May 26, 2016 - Please consult the Daily Programme. Version of 10 ... Technology Action Plans. 15:00-. 18:00 ... CTCN: Technology Transfer. Insights. 15:00-.
Bonn Climate Change Conference 16–26 May 2016
OVERVIEW SCHEDULE Forty-fourth session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA 44) Forty-fourth session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI 44) First session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA 1) This overview schedule aims at helping participants to prepare for the sessions. It should be considered indicative and will be updated with new information as it becomes available. The events under “UNFCCC and special events” showcase the theme “Accelerating implementation of the Paris Agreement” and have been categorized as follows: Enhancing ambition Promoting implementation Providing support
The Presidency (France) and the Presidency-designate (Morocco) will convene some events. Please consult the Daily Programme. Version of 10 May 2016
Overview schedule Pre-sessional period (10-15 May)
Tuesday, 10 May Wednesday, 11 May
Least developed countries (LDCs) preparatory meetings
Thursday, 12 May Friday, 13 May
African Group preparatory meetings Small island developing States (SIDS) preparatory meetings
Saturday,14 May Sunday, 15 May
G-77 & China preparatory meetings
First week (16-21 May) TIME
Monday, 16 May
10:0011:00 11:0013:00
Mandated events and workshops
UNFCCC and special events (lunch events are scheduled from 13-15 hrs. and evening events from 18-20 hrs. unless otherwise indicated)
Opening meeting of the May sessions SBSTA opening plenary
Tuesday, 17 May
Plenary meetings and meetings of groups of the Convention and Protocol bodies
A decade of CDM: Experience and lessons learned towards Art.6
SBI opening plenary Groups of the Convention and Protocol bodies
CMP in-session workshop: Financing the CDM through international climate finance institutions
APA opening plenary Groups of the Convention and Protocol bodies
Lunch 15:0018:00 Evening
Tree Planting in celebration of the Paris Agreement
Groups of the Convention and Protocol bodies
SBSTA workshop on LULUCF
Moving forward with implementing INDCs (from 1:15 to 6:00 pm)
Adaptation Committee: Establishing a partnership platform to provide technical support
Work of the LEG in supporting the LDCs on adaptation
First week (16-21 May)
17 May (cont.)
Reception hosted by the Government of Germany and the city of Bonn
Evening 10:0013:00
Groups of the Convention and Protocol bodies
SBI workshop on gender-responsive climate policy COP in-session workshop on longterm finance
Wednesday, 18 May
Shining the light on non-economic losses: challenges, risks and lessons learned for addressing them
Groups of the Convention and Protocol bodies
SBI 4th dialogue on Action for Climate Empowerment SBSTA/IPCC special event on IPCC assessments and the global stocktake
COP in-session workshop on longterm finance
Thursday, 19 May
Groups of the Convention and Protocol bodies
Groups of the Convention and Protocol bodies
UNFCCC data portals as information gateways to supporting the implementation of climate actions
Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (GEF)
CTCN: Technology Transfer Insights
SBI 4th dialogue on Action for Climate Empowerment (cont.) SBSTA research dialogue
Friday, 20 May
Public registry for nationally determined contributions (NDC) (from 6:30 pm to 08:00 pm)
SBI workshop on gender-responsive climate policy (cont.)
Lunch 15:0018:00
Supporting the implementation of Technology Action Plans
TEM follow up on Renewable Energy
Groups of the Convention and Protocol bodies
SBI Facilitative sharing of views under the international consultation and analysis process SBI 5th meeting of Durban Forum on capacity-building
First week (16-21 May)
20 May (cont.)
SBSTA/SBI TEM on mitigation Lunch
Update on the work of the Standing Committee on Finance (SCF)
15:0018:00 Groups of the Convention and Protocol bodies
2006-2016: 10 years of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. Way forward to support the Paris Agreement
SBI Facilitative sharing of views under the international consultation and analysis process (cont.) SBI 5th meeting of Durban Forum on capacity-building SBSTA/SBI TEM on mitigation SBSTA workshop on agriculture: Identification of adaptation measures
TEM follow up on Energy Efficiency in urban environments
10:0013:00 Groups of the Convention and Protocol bodies
Saturday, 21 May
SBI Facilitative sharing of views under the international consultation and analysis process (cont.) COP in-session workshop on linkages between the Technology Mechanism and the Financial Mechanism
Second week (23-26 May) TIME
Monday, 23 May
Plenary meetings and meetings of groups of the Convention and Protocol bodies
Groups of the Convention and Protocol bodies
Events and workshops
SBSTA/SBI TEM on mitigation SBSTA workshop on agriculture: Enhancement of productivity
Lunch 15:00-
UNFCCC and special events
Enhancing coherence and coordination for forest finance (SCF)
Groups of the Convention and
CGE technical assistance to NAI Parties to prepare NCs and BURs
SBSTA/SBI TEM on mitigation
Second week (23-26 May) 18:00
23 May (cont.)
Adaptation Fund: Helping Countries Adapt to Climate Change through Range of Flexible Finance Modalities
Groups of the Convention and Protocol bodies
Compendium on Greenhouse Gas Baselines and Monitoring
Groups of the Convention and Protocol bodies
Groups of the Convention and Protocol bodies
SBSTA/SBI TEM on adaptation
SBSTA/SBI TEM on adaptation
Lunch 15:0018:00
International Consultation and Analysis
Groups of the Convention and Protocol bodies
Thursday, 26 May
SBSTA/SBI TEM on adaptation
Lunch 15:0018:00
Wednesday, 25 May
REDD+ focal point voluntary meeting
Tuesday, 24 May
Protocol bodies
SBSTA/SBI TEM on adaptation Maintaining momentum: effective and equitable responses to climate change
SBSTA closing to be followed by SBI closing to be followed by APA closing
Lunch 15:0018:00
From ambition to action – The GCF and the Paris Agreement