... to the organizing committee of IEEE LCN 2012 for hosting P2MNet and handling ... Microsoft. USA. Weisheng Si. University of Western Sydney. Australia.
P2MNET 2012 Welcome Message from the P2MNET Chairs We would like to extend a warm welcome to the 8th IEEE International Workshop on Performance and Management of Wireless and Mobile Networks (P2MNeT), held in conjunction with the 37th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN). P2MNeT 2012 promises a technically stimulating program. The workshop offers 3 technical sessions of oral presentation on hot research ideas and late breaking results. We have received quite a few high quality submissions of which we could only include a subset. This year P2MNet is honored to have a distinguished keynote speaker – Professor Hossam Hassanein, the director of the Telecommunications Research Lab at Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada, speaking on the concept of Internet of Things and how it enables Smarter Solutions and Spaces. We would like to express my gratitude to the P2MNeT Technical Program Committee. Their careful evaluation of submissions has enabled us to put together an excellent technical program that sustains the quality that P2MNet has been known of. We are very grateful to the organizing committee of IEEE LCN 2012 for hosting P2MNet and handling all logistics. Finally, we would like to thank all authors for submitting high quality articles and to all attendees for participating in P2MNet. We look forward to meeting all of you in Clearwater and hope that you enjoy P2MNeT 2012. P2MNeT 2012 General Co-Chairs: Albert Y. Zomaya The University of Sydney, Australia Mohamed Younis University of Maryland Baltimore County P2MNeT 2012 Technical Program Chair: Javid Taheri The University of Sydney, Australia
Technical Program Committee Nedal Ababneh Regina Araujo Nils Aschenbruck Jalel Ben-Othman Azzedine Boukerche Flávia Delicato Khalil El-Khatib Hacene Fouchal Visvasuresh Victor Govindaswamy Mohsin Iftikhar Cheng Li Lynda Mokdad Richard Pazzi Paulo Pires Zhefu Shi Weisheng Si Javid Taheri Mineo Takai Damla Turgut Mohamed Younis Tanveer Zia Albert Zomaya
University of Bahrain Federal University of São Carlos University of Osnabrück University of Paris 13 University of Ottawa Federal University of Rio de Janeiro University of Ontario Institute of Technology Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne Texas A&M University-Texarkana King Saud University Memorial University of Newfoundland Université de Paris 12 University of Ontario Institute of Technology Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Microsoft University of Western Sydney The University of Sydney University of California, Los Angeles University of Central Florida University of Maryland Baltimore County Charles Sturt University The University of Sydney
Bahrain Brazil Germany France Canada Brazil Canada France USA Saudi Arabia Canada France Canada Brazil USA Australia Australia Japan USA USA Australia Australia
Additional Reviewers Kaouther Abrougui Marwane Ayaida Saeed Bastani Claudio M. de Farias Mehrtash T. Harandi Anish Kurien Reza Moraveji Cédric Ramassamy Yesica Imelda Saavedra Benitez Shaghayegh Sharif Zhefu Shi
University of Ottawa University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne University of Sydney Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro National ICT Australia Tshwane University of Technology The University of Sydney Université des Antilles et de la Guyane University of Versailles The University of Sydney Microsoft
Canada France Australia Brazil Australia South Africa Australia France France Australia USA