referendum construction, and is the norm with projects of this magnitude, you may notice visible storage containers. These contain and house materials, equipment, tools, supplies, etc., that are intended for utilization in project construction. As we should all realize with a construction project as large as this, is that we will be inconvenienced over the next 12-14 months and will experience some challenges, but in the end, it will all be well worth it. Everyone is working to make the West Long Branch School District the best it can be. THANK YOU AGAIN FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND UNDERSTANDING AND FOR PUTTING STUDENTS FIRST.
Thomas G. Farrell Superintendent of Schools