Once an account is issued for a project leader, an .... return available numbers of
nodes (clusters) or cores (ORAC) on the system. Figure 18 – qfree command. 12.
3 Command line tools..........................................................................11
1. Introduction The following document details the operation of the OSC accounting system, an application based on the GOLD open source HPC banking software. The main purpose of the document is to be used as a user guide for the accounting web interface and command line tools by group (project) leaders of projects registered on the OSC systems. Once an account is issued for a project leader, an automated email is send with the link and login details for the accounting system. With the aid of the accounting system group leaders can: • • •
view detailed account activity allocate users to their projects / accounts transfer credits between their accounts
2. Usage The web interface (accounting website) is available at the following address: https://radley.osc.ox.ac.uk The address above can be reached only when using the Oxford University campus machines, if you require access from remote systems please contact OSC support. The website uses a self signed SSL certificate, therefore modern browsers ( i.e. Firefox 3 , I.E 7) will ask you to accept the certificate prior to accessing the web pages. In order to login to the accounting system: 1. Use the glpasswd command from the terminal on any OSC system to create a new password.You can choose to create the same password you have for logins on OSC systems or something different. If you forgot or lost your password you can use the glpasswd command again to set a new password. 2. When you reach the accounting login page, use your regular OSC username and the password you have just created.
Figure 1 - Login Screen 3
The appearance of the application's web interface is illustrated in the next screenshot:
Figure 2 - Main screen
2.1 User management You can retrieve the list of all OSC users by following the List Users link:
Figure 3 - User list 4
It is possible to filter results by name, email, project etc using the Search box and hitting the enter button on the keyboard. Clicking on the headers ( Name, Active, CommonName ...) will sort the output alphabetically.
2.2 Project management You can retrieve the list of the projects registered on OSC systems by using the List Projects link.
Figure 4 - Project List You can modify the details of your project(s) by pressing on the Modify Project link:
Figure 5 - Modify Project (1) 5
Select the project you are leading and press Modify. On the following screen you can remove/add users from the project. Selections from the user's list must be made by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on the user name(s). For example you can temporary set a user as inactive ( no access to any of the projects accounts/funds ) by un-ticking the box next to their username.
Figure 6 - Modify Project (2)
2.3 Account management You can list all accounts on the system by using the List Account link:
Figure 7 - List Accounts 6
You can retrieve the current balance for a user or account from the Display Balance link:
Figure 8 - Display Balance
Figure 9 - Account Statement (1) You can display an account statement with a detailed list of transactions by pressing the Display Statement link. Choose the project name and a time period. 7
The output of the statement is shown in the next screenshot:
Figure 10 - Account Statement (2) You can transfer credits between accounts when you have account administrator status (i.e you are leading project(s) associated with those accounts) by using the Make Transfer link:
Figure 11 - Transfer credits Press the top Select button and choose the first account. Press the second Select button and choose the account receiving the credits. Type the desired number of credits and press Make Transfer. 8
In order to modify your account(s) follow the Modify Account link:
Figure 12 - Modify Account Your initial account is created automatically when you register a project and has the same name as your project. Money deposited for usage on OSC systems are converted to credits where 1 credit = 1 Proccessor core*1 second of walltime. Credits from this initial account are available to all project users equally. It is possible to request for multiple accounts if you like to group part of your users and restict credit allocation per group by sending an email to the OSC support address. You will receive email confirmation when your additional account(s) have been created so you can transfer credits from your main account to it and select from this menu the users you want to have access to the credits of the new account. If you wish to restict users of additional accounts from accessing the credits of your main account do not forget to select them from this screen and set them as inactive by un-ticking the 'access' box next to their name. Like all previous menus, remember to make a selection of user names by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on user names.
2.4 Reservations & Jobs Each time a job is executed a reservation for credits is made to ensure that project users will not proceed into executing jobs if there are not sufficient credits lefts in their accounts. You can list all jobs reservations on the system by using the List Reservations link:
Figure 13 - List Reservations
When a job finishes execution the reservation is removed and it is possible to access job related information by using the List Jobs link:
Figure 14 - List Jobs You can filter jobs by selecting a time period and a user from your project. The result is shown in the next screenshot:
Figure 15 - List Jobs (2)
3 Command line tools In addition to the glpasswd command which is only available to group leaders and has been discussed previously, all command line accounting tools available to OSC users can also be used by group leaders. •
mybalance - type this command to get a detailed balance of your account (s) .
Figure 16 – mybalance command 11
gestimate - Usage: gestimate pbs_script. It will return the maximum number of credits a job can be charged.
Figure 17 – gestimate command ●
freecpus (ORAC) - qfree ( clusters) - will return available numbers of nodes (clusters) or cores (ORAC) on the system