c) Gauche d) Staggered-anti. 3. Which of the following is a base? ... The stability of free radicals. a) 30. >20. >
A1/PG2/15/A16 Reg. No
St. Joseph’s College of Arts & Science (Autonomous) St. Joseph’s College Road, Cuddalore – 607001 PCH701S - ORGANIC CHEMISTRY – I Time : 3 hrs Max Marks :75 SECTION – A (20X1=20) Answer ALL Questions I. Choose the correct answer 1. Meso-tartaric acid is? a) Sometimes optically active c) Sometimes optically inactive
b) Always optically active d) Always optically inactive
2. The most stable conformation for conformation for n-butane is a) Skew boat b) Eclipsed c) Gauche d) Staggered-anti 3. Which of the following is a base? a) Ammonia c)Hydrogen
b) Ethane d) Hydrogen iodide
4. Hammett equation relates a) The equilibrium constants for the reactions of aliphatic Compounds. b) Both equilibrium constants and rate constants for the reaction of meta and para substituted benzene derivatives. c) Both equilibrium constants and rate constants for the reactions of Ortho-subtituted benzene derivatives d) Equilibrium constants to rate constant for the reactions of meta and para substituted benzene derivatives. 5. The stability of free radicals. a) 30>20>10 c) 20>10>30