October 15, 2013. (Postmarked by October 15, 2013) ... Access to the NAPLEX
Review Question Section of. PharmacyLibrary, APhA's digital platform, plus 200 ...
October 15, 2013 (Postmarked by October 15, 2013)
APhA-ASP Chapter Officer Resources http://www.pharmacist.com/apha-asp-chapter-officer-resources
Print Student Membership Enrollment forms to submit for Membership with APhA. Include Transmittal Report forms with each enrollment form submission.
This Guide provides important and useful information about membership to
Submitting Student Membership Enrollment Forms Below are the instructions to appropriately submit your student enrollment forms to APhA. 1. Completely fill out the appropriate Student membership Enrollment Form. (Only students graduating in 2014 have the option to join as Dual Year Members. There are specific enrollment forms for Dual Year Members.) If you do not know the School ID: please contact Vanesa Powers at
[email protected]. Information that is “REQUIRED” for successful submission of these forms is listed below:
First and Last Name (printed clearly) Member ID (this information is required from existing APhA members) Preferred Mailing Address Current Email Address (necessary for updates regarding membership) Phone Number Graduation year (important to determine benefits) School ID
2. Count and confirm that the amount of the check balances with the amount of Student Membership Enrollment Forms. (Receiving 50 enrollment forms with a check for 51 students can result in delay of processing for all students involved.) 3. PAC donations are accepted when submitting membership dues but, the PAC donations cannot be combined with the funds submitted for national, chapter or state dues. If you have received a PAC donation from a student, this payment must be sent in a check or money order separate from the check written for the membership dues along with the students’ name (and ID # if available) that made the donation. 4. Member Services receives only the top “APhA Copy” of the form. The remaining forms are for the state, chapter and the member. Please retain the “Chapter Copy” for your records along with the copy of the check the forms were submitted with. Only send Member Services the APhA copy! Fill out your Transmittal Reports! There should be a separate Transmittal Report for all Dual Year Members. This allow APhA to quickly identify any discrepancies and also gives us a contact person should there be any problems concerning your submission. Please keep a copy of the Transmittal Forms for your records. 5. After you have double checked all the above information, send the completed Student Membership Enrollment Forms, the completed Transmittal Reports and the check/checks to the APhA address listed below.
6. Note New Address:
APhA c/o Kelly Poe 9050 Junction Drive Annapolis Junction, Maryland 20701 DO NOT submit your forms to any other address or department other than the one listed above. Submitting enrollment forms to any address other than the one listed above may result in delay of processing.
State Dues Direct! STATE DUES DIRECT For chapters that participate in the NDC (National Dues Collection) Program. State Association Dues collected by APhA for chapters will now be sent directly to the State Association by APhA! Current State Associations that opted out from participating in the State Dues Direct Program are:
Alaska Pharmacists Association New Mexico Pharmacist Association South Carolina Pharmacy Association Hawaii Pharmacist Association Texas Pharmacist Association Florida Pharmacist Association Schools not wishing to participate in the program had the option of opting out for the Fall Drive.
Dual Year APhA Membership 2014 Graduates Only: Sign up during the Fall 2014 APhA Membership Drive (before October 31) and qualify for the dual membership category. You’ll receive special 2‐year APhA membership benefits designed to bridge your transition from student pharmacist to new practitioner! Help you smoothly transition from student pharmacist to new practitioner.
Ensure your continued access to a wealth of APhA member benefits for 2 years. Save you money – 2 years of APhA membership for just $105 (an 18% discount) Provide exclusive bonuses for dual‐year members: Free copy of The APhA Complete Review for Pharmacy, 10th edition, just pay $10 for shipping and handling. Access to the NAPLEX Review Question Section of PharmacyLibrary, APhA’s digital platform, plus 200 bonus test prep questions exclusively for student pharmacists joining during the Fall 2014 APhA Membership Drive.
Questions? Contact Joyce O’Brien,
[email protected].
2014 Graduates: NAPLEX REVIEW INFO Renew or join during the Fall Membership Drive by the October 31, 2013 Deadline to be eligible for the APhA Complete Review for Pharmacy, 10th Edition (NAPLEX Review Book)!
NEW: ALL ELIGIBLE STUDENTS, beginning October 1,
2013 thru the Deadline November 22nd, 2013, ARE REQUIRED to login to their APhA profile on www.pharmacist.com to request their copy of The APhA Complete Review for Pharmacy. A $10 fee will be required at the time of request. The $10 fee is waived at the time of request for 2014 graduating students that joined as Dual Members during the 2013-2014 Spring Membership Drive held in April, 2013.
(*To ensure that you are notified of any possible changes or updates to this process, please be sure to login to your account on www.pharmacist.com and confirm that your email address and contact information are listed correctly.)
The NAPLEX Review Book begins shipping in February 2014 to those students who went online in Oct/Nov and ordered the book. Instructions and unique codes to access PharmacyLibrary will also be sent to those students via e‐mail to coincide with the books’ arrival. For questions regarding membership, eligibility and login information please contact Member Services at 800‐237‐2742, option 2 or by email at
[email protected].
APhA-ASP Chapter Administrative Allowance APhA provides APhA‐ASP chapters an administrative allowance to help defray chapter expenses and time devoted to promoting APhA‐ASP members, handling membership enrollment forms, paying postage, and properly maintaining membership records. This administrative allowance is a payment to the chapter for each membership, new or renewal, which is received before November 8. There are a few important dates to remember regarding membership. Your chapter benefits from managing membership in a timely fashion. The chapter administrative allowance is greater for those schools that enroll student members in a timely fashion. October 15th APhA will reimburse your chapter $3 for each accurately completed membership enrollment form (submitted in correct batches) postmarked by October 15th, to ensure that new a renewing members receives their full benefits without delay. November 8th APhA will reimburse your chapter $1 for each accurately completed membership enrollment form (submitted in correct batches) postmarked after October 15th and through November 8th. *Note: APhA offices are closed on weekends. APhA-ASP student enrollment forms mailed with a postmark after November 8th will not be counted towards your APhA-ASP chapter administrative allowance. Also, APhA will send renewal notices directly to students whose memberships are not renewed through their APhA‐ASP chapters if enrollment forms are not received by November 8. Reimbursement of APhA-ASP chapter administrative allowances Processing for the chapter administrative allowances begins in January and can take 6 – 8 weeks to complete. The allowances will be distributed after processing has been completed. Allowances will be mailed to the chapter advisor address on file with Student Development or sent via EFT if we have banking information. E-mail notifications will be sent when the check allowances are due to be mailed.
APhA-ASP Membership Calendar 2013-2014 Summer Work with chapter officers to get ready for membership recruitment and plan for the upcoming school year. August – September Work with chapter leaders to conduct Student Outreach Visits. Hold fall membership drive through the end of September. Chapter membership materials sent to chapter advisor around the second week of August. Collect and submit dues to APhA early with appropriate forms to receive the maximum chapter rebates. October – November Oversee Student Outreach Visits. Remind chapter leaders of the October 31st Deadline for 2014 grads to join/renew for NAPLEX Review book eligibility. Participate in American Pharmacists Month activities (APhM October). Attend the APhA-ASP Midyear Regional Meeting. Assist Membership Vice Presidents and Presidents in student outreach to renew existing members and recruit new members. Submit APhA-ASP Membership Enrollment Forms by Oct. 15 for the $3 rebate and by Nov. 8 for the $1 rebate. Remind final year students who are eligible (joined before 10/31) to log into their member profile online and request the NAPLEX book beginning Oct. 1st – Nov. 22nd. All eligible students MUST request their book and pay the handling fees (if applicable) by 11/22. Register online and make housing reservation for the APhA Annual Meeting and Exposition beginning in October. December – January Plan to hold a Spring Membership Drive, particularly for your students in their last year before rotations.
Plan to register prior to the Early Bird Registration deadline for the APhA Annual Meeting. February Contact APhA Staff about graduating student programs. Remind 2014 Graduates who ordered the NAPLEX Review book that it will ship this month. Students will receive their access code to NAPLEX Members-only Questions on PharmacyLibrary. Schedule “Life on Rotation Presentation” with your chapter’s New Practitioner Mentor. For questions, contact Tom English at
[email protected].
March – April Attend the APhA Annual Meeting and Exposition March 28-31, 2014 in Orlando FL. Be sure to attend the APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Meeting. Conduct the APhA-ASP Spring Membership Drive Week the second week in April. Chapter membership materials sent to chapter advisor in March.
May – June Meet with the Membership Committee to evaluate your year’s work. Help ensure the transition of leadership in your chapter runs smoothly. Make sure that your updated contact information is listed with the APhA headquarters, so that you continue all your mailings and emails. Assist chapter leaders in setting goals and objectives for the chapter. Confirm NDC participation and dues amount for Fall Membership Drive.