Oct 2, 2014 ... HOG News. Gold Coast Harley Owners Group Newsletter ... Harley VIP night and
make sure you get down to .... with the Handbrake. This year ...
October 2014
The Official Newsletter of the Gold Coast Chapter An Independent Club Affiliated with Harley Owners Group CHAPTER #9056
HOG News
October 2014 02
Meet the Committee
In this issue………
Page 3 Girl!
Where has the past 12 months gone?
Mac’s Message
Iceman’s Report
Secretary’s Report
Webmaster’s Report
Activity Calendar
Membership Report &
Our club has had an amazing year and now the AGM is just around the corner. Check out all the fantastic things we have done in the Directors report. This month we had the girls sipping it up at a High Tea and the boys (trying to) get away from the bride for a fun weekend riding solo.
Drags Chapter Challenge
GC HD Spring Special
Rider Safety Day
Have a Laugh!
Our Month In a Snap! Social Night
Our Month In a Snap! Drags
Our Month In a Snap! HD VIP
Our Month In a Snap! LOH Ride
Our Month In a Snap! Boys Ride
Our Month In a Snap! Director Ride
HOG Member Advertising
Up Coming Rallies
GCHOG Ride Rules
It was a bit of a washout for the drags but make sure you join us this month at Willowbank for the Chapter Challenge. Go Gold Coast! We saw lots of bargains at the Gold Coast Harley VIP night and make sure you get down to the shop on the 11th for the “Win A Harley” Draw at 2pm. Another fun social night was had by all and especially “Cupcake” who got his cake and ate it too!?!
But wait, there’s more! Check out the events calendar for all the great up and coming events that have been planned for our club for the rest of the year.
Cover Page Photo At: Directors Ride Photo by: Kooka
So now sit back, relax, Have a Laugh, grab a drink and enjoy another great read this month.
Chris Quinlan Editor
Gold Coast Harley Owners Group Newsletter
HOG News
October 2014
GOLD COAST HOG COMMITTEE 2013 / 2014 Dealer Principal
Steve Schilling Gold Coast Harley Davidson hd@goldcoasthog.com
Mac Swift 0404 834 552 director@goldcoasthog.com
Assistant Director
Mark Mead assistdir@goldcoasthog.com
Nigel Longhorn 0414 329 190 secretary@goldcoasthog.com
Road Captain
Craig Santilla 0414 329 190 treasurer@goldcoasthog.com
John Richards (John Boy)
Activities Officer
Membership Officer
Lee Moraitis activities@goldcoasthog.com
Jed Butterworth 0458 334 372 memberships@goldcoasthog.com
LOH Officer
Position Vacant
Christine Quinlan
Safety Officer
Peter Hewitson safetyofficer@goldcoasthog.com
Mark Kuipers 0421 380 173 quartermaster@goldcoasthog.com
Chris Wilson (Kooka) 0407 161 830 photographer@goldcoasthog.com
Mark Gregory
Welfare Officer
Neil Shardlow (Shards)
Peter Campbell
0403 296 680
0411 743 773 roadcaptain@goldcoasthog.com
To send an email to whole committee at once use: c@goldcoasthog.com
Gold Coast Harley Owners Group Newsletter
HOG News
October 2014
August Page 3 Girl…..
Linda: Rides a 2013 Street Bob Has been riding bikes for 5 years Her first bike was a Virago 250 A GC HOG Member for 5 years Best Ride: Adelaide road trip with Hubby. It was their first road trip on new bikes.
Gold Coast Harley Owners Group Newsletter
HOG News
Mac’s Message October 2014 Firstly having just got back from the Directors ride I would like to thank Nigel, Kooka, Saint, Bazza & Carol for getting everything up to the lunch stop, setting up & cooking the BBQ. Great effort guys, thank you. It was also good to see our DP Steve on the ride. I hope everyone enjoyed the day we went on some of the best roads we have with some great corners & scenery, ending up at Nerang Paradise Country, which is somewhere the club has never been before. Since this is the last newsletter of this current committee‟s year, I would like to take the opportunity to reflect on the year & thank the entire committee for the great teamwork. I would also like to thank the numerous people that have taken the time to phone, email or personally thank both Iceman & myself for a great year & the positive direction the club is going. I would like to say that we could not have achieved that without the strong support of each committee member working as a team, or without you the members supporting us in all the events we have organised. 2013 / 2014 Club Achievements We started off with a member‟s survey to find out what you wanted & to see how you felt. We celebrated our 25th Anniversary in style. The newsletter was improved tremendously thanks to our new editor Christine. Our web master started to design our new web site. Due imminently, thanks to Mark. We had many guest speakers including the Route 66 Tattoo Guy. We kidnapped Bridget from 92.5fm as a publicity stunt to raise money for Give me 5 for Kids. The shop had a new location a vast improvement on the old one & we have formed a very close relationship with the DP Steve & the staff. Had our first Poker Run for a few years & despite the inclement weather, resulting in smaller numbers than expected still made a profit. We have given blood before as a club, however we started the first official club donation where all our blood is registered, so we know how much we have given & how many lives we have saved. We introduced longer rides which seems to have been well accepted. Finally we have had more weekends away & a greater participation in all activities. We now have over 80 attending the Christmas function on 15 th November. With a relatively unchanged committee we plan on continually moving the club forward, riding, having fun & again encouraging member participation in all activities. It has been a real pleasure being your Director this year & I look forward to having more fun next year, we already have many great events planned so stay tuned. See you all at the AGM on 20 th Oct. Mac 0404 834 552 director@goldcoasthog.com Mac‟s quote of the month….. Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail...
Gold Coast Harley Owners Group Newsletter
HOG News
Hi ALL. Well the year is nearly over again and I am wondering where the time has gone. This month has flown right by and we are now in October. I would like to start this report by thanking all those members who have nominated for positions on the Committee and we now have ALL positions filled with fantastic people willing to give up their time to make this club bigger and better than ever. There is to be a vote for Safety Officer only and all other positions have been filled without challenge. We now have a LOH Officer and I for one, really look forward to doing a few LOH rides with the Handbrake. This year in my role as Assistant Director has had its fair share of challenges thrown at me and in all honesty and from what I have heard from you, the members and emails and text that have been received, I think I have done a reasonably decent job and assisted Mac all the way. This role could not have been done without the help, assistance, support and understanding of one special person, MY WIFE ELLEN. On top of my business commitments and being away from home on work she has had to put up with me being away a hell of a lot more than usual due to the role of Assistant Director and I take this chance to say a Huge THANK YOU to her for all the support. And to top it off, a HUGE THANK YOU TO YOU, THE CLUB MEMBERS. You have attended all events and rides that the Committee has put together and the numbers have been increasing and continue to grow, so a huge THANK YOU to ALL OF YOU. Without your support these events would not have been the fun that they all turned out to be and I am sure next year will be bigger and better again. The Year in review as Assistant Director:
Attended NSW State Rally in Coffs Harbour Attended Meetings at Parliament House regarding VLAD Act with Ministers and Police Commissioner as CLUB REP. Attended Christmas party at Parkwood. Attended and assisted in 25th Anniversary party. Sweat your arse off ride to Hebel Attended National Rally in Cairns Organised and Attended Christmas in JULY at TEXAS which broke all records and expectations Organised the kidnapping of Bridget from 92.5 FM for a fund raiser and to promote OUR CLUB and our New Dealership Location Attended National Rally brief in Tamworth with MAC and NIGEL ready for the 2015 Rally Will be attending HOT in Sydney Have attended and completed every club ride and the LOH ride organised by Mav and Christine. Put together overnighters to Jandowae and Inverell and attended same Attended every Drag Racing Meeting at Willowbank with a great team from this fantastic chapter.
The list goes on but our Editor will need room for other reports and Photos. To finish off this report I would like to say a huge THANK YOU to our Director, MAC SWIFT. His leadership and guidance have turned this club around to a fun club with plenty of fun stuff throughout the year. Our Social Nights are now full of fun and antics and I note that even the Bowls Club Staff are calling last drinks in an attempt to get us out of the building before midnight. I look forward to working with MAC this coming term and working for YOU ALL. Iceman Assistant Director Gold Coast Chapter #9056 0403 296 680
Gold Coast Harley Owners Group Newsletter
HOG News
October 2014 Secretary Report
Thank you to the BBQ team for the Directors Ride, with the support of Kooka, Saint, Barry and Doc Sproule to get things ready and then have a smooth continuous line moving past the food table was a great achievement. Thank you.
The AGM is this month and will follow the normal social, it is envisaged that the AGM will be reasonably quick with voting for only one position, that of Safety Officer. Your consideration of the two club members being; Dave Leden (Mav) and Kevin De‟celis will be your choice and voting papers will be available to all financial members on the night. Members who wish to vote and are unable to attend can still have their vote by way of a “Proxy” form available on the website and in member emails from the webmaster.
Regards, Nigel secretary@goldcoasthog.com
YOUR HOG MEMBERSHIP International HOG Membership This membership falls due each year on the anniversary of when you first became an International HOG Member and it can be renewed online each year (or for up to 3 years) by card only at www.members.hog.com Gold Coast HOG Chapter Membership You must be a current International HOG Member to be a Gold Coast member this is renewable during February/ March each year, either by cash, cheque or Direct Debit (EFT) and the Membership Applications / Renewal forms are available on our chapter website www.goldcoasthog.com
For HOG Membership Renewal Payments: Please use First Initial and Surname then MEM as a reference. Then pay $35.00 This reference code tells us who is paying and what for.
Make sure you check out all the great pictures, latest news, upcoming events, helpful information and links on our website at: www.goldcoasthog.com
Gold Coast Harley Owners Group Newsletter
HOG News
October 2014 WEBMASTER’S REPORT Hi All, For those who were at the last Social Night I presented our new website. Whilst it has been a long and protracted exercise in transferring across all the data from current website well it is almost done. The next step is to have the content of the website signed off by our dealer principal at Gold Coast Harley Davidson and by National HOG. I know you all are eagerly awaiting the launch of our website as I haven't been able to keep our current site up to date with photos and activities due to some connection glitch. It is not far off now. Download the Gold Coast HOG App. It's a quick way to stay in touch with your club. Download from the App on your iphone or other Smart Phone App store.
Regards, Mark Gregory Webmaster Gold Coast Chapter #9056 Mobile 0414 534 378 Email: mark.vicky@fitbiz.net
Gold Coast Harley Owners Group Newsletter
HOG News
October 2014 Gold Coast Hog Activities
Oct 2014 4-6th Labour Day Weekend 11th Gold Coast Harley Davidson official shop opening. 15th LOH Girls night out Comedy Show, contact Lee 0410 623 344 18th Gold Coast Harley Davidson, Demo Ride Day 18th Hog Drags, Drags Round 5 – Chapter Challenge. All hands on deck. 20th AGM at Nerang Community Bowls Club commencing 7.30pm, Dinner From 6.00pm 25th New Member Ride meets at Gold Coast Harley-Davidson at 9.00am for Rider brief and leaves at 9.15am for about a one hour ride returning to the shop for HOGs „n‟ Dogs. th 25 HOGs ‘n’ Dogs from 10am. 26th Club Ride / Mini Poker Run leaves Gold Coast Harley-Davidson 9am. Nov 2014 15th Advanced Rider Course + ride to Christmas Party after, contact Pete 0417 626 981 15th Christmas Party at Bribie Island, ride will leave the shop at approx. 10am, details soon. 17th Social at Nerang Community Bowls Club commencing 7.30pm, Dinner from 6.00pm 29th New Member Ride meets at Gold Coast Harley-Davidson at 9.00am for Rider brief and leaves at 9.15am for about a one hour ride returning to the shop for HOGs „n‟ Dogs. 29th HOGs ‘n’ Dogs from 10am. 30th Club Ride leaves Gold Coast Harley-Davidson 9am / On Track Toy Run Dec 2014 3rd LOH Xmas Party. (Wed) 15th Social at Nerang Community Bowls Club commencing 7.30pm, Dinner from 6.00pm 27th New Member Ride meets at Gold Coast Harley-Davidson at 9.00am for Rider brief and leaves at 9.15am for about a one hour ride returning to the shop for HOGs „n‟ Dogs. 27th HOGs ‘n’ Dogs from 10am. 28th Club Ride leaves Gold Coast Harley-Davidson 9am Jan 2014 19th Social at Nerang Community Bowls Club commencing 7.30pm, Dinner from 6.00pm 24th New Member Ride meets at Gold Coast Harley-Davidson at 9.00am for Rider brief and leaves at 9.15am for about a one hour ride returning to the shop for HOGs „n‟ Dogs. 27th HOGs ‘n’ Dogs from 10am. 25th Club Ride leaves Gold Coast Harley-Davidson 9am Feb 2014 16th Social at Nerang Community Bowls Club commencing 7.30pm, Dinner from 6.00pm 21st New Member Ride meets at Gold Coast Harley-Davidson at 9.00am for Rider brief and leaves at 9.15am for about a one hour ride returning to the shop for HOGs „n‟ Dogs. st 21 HOGs ‘n’ Dogs from 10am. 22nd Club Ride leaves Gold Coast Harley-Davidson 9am 24th Australian National HOG Rally, 27th Feb – 1st March 2015, AELEC Centre, Tamworth To register http://australianationalrally.com Limited accommodation still available, contact Lee on 0410 623 344.
Gold Coast Harley Owners Group Newsletter
HOG News
Hi everyone this will be my last membership report as Peter Campbell will be taking over as membership officer after the AGM on the 20th October. Peter has some excellent and innovative ideas for membership and i am sure he will be a brilliant Membership Officer. I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who offered me support and guidance during my term as membership officer which was much needed and appreciated being pretty much a new member myself. I would also like to give a very special thanks to the members who gave up their Saturdays to come on the orientation rides and join me in welcoming the new members. The orientation ride on Saturday turned into a quick fang over Tambourine Mountain to the bearded Dragon for a beer and back to the shop for a snag with (Phil the Bruce) Nifty, Mark and myself but sadly no new members. However there were some new members on Mac's Director‟s ride on Sunday. A warm Gold Coast welcome goes to Paul, Cathy and Rene. I am sure we will see a lot more of Rene as he was the winner of the Bottle of bourbon. Also Mac managed to recruit another two unsuspecting potential members from a servo when he stopped for fuel Ken and Tracey and we hope to welcome them as new members in the near future. Once again thanks to everyone for putting up with me over the year as Membership officer it has been a fantastic experience which i will never forget. All the best for the new committee. Cheers Jed Membership Officer
Gold Coast Harley-Davidson Morgan & Wacker Street Drags Series Chapter Challenge Saturday 18th October Morgan & Wacker is proud to offer Harley-Davidson and Buell motorcycle owners the opportunity to let loose their machines on the Willowbank drag strip! Round 5 – The Chapter Challenge – Gold Coast Verses Brisbane, will be on Saturday 18th October, and is promising to be a great event. For more info contact Lola at Morgan & Wacker Motorcycles, Brisbane (07) 3252 5691, or, lola.williamson@morganandwacker.com.au Event Dates Early start – be at the track by 2:30pm; we need to be on the track at 3:00pm More information If you have any questions at all, then ask …… Lola at Morgan & Wacker Motorcycles, Brisbane (07) 3252 5691, or, lola.williamson@morganandwacker.com.au
Gold Coast Harley Owners Group Newsletter
HOG News
October 2014
For our Spring Special at Gold Coast Harley Davidson, from 1st September to the 30th November 2014, we will give to Gold Coast HOG Members (with current memberships), a Discounted Labour Rate of $100 per hour for any work carried out. A reminder to all members that we fit and balance tyres for no labour charge, only the price of the tyre (no HOG discount on any tyre prices though, only retail price). We are asking members to show their membership cards at the Service Counter (when dropping the bike into the shop), so Steve and I can log the member number and expiry date so we will then know who is a member. The issue we are currently experiencing is that when a customer has allowed us to work on their bike we may be unaware that they are a member until after the bill is finalised which then cannot be changed. So if members can show their card at the time of booking or drop off then we can log their details and then apply the discounts they are entitled to. So call into the shop or phone us to take advantage of this great Spring Special. Russell "Rusty" Lemon | Service Manager Gold Coast Harley-Davidson 30 Spencer Road Nerang, QLD 4211 Australia (07) 5655 1700 goldcoastharley.com.au
Gold Coast Harley Owners Group Newsletter
HOG News
October 2014
This course is an Advanced Road Craft Course Specialised for Cruiser Riders, it will be suitable for riders who already have experience riding a bike on the road and want to improve their braking and cornering skills. Newer riders will benefit from learning new skills and techniques that will make their riding safer and far more enjoyable, and even seasoned riders will find this course an enlightening and exciting experience. The course is run at the Driver Training facility at Mt Cotton located at 1753-1799 Mt Cotton Rd, Cornubia QLD 4129. Please arrive at 8.00am – course will finish around 3:30pm. Cost of the day is normally $269 – We offer a discounted price for HOG & Ulysses Members for $199. Our team of instructors will take you through a comprehensive training program starting with braking and cornering exercises on a training area during the morning session. Firstly, we will check your braking technique and give you valuable feedback on your current process and demonstrate how you can improve your skills and the control you have of the motorcycle under brakes. We will then work with you to reduce your braking distance, before we encourage you to gradually increase your speed while you gain confidence in your new skills and your ability to safely and rapidly stop the motorcycle. Also during the morning session we will assess your cornering skills and teach you how to improve your technique. We will cover how you can position your body on the motorcycle to turn the bike tighter, using pressure through foot pegs to help the bike turn with more control and precision, and various other cornering skills.In the afternoon session we will put into practice everything you have learned in the morning on the purpose built road course. You will have the opportunity to follow our instructors to learn cornering lines and the instructors will follow you at times so that we can give you feedback. You will learn the steps to set your motorcycle up for the corner before entering, allowing you to negotiate the corner with far more stability and control. In all honesty, it‟s as much about learning as it is about having fun and enjoying the experience during the learning process, in a safe and comfortable environment with a great bunch of people. All riders must provide their own Motorcycle and gear for the day – included in the price is Lunch and water – feel free to bring along other refreshments to keep you hydrated Contact Safety Officer - Pete at safetyofficer@goldcoasthog.com
Gold Coast Harley Owners Group Newsletter
HOG News
October 2014
Have a laugh! Thank you to all the member who contributed to our funnies page this month. While stitching a cut on the hand of a 75 year old farmer, whose hand was caught in the squeeze gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to politicians and their role as our leaders. The old farmer said, "Well, as I see it, most politicians are 'Post Turtles'.'' Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a 'post turtle' was. The old farmer said, "When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a post turtle." The old farmer saw the puzzled look on the doctor's face so he continued to explain. "You know he didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't belong up there, he doesn't know what to do while he's up there, he's elevated beyond his ability to function, and you just wonder what kind of dumb arse put him up there to begin with." Best explanation of a politician I've ever heard
A man and his wife were awoken at 3:00 a.m. by a loud pounding on their front door. The man gets up, and goes to the door, where a drunken stranger, standing in the pouring rain, is asking for a push. "Not a chance," says the husband. "It's three in the morning" ! He slams the door and returns to his bed. "Who was that" ? asked his wife. "Oh, just some drunk guy asking for a push" he answers. "Did you help him" ? she asks. "No, I did not. It's three in the morning, and it's pissing rain out there" ! "Well, you have a short memory" says his wife. "Can't you remember about three months ago when WE broke down, and those two guys helped us
I think you should go out, help him, and you should be ashamed of yourself". The man agrees, gets dressed, and goes out into the heavy pounding rain. He calls out into the dark, "Hello, are you still out there Mister" ? "Yes" came back the answer. "Do you still need a push" ? calls out the husband. "Yes, please" comes the reply from the dark. "Where are you" ? asks the husband. "Over here on the swings" replied the drunk.
Gold Coast Harley Owners Group Newsletter
HOG News
October 2014
Our Month in a Snap! Social Night Sue’s Memorial Plaque
Our Month in a Snap! Club Ride 31st August 2014
Gold Coast Harley Owners Group Newsletter
HOG News
October 2014
Our Month in a Snap! September Drags Sue’s Memorial Plaque
Our Month in a Snap! Make A Wish Day
Gold Coast Harley Owners Group Newsletter
HOG News
October 2014
Our Month in a Snap!
Gold Coast Harley Davidson VIP Night Sue’s Memorial Plaque
Gold Coast Harley Owners Group Newsletter
HOG News
October 2014
Our Month in a Snap! LOH High Tea Sue’s Memorial Plaque
Gold Coast Harley Owners Group Newsletter
HOG News
October 2014
Our Month in a Snap! Ride from the Bride
Gold Coast Harley Owners Group Newsletter
HOG News
October 2014
Our Month in a Snap! Directors Ride
Gold Coast Harley Owners Group Newsletter
HOG News
October 2014
When it comes to buying, selling or property management services, it is best to entrust your real estate needs to Professionals Surfers Paradise! Established for over 20 years, you can be assured of prompt, efficient and courteous service. Contact:
John Newlands Managing Director REIQ Gold Coast Chairman Current HOG Member
Ph: 0755 92 1464 Mobile: 0418 753 255 Email: jnewlands@professionals.com.au
Jim’s Mechanical Repairs Trading as Jim Moraitis Mechanical ABN 31 153 556 001
Complete mechanical repairs and service Marine breakdown Quality workmanship...Guaranteed! Location 16A Northview Street Mermaid Beach 4218
Phone: 07 5554 6526 Mobile: 0416 265 202
Gold Coast Harley Owners Group Newsletter
HOG News
Here is some of the Chapter merchandise available to members. International HOG Patch $15.00 GC Chapter Patch $15.00 GC Chapter Pin $15.00 GC Chapter Caps $25.00 GC Chapter Stubby Holder $10.00 T-Shirts - Long Sleeve $35.00 - Short Sleeve $30.00 Personalised Name Tags $10.00 Contact Mark Kuipers 0421 380 173 for the full range available.
HOG NEWS ADVERTISING Want to promote your product or service to fellow Hoggies, increase word of mouth traffic and recommendations then advertise in the GCHOG NEWS Quarter Page - $ 100 per year Half Page - $ 200 per year Full Page - $ 400 per year For details and conditions contact editor@goldcoasthog.com UP COMING HOG RALLIES
Gold Coast Harley Owners Group Newsletter
HOG News
October 2014
GOLD COAST HOG CLUB RIDE RULES All riders must hold an appropriate and current motorcycle licence and all bikes must be currently registered and roadworthy. Arrive in plenty of time for the pre-ride brief, with a full tank of fuel and an empty bladder. Be considerate of your fellow riders and make yourself ready to leave all stops on time with the rest of the group. NEVER pass the Road Captain (ride leader) during the club ride. Ride in staggered formation where possible using the 2 second rule as guideline; a 2 second gap between you and the bike in front of you in the same wheel track. NEVER change wheel tracks to fill in a diagonal gap. Always ride in your wheel track and if a gap forms in front of you in the diagonal wheel track, wave up the rider behind you in that wheel track (when it is safe to do so). The only exception in changing wheel tracks is when you are the next bike behind the Road Captain in the right hand wheel track and are taking up position for corner marking. Never pass on the left unless you are filling in a gap, wait to be called/waved through by the rider diagonally in front of you in the right hand wheel track. Do not ride BESIDE another bike and stay safely out of their riding zone. Everyone should concentrate on the bike in front of them in the diagonal wheel track and leave the appropriate gap as they may have to move over suddenly to avoid debris or potholes on the roadway and you should not be in their space if they are required to do so. Ride in the same lane as the Road Captain in a multi-lane highway. On winding or narrow roads (or at any other time where a staggered formation is not advisable), use correct riding style; single file for cornering and allow extra distance for braking. New and less experienced riders are to ride at the rear of the pack. Any guest riders are to be the responsibility of the club member accompanying them and to be made aware of Club Ride Rules. In the event of a breakdown please stay with your bike and if possible move it to a safe location off the road and wait for Tail End Charlie (TEC). In the event of an accident the Safety Officer/Committee Members will take charge. Any bikes which stop are to take directions from them and secure the scene; alert any other traffic of likely hazards on the road, render assistance to the injured parties where possible, call for medical assistance, etc when requested. All other riders shall continue with the remaining group to the next stop. If you are corner marking please STAY in place until told to move on by TEC. Once you have been moved on by TEC resume your position at the rear of the pack. If you don’t want to corner mark, please start your ride towards the rear of the pack. Enjoy your ride whilst being aware of the responsibility you have not only to yourself but also your fellow riders. CORNER MARKERS GUIDELINES The reason for corner markers is to ensure the group stays on the route, and has plenty of warnings of any deviation or clarification to the road being ridden. Leaving the corner before being signaled to do so by Tail End Charlie (TEC) will cause riders to be lost. Don’t be the one to spoil the day for others or yourself.
The corner marker will be the rider following behind the Road Captain
This rider will leave twice the normal ride space between him/her and the Road Captain to allow for safe stopping at the indicated position.
The rider second back from the Road Captain will also leave twice the normal spacing.
The rider behind the Road Captain is to be alert for the Road Captain’s corner marking position signal and to stop where indicated.
Once a corner marker has been placed, the next rider behind the Road Captain should make ready to take station for the next corner.
The corner marking position selected must be accessible, safe from other traffic, and easily seen well before the deviation is required.
Once the corner marker is safely positioned, he/she will indicate the direction of the ride by pointing and using the appropriate turn signal.
The corner marker will not usually remove their helmet or other riding gear. He/she must be ready to move on immediately signaled to do so by TEC. TEC will not stop and do not move until told to by TEC.
In the case of a major delay a 2nd TEC will stop and inform of the delay to the corner markers and advise them to move on.
Corner markers will then join at the rear of the main group. RIDERS, WHO ARE NEW TO HOG, SHOULD START EACH SECTION OF THE RIDE TOWARDS THE REAR OF THE PACK.
Gold Coast Harley Owners Group Newsletter