Jul 25, 2015 - The dated bones point to a Roman introduction of the ... Levine 1983 and Cyprusâc. ... occurred previous to the Roman colonization of the.
Biol Invasions (2015) 17:3093–3100 DOI 10.1007/s10530-015-0947-7
The chronology of the introduction of two species of Martes (Carnivora, Mustelidae) on the Western Mediterranean Islands: first direct radiocarbon evidence Alejandro Valenzuela . Josep Antoni Alcover
Received: 9 February 2015 / Accepted: 18 July 2015 / Published online: 25 July 2015 Ó Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
Abstract We provide the first direct radiocarbon evidence of the introduction of two species of the genus Martes on two Western Mediterranean islands. The dated bones point to a Roman introduction of the Pine Marten (Martes martes) to Mallorca. The introduction of the Stone Marten (Martes foina) into Eivissa has been previous to eigth century AD. These results predate the currently assumed time of arrival of both species to these islands in several centuries, and establish a benchmark of reference to explore its possible ecological consequences. Keywords Carnivores Martes martes Martes foina Radiocarbon Balearic Islands Western Mediterranean Human mediated introduction
A. Valenzuela (&) J. A. Alcover Departament de Biodiversitat i Conservacio´, Institut Mediterrani d’Estudis Avanc¸ats (IMEDEA-CSIC), C/Miquel Marque´s 21, 07190 Esporles, Mallorca e-mail: avalenzuela@imedea.uib-csic.es J. A. Alcover e-mail: jaalcover@imedea.uib-csic.es J. A. Alcover Research Associate, Division of Vertebrate Zoology/ Mammalogy, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York, NY 10024, USA
Introduction Small carnivores introduced by humans occur on all the larger Mediterranean islands, although there are very few solid data on the timing of their introduction. This is mainly due to the well-known scarcity of remains of small carnivores in the fossil and zooarchaeological record (e.g., Anderson 1970; McKinney et al. 1996; Frison 2004; Mazza et al. 2013). The establishment of an accurate chronology for the colonization of alien predators is a key feature to calibrate their ecological consequences. In the Mediterranean basin, human-mediated introduction of small carnivores to islands started at the earliest Neolithic at the eastern Mediterranean Basin, as evidenced by the documented presence of cats (Felis catus) in Cyprus (c. 9500–9200 BP, Vigne et al. 2004). Although the introduction of small carnivores have been proposed to occur in several periods (e.g., foxes, Vulpes vulpes, during the Neolithic on Corsica–c. 7000 BP, Vigne 1992, Sardinia–c. 7000–6000 BP, Levine 1983 and Cyprus–c. 9000–8000 BP, Davis 1984; Le Brun 2001), there are few 14C dates directly obtained from their bones. Aside domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) and cats (Felis catus), Mustelidae are the most widespread carnivores in Mediterranean islands (Masseti 1995a; de Marinis and Masseti 2003). Four mustelid species have been introduced thus far: the Weasel (Mustela nivalis), the Pine Marten (Martes martes), the Stone
Marten (M. foina), and the European Badger (Meles meles). Until now, radiocarbon dates for Mustelidae are only available from bones of the Weasel at Mallorca (KIA-41154, 2195 ± 40 BP; OxA-23737, 2246 ± 24 BP), and document that its introduction occurred previous to the Roman colonization of the island (Valenzuela and Alcover 2013a, b). The present paper deals with two different species of Marten (genus Martes) introduced to the Balearic Islands (s. l.). The Pine Marten is limited to the Gymnesic Islands (Eastern Balearics, Mallorca and Menorca, Alcover 1979; Alcover et al. 1986), whereas the Stone Marten is known only from the Pityusic island of Eivissa (Western Balearics, Alcover 1979; Delibes and Amores 1986), although it is currently considered to be as nearly extinct (Alcover 1979, 2010). Until now, all the available data on the chronology of the introduction of Martes to the Mediterranean islands derived from the adscription of their remains to strata and their assumed dates. In Sardinia, the introduction of the Pine Marten is assumed to be Neolithic in age (c. 5200–4800 BP), although the precise chronology remains uncertain due to the disturbed stratigraphy of the involved sites (Wilkens 2012). In Crete, Stone Marten remains suggest a prehistoric (c. 3500–3000 BP) or later introduction (Masseti 1995b; Jarman 1996; Wilkens 1996, 2003). This species has also been reported at different prehistoric sites of the Cyclades (Gamble 1985; Coy 1986; Phoca-Cosmetatou 2008) and at Rhodes (Halstead and Jones 1987). Association or context are inferential and relative terms, and do not necessarily imply an empirical or absolute evidence (Lyman 2012). The problem of the associated chronology to establish the time of introduction of a species has been discussed elsewhere (e.g., Valenzuela and Alcover 2013b). It is not always clear that a bone found in a determinate layer, especially in the case of small carnivores and other small mammals, has a direct chronological association with the rest of materials present in the same layer (e.g., Morales and Rofes 2008). For that reason, direct radiocarbon dating of bones is the most reliable approach to address the timing of occurrence of any ancient introduction. To date, no direct radiocarbon information is available on the time of introduction of either the Pine or the Stone Martens in any of the Mediterranean islands.
A. Valenzuela, J. A. Alcover
Materials and methods In order to clarify the origins and antiquity of the presence of Martens in the Balearic Islands, we obtained direct AMS 14C dates from bones recently recovered in two archaeological sites (Fig. 1). Remains of Pine Marten were retrieved from excavations at the Roman city of Pollentia (Alcu´dia, Mallorca). It is widely accepted that this urban site was founded around the early first century BC, being strategically placed on an isthmus between the current Alcu´dia and Pollenc¸a bays, and that a fire destroyed many parts of the city in the second half of the third century AD (Orfila et al. 1999, 2006; Orfila 2000). Two specimens recovered from the fire destruction levels of the forum of the city have been dated. A mandible of Stone Marten recovered from Can Pere Arabı´—a site placed in the plain of Sant Jordi (or of Ses Salines), on the island of Eivissa—has been dated as well. The archaeological area consists of functional buildings dedicated to wine production and a necropolis. At the northwest of this area, two wells were identified (E-VI and E-VII). The mandible of Stone Marten was retrieved from the infilling sediment (SU 126) of the well E-VI. This grey layer was composed of abundant potsherds, marine molluscs and vertebrate bones. On the basis of the pottery typology, archaeologists have dated the construction as second century AD in age, and determined the abandonment infilling in the seventh century AD. The specimens were identified using recent comparative skeletal material curated at the Institut Mediterrani d’Estudis Avanc¸ats (IMEDEA). Table 1 lists the specimens identified and dated. The femur of M. martes from Pollentia (Wk-28569) was dated through AMS at the Waikato Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory. The other two Marten specimens were AMS dated at the Koninklijk Instituut voor Het Kunstpatrimonium (Brussels). These samples were pre-treated following a modified Longin (1971) method. They were then combusted to carbon dioxide (Vandeputte et al. 1996), graphitised (Slota et al. 1987), and measured by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) (Xu et al. 2004). No difficulties in obtaining the 14C dates were reported by any of laboratories. Furthermore, C:N ratios of the samples suggest that bone preservation was good enough as to lend confidence to the radiocarbon determinations (DeNiro 1985; Masters 1987; Tuross et al. 1988).
The chronology of the introduction of two species
Fig. 1 Map of the Balearic Islands with the provenance sites of the dated specimens Table 1 AMS Species
C dates of Martes spp. from the Balearic Islands
Lab. number
2r (cal AD)
C age BP
d13C (%)
Corrected date 2r (cal AD)
M. martes
Pollentia, Mallorca
1792 ± 30
M. martes
Pollentia, Mallorca Can Pere Arabı´, Eivissa
1838 ± 27
1358 ± 30
M. foina
The AMS radiocarbon dates are presented in years BP (i.e., before present), following the standard reporting procedures. Radiocarbon calibration was processed using the software OxCal v. 4.2 (Bronk Ramsey 2009) and the IntCal13 curve (Reimer et al. 2013). The calibrated dates are expressed as 2r intervals (95.4 % confidence) and given as ‘cal AD’.
Results The osteological diagnostic differences between M. martes and M. foina have been a recurring subject of research (e.g., Winterfeld 1885; Miller 1912; Anderson 1970; Altuna 1973; Libois 1991). Most of the
diagnostic criteria are in the skull and mandible, and only very few papers deal with postcranial differences (Llorente et al. 2011). Thus, the identification of the dated Pine Marten bones from Mallorca relied on their biometric and morphological comparison with bones of the population of M. martes currently extant on the island (see Fig. 2). The limb bones of M. martes are longer and more slender than those of M. foina (Anderson 1970: 113). Additionally, it is important to remark that the Pine Marten is the sole Marten species known on Mallorca (Alcover 1979, 2010). The identification of the mandible of Stone Marten was established through the distance between the mental foramina (Altuna 1973: 33). In M. foina the distance between the anterior and posterior mental
foramina is 2–4.3 mm, while in M. martes is 4–8 mm. In the IMEDEA comparison sample of Pine Martens from Mallorca, the distance between foramina is 4.2–7.2 mm (n = 13, mean = 6.2, SD = 0.84). The mandible from Can Pere Arabı´ has a separation of 3.31 mm, which agrees with the range 2.2–4.5 mm observed by Delibes and Amores (1986: 337) for the Eivissan population of Stone Marten. Additionally, the Stone Marten is the sole Marten species known to occur on Eivissa. The radiocarbon dates are presented in Table 1. The Pine Marten specimens from Pollentia (Wk28569 and RICH-20461) yielded a date range of 87–330 cal AD, which fits well with the estimated date of the associated context (third century AD). This holds true irrespective these dates are considered individually or combined. When combined (R_Combine command in OxCal 4.2; Bronk Ramsey 2009), the radiocarbon date is restricted to the range 130–245 cal AD. As the two elements (femur and tibia) were found in a reduced package in the same stratigraphic level, and are the only bones of this
A. Valenzuela, J. A. Alcover
species in the whole site, it is reasonable to assume they belong to the same individual. For the Stone Marten of Eivissa, the radiocarbon dating renders an age of 616–764 cal AD, placing it within the Byzantine period (c. 534–902 AD). One major concern when dealing with radiocarbon dating is to ensure its accuracy. It is well known that if the dated sample incorporates carbon from a reservoir with a lower 14C rate than the atmosphere (such as, for example, marine resources), the measured ages could appear to be older than they actually are (e.g., Stuvier and Braziunas 1993; Reimer and Reimer 2001). The 14C dates here obtained have been carefully scrutinized. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes from bone collagen are reliable proxies of general dietary patterns, especially of the degree of marine and terrestrial contributions to the diet (Chisholm et al. 1982; Schoeninger et al. 1983; Walker and DeNiro 1986; Goldberg 1993; Newsome et al. 2004). Like continental Eurasian Pine Martens, the Balearic Martens are opportunistic predators with a generalized diet (Clevenger 1993a, 1994). On
Fig. 2 Comparison of the archaeological specimens retrieved from the Balearic Islands and a Modern specimen; a left proximal femur of M. martes from Pollentia; b right distal tibia of M. martes from Pollentia; c right mandible of M. foina from Can Pere Arabı´
The chronology of the introduction of two species
Mallorca, seasonal diet varies slightly, but plant material is the most important dietary component year-round, followed by small mammals (Clevenger 1996). The diet of the Pityusic Stone Marten remains unknown, but it is supposed to be a generalist feeder consuming mammals, birds and fruits, as it is the case of other Mediterranean populations (Goszczyn´ski 1976; Clevenger 1994; Bakaloudis et al. 2012). It is not expected to have a noticeable contribution of marine food in the natural diet of the insular Martens. Nevertheless, gulls (Larus) and garbage have been recorded in Menorcan scats (Clevenger 1993b). As the dated Martens come from human dwellings close to the sea, it is possible that they were scavenging on the human waste of the settlement or consuming dead seabirds. The marine component of the diet can be approached using a model reliant on d13C (Arneborg et al. 1999; Barrett et al. 2000). The d13C values were obtained for the three specimens (Table 1). The d13C values for the Pine Marten ranged from -18.7 to -18.4 %. These values are close to the range of expected values for individuals with a terrestrial diet, although a small marine food component cannot be ruled out. On the basis of the available 14C dates obtained on small mammals from Mallorca with a totally terrestrial diet, a mean d13C value of -1952 % has been used as an estimate of a 100 % of terrestrial diet (Valenzuela and Alcover 2013a). The rate of marine protein was estimated through the d13C values, and rendered 12.9 % for both the combined data of the Mallorcan Pine Marten and for the Eivissian Stone Marten. The atmospheric calibration curve has been mixed with the marine calibration curve (Reimer et al. 2013) using the DR value of 26 ± 24 for the coastal waters of Mallorca (Van Strydonck et al. 2010). That way, new 14C dates have been calculated. Even assuming that there was a marine component in the diet; the new 14C dates do not differ significantly from the initially calibrated dates. Thus, the corrected radiocarbon date for the earliest presence of the Mallorcan Pine Marten is 235–379 and 656–769 cal AD for the Eivissan Stone Marten.
Discussion Humans have introduced different carnivores into the Balearic Islands (Alcover 1979, 2010). The domestic
dog (Canis familiaris) was part of the initial ‘animal package’ introduced slightly before 2000 BC. Dogs were associated to human settlements, and there is no evidence of their spread to a feral lifestyle. It has been considered that they had not a noticeable impact on the natural ecosystems (Valenzuela and Alcover 2013b). In contrast, the weasel (M. nivalis), introduced in Mallorca during the last phase of the Prehistory, had a key impact on the island ecosystems (Valenzuela and Alcover 2013a). Finally, it is assumed that the arrival of the domestic cat (Felis catus) occurred after the Roman conquest (123 BC), but has yet to be confirmed by direct dating. The new AMS direct radiocarbon dates presented herein document that the Pine Marten was introduced as early as the late Roman period, thus predating for over one millennium its assumed Modern introduction (e.g., Alcover 1979, 2010). For the Stone Marten, the current data only proves its presence on Eivissa since the seventh century AD. However, it is not unlikely that an earlier introduction took place. In this regard, it is worth mentioning that at the Roman site of Can Corda (Eivissa) a few bones of M. foina were recorded. These bones, currently unavailable, were retrieved in the upper level of the infilling of a cistern (SU 103). As all the bones were associated to the same individual, and the chronological assignment of this level was not clear, they have been considered a postRoman intrusion (Cegarra and Morales-Pe´rez 2004). Carnivores can be introduced to a new territory for different reasons (Long 2003). Some species could be established from escaped or abandoned pets. Others were purposely released as a source of fur or for hunting purposes. Some have been introduced in an attempt to control rodents or other pests. Irrespective of its source, the introduction or release of non-native animals into naı¨ve ecosystems often has consequences (Whittaker 1998; Long 2003). This is especially true if the introduced species is a carnivore with generalised feeding habits to which the native fauna is not adapted, as is the case for many islands. Although ultimate reasons for the introduction of the Martens into the Balearic and Pityusic Islands remain unresolved, it is possible to suggest that they might have been utilised for their fur, as proposed for other territories (Trolle-Lassen 1986; Grundbacher 1992; Richter 2005). In this sense, the Mustelidae have an extended history as a furbearing exploited animal.
The introduction of alien species, especially predators, is considered to be one of the most harmful threats for island biodiversity (e.g., Whitakker and Ferna´ndez-Palacios 2007). It has been reported that the Pine Marten can take domestic fowl if they have the opportunity, but this is not considered as a serious threat (Corbet and Harris 1991). Otherwise, it has not an appreciable impact on the colonies of seabirds breeding on the islands. The biological impact of the Martens introduced on the Balearic Islands is not limited to their role as predators. As previously mentioned, the Pine Marten has in the Balearic Islands generalist feeding habits, with an important component of fruits in its diet. In fact, due to these habits, the introduction of the Pine Marten on Mallorca and Menorca had unexpected and positive consequences. Before the human arrival to the Balearic Islands, the endemic lizards of the genus Podarcis dispersed the seeds of the native shrub Cneorum tricoccon. On Mallorca and Menorca, these lizards became extinct after the introduction of the Weasel (M. nivalis) in the late Iron Age (Reumer and Sanders 1984; Valenzuela and Alcover 2013a), disrupting the dispersion chain of the plant. The Pine Marten could have mitigated the consequences of this disruption (Traveset 1995; Riera et al. 2002). The radiocarbon dates presented in this paper narrow the gap between the natural disperser extinction (the lizard) and the substitute disperser introduction (the Marten), giving a stronger support to the hypothesised dispersal replacement. With regard to the Stone Marten on Eivissa, the current available data impede to explore the possible effects that this small carnivore could have had on the island. Contrary to the Gymnesic Islands, M. nivalis was never introduced in the Pityusics, and Podarcis pityusensis has survived there until nowadays (Alcover 1979, 1980).
Conclusions The record of an introduced Pine Marten on Mallorca during Roman times and of a Stone Marten shortly thereafter on Eivissa, increase the age of their arrival to the Balearic Islands. These data contribute to our understanding of the historical biogeography of these species in the Mediterranean.
A. Valenzuela, J. A. Alcover
The radiocarbon evidence presented herein establishes a solid benchmark of reference to better understand when these animals were integrated into the islands ecosystems. It solidly supports the relevance of the Roman introduction wave in changing the ecosystems of the Balearic Islands. At the same time, this research provides an important insight to perform more direct AMS dating of non-native species to accurately identify their chronological and historical context. This will allow us to document their relevance in the potential disturbances along the historical ecology of the islands. Acknowledgments We would like to thank to Mathieu Boudin, Mark van Strydonck and Christopher Bronk Ramsey for the facilities that they give us with the radiocarbon analyses. We also thank to Joan Roig for allowing us to examine the Stone Marten mandible from Can Pere Arabı´, Dr Jordi Ferna´ndez for the sending of the material and Dr Joan Ramon (Consell Insular d’Eivissa) for the analysis permits. We thank the team excavating Pollentia (Dr. Antoni Arribas (?), Dr. Miquel Angel Cau, Dra Margarita Orfila, Dra Esther Cha´vez) to allow us to study Pollentian materials. This research is included in the Research Project ‘‘Cambios holoce´nicos en la biodiversidad animal de las islas de la Macaronesia y de Baleares’’/(CGL201238087) of the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacio´n. The manuscript has been benefited by the comments of two anonymous reviewers. One of the authors (AV) is supported by a JAE-Predoc scholarship.
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