Online auction success factors

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revealed many business opportunities, the most important of which is online shopping. ... Wun (2004) found that regarding the degree of bidding evaluation.
Online Auction Success Factors: Analysis of the Fashion Clothing Industry Chang-Lin Yang*, Tung-I Tsai**,Rong-Hwa Huang*, Chian-Huey Shen* *Global Entrepreneurial Management and Business Administration, Fu Jen Catholic University ** Department of Information Management, Shu-Te University No.510, Chung-Cheng Rd., Hsinchuang City, Taipei Hsien 24205 Taiwan [email protected]

ABSTRACT This research constructed a model for evaluating the critical successful factors of online auction of fashion clothing industry in order to assist prospect online auction sellers in developing appropriate online auction operation strategies. The indicators of the evaluation model are generalized into four dimensions, fifteen strategy subjects and sixty-three key performance indicators. These four dimensions are internet environment, customer, learning and innovative, internal business process. For the performance indicators with a firmly established structure, the expert questionnaire is adopted to gather the opinions of scholars, online auction seller and online auction buyer to revise the various indicators of the performance evaluation system. The analytical network process (ANP) is utilized to determine the weight of each criterion when generating the performance model for the evaluation system. Keywords: Fashion Clothing Industry, Online Auction, Key Performance Indicators, Analytical Network Process

INTRODUCTION In addition to its ability to change the communication model between individuals, the Internet has also promoted EC (e-commerce or electronic commerce), it has also revealed many business opportunities, the most important of which is online shopping. The data from ARO (Access Rating Online) of InsightXplorer Limited in 2007 indicated that the overall visits to online shopping websites in Taiwan reached 66.7%, a 3% increase from 2006. The report presented by MIC (Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute) in 2007 also revealed that the scale of online auction market was NT$77.4 billion dollars and was expected to reach NT$114.5 billion dollars in 2008, which is a 32.4% annual growth rate. The statistical data indicates that online shopping market has steadily grown when the retailers face sales recession in the act of economic downturn, especially a high growth for online auctioneer and market that indicates online shopping market abounds with business opportunities. Elevation of Internet users’ online shopping experience, mature development of online C2C platform, and the interactive influence of physical and virtual channels are the main 1

drivers of growth in online auction market. With its low-cost operation, liberal operation time, low entry barriers, complete services offered by auction platform proprietors, and media coverage of the operations of successful sellers via online auction mechanisms, the success of online auctions has inspired numerous new market entrants, making online auction the most popular emerging business. InsightXplorer Limited studied major shopping/auction websites in Taiwan during 2007, including Yahoo! Auction, Yahoo! Kimo Auction Shopping Center, Yahoo! Kimo Shopping Channel, Ruten Auction, PChome Online Shopping,, and PayEasy. The study of iInternet consumer behaviors by MIC during 2006 found that female garments and accessories, computer software and hardware, and PDA are the markets with the highest Internet auction activity. Male internet users like to buy 3C products such as computer software/hardware and PDA, while females favor female garments and accessories. However, low entry barriers have also created fierce competition in the online auction market. How to create successful online auction operations will be a key topic of future research. Regarding research on online auctions, in 2004 CNT (Commerce Net Taiwan) analyzed online auctions in the Taiwan area, and suggested the existence of five prevailing trends, including: 1. the best and worst time, 2. increasing professional sellers, 3. more diversified product quantities and kinds, 4. reduced profit potential, and 5. price war and value-added war. Hsieh (2001) showed that female web users assign the following order of importance to various services provided by Internet stores: after-sales service, prompt responses to customer questions, providing detailed product information, providing personalized service, and providing discussion areas or communities. Wun (2004) found that regarding the degree of bidding evaluation criteria, consumers focus on products with photo display, past seller valuations, accurate and detailed seller replies to buyers, opinions of previous customers regarding sellers, and the detail of webpages regarding product auctions. Chiang (2001) obtained the following findings: 1. Among the various communication situation factors, product variety, efficiency of product search, and accessibility of product information are the biggest influences on consumer online bidding intention. 2. Among the various purchase situation factors, consumers are most interested in online bidding when the prices of desired products are within their personal budget and the bidding deadlines are close. 3. Among the various Internet experience situation factors, consumers with experiences of online bidding and those who spend more time surfing the Internet have higher intention to bid online. With regard to the past literature, most studies have focused on measuring operation factors from the buyer perspective instead of delving into the key factors to operation of online auction from the seller perspective. Moreover, most of the 2

business literature on online auction focuses on the key factors to the individual online sellers’ success by case study, rather than inducing the key factors to the successful sellers’ operation. Given the insufficient studies conducted in the past, this research constructed a model for evaluating the critical successful factors of online auction operation based on data organized from essays about online auction and information about online auction operation combined with the key factors in the success of individual online sellers. The key factors were then generalized to assist prospect sellers in developing appropriate online auction operation strategies.

PROCEDURE OF MODEL BUILDING To establish an evaluation model for online auction operation, this study proposes the following three-step procedure: building initial indicator; modifying indicator; and constructing an evaluation model (Figure 1). Step 1 Sum up the literatures of Building

performance indicators

initial model

Initial model

Confirm the dimensions,

Step 2

Strategy subjects and Modifying initial model

Expert of online seller


Expert of online auction buyer Scholars in electronic commerce

Identify the relationship between dimensions, strategy subjects and indicators

Modified model

Step 3 Constructing evaluation model

Expert of online seller

Identify the weights of each

Expert of online auction buyer

dimension, strategy subject

Scholars in electronic commerce

and performance indicator

Final evaluation model

Figure 1 the procedure of constructing evaluation model Step 1. Build the initial model.


This step reviews pertinent literature on building an initial evaluation model. The indicators of the evaluation model are generalized—for evaluating online auction operating performance Step 2. Modify the initial model. Experts in online auction seller, experts in online auction buyer and external experts/scholars in electronic commerce were invited to identify whether or not each dimension, strategy subject or indicator was appropriate for evaluating online auction operating performance. These strategy subjects and indicators were listed in the modified model directly when more than 90% reviewers judge that a strategy subject or an indicator is suitable. However, the value of these strategy subjects and indicators were discussed with reviewers again when more than 80% and less than 90% of reviewers judged a strategy subject or an indicator as suitable for evaluating performance. Step 3. Construct the evaluation model. The correspondence relations between the strategic subjects of the second level and measurement indicators of the third level were further elucidated by using analytical network process (ANP) proposed by Saaty (2003) to perform pairwise comparisons.

CONSTRUCTION OF EVALUATION CRITERIA The model for evaluating the operation of online auctions of female fashion developed in this study performs analysis based primarily on Internet auction platform transactions. This study proposes four dimensions, including Internet environment, customer, learning and growth, and internal business process. Table 1 lists online auction operation indicators for female fashion constructed in this study. 1. Internet environment dimension Auction websites, as intermediates, provide suitable platforms for buyers and sellers to conduct transactions. Internet environments can be considered the basis of operations for all internet auction activities. This study refers to the related literature to define three strategic subjects within this dimension, namely auction website design, auction website content, security and privacy. The next step involves devising 14 performance indicators. 2. Customer dimension Customers are the main source of profit for companies. Therefore, how to develop products with new features, improve service quality, build good customer relations, and maintain image and goodwill of sale place are important topics in the online auction industry. This study reviewed the literature on product attributes, service quality, brand impression and value, and developed 10 customer performance


indicators. 3. Learning and growth dimension This dimension emphasizes, on the one hand, the importance of investment in the future, such as seller professional knowledge and measures, and on the other hand, firm learning and growth using specific measuring criteria, such as operational potential of company owners and employee work satisfaction. This study refers to the related literature to determine three strategic subjects, namely professional knowledge and ability, operation conation and job satisfaction. Moreover, this study goes on to develop 12 performance indicators for online auction services. 4. Internal business process dimension This dimension is mainly based on the whole back end operation procedures/value chain activities of the operations of online auction of female fashion, from purchasing, website marketing, sales and management, to after-sales service. This study refers to the related literature to define five strategic subjects, namely marketing strategy, auction site management, distribution management, warehouse management and supplier management. The next stage is to develop 27 internal business process indicators. Table 1 online auction operational indicators of fashionable female clothing Dimension

Strategic Subject

Performance Indicator Comfort of the Entire Printed Page User Friendly Auction Website Keyword Research Efficiently and Accurately Design Product Classification Research Easily Easy Bidding Process Reasonableness of the Pricing of Auction Sites Internet Environment Information Accurately (correlate with customer, Auction Website learning and growth, Certainty of Rule base and Frequently Asked Questions Content internal business process) Auction Site offers a wide variety of products Good Reputation of Auction Platform Confidentiality of Transaction Phases Security and Privacy Speed of Taking Care of Members’ Complaints Managed Rating and Feedback System Security of e-Payment System Variety of Goods Sold Practical Aspect of Product Product Attributes Quality of Goods Sold Product Features Customer Seller's Courtesy (correlate with internet environment, learning and Service Quality Seller's quick responsiveness growth, internal business Seller's Reliability process) Positive Feedback Percentage Brand Impression and the Ratio of Product's Meeting Expectations Value the Ratio of Buyer's Receiving Goods (correlate with distribution management strategic subject )

Table 1 online auction operational indicators of fashionable female clothing (continue) 5

Exclusive Agency ability the Ability of Getting Low Purchasing Cost Professional Knowledge and Ability Sensitive to Fashion Trends Accurate estimation for long selling styles and designs Enthusiasm and Ambition Learning and Growth Concentration Degree on Business (correlate with internet Operation Conation environment, customer, Individual and Team's Reputation internal business process) Stability and Patience Degree of job authorization Employee Compensation Scheme Job Satisfaction Employee Recommendation Acceptance the Fitness of employee's ability to perform his or her job Application Degree of Payable Advertisement Application Degree of Promotion Application Degree of Keyword Marketing Auction Site style and Logo Characteristics Marketing Strategy Attractive Product's Description Attractive Product's Manifestation Searching Simplification of the Name of Auction Site Application Degree of Models and Model's Professional New Arrivals Interval Diversity of Searching Related Goods on Auction Site Seller replys buyer's question in detail (correlate with service quality strategic subject ) Auction Site Management Degree of the total image of outfit shown on pictures Degree of Accessibility to Product Internal Business Process Product's spec. provided in detail (correlate with internet "About the seller" illustrated in detail environment, customer, Exquisite and Beautiful Packing learning and growth) Delivery Rates for Goods (correlate with service quality strategic subject ) Distribution Implementation of E-mail notification after delivering the goods Management (correlate with service quality strategic subject ) Rate of Offering Post-sale Service (correlate with service quality strategic subject ) Average days of stock the Ratio of Safety Stock Warehouse Management the Accuracy of Goods Prepared Shortage rate of goods prepared Quality of Supplier's goods offered Hit Rate of Order Fulfillment Supplier Management Cooperation of small order delivery Emergency order handling ability

FINAL EVALUATION MODEL The finally adopted hierarchy structure must calculate the weighting of the indicators of each hierarchy again, that will have more completed evaluation for operation performance. Regarding the calculation of the weighting of each indicator, this study adopts the Analytic Network Process (ANP) (Saaty 2003, Saaty 2005), which includes the following steps: Step 1. Define the purpose and demand According to the current situation, it is necessary to confirm the execution of the 6

purpose and demand of ANP. Step 2. Establish the ANP task force Plan the scale, member and division of labor based on the ANP purpose and demand. Step 3: Establish the ANP structure Based on the purpose and demand, the task force and outside experts confirm the relevant main factor, sub-factor and relations among the various factors, and use it to produce a hierarchy or network structure which can be analyzed by ANP. Figure 2 shows the examples of ANP structure. A





Fig. 2

ANP structure

Step 4: Questionnaire design and investigation Design the questionnaire content based on the ANP structure, and send it to the respondent. To perform pairwise comparisons, separate questionnaires were prepared for the goal and each dimension. Experts in online auctions, experts in online auction buyer and external experts/scholars in electronic commerce utilized their professional experience to weight each strategic dimension, strategic subject and measurement indicator. Perform the pairwise comparison using the normal scale for each of the performance indicators of the questionnaire. The normal scale is defined into nine rankings – extremely strong (9:1), very strong (8:2), strong (7:3), slightly strong (6:4), equal (5:5) , slightly weak (4:6 ), weak (3:7 ), very weak (2:8), extremely weak (1:9). Step 5: Set up pairwise comparison matrix Comparison with two clusters and pairwise comparison of each cluster, it can be divided into two portions, namely pairwise cluster comparison and pairwise element comparison. The content from all of the collected questionnaires is retrieved, the averages of each questionnaire are used to obtain a geometric average, and change the compared data into pairwise comparison matrix A.

 a11 a A =  21  M   a n1



a 22






a1n  a2n   M   a nn 

N is counted for the hierarchy of matrix. aij, to ask


the value of a result to the questionnaire. Step 6: Check the consistency of the questionnaire content This research adopts the method of Saaty (2005), which is based on the following steps: 6-1.Standardization of the pairwise comparison matrix

 a11 ' a12 ' a ' a ' 22 A1 =  21  M M   a n1 ' a n 2 '

a 1n '  a 2 n '  , and aij’ = M   a nn ' 


a ij


for i , j = 1, 2,…, n,



i =1

6-2:Calculate the W of the eigenvector and the λmax of the eigenvalue  w1  w  W =  2  , and wi =  M     wn 

∑a n



i =1


for i = 1, 2,…, n,

 w1 '   w ' w ' 1w ' w ' W’ = AW =  2  ,and λmax =  1 + 2 + L + n  ,  M  n  w1 w 2 wn     w n ' 6-3: Calculate Consistency Ration

λ max − n CI , and CR = n −1 RI CI denotes the consistency index, RI represents the radon index (table 2), and CR CI =

is the consistency ratio. When CR is smaller than 0.1, the questionnaire results are consistent. Table 2 random index (RI) n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 RI 0 0 0.58 0.9 1.12 1.24 1.32 1.41 1.45 1.49 1.51 1.53 1.56 1.57 Step 7: Set up the super-matrix and try to obtain the weight of every factor Collect the pairwise comparison matrix into the unweighted super-matrix. If adding the value of every line does not yield a total of 1, to yield the proper weight and result the total of the values of every line equaling 1, this is called the weighted super-matrix. Then, the super-matrix for which the total of all lines equals to 1. This value is a weight of the relative relation among every representative factor. Step 8: Set up the evaluation form of the procurement performance The last step is to dispose of the weight of performance indicators from the 8


Supplier Management

Figure 3 shows the structure of the analytical process used in this study. E m erg en cy o rd er h an d lin g a bility C o o pe ra tio n o f sm all o rd er d e liv ery H it ra te o f o rd er fu lfillm en t Q ua lity o f S u p p lier's g o o d s o ffered

Warehouse Management

Brand Impression and Value

Sh o rta g e ra te o f g o o d s p re pa re d

th e R atio o f B uy er's R ece iv in g G o o d s th e R atio o f P ro du ct's M eetin g E x p ec ta tio n s

th e A cc urac y o f G o o d s P re p ared th e R a tio of S afety S to ck A v erag e d ay s o f sto ck

P os itiv e Fe ed b ack P ercen tag e

S elle r's R elia b ility S elle r's q u ick re sp on s iv en e ss S elle r's C o urtesy

Q u ality o f G oo d s S o ld P ra ctic al A s pe ct o f P ro d u ct

D eliv ery R ates fo r G o o d s E x q uisite an d B eau tifu l Pa ck in g "A b ou t th e se ller" illu strated in de ta il Pro d u ct's sp ec. pro v ide d in d e tail

Auction Site Management

Product Attributes

P ro d u ct Fe ature s

Distribution Management

Internal Business Process

Service Quality


R ate o f O fferin g Po s t-sa le S erv ice Im plem entation o f E-ma il n otific atio n after delivering the goo ds

D eg re e of A cce ssib ility to P ro du c t D eg re e of the to tal im ag e o f o u tfit s ho w n o n p ictures Se ller re p ly s b u y er's qu e stio n in d etail

V arie ty o f G o o d s So ld

D iv ersity o f S e arch in g R elated G o o ds o n A uc tio n S ite N ew A rriva ls In terva l A pp lication D eg ree o f M o de ls a nd M od el's P ro fe ssio n al Se arch ing S im p lifica tio n o f th e N am e o f A u c tio n S ite

Marketing Strategy

Security and Privacy

S ecu rity of e-P ay m en t S y stem M a na g ed R ating an d F e ed b ack S ys te m S pe ed of T ak in g C are o f M em b ers’ C o m plain ts C o n fid en tiality of T ran sa ctio n Ph a ses

A ttractive P ro d uc t's M an ifestation A ttractive P ro d uc t's D e scrip tio n A uc tio n S ite style an d L o g o C ha ra cteris tics A pp lication D eg ree o f K ey w o rd M ark etin g

G o od R e pu tatio n o f A u ctio n P latfo rm

Job Satisfaction

C e rtain ty o f R ule b ase a n d F req u en tly A sk ed Q u e stio n s Info rm atio n A ccu rately

Learning and Growth

E as y B id d in g P roc ess P ro d uc t C las sifica tio n R ese arch E asily K ey w o rd R e sea rc h E fficien tly an d A cc u ra te ly

C o m fo rt o f the E n tire P rin te d P ag e

Fig. 3

E m p lo y ee R eco m m e nd a tio n A c cep tan ce E m p lo y ee C o m p en sation S ch em e D eg re e of job au tho rizatio n

In d ivid u al a n d T e am 's R ep u ta tio n C o n cen tra tio n D e g re e on B u sin es s E n th u sias m a nd A m b itio n

Professional Knowledge and Ability

U ser F rien d ly

th e F itn es s of em p loy e e's ab ility to p e rfo rm h is o r h er jo b

Stab ility a n d P atien ce

Operation Conation

Auction Website Content

A pp lication D eg ree o f P ay ab le A d v ertise m en t

A u ctio n Site o ffers a w ide v a riety o f pro d u cts

R e aso n ab len ess o f th e P ricin g o f A uc tio n S ites

Auction Website Design

Internet Environment

A pp lication D eg ree o f P ro m otio n

A ccu rate estim atio n fo r lo n g s ellin g s ty les an d de sig ns Se n sitiv e to F ash io n T re nd s th e A b ility o f G e tting L o w P u rc ha sing C o s t E x clu sive A g en c y ab ility

ANP structure of online auction operation of fashionable female clothing


Applying the Analytic Network Process (ANP) approach to analyze the weight value, as listed in Table 3, the degree of attention is highest in the Internet environment dimension, followed by the customer dimension, and then the learning and growth and internal business process dimension. This result explains why online auctioneers are important in the operation of online auctions. Good online auctioneers can attract more buyers to participate in the bidding. Meanwhile, online auction sellers can improve internal business process by understanding customer needs and wants. Furthermore, the continuing learning and growth of online sellers can improve their core competency and ability to gain a sustainable, long-term competitive advantage in operating online auctions. Table 3

weight value of each dimension




Internet Environment






Learning and Innovative



Internal Business Process



Note: All samples all pass the Consistency Ration (CR≦0.1 ) Each objective of the dimensions and the weight values of the indexes are listed in Table 4. Table 4 Dimension

dimensions/subjects/evaluation indictors value weight

Strategic Subject

Performance Indicator

Comfort of the Entire Printed Page User Friendly Keyword Research Efficiently and Accurately Product Classification Research Easily Easy Bidding Process Reasonableness of the Pricing of Auction Sites Information Accurately Auction Website Content Certainty of Rule base and Frequently Asked Questions (0.200) Auction Site offers a wide variety of products Good Reputation of Auction Platform Confidentiality of Transaction Phases Security and Privacy Speed of Taking Care of Members’ Complaints (0.400) Managed Rating and Feedback System Security of e-Payment System Variety of Goods Sold Product Attributes Practical Aspect of Product (0.250) Quality of Goods Sold Product Features Seller's Courtesy Seller's quick responsiveness Seller's Reliability Service Quality Seller replys buyer's question in detail (0.500) Delivery Rates for Goods Implementation of E-mail notification after delivering the goods Rate of Offering Post-sale Service Brand Impression and Positive Feedback Percentage Value the Ratio of Product's Meeting Expectations (0.250) the Ratio of Buyer's Receiving Goods Auction Website Design (0.400)

Internet Environment (0.462)

Customer (0.203)


Indictor weight 0.186 0.165 0.149 0.125 0.125 0.248 0.493 0.311 0.196 0.324 0.232 0.136 0.118 0.189 0.130 0.185 0.456 0.229 0.076 0.078 0.114 0.111 0.249 0.160 0.212 0.333 0.333 0.333

Strategic Dimension weight weight 0.074 0.034 0.066 0.030 0.060 0.028 0.050 0.023 0.050 0.023 0.099 0.046 0.099 0.046 0.062 0.029 0.039 0.018 0.130 0.060 0.093 0.043 0.054 0.025 0.047 0.022 0.076 0.035 0.033 0.007 0.046 0.009 0.114 0.023 0.057 0.012 0.038 0.008 0.039 0.008 0.057 0.012 0.056 0.011 0.125 0.025 0.080 0.016 0.106 0.022 0.083 0.017 0.083 0.017 0.083 0.017

Table 4

dimensions/subjects/evaluation indictors value weight (continue)

Exclusive Agency ability Professional the Ability of Getting Low Purchasing Cost Knowledge and Ability Sensitive to Fashion Trends (0.661) Accurate estimation for long selling styles and designs Enthusiasm and Ambition Learning and Growth Operation Conation Concentration Degree on Business (0.192) (0.208) Individual and Team's Reputation Stability and Patience Degree of job authorization Employee Compensation Scheme Job Satisfaction (0.131) Employee Recommendation Acceptance the Fitness of employee's ability to perform his or her job Application Degree of Payable Advertisement Application Degree of Promotion Application Degree of Keyword Marketing Marketing Strategy Auction Site style and Logo Characteristics (0.327) Attractive Product's Description Attractive Product's Manifestation Searching Simplification of the Name of Auction Site Application Degree of Models and Model's Professional New Arrivals Interval Diversity of Searching Related Goods on Auction Site Seller replys buyer's question in detail Auction Site Management Degree of the total image of outfit shown on pictures (0.247) Degree of Accessibility to Product Product's spec. provided in detail Internal Business Process (0.143) "About the seller" illustrated in detail Exquisite and Beautiful Packing Delivery Rates for Goods Distribution Management Implementation of E-mail notification after delivering the goods (0.163) Rate of Offering Post-sale Service the Ratio of Buyer's Receiving Goods Average days of stock Warehouse the Ratio of Safety Stock Management the Accuracy of Goods Prepared (0.139) Shortage rate of goods prepared Quality of Supplier's goods offered Supplier Management Hit Rate of Order Fulfillment (0.123) Cooperation of small order delivery Emergency order handling ability

0.223 0.229 0.288 0.260 0.372 0.234 0.153 0.241 0.236 0.427 0.137 0.201 0.061 0.073 0.053 0.096 0.174 0.159 0.100 0.284 0.094 0.080 0.121 0.172 0.277 0.183 0.073 0.098 0.333 0.093 0.203 0.274 0.183 0.260 0.455 0.102 0.462 0.205 0.144 0.188

0.147 0.151 0.190 0.172 0.077 0.049 0.032 0.050 0.031 0.056 0.018 0.026 0.020 0.024 0.017 0.031 0.057 0.052 0.033 0.093 0.023 0.020 0.030 0.042 0.068 0.045 0.018 0.016 0.054 0.015 0.033 0.045 0.025 0.036 0.063 0.014 0.057 0.025 0.018 0.023

0.028 0.029 0.037 0.033 0.015 0.009 0.006 0.010 0.006 0.011 0.003 0.005 0.003 0.003 0.002 0.004 0.008 0.007 0.005 0.013 0.003 0.003 0.004 0.006 0.010 0.006 0.003 0.002 0.008 0.002 0.005 0.006 0.004 0.005 0.009 0.002 0.008 0.004 0.003 0.003

Note: All samples all pass the Consistency Ration (CR≦0.1 )

CONCLUSION This study refers to the research on online auction and information on online auction operation, combines the key contributors to the success of individual online sellers, and integrates expert opinions from related areas to build the initial framework. The study comprises four dimensions and goes on to develop strategic subjects and performance indicators. Using the ANP approach to calculate the weighting of each dimension, strategic subject and indicator, this study finally develops an evaluation model for operating online auctions in the female fashion industry. Based on the study results, this study reaches the following conclusions. 1. The developed model comprises four dimensions, namely Internet environment, 11

customer, learning and growth, and internal business process. These four dimensions provide a basis for developing a further 14 strategic subjects and 63 key performance indicators. 2. From the dimension perspective, Internet environment is the most important among the four dimensions. Online auction website design and online auctioneer security and privacy are the key drivers of visits by online auction buyers. In this dimension, information accuracy, auction platform reputation, certainty of rule base and frequently asked questions, ad reasonableness of pricing are the main considerations. A reputed/systematic online auctioneer can gather more buyers, while more buyers can attract more business opportunities. 3. In the customer dimension, the quality of goods sold and delivery rates for goods are the main aspects. This demonstrates that customers simultaneously buy both products and service. Good quality products and service can gain customer loyalty, and price is not the only consideration of customers. Furthermore, positive feedback percentage, ratio of products that meet expectations and ratio of buyers receiving goods are also important and demonstrate that customers pay considerable attention to brand impression and value of online auction sites. 4. Professional knowledge and ability and important in the learning and growth dimension, and are especially sensitive to fashion trends and accurate estimation for particularly resilient styles and designs. Online auction operations can achieve benefits in future provided sellers continue to invest in themselves and improve their abilities. Additionally, enthusiasm and ambition are also important and demonstrate that enthusiasm and ambition are the purest motivations for and sources of seller operations. 5. In the internal business process dimension, model application degree and model professionalism, accessibility to product, delivery rates for goods, accuracy of goods prepared and quality of goods offered by the supplier are the main characteristics. Online sellers can not only use appropriate marketing strategy to attract more buyers, but can also provide detailed information on products to compensate for the disadvantage they face in buyers being unable to physically touch the products offered. Furthermore, rapid delivery and good supply chain management can enhance customer satisfaction and repurchase intentions.

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