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KURUKSHETRA UNIVERSITY KURUKSHETRA. (Established by the State Legislature Act-XII of 1956). I I arGrin Eftttrun- rEar it
KURUKSHETRA UNIVERSITY KURUKSHETRA (Established by the State Legislature Act-XII of 1956) I

I arGrin Eftttrun- rEar

No. CP-V/17 I Z2_3sz-



Dated: 16.02.2017

NOTIFICATION The following schedule of Theory and Practical Examinations for B.Tech. Even Semesters

will be observed by all the Engineering Institutes/Colleges affiliated to Kurukshetra University for the Academic Session 2016-17

Name of the Class

Dates of Theory

Dates of Practical Examinations

Examinations B. Tech. 8'n Sem.


B. Tech.7" Sem. (Special Exam)


24.04.20 17 to 29.04.2017 (Excludine Sundavs/Flolidavs) 24.04.20 11 to 29.04.20 17

B. Tech. 6'n Sem.



(Excluding Sundays/Holidays) .04.2017 to 03.05.201 7

(Excludine Sundays/Holidays) B. Tech.4tn Sem.

18.05.20r 7

04.05.2017 to 09.05.20 I 7

(Excluding Sundays/Holidays) B. Tech.2'u Sem.


04.05 .2017 to 09 .05.2017

(Excluding Sundays/Hol idays)

All the Directors/Principals of Spot Evaluation

Centres have

to ensure that


evaluation of answer-books of B.Tech. 7th and 8th Semesters be completed upto 20th June, 2017.

The result


7th Semester (Special) and 8th Semester

will be declared upto


Controller of Examinations Endst. No. CP-V/17/


Dated: lra.o).2ot?

Copy of the above is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:

L 2. 3. 4. 5.

Dean, Academic Affairs, KUK Dean, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, KUK Chairperson, Deptt. of Instrumentation, KUK All DirectorsiPrincipals of the Engg. Colleges/Institutes (Maintained/affiliated to Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra) Head, AEIMC (IT Cell), KUK to place the notification on KUK website i.e.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I l.

www.kuk.ac.in PS to Vice-Chancellor (for kind information of the Vice-Chancellor) Deputy/Asstt. Registrar(Academic/SecrecylExam-Il/Exam-Ill), KUK PA to Registrar (for kind information of the Registrar) PA to Controller of Examinations-I, KUK PA to Controller of Examinations-Il, KUK Supdt. (Conduct Theory), KUK


Asstt. Registrar (Conduct)