One stop mycology

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Kunitomo, H., Sugimoto, A,, Wilkinson, C. R. M. & Yamamoto, M. (1995). Schizosaccharomyces pombe pad(+) controls the onset of sexual de- velopment via a ...

Mycol. Res. 100 (2): 247-256 (1996) Printed in Great Britain

One stop mycology

DAVID MOORE AND LILYANN NOVAK FRAZER School of Biological Sciences, 1.800 Sfopford Building, The University of Manchester, Manchesfer M I 3 9PT, U.K.

This listing covers the period August 1, 1995 through to August 30, 1995. Citations are arranged in groups which roughly correspond with the British Mycological Society's Special Interest Committees. All correspondence about this item should be addressed to the Executive Editor. Reprints of this feature will not be available.

BIOTECHNOLOGY Akhmedova, Z. R. (1995). Bioconversion of cotton-growing waste by wooddestroying basidiomycetes. Microbiology 64,319-323. Beecher, J., Brackenridge, I., Roberts, S. M., Tang, J. & Willetts, A. J. (1995). Oxidation of methyl p-tolyl sulfide with bakers' yeast: preparation of a synthon of the mevinic acid-type hypocholestemic agents. Journal of the Chemical Society - Perkin Transactions 1, 1641-1643. Bellal, M., Boudrant, J., Elfoul, L. & Bonaly, R. (1995). Flocculation dispersion in Khyveromyces lactis. Process Biochemistry 30,641648. Bosch, A,, Maronna, R. A. & Yantorno, 0. M. (1995). A simple descriptive model of filamentous fungi spore germination. Process Biochemistry 30, 59-06, Bravo, V.,Camacho, F., Sanchez, S. & Castro, E. (1995). Influence of the concentrations of D-xylose and yeast extract on ethanol production by Packysolen tannopkilus. Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering 79, 566-571. Burton, S. G. & Duncan, J. R. (1995). Activation of mushroom polyphenol oxidase in organic medium by the detergent SDS. Biotechnology Letters 17, 627-630. Chang, S. Y., Li, C. T., Hiang, S. Y. & Chang, M. C. (1995). Intraspecific protoplast fusion of Candida tropicalis for enhancing phenol degradation. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 43,534-538. Dong, W., Qu, Y. B. & Gao, P. J. (1995). Regulation of cellulase synthesis in mycelial fungi: participation of ATP and cyclic AMP. Biotechnology Letfers 17,593-598. Dunaevskii, Y. E., Belyakova, G. A,, Pavlyukova, E. B. & Belozerskii, M. A. (1995). Influence of cultivation conditions on synthesis and secretion of proteases by the fungi Alternaria alternata and Fusarium oxyspomm. Microbiology 64, 272-275. Ennamany, R.,Lavergne, J. P., Reboud. J. P., Dirheimer, G. & Creppy, E. E. (1995). Mode of action of bolesatine, a cytotoxic glycoprotein from Boletus satanas Lenz. Mechanistic approaches. Toxicology 100,51-55. Gavagan, 1. E., Fager, S. K., Seip, J. E., Payne, M. S., Anton, D. L. & Dicosimo, R. (1995).Glyoxylic acid production using microbial transformant catalysts. Journal of Organic Chemistry 60,3957-3963. Gupta, S., Montllor. C. & Hwang, Y. S. (1995). Isolation of novel beauvericin

analogues from the fungus Beauveria bassiana. Journal of Natural Products Lloydia 58, 733-738. Hassan, M., Blanc, P. J., Pareilleux, A. & Goma, G. (1995). Production of cocoa butter equivalents from prickly-pear juice fermentation by an unsaturated fatty acid auxotroph of Cyptococcus curvatus grown in batch culture. Process Biochemistry 30, 629-634. Hodrova, B., Kopecny, J. & Petr, 0. (1995). Interaction of the rumen fungus Orpinomyces joyonii with Megasphaera elsdenii and Eubacterium limosum. Letters in Applied Microbiology 21, 34-37. Jacobsen, T. & Poulsen, 0.M. (1995). Comparison of lipases from different strains of the fungus Geotrichum candidum. Biochimica et Biophysics Acta Lipids and Lipid Metabolism 1257,96-102. Kakeya, H., Takahashi, I., Okada, G., Isono, K. & Osada, H. (1995). Epolactaene, a novel neuritogenic compound human neuroblastoma cells, produced by a marine fungus. Journal of Antibiotics 48,733-735. Kim, K. S., Yoo, Y. 1. & Kim, M. H. (1995). Control of intracellular ammonium level using specific oxygen uptake rate for overproduction of citric acid by Aspergillus niger. Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering 79,555-559. Kim, S. J., Ishikawa, K., Hirai, M. & Shoda, M. (1995). Characteristics of a newly isolated fungus, Geotrichum candidum Dec 1, which decolorizes various dyes. Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering 79,601607. KurtzmanRH (1995). Cobalt chloride and ethylene affect fruiting of Agaricus bisporus. Mycologia 87,366-369. Launen, L., Pinto, L., Wiebe, C., Kiehlmann, E. & Moore, M. (1995). The soil fungi. oxidation of pyrene and benzo[a]pyrene by nonba~idiom~cete Canadian Journal of Microbiology 41,477-488. Meldgaard, M., Harthill, J., Petersen, B. & Olsen, 0. (1995). Glycan modification of a thermostable recombinant (1-3,l-4)-beta-glucanase secreted from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is determined by strain and culture conditions. Glycoconjugate Journal 12, 380-390. Miyazawa, M., Nobata, M., Hyakumachi, M. & Kameoka, H. (1995). Biotransformation of (+)-and (-)-camphorquinones by fungi. Phytochemistry 39,569-573. Nagaoka, Y., Iida, A,, Tachikawa, E. & Fujita, T. (1995). Fungal metabolites. 20. Effect of proline residue on the structure of ion-channel-forming peptide, trichosporin B-Vla. Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 43, 1119-1124. Nyyssonen, E. & Keranen, S. (1995). Multiple roles of the cellulase CBHI in enhancing production of fusion antibodies by the filamentous fungus Trichoderma reesei. Current Genetics 28, 71-79. Omori, T., Ogawa, K. & Shimoda, M. (1995). Breeding of high glycerolproducing Shochu yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) with acquired salt tolerance. Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering 79, 56e565. Patil, S. G., Patil, B. G., Bastawde, K. B. & Gokhale, D. V. (1995). Supplementation with skim milk enhances the cellulolytic activity of fungi. Biotechnology Letters 17,631434. Perriercornet, J. M., Marechal, P. A. & Gervais, P. (1995). A new design

One stop mycology


intended to relate high pressure treatment to yeast cell mass transfer. Iournal of Biotechnology 41,49-58. Ritschkoff, A. C., Ratto, M., Buchert, J. & Viikari, L. (1995). Effect of carbon source on the production of oxalic acid and hydrogen peroxide by brownrot fungus Poria placenta. journal of Biokchnology 40, 179-186. Tanaka, T., Itoh, H., Itoh, K., Nakanishi, K., Kume, T. & Matsuno, R. (1995). Crossflow filtration of baker's yeast with periodical stopping of permeation flow and bubbling. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 47,401-404. Venturin, C., Zulaika, J., Boze, H., Moulin, G. & Galzy, P. (1995). Purification and properties of an alcohol dehydrogenase (HUADHII)from Hanseniaspora uvarum K-5. Journal of Applied Bacteriology 79, 79-86. Vidari, G., Vitafinzi, P., Zanocchi, A. M. & Noy, G. P. (1995). A bioactive tetraprenylphenol from Lactarius lignyotus. Journal of Natural Products Lloydia 58,893-896. Ward, C., Nolan, A. M., Ohanlon, K., McAree, T., Barron, N., McHale, L. & McHale, A. P. (1995). Production of ethanol at 45 degrees C on starch containing media by mixed cultures of the themotolerant, ethanolproducing yeast Kluyveromyces marxianw IMB3 and the thermophilic filamentous fungus Talaromyces emersonii CBS 814.70. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 43,40&411. Wood, T.M. & Wilson, C. A. (1995). Studies on the capacity of the cellulase of the anaerobic rumen fungus Piromonas communis P to degrade hydrogen bond-ordered cellulose. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 43.572-5 78.

Seifert, K. A,, Samson, R. A. & Chapela, I. H. (1995). Esrovopsis aspergilloides, a rediscovered hyphomycete from leaf-cutting ant nests. Mycologia 87, 407-413. Smith, D. R. & Stanosz, G. R. (1995). Confirmation of 2 distinct populations of Sphaeropsis sapinea in the North central United States using RAPDs. Phytopathology 85,699-704. Subbarao, K. V. & Michailides, T. 1. (1995). Effects of temperature on isolates of Fusarium moniliforme causing fig endosepsis and Aspergillus niger causing smut. Phytopathology 85,662-568. Tuor, U.,Winterhalter, K. & Fiechter, A. (1995). Enzymes of white-rot fungi involved in lignin degradation and ecological determinants for wood decay. Journal of Biotechnology 41, 1-17. Wadekar, R. V., North, M. J. & Watkinson, S. C. (1995). Proteolytic activities in two wood-decaying basidiomycete fungi, Serpula lacymans and Coriolus versicolor. Microbiology - UK 141,1575-1583. Yang, D., Bemier, L. & Dessureault, M. (1995). Phaeotheca dimorphospora increases Trichoderma harzianum density in soil and suppresses red pine damping-off caused by CylindroclaAium scoparium. Canadian ]ournal of Botany 73,693-700. Yang, X. B. & Tebeest, D. 0. (1995). Competitiveness of mutant and wildtype isolates of Colletotrichumgloeosporioides f. sp. aeschynomene on northern jointvetch. Phytopathology 85,705-710.



Amorim, L., Berger. R. D., Bergamin, A,, Hau, B., Weber, G. E., Bacchi, L. M. A., Vale, F. X. R. & Silva, M. B. (1995). A simulation-model to describe epidemics of rust of Phaseolus beans. 2. Validation. Phytopathology 85, 722-727. Berger. R. D., Hau, B., Weber, G. E., Bacchi, L. M. A,, Bergamin, A. & Amorim, L. (1995). A simulation-model to describe epidemics of rust of Phaseolus beans. 1. Development of the model and sensitivity analysis. Phytopathology 85, 715-721. Boyle, C. D. (1995). Development of a practical method for inducing white rot m soil. Canadian Journal fungi to grow into and degrade ~rgano~ollutants of Microbiology 41,345-353. Connolly, J. H., Chen, Y. & Jellison,J. (1995).Environmental scanning electron microscopic observation of the hyphal sheath and mycofibrils in Postia placenta. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 41,433-437. Hodrova, B., Kopecny, J. & Petr, 0. (1995). Interaction of the rumen fungus Orpinomyces joyonii with Megasphaera elsdenii and Eubacierium limosum. Letters in Applied Microbiology 21,34-37. Horn, B. W. & Greene, R. L. (1995). Vegetative compatibility within populations of Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus parasiticus, and A . tamarii from a peanut field. Mycologia 87,324-332. Kapich, A. N. & Shishbina, L. N. (1995). Lipid peroxidation and its regulation in the mycelium of xylotrophic ba~idiom~cetes. Microbiology 64,26&271. Launen, L., Pinto, L., Wiebe, C., Kiehlmann, E. & Moore, M. (1995). The oxidation of pyrene and benzo[a]pyrene by nonbasidiomycete soil fungi. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 41,477-488. Moore. D. & Spiegel, F. W. (1995).A new technique for sampling Protostelids. Mycologia 87,414-418. Newell, S. Y. & Fell, J. W. (1995). Do Halophytophthoras (marine Pythiaceae) rapidly occupy fallen leaves by intraleaf mycelial growth? Canadian Journal of Botany 73,761-765. Poupard, P., Frei, U., Cavalier, N. & Lind, V. (1995). Genetic diversity in Wtype and R-type populations of Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides based on DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Journalof PhytopathologyPhytopathologische Zeitschrift 143,99-104. Raffle. V. L.. Anderson. N. A,. Furnier. G. R. & Doudrick, R. L. (1995). Variation in mating competence and random amplified polymorphic DNA in Laccaria bicolor (Agaricales)associated with 3 tree host species. Canadian Journal of Botany 73,884. Rasmussen, S. J., Chung, N., Khindaria, A., Grover, T. A. & Aust, S. D. (1995). Reductions catalyzed by a quinone and peroxidases from Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 320,243-249. Rizzo, D.M., Blanchette, R. A. & May, G. (1995). Distribution of Armillaria ostoyae genets in a Pinus resinosa-Pinus banksiana forest. Canadian Journal of Botany 73, 776787.

Aleksenko, A. Y. & Clutterbuck, A. J. (1995). Recombinational stability of replicating plasmids in Aspergillus nidulans during transformation, vegetative growth and sexual reproduction. Current Genetics 28,87-93. Ayyagari, R., Impellizzeri, K. J., Yoder, B. L., Gary, S. L. & Burgers, P.M. I. (1995). A mutational analysis of the yeast proliferating cell nuclear antigen indicates distinct roles in DNA replication and DNA repair. Molecular and Cellular Biology 15,4420-4429. Azuma, Y., Yasui, K., Yamagishi, M. & Ishihama, A. (1995). Isolation of thermolabile mutant RNA polymerase I1 from fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe with mutations in the subunit 3 gene. Journal of Biochemisty 118,216220. Bellal, M., Benallaoua, S., Elfoul, L. & Bonaly, R. (1995). Structural differences in parietal peptido-mannans of flocculating and nonflocculating strains of Kluyveromyces lacfis. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 41,323-335. Benyagoub, M. & Belanger, R. R. (1995). Development of a mutant strain of Sporothrix flocculosa with resistance to dodemorph acetate. Phytopathology 85, 76&770. Blacketer, M. J., Madaule, P. & Myers, A. M. (1995). Mutational analysis of morphologic differentiation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetics 140, 1259-1275. Brown, M. T. (1995). Sequence similarities between the yeast chromosome segregation protein Mif2 and the mammalian centromere protein CENP-C. Gene 160, 111-116. Buu, A,, Garreau, H. & Jacquet, M. (1995). The glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase binds in vitro to the SH3 domain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cdc25p. Comptes Rendus de L Academie Des Sciences Serie III -Sciences de La Vie - Life Sciences 318,665469. Chelstowska, A. & Butow, R. A. (1995). RTG genes in yeast that function in communication between mitochondria and the nucleus are also required for expression of genes encoding peroxisomal proteins. Journal of Biological Chemistry 270, 18141-18146. Chen, Y. R. & Tye, B. K. (1995). The yeast mcml protein is regulated posttranscriptionally by the flux of glycolysis. Molecular and Cellular Biology 15,4631-4639. Cohn, M. & Blackburn, E. H. (1995). Telomerase in yeast. Science 269, 396400. Costanzo, M. C. & Fox, T. D. (1995). A point mutation in the 5'-untranslated leader that affects translational activation of the mitochondria1 COX 3 mRNA. Current Genetics 28, 60-66. Decottignies, A,, Lambert, L., Catty, P., Degand, H., Epping, E.A., Moyerowley, W. S., Balzi, E. & Goffeau, A. (1995). Identification and characterization of SNQ2, a new multidrug ATP binding cassette

D. Moore and Lilyann Novak Frazer transporter of the yeast plasma membrane. Journal of Biological Chemistry 270, 18150-18157. Delahodde, A,, Delaveau, T. & Jacq, C. (1995). Positive autoregulation of the yeast transcription factor Pdr3p, which is involved in control of drug resistance. Molecular and Cellular Biology 15,4043-4051. Dohmen, R. J., Stappen, R., McGrath, J. P., Forrova, H., Kolarov, 7.. Goffeau, A. & Varshavsky, A. (1995). An essential yeast gene encoding a homolog of ubiquitin-activating enzyme. Journal of Biological Chemistry 270, 18099-18109. Dolan, I. W. & Gatlin, J. E. (1995). A role for the GAL11 protein in pheromone-induced transcription in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 212, 854-860. Driedonks, R. A., Toschka, H. Y., Vanalmkerk, J. W., Schaffers, I. M. & Verbakel, J. M. A. (1995). Expression and secretion of antifreeze peptides in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast 11,849-864. Dumortier, F., Arguelles, J. C. & Thevelein, J. M. (1995). Constitutive glucoseinduced activation of the Ras-CAMP pathway and aberrant stationaryphase entry on a glucose-containing medium in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae glucose-repression mutant hex2. Microbiology - UK 141, 1559-1566. Edwardson, J. M. & Marciniak, S. J. (1995). Molecular mechanisms in exocytosis. Journal of Membrane Biology 146, 113-122. Ehrenshaft, M.,Jenns, A. E. & Daub, M. E. (1995). Targeted gene dismption of carotenoid biosynthesis in Cercospora nicotianae reveals no role for carotenoids in photosensitizer resistance. Molecular Plant - Microbe Interactions 8, 569-575. Elion, E. A. (1995).Ste5 : a meeting place for MAP kinases and their associates. Trends in Cell Biology 5, 322-327. Evans, D. R. H., Rasmussen, C., Hanicjoyce, P. J., Johnston, G. C., Singer, R. A. & Barnes, C. A. (1995). Mutational analysis of the PRTI protein subunit of yeast translation initiation factor 3. Molecular and Cellular Biology 15, 4525-4535. Fischer, M., Durand, R. & Fevre, M. (1995). Characterization od the 'promoter region' of the enolase-encoding gene enol from the anaerobic fungus NeocaNimastir frontalis: sequence and promoter analysis. Current Genetics 28, 80-86. Gammie, A. E., Kurihara, L. J., Vallee, R. B. & Rose, M. D. (1995). DNMI, a dynamin-related gene, participates in endosomal trafficking in yeast. Journal of Cell Biology 130, 553-566. Garrettengele, P., Moilanen, B. & Cyert. M. S. (1995). Calcineurin, the Ca2 /calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase, is essential in yeast mutants with cell integrity defects and in mutants that lack a functional vacuolar H -ATPase. Molecular and Cellular Biology 15,4103-4114. Goin, C. J. & Mayer, V. W. (1995). Induction of chromosome loss in Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain D61.M by selected benzimidazole compounds. Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology 343, 185-199. Goodwin, S. B., Sujkowski, L. S. & Fry, W. E. (1995). Rapid evolution of pathogenicity within clonal lineages of the potato late blight disease fungus. Phytopathology 85,669476. Graham, T. R. & Krasnov, V. A. (1995). Sorting of yeast alpha 1,3 mannosyltransferase is mediated by a lumenal domain interaction, and a transmembrane domain signal that can confer clathrin-dependent Golgi localization to a secreted protein. Molecular Biology of the Cell 6,80+824. Hallbom, 7.. Walfridsson, M., Penttila, M., Keranen, S. & Hahnhagerdal, B. (1995). A short-chain dehydrogenase gene from Pichia stipitis having Darabinitol dehydrogenase activity. Yeast 11,839-847. Harris, C. L. & Kolanko, C. 1. (1995). Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase complex in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biochemical Journal 309, 321-324. Hilt, W. & Wolf, D. H. (1995). Proteasomes of the yeast S. cerevisiae: genes, structure and functions. Molecular Biology Reports 21, 3-10. Hollingsworth, N. M., Ponte, L. & Halsey, C. (1995). MSH5, a novel MutS homolog, facilitatesmeiotic reciprocal recombination between homologs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae but not mismatch repair. Genes & Development 9, 1728-1739. Hu, J. P., Vanderstraeten, S. & Foury, F. (1995). Isolation and characterization of ten mutator alleles of the mitochondrial DNA polymerase-encoding MIPl gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Gene 160, 105-110. Iino, Y., Hiramine, Y. 81 Yamamoto. M. (1995). The role of cdc2 and other genes in meiosis in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Genetics 140, 1235-1245. Jach. G., Gomhardt, B., Mundy, J., Logernann, J., Pinsdorf, P., Leah, R., Schell, J. & Maas, C. (1995). Enhanced quantitative resistance against fungal



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