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The Official SAT Study Guide. Help prepare students for the SAT with the only book that features practice tests created by the test maker. The book features 21 ...
Publications International Educator invited publishers in the field to provide brief descriptions of their books and other materials so that our readers could have a helpful resource for the upcoming fall semester and beyond. Below you will find a listing—alphabetical by publisher—of all of the submitted publications. Each publisher’s section includes contact information to allow you to get more information or to order their wares. A selection of NAFSA’s own publications are included here and there is a more complete listing in the catalog that is included with this issue. =@B63A31=V]\S(   $! '


Intensive English USA 2006 The most comprehensive reference book for over 500 accredited intensive English programs in the U.S. The directory lists IEP proficiency levels taught, dates, costs, instructional facilities and faculty, student services, eligibility and admissions, contact addresses, phone, fax, e-mail, and much more. The 2006 Edition of Intensive English USA includes a fully searchable CD-Rom. June 2006.

international programs and includes an overview of IIENetwork services, and information about fellowships, scholarships and hosting opportunities for students, scholars, educators and campuses.

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Charting a Hero’s Journey