Optimal Design of a Hybrid Winding Structure for ... - Convenient Power

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Abstract—Planar contactless battery charging platform is an emerging technology ..... The hybrid structure offers the best uniform flux distribution. In the second ...


Optimal Design of a Hybrid Winding Structure for Planar Contactless Battery Charging Platform Xun Liu, Student Member, IEEE, and S. Y. (Ron) Hui, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Planar contactless battery charging platform is an emerging technology that has the potential of unifying the charging protocols of portable consumer electronic products. In this paper, a new hybrid structure which consists of a coil and a spiral winding is proposed for improving the uniform magnetic field distribution over the charging surface. An analysis into an optimal design of the number of turns and the dimension of the spiral winding is presented for a given concentrated coil. The uniform magnetic field distribution of the designed prototype is measured by an electromagnetic compatibility scanner and by an energy-receiving coil. Based on circuit modeling and analysis, the inverter circuit topology and particularly the resonant compensation tank is designed for maximizing power transfer for multiload applications. A design procedure is proposed and verified by the experiments. An efficiency of about 80% has been achieved for the coupled structures when four loads are charged on the platform simultaneously. Index Terms—Coreless transformer, multiload application, planar contactless battery charger.

I. INTRODUCTION LANAR contactless battery charging platform is an emerging technology that has the potential of unifying the charging protocols of portable consumer electronic products such as mobile phones, CD players and iPods etc. Through near-field coupling, power should be able to transfer from the charging platform to the energy-receiving winding for charging the electronic equipment. Preferably, the planar charging platform should be able to charge several electronic devices simultaneously, regardless of their positions and orientations. Recently, two approaches have been proposed and are documented in several patent documents [1]–[3]. These two approaches are compared in [4] in detail. The first approach [1] adopts a “horizontal flux” approach in which the line of magnetic flux flows horizontally to the planar charging surface. In order to sense enough ac flux, the cross-sectional area of the energy-receiving winding vertical to the platform surface must be large enough (thick and/or wide enough). Such requirement


Manuscript received February 9, 2007; revised May 9, 2007. This work was supported by the Hong Kong Research Grant Council under Project (CityU 1141/05) and the City University of Hong Kong under Project 7001761.. Recommended for publication by Associate Editor D. Perreault. X. Liu is with ConvenientPower (HK), Ltd., Hong Kong, China. S. Y. R. Hui is with the Department of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China (e-mail: [email protected]. hk). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2007.911844

is not favorable for many modern consumer electronic equipments that must be thin and slim. Another planar inductive battery charging platform based on a “perpendicular flux” approach was proposed in [2], [3]. The lines of flux of this charging platform flow “perpendicularly” into and out of the charging surface. With the use of a patented electromagnetic shield, the flux flows vertically into and out of the charging surface like a “water fountain.” Such feature is very suitable for slim design of the energy-receiving element because it allows the energy transfer over the entire surface on which the electronic equipment (to be charged) is placed [5]. As shown in [6] and explained in [3], the magnitude of the magnetic field intensity over this platform that uses either a multilayer hexagonal winding array or a concentrated winding is not ideally uniform. The magnetic field intensity drops down from the periphery to the center of the charging surface, like the magnetic field distribution of a coil that is also mentioned in [1]. Such “concave” distribution means excessive current is needed to provide enough charging power when the energy-receiving unit is placed at the center of the charging platform. Planar spiral winding, such as coreless printed circuit board (PCB) transformers [7], [8] is another planar structure that can achieve contactless power transfer using the vertical flux principle. In fact, it has been used for battery charging of cellular phone [9]. As shown in [10], the magnetic field of the spiral winding is non-linear in a “convex” manner that its magnitude is highest in the central region of the spiral winding. Therefore, the cellular phone in [9] must be placed in the specific location in order to obtain optimal energy transfer. In this paper, a new hybrid structure that combines the advantageous features of concentrated winding and spiral winding is proposed and its optimal design theory is presented. This hybrid winding structure can generate an improved near-uniform perpendicular magnetic flux distribution than previous approaches. This patent-pending hybrid structure [3] consists of a coil and a spiral winding. A mutual-inductance based method is used for the design of this structure. The structure and the design method are presented in Section II of this paper. In Section III, the designed prototype is scanned by an electromagnetic compatibiltiy (EMC) scanner and measured with the help of a receiving coil. The calculated and measured results are compared and they agree well with each other. In order to achieve optimal power transfer for multiloads on the same charging platform, the power inverter circuit topology and its resonant compensation tank must be designed carefully for efficient power transfer. The resonant compensation method has been utilized and analyzed in some previous work [9], [11]–[18]. Based on the equivalent circuit analysis, a systematic design procedure suitable for multiload application is proposed in Section IV. The experimental

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Fig. 1. Sketch of the hybrid structure in (a) 3-D view, (b) cross-sectional view, and (c) top-view.

spiral winding are represented by four concentric circles. Before the design, four assumptions are made: a) the spiral winding is coaxial with the coil; b) the spiral winding is connected in series with the coil, which means the current in the spiral winding is the same with that in each turn of the coil; c) the spacing between the tracks, , as shown in Fig. 1(c), is the same for a certain design; d) the spiral winding that is made up of Litz wire, is treated as a filament. , the radius The number of turns of the spiral winding, of the first turn, , and the spacing between the tracks, , decide the shape of the spiral winding, as shown in Fig. 1(c). In the first step, these three parameters are fully searched and all the possible results are presented. The minimum and maximum values of the three parameters are decided by the dimension of the coil and the available manufacturing technology. In order to judge the validity of the possible results, a mutual inductance based method is used as a tool for optimization. In Fig. 1(c), the red dotted circle represents a testing coil above the charging surface. If this testing coil (as energy-receiving unit) has only one turn, the mutual inductance between the one-turn testing coil and the hybrid structure is

Fig. 2. Two coaxial circular filaments.




where is the magnetic flux coupled to the one-turn testing coil, is the current in the hybrid structure and is the area of the one-turn testing coil. If the magnetic flux is uniform enough in , (1) can be approximated to (2) For another one-turn testing coil with different radius, the same relationship can also be established

results of a prototype are included to confirm the validity of the theory. II. HYBRID STRUCTURE AND ITS DESIGN Fig. 1 shows the sketch view of the circular hybrid structure. This hybrid structure consists of a concentrated coil and a spiral winding. The “concave” magnetic field distribution generated by the concentrated coil can be compensated by the “convex” magnetic field distribution generated by the planar spiral winding, so that a more uniform flux distribution can be achieved. A uniform magnetic flux distribution means that different portable electronic devices (with inbuilt energy-receiving windings) can be placed and charged on the charging platform, as represented by the small blue circles in Fig. 1(a). The spiral winding can be placed on the same plane, below or above the planar surface of the coil, as shown in Fig. 1(b). As far as the design of the circular hybrid structure is concerned, one needs to design a spiral winding for a given concentrated coil (of a certain radius and number of turns). Therefore, the number of turns and the dimensions of the spiral winding have to be designed and optimized. Fig. 1(c) shows one example of the designed results, in which the four turns of the

(3) From (2) and (3), if the magnetic flux is uniform enough over the entire charging surface, the following equation or inequality (4) must be applicable to any two one-turn testing coils placed on the charging area (4) where is a small tolerance. Equation or inequality (4) provides the criterion to judge if a uniform magnetic flux distribution has been achieved. The inequality is used in practice for optimization. For the convenience of calculation, the two one-turn testing coils are chosen coaxial with the spiral winding and the coil. One is fixed with the minimum radius [see Fig. 1(c)] and the other is enlarged from to . If (4) is satisfied in the whole progress, this possible result is saved as a valid design. All the possible results need such optimization process. The one-turn testing coils are chosen to be coaxial with the spiral winding and the coil because the mutual inductance between two coaxial circular filaments can be calculated with



Fig. 3. Top view of the rectangular hybrid structure.

simple expression as in (5) and is suitable for the iterative searching process (5a) (5b) where and are complete elliptic integrals of the first and second kind, respectively [19]. The meanings of , and are shown in Fig. 2. In the calculation, the two windings are treated as filaments because they are made of thin Litz wire ( 0.39 mm) for reduced power loss at high frequency. If other wire such as printed-circuit board track is used, the formulae presented in [20] can lead to more precise results. The same method described above can also be applied to the design of rectangular hybrid winding structure. Compared to the circular structure, the rectangular windings are easier to make. Given a rectangular coil of a certain turns number, as the first step of the design, number of turns of the spiral winding, , half of the length of the first turn, , and the spacing between the tracks, , are fully searched and all the possible results are presented, as shown by the example in Fig. 3. Then the possible results are judged by the mutual inductance based method. The mutual inductance between two rectangular windings can be calculated, using the method presented in [21]. III. DESIGN RESULTS AND EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION A. Circular Structure Using the above method, including full searching and optimization, for a given coil, the number of turns and the position of each turn of the spiral winding can be designed. Table I lists the design results when the number of turns of the coil, equals 5, and the radius of the coil, is equal to 75 mm. For this design example, the initial searching criteria are given as follows. The maximum value of is slightly smaller than the radius of the coil, while the minimum value of is 3 mm. The spiral winding with a radius smaller than 3 mm is not easy

, is asto make. The minimum spacing between each turn, sumed to be 1 mm. The number of turns of the spiral winding, , is searched from 2 to 10. Indeed, the initial criteria of these three parameters can be set different for a cruder (but quicker) or a finer searching. After all the possible results are presented, the optimization tool introduced above is used to judge the validity of each result. In this example, the small tolerance, , in (4) is set not larger than 10% of the average value. In Table I, the first column is the number of turns of the spiral winding, , which is searched from 2 to 10. When is more than 5 (i.e. number of turns of the coil), no valid results are found. The second column shows the radius of each turn, as shown by in Fig. 1(c). It is fully searched from 72 mm to 3 mm in this example. The value in the third column represents the intensity of the magnetic field generated by the hybrid structure. It is equal to the mutual inductance between the hybrid structure and a one-turn testing coil of unit area. In Fig. 1(b) the distance of the energy-receiving coil from the energy-transmitting spiral winding and the energy-transmitting concentrated coil are and respectively. The self-inductance, , and the dc resistance, , of the hybrid structure are listed in the next two columns. The last column compares the ratio between the magnetic field intensity and the resistance. A higher value is preferred because it means that a higher magnetic field is generated, accompanied by a relatively lower power loss. This can also be seen in the last part of this paper on energy efficiency discussion. Table II compares the design results for given coils with different number of turns. For comparison, only the three-turn spiral winding is listed. As summarized in Tables I and II, a higher number of turns of coil or spiral winding can generate a higher magnetic field. From the efficiency point of view (last column of Tables I and II), it is apoptimal when the number of turns of spiral winding proaches the number of turns of coil . This conclusion is also applicable when equals other values. Another interesting finding is that when and are equal to a same value 4,5,6,7,8 , the results are summarized in Table III. It can be seen that is almost a constant value for all cases, while the mutual coupling is increased. This finding indicates that more turns of windings (while keeping ) can achieve better performance, if the wire cost is not a major concern. To verify the design results, two experiments are conducted. In the first experiment, a small signal ( 10 mA, at 400 kHz) is injected into the hybrid structure and the generated magnetic field is scanned by NoiseKen EPS-3000 EMC scanner with Probe-A100 k (frequency range: 100 kHz 100 MHz). Fig. 4 is the measured results of the 4-turn prototype chosen from Table I, from which it can be seen that the flux distribution of the hybrid structure is more uniform than the other two approaches. In the second experiment, a practical receiving coil is placed and moved above the charging surface, as shown in Fig. 5(a), and the mutual inductance between them is measured point by point. For simplicity, the hybrid structure of the charging platform is represented by a large circle in Fig. 5(a). The receiving coil has a radius of 15 mm and five turns, without







= 75 mm, N

= 4, 5, 6, 7)


Fig. 4. Magnetic field intensity scanned by EMC scanner: (a) coil only, (b) spiral winding only, and (c) coil and spiral winding .

Fig. 6. Calculated and measured mutual inductance between the receiving coil and the circular hybrid structure that consists of: (a) five-turn coil and two-turn spiral winding and (b) five-turn coil and four-turn spiral winding. Fig. 5. Sketch of the experimental set-up of (a) circular structure and (b) rectangular structure.

any magnetic core. Fig. 6(a) and (b) show the calculated and the measured results for the two-turn and the four-turn prototype, respectively. The measured results agree well with the theoretical ones. In Fig. 6, “ ” represents the misalignment between the energy-receiving coil and the platform, as shown in Fig. 5(a).

B. Rectangular Structure The design results of the rectangular structure are summarized in Table IV, when the rectangular coil has four turns 4 , and a 126 mm 97 mm dimension. The meaning of each column is the same with that of Table I. To verify the design results, a four-turn coil, three-turn spiral winding prototype is chosen for demonstration. Fig. 7(a)–(c) show the scanned magnetic field plots of the rectangular coil, the




= a





IV. CIRCUIT DESIGN FOR MULTILOAD APPLICATION One apparent merit of the hybrid structure is that many secondary energy-receiving units (i.e. multiloads) can be placed on the platform and be charged simultaneously. To fulfill this purpose, besides the uniform magnetic flux generated by the hybrid structure, the circuit topology, especially the resonant compensation tank, must also be designed carefully for efficient power transfer. It is shown in [18] that the series-connected capaciand ) added at both the primary side and the sectors ( ondary side, as shown in Fig. 10(a), is an effective compensation method [15]–[17], although some other methods such as using series compensation on the primary side only [9], [11], [12] or on the secondary side only [13], [14] have been employed. A. Analysis The equivalent circuit of the primary side with multireflected impedance is shown in Fig. 10(b). The multi reflected impedances are connected in series because they are excited by the same current in the platform windings. Analyzed from , can be Fig. 10(a) and (b), the voltage gain of the th load, expressed by

(6) Fig. 7. Magnetic field intensity scanned by EMC scanner: (a) coil only, (b) spiral winding only, and (c) coil and spiral winding .

spiral winding and the hybrid winding structure, respectively. The hybrid structure offers the best uniform flux distribution. In the second measurement, a five-turn 50 mm 50 mm energy-receiving coil is placed and moved on the charging surface, as shown in Fig. 5(b). The mutual inductance between the energy-receiving coil and the platform is recorded along (a) -axis, (b) -axis, and (c) the diagonal, and compared with the calculated results in Fig. 8(a)–(c), respectively. Again they are in good agreement.

where is the root-mean-square (rms) value of the fundamental component of the input square wave, ; is the total number of secondary units; is the impedance of the pri; is the mary side and equals impedance of the ith 1,2, secondary side and is equal ; is the equivalent reto sistor of the load stage which may consist of rectifier, regulator and the battery. For efficient power transfer, the system is operated at the secondary resonant frequency [18], that is (7)

C. Influence of the Height Distance Between the Receiving Coil and the Platform In the previous sections, the distances of the energy-receiving coil from the energy-transmitting spiral winding and the concentrated coil are 3.5 mm and 2.5 mm, as shown in Fig. 1(b). Indeed, these two parameters can be adjusted in the design and fabrication easily. Fig. 9(a) shows the influence when is solely increased, from 2 to 6 mm, while keeping 2 mm. It only depresses the magnetic field intensity near the periphery. Fig. 9(b) is the result when is solely increased, i.e. the spiral winding is placed under the coil surface. Although the magnetic field intensity drops a little, it becomes prominently more uniform. So the quasi-coplane structure which places the spiral winding layer under the coil layer can achieve potentially better effects, even compared to the results in Fig. 9(c) when and are changed together.

If (7) is satisfied, is equal to . Because the resistance of the secondary winding, , is normally much smaller than , is further approximated to . Then (6) can be simplified to


The ratio between the reactive part and the active part of in (8) is defined as and expressed by (9). In this paper, only the 1 is considered because it guarantees the



Fig. 8. Calculated and measured mutual inductance between the rectangular hybrid structure and the receiving coil which is moved: (a) along -axis, and (c) along diagonal.


operating of the system above primary resonant frequency and therefore zero-voltage switching in the inverter [17]

X -axis, (b) along

is 2, 0.949 when is 3, where is equal to 0.895 when and 0.970 when is 4. So influences the stability of the system, i.e., the higher the more stable of the system. But it should also be noted that a higher brings a lower . B. Design Procedure


From (8), it can be seen that when more loads are added 1 , the voltage gain will inevitably drop. But if the value of is high enough, the voltage gain is almost a constant value for all the load conditions


In the design of the circuit, the given parameters are the operating frequency, , the input voltage, , the information about the platform, , and (see Tables I–III), and the requirements of the loads, , and . Two points should be noted. First, for charging LI-ION batteries, the voltage source characteristics demonstrated by series compensation at secondary side [22] is needed, and the output voltage (8 V in this example) is higher than the minimum requirement of input voltage of common regulators such as 6 V for LT1374. The equivalent resistance of each load, , is then decided by the charging power. The value of in Table V, 32 , represents the initial charging power, 2 W. When the battery is fully charged, tends to very large, and the reflected impedance




Fig. 9. Influence of the height distance change of: (a) d only, (b) d only, and (c) d and d together.

Step 1: Estimate : The relationship between the active power, the reactive power [see (9)] and the apparent power at primary side is expressed by

(11) where is the total active power absorbed by all the loads. In this example, at most four loads are supposed to be placed and charged on the platform simultaneously and equals 8 W, as calculated from data in Table V. In principle, can be chosen for higher output power. When is chosen as 12 W (50% higher than 8 W) and is set at 4, the primary current, , is estimated as 2.2 A, by solving (11). Step 2: Design : Because is high enough (set at 4 in this example), the primary current, , which was solved in step 1, is decided by the equation in Fig. 10. Equivalent circuit modeling of: (a) coupling between the platform and the ith load and (b) primary circuit with multi reflected impedance.

has little influence to the primary side [see (6)]. Secondly, for a clear view of the open-loop power transfer ability, the operating frequency and the input voltage are fixed in the operation, although they can also be controlled with the feedback signal [14]. The objective is to design the secondary windings and the resonant tanks so that the required power can be transferred to each load, even when all the loads are charged simultaneously. In the following discussion, a five-step procedure is illustrated in a design example. A hybrid structure which has the same dimension with the prototype used in Section III, i.e., four-turn rectangular coil with three-turn spiral winding is chosen for this design example. Without losing generality, all the loads are assumed to be the same. The given parameters are summarized in Table V.

(12) By solving (12), is chosen as 25 nF in this example. The voltage rating of the capacitor can be estimated by the amplitude of times the impedance of the capacitor. Step 3: Design : The mutual inductance is determined by the required output voltage of each load. By solving (10), ( 1, 2, 3, 4) is chosen as 1.39 H. It must be noted that if the required output voltage of each load is different, must also be different from each other. Step 4: Design the Secondary Windings: The area of the secondary winding is restricted by the dimension of different electronic products. In Tables I–III, is the mutual inductance between the hybrid structure and a one-turn receiving coil of unit area. It has the relationship with as expressed by (13)


Fig. 11. Photograph of the multiload experiment.


Fig. 13. Calculated and measured efficiency of coupling windings, Eff , with the number of loads changing.

The power loss in the system exists both in the high frequency power conversion circuit and in the coupled windings. The energy efficiency of the system can be expressed by

Fig. 12. Measured waveforms when (a) one load or (b) four loads is/are charged on the platform. (Ch1: input voltage, V , 25 V/div; Ch4: primary current, I , 5 A/div; Ch2: output voltage of the first load, V , 10 V/div; Ch3: output voltage of the 4th load, V , 10 V/div).

where is the area of the energy-receiving coil and is its number of turns. By solving (13), the required number of turns of the energy-receiving coil is decided. This method does not lose generality because it is also applicable to secondary units with different areas. Step 5: Design : The self-inductance, , and the resistance, , of the energy-receiving coil can be easily calculated [19]–[21] or measured. Then is chosen to meet (7).

C. Experimental Results and Discussions The proposed design method has been verified by experiments. Fig. 11 is a photograph showing four loads on the platform. The experimental parameters are the same as those in Table V. The measured waveforms for charging one load and four loads on the platform are shown in Fig. 12(a) and (b), respectively. It can be seen that the required power is transferred to each load even when all the loads are charged simultaneously. Another finding is that the current in the primary winding, , is almost invariable because is high enough. In the experiment, the input square wave is generated by a full-bridge inverter.

(14) where is related to the loss in the power conversion which mainly comes from the switching loss in the inverter at the primary side and in the rectifier at the load stage; is related to the loss in the coupled windings, which mainly come from the ohmic loss of the windings. This study focuses on the latter part because the winding structure is the main concern. The detailed expression of is also given in (14) if all the secondary parts are assumed to be the same 1,2, . Fig. 13 shows the calculated and measured when the number of loads changes. The energy efficiency increases to about 80% when four loads are charged simultaneously. It can be seen from (14) that the efficiency may be further improved with the following measures: a) increase the operating frequency, , provided the switching losscan be kept low; b) increase the mutual inductance, , between the load and the platform, as well as , (see the comparison listed in Tables I–IV). But this approach is accompanied by the increase of self-inductance of the primary side, which may need a tradeoff with the system penalty factor [12]; c) decrease the equivalent resistor of each load, . For example, when it is decreased from 32 to 8 , is predicted to rise to around 70% when one load is charged or near 90% when four loads are charged. In other words, the energy efficiency will improve with a higher total output power.


V. CONCLUSION In this paper, a new hybrid winding structure is proposed for a planar contactless battery charging platform. It consists of a coil and a spiral winding. For a given coil, the spiral winding is designed and optimized for the appropriate number of turns and the position of the tracks. The magnetic field distribution of the prototype is measured by an EMC scanner and by an energy-receiving coil. The measured results agree well with the theoretical values and confirm the improved uniform magnetic field distribution. For multiload application, besides the uniform magnetic flux generated by the hybrid structure, the circuit topology, especially the resonant compensation tank, is also designed for efficient power transfer. A design procedure is proposed and verified by the experiments. The efficiency of the coupling structure reaches about 80% when four loads are placed on the platform simultaneously. Some suggestions for improving efficiency are also given for future work. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank P. W. Chan for his help in making the platform and the inverter circuit for the experiments.


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ductivity, and EMC/EMI.

S. Y. (Ron) Hui (F’03) was born in Hong Kong in 1961. He received the B.Sc degree (with honors) from the University of Birmingham, Birmingham, U.K. in 1984, and the D.I.C. and Ph.D degrees from the Imperial College of Science and Technology, University of London, London, U.K., in 1987. He was a Lecturer in power electronics at the University of Nottingham, Nottingham, U.K., from 1987 to 1990. In 1990, he went to Australia and took up a lectureship at the University of Technology, Sydney, where he became a Senior Lecturer in 1991. He joined the University of Sydney in 1993 and was promoted to Reader of Electrical Engineering in 1996. Presently, he is a Chair Professor of Electronic Engineering at the City University of Hong Kong. From 1999 to 2004, he was an Associate Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering at CityU. He has published over 200 technical papers, including over 120 refereed journal publications. He holds over 20 patents. Dr. Hui received the Teaching Excellence Award in 1999 and the Grand Applied Research Excellence Award in 2001 from the City University of Hong Kong, and the Best Paper Award from the IEEE IAS Committee on Production and Applications of Light in 2002. He is a Fellow of the IEE and has been an Associate Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS since 1997. Since 2007, he has been an Associate Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS. He has been an At-Large member of the IEEE PELS AdCom since October 2002. He has been appointed as an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer by IEEE PELS for 2004–2007.