On the Stochastic Origin of Quantum Mechanics

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Oct 24, 2017 - On the Stochastic Origin of Quantum Mechanics. Roumen Tsekov. Department of Physical Chemistry, University of So¯a. 1164 So¯a, Bulgaria.
Reports in Advances of Physical Sciences Vol. 1, No. 3 (2017) 1750008 (6 pages) # .c The Author(s) DOI: 10.1142/S2424942417500086

On the Stochastic Origin of Quantum Mechanics

Roumen Tsekov

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Department of Physical Chemistry, University of So¯a 1164 So¯a, Bulgaria Received 27 June 2017 Accepted 18 September 2017 Published 24 October 2017 The quantum Liouville equation, which describes the phase space dynamics of a quantum system of fermions, is analyzed from stochastic point of view as a particular example of the Kramers–Moyal expansion. Quantum mechanics is extended to relativistic domain by generalizing the Wigner–Moyal equation. Thus, an expression is derived for the relativistic mass in the Wigner quantum phase space presentation. The di®usion with an imaginary di®usion coe±cient is discussed. An imaginary stochastic process is proposed as the origin of quantum mechanics. Keywords:

1. Introduction One of many existing interpretations of quantum mechanics is the stochastic one, which is summarized in the seminal Nelson paper.1 The Schr€odinger equation is derived there from a real Wiener process, but the Nelson approach says nothing about the evolution of the quantum probability in the momentum space, which is compulsory for the complete mechanical treatment. Moreover, it is well known that the instant velocity of a Wiener process is in¯nite and thus the Nelson description is not equivalent to quantum mechanics. Obviously, the correct stochastic analysis requires consideration in the phase space. In the phase space, formulation of quantum mechanics, the Schr€ odinger equation transforms to the quantum Liouville 2–4 (Wigner–Moyal) equation @ t W þ p  @ q W =m ¼

1 X ði}=2Þ2n 2nþ1 @ q U  @ 2nþ1 W; p ð2n þ 1Þ! n¼0


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R. Tsekov

which is governing the evolution of the Wigner quasi-probability density W ðp; q; tÞ. The traditional Liouville equation, being a milestone of classical statistical mechanics,5 follows from Eq. (1) in the classical limit } ! 0. The structure of the Wigner–Moyal equation hints already the stochastic origin of quantum mechanics. In stochastic theory,6 Eq. (1) is a particular example of the well-known Kramers– Moyal equation4 @ t W þ p  @ q W =m ¼

1 X ð1Þn

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hðpÞn i t!0 t

@ np  ðn W Þ n  lim


n The functions n ¼ ði}=2Þ n1 Re @ q U represent jump moments in the momentum subspace, which are also known as the Kramers–Moyal coe±cients.6 Their physical meaning is the in¯nitesimal rate of change of the nth order statistical moments. It is evident from their de¯nition in Eq. (2) that the higher jump moments describe stochastic processes nondi®erentiable in the common sense. Since quantum mechanics is time reversible, there are no di®usion terms in Eq. (2), because n  0 for any even n. While 1 re°ects the classical Newton equation, the existence of higher jump moments n>2 6¼ 0 indicates nondi®erentiable trajectories of quantum particles in the momentum subspace.7 The Pawula theorem6 states that either n  0 8n  3 or all jump moments are meaningful. It follows from positivity of the probability density, which is, however, not the case of the Wigner quasi-probability density W in quantum mechanics. Nevertheless, the Pawula theorem imposes some restrictions on the external potential: UðqÞ could be constant, linear, harmonic or a general function with in¯nite number of q-derivatives. For the particular potentials above the corresponding Eq. (2) is purely classical, since n  0 8n  2. The negativity problem of the Wigner distribution is probably due to use of improper potentials in quantum mechanics or mathematically needed truncations of the in¯nite sum of Eq. (1).

2. Relativistic Extension In classical mechanics, the Hamilton function de¯nes a system in mechanical sense and it governs the whole evolution of the particles momenta and coordinates. Since H is a sum of the particles kinetic and potential energies, one can generalize further Eq. (2) in a dual Kramers–Moyal form, symmetric on the particles momenta and coordinates, @tW ¼

1 X ð1Þn n¼1


½@ np  ðn W Þ þ @ nq  ð n W Þ

hðqÞn i : t!0 t

n  lim


n The jump moments here are given by n ¼ ði}=2Þ n1 Re @ q H and  n ¼ n 4 ði}=2Þ n1 Re @ p H. It is evident from the last expression in Eq. (3) that the higher jump moments describe nondi®erentiable stochastic processes. For instance, the jump moment 2 ¼ }=m describes the Wiener process used by Nelson.1 The ¯rst term


On the Stochastic Origin of Quantum Mechanics

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@ q H  @ p W  @ p H  @ q W in the sum above is the classical Poisson bracket. Usually, for H ¼ p2 =2m þ U the particle trajectory is di®erentiable in the coordinate subspace, since 1 ¼ p=m and the higher jump moments  n>1 ¼ 0 equal to zero. This is not the case, however, for a relativistic quantum particle, whose Hamilton function reads H ¼ Mc2 þ U. Since the Einstein relativistic mass M  ðm2 þ p2 =c2 Þ1=2 depends on the particle momentum, the corresponding jump moments  n ¼ 2 n ði}=2Þ n1 Re c @ p M are not zero for any odd n. This means that the trajectory of a quantum relativistic particle is not di®erentiable in the coordinate subspace as well. To examine the natural extension (3) of the Wigner–Moyal equation to relativistic quantum particles, let us consider the simplest case of a free particle. If the latter is also relatively slow, its Hamilton function can be expanded in series to obtain H ¼ Mc2 ¼ mc2 þ p2 =2m  p4 =8m3 c2 þ   


The corresponding jump moments read n ¼ 0,  1 ¼ ð1  p2 =2m2 c2 Þp=m, 3 ¼ 3ð}=2mcÞ2 p=m and n>3 ¼ 0. Introducing them in Eq. (3) results in the following equation @ t W þ p  @ q ðW  H^ W =mc2 Þ=m ¼ 0;


where H^  p2 =2m  }2 @ 2q =8m is the nonrelativistic Hamiltonian operator of the free particle in the Wigner phase space representation. Its eigenfunction H^ Wst ¼ EWst is the stationary nonrelativistic Wigner function, while its eigenvalue E is the nonrelativistic particle energy. Thus, the relativistic correction in Eq. (5) seems to be the correct one. Introducing the partial Fourier transformation in the coordinate subspace, where the Fourier image of W ðp; q; tÞ along the particle coordinate is Wk ðp; tÞ, Eq. (5) changes to @ t Wk ¼ ik  pWk ð1  p2 =2m2 c2  }2 k2 =8m2 c2 Þ=m ¼ ik  pWk =Mk :


It is evident that Mk ¼ m=ð1  p2 =2m2 c2  }2 k2 =8m2 c2 Þ is the e®ective mass of the relativistic quantum particle.8 Since Eq. (6) is derived for a relatively slow particle, the e®ective mass can be further elaborated to Mk ¼ mð1 þ p2 =2m2 c2 þ }2 k2 = 8m2 c2 Þ, which is the power series of Mk ¼ ðm2 þ p2 =c2 þ }2 k2 =4c2 Þ1=2 :


It follows from the partial Fourier transformation of the stationary Wigner– Schr€ odinger equation H^ Wst ¼ EWst that the nonrelativistic energy of a quantum particle is E ¼ p2 =2m þ }2 k2 =8m. Hence, it is straightforward to recognize that Eq. (7) represents the relativistic mass of a quantum particle in the Wigner phase space representation. The Einstein nonquantum relativistic mass Mk¼0 follows in the classical limit } ! 0. In the case of a massless particle (m  0Þ at its lower energy level as a particle (p ¼ 0Þ, for instance, the corresponding quantum wave energy is the zero-level vacuum ones, Mk c2 ¼ }ck=2 ¼ }!=2. Thus, Eq. (7) properly accounts for the quantum wave particle dualism. 1750008-3

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P The Kramers–Moyal equation (3) de¯nes also   ðn  n þ  n   n Þ=n! and this kinetic potential contains all information about the jump moments.9 It is easy to check that the kinetic potential  ¼ ð2=}ÞHðp þ i}=2; q  i}=2ÞIm 4 generates n the jump moments for quantum mechanics n ¼ ði}=2Þ n1 Re @ q H and  n ¼ n1 n ði}=2Þ Re @ p H. As is expected, the Hamilton function H determines the kinetic potential of a mechanical system. Thus, Eq. (3) can be also written as @ t W ¼ ð2=}Þ Hðp  i}@ q =2; q þ i}@ p =2ÞIm W . In the nonrelativistic case with H ¼ p2 =2m þ U, this kinetic potential reduces to

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 ¼   p=m þ ð2=}ÞUðq  i}=2ÞIm :


In the classical limit, Eq. (8) tends to  ¼   p=m    @ q U. For a free relativistic quantum particle, the kinetic potential acquires the form  ¼ ð2c2 =}Þ Mðp þ i}=2ÞIm , which reduces to  ¼ c for a massless particle. 3. Di®usion with Imaginary Di®usion Coe±cient It is important to ¯nd out what stochastic process is driving the quantum motion. It is well known that the Schr€ odinger equation for a free particle @ t ¼ i}@ 2q =2m is, in fact, the di®usion equation with imaginary di®usion constant i}=2m. Thus, the quantum motion is a Brownian movement with imaginary stochastic force.7 The classical di®usion equation for the evolution of the probability density ðq; tÞ ¼ R W ðp; q; tÞdp of a Brownian particle reads @ t  ¼ D@ 2q ;


where D is a real di®usion coe±cient. The solution of Eq. (9) is a normal distribution density   expðq2 =22 Þ with dispersion 2 ¼  20 þ 2Dt linearly increasing in time. If D is replaced by i}=4m,  becomes a complex function. Hence, to get the real probability density back, one should take the modulus of the result, which yields again a Gaussian distribution   jexp½q2 =2ð 20 þ i}t=2mÞj ¼ expðq2 =22 Þ:


Surprisingly, Eq. (10) coincides with the rigorous quantum distribution for spreading of a Gaussian wave packet in vacuum, where 2 ¼  20 þ ð}t=2m0 Þ2 . It is interesting how to modify the di®usion equation to be able to describe diffusion with an imaginary di®usion coe±cient. A naive possibility is to di®erentiate Eq. (9) on time to obtain @ 2t  ¼ D@ 2q @ t  ¼ D2 @ 4q  ¼ }2 @ 4q =4m2 :


This equation captures already some important features of quantum mechanics. After application of Fourier transformation on time and space, Eq. (11) reduces to the standard quantum dispersion relation }! ¼ ð}kÞ2 =2m. Another more sophisticated way to describe imaginary di®usion is to introduce the local Shannon information S  mD ln , measured in action units. Using the entropy S, the di®usion 1750008-4

On the Stochastic Origin of Quantum Mechanics

equation (9) can be transformed to the following system of two di®erential equations10

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@ t  ¼ @ q  ð@ q S=mÞ

@ t S þ ð@ q SÞ2 =2m þ Q ¼ 0;


where Q  2mD2 @ 2q 1=2 =1=2 . Since the di®usion coe±cient appears here on quadrate, one can replace D directly by i}=2m to obtain the Bohm quantum potential Q ¼ }2 @ 2q 1=2 =2m1=2 . Thus, Eq. (12) reduces to the Bohmian mechanics,11 which is mathematically equivalent to the Schr€ odinger equation with wave function  1=2 expðiS=}Þ. Using the latter, the standard momentum operator ^p =m ¼ @ q S=m  i}@ q =2m results in the real convective Bohm °ow and the imaginary di®usive Fick °ux. Therefore, the Bohm hidden variables are, in fact, imaginary Wiener processes, due to collisions of the observable real particle with virtual particles, being the hidden carriers of the mechanical forces.12 Hence, the in¯nite instant velocities belong to the virtual particles, not to the real ones, as in the Nelson description is.1 4. Stochastic Modeling It is important to ¯nd out what stochastic process is driving the quantum motion. The stochastic equation proposed by Nelson possesses a drift term, depending on the probability density .1 Similar to the Bohmian mechanics, this is an indication for a mean-¯eld approach. To resolve the problem between the Brownian motion irreversibility and time reversible quantum mechanics, Nelson considered unphysical evolution back and forward in time. However, how it is discussed above, the Schr€ odinger equation resembles di®usion with imaginary di®usion constant i}=2m, which also assures time reversibility. It is proposed in a previous paper,12 quantum mechanics emerges from the stochastic dynamics of virtual force carriers. Thus, the imaginary di®usion coe±cient describes Brownian motion of real particles in the sea of virtual ones. Therefore, the stochastic noise should be purely imaginary one. A possibility to combine the latter with the real Newtonian dynamics is given by ::

mR ¼

UðR  i}=2Þ  UðR þ i}=2Þ UðR  i}=2ÞIm ¼ ; i} }=2


where RðtÞ is the real trajectory of the quantum particle and ðtÞ is a real noise. Here, the potential U is of general type, because in the particular cases of constant, linear or harmonic potentials Eq. (13) is not stochastic. Note the correspondence of the last term in Eq. (13) with Eq. (8). Expanding the right-hand side of Eq. (13) in series of  results in an alternative form ::

mR ¼ 

1 X ði}=2Þ2n 2nþ1 @ U  2n : ð2n þ 1Þ! R n¼0



As expected, Eq. (14) reduces to the Newton equation mR ¼ @ R U in the classical limit } ! 0. Introducing a positively de¯ned phase space probability density via 1750008-5

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W  hðp  mRÞðq  RÞi and di®erentiating it on time yields ::


@ t W þ p  @ q W =m ¼ @ p  hmR ðp  mRÞðq  RÞi


Substituting now here the acceleration from Eq. (14) results in

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@ t W þ p  @ q W =m ¼

1 X : ði}=2Þ2n 2nþ1 @ q U  @ p h2n ðp  mRÞðq  RÞi ð2n þ 1Þ! n¼0


This equation coincides with the Wigner–Moyal equation (1), if the last statistical : moment is given by h2k ðp  mRÞðq  RÞi  @ 2k p W . From this relation, one can easily derive hp2 2 i ¼ 2, which reveals that }=2 is the random °uctuation of the coordinate of the incident force carrier.11 Since the latter is a virtual particle, its coordinate is multiplied by the imaginary unit in Eq. (13). Acknowledgment The paper is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of David Bohm (1917–1992). References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

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