Oscillatory chest compression device

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Jan 14, 2002 - (Commued). 602/ 13. See application ?le for complete search history. ..... F. Ohnsorg, “A Cost Analysis

(19) United States (12) Reissued Patent

(10) Patent Number:

Van Brunt et a]. (54)


US RE40,814 E

(45) Date of Reissued Patent:

Jun. 30, 2009


2,543,284 A

2/1951 Gleason


2,588,192 A

3/1952 Akerman et al.

Inventors: Nicholas P. Van Brunt, White Bear

2,626,601 A 2,762,200 A

1/1953 Riley 9/1956 Huxley’ In

Lake, MN(US); Donald J. Gagne, s1.


Paul’ MNwS) .

2,772,673 A .


2,779,329 A

(73) Assignee: Hill-Rom Services, Inc., Wilmington, DE (Us)

metal 12/1956 Huxley, 111 1/1957



,111 13.1.

2 780 222 A

2/1957 psiiiyet 31?

2,818,853 A 2,832,335 A

4/1958 Huxley, 111 613.1.

1/1958 Huxley, 111 etal.

(21) Appl.No.: 10/055,849 (22) Filed:

Jan. 14, 2002




FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Related US. Patent Documents Reissue Of;





Patent No.2



0542383 A2


Appl' Issued:NO‘:

Mar. 09/039’606 14, 2000



Mar. 16, 1998



U-S- APPhCaIIOHSI (63) Continuation of application No. 08/661,931, ?led on Jun.










1247-009 A1 W0 02/0667} A1

8/1987 1/2002

11, 1996, HOW Pat. No. 5,769,797.


Int_ CL A61H 31/00


(2006.01) G.J. Beck, “Chronic Bronchial Asthma and Emphysema:


us. Cl. .......................... .. 601/41; 601/44; 601/152;

Rehabilitation and Use of Thoracic vlbrocompressions”


Field of Classi?cation Search 601/DIG~ ............ '7;.. 601/DIG~ 601/41e44, 11

Geriatrics, pp. 139*158 (Jun. _

601/48, 55, 56, 77, 1484152; 1280316. 20;


602/ 13

See application ?le for complete search history. (56)

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oscillatory air ?oW generator, and a second feedback system -



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Biosystems, Inc.), Apr. 2001. Product Brochure, Minarik Corporation, “Motion Control Products, XP Series 1/20 to 1 HP,” Minarik Corporation,

Glendale, California, undated. User’s Manual, “XPiAC Series”, Minarik Corporation,

Glendale, California, Apr. 1996. * cited by examiner

US. Patent

Jun. 30, 2009

Sheet 1 of3

US RE40,814 E


US. Patent

Jun. 30, 2009

Sheet 2 of3

US RE40,814 E

m.w_i.2o_il/ _l.?ya:aInrE}F\


US. Patent

Jun. 30, 2009

Sheet 3 of3


FIG. 4

US RE40,814 E

US RE40,814 E 1



secretions in a person’s lungs. A vest, containing a bladder, is secured to a patient’s upper torso. One or more tubes

connect the bladder With a generator. The generator includes

Matter enclosed in heavy brackets [ ] appears in the original patent but forms no part of this reissue speci?ca tion; matter printed in italics indicates the additions made by reissue. This is a continuation of application Ser. No. 08/661,931, ?led Jun. 11, 1996, now US. Pat. No. 5,769,797.

a ?rst, oscillatory air ?oW generator. A second, positive air ?oW generator is operably connected With the oscillatory air ?oW generator. Feedback systems control both the oscilla tory air ?oW generator and the positive air ?oW generator,


recognize several design aspects that result in an ef?cacious,

providing treatment at user- selected parameters and prevent

ing unsafe conditions. The inventors of the present invention Were the ?rst to

safe, and easy-to-use oscillatory chest compression device. The present invention relates to an oscillatory chest com

The oscillatory air ?oW generator includes a reciprocating diaphragm. The reciprocating diaphragm delivers a gener ally constant pressure throughout the range of oscillation


frequencies, providing ef?cacious treatment throughout the range of user-selectable frequency settings. The reciprocat

Certain respiratory disorders, such as cystic ?brosis, emphysema, asthma, and chronic bronchitis, may cause

ing diaphragm provides a more e?icient transfer of electrical energy to pneumatic energy as compared to prior rotary

mucous and other secretions to build up in a person’s lungs.

It is desirable, and sometimes essential, that the secretion build-up be substantially removed from the lungs to enable


One major safety concern is a pneumatic chest compres sion device is over-pressurization of the bladder. The recip

improved breathing. For example, [Cystic] cystic ?brosis is an hereditary disease that affects the mucous secreting glands of a person, causing an excessive production of mucous. The mucous ?lls in the person’s lungs and must be

rocating diaphragm provides inherently safe pressure condi 25

reduced daily to prevent infection and enable respiration by the person. Currently there is no cure for cystic ?brosis. Current treat ment of cystic ?brosis includes an aerosol therapy to assist

lung drainage and repeated pounding on the upper torso of


leakage in the system, including the hoses and bladder. Also, 35

feature of a fuse connected With the input poWer. The fuse is rated so as to prevent a poWer surge from causing the posi

tive air ?oW generator to generate an unsafe, high pressure. 40

parameters for a treatment and then direct his attention to

other matters. The feedback systems of the present invention maintain the user-selected parameters during the treatment.

interact With the system throughout the treatment period.

45 The user controls are selected so that the user cannot select

operating parameters that Would result in unsafe chest com

pression treatment. Other advantages and features Will become apparent from the folloWing description and claims.

are hand-held. Vibrators and other direct mechanical com

pression devices are likely to be heavier than pneumatic 50

A chest compression device, as is the case With medical

devices generally, must meet a variety of requirements. First, the chest compression device must be safe to operate. The patient receiving treatment should not be able to adjust the device to create unsafe treatment conditions. Failure of device components must not create unsafe conditions. The

drawings, in Which: 55

FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram of the control panel of a

chest compression device; FIG. 3 is a schematic diagram of a chest compression 60

trols increase the cost of the treatment. Finally, the device should minimize intrusion into the daily activities of the

The present invention is directed to an oscillatory chest

device; and FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram of a portion of a chest

compression device.


compression device that loosens and assists in expulsion of

FIG. 1 is an illustration of a person and a chest compres

sion device;

vidual users. The device should be easy to understand and



These and other aspects of the present invention Will be described in detail With respect to the accompanying

chest compression device should provide some user control, alloWing the device to be customized to the needs of indi

operate by the user; detailed training and complicated con

The oscillatory chest compression device of the present invention is automated, alloWing the user to select operating

One such system, disclosed in US. Pat. No. 4,838,263, is a

compression devices.

system, maintains the desired peak pressure delivered by the bladder, independent of variations in the bladder and the

patient. The positive air ?oW generator includes the safety

valve-operated, open-loop system that requires the patient to Other systems include mechanical vibrators. Some vibra tor systems are attached to the person’s torso, While others

The present invention includes a positive air ?oW genera tor operably connected With the oscillatory air ?oW genera tor. The positive air ?oW generator compensates for any

the positive air ?oW generator, in connection With a feedback

around the upper torso of the patient. One or more hoses connect the bladder With a mechanism for generating air

pulses in the bladder. The pulsing of the bladder provides chest compressions to the patient. The pulsing frequency is independent of and higher than the patient’s breathing rate.

tions. The only Way a reciprocating diaphragm can increase pressure in the bladder is to increase the diaphragm stroke length or diameter. However, there is no failure mode that Will increase the stroke length or diameter of the reciprocat

ing diaphragm.

the person to loosen and expel the mucous. This daily treat ment may take several hours and requires a trained indi

vidual to apply the pounding treatment. Pneumatic and mechanical systems have been developed for loosening and removing secretions from a person’s lungs. In one pneumatic system, a bladder is positioned

valve designs.



A chest compression device is shoWn in FIG. 1. A vest 1 is secured about the torso of a patient. A bladder 2 is ?tted

US RE40,814 E 3


Within vest 1. Oscillatory air pulses are delivered to bladder

cates. This results in a smooth, quiet, loW-friction travel of

2. The outer surface of vest 1 is made of a non-stretch

diaphragm 19, While maintaining an airtight seal betWeen diaphragm 19 and Wall 18.

material, causing the expansions and contractions of bladder 2 to occur generally adjacent the patient’s torso. The expan sions and contractions create a pneumatic, oscillatory com pression of the patient’s torso to loosen and assist the expul sion of mucous and other secretions in the patient’s lungs. Suitable vests are available from American Biosystems, Inc.,

nication With positive air ?oW generator 16. Aperture 32 provides ?uid communication With the control system

St. Paul, Minn., the assignee of the present invention.

described beloW.

Tubes 3 connect bladder 2 With generator 4. TWo tubes 3 are shoWn in FIGS. 1 and 3; hoWever, the number of tubes 3 may be varied depending on the desired operating param eters of bladder 2. Generator 4 generates oscillatory air

to a crankshaft 34, Which is driven by motor 35. Each rota tion of crankshaft 34 causes a ?xed volume of air (de?ned by

The remaining Walls 29 of air chamber 17 are generally

rigid. Apertures 30 provide ?uid communication betWeen air chamber 17 and tubes 3. Aperture 31 provides ?uid commu

Diaphragm 19 is mechanically connected through rod 33 the area of the diaphragm multiplied by the length of the stroke) to be displaced in air chamber 17. The pressure changes inside air chamber 17 resulting from the displace

pulses in accordance With user-selected settings. The pulses are converted into compressions of the patient’s torso by bladder 2. Generator 3 may be con?gured as a mobile unit With handle 5 and Wheels 6, or as a stationary unit.

ments are relatively small (e.g., less than one PSI) in com

Generator 4 includes a control panel 7, shoWn in FIG. 2. Timer 8 alloWs the user to select a treatment period. Fre quency selector 9 alloWs the user to select the frequency of


compression. In one embodiment, the frequency range is about ?ve to tWenty-?ve HZ. Pressure selector 10 alloWs the user to select the peak pressure for each oscillation. In one embodiment, the pressure range is about 0.2 to 0.6 PSI.

As shoWn in FIG. 1, the user typically is seated during


treatment. HoWever, the user has some local mobility about

generator 4, determined by the length of hoses 3. Also, the mobile unit shoWn in FIG. 1 may be easily transferred to different locations. For treatment, the user selects the desired operating parameters and no further interaction by the user is

parison to the ambient air pressure. Therefore, there is little compression of the air in air chamber 17 and the majority of the displaced air is moved into and out of bladder 2 through tubes 3 during each cycle. This results in the amount of air transferred into and out of bladder 2 during each cycle being largely independent of other factors, such as the oscillation frequency and bladder siZe. In one embodiment, motor 35 is a permanent magnet DC

brush motor. The motor speed is generally controlled by the voltage supplied to it. A 170 volt DC poWer supply 36 ener giZes poWer ampli?er 37. PoWer ampli?er 37 is controlled by a frequency-compensation feedback circuit 38, thereby supplying variable length pulses to motor 35. The induc tance of motor 35 effectively smoothes the pulses to a con

required; generator 4 maintains the user-selected param

stant poWer level that is proportional to the ratio of the pulse

eters. The user may change the settings at any time. A remotely-operated control 11 alloWs the user to start and stop the treatment. Generator 4 also includes a ten-minute safety timer 12. Once the user initiates treatment, safety timer 12 starts. Safety timer 12 is reset each time the user activates start/ stop

length divided by the pulse period. Using a pulse period of 20 kHZ, the pulse length controls the motor speed. 35

control 11. If the safety timer expires, generator 4 is turned off. Thereof, even if the user loses consciousness or is other

Wise incapacitated, generator 4 is turned off after a predeter mined period, reducing the likelihood of injury to the user due to an excessive period of chest compressions. A block diagram of generator 4 is shoWn in FIG. 3. Gen erator 4 includes tWo of air ?oW units, oscillatory air ?oW


As shoWn in FIG. 4, diaphragm 19 is a generally rigid disk assembly of tWo opposed, generally circular disks 22. Flexible, air-tight seal 21 is formed by tWo rubber disks 23 positioned betWeen diaphragm disks 22. Diaphragm disks

17 to pressure transducer 43. Pressure transducer 43 con 45

ampli?er 44 is then processed by frequency-compensation ing signal to a voltage level proportional to the frequency. 50

The output of converter 45 is fed to difference ampli?er 46. Difference ampli?er 46 has a second input 47 representing

the user-selected frequency setting. Difference ampli?er 46 compares the voltage representing the user-selected fre quency With the voltage representing the actual frequency 55

detected in air chamber 17. The output of difference ampli ?er 46 is input into pulse-Width modulator 60. The output of pulse-Width modulator 60 is fed through opto-isolator 41 and poWer ampli?er 37 to motor 35, thereby adjusting the speed of motor 35 and, consequently, the oscillation fre


quency in air chamber 17.

ing a generally air-tight seal in the gap betWeen diaphragm

Reciprocating diaphragm 19 of oscillatory air ?oW gen erator 15 provides several advantages. First, the amount of air transferred into and out of bladder 2 during each cycle is

Air pressure is supplied to seal 21 by capillary tube 26, Which is supplied by air pump 27 and tubing 28. Air pump 27 maintains the air pressure in seal 21 higher than the maxi mum pressure peaks in air chamber 17. In one embodiment, the air pressure in seal 21 is maintained at about 1.5 PSI. The pressure relationship causes rubber disks 23 to maintain the in?ated shape as shoWn in FIG. 4 as diaphragm 19 recipro

Which is then ampli?ed by ampli?er 44. The output of feedback circuit 38. Frequency-to-voltage converter 45 converts the oscillat

22 are clamped together by bolts or other fastening means. Rubber disks 23 extend from the outer periphery 24 of dia phragm disks 22 into a groove 25 in Wall 18, thereby form 19 and Wall 18.

separate, loW-energy control board 40. The control board 40 is connected to the poWer board 39 by 5000-volt opto isolators 41, 55. The high level of isolation betWeen the poWer board 39 and control board 40 provides signi?cant shock protection for the user. Conduit 42 conveys changes in pressure from air chamber verts the air pressure into an oscillating electronic signal,

generator 15 and positive air ?oW generator 16. Oscillatory air pulses are generated by oscillatory air ?oW generator 15. Oscillatory air ?oW generator 15 includes an air chamber 17. Air chamber 17 includes a Wall 18 having a reciprocating diaphragm 19 suspended in an aperture 20 of Wall 18 by a seal 21.

As shoWn in FIG. 3, all of the poWer circuitry is located on poWer board 39. The control circuitry is located on a

largely independent of the oscillation frequency setting. In 65

prior art systems, using a constant air ?oW and valve con?guration, less air ?oW Was delivered at higher frequen cies. Therefore, the present invention provides a more con

US RE40,814 E 6


Positive air ?oW generator 16 and pressure-compensation

sistent air ?oW over the user selectable frequency range. This consistency provides a more ef?cacious treatment.

feedback system 50 provides several advantages. First, posi

Further, reciprocating diaphragm 19 is both e?icient and

tive air ?oW generator 16 dynamically adjusts the peak pres

safe. The substantially closed-loop reciprocating diaphragm

sure in air chamber 17 to provide a consistent peak pressure based on the user selected peak pressure, independent of leaks in the system, siZe of the user, condition of the bladder, and the repeated inhalation and expiration of the user. Main

con?guration provides a more e?icient transfer of electrical energy to pneumatic energy as compared to prior art valve

designs. Also, the reciprocating diaphragm provides inher ently safe air How. One of the main safety concerns With bladder-type chest

taining a constant peak pressure provides for increased e?i

compression systems is over-in?ation of the bladder. In a reciprocating diaphragm system, there is no net increase in pressure, i.e., the air How on the in-stroke equals the air How on the out-stroke. The only Way to increase air How is to increase the diaphragm stroke length or the surface area of the diaphragm. In the present invention, there is no failure

selection, no further interaction With generator 4 is required. The maximum peak pressure setting is selected to be Within

cacy of treatment. Also, the user only has to make an initial pressure

a safe treatment range. As an additional safety feature, fuse 57 serves to prevent a poWer surge in poWer supply 36 from causing bloWer 48 to in?ate bladder 2 to an unsafe pressure.

mode that could cause either an increased stroke length or

The circuit for user-operated start/ stop control 11 and

increased diaphragm surface area. Conversely, in valve operated pneumatic devices, a malfunction of a valve may cause unsafe pressures to develop in bladder 2. Frequency-compensation feedback system 38 serves to maintain the oscillation frequency at the user-selected value. Also, frequency selector 9 is calibrated so that oscillatory air

safety timer 12 are also shoWn in FIG. 3. In one

embodiment, control 11 is a pneumatic sWitch of knoWn construction. In other embodiments, control 11 may be elec tronic or electro-mechanical. Actuation of control 11 serves

to reset safety timer 12 and also control pulse Width modula tors 60, 54. The AND gate 61 requires that safety timer 12 be active (i.e., not Zero) and control 11 be ON in order for generator 4 to create air pulses.

?oW generator 15 operates at a maximum oscillation rate as

the default value, and frequency selector 9 can only decrease the oscillation frequency. The maximum default oscillation rate is selected to be Within safe parameters, therefore, the

It is important to note the general ease-of-use provided by

user cannot increase the oscillation rate to an unsafe level.

the present invention. To initiate treatment, the user simply puts on vest 2 and selects operating parameters on control

Although diaphragm 19 approximates a perfect system in terms of displacement of air into and out of bladder 2 on

each stroke, remaining parts of the closed system are less perfect. For example, bladder 2 typically leaks air at a vari

panel 7, very little training is required. This helps keep doWn 30

able rate that is dif?cult to model. The amount of air leakage

is in?uenced by many factors, including variations in pro duction of the bladder, age, use, and other factors. Also, tubes 3 and the various connections Within the sys tem may also leak. Additionally, the air pressure delivered to bladder 2 must be varied due to the repeated inhalation and expiration of the user during treatment, and also due to the siZe of the particular user. Therefore, positive air pressure generator 16 is used to supply positive air pressure to the system to compensate for the above-identi?ed variables. Positive air ?oW generator 16 includes a bloWer 48 driven by motor 49. The speed of motor 49 is controlled by

pressure-compensation feedback system 50, thereby con trolling the output pressure of bloWer 48. As shoWn in FIG. 3, pressure-compensation feedback sys


lator 54 is fed through a second opto-isolator 55 and a sec ond poWer ampli?er 56 on poWer board 39 to motor 49. Motor 49 drives bloWer 48 to maintain the peak pressure in air chamber 17 at the user-selected value.


a reciprocating diaphragm operably connected With the air chamber, a rod having a ?rst end and a second end, the ?rst end

operably connected With the diaphragm, and the rod

extending generally orthogonal to the diaphragm; a crankshaft operably connected With the second end of 45

the rod and extending generally orthogonal to the rod; and a ?rst motor operably connected With the crankshaft; a continuous air ?oW generator operably connected With

the oscillatory air ?oW generator; 50

a ?rst feedback and control means operably connected

With the oscillatory air ?oW generator for maintaining [the] a frequency of the oscillatory air ?oW generator at a predetermined value; 55

and a second feedback and control means operably con

nected With the continuous air ?oW generator for con

tinuously varying [the] an output pressure of the con tinuous air ?oW generator in order to maintain [the] a

peak pressure generated by the [positive] continuous air 60

One of ordinary skill in the art Will recogniZe that the pressure in air chamber 17 may also be detected by a How of air from air chamber 17 into bloWer 48, depending on the pressure in air chamber 17 compared to the pressure created by bloWer 48. In one embodiment, bloWer 48 may be revers ible.

to constantly interact With the device during treatment. Other embodiments are Within the scope of the following claims. What is claimed is: 1. An apparatus for generating oscillatory air pulses in a bladder positioned about a person, comprising: an oscillatory air ?oW generator, comprising: an air chamber;

tem 50 is similar to frequency-compensation feedback sys tem 38. The output of pressure transducer 43 is fed through ampli?er 44 to a pressure peak detector 51. Peak detector 51

captures the pressure Waveform peaks Within air chamber 17 and generates a voltage proportional to the pressure peak. This voltage is fed to difference ampli?er 52. Difference ampli?er 52 includes a second input 53 repre senting the user-selected pressure. The difference in actual peak pressure and selected peak pressure is represented in the voltage output of difference ampli?er 52 and is fed to pulse-Width modulator 54. The output of pulse-Width modu

the total cost of the treatment. Also, the user is not required


?oW generator at a predetermined value. 2. The apparatus of claim 1 further comprising means for connecting the oscillatory air ?oW generator With a bladder. 3. The apparatus of claim 1 Wherein the ?rst feedback and control means comprises: means for detecting the oscillation rate in the air chamber; means for comparing the oscillation rate With the prede

termined value; and

US RE40,814 E 8


16. An apparatusf‘or generating oscillatory airpulses in a

means for adjusting the oscillatory air ?oW generator so

that the detected oscillation rate approximately equals the predetermined value.

bladder positioned about a person, comprising:

an oscillatory air?ow generator comprising:

4. The apparatus of claim 1 further comprising a fre quency selector, alloWing a user to select the predetermined

an air chamber;

a reciprocating diaphragm operably connected with the air chamber; a rod having a?rst end and a second end, the?rst end operably connected with the diaphragm, and the rod

frequency. 5. The apparatus of claim 1 Wherein the continuous air ?oW generator comprises a bloWer, and a second motor oper

ably connected With the bloWer.

extending generally orthogonal to the diaphragm;

6. The apparatus of claim 5 further comprising means connected to the second motor for preventing the second motor from operating the bloWer above a predetermined pressure. 7. The apparatus of claim 6 Wherein the means for pre

a crankshaft operably connected with the second end of the rod and extending generally orthogonal to the rod; and a ?rst motor operably connected with the crankshaft; a positive air?ow generator operably connected with the

venting comprises a fuse.

oscillatory air?ow generator;

8. The apparatus of claim 1 Wherein the second feedback and control means comprises: means for detecting the peak pressure in the air chamber; means for comparing the detected peak pressure With the

predetermined value; and means for adjusting the continuous air ?oW generator so

a ?rst feedback and control means operably connected

with the oscillatory air?ow generatorf‘or maintaining af‘requency of the oscillatory air?ow generator at a

predetermined value; and 20

that the detected peak pressure equals the predeter

17. The apparatus of‘claim 16 wherein the positive pres sure is maintained at a constant pressure.

18. The apparatus of‘claim 16 wherein the positive pres sure is maintained at a consistent pressure.

19. An apparatusf‘or generating oscillatory airpulses in a bladder positioned about a person, comprising:

ond feedback and control means.

erally opposed disks de?ning an annular region for receiving air, and a pump operably connected With the annular region, the pump maintaining the air pressure in the annular region greater than the peak pressure generated in the air chamber. 13. An apparatusf‘or generating oscillatory airpulses in a bladder positioned about a person, comprising:

an oscillatory air?ow generator comprising: 30



a frequency-compensation feedback system operably con


extending generally orthogonal to the diaphragm;


sure is maintained at a consistent pressure. 55

a frequency of the oscillatory air?ow generator at a

predetermined value; and with the positive air ?ow generator for dynamically 60

generator in order to maintain a positive pressure gen

14. The apparatus of claim 13 wherein the positive pres

sure is consistent.

the positive pressure at the predetermined value. 23. The apparatus of claim 22 wherein the pressure compensation feedback system maintains a peak pressure. 24. The apparatus of claim 19 wherein the pressure

compensation feedback system maintains the positive pres sure by ?owing air from the apparatus. 25. The apparatus of claim 19 wherein the pressure

erated by the positive air?ow generator at a predeter mined value.

15. The apparatus of claim 13 wherein the positive pres

22. The apparatus of claim 19 wherein the pressure

compensation feedback system dynamically adjusts an out put pressure of the positive air?ow generator to maintain

a secondfeedback and control means operably connected

sure is constant.

a pressure-compensation feedback system operably con nected with the positive air?ow generator, wherein the pressure-compensation feedback system maintains a positive pressure at a predetermined value. 20. The apparatus of‘claim 19 wherein the positive pres

2]. The apparatus of‘claim 19 wherein the positive pres

a ?rst feedback and control means operably connected

adjusting an output pressure of the positive air ?ow

nected with the oscillatory air?ow generator, wherein thefrequency-compensation feedback system maintains af‘requency of the oscillatory air?ow generator at a predetermined value; and

sure is maintained at a constant pressure.

oscillatory air?ow generator; with the oscillatory air?ow generatorf‘or maintaining

extending generally orthogonal to the diaphragm; a crankshaft operably connected with the second end of the rod and extending generally orthogonal to the rod; and a ?rst motor operably connected with the crankshaft; a positive air?ow generator operably connected with the

oscillatory air?ow generator;

an air chamber;

a crankshaft operably connected with the second end of the rod and extending generally orthogonal to the rod; and a ?rst motor operably connected with the crankshaft; a positive air?ow generator operably connected with the

an air chamber;

a reciprocating diaphragm operably connected with the air chamber; a rod having a?rst end and a second end, the?rst end operably connected with the diaphragm, and the rod

an oscillatory air?ow generator comprising: a reciprocating diaphragm operably connected with the air chamber; a rod having a?rst end and a second end, the?rst end operably connected with the diaphragm, and the rod

with the positive air?ow generatorf‘or maintaining a positive pressure at a predetermined value.

mined value. 9. The apparatus of claim 1 further comprising a pressure selector, alloWing a user to select the predetermined peak pressure. 10. The apparatus of claim 1, further comprising a remote start/stop control operably connected With the ?rst and sec

11. The apparatus of claim 10 further comprises a timer operably connected With the remote start/ stop control. 12. The apparatus of claim 1, further comprising a seal extending from an outer periphery of the diaphragm to a Wall of the air chamber, the seal comprising ?rst and second gen

a secondfeedback and control means operably connected


compensation feedback system dynamically adjusts the posi tive air?ow generator to maintain the positive pressure at

the predetermined value.

US RE40,814 E 9

10 4]. The apparatus ofclaim 40 wherein the shaft comprises

26. The apparatus of claim 25 wherein the pressure

compensation feedback system dynamically adjusts a speed

a crankshaft and the connecting member comprises a rod.

ofthe positive air?ow generator

42. The apparatus ofclaim 40 wherein the reciprocating diaphragm comprises a seal generally orthogonal to the

27. The apparatus of claim 25 wherein the pressure

compensation feedback system dynamically adjusts an out put pressure of the positive air?ow generator

5 connecting member.

43. An apparatusfor generating oscillatory airpulses in a bladder positioned about a person, comprising: a generator comprising:

28. The apparatus of claim 25 wherein the pressure

compensation feedback system dynamically adjusts an out

put?ow ofthe positive air?ow generator.

an air chamber;

29. The apparatus of claim 25 wherein the pressure

a reciprocating diaphragm operably connected with the air chamber; a ?rst motor operably connected with the reciprocating

compensation feedback system dynamically adjusts the posi tive air?ow generator by ?owing airfrom the apparatus. 30. The apparatus of claim 19 wherein the pressure compensation feedback system continuously varies an out put pressure of the positive air?ow generator in order to

diaphragm; and wherein the generator provides a positive pressure and an oscillatory pressure;

maintain a peak pressure generated by the positive air?ow generator at a predetermined value.

3]. An apparatusfor generating oscillatory airpulses in a bladder positioned about a person comprising:

an oscillatory air?ow generator comprising: an air chamber;


compensation feedback system maintains the positive

a reciprocating diaphragm operably connected with the air chamber; and a ?rst motor operably connected with the reciprocating

pressure at a predetermined value.

44. An apparatusfor generating oscillatory airpulses in a bladder positioned about a person, comprising: a generator comprising an oscillatory air?ow generator

diaphragm; a positive air?ow generator operably connected with the

and a positive air?ow generator, the generator provid

oscillatory air?ow generator;

ing a positive pressure and an oscillatory pressure;

a frequency-compensation feedback system operably con

nected with the oscillatory air?ow generator, wherein the frequency-compensation feedback system maintains

the oscillatory air?ow generator comprising: an air chamber; 30

a frequency of the oscillatory air?ow generator at a

predetermined value; and a pressure-compensation feedback system operably con nected with the positive air?ow generator, wherein the pressure-compensation feedback system maintains a positive pressure at a predetermined value. 32. The apparatus of claim 3] wherein the pressure

diaphragm; 35

tive air?ow generator to maintain a positive pressure gener 40


33. The apparatus ofclaim 3] wherein the?rst motor has a shaft mechanically connected to the reciprocating dia

compensation feedback system maintains the positive 45. The apparatus of claim 44 wherein the apparatus 45

shaft reciprocates the reciprocating diaphragm in a cycle and each cycle ofthe reciprocating diaphragm displaces a ?xed volume of air 35. The apparatus ofclaim 34 wherein the reciprocating diaphragm causes pressure changes inside the air chamber in comparison to ambient pressure. 36. The apparatus of claim 35 wherein the pressure changes are small in comparison to ambientpressure. 37. The apparatus of claim 35 wherein the pressure changes are less than or equal to about 1 psi. 38. The apparatus ofclaim 35 wherein a majority ofthe ?xed volume of air is moved into and out of the bladder

46. The apparatus ofclaim 44 wherein the oscillationfre quency is independent and higher than a breathing rate of the person. 50

48. The apparatus ofclaim 44 wherein the positive pres sure is between about 0.2 psi to about 0.6 psi.

49. The apparatus ofclaim 44 wherein the positive pres 55 sure is a user selected pressure setting.

50. The apparatus ofclaim 44 wherein the oscillationfre quency is a user selectedfrequency setting.

5]. The apparatus ofclaim 44 wherein the positive pres sure is a constant pressure. 60

52. The apparatus ofclaim 44 wherein the positive pres sure is a consistent pressure.

40. The apparatus of claim 3] wherein the oscillatory

generator further comprises:

reciprocating diaphragm.

47. The apparatus ofclaim 44 wherein the oscillationfre quency is between about 5 HZ to about 25 HZ.


a shaft operably connected to the ?rst motor; and a connecting member operably connecting the shaft to the

loosens and assists expulsion of mucus from lungs of the person.

during each cycle. 39. The apparatus ofclaim 3] wherein the reciprocating diaphragm comprises a seal extending from the outer periphery ofthe reciprocating diaphragm to a wall ofthe air

the oscillatory air?ow generator; a frequency-compensation feedback system operably con nected with the generator, wherein the frequency compensation feedback system maintains an oscillation frequency at a predetermined value; and a pressure-compensation feedback system operably con nected with the generator, wherein the pressure pressure at a predetermined value.

phragm. 34. The apparatus of claim 33 wherein rotation of the

a reciprocating diaphragm operably connected with the air chamber; and a ?rst motor operably connected with the reciprocating

the positive air ?ow generator operably connected with

compensation feedback system dynamically adjusts the posi ated by the positive air ?ow generator at a predetermined

a frequency-compensation feedback system operably con nected with the generator, wherein the frequency compensation feedback system maintains an oscillation frequency at a predetermined value; and a pressure-compensation feedback system operably con nected with the generator, wherein the pressure


53. The apparatus of claim 44 wherein the pressure compensation feedback system maintains a pressure in the bladder above ambient pressure. 54. The apparatus of claim 44 wherein the pressure

compensation feedback system adjusts the positive pressure to allow repeated inhalation and expiration ofthe person.

US RE40,814 E 11


55. The apparatus of claim 44 wherein the pressure

a generator comprising an oscillatory air?ow generator and a positive air?ow generator, the generator provid

compensation feedback system maintains the positive pres sure irrespective ofrepeated inhalation and expiration of the

ing a positive pressure and an oscillatory pressure;

the oscillatory air?ow generator comprising:


56. The apparatus of claim 44 wherein the pressure

an air chamber;

a reciprocating diaphragm operably connected with the air chamber; and a ?rst motor operably connected with the reciprocating

compensation feedback system varies the positive pressure to maintain the positive pressure at the predetermined value. 57. The apparatus of claim 44 wherein the pressure


compensation feedback system detects a peak pressure. 58. The apparatus of claim 44 wherein the pressure compensation feedback system maintains the positive pres

the positive air ?ow generator operably connected with

the oscillatory air?ow generator;

compensation feedback system maintains the positive pres sure at the predetermined value independent of variations of

a frequency-compensation feedback system operably con nected with the generator, wherein the frequency compensation feedback system maintains an oscillation frequency at a predetermined value; and

the bladder 60. The apparatus of claim 44 wherein the pressure

predetermined value irrespective of the repeated inha

sure throughout a range of oscillation frequencies. 59. The apparatus of claim 44 wherein the pressure

wherein the generator maintains the positive pressure at a

compensation feedback system detects the positive pressure, compares the positive pressure to a predetermined value,

and adjusts the positive pressure to the predetermined value. 6]. The apparatus of claim 60 wherein the pressure compensation feedback system is an electrical feedback sys


79. The apparatus ofclaim 77further comprising a con

62. The apparatus of claim 60 wherein the pressure 25

using a pressure transducer

63. The apparatus of claim 60 wherein the predetermined 64. The apparatus of claim 60 wherein the pressure

65. The apparatus of claim 64 wherein a pressure of the output of the generator is reduced. 66. The apparatus ofclaim 64 wherein a?ow ofthe output of the generator is reduced. 67. The apparatus of claim 66 wherein the ?ow of the output is reduced by?owing air out ofthe generator 68. The apparatus ofclaim 64 wherein the output ofthe


ing diaphragm in a cycle; and 35

diaphragm causes pressure changes inside the air chamber in comparison to ambient pressure and wherein a majority ofthe?xed volume ofair is moved into and out ofa bladder 40

during each cycle. 83. The apparatus of claim 77 wherein the frequency compensation feedback system maintains an oscillation fre quency at a predetermined value between about 5 HZ to about 25 HZ.


compensation feedback system detects the oscillation fre quency by detecting the oscillatory pressure. 7]. The apparatus of claim 69 wherein the frequency 50

84. The apparatus ofclaim 77further comprising a vest comprising a bladder, the vestfor placement about a torso of the person, the bladder positioned such that expansions and contractions of the bladder occur generally adjacent to the torso of the person.

85. The apparatus of claim 84 further comprising at least one tube operably connecting the bladder to the generator 86. The apparatus of claim 84 wherein the bladder causes

72. The apparatus of claim 69 wherein the frequency compensation feedback system comprises a pressure trans ducer 73. The apparatus ofclaim 72 wherein the pressure trans ducer converts air pressure into an oscillating electrical sig nal.

places a?xed volume ofair 82. The apparatus ofclaim 8] wherein the reciprocating

predetermined value.

compensation feedback system detects the oscillation fre quency by detecting the motor speed.

phragm; wherein each cycle of the reciprocating diaphragm dis

frequency, compares the oscillation frequency to a predeter mined value, and adjusts the oscillation frequency to the

70. The apparatus of claim 69 wherein the frequency

8]. The apparatus ofclaim 77 wherein the?rst motor has a shaft mechanically connected to the reciprocating dia

wherein rotation of the shaft reciprocates the reciprocat

generator is independent of the oscillation frequency. 69. The apparatus of claim 44 wherein the frequency compensation feedback system detects the oscillation

80. The apparatus of claim 77 wherein the reciprocating diaphragm comprises a seal extending from the outer periphery of the reciprocating diaphragm to a wall ofthe air chamber

value is a user selected value.

compensation feedback system adjusts the positive pressure by changing an output of the generator.

allow repeated inhalation and expiration oftheperson.

trol panel, the control panel for user-selection of operating parameters.


compensation feedback system detects the positive pressure

lation and expiration ofthe person. 78. The apparatus of claim 77 wherein the generator dynamically adjusts and controls the positive pressure to

oscillatory compression ofthe torso oftheperson. 87. The apparatus ofclaim 77 wherein mucusfrom lungs

of the person is loosened and expulsion of the mucus is assisted. 88. The apparatus ofclaim 84 wherein treatment is initi 74. The apparatus of claim 72 wherein the frequency ated by placing the vest around the torso of the person and compensation feedback system provides a voltage level pro selecting operating parameters on a control panel without portional to the oscillation frequency. 75. The apparatus of claim 69 wherein the frequency 60 further interaction required by the person with the apparatus during treatment. compensation feedback system compares the oscillation fre 89. An apparatusfor generating oscillatory airpulses in a quency to a predetermined value by comparing voltages. bladder positioned about a person, comprising: 76. The apparatus of claim 69 wherein the frequency 55

compensation feedback system adjusts the oscillation fre

a generator comprising a controlpanel, an oscillatory air

quency by changing the motor speed. 77. An apparatusfor generating oscillatory airpulses in a

?ow generator and a positive air?ow generator; the control panel for user-selection of operating param

bladder positioned about a person, comprising:


US RE40,814 E 14


wherein the oscillatory pressure has an oscillation

the generator providing a positive pressure and an oscil

frequency, wherein the generator controls the oscilla

latory pressure, the positive pressure above ambient

tionf‘requency; and


the oscillatory air?ow generator comprising:

wherein the generator maintains the positive pressure at a

predetermined value irrespective of the repeated inha

an air chamber;

a reciprocating diaphragm operably connected with the

lation and expiration of‘the person. 9]. The apparatus of claim 90 further comprising a

air chamber, the reciprocating diaphragm compris ing a seal extending from the outer periphery of the

frequency-compensation feedback system operably con

reciprocating diaphragm to a wall of‘the air cham

nected with the generator, wherein the frequency

compensation feedback system maintains the oscillation fre

ber; and a ?rst motor operably connected with the reciprocating

quency at the predetermined value. 92. The apparatus of claim 90 wherein the generator maintains the oscillation frequency at a predetermined value. 93. The apparatus of claim 92 wherein the generator detects the oscillation frequency, compares the oscillation

diaphragm; wherein the ?rst motor has a shaft mechanically con

nected to the reciprocating diaphragm; wherein rotation of the shaft reciprocates the reciprocat ing diaphragm in a cycle; wherein each cycle of the reciprocating diaphragm dis

places a?xed volume of‘air; wherein the reciprocating diaphragm causes pressure changes inside the air chamber in comparison to ambi



ent pressure;

wherein a majority of‘the?xed volume of‘air is moved into

and out of the bladder during each cycle; the positive air?ow generator operably connected with the oscillatory air?ow generator; a frequency-compensation feedback system operably con nected with the generator, wherein the frequency compensation feedback system maintains an oscillation frequency at a predetermined value between about 5 HZ


irrespective of the repeated inhalation and expiration of the person. 30

wherein the generator dynamically adjusts and controls 35

the positive pressure to maintain the positive pressure

at a predetermined value irrespective of the repeated inhalation and expiration of‘the person; 40

providing a generator comprising: an air chamber; 45

diaphragm; 50

required by the person with the apparatus during treat ment.

ing a positive pressure and an oscillatory pressure; 60

an air chamber;

a reciprocating diaphragm operably connected with the air chamber; and a ?rst motor operably connected with the reciprocating


having an oscillationf‘requency; maintaining the oscillation frequency with the generator to a ?rst predetermined value;

allow repeated inhalation and expiration of‘theperson; and maintaining the positive air pressure with the generator to a second predetermined value irrespective of the

and a positive air?ow generator, the generator provid

the positive air?ow generator operably connected with the oscillatory air?ow generator;

pressure with the generator, the oscillatory air pressure

maintaining the positive air pressure with the generator to 55

bladder positioned about a person, comprising: a generator comprising an oscillatory air?ow generator

the oscillatory air?ow generator comprising:

a reciprocating diaphragm operably connected with the air chamber; and a ?rst motor operably connected with the reciprocating generating an oscillatory air pressure and a positive air

eters on the control panel without further interaction

90. An apparatusf‘or generating oscillatory airpulses in a

at a predetermined value irrespective of the repeated inhalation and expiration of‘the person. 100. A methodf‘or generating oscillatory air pulses in a bladder positioned about a person, comprising:

at least one tube operably connecting the bladder to the

wherein the bladder causes oscillatory compression of the torso of the person; wherein mucusfrom lungs of‘the person is loosened and expulsion of the mucus is assisted; and wherein treatment is initiated by placing the vest around the torso of the person and selecting operating param

99. The apparatus of claim 90 wherein the generator dynamically adjusts and controls the positive pressure to allow repeated inhalation and expiration of‘theperson; and wherein the generator dynamically adjusts and controls the positive pressure to maintain the positive pressure

erally adjacent to torso of the person;


98. The apparatus of claim 90 wherein the ?rst motor maintains a constant speed irrespective ofthe repeated inha

lation and expiration ofthe person.

the positive pressure to allow repeated inhalation and

a vest comprising a bladder, the vestfor placement around a torso of the person, the bladder positioned such that expansions and contractions of the bladder occur gen

95. The apparatus of claim 93 wherein the generator detects the oscillation frequency by detecting a motor speed. 96. The apparatus of claim 93 wherein the generator adjusts the oscillation frequency by changing a motor speed. 97. The apparatus of claim 9] wherein the generator maintains the oscillation frequency at a predetermined value

to about 25 HZ;

expiration of the person; wherein the generator dynamically adjusts and controls

frequency to the predetermined value, and adjusts the oscil lation frequency to the predetermined value. 94. The apparatus of claim 93 wherein the generator detects the oscillation frequency by detecting the oscillatory

repeated inhalation and expiration of‘the person. 10]. The method of‘claim lOOf‘urther comprising dynami cally adjusting the oscillationf‘requency with the generator to the ?rst predetermined value.

102. The method of‘claim lOOf‘urther comprising dynami cally adjusting the positive air pressure with the generator to 65

allow repeated inhalation and expiration of‘theperson. 103. The method of‘claim lOOf‘urther comprising dynami cally adjusting the positive air pressure with the generator to

US RE40,814 E 15


the second predetermined value irrespective of the repeated inhalation and expiration ofthe person.

112. The method of claim 1]] wherein the air pressure inside the chamber is changed less than or equal to 1 psi. 113. The method of claim 100 wherein maintaining the oscillation frequency with the generator to a ?rst predeter

104. The method of claim 100 wherein maintaining the oscillation frequency with the generator to the ?rst predeter mined value comprises detecting the oscillation frequency and adjusting the oscillation frequency to approximately

mined value comprises maintaining the oscillation fre quency at a predetermined value between about 5 HZ to about 25 HZ.

equal the ?rst predetermined value. 105. The method ofclaim 104 wherein detecting the oscil

lation frequency comprises detecting the oscillatory air

114. The method ofclaim lOOfurther comprising:


providing a vest comprising a bladder, placing the vest around a torso of the person; and positioning the bladder and the vest such that expansions

106. The method of claim 100 wherein maintaining the positive air pressure with the generator to the second prede

termined value irrespective of the repeated inhalation and expiration of the person comprises detecting the positive air

and contractions of the bladder occur generally adja

pressure and adjusting the positive air pressure to approxi

mately equal the second predetermined value. 107. The method of claim lOOfurther comprising selec tively adjusting the ?rst predetermined value. 108. The method of claim lOOfurther comprising selec tively adjusting the second predetermined value. 109. The method ofclaim lOOfurther comprising select

cent to the torso of the person.

115. The method ofclaim 114further comprising causing oscillatory compression of the torso of the person with the bladder 20

116. The method ofclaim lOOfurther comprising loosen ing and assisting the expulsion ofmucusfrom a lung ofthe person.

ing operating parameters with a control panel.

110. The method ofclaim lOOfurther comprising:

1] 7. The method ofclaim lOOfurther comprising:

providing the?rst motor with a shaft mechanically con nected to the reciprocating diaphragm;

placing a vest around a torso ofthe person; and

rotating the shaft;

selecting operating parameters on a control panel without 25

reciprocating the reciprocating diaphragm in a cycle; and


displacing a?xed volume ofair each cycle. 1]]. The method ofclaim llOfurther comprising: changing an air pressure inside the air chamber in com

parison to ambient pressure, and

further interaction required by the person with the gen


118. The method ofclaim 100 wherein the generatorfur ther comprises an oscillatory air?ow generator and aposi tive air?ow generator, the positive air?ow generator oper

ably connected with the oscillatory air?ow generator

moving a majority ofthe?xed volume ofair into and out

of the bladder during each cycle.




