J., Berger, J. M., Harrison, S. C. & Wang, J. C. (1996). DNA transport by a type I1 topoisomerase - direct evidence for a two-gate mechanism. Proceedings of theĀ ...
Mycol. Res. 100 (12): 1529-1536 (1996) Printed in Great Britain
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LILYANN N O V A K FRAZER MycoTech Lfd, The Campus Ventures Centre, Electrical Engineering Building, The University of Munchester, Manchesfer MI3 9PL, U.K.
This listing covers the period June 1, 1996 through to June 30, 1996. Citations are arranged in groups which roughly correspond with the British Mycological Society's Special Interest Committees. All correspondence about this item should be addressed to the Executive Editor. Reprints of this feature will not be available.
BIOTECHNOLOGY Aburatani, H., Stanton, V. P. & Housman, D. E. (1996). High-resolution physical mapping by combined Alu-hybridirationlPCR screening construction of a yeast artificial chromosome map covering 31 centimorgans in 3p2I-p14. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U . S A . 93, 4474-4479. Arnold. S. F., Klotz, D. M., Collins, B. M., Vonier, P. M., Guillette, L. J. & McLachlan, J. A. (1996). Synergistic activation of estrogen receptor with combinations of environmental chemicals. Science 272, 1489-1492. Brown, D. H., Slobodkin, I. V. & Kumamoto, C. A. (1996). Stable transformation and regulated expression of an inducible reporter construct in Candida albicans using restriction enzyme mediated integration. Molecular & General Genetics 251, 75-80. Cheng. C.Y. & Yang, S. T. (1996). Dynamics and modeling of temperatureregulated gene product expression in recombinant yeast fermentation. Biotechnology & Bioengineering 50, 663-674. Codazabetta, F. & Boam, D. S. W. (1996). Distinct effects of ATP on transcription complex formation and initiation in a yeast in vitro transcription system. Biochimica et Biophysics Acta - Gene Structure & Expression 1306, 194-202. Covello, P. S. & Reed, D. W. (1996). Functional expression of the extraplastidial Arabidopsis thaliana oleate desaturase gene (FADI) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Plant Physiology 111,223-226. Dalgaard, J. Z., Banerjee, M. & Curcio, M. J. (1996). A novel Tyl-mediated fragmentation method for native and artificial yeast chromosomes reveals that the mouse Steel gene is a hotspot for Tyl integration. Genetics 143, 673483. Dauria. S.. Morana, A.. Febbraio, F., Vaccaro, C., DeRosa, M. & Nucci, R. (1996). Functional and structural properties of the homogeneous Pglycosidase from the extreme thermoa~ido~hilicarchaeon Sulfolob~cs solfataricus expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Protein Expression & Puri/ication 7,299-308. Davey, C. L., Woodward, A. M.. Edmonds, A. N., Lee, A. W. & Kell, D. B. (1996). Oscillatory, stochastic and chaotic growth rate fluctuations in permittistatically controlled yeast cultures. Biosysterns 39, 43-61. Davis. B. P., Pittman, P. E., Kenealy. W. R. & Jeffnes, T. W. (1996). Increased xylose reductase activity in the xylose-fermenting yeast Pichia stipitis by overexpression of Xyll. Applied Biochemistry & Biotechnology 57-58, 267-276.
Finck, M., Bergmann, N., Jansson, B. & Ernst, J. F. (1996). Defective threoninelinked glycosylation of human insulin-like growth factor in mutants of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Glycobiology 6,313-320. Gong, C. S. & Tsao, G. T. (1996). Pretreatment of sugar cane bagasse hemicellulose hydrolysate for xylitol production by yeast. Applied Biochemishy & Biotechnology 57-58, 49-56. Haher, T. & Tressl, R. (1996). Biosynthesis of (R)-gamma-decanolactone in the yeast Sporobolomyces o d o w . Journal of Ap'cultural & Food Chmistry 44, 1218-1223. Hahnenberger, K. M., Jia, Z. P. & Young, P. G. (1996). Functional expression of the Schiwsaccharomyces pombe Na+/H+ antiporter gene, sod2, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 93,5031-5036. Hatzis, C. (1996). Development of an epi-fluorescence assay for monitoring yeast viability and pretreatment hydrolysate toxicity in the presence of lignocellulosic solids. Applied Biochemistry & Biotechnology 5 7-8, 649-65 7. Heiskanen. M., Kallioniemi, 0 . & Palotie, A. (1996). Fiber-fish -experiences and a refined protocol. Genetic Analysis, Techniques & Applications 12, 179-184. Huang, S., Li, M., Sun, Y., Liu, T. Z., Ouyang, F. & Tsao, G. T. (1996). Improvement of productivity of yeast cell with a novel airlift loop reactor. Applied Biochemistry & Biotechnology 57-8, 593-598. Imai, R., Chang, L., Ohta, A,, Bray, E. A. & Takagi, M. (1996). A LEA-class gene of tomato confers salt and freezing tolerance when expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Gene 170, 243-248. Infanti, P. & Vitolo, M. (1996). Hexokinase production from S. cerevisiae culture conditions. Applied Biochemistry & Biotechnology 57-8, 407-412. Lele, S. S., Kulkarni, A. G. & Kulkarni, P. R. (1996). Immobilization of fungal spores on synthetic polymers. Biotechnology Letters 18, 515-520. Lippuner, V., Cyert, M. S. & Gasser, C. S. (1996). Two classes of plant cDNA clones differentially complement yeast calcineurin mutants and increase salt tolerance of wild-type yeast. Iournal of Biological Chemistry 271, 12859-12866. Mathan, M. M. (1996). A comparison of five staining methods for detection of Cryptosporidium oocysts in faecal specimens from the field. Indian Journal of Medical Research 103,264-266. McCaskey, T. A. & Broder, J. (1996). Evaluation of nitrogen supplements for bioconversion of municipal solid waste to lactic acid. Applied Biochemistry & Biotechnology 5 7-8, 517-524. Mehta, S. K., Mishra, S. K. & Pierson, D. L. (1996). Evaluation of three portable samplers for monitoring airborne fungi. Applied & Environmental Microbi~logy62, 1835-1838. Mugununa, T., Sakanaka, K., Katsuragi, T. & Sakai, T. (1996). Chromosomal deletion or rearrangement in chimeric hybrids of Saccharornyc~~sisfibuli~era and Saccharomyces diastaticus obtained by cell fusion. ]ournal of Fermentation & Bioengineering 81, 281-285. Otcenasek, M.& Waisser, K. (1996). Potential antifungal agents -synthesis and activity of 2-alkylthi~p~ridine-4-zxbothioamides. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 31,389-395.
One stop mycology
Peterson, M. S., Stoup, S. K., Somers, D. & Srienc, F. (1996). Saccharomyces SYSTEMATICS & STRUCTURE, FORAY & cerevisiae expressing bacterial polyhydroxybutyrate synthase produces poly-3-hydroxybutyrate. Microbiology 142, 1169-1180. CONSERVATION Qian, W. J., Zhu, S. H., Sobolev, A. Y . & Wek, R. C. (1996). Expression of Adams, B., Fowler, R., Hudson, M. & Pain, R. H. (1996). The role of the CVaccinia virus K3L protein in yeast inhibits eukaryotic initiation factor-2 terminal lysine in the hinge bending mechanism of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase GCN2 and the general amino acid control pathway. Journal of kinase. FEBS Letters 385, 101-104. Biological Chemistry 271, 13202-13207. Basti, M. M., Smith, W. S., Forrest, B., Guenther, R., Sierzputow-Skagracz. H., Russo, P., Laakkonen, P., Ahola, T. & Kaariainen, L. (1996). Synthesis of Nawrot, B., Malkiewicz, A. & Agris, P. F. (1996). Structure of the semliki forest virus RNA polymerase components nsPl through nsP4 in trinucleotide D-Acp(3)U-A with coordinated Mg2+ demonstrates that Saccharomyces cerevisiae by expression of cDNA encoding the nonstmctural modified nucleosides contribute to regional conformations of RNA. polyprotein. Journal of Virology 70, 4086-4089. Nucleosides & Nucleotides 15, 1009-1028. Sato, S., Visconti, A. E. S. & Castro, L. A. B. (1996). Continuous alcoholic Bender, L., Lo, H. S., Lee, H., Kokojan, V., Peterson, J. & Bender, A. (1996). fermentation process in a tower reactor with recycling of flocculating yeast. Associations among PH and SH3 domain-containing proteins and RhoApplied Biochemistry & Biotechnology 57-8, 535-541. type GTPases in yeast. Journal of Cell Biology 133, 879-894. Schenk, J. A., Heymann, S., Peters, L. E. & Micheel, B. (1996). Screening for Bentivenga, S. P. & Morton, J. B. (1996). Congruence of fatty acid methyl recombinant plasmids in yeast colonies of the two-hybrid system using ester profiles and morphological characters of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi PCR. Biotechniques 20, 812. in Gigasporaceae. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Shibata, H., Mukai, H., Inagaki, Y., Homma, Y., Kimura, K., Kaibuchi, K., U.S.A. 93,5659-5662. Narumiya, S. & Ono, Y. (1996).Characterization of the interaction between Biederer, T.. Volkwein, C. & Sommer, T. (1996). Degradation of subunits of RhoA and the amino-terminal region of PKN. FEES Letters 385, 221-224. the Sec6lp complex, an integral component of the ER membrane, by the Silva, S. S., Felipe, M. G. A,, DeMancilha, I. M. & Sato, S. (1996). Bioconversion ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. EMBO Journal 15,2069-2076. of rice straw hemicellulose hydrolysate for the production of xylitol Bosscher, J. S., Scholtmeyer, K., deVries, 0 . M. H. & Wessels, J. G. H. (1996). effect of pH and nitrogen source. Applied Biochemisty & Biotechnology An abundant hydrophobin (Abhl) farms hydrophobic rodlet layers in 57-58, 339-347. Agaricas bispom fruiting bodies. Microbiology 142, 1321-1329. Sorokin, A., Lapidus. A., Capuano, V.. Galleron, N., Pujic, P. & Ehrlich, S. D. Bouchara, I. P., Oumeziane, N. A., Lissitzky, J. C., Larcher, G., Tronchin, G. & (1996). A new approach using multiplex long accurate PCR and yeast Chabasse, D. (1996).Attachment of spores of the human pathogenic fungus artificial chromosomes for bacterial chromosome mapping and sequencing. Rhiropus oyzae to extracellular matrix components. European Journal of Cell Genome Research 6, 448-453. Biology 70, 7 6 8 3 . Stempfer, G., Hollneugebauer, B. & Rudolph, R. (1996).Improved refolding of Cleasby, A., Wonacott, A., Skarzynski, T., Hubbard R. E., Davies, G. 1.. an immobilized fusion protein. Nature Biotechnology 14, 329-334. Proudfoot, A. E. I., Bernard, A. R., Payton, M. A. &Wells, T.N. C. (1996). Stempfer, G.,Hollneugebauer, B., Kopetzki, E. & Rudolph, R. (1996).A fusion The X-ray crystal structure of phosphomannose isomerase from Candida protein designed for noncovalent immobilization -stability, enzymatic albicans at 1.7 h g s t r o m resolution. Nature Structural Biology 3,47G479. activity, and use in an enzyme reactor. Nature Biotechnology 14,481-484. Daff. S., Ingledew, W. J., Reid, G. A. & Chapman, S. K. (1996)a.New insights Supertifurga, G., Jonsson, K. & Courtneidge, S. A. (1996). A functional screen in yeast for regulators and antagonizers of heterologous protein tyrosine into the catalytic cycle of flavocytochrome b(2). Biochemisty 35, kinases. Nature Biotechnology 14,600-605. 6345-6350. Tsujikawa, M.. Okabayashi, K., Morita, M. & Tanabe, T. (1996). Secretion of Daff, S., Sharp, R. E., Short, D. M., Bell, C., White, P., Manson, F. D. C., Reid, a variant of human single-chain urokinase-type plasminogen activator G. A. & Chapman, S. K. (1996)b. Interaction of cytochrome c with without an N-glycosylation site in the methylotrophic yeast, Pichia pastoris fla~oc~tochrome b(2). Biochemistry 35, 6351-5357. and characterization of the secreted product. Yeast 12,541-553. Doyle, T. & Botstein, D. (1996).Movement of yeast cortical actin cytoskeleton van der Kemp, P. A., Thomas, D.. Barbey, R., De Oliveira, R. & Boiteux, S. visualized in vivo. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. (1996). Cloning and expression in Escherichia coli of the OGGI gene of 93,38863891. Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which codes for a DNA glycosylase that excises Edmondson, D. G., Smith, M. M. & Roth, S. Y . (1996). Repression domain of 7.8-dihydro-8-oxoguanineand 2.6-diamino-4-hydroxy-5-n-methylforma- the yeast global repressor Tupl interacts directly with histones H3 and H4. midopyrimidine. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U S A . Genes & Development 10, 1247-1259. 93,5197-5202. Frederic, T.,Rosenfeld, R., Cantor, C. R. & Delisi, C. (1996). RNA loop Wu, Z. W., Kim, S. B. & Lee, Y . Y. (1996). Ammonia recycled percolation structure prediction via bond scaling and relaxation. Biopolymers 38, process for pretreatment of herbaceous biomass. Applied Biochemisty & 769-779. Biotechnology 57-58, 121-132. Geiger, J. H., Hahn, S., Lee, S. & Sigler, P. B. (1996). Crystal structure of the Zhao, J. &Fleet, G. H. (1996).Separation of twenty isomers of ribonucleotides yeast TFIIA/TBP/DNA complex. Science 272, 830-836. and deoxyribonucleotides by reversed-phase ion-pairing highperformance Kamasawa, N., Ohtsuka, I., Kamada, Y., Ueda, M., Tanaka, A. & Osumi, M. liquid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography 732, 271-275. (1996). Immunoelectron microscopic observation of the behaviors of
ECOLOGY Bau, G. R. V., Vijaya, 0 . K., Armstead, E., Palumbo, A. V., Zhang, C. & Phelps, T. J. (1996). Effect of temperature and yeast extract on microbial respiration of sediments from a shallow coastal subsurface and vadose zone. Applied Biochemisty & Biotechnology 57-8, 827-835. Kaiser, J. (1996).Environmental estrogens -new yeast study finds strength in numbers. Science 272, 1418. Ritz, K., Millar, S. M. & Crawford, J. W. (1996). Detailed visualisation of hyphal distribution in fungal mycelia growing in heterogeneous nutritional environments. Journal of Microbiological Methods 25,23-28. Suberkropp, K. & Weyers, H. (1996). Application of fungal and bacterial production methodologies to decomposing leaves in streams. Applied & Environmental Microbiology 62, 1610-1615. van der Bijl, P., Stockenstrom, S., Vismer, H. F. & Vanwyk, C. W. (1996). Incidence of fungi and aflatoxins in imported areca nut samples. South African Journal of Science 92,154-156.
peroxisomal enzymes inducibly synthesized in an n-alkane-utilizable yeast cell, Candida tropicalis. Cell Structure & Function 21, 117-122. Kapteyn, J. C., Montijn, R. C., Vink, E., DeLaCruz, J., Llobell, A,, Douwes, J. E., Shimoi, H., Lipke, P. N. & Klis, F. M. (1996). Retention of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell wall proteins through a phosphodiester-linked P-1.3-/P-1.6glucan heteropolymer. Glycobiology 6 , 337-345. Klier, H., Magdolen, V., Schricker, R., Strobel, G., Lottspeich, F. & Bandlow, W. (1996). Cytoplasmic and mitochondria1 forms of yeast adenylate kinase 2 are N-acetylated. Biochimica et Biophysics Acta - Biomembranes 1280, 251-256. Koning, A. J., Roberts, C. J. & Wright, R. L. (1996). Different subcellular localization of Saccharomyces cerevisiae HMG-CoA reductase isozymes at elevated levels corresponds to distinct endoplasmic reticulum membrane proliferations. Molecular Biology of the Cell 7, 769-789. McAnulty, M. M., Whitehead, J. P. & Lippard, S. J. (1996). Binding of Ixrl, a yeast HMG-domain protein, to cisplatin-DNA adducts in vitro and in vivo. Biochemisty 35,60896099. McDonald, K., O'Toole, E. T., Mastronarde, D. N., Winey, M. & McIntosh,
Lilyann Novak Frazer J. R. (1996). Mapping the three-dimensional organization of microtubules in mitotic spindles of yeast. Trends in Cell Biology 6,235-239. Michaud, J., Carre, B. & Leveillee, C. (1996). Dynamic expression of cellsurface antigens probed with Candida albicans-specific monoclonal antibodies. Microbiology 142, 1239-1248. Opekarova, M.,Urbanova, P., Konopasek, I., Kvasnicka, P., Strzalka, K., Sigler, K. & Amler, E. (1996). Possible nystatin-protein interaction in yeast plasma membrane vesicles in the presence of ergosterol - a Forster energy transfer study. FEBS Letters 386, 181-184. Roca. J., Berger, J. M., Harrison, S. C. & Wang, J. C. (1996). DNA transport by a type I1 topoisomerase - direct evidence for a two-gate mechanism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.SA. 93,4057-4062. Schmitt, W., Zanotti, G., Wieland, T. & Kessler, H. (1996). Conformation of different S-deoxo-xaa(3)-amaninamideanalogues in DMSO solution as determined by NMR spectroscopy - strong CD effects induced by P-I, PI1 conformational change. Journal of the American Chemical Society 118. 4380-4387. Shen, H. G., Sosapeinado, A. & Mueller, D. M. (1996). Intragenic suppressors of P-loop mutations in the P-subunit of the mitochondrial ATPase in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of Biological Chemistry 271, 1184411851. Shyadehi, A. Z., Lamb, D. C., Kelly, S. L., Kelly, D. E., Schunck, W. H., Wright, J. N., Corina, D. & Akhtar, M. (1996). The mechanism of the acyl-carbon bond cleavage reaction catalyzed by recombinant sterol 14-a-demethylase of Candida albicans (other names are- lanosterol 14-a-demethylase, P450(14DM), and CYP51).1ournal of Biological Chemistry 271,12445-12450. Sievers, C., Deters, D., Hartmann, H. J. & Weser, U. (1996). Stable thiyl radicals in dried yeast Cu(I)(6)-thionein.Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 62, 199-205. Wilson, J. E. & Schwab, D. A. (1996). Functional interaction of hexokinase with ATP requires participation by both small and large lobes of the enzyme - implications for other proteins using the actin fold as a nucleotide binding motif. FASEB Journal 10. 799-801.
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