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Jul 18, 2014 - Professor William Sutherland University of Cambridge, UK. International Board of Editors. Dr Elizabeth L. Bennett USA. Dr Robert K. Bonde ...
The International Journal of Conservation

www.oryxthejournal.org Volume 48 · Number 4 October 2014




The potential distribution of the Vulnerable African lion Panthera leo in the face of changing global climate, A.T. Peterson, T. Radocy, E. Hall, J.C.K. Peterhans & G.G. Celesia A review of the international trade in amphibians: the types, levels and dynamics of trade in CITESlisted species, A.I. Carpenter, F. Andreone, R.D. Moore & R.A. Griffiths A frame-analytical perspective on conflict between people and an expanding wolf Canis lupus population in central Italy, C. Vitali Tools for thinking applied to nature: an inclusive pedagogical framework for environmental education, M. Root-Bernstein, M. Root-Bernstein & R. Root-Bernstein How dear are deer volunteers: the efficiency of monitoring deer using teams of volunteers to conduct pellet group counts, C.D. Buesching, C. Newman & D.W. Macdonald Mortality of the Endangered Asian elephant Elephas maximus by electrocution in Odisha, India, N.C. Palei, H.S. Palei, B.P. Rath & C.S. Kar Controlling invasive species by empowering environmental stakeholders: ecotourism boat operators as potential guardians of wildlife against the invasive American mink, E.J. Fraser, D.W. Macdonald, R. Bryce & X. Lambin Connectivity and bottlenecks in a migratory wildebeest Connochaetes taurinus population, T.A. Morrison & D.T. Bolger

565 Letter 486

Shark fishing and tourism, J.M. Brunnschweiler & C.A. Ward-Paige 575

Forum 488

496 504 514 522 529

536 540


Lessons from the conservation sector’s response to a crisis environment in Zimbabwe, M. Sibanda Conservation in protected areas Where now for protected areas? Setting the stage for the 2014 World Parks Congress, N. Dudley, C. Groves, K.H. Redford & S. Stolton Human and wildlife usage of a protected area buffer zone in an area of high immigration, A.J. Bamford, D. Ferrol-Schulte & J. Wathan Traditional stewardship and conservation in the Game Management Areas of Nkala and Namwala, Zambia, F.X. Mkanda, A. Mwakifwamba & T. Simpamba Human–tiger Panthera tigris conflict and its perception in Bardia National Park, Nepal, B.R. Bhattarai & K. Fischer Large carnivores and low diversity of optimal prey: a comparison of the diets of snow leopards Panthera uncia and wolves Canis lupus in Sarychat-Ertash Reserve in Kyrgyzstan, K. Jumabay-Uulu, P. Wegge, C. Mishra & K. Sharma Bringing clarity to the clouded leopard Neofelis diardi: first density estimates from Sumatra, R. Sollmann, M. Linkie, I.A. Haidir & D.W. Macdonald Conservation of the red-shanked douc Pygathrix nemaeus in Lao People’s Democratic Republic: density estimates based on distance sampling and habitat suitability modelling, C.N.Z. Coudrat, C. Nanthavong & K.A.I. Nekaris Threatened plants of arid ecosystems in the Mediterranean Basin: a case study of the south-eastern Iberian Peninsula, A. Mendoza-Fernández, F.J. PérezGarcía, F. Martínez-Hernández, J.M. Medina-Cazorla, J.A. Garrido-Becerra, M.E.M. Calvente et al.

584 593

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In many places, including within and around protected areas, charcoal production is an important livelihood activity for local communities. It is also one of the major causes of deforestation. This exemplifies the conflicts and tensions that exist between the protection of natural ecosystems and the exploitation of ever-diminishing natural resources, and the need to strike a balance between conservation and sustainable development. This and many related matters will be explored at the IUCN World Parks Congress in Sydney, Australia, in November. The theme of the Congress is Parks, people, planet: inspiring solutions. This issue of Oryx marks the Congress, with a section of articles on Conservation in Protected Areas (see pp. 469–470 and 496–554). (Photograph © Jabruson/NaturePL.com)

Volume 48 · Number 4 · October 2014 · pp. 469–623

471 481

Parks in transition: adapting to a changing world, B.A. Child Briefly Conservation news

www.oryxthejournal.org Published for Fauna & Flora International

October 2014 · Volume 48 · Number 4

Conservation in Protected Areas Where now for protected areas? Stewardship & conservation in Game Management Areas Human–tiger conflict in Bardia National Park Snow leopards vs wolves in Sarychat-Ertash Reserve? Bringing clarity to the clouded leopard in the Kerinci landscape Human & wildlife usage of a buffer zone

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Oryx 48-4 cover.indd 1

Red-shanked douc in Nakai–Nam Theun National Protected Area Plants in arid ecosystems: microreserves required

20/09/14 5:04 pm


Instructions for Contributors The International Journal of Conservation

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Oryx—The International Journal of Conservation, published quarterly on behalf of Fauna & Flora International, is a journal of biodiversity conservation, conservation policy and sustainable use, and the interactions of these with social, economic and political issues. The journal has a particular interest in material with the potential to improve conservation management and practice. Oryx also supports the publishing and communication aspirations of conservation practitioners and researchers worldwide, and helps build capacity for conservation. Articles (2,000–7,000 words), Reviews (