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Various measures supported on fractal subsets of Rn are also friendly, for .... n ≥ 2 one can easily construct an everywhere nondegenerate map from Rn to.
ON FRACTAL MEASURES AND DIOPHANTINE APPROXIMATION DMITRY KLEINBOCK, ELON LINDENSTRAUSS, AND BARAK WEISS Abstract. We study diophantine properties of a typical point with respect to measures on Rn . Namely, we identify geometric conditions on a measure µ on Rn guaranteeing that µ-almost every y ∈ Rn is not very well multiplicatively approximable by rationals. Measures satisfying our conditions are called ‘friendly’. Examples include smooth measures on nondegenerate manifolds, thus the present paper generalizes the main result of [KM]. Another class of examples is given by measures supported on self-similar sets satisfying the open set condition, as well as their products and pushforwards by certain smooth maps.

1. Introduction The metric theory of diophantine approximation is concerned with the following question: if y ∈ Rn is a typical point in the sense of Lebesgue measure, how well can y be approximated by rational vectors p/q, in terms of the size of q. Definitive answers to this and similar questions were obtained in work of A. Khintchine, A.V. Groshev and others in the 1920s and 1930s. A conjecture of K. Mahler from the 1930s, which was settled three decades later by V. Sprindˇzuk, led to the theory of diophantine approximation on manifolds, where instead of studying diophantine properties of almost every point in Rn , one considers a more delicate question regarding diophantine properties of almost every point on a proper submanifold of this space. In order to state more precisely Mahler’s conjecture, as well as the results of G.A. Margulis and the first-named author [KM] which were the starting point for this work, we introduce some standard notions from the theory of diophantine approximation. A point y ∈ Rn is said to be very well approximable if for some δ > 0 there are infinitely many solutions p ∈ Zn and q ∈ Z+ to the inequality (1.1)


kqy − pk < q −( n +δ) .

A slightly less restrictive notion than very well approximable is the following: a point y = (y1 , . . . , yn ) ∈ Rn is said to be very well multiplicatively approximable if for some δ > 0 there are infinitely many solutions p = (p1 , . . . , pn ) ∈ Zn and q ∈ Z+ to n Y (1.2) |qyi − pi | < q −(1+δ) . i=1

It is an immediate consequence of the pigeonhole principle that there exists C > 0 such that for any y there are infinitely many solutions to kqy − pk < Cq −1/n . It is also well-known that the set of very well approximable points 1



has Lebesgue measure zero but full Hausdorff dimension, and the same is true for the set of very well multiplicatively approximable points. Mahler conjectured that for almost every x ∈ R, the point (1.3)

(x, x2 , . . . , xn )

is not very well approximable. More generally, we shall say that a submanifold M ⊂ Rn is extremal if almost every point on M (with respect to the smooth measure class) is not very well approximable. If almost every point on M is not very well multiplicatively approximable then M is said to be strongly extremal . In these terms, Mahler’s conjecture states that the algebraic curve (1.3) is extremal. The line {(x, x, . . . , x) : x ∈ R} on the other hand is easily seen to be non-extremal. In [KM] it was shown that nondegenerate submanifolds of Rn (see §2 for a definition; an example is any real analytic submanifold not contained in any proper affine subspace of Rn ) are strongly extremal, thereby settling a conjecture of Sprindˇzuk [Sp2]. In this paper the primary objects of study are not submanifolds but measures. We say that a measure µ on Rn is extremal (resp., strongly extremal ) if µ-almost every point is not very well approximable (resp., not very well multiplicatively approximable). This viewpoint is more general, and includes the discussion of submanifolds as a special case: by definition, a submanifold M is extremal (resp., strongly extremal) if and only if the induced Riemannian measure on M (considered as a measure on Rn ) is extremal (resp., strongly extremal). In [W1], the third-named author treated the one-dimensional case, and showed that any measure µ on R satisfying a certain geometric decay condition introduced by W. Veech [V] (for example, the Hausdorff measure on the standard Cantor ternary set) is extremal (which in the one-dimensional case is equivalent to being strongly extremal). We refer the reader to [W2] for further discussion. Since rational points in the higher dimensional case are distributed much less regularly than in the one-dimensional case, the multi-dimensional case we address here is harder. In this paper we identify purely geometric conditions on measures which are sufficient to guarantee strong extremality. Measures that satisfy our conditions are called friendly measures (a somewhat fuzzy abbreviation of Federer, nonplanar and decaying); these conditions are defined in §2, and our main result is Theorem 1.1. Let µ be a friendly measure on Rn . Then µ is strongly extremal. The class of friendly measures includes volume measures on smooth manifolds considered in [KM], thus the above theorem generalizes the main result of that paper. Various measures supported on fractal subsets of Rn are also friendly, for instance (these are all special cases of more general results stated in §2):



(1) Hausdorff measures on self-similar sets satisfying the open set condition (such as the Cantor set, Koch snowflake or Sierpinski gasket), provided that the set is not contained in the union of finitely many proper hyperplanes. (2) Pushforwards of such measures by nonsingular nondegenerate maps. The class of friendly measures is also closed with respect to products of measures, giving rise to further examples. Overview: We start in §2 by defining and describing the class of friendly measures. We also review some basic facts about self-similar sets, and give precise statements of our results. In §§3–5 we prove Theorem 1.1. Our proof follows the method developed in [KM]. This involves translating the diophantine properties we are interested in to properties of trajectories for the action of a semigroup of diagonal matrices on the noncompact homogeneous space SLn+1 (R)/ SLn+1 (Z). Such a translation is classical for the case n = 1 and was used for n ≥ 2 in the work of W. Schmidt [Sch2], S. G. Dani [Da1], Margulis, the first-named author, and others. We discuss this correspondence and reduce Theorem 1.1 to a quantitative nondivergence result for the aforementioned action (Theorem 4.3) in §§3–4. In §5 we prove Theorem 4.3, which is an extension of the results of [KM, §§4–5]. We remark that the argument involved played an important role in the study of unipotent flows, and refer the reader to the surveys [KSS, Chapter 3] and [K1] for further description of this method and historical background. Our proof is very close to that of [KM], but is presented from a somewhat different perspective, and incorporates several minor improvements which were useful in our framework. We give a non-uniform variant of the friendly condition in §6, and outline how the proofs in §§3–5 can be modified to establish that measures satisfying that condition are strongly extremal. After that we exhibit some friendly measures. In §7 we prove that the pushforward of a measure from a certain class of measures on Rd (more restrictive than the class of friendly measures) to Rn via a nonsingular nondegenerate map is friendly. For the special case of Lebesgue measure, this follows easily from [KM, Proposition 3.4], but that proof does not apply to more general measures, and the argument we give is new. In §8 we discuss Hausdorff measures on self-similar sets satisfying the open set condition, and show that such measures are friendly, and moreover satisfy the stronger property needed for the pushforward result. In §9 we show that the class of friendly measures is closed with respect to Cartesian products. We conclude the paper with a discussion of possible extensions and generalizations of the main results and a list of open questions. Acknowledgements: Part of the work was done during the authors’ collaboration at the Newton Institute (Cambridge), ETH (Zurich) and at Brandeis University; the hospitality of these institutions is gratefully acknowledged. We also thank Amnon Besser for his help in producing the figures. This research



was supported in part by NSF grant DMS-0196124, NSF grant DMS-0140497, and BSF grant 2000247. 2. Friendly measures We begin by introducing some notation. For a point x in a metric space and r > 0, B(x, r) stands for the open ball of radius r centered at x. The standard inner product of x, y ∈ Rn is denoted by hx, yi. For an affine subspace L ⊂ Rn we denote by dL (x) the (Euclidean) distance from x to L. By L(ε) we denote the ε-neighborhood of L, that is, the set (2.1)


L(ε) = {x ∈ Rn : dL (x) < ε} .

If B ⊂ X and f is a real-valued function on X, let def

kf kB = sup |f (x)| . x∈B

If µ is a measure on X such that µ(B) > 0, we define kf kµ,B to be equal to kf kB ∩ supp µ , which, in case f is continuous and B is open, is the same as the L∞ (µ)-norm of f |B , i.e.  kf kµ,B = sup c : µ({z ∈ B : |f (z)| > c}) > 0 .

Note that for B ⊂ Rn and an affine hyperplane (that is, a translate of an (n − 1)-dimensional linear subspace) L ⊂ Rn , the quantity kdL kB measures the ‘width of B with respect to L’, i.e., the infimum of ε for which B ⊂ L(ε) . Similarly, kdL kµ,B measures the ‘µ-essential width of B with respect to L’, which, if B is open, coincides with inf{ε : µ(B r L(ε) ) = 0}. In what follows, µ will stand for a locally finite Borel measure on a σcompact metric space. Our first definition works in the context of arbitrary metric spaces X. If D > 0 and U ⊂ X is an open subset, let us say that µ is D-Federer on U if for all x ∈ supp µ ∩ U one has  µ B(x, 3r)  0 such that for all x ∈ supp µ ∩ U and every 0 < ε ≤ r with B(x, r) ⊂ U one has   ε β µ B(x, ε)  ≥c (2.3) . r µ B(x, r) A version of this definition with U = X is also known as the ‘doubling property’ and plays an important role in geometric measure theory; we refer the reader to [MU] for references and examples. However the class of measures which are D-Federer on X is too narrow for our purposes, since it is not closed with respect to restrictions to open subsets of X. Thus we propose the following



Figure 1. Absolute and relative decay supp µ





kdL kµ,B 


B ∩ Lε






localized modification: we will say that a measure µ on X is Federer 1 if for µ-a.e. x ∈ X there exist a neighborhood U of x and D > 0 such that µ is D-Federer on U . For the next definitions we take X = Rn . Say that µ on Rn is nonplanar if µ(L) = 0 for any affine hyperplane L of Rn . Given C, α > 0 and an open subset U of Rn , say that µ is (C, α)-decaying on U if for any non-empty open ball B ⊂ U centered in supp µ, any affine hyperplane L ⊂ Rn , and any ε > 0 one has  α  ε (ε) (2.4) µ B∩L ≤C µ(B) . kdL kµ,B

Also say that µ is absolutely (C, α)-decaying on U if for any B, L and ε as above, one has  ε α  (ε) (2.5) µ B∩L ≤C µ(B) , r where r is the radius of B. Equivalently (up to a slight change of C) one can replace r in (2.5) with kdL kB , since the latter is between r and 2r whenever the left hand side of (2.5) is positive.

We will say that µ is decaying (resp. absolutely decaying) if for for µ-a.e. y0 ∈ Rn there exist a neighborhood U of y0 and C, α > 0 such that µ is (C, α)decaying (resp. absolutely (C, α)-decaying) on U . Finally, let us say that µ is friendly if it is Federer, nonplanar and decaying. One can easily see, comparing (2.4) and (2.5), that any absolutely decaying measure is decaying, and it is also clear that any absolutely decaying measure 1This

term was used in [Sa] to describe a larger class of measures, which we refer to as non-uniformly Federer , see §6.



is nonplanar. Thus any absolutely decaying Federer measure is friendly, in particular, so is Lebesgue measure on Rn . Also, the class of friendly measures is clearly closed with respect to restriction to open subsets of Rn , and, further, µ is friendly if and only if µ-almost every point has a neighborhood U such that µ|U is friendly. We now turn to establishing that certain families of measures are friendly. The first such family of nontrivial examples comes from measures on smooth submanifolds of Rn which are ‘curved enough’ to deviate from any affine hyperplane. Such manifolds were called nondegenerate in [KM]. More precisely, let U be an open subset of Rd , and let f = (f1 , . . . , fn ) : U → Rn be a C ` map, ` ∈ N. Say that f is `-nondegenerate at x ∈ U if the space Rn is spanned by partial derivatives of f at x of order up to `. If M ⊂ Rn is a d-dimensional C ` submanifold, we will say that M is `-nondegenerate at y ∈ M if any (equivalently, some) diffeomorphism f between an open subset U of Rd and a neighborhood of y in M is `-nondegenerate at f −1 (y). We will say that f or M are nondegenerate if they are `-nondegenerate for some `. Let us denote Lebesgue measure on Rd by λ. One has the following Theorem 2.1. Let U be an open subset of Rd , and f a map from U to Rn . (a) Suppose that f is C ` , nonsingular and `-nondegenerate at λ-almost every point of U ; then f∗ λ is friendly. (b) Suppose that µ is an absolutely decaying Federer measure on U , and f is a C `+1 map which is nonsingular and `-nondegenerate at µ-almost every point; then f∗ µ is friendly. Note that the main result of [KM] is the strong extremality of f∗ λ for f as in (a) above; in view of Theorem 2.1, it is included in Theorem 1.1 as a special case. Note also that Theorem 2.1(b) highlights the difference between decay and absolute decay: one cannot weaken the hypotheses and replace ‘absolutely decaying’ with ‘decaying’. Indeed, it is not hard to see that volume measures on proper C 1 submanifolds of Rn are never absolutely decaying, and when n ≥ 2 one can easily construct an everywhere nondegenerate map from Rn to Rn which sends a proper submanifold into a proper affine subspace. However, one can show that any decaying non-atomic (⇔ nonplanar) measure on R is absolutely decaying. On the other hand, the class of friendly (and even absolutely decaying Federer) measures turns out to be big enough to include measures supported on fractal subsets of Rn . An important family of examples is given by measures supported on self-similar sets satisfying the so-called open set condition, which we now define. One says that h : Rn → Rn is a similarity map if it can be written as (2.6)

h(y) = %Θ(y) + a ,

where % ∈ R+ , Θ ∈ O(n, R) and a ∈ Rn . It is said to be contracting if % < 1. It is known, see [H], that for any finite family h1 , . . . , hm of contracting similarity



maps there exists a unique set K, called the attractor of the family, such that m [ (2.7) K= hi (K). i=1

Say that h1 , . . . , hm as above satisfy the open set condition if there exists an open subset U ⊂ Rn such that and

hi (U ) ⊂ U for all i = 1, . . . , m ,

i 6= j =⇒ hi (U ) ∩ hj (U ) = ∅ . J. Hutchinson [H] proved that if hi = %i Θi + ai , i = 1, . . . , m, satisfy the open set condition, and if s > 0 is the unique solution of X %si = 1 , (2.8) i

which we will call the similarity dimension of the family {hi }, then the sdimensional Hausdorff measure H s of K is positive and finite. Measures obtained via the above construction have been thoroughly studied during recent log 2 decades; perhaps the simplest example is given by the log -dimensional Haus3 dorff measure on Cantor’s ternary set. We would like to prove these measures to be friendly. However a natural obstruction arises if there exists a finite collection of proper affine subspaces L1 , . . . , Lk which is invariant under the family {hi }. Let us say that a family of maps is irreducible if this does not happen. The following is true: Theorem 2.2. Let {h1 , . . . , hm } be an irreducible family of contracting similarity self-maps of Rn satisfying the open set condition, s its similarity dimension, µ the restriction of H s to its attractor. Then µ is absolutely decaying and Federer, and, in particular, friendly. Combining the two theorems above, one can already construct a variety of friendly measures. Another source of examples comes from product measures: ni Theorem 2.3. For i = 1, P. . . , k, let µi be a measure on R and let µ = n µ1 × · · · × µk on R , n = ni . Then: (1) If each µi is absolutely decaying and Federer, then so is µ. (2) If each µi is friendly, then µ is friendly.

The proofs of all the theorems from this section are contained in §§7–9.

Remark. Note that, unlike strong extremality, the Federer and decay conditions are not measure class invariant, see §6 for more detail. Moreover, these conditions can be relaxed somewhat without sacrificing the validity of Theorem 1.1. For clarity of exposition we first present the proof that friendly measures are strongly extremal. We then define non-uniform versions of the conditions for a measure to be friendly, and prove that measures satisfying these nonuniform conditions are also strongly extremal. We do not know whether the latter conditions are measure class invariant, but, in view of a result of H. Sato [Sa] regarding a non-uniform version of the Federer condition, we suspect that they are.



3. Diophantine approximation and flows on homogeneous spaces In this section we recall the connection between diophantine approximation and flows on homogeneous spaces, and reduce Theorem 1.1 to a quantitative nondivergence result. Let G = SLn+1 (R), Γ = SLn+1 (Z), and denote by π : G → G/Γ, g 7→ gΓ, the natural projection map. G acts on G/Γ by left translations via the rule gπ(h) = π(gh), g, h ∈ G. Equivalently one can describe G/Γ as the space of unimodular lattices in Rn+1 , with π(g) = gZn+1 and the action of G on G/Γ coming from the linear action of G on Rn+1 . We will be interested in the action of a certain subsemigroup of G on G/Γ. Namely, we let Rn+ (resp. Zn+ ) denote the (integer) vectors all of whose entries are non-negative, and for t ∈ Rn+ let (3.1)

gt = diag(et1 , . . . , etn , e−t ), t = (t1 , . . . , tn ), t =

n X

ti .


Then {gt } acts on G/Γ by the rule gt π(g) = π(gt g). Thus the action of gt on a lattice Λ will contract the last component of every vector of Λ and expand the remaining components. Here and throughout, k·k denotes the Euclidean norm and k·k∞ the maximum norm. For ε > 0 let   def (3.2) Kε = π g ∈ G : kgvk ≥ ε ∀ v ∈ Zn+1 r {0} , i.e., Kε is the collection of all unimodular lattices in Rn+1 which contain no nonzero vector smaller than ε. Recall that G/Γ is noncompact and has finite G-invariant measure. Each Kε , however, is compact, and {Kε }ε>0 is an exhaustion of G/Γ [R, Chapter 10]. We define the following maps from Rn to G and G/Γ:   In y def def (3.3) τ (y) = , τ¯ = π◦τ 0 1 (here In stands for the n×n identity matrix). The following proposition relates the orbit of τ¯(y) under the semigroup (3.1) with the diophantine properties of y. For an equivalent but slightly different approach, compare with [KM, Corollary 2.2], [K2, Corollary 5.2]. Proposition 3.1. For y ∈ Rn , the following are equivalent: (i) y is not very well multiplicatively approximable; (ii) for any γ > 0 one has (3.4)

gtτ¯(y) ∈ Ke−γt

whenever t ∈ Rn+ is large enough; (iii) for any γ > 0 (3.4) holds for all but finitely many t ∈ Zn+ . We first prove a lemma which shows that very well multiplicatively approximable points automatically satisfy a seemingly more stringent condition. Lemma 3.2. Let y ∈ Rn be very well multiplicatively approximable. Then there exists δ > 0 for which there are infinitely many solutions p ∈ Zn , q ∈ Z+



to (1.2) in addition satisfying kqy − pk∞ < q −δ/n .


Proof. Choose δ0 > 0 for which there are infinitely many solutions p ∈ Zn , q ∈ Z+ to the inequality n Y (3.6) |qyi − pi | < q −(1+δ0 ) , i=1

δ0 . n + 2 + δ0 δ0 def Let p, q be a solution to (3.6), and let q1 = [q n+2 ]. For every k ∈ {1, . . . , q1 + 1} set def vk = kq y mod 1 (where we take the fractional part in each coordinate). Since {v1 , . . . , vq1 +1 } are q1 + 1 points in the unit cube [0, 1)n , there must be two points, say vk , v` with 1 ≤ k < ` ≤ q1 + 1, such that def

and set δ =

1 −n


kvk − v` k∞ ≤ q1



≤ q − n(n+2) .

¯ ∈ Zn be the integer vector closest to q¯y. Note We set q¯ = (` − k)q and let p n+2+δ0 that q¯ ≤ q n+2 . Then by (3.7), Furthermore,


¯ k∞ ≤ q k¯ qy − p n Y i=1


0 − n(n+2)


0 − n(n+2+δ

≤ q¯

¯ i | ≤ (` − k)n |¯ q yi − p nδ0 n+2


≤ q¯

n Y i=1



= q¯− n .

|qyi − pi |

q −(1+δ0 )

n+2+2δ0 n+2+δ0

= q¯−(1+δ) .

¯ is a solution to both (1.2) and (3.5). Thus q¯, p

Proof of Proposition 3.1. Let us show that (ii) implies (i). Indeed, suppose by contradiction that for some δ > 0 we have infinitely many solutions to both δ inequalities (1.2) and (3.5). Fix arbitrary positive γ < n+δ , and let p, q be one of the solutions. Our goal is to find t = t(q) so that the norm of the vector  t1  e (qy1 − p1 )   ..   −p def n+1 .  (3.9) v = gt τ (y) = r {0} etn (qy − p ) ∈ gt τ (y) Z q n n e−t q

is less than e−γt , and so that t → ∞ as q → ∞. We consider two cases. If at least one coordinate of qy − p, say the last one, δ0 is equal to zero, one can take δ 0 < δ with γ = n+δ 0 , and define t by et1 = · · · = etn−1 = q

δ−δ 0 n


etn = q 1−

n−1 δ+δ 0 n





Then et = q 1+δ /n , therefore (3.5)


kvk∞ = max(et1 kqy − pk∞ , e−t q) ≤ q −δ /n = e−γt . Otherwise, take 1 < s < 1 + δ, set !−1 n Y def |qyi − pi | Q=





log Q , s log q

and then define t by

Note that α >

1+δ s

eti = |qyi − pi |−1/α ,

i = 1, . . . , n.

in view of (1.2), or, equivalently, 1 − 1/α >

1+δ−s . 1+δ


et = Q1/α = q s . Therefore one has e−t q = q 1−s = e−

s−1 t s

and (3.5)


δ 1−1/α t s

eti |qyi − pi | = |qyi − pi |1−1/α ≤ q − n (1−1/α) = e− n

δ 1+δ−s

< e− n s(1+δ) t .

Choosing the optimal s one gets δ

kvk∞ ≤ e− n+δ t ≤ e−γt , thus finishing the proof of (ii) =⇒ (i). The proof of the opposite direction is similar; since we will not use it, we leave the details to the reader. Finally, the equivalence of (ii) and (iii) follows in a straightforward manner from the continuity of the G-action on G/Γ.  We now complete our description of the strategy for proving Theorem 1.1. We will establish the following: Theorem 3.3. Suppose that µ is a friendly measure on Rn . Then for µ-almost e α > 0 such that for any every y0 ∈ Rn there is a ball B centered at y0 and C, n t ∈ Z+ and any ε > 0, e α. µ({y ∈ B : gt τ¯(y) ∈ / Kε }) ≤ Cε

This theorem will be deduced from the more general Theorem 4.3 in the next section. Informally speaking, Theorem 3.3 shows that for fixed t, the ‘orbit’ {gtτ¯(y) : y ∈ B} does not diverge, that is, a very significant proportion of it (computed in terms of µ and uniform in t) stays inside compact sets Kε . Theorem 3.3 generalizes [KM, Proposition 2.3], where a similar estimate is proved for volume measures on nondegenerate submanifolds of Rn . Proof of Theorem 1.1 assuming Theorem 3.3. The Borel-Cantelli Lemma states that if µ is a measure on a P space X and {Ai } is a countable collection of measurable subsets of X with i µ(Ai ) < ∞, then µ-almost every x ∈ X is contained in at most finitely many sets Ai . Assuming Theorem 3.3, we see



that if µ is friendly, then for µ-almost every y0 ∈ Rn there is a ball B centered at y0 such that for any γ > 0, X  µ {y ∈ B : gt τ¯(y) ∈ / Ke−γt } < ∞ . t∈Zn +

From Proposition 3.1 we can conclude that µ-a.e. y ∈ B is not very well multiplicatively approximable, and since a countable collection of such balls covers µ-a.e. point, it follows that µ is strongly extremal.  4. Quantitative nondivergence In order to state the main result of this section we need to introduce some notation and definitions. Say that a metric space X is Besicovitch if there exists N > 0 such that for any bounded set A ⊂ X and any collection of balls B such that any x ∈ A is the center of a ball in B, there is a countable subcollection Ω ⊂ B such that [ B A⊂ B∈Ω


max #{B ∈ Ω : x ∈ B} ≤ N. x∈X

It is well known, see e.g. [Mat], that Rn equipped with the Euclidean metric, and hence any of its subsets, is Besicovitch. Given C, α > 0, a metric space X, a subset U of X, a measure µ on X, and a real-valued function f on X, say that f is (C, α)-good on U with respect to µ if for any open ball B ⊂ U centered in supp µ and any ε > 0 one has  α  ε (4.1) µ {x ∈ B : |f (x)| < ε} ≤ C µ(B) . kf kµ,B The class of (C, α)-good functions with respect to Lebesgue measure on Rn was introduced in [KM]. We refer the reader to [KM] and [BKM] for various properties and examples.

Lemma 4.1. Suppose that f1 , . . . , fk are (C, α)-good on U with respect to µ. Then (f12 + · · · + fk2 )1/2 is (k α/2 C, α)-good on U with respect to µ. Proof. It is immediate from the definition that if f1 , . . . , fk are all (C, α)-good then so is max (|f1 |, . . . , |fk |). Using this, we see that !1/2 k X   µ {x ∈ B : fi2 (x) < ε} ≤ µ {x ∈ B : max |fi (x)| < ε} 1≤i≤k




k max1≤i≤k |fi | kµ,B

≤ Ck α/2



ε fi2 )




µ(B) . 



One can immediately notice the similarity between the definition of (C, α)good functions and that of (C, α)-decaying measures. Indeed, one easily verifies: Lemma 4.2. A measure µ on Rn is (C, α)-decaying on U ⊂ Rn if and only if all functions of the form dL (x), where L is an affine hyperplane in Rn , are (C, α)-good on U with respect to µ. The setup of Theorem 4.3 involves a Besicovitch metric space X and a family of functions assumed to be (C, α)-good on some ball in X with respect to some measure µ on X. More precisely, these functions are compositions of continuous maps from X to G = SLn+1 (R) with certain functions on G, which arise from the action of G on def

W = the set of nonzero rational subspaces of Rn+1 .

Namely, fix a Euclidean structure on Rn+1 , and for g ∈ G and V ∈ W define `V (g) to be the covolume of gV ∩ gZn+1 in gV . Equivalently, one can extend the Euclidean norm k · k from Rn+1 to its exterior algebra, and set def

`V (g) = kg(v1 ∧ · · · ∧ vk )k ,

where {v1 , . . . , vk } is a generating set for Zn+1 ∩ V ; note that the above quantity does not depend on the choice of {vi }. Here is the main result required for proving Theorem 1.1. Theorem 4.3. Given an open subset U of a Besicovitch metric space X, positive constants C, D, α, and a measure µ which is D-Federer on U , there exists C 0 > 0 with the following property. Suppose h is a continuous map U → G, 0 < % ≤ 1, z ∈ U ∩ supp µ, and B = B(z, r) is a ball such that e def B = B(z, 3n r) is contained in U , and that for each V ∈ W e with respect to µ, (a) the function `V ◦h is (C, α)-good on B

and (b) k`V ◦hkµ,B ≥ %. Then for any 0 < ε ≤ %, µ

x ∈ B : π h(x) ∈ / Kε

 α ε ≤C µ(B) . % 0

Theorem 4.3 is proved in §5 by modifying arguments from [KM, §4–5]. In the remainder of this section we will use it to derive Theorem 3.3. Proof of Theorem 3.3 assuming Theorem 4.3. The strategy is to take X = R n and h(y) = gt τ (y), with gt and τ as defined in §3, and then relate the decay property of µ to condition (a) of Theorem 4.3, and the nonplanar property of µ to condition (b). Since µ is decaying and Federer, for almost every y0 ∈ Rn one can choose a ball B = B(y0 , r) and C0 , D, α > 0 such that µ is (C0 , α)-decaying and De = B(y0 , 3n r). An easy compactness argument Federer on the dilated ball B



using the assumption that µ is nonplanar shows the existence of 0 < % < 1 such that (4.2)

for any affine hyperplane L ⊂ Rn .

kdL kµ,B ≥ %

Suppose that V is a k-dimensional subspace of Rn+1 spanned by the integer vectors     −p1 −pk v1 = , . . . , vk = . q1 qk By performing Gaussian elimination over the integers, there is no loss of generality in assuming that qi = 0, i = 2, . . . , k. We need to show that `V ◦ h(y) satisfies conditions (a) and (b) of Theorem 4.3. Denote by V0 the subspace def

V0 = {(x1 , . . . , xn+1 ) : xn+1 = 0}

of Rn+1 . We separate into two cases: suppose first that q1 is also 0, that is, V ⊂ V0 . Since every element of V0 is τ (Rn )-invariant, we have h(y) [v1 ∧ · · · ∧ vk ] = gt [v1 ∧ · · · ∧ vk ] ,

so y 7→ `V ◦ h(y) is a constant function, obviously satisfying (a). Also, since gt expands V0 , we can write `V ◦ h(y) = kgt [v1 ∧ · · · ∧ vk ]k ≥ kv1 ∧ · · · ∧ vk k ≥ 1 , hence (b) is satisfied as well. Now suppose q1 6= 0.  t1 e def g˜t =  ... 0


 ... 0 .. . 0 . . . e tn


and w = gt v2 ∧ · · · ∧ gt vk ,

and let P denote the linear subspace of Rn corresponding to g˜t p2 ∧ · · · ∧ g˜t pk . Then h(y) [v1 ∧ · · · ∧ vk ] = [gt τ (y)v1 ∧ · · · ∧ gt τ (y)vk ]

= [gt τ (y)v1 ∧ gt v2 ∧ · · · ∧ gt vk ]    q1 y − p 1 ∧w = gt q1   g˜t (q1 y − p1 ) ∧w = e−t q1     0 g˜t (q1 y − p1 ) (4.3) = −t ∧w+ ∧ w. e q1 0   0 , we have Since w is orthogonal to e−t q1   0 k −t ∧ wk2 = kwk2 q12 e−2t , e q1



and furthermore the two k-forms in (4.3) are orthogonal. We are left with evaluating the norm of the second expression in (4.3). Since all vectors involved are in V0 this is simply the volume of the parallelepiped spanned by g˜t (q1 y − p1 ), g˜t p2 , . . . , g˜t pk , hence


g˜t (q1 y − p1 )

= dP (˜ ∧ w gt (q1 y − p1 ))2 kwk2 .

0 Thus we obtain:


(`V ◦ h(y))2 = kh(y) [v1 ∧ · · · ∧ vk ]k2 h i 2 2 2 −2t = kwk dP g˜t (q1 y − p1 ) + q1 e .

It follows from Lemma 4.1, in conjunction with Lemma 4.2 and the (C0 , α)e with respect to µ, with decaying property of µ, that `V ◦ h is (C, α)-good on B α/2 C = (n + 1) C0 , establishing (a). As in the previous case, since for i > 1 we know that vi is an integer vector in V0 , and gt expands V0 , we have kwk ≥ 1 .

Thus (4.4) implies that for every y,

 `V ◦ h(y) > dP g˜t (q1 y − p1 ) .

Since q1 is a nonzero integer and g˜t expands Rn , there exists a (k − 1)dimensional affine subspace P 0 such that `V ◦ h(y) > dP 0 (y). By (4.2) this implies that k`V ◦ h(y)kµ,B > %. e and enlarging C 0 if necessary to account Using Theorem 4.3 with U = B, for the case ε ≥ %, we obtain the conclusion of Theorem 3.3.  5. Proof of Theorem 4.3

Throughout this section, we retain the hypotheses and notations of Theorem 4.3, and let N denote the constant involved in the definition of the Besicovitch condition. With no loss of generality we will replace X with supp µ, inducing the metric from X; this will allow us to use k · kB in place of k · kµ,B throughout the proof. We need some additional terminology. By a flag we mean a chain (not necessarily maximal)  F = {0} = V0 & V1 & · · · & Vm & Vm+1 = Rn+1 ,

where Vi ∈ W for i = 1, . . . , m. We will call m the length of F . The subspaces Vi , i = 1, . . . , m will be called the subspaces belonging to F . For V ∈ W we will say that V can be added to F if, for some 0 ≤ i ≤ m, Vi & V & Vi+1 . If this holds we will denote the flag obtained by adding V to F by F + V . Let F be as above, and let F 0 be another flag. We will say that F is subordinate to F 0 if every subspace belonging to F can be added to F 0 . Note that if the length of F 0 is m, then the length of any flag subordinate to F 0 is at most n − m.



If F is a flag which is subordinate to F 0 , we will say that a point y ∈ X is marked by (F , ε, %) relative to F 0 (or simply marked by F relative to F 0 ), if the following hold:  (M1) for any subspace V belonging to F , `V h(y) ≤ %. (M2) for any subspace V belonging to F , `V h(y) ≥ ε. (M3) the flag F has maximal length, relative to all flags which are subordinate to F 0 and satisfy (M1). We will say that y is marked relative to F 0 if there is some F subordinate to F 0 such that y is marked by F relative to F 0 . Let F0 = ({0} & Rn ) . We say that y is marked by (F , ε, %) (or simply marked by F ) if y is marked by (F , ε, %) relative to F0 . The reason to mark points by flags is the following:

Proposition 5.1. Let the notation be as above, and suppose that 0 < ε < % ≤  1, and that y ∈ X is marked by (F , ε, %). Then π h(y) ∈ Kε .

Proof. Let g = h(y) and suppose by contradiction that there is a nonzero v ∈ Zn+1 such that kgvk < ε. Choose i so that v ∈ / Vi , v ∈ Vi+1 , and let V be the span of Vi and v. Let k = dim V , and let v1 , . . . , vk ∈ Zn+1 be linearly independent vectors such that Zn+1 ∩ Vi is generated by v1 , . . . , vk−1 and Zn+1 ∩ V is generated by v1 , . . . , vk . Clearly `V (g) = kgv1 ∧ · · · ∧ gvk k ≤ kgv1 ∧ · · · ∧ gvk−1 kkgvk k.

Then one has

`V (g) ≤ `Vi (g)kgvk < ε. In particular, `V (g) ≤ %, so by (M3), V = Vi+1 . Thus `Vi+1 (g) < ε, in contradiction to (M2).  The following lemma constructs flags by induction. Lemma 5.2. For d = 0, . . . , n there is a constant C 0 = C 0 (D, N, C, d) such that the following holds. Let F be a flag, and let d be the maximal length of a flag which is subordinate to F . Let A = B(zA , rA ) be a ball such that e def A = B(zA , 3d rA ) ⊂ U , and suppose that: e with respect (a0 ) For each V ∈ W, the function `V ◦h is (C, α)-good on A to µ. 0 (b ) If V can be added to F then k`V ◦hkA ≥ %. Let A0 be the set of all y ∈ A which are marked relative to F . Then for every ε < %,  α ε 0 (5.1) µ(A r A0 ) ≤ C µ(A) . % Proof. For the proof we use the notation Y  Z to mean that there is a constant C 0 = C 0 (D, N, C, d, n) such that Y ≤ C 0 Z (C 0 may change throughout the proof).



`W % `V


B(s, rs ) = B(s, r(s, V ))

B(s, r(s, W ))

Figure 2. Choosing V0 The proof is by induction on d (equivalently, by a decreasing induction on the length of F ). If d = 0, then (b0 ) implies that (M1), (M2), (M3) hold trivially for all x ∈ A, that is A = A0 and (5.1) holds. Suppose d ≥ 1. For each x ∈ A, letW(x) consist of all V ∈ W which can be added to F , and for which `V h(x) < %. Let E = {x ∈ A : W(x) 6= ∅}.

If x ∈ / E then W(x) = ∅ and hence x is marked by F0 relative to F ; that is A r A 0 = E r A0 .


Now for each x ∈ E and each V ∈ W(x) let def

r(x, V ) = sup{r : k`V ◦hkB(x,r) < %}.  By (b0 ), A 6⊂ B x, r(x, V ) and hence the supremum in the above definition is finite. By continuity of `V ◦h, r(x, V ) > 0. By discreteness, W(x) is finite. Take V0 = V0 (x) ∈ W(x) such that def

rx = r(x, V0 ) = max r(x, V ), V ∈W(x)

and let F 0 (x) = F + V0 .

We have a cover of E by the collection of balls {B(x, rx ) : x ∈ E}. Using the Besicovitch assumption we take a countable subset Ω ⊂ E such that {B(x, rx ) : x ∈ Ω} is a cover of E and max #{x ∈ Ω : y ∈ B(x, rx )}  1, y∈X

therefore (5.3)

X x∈Ω

[   µ B(x, rx )  µ B(x, rx ) . x∈Ω

By (b0 ), B(x, r) does not contain A for r < rx , and hence (5.4)

rx ≤ rA + dist(zA , x) < 2rA .








































































B(x, 3r) 








B(x, r)


B(s, r 0 ) 

Figure 3. New balls cover old balls and aren’t much larger Thus there exist rx < rx0 < 2rA such that B(x, rx0 ) ⊂ B(zA , 3rA ) . In particular, using Federer, (5.5)




  B(x, rx ) ≤ µ B(zA , 3rA )  µ(A).

It follows from (5.4) that

e B(x, 3d−1 rx0 ) ⊂ A.


By definition of rx , k`V0 ◦ hkB(x,rx0 ) ≥ %. By assumption (a0 ) and Federer we obtain: (5.7)   µ({y ∈ B(x, rx ) : `V0 (x) h(y) < ε}) ≤ µ({y ∈ B(x, rx0 ) : `V0 (x) h(y) < ε})  α  ε  µ B(x, rx0 ) %  α  ε  µ B(x, rx ) . % Let

Y =



{y ∈ B(x, rx ) : `V0 (x) (y) < ε}.

It follows from (5.3), (5.5) and (5.7) that:  α ε (5.8) µ(Y )  µ(A). %



Write V = V0 (x), and denote by E0 (x) the set of points of E which are marked relative to F 0 (x). If y ∈ B(x, rx ) r Y , then ε ≤ `V ◦ h(y) ≤ %; thus if y is marked by F 00 relative to F 0 (x), it is also marked by F 00 + V relative to F . Hence E0 (x) ∩ B(x, rx ) ⊂ A0 ∪ Y. Let y ∈ E r (A0 ∪ Y ), then there is some x ∈ Ω such that y ∈ B(x, rx ), and by the above, y ∈ / E0 (x). That is, (5.9)

E r (A0 ∪ Y ) ⊂



 B(x, rx ) r E0 (x) .

The maximal length of a flag subordinate to F 0 (x) is at most d − 1, and by the induction hypothesis, the lemma is valid for d − 1 in place of d. We apply the lemma to B(x, rx0 ) and F 0 (x). Assumption (a0 ) follows from (5.6) and assumption (b0 ) follows from the definitions of rx and rx0 . We obtain (using Federer again):


  µ B(x, rx ) r E0 (x) ≤ µ B(x, rx0 ) r E0 (x)  α  ε  µ B(x, rx0 ) %  α  ε  µ B(x, rx ) . %

Therefore one has:

 (5.2) µ(A r A0 ) = µ(E r A0 ) ≤ µ(Y ) + µ E r (Y ∪ A0 ) !  α [ (5.8) and (5.9)  ε µ(A) + µ B(x, rx ) r E0 (x)  % x∈Ω #  α " X (5.10)  ε  µ(A) + µ B(x, rx ) % x∈Ω  α (5.3) and (5.5) ε  µ(A) , %

which finishes the proof of the lemma.

To complete the proof of Theorem 4.3, apply Lemma 5.2 to A = B and to F = F0 . Then apply Proposition 5.1.  6. non-uniformly friendly measures In this section we define non-uniform versions of the Federer and decaying conditions, and prove that every nonplanar, non-uniformly Federer and nonuniformly decaying measure is strongly extremal. Let D, C, α, s be positive constants. Say that a measure µ on a metric space X is (D, s)-Federer at x ∈ X if (2.2) holds whenever 3r < s. Similarly, say that a measure µ on Rn is (C, α, s)-decaying at y ∈ Rn if (2.4) holds for any ε > 0, any affine hyperplane L, and any B = B(y, r) with r < s. We



will say that µ is Federer (resp., decaying) at a point if it is (D, s)-Federer for some D, s (resp., (C, α, s)-decaying for some C, α, s) at this point, and that µ is non-uniformly Federer (resp., non-uniformly decaying) if it is Federer (resp., decaying) at µ-almost every point. The following theorem strengthens Theorem 1.1: Theorem 6.1. If µ is a measure on Rn which is nonplanar, non-uniformly Federer and non-uniformly decaying, then µ is strongly extremal. We remark that the above non-uniform versions seem to be more natural than their uniform analogues: the non-uniform Federer condition was proved in [Sa, Example 5] to be measure class invariant, and it is plausible that the same holds for the non-uniform decaying condition. On the other hand it is not hard to construct a positive Lebesgue integrable function ϕ on Rn such that the measure µ defined by dµ/dλ = ϕ is both non-uniformly Federer and non-uniformly decaying, but is neither Federer nor decaying. The authors do not know, however, if there exist measures satisfying the assumptions of Theorem 6.1 and at the same time singular to any friendly measure. Closely related to decaying measures is the class of (C, α, s)-good functions, to which we also give a non-uniform version: a function f is (C, α, s)-good at x with respect to µ if (4.1) holds for any ε > 0 and any B = B(x, r) with r < s. The proof of Theorem 6.1 requires the following refined version of Theorem 4.3: Theorem 6.2. Given a Besicovitch metric space X, positive constants C, D, α, and a measure µ on X, there exists C 0 > 0 with the following property. Suppose that h is a continuous map U → G, %, r0 are positive constants, z ∈ supp µ, and Ξ is a subset of U such that for every x ∈ Ξ and every V ∈ W: (1) µ is (D, s)-Federer at x with s > 3n r0 ; (2) the function `V ◦h is (C, α, s)-good at x with respect to µ, with s > 3n r0 ; (3) k`V ◦ hkµ,B(x,r0 ) ≥ %. Then for any 0 < ε ≤ %,  α    ε 0 e , µ(B) µ x ∈ Ξ ∩ B : π h(x) 6∈ Kε ≤ C %

def e def where B = B(z, r0 ) and B = B(z, 3n r0 ).

Proof. Note that in the proof of Lemma 5.2, only balls centered in E were used. Therefore, repeating the proof but changing the definition of E to def

E = {x ∈ Ξ ∩ A : W(x) 6= ∅},

one obtains the following statement:

For d = 0, . . . , n there is a constant C 0 = C 0 (D, N, C, d) such that the following holds. Let F be a flag, and let d be the maximal length of a flag def e def which is subordinate to F . Let A = B(zA , rA ), A = B(zA , 3d rA ), Ξ ⊂ X, and suppose that: (a0 ) For each x ∈ A ∩ Ξ, µ is (D, s)-Federer at x with s > 3d rA .



(b0 ) For each V ∈ W and each x ∈ A∩Ξ, the function `V ◦h is (C, α, s)-good at x with respect to µ, with s > 3d rA . (c0 ) If V can be added to F then k`V ◦hkA ≥ %. Let A0 be the set of all y ∈ A which are marked relative to F . Then for every ε < %,  α ε 0 e . µ(A ∩ Ξ r A0 ) ≤ C µ(A) %

From this statement the theorem follows.

Proof of Theorem 6.1. By Proposition 3.1 we need to show that for any γ > 0, for µ-a.e. y ∈ Rn , gtτ¯(y) 6∈ Ke−γt has only finitely many solutions t ∈ Zn+ . Let δ > 0 be arbitrary. Then there exists a subset Ξ ⊂ supp µ and positive constants D, C, α, r 0 so that µ(Rn r Ξ) < δ and µ is (D, r 0 )-Federer and (C, α, r 0 )-decaying at every y ∈ Ξ. Taking 0 < r0 < 3−n r 0 we see that conditions (1) and (2) of Theorem 6.2 are satisfied. By compactness and nonplanarity we see that there exists % > 0 so that for every x ∈ supp µ and any affine hyperplane L one has kdL kµ,B(x,r0 ) > % ,

and, as in the derivation of Theorem 3.3 from Theorem 4.3, this implies that for any V ∈ W and x ∈ supp µ k`V ◦ hkµ,B(x,r0 ) > % .

In particular, we see that condition (3) of Theorem 6.2 also holds. Applying that theorem, we see that X X µ ({y ∈ Ξ : gt τ (y) 6∈ Ke−γt }) ≤ C 0 e−γαt < ∞ , t∈Zn +

t∈Zn +

so by Borel-Cantelli and since γ was arbitrary, µ-almost every y ∈ Ξ is not very well multiplicatively approximable. Since δ was also arbitrary, this establishes Theorem 6.1.  7. Pushforwards In this section, µ is a measure on Rd , U is an open subset of Rd , and f : U → Rn is a map which pushes µ forward. Let us denote by Sf the R-linear span of 1, f1 , . . . , fn , that is, the space of functions of the form (7.1)

f = c 0 + c 1 f1 + · · · + c n fn ,

where ci ∈ R. It will be convenient to introduce the following definition. Given C, α > 0, a subset U of Rd , a measure µ on U , and a real-valued function f on U , say that f is absolutely (C, α)-good on U with respect to µ if for any open ball B ⊂ U centered in supp µ and any ε > 0 one has α  ε µ(B) . (7.2) µ ({x ∈ B : |f (x)| < ε}) ≤ C kf kB



Clearly being absolutely (C, α)-good implies being (C, α)-good, and the converse is true for measures having full support. Now we can state sufficient conditions, written in terms of µ, for f∗ µ to be friendly. Lemma 7.1. Let µ be a D-Federer measure on an open subset U of Rd , and let f : U → Rn and C, K, α > 0 be such that (i) f is K-bi-Lipschitz, that is, for any x1 , x2 ∈ U one has

 1 dist(x1 , x2 ) ≤ dist f (x1 ), f (x2 ) ≤ K dist(x1 , x2 ) ; K

(ii) any f ∈ Sf is absolutely (C, α)-good on U with respect to µ.

Then f∗ µ is friendly.

Proof. To show that f∗ µ is Federer, for any y0 = f (x0 ) with x0 ∈ U take

1 e def U = B(y0 , r0 ) where r0 ≤ dist(x0 , ∂U ) . 2K e ∩ supp f∗ µ one has y = f (x) for some x ∈ B(x0 , Kr0 ) ∩ Then for any y ∈ U e one can write supp µ. Now, for B(y, 3r) ⊂ U    f∗ µ B(y, 3r) = µ f −1 B(y, 3r) ≤ µ B(x, 3Kr) (2.3) (3K 2 )β  (3K 2 )β  µ B(x, r/K) ≤ f∗ µ B(y, r) . ≤ c c e To prove that f∗ µ is decaying, for any y0 = f (x0 ) with x0 ∈ U take U as above, and for an affine hyperplane L put dL (y) = |c0 + c1 y1 + · · · + cn yn | e ∩ supp f∗ µ and for some c0 , c1 , . . . , cn ∈ R. Then for any y0 = f (x0 ) ∈ U 0 e write B = B(y , r) ⊂ U  f∗ µ B ∩ L(ε) = f∗ µ ({y ∈ B : |c0 + c1 y1 + · · · + cn yn | < ε}) with f as in (7.1)  ≤ µ {x ∈ f −1 (B) : |f (x)| < ε} ≤ µ ({x ∈ B(x, Kr) : |f (x)| < ε}) !α (7.2)  ε ≤ C µ B(x, Kr) kf kB(x,Kr) !α Federer  (K 2 )β ε ≤ C µ B(x, r/K) c kf kB(x,Kr) !α  (K 2 )β ε = C f∗ µ f (B(x, r/K)) c kdL kf (B(x,Kr)) !α (K 2 )β ε ≤ C f∗ µ(B) . c kdL kB,f∗ µ


Finally, observe that (7.2) clearly implies that for any ball B ⊂ U centered at supp µ and for L, f as above, one has   f∗ µ f (B) ∩ L = µ {x ∈ B : f (x) = 0} = 0 . 



Note that if f is smooth and nonsingular at x0 ∈ U , one can find a neighborhood V of x0 and K > 0 such that f |V is K-bi-Lipschitz. Thus to prove Theorem 2.1, it suffices to show that for any nondegeneracy point x0 ∈ U ∩ supp µ of f one can find a neighborhood V of x0 and C, α > 0 such that any f ∈ Sf is absolutely (C, α)-good on V with respect to µ. The case in which µ = λ is Lebesgue measure (for which the notions of ‘good’ and ‘absolutely good’ coincide) was the subject of [KM], where the following statement was proved: Proposition 7.2 ([KM, Proposition 3.4]). Let f = (f1 , . . . , fn ) be a C ` map from an open subset U of Rd to Rn , and let x0 ∈ U be such that f is `nondegenerate at x0 . Then there exists a neighborhood V ⊂ U of x0 and positive C such that any f ∈ Sf is (C, 1/d`)-good on V with respect to λ. The proof of the above proposition involves induction on d, and it is not clear to the authors how to adapt it to measures µ other than Lebesgue. Below we develop an alternative approach which yields a similar result for any absolutely decaying Federer measure, thus finishing the proof of Theorem 2.1, and, in many cases, improves the conclusion of Proposition 7.2 (see a discussion below). We obtain:

Proposition 7.3. Let U ⊂ Rd be open and let f : U → Rn be a C `+1 map which is `-nondegenerate at x0 ∈ U . Let µ be a measure which is D-Federer and absolutely (C, α)-decaying on U for some D, C, α > 0. Then there exists e such that any f ∈ Sf is absolutely a neighborhood V ⊂ U of x0 and positive C e `+1α )-good on V with respect to µ. (C, 2 −2

It is interesting to compare the two propositions above. For d = 1, Proposition 7.2 gives the optimal exponent ζ(`) = `−1 , which is much better than (2`+1 − 2)−1 provided by Proposition 7.3. However, as d grows, the exponent in Proposition 7.2 tends to zero, whereas in Proposition 7.3 the exponent does not depend on d. Another difference is that our proof of Proposition 7.3 requires an extra derivative. It seems to be a challenging open problem to find the optimal constant η = η(`, d) with the following property: let f : U → Rn be a map which is `-nondegenerate at x0 ∈ U ⊂ Rd , let α > 0, and suppose a measure µ is D-Federer and absolutely (C, α)-decaying on U for some positive e > 0 such that any C, D; then there exist a neighborhood V ⊂ U of x0 and C e ηα)-good on V with respect to µ. f ∈ Sf is absolutely (C,

The rest of the section is devoted to the proof of Proposition 7.3. We need to introduce some notation. Denote by ∂i the operator of partial differentiation of functions on Rd with respect to xi , i = 1, . . . , d. For a multiindex β = (j1 , . . . , jd ), denote ∂β = ∂1j1 ◦ · · · ◦ ∂djd , and define the order |β| of β by def |β| = j1 + · · · + jd . If β and γ are two multiindices, then β + γ denotes the multiindex determined by ∂β+γ = ∂β ◦ ∂γ = ∂γ ◦ ∂β . Lemma 7.4. Let f be a C k function on a ball B of radius r > 0. Then for any multiindex β with |β| = k, kf kB ≥

rk inf |∂β f | . 2k (k + 1)k B



Proof. The Lemma follows from the following standard generalization of the mean value theorem: let f ∈ C k (Rd ) and, for i = 1, . . . , d, define Di f (x) = f (x1 , . . . , xi + 1, . . . , xd ) − f (x) .

For β = (j1 , . . . , jd ), set

Dβ = D1j1 ◦ · · · ◦ Ddjd .

Thus Dβ f (0) is a linear combination of the values f (x1 ), . . . , f (xm ), where xi ∈ B(0, k + 1), i = 1, . . . , m ≤ 2k , and the sum of the absolute value of the coefficients in this combination equal to 2k . The generalized mean value theorem says that there is some point x in the convex hull of x1 , . . . , xm such that Dβ f (0) = ∂β f (x). Thus inf


|∂β f | ≤ |∂β f (x)| = |Dβ f (0)| ≤ 2k kf kB(0,k+1) ;

rescaling, one gets the desired inequality.

Lemma 7.5. Let positive C, α, c, t, ε be given, and let µ be absolutely (C, α)decaying on U ⊂ Rd . Suppose we are given a ball B(y, t) ⊂ U with y ∈ supp µ and a C 2 function f : B(y, t) → R such that (i) k∇f (y)k ≥ c; (ii) k∂β f kB(y,t) ≤ dtε2 for any multiindex β of order 2. Then

µ({x ∈ B(y, t) : |f (x)| < ε}) ≤ C

3ε ct

 µ B(y, t) .

Proof. By the multidimensional Taylor expansion, for any x ∈ B(y, t) one has 1 ε ε |f (x) − f (y) − h∇f (y), x − yi| ≤ d 2 kx − yk2 < , 2 dt 2 and hence for any x, x0 ∈ B(y, t), |f (x) − f (x0 ) − h∇f (y), x − x0 i| < ε .

Now suppose there is some x0 ∈ B(y, t) for which |f (x0 )| < ε (otherwise there is nothing to prove). Then for any x ∈ B(y, t) with |f (x)| < ε one has |h∇f (y), x − x0 i| < 3ε,

i.e. x is in a strip of width at most 3ε/c. The Lemma now follows immediately from the decay condition.  The next statement is an analogue of [KM, Lemma 3.3]. Theorem 7.6. Let B ⊂ Rd be a ball of radius r > 0, and let k ∈ Z+ , C, α > 0 and 0 < s ≤ 1, S ≥ 4 be given. Suppose f : B → R is a C k+1 function such that for some multiindex β of order k, s (7.4) inf |∂β f | > k kf kB , B r and such that for any multiindex γ with |γ| ≤ k + 1 one has S (7.5) k∂γ f kB ≤ |γ| kf kB . r



ˆ be a ball Suppose also that µ is absolutely (C, α)-decaying on B, and let B concentric with B of radius r/2. Then for any ε < s one has  2k α n o S ˆ : |f (x)| < ε kf k µ x∈B ≤ Ck C εζk α µ(B) , B s where (7.6) (7.7)


Ck = 2 N d

k √ Y i−1 3 d (2i)(i−1)2

ζk = (2k+1 − 2)

i=1 −1



and Nd is a Besicovitch constant for Rd . Proof. The proof is by induction on k. For k = 0, the theorem clearly holds for C0 = 1 and ζ0 = ∞. Assume now that k ≥ 1, write β = β1 + β 0 , where |β1 | = 1, and denote ∂β1 f by g. Define def

E = {x ∈ B : |f (x)| < ε kf kB } ,

and, for δ > 0 to be determined later, define o n def ˆ Eδ = x ∈ B : |g(x)| < δ kgkB .

First let us estimate the measure of Eδ . Applying Lemma 7.4 to g and β 0 and using (7.4), one has (2k)k−1 s kgkB ≥ inf |∂β 0 g| = inf |∂β f | ≥ k kf kB , k−1 B B r r therefore (7.8)

(7.5) S s kf kB ≤ kgkB = k∂β1 f kB ≤ kf kB . k−1 r(2k) r

This calculation shows that g satisfies all the conditions of the theorem with k, β, s and S replaced by k −1, β 0 , s/S and (2k)k−1 S/s respectively. Applying the induction hypothesis, one gets (7.9)  2k−1 α  2k α (2k)k−1 S 2 S (7.6) 1 ζk−1 α µ(Eδ ) ≤ Ck−1 C δ µ(B) = Ck C δ ζk−1 α µ(B) . 2 s 2 s Now define (7.10)



ε dS

ˆ ∩ supp µ) r Eδ . Note that and consider some ball B 0 = B(y, t) with y ∈ (B 0 B ⊂ B since ε < s < 4 ≤ S, and one can check, using (7.5) and k∇f (y)k ≥ |∂β1 f (y)| = |g(y)| ≥ δ kgkB ,



that this ball satisfies all the assumptions of Lemma 7.5, with ε and c replaced by ε kf kB and δ kgkB , respectively. Therefore  α  α (7.8) 3ε kf kB 3εr(2k)k−1 0 0 µ(B ∩ E) ≤ C µ(B ) ≤ C µ(B 0 ) δ kgkB t δst   α α/2  k−1 α √ ε (7.10) 1/2 3ε(2k) 0 k−1 S = C (dS/ε) µ(B ) ≤ C 3 d(2k) µ(B 0 ). δs s δα ˆ ∩ supp µ) r Eδ by balls as above with multiplicity Clearly one can cover (B ≤ Nd . Let F denote such a cover; then  α α/2 X √  ε S 0 k−1 ˆ (7.11) µ (BrE µ(B ∩E) ≤ CNd 3 d(2k) µ(B) . δ )∩E ≤ s δα 0 B ∈F

Using (7.11) together with (7.9) and (7.6), one gets that  2k α   α/2 1 S ε ζ α ˆ ∩ E) ≤ Ck C µ(B δ k−1 + α µ(B) . 2 s δ 1

Choosing the optimal δ = ε 2(ζk−1 +1) one obtains   2k α ζ α k−1 ˆ ∩ E) ≤ Ck C S µ(B ε 2(ζk−1 +1) µ(B). s Thus the theorem is proved with ζk =

ζk−1 , 2ζk−1 +2

and solving for ζk yields (7.7). 

In order to apply Theorem 7.6 to nondegenerate maps, we will need three additional lemmas. Below we fix d, ` ∈ N, let Pd,` denote the space of all polynomial maps Rd → R of degree at most `, and let B1 stand for the unit ball B(0, 1) ⊂ Rd . Lemma 7.7. There exist s, S > 0 such that for any nonzero P ∈ Pd,` one has max inf |∂β P (x)| > skP kB1 , β


and max k∂γ P kB1 < SkP kB1 . γ

1 Proof. For the first statement, let s = 2(2√d+1) . Given P ∈ Pd,` , let k be the `+1 largest integer j for which there is a multiindex β = βj of order j and yj ∈ B1 such that kP kB1 √ |∂β P (yj )| > . 2(2 d + 1)j

Clearly 0 ≤ k ≤ deg P ≤ `. We claim that inf x∈B1 |∂β P (x)| > skP kB1 for β = βk . Replacing P with a scalar multiple, we may assume with no loss of generality that kP kB1 = 1. By definition of k, |∂β P (yk )| > 2(2√1d+1)k . Suppose by contradiction that there is



1 y0 ∈ B1 with |∂β P (y0 )| ≤ s = 2(2√d+1) . Then by the mean value theorem, k+1 00 there is a point y on the segment between yk and y0 for which √ d 1 1 √ √ √ = − (2 d + 1)k+1 2(2 d + 1)k 2(2 d + 1)k+1 < |∂β P (yk ) − ∂β P (y0 )| = |h∇∂β P (y00 ), yk − y0 i| √ ≤ k∇∂β P (y00 )kkyk − y0 k ≤ 2 d max |∂β1 +β P (y00 )| . |β1 |=1


Hence there is β1 , of order 1, such that for β = β1 + β one has |∂β 0 P (y00 )| > √ 1 , contradicting the definition of k. 2(2 d+1)k+1 The second statement follows from the fact that both P 7→ kP kB1 and P 7→ maxγ k∂γ P kB1 are norms on Pd,` .  We now define

def Sf1 =

{c0 + c1 f1 + · · · + cn fn :


n X

c2i = 1} ,


and for each C function g : U → R, where U is an open subset of Rd and ` y ∈ U , let Pg,y be the `-th order Taylor polynomial of g at y. Lemma 7.8. Suppose U ⊂ Rd is open and f : U → Rn is a C ` map. Then: (i) For any η > 0 there is a neighborhood V ⊂ U of x0 such that for any ball B(y, r) ⊂ V , any multiindex β of order at most `, and any f ∈ Sf1 , ` k∂β f − ∂β Pf,y kB(y,r) < ηr `−|β| .

(ii) If f is `-nondegenerate at x0 , then there is an open set V0 ⊂ U containing x0 and κ > 0 such that for any B(y, r) ⊂ V , and any f ∈ Sf1 , and

kf kB(y,r) ≥ κr `

` kPf,y kB(y,r) 1 3 ≤ ≤ . 2 kf kB(y,r) 2

Proof. Recall the following error estimate, which is an easy consequence of the Lagrange form of the error term in Taylor’s formula of order l − 1: (7.12)

` kg − Pg,y kB(y,r) ≤

d` `!


|γ|=`, x∈B(y,r)

k∂γ g(x) − ∂γ g(y)k r `.

` Note that for any multiindex β of order k ≤ ` one has ∂β Pf,y = P∂l−k . By β f,y 1 the chain rule, the derivative of any f ∈ Sf is a composition of the derivative of f and a linear functional of uniformly bounded norm. Therefore the collection

{∂γ f : f ∈ Sf1 , |γ| = `}

is equicontinuous, and hence, by making V sufficiently small, one can ensure that for any multiindex γ of order `, any f ∈ Sf1 , and any x1 , x2 ∈ V one has k! |∂γ f (x1 ) − ∂γ f (x2 )| < η min k . 0≤k≤` d Now one obtains (i) by applying (7.12) to g = ∂β f with l replaced by l − k.



For (ii), let V ⊂ U be a bounded open subset containing x0 which is small enough so that f is `-nondegenerate at y for any y ∈ V . Equip Pd,` with the norm assigning to a polynomial the maximum of the absolute values of its coefficients. For each y ∈ V , f ∈ Sf1 let ` Qf,y (x) = Pf,y (x − y).

By nondegeneracy, Qf,y 6= 0 for any y ∈ V and any f ∈ Sf1 , and by compactness, the set {Qf,y : f ∈ Sf1 , y ∈ V } ⊂ Pd,` is bounded away from zero. For each r and y for which B(y, r) ⊂ V , let def

Qr,f,y (x) = r −` Qf,y (rx). By comparing the coefficients of Qf,y and Qr,f,y one sees that {Qr,f,y : B(y, r) ⊂ V, f ∈ Sf1 } ⊂ Pd,` is also bounded away from zero. Now comparing with the norm P 7→ kP kB(0,1) one finds that there is κ such that for all r, f, y as above, (7.13)

` kPf,y kB(y,r) = r ` kQr,f,y kB(0,1) ≥ 2κr ` .

Also, from the case |β| = 0 in (i) it follows that if V is sufficiently small, (7.14)

` kf − Pf,y kB(y,r) ≤ κr ` .

Putting together (7.13) and (7.14) yields (ii).

From now until the end of the section, we let U , f , x0 and ` be as in Proposition 7.3. It will be useful to consider restrictions of functions to small balls and renormalize them as follows: if V is a small enough neighborhood of x0 , B(y, r) ⊂ V and f ∈ Sf1 , we let gr,f,y be a function on B1 given by def

gr,f,y (x) = and define

f (y + rx) , kf kB(y,r)


G(f , V ) = {gr,f,y : f ∈ Sf1 , B(y, r) ⊂ V } .

` To simplify notation, for g ∈ G(f , V ) we will write Pg instead of Pg,0 ; note that

for g = gr,f,y one has Pg (x) =

` (y+rx) Pf,y . kf kB(y,r)

Lemma 7.9. For any η > 0 there exists a neighborhood V ⊂ U of x0 such that for any g ∈ G(f , V ) one has max k∂β g − ∂β Pg kB1 < η .


Proof. When |β| ≤ ` we apply Lemma 7.8, replacing η with η 0 = ηκ, and obtain for small enough V :


∂β f (y + rx) − ∂β P ` (y + rx) k∂β g − ∂β Pg kB1 = f,y B1 kf kB(y,r)


1 r |β| 0 `−|β| `

r ∂β f − r |β| ∂β Pf,y = < ηr = η. B(y,r) kf kB(y,r) κr `



When |β| = ` + 1 we argue as in the proof of Lemma 7.8 to find a uniform upper bound K on k∂β f kV for all f ∈ Sf1 , and then write k∂β g − ∂β Pg,0 kB1 = k∂β gkB1 = whenever diam(V ) < ηκ/K.

r `+1 rK k∂β f (y + rx)kB1 ≤ k∂ f k ≤ s ,


and for each multiindex γ of order at most ` + 1, (7.16)

k∂γ gkB1 < S .

Note that Lemma 7.8(ii) allows one to choose V such that for any g ∈ G(f , V ) one has 1 3 ≤ kPg kB1 ≤ ; 2 2 therefore one can use Lemma 7.7 to find s and S such that for any g ∈ G(f , V ) (7.15) and (7.16) are satisfied with Pg in place of g. Now to finish the proof it remains to take η = s/2 and apply Lemma 7.9.  8. The open set condition In this section we will discuss measures supported on attractors of finite systems of contracting similarities. The open set condition, defined in §2, was shown by Hutchinson to be very useful. The following summarizes some of the results of [H]: Theorem 8.1. Let {hi = %i Θi + ai : i = 1, . . . , m}, be a family of contracting similarity self-maps of Rn satisfying the open set condition, s its similarity dimension, µ the restriction of H s to its attractor K. Then: (i) 0 < µ(K) < ∞; (ii) for any measurable A ⊂ Rn , X  (8.1) µ(A) = %si µ h−1 i (A) ; i

(iii) there exist constants 0 < λ1 ≤ λ2 < ∞ such that for every y ∈ K   µ B(y, r) µ B(y, r) (8.2) λ1 ≤ inf ≤ sup ≤ λ2 . 0 0. dim L=k

Then for any two distinct k-dimensional affine subspaces L1 , L2 , we have µ(L1 ∩L2 ) = 0, and S hence for P any sequence L1 , L2 , . . . of distinct k-dimensional affine subspaces, µ( j Lj ) = j µ(Lj ). This implies that #{L : dim L = k, µ(L) ≥ M/2} < ∞,

hence there exists L0 satisfying

µ(L0 ) = M.

Applying (8.1) and average of the  (2.8) we obtain that µ(L0 ) is a weighted  −1 −1 numbers µ hi (L0 ) ≤ M for i = 1, . . . , m, and hence µ hi (L0 ) = M for all i. By induction  w ∈ Σ =⇒ µ h−1 w (L0 ) = M.


B = {h−1 w (L0 ) : w ∈ Σ} is finite. For each i, hi (B) ⊂ B and by finiteness of B, hi (B) = B. This implies that B is invariant under hi , i = 1, . . . , m, so by the irreducibility hypothesis, k = n. We now define t(ε) = sup µ(L(ε) ), L

where the supremum is taken over all affine hyperplanes L.



Lemmas 8.2 and 8.3 below, together with the Federer condition, imply the e and α such that µ is absolutely (C, e α)-decaying on any ball of existence of C radius 1, and hence will complete the proof.

Lemma 8.2. There are positive constants C, α such that for any ε > 0, t(ε) ≤ Cεα

Lemma 8.3. There are constants M, c such that for any y ∈ K, 0 < r < 1, ε > 0, and any affine hyperplane L, we have     ε (rε) µ L ∩ B(y, r) ≤ M t µ B(y, cr) . %min

The following technical result, which will be crucial for proving the lemmas, shows why the open set condition is so useful. This idea for putting the open set condition to use is due to Hutchinson. Lemma 8.4. There exist a constant M1 and a ball B1 containing K so that for any r > 0 and any complete prefix set P satisfying (8.3), the collection FP = {hw (B1 ) : w ∈ P }

is an open cover of K, and no point in Rn is in more than M1 elements of FP . Proof. Let U ⊂ Rn be an open set as in the open set condition, y ∈ U and B0 = B(y, r0 ) ⊂ U . Take B1 = B(y, r1 ) with r1 > r0 large enough so that K ⊂ B1 . It follows easily from (2.7) that for any complete prefix set P , [ K= hw (K). w∈P

Since K ⊂ B1 , FP is an open cover of K. Suppose now that for some P0 ⊂ P and some y ∈ Rn we have \ (8.4) y∈ hw (B1 ). w∈P0

By (8.3), for any w ∈ P , the radius of the ball hw (B1 ) is at most rr1 and the radius of hw (B0 ) is at least %min rr0 . It is also clear from the open set condition that for any complete prefix set, {hw (B0 ) : w ∈ P } are disjoint. In other words, if (8.4) holds, the ball of radius 2rr1 around y contains #P0 disjoint balls of radius %min rr0 . By considering the volumes of these balls, n  2r1 def ≥ #P0 . M1 = %min r0  Proof of Lemma 8.2. Using an easy compactness argument, from the fact that µ is nonplanar we obtain that t(ε) → 0 as ε → 0. We will show below that for M1 as in Lemma 8.4, (8.5)

∃ c > 1 such that

∀ ε > 0, t(ε2 ) ≤ M1 t(cε)2 .



Assuming this we obtain by induction for ` = 1, 2, . . . , `

t(ε2 ) ≤ M12


` −1

2` −1


t(c 2`−1 ε)2 .

2 1 , let α = 2|log , and assume with no loss of Choose δ so that t(c2 δ) < 2M log δ| 1 generality that M1 > 1 > δ. Suppose first that ε ≤ δ, choose ` so that `+1 ` δ 2 < ε ≤ δ 2 and apply (8.6) with δ instead of ε. Then log ε

t(ε) ≤ 2− 2 log δ = εα .

Now choosing C > 1 big enough so that Cδ α > 1 we obtain the conclusion of the lemma for all ε > 0. It remains to prove (8.5). Recall that for any measurable A ⊂ Rn , the measure H s satisfies H s h(A) = %s H s (A) for h as in (2.6), and hence  w ∈ Σ =⇒ µ hw (A ∩ K) = %sw µ(A). Let P be a complete prefix set for r = ε as in Lemma 8.4, so w∈P

=⇒ ε%min ≤ %w ≤ ε.

Also, take B1 to be a ball of radius r1 and M1 as in that lemma. Let def


P 0 = {w ∈ P : hw (K) ∩ L(ε ) = 6 ∅}. Since P is a complete prefix set, [


K ∩ L(ε ) = It is also clear that


w∈P 0 def

w∈P 0


[hw (K) ∩ L(ε ) ]. 0

hw (K) ⊂ L(c ε)

for c0 = r1 + 1. Since no point is in more than M1 of the hw (K), we have that [  0 t(c0 ε) ≥ µ(L(c ε) ) ≥ µ hw (K) w∈P 0


≥ Hence 2

µ(L(ε ) ) ≤


w∈P 0

 1 X 1 X s µ hw (K) = % . M1 w∈P 0 M1 w∈P 0 w 2

µ(hw (K) ∩ L(ε ) ) = X ε



(ε ) %sw µ h−1 ) w (L

w∈P 0

%sw %min w∈P 0   (8.7) ε ≤ M1 t t(c0 ε) . %min ≤t


1 Taking the supremum over L we obtain (8.5), with c = max(c0 , %min ).



Proof of Lemma 8.3. We employ a strategy similar to the one used to prove (8.5). Let B(y, r) be arbitrary with r < 1. Let P be a complete prefix set as in Lemma 8.4, so (8.3) holds for every w ∈ P , and let def

P 0 = {w ∈ P : hw (K) ∩ B(y, r) 6= ∅}. As before, K ∩ B(y, r) ⊂


hw (K)

w∈P 0

and arguing as in the proof of (8.7) one has X  (8.8) %sw ≤ M1 µ B(y, c0 r) . w∈P 0

Thus for any affine hyperplane L,  X  X s  (rε) µ L(rε) ∩ B(y, r) ≤ µ hw (K) ∩ L(rε) = %w µ h−1 ) w (L w∈P 0


≤ t



w∈P 0

 M1 µ B(y, c0 r) .

9. Products of friendly measures In this section we prove Theorem 2.3, that is, show that the classes of friendly (resp., absolutely decaying and Federer) measures are stable under Cartesian products. Lemma 9.1. For i = 1, 2, let µi be Di -Federer measures on open Ui ⊂ Rni , and consider µ = µ1 × µ2 on U = U1 × U2 ⊂ Rn , n = n1 + n2 . Then: (i) If each µi is absolutely (Ci , αi )-decaying on Ui , then µ is absolutely (C, α)-decaying on U for some C > 0 and α = min(α1 , α2 ). (ii) If each µi is (Ci , αi )-decaying on Ui , then µ is (C, α0 )-decaying on U α2 for some C > 0 and α0 = αα11+α . 2 Proof. For y ∈ Rn we write y = (y1 , y2 ) with yi ∈ Rni . Let B = B(y, r) be a ball contained in U , where y ∈ supp µ, let L be an affine hyperplane, and let ε > 0. For both parts of the Lemma, our goal is to find an upper estimate for µ(B ∩ L(ε) ). First let us describe the argument informally. Call a set of the form Rn1 × {x2 } a ‘slice’. By exchanging the factors if necessary, (cε) the intersection of L(ε) with each slice is a set of the form Lx2 × {x2 } where Lx2 is an appropriate affine hyperplane in Rn1 (depending on the slice) and c √ is at most 2. Thus, if µ1 is absolutely decaying, the measure of each such intersection is small, and (i) follows. If one assumes only that µ1 is decaying, then the measures of such intersections will be small provided the slice contains points in the support of µ1 which are far away from L1 . That this holds for most slices follows from the assumption that µ2 is decaying and the fact that supp µ = supp µ1 × supp µ2 .



Figure 4. dL and dx2



dx2 (x1 ) x = (x1 , x2 )

u1 u = (u1 , u2 ) u2

We now proceed to the details. Assume that B ∩ L(ε) 6= ∅, otherwise there is nothing to prove. Replacing µ with a translate if necessary, let us assume that 0 ∈ L. Then we can write L = {x ∈ Rn : hx, ui = 0},


where u = (u1 , u2 ) is a unit vector. Assume with no loss of generality that ku2 k ≤ ku1 k, so that 1 ku2 k ≤ √ ≤ ku1 k. 2


For x = (x1 , x2 ), we define s(x) to be the point in the intersection of L with the slice Rn1 × {x2 } closest to x. This point is given by the formula (9.3)


s(x) = (s1 (x2 ), x2 ),


where s1 (x2 ) = −

hx2 , u2 i u1 ∈ R n1 , ku1 k2

i.e. it is the intersection of L with the line passing through x in the direction of u1 . For fixed x2 , let us also denote by Lx2 the affine hyperplane of Rn1 passing through s1 (x2 ) and orthogonal to u1 , or, equivalently, the affine hyperplane in Rn1 obtained by intersecting L with the slice Rn1 +x2 . Also let dx2 : Rn1 → R+ stand for the distance from Lx2 in Rn1 . See Figure 4. Clearly one has 1 def u1 ¯ 1 i| , where u ¯1 = dx2 (x1 ) = dL (x) = |hx1 − s1 (x2 ), u . ku1 k ku1 k



Since s(x) ∈ L, one has (9.4)

B ∩ L(ε) = {x ∈ B : |hx − s(x), ui| < ε}

= {(x1 , x2 ) ∈ B : |hx1 − s1 (x2 ), u1 i| < ε} √ def ⊂ X = {(x1 , x2 ) ∈ B1 × B2 : dx2 (x1 ) < 2ε},

where Bi = B(yi , r) ⊂ Ui is the corresponding ball in Rni . Applying the absolute decay property to µ1 , we obtain that for any x2 , √ √ ! α1  ε α µ1 {x1 ∈ B1 : dx2 (x1 ) < 2ε ) 2ε (9.5) ≤ C1 ≤ C3 , µ1 (B1 ) r r

where C3 = 2α/2 C1 . We can now estimate µ(X) by disintegrating into slices parallel to Rn1 to obtain:  ε α  ε α µ1 (B1 )µ2 (B2 ) = C3 µ(B1 × B2 ). µ(X) ≤ C3 r r √ Since B1 × B2 ⊂ B(y, 2r), we can use Federer to find a constant C such that  ε α (ε) µ(B ∩ L ) ≤ µ(X) ≤ C µ(B), r whence (2.5). To prove (ii), note that by (9.1) we have dL (x) = |hx, ui|. Let x0 = (x01 , x02 ) ∈ B ∩ supp µ such that |hx0 , ui| = dL (x0 ) > kdL kµ,B /2 ;


since x01 ∈ supp µ1 ∩ B1 , by the decaying property for µ1 we have (9.7) √   α1   α1 µ1 {x1 ∈ B1 : |dx2 (x1 )| < 2ε ) ε ε ≤ C1 ≤ C1 . µ1 (B1 ) kdx2 kµ1 ,B1 |dx2 (x01 )| On the other hand, let us consider the function D : Rn2 → R defined by 1 def D(x2 ) = dx2 (x01 ) = dL (x01 , x2 ) . ku1 k

By (9.6) and since x02 ∈ supp µ2 ∩ B2 , one has 1 kDkµ2 ,B2 ≥ D(x02 ) = dL (x0 ) ≥ dL (x0 ) > kdL kµ,B /2 . ku1 k Thus, by the decaying property of µ2 , for every η > 0,   α2 µ2 ({x2 ∈ B2 : D(x2 ) < η}) η (9.8) ≤ C4 , µ(B2 ) kdL kµ,B def

where C4 = 2α2 C2 . Set def

We have



η = ε α1 +α2 (kdL kµ,B ) α1 +α2 .

X ⊂ {(x1 , x2 ) ∈ X : dx2 (x01 ) ≥ η} ∪ {(x1 , x2 ) ∈ B1 × B2 : D(x2 ) < η} .


Putting together (9.7) and (9.8) we obtain:    α1   α2   ε η (ε) µ B∩L ≤ µ(X) ≤ C3 + C4 µ1 (B1 )µ2 (B2 ) η kdL kµ,B   α0 ε 00 ≤C µ(B1 × B2 ) kdL kµ,B   α0 ε ≤ C0 µ(B), kdL kµ,B proving (ii).


Proof of Theorem 2.3. By induction, it suffices to consider the case k = 2, and it is easy to verify that the product of two nonplanar (resp. Federer) measures is also nonplanar (resp. Federer). The rest follows from Lemma 9.1.  10. Concluding remarks and open questions There are many intriguing questions about diophantine properties of measures; concerning some of them we have partial results or ideas how to proceed, about others we know very little. 10.1. Khintchine’s theorem. For a decreasing function ψ : Z+ → R, say that y ∈ Rn is ψ-approximable if there are infinitely many p ∈ Zn , q ∈ Z+ satisfying kqy − pk < ψ(q) . A classical theorem of Khintchine (see [Kh1] or [C, Chapter VII]) characterizes those ψ for which Lebesgue-a.e. y ∈ Rn is ψ-approximable, the condition being that ∞ X ψ(q)n = ∞ . q=1

If this criterion fails, then Lebesgue a.e. y ∈ Rn is not ψ-approximable. For 1 example, by taking ψ(q) = q −( n +δ) one gets that Lebesgue-a.e. y ∈ Rn is not very well approximable. Question 10.1. Let ψ : Z+ → R be a decreasing function, and let µ be a friendly measure on Rn . (1) Is it always true that either the set of ψ-approximable points or its complement has measure 0? (2) Is there an explicit necessary and sufficient criterion so that µ-a.e. point is ψ-approximable? For example, this condition might be phrased in terms of a series involving ψ and µ. Note that even for volume measures on proper nondegenerate submanifolds this problem is still open (see [BD, Chapter 2] for history and references), although there exist definite results [BKM, BBKM] for a dual (linear form) setting. Some partial results for fractal measures are contained in [W1], [W2]. For example, it is proved there that P µ-a.e. y ∈ R is not ψ-approximable when log 2 µ is the Cantor measure on R and q ψ(q)α q α−1 < ∞, α = log . However 3



it is not known whether µ-a.e. y is ψ-approximable in case the above series diverges. 10.2. Badly approximable vectors. Our next question is the analogue of results of V. Jarnik and W. Schmidt. Say that y ∈ Rn is badly approximable if there exists ε > 0 such that for every p ∈ Zn , q ∈ Z+ one has ε kqy − pk ≥ 1/n . q It was proved by Schmidt [Sch1] (and earlier by Jarnik [Ja] for n = 1) that badly approximable vectors form a set of full Hausdorff dimension in Rn . One can ask whether a similar statement is true for the support of a friendly measure. Even the following more modest question is completely open: Question 10.2. Is there at least one badly approximable vector in the support of every friendly measure? Note that even for volume measures on nondegenerate manifolds it seems that nothing is known about Question 10.2. In a forthcoming paper [KW] the first and third named authors show: Theorem 10.3. Let K be the attractor of a finite irreducible family of contracting similarity self-maps of Rn satisfying the open set condition. Then the Hausdorff dimension of the intersection of K with the set of badly approximable vectors is the same as the Hausdorff dimension of K. 10.3. Singular vectors. Recall that y ∈ Rn is called singular if for every ε > 0 there exists Q0 such that ε ∀ Q ≥ Q0 ∃ p ∈ Zn and q ∈ Z+ with q ≤ Q and kqy − pk ≤ 1/n . Q It is easy to see that Lebesgue-a.e. y ∈ Rn is not singular, and that y ∈ R is singular if and only if y ∈ Q; however for n > 1 one can construct plenty of nontrivial singular vectors, see [Kh2] or [C, Chapter V]. Note that it was observed by Dani [Da1] that y is singular if and only if a certain one-parameter trajectory of τ¯(y) ∈ G/Γ is divergent. This makes it possible to deduce the following result from Theorem 4.3 (details to appear in [KW]): Theorem 10.4. If µ is a friendly measure on Rn , then µ-a.e. y is not singular. 10.4. Other natural measures and strong extremality. We suspect that many more natural examples of nonplanar measures are strongly extremal. In this spirit, we propose the following two concrete conjectures: Conjecture 10.5. Suppose {hi : Rn → Rn , i = 1, . . . , m} is an irreducible system of real analytic contractions (that is, there is % < 1 such that for every i and every x, y ∈ RnP , khi (x) − hi (y)k ≤ %kx − yk), and suppose that p1 , . . . , pm are positive with pi = 1. Let µ be a measure on Rn satisfying X µ= pi (hi )∗ µ. i

Then µ is strongly extremal.



The following special case is already interesting: Conjecture 10.6. Suppose {hi : Rn → Rn , i = 1, . . . , m} is an irreducible system of conformal contractions satisfying the open set condition, let K be their attractor, let s be the Hausdorff dimension of K, and let µ be the restriction of H s to K. Then µ is strongly extremal. 10.5. Not-so-friendly measures. A measure µ is friendly if it is Federer, nonplanar, and decaying. It is interesting to ask to what extent these conditions can be relaxed without sacrificing strong extremality of µ. One direction is to take the non-uniform version of the above conditions as in §6. By considering Lebesgue measures on proper rational affine subspaces of n R it is clear that in general the nonplanarity condition cannot be dropped. On the other hand, given an affine subspace L of Rn , the paper [K2] exhibits necessary and sufficient conditions, involving coefficients of affine functions parametrizing L, for the (strong) extremality of L. In fact, it is proved there that L is (strongly) extremal if and only if it contains at least one not very well (multiplicatively) approximable point. It is also proved in that paper that (strong) extremality of L implies the same for any smooth submanifold of L which is nondegenerate in L. It seems plausible that decaying and Federer measures supported on proper affine subspaces of Rn exhibit similar behavior. Namely, we believe that it is possible to show the following: suppose L is an extremal (resp., strongly extremal) affine subspace of Rn , and µ is a Federer and decaying measure on L with the property that µ(L0 ) = 0 for any proper affine subspace L0 of L; then µ is also extremal (resp., strongly extremal). We do not know whether the Federer assumption can be lifted in general. If µ is assumed to be absolutely decaying and nonplanar, we believe that it is possible to deduce that µ is strongly extremal without any additional assumptions, by proving a variant of Theorem 4.3. In the statement of this modified theorem, the assumption that µ is Federer is replaced by an additional assumption on the function h, namely that there exists C such that for every V ∈ W, µ-a.e. x ∈ X and every r > 0, k`V ◦ hkµ,B(x,3r) ≤C. k`V ◦ hkµ,B(x,r) References [BBKM] V. Beresnevich, V. Bernik, D. Kleinbock and G.A. Margulis, Metric Diophantine approximation: the Khintchine-Groshev theorem for non-degenerate manifolds, Moscow Math. J. 2, no. 2 (2002), 203–225. [BD] V. I. Bernik and M. M. Dodson, Metric Diophantine approximation on manifolds, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999. [BKM] V. Bernik, D. Kleinbock and G.A. Margulis, Khintchine-type theorems on manifolds: convergence case for standard and multiplicative versions, Internat. Math. Res. Notices 2001, no. 9, 453–486. [C] J.W.S. Cassels, An introduction to Diophantine approximation, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1957.



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