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Kazım Serhan Özcan6, Çağrı Yayla7, Yalçın Velibey8, Mehmet Emin Kalkan9, ...... Ünğan, Serkan Çiftçi, Mustafa Hakan Şahin, Atilla Koyuncu, Alparslan Şahin,.
TSC Abstracts/ORALS October 20-23, 2016

Anatol J Cardiol 2016; 16 (Suppl 1): 1-104

Heart failure



Heart failure


Use of tolvaptan in patients hospitalized for worsening chronic heart failure with refractory hyponatremia

Influenza vaccine reduces recurrent hospitalizations in heart failure outpatients

Saim Sağ1, Aysel Aydın Kaderli1, Abdülmecit Yıldız2, Bülent Özdemir1, İbrahim Baran1, Sümeyye Güllülü1, Ali Aydınlar1, Yüksel Çavuşoğlu3

Hakkı Kaya, Osman Beton, Mehmet Birhan Yılmaz, On Behalf Of TREAT HF Investigators

1 Department of Cardiology, Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine, Bursa Department of Internal Diseases, Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine, Bursa 3 Department of Cardiology, Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine, Eskişehir 2

Background and Aim: Heart failure (HF), as a clinical state of volume overload in both intravascular and extracellular spaces, is a major public health problem leading causes of hospital admissions in the world. These patients commonly have a history of progressive volume retention with hyponatremia manifested by an increase in body weight, leading to worsening symptoms requiring hospitalization. The aim of this study was to assess efficacy and safety of tolvaptan for severe hyponatremia (SH) in hypervolemic HF patients in daily clinical practice. Methods: A database for patients with severe hyponatremia (SH) hospitalized for worsening HF with volume overload between November 2014 and November 2015 that had tolvaptan added to standard treatments was retrospectively reviewed. SH was defined as a serum sodium concentration ≤125 mEq L–1. The database included demographic, clinical, laboratory, and echocardiographic findings at admission, and numerous outcome measures for oral tolvaptan treatment used to assess its efficacy and safety. Results: The study included 56 hypervolemic HF patients with SH (25 female and 31 male) with a mean age of 66 years. All patients received oral tolvaptan 15 mg o. d. for SH for a mean 3.2 d. Sodium and potassium concentrations, fluid intake, and the urine volume increased significantly (p