Jan 31, 2018 - Nottingham, Halle (Saale), Krasnodar, TimiÈoara) can apply, either with a concept for a work with the ab
Open Borders Changings, Awakenings: Equal Rights for All Deadline 31st January 2018 In the framework of the Karlsruhe Festival of European Culture 2018, the BBK (District Association of Artists of the Fine Arts) in Karlsruhe will be presenting the exhibition “Open Borders” with recent artistic positions from Karlsruhe’s twin cities taking in focus “Revolutionary Changings”. Generations of people took to the streets between 1960 and today in the fight for freedom and the struggle for equality regardless of colour, gender, and sexual orientation. How does today’s generation of young artists look back on the changings and awakenings of the last fifty years in their city, their country, and in Europe? On student revolts, Glasnost, Perestroika, the fall of the Berlin Wall…? In what freedom can they work today? How do they perceive their freedom and the responsibility for it? How do they look at previous uprisings and actual deficits, how do they join in the events of the day, how do they comment on it? Young artists, who are residents of Karlsruhe or its twin cities (as Nancy, Nottingham, Halle (Saale), Krasnodar, Timișoara) can apply, either with a concept for a work with the above-mentioned theme or with an already completed project on the subject of ‚Open Borders‘. Admitted are all kinds of artistic formats, experimental, interdisciplinary and live formats are explicitely welcome. Besides a compensation for the exhibition, the travel expenses and, if necessary, transportation expenses, insurance during the exhibition, room and board will be covered. The artists are professionally accompanied implementing and installing the work. The exhibition will be accompanied by a German English bilingual catalogue. For the purposes of judging, we require a sketch of the aimed project or a description in German or English and a photographic record of the finished work, as well as an artistic curriculum in German or English as digital data. The applications should clearly describe the work/aimed project concerning extent and idea.
Contact: Berufsverband Bildender Künstler / Am Künstlerhaus 47 / 76131 Karlsruhe Submission online via mail
[email protected] until 31st January 2018 subject "SUBMISSION Open Borders" + Name of Applicant Bigger amounts of data can be transferred via media transfer services as www.wetransfer.com to the mail address. Notification to applicants by 20th of February 2018. The call can also be found here https://www.bbk-karlsruhe.de/open-borders/
OPEN BORDERS Changings, Awakenings: Equal Rights for All Orgelfabrik Karlsruhe Durlach 22nd April – 13th May 2018 Vernissage: Sunday, 22nd April, 11 a.m. Musical introduction: Ensemble Sorpresa Composition by Felix Treiber: Violin Quartet Welcoming address by BBK Karlsruhe and the City of Karlsruhe Introduction to the works of the artists
The exhibition will be accompanied by panel discussions dealing with historical and contemporary perspectives of Karlsruhe's twin cities on the theme of Open Borders. 25th April 2018 Radical Changes in Eastern and Western Europe: 1968 and 1989 Nancy, Halle (Saale), Timișoara 9th May 2018 Struggle for visibility and social justice today? Krasnodar, Nottingham, Karlsruhe
The Orgelfabrik Karlsruhe is a vast exhibition space in a former modernized organ factory. Besides a spacious entrance hall it contains various smaller rooms where contemporary artistic formats as well as concerts and dance theatre is shown.