Opening of Manasik Haji - Universitas Brawijaya

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Submit by humas3 on May 26, 2011 | Comment(s) : 0 | View : 3880. Warkum Sumitro SH MH. (middle) opening the Manasik. Haji. Haji is a different kind of ...
Opening of Manasik Haji Submit by humas3 on May 26, 2011 | Comment(s) : 0 | View : 6974

Warkum Sumitro SH MH (middle) opening the Manasik Haji Haji is a different kind of religious activity, performing it requires physical and mental preparation. Preparation is needed so that the haji may went well. "Congratulation and may you be a haji mabrur," as said by Vice Rector (PR) II Universitas Brawijaya (UB), Warkum Sumitro SH MH when opening the Manasik Haji 11th GenerationAngkatan, in the sixth floor of Rectorate Building on Thursday (26/5). Furthermore, Warkum explained his experience when doing haji on 2003. At the time, Warkum, missed his family when he was apart from them."I didn't feel like that when I'm home, haji will raise a deep feeling of love," Warkum said. Warkum also advised the haji participants to follow the manasik haji well so that they can be focused when doing the haji. This year, KBIH UB will depart 47 haji participants."This is a temporary amount that consists of UB comunity and the sorrounding residents, ten UB employees will depart this year," as said by Drs H M Subky Hasby head of KBIH UB. Every year, UB gives opportunity for 10 high achieving or long serving employees to participate in haji for free. Manasik haji will be held starting on May 26 to July 23, 2011 and it will be held routinely every Saturday. Every haji participant who perform haji in the holy land will be a member of Indonesian Haji Brotherhood Association (IPHI) UB. IPHI is an organization formed to keep good relation among UB haji participants. [arr]

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